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Booster Spool Counter-Weights [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-13 08:48:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-13 08:48:34 |只看该作者
February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 1
Booster Spool Counter-Weights
February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 2
• Fan platform attachment lug cracking
 Rig test finding
 Lug bending from fan platform centrifugal load
 No containment concern in-service
Interim Action:
• Counter-weight (prevents lug bending)
 SB 72-296
 Kit P/N 333-089-157-0
 Introd. on prod. engines since Dec 00
Forward Flange Lugs
Booster Spool Counter-Weights
February 2002 WTT face to face CFMI / Boeing Proprietary Information - Unauthorized Disclosure, Use, or Export are Prohibited 3
Field Plan:
• Install counter-weights on 1,600 engines
 Installation above 7,000 cycles requires
EC inspection (SB 72-295)
 934 kits delivered as of 8 Jan 2002
 Delivery rate > 75 kits/month
Final Production Improvement:
• Thicker Booster spool flange (since Jul 2001)
 SB 72-300
 P/N 340-000-816-0
 No need for counter-weight, and EC
Inspection (SB 72-295)
Booster Spool Counter-Weights

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Rank: 1

发表于 2011-6-4 23:32:33 |只看该作者

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Rank: 1

发表于 2011-7-31 04:31:09 |只看该作者
Booster Spool Counter-Weights

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