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POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 1/23 POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 2/23 We will see a demonstration of an engine EGT over limit in cruise. You are the PNF. We are in flight and everything is normal... Clliicckk oonn tthhee FFoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree.. POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 3/23 Onn eennggiinnee 22,, EGTT vvaalluuee iiss iinnccrreeaassiinngg.. POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation C 4/23 On engine 2, EGT value continues increasing. Above the normal range the EGT indication turns amber and flashes. MENU POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 5/23 POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 6/23 No, to extinguish the MASTER CAUTION light, click on the MASTER CAUTION pb. POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 7/23 No, to extinguish the MASTER CAUTION light, click on the MASTER CAUTION pb. POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 8/23 POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 9/23 POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 10/23 You heard and saw the caution. The amber caution and associated checklist are displayed on the E/WD. The temperature has continued increasing. On the EGT indicator, the indications have turned red and flash. POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 11/23 The only ECAM action is to move the thrust lever. We will do this for you. POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 12/23 The EGT engine 2 value indication changes from red to green. ECAM actions completed. POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 13/23 A red strip appears at the max reached value. It will disappear after a new take off or a maintenance action. POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 14/23 POWER PLANT (IAE) Abnormal operation C 15/23 A similar indication will be displayed in case of N1 or N2 over limit. For N1 the indications pulse red and for N2 a red cross is displayed beside the indicated value which turns red. MENU POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 16/23 We will see now another engine abnormal indication on the E/WD. POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 17/23 POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 18/23 No, to extinguish the MASTER CAUTION light, click on the MASTER CAUTION pb. POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 19/23 No, to extinguish the MASTER CAUTION light, click on the MASTER CAUTION pb. POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 20/23 POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 21/23 ENG 1 EGT DISCREPANCY TThhee aambbeerr ccaauuttiioonn iiss ddiissppllaayyeedd oonn tthhee E//WD.. POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 22/23 ENG 1 EGT DISCREPANCY An amber CHECK message is displayed beside the engine 1 EGT indicator, indicating that there is a discrepancy between the value displayed on the ECAM and the real value. POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 23/23 NEXT The same indication can be found for N1, N2 and fuel flow. MMoodduulleeccoommpplleetteedd POWER PLANT (IAE) MENU Abnormal operation C 24/23 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EGT OVER LIMIT ECAM INDICATION DISCREPENCY RETURN AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM EXIT |