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Prevent CJ9/CJ10 Harness Chaffing on ATA's CFM56-7B27B1 Engines [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-4-14 10:42:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-14 10:42:53 |只看该作者
Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines
GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines
g GE Aircraft Engines
Six Sigma Project
Prevent CJ9/CJ10 Harness Chaffing on
ATA's CFM56-7B27B1 Engines
BPTS # 2002-12-024777
Amandio Morais
ATA Field Service Program Manager
December 2002
Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines
GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines
g GE Aircraft Engines Measure – CJ9 Harness Removal
• CJ9 Harness was removed on 8/27/02 due to chaffing wear
• Maint required 10 hours for removal & replacement
• Luckily, aircraft was a spare aircraft and no delays/cax were incurred
Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines
GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines
g GE Aircraft Engines
Analyze – Discussed Other Airline Action Plan
Possible Solution #1
• GB Project # 2002-03-006382 was leveraged from other Airline to see if ATA was
interested in incorporating – response was “fix was too complicated”
• Worked with ATA CSM for alternatives since ATA was concerned with issue and
impact to their fleet
The Clamp Application at a specific location for the CJ9 P/N
325-027-701-0 harness is creating a problem for the customer
that leads to premature replacement of this harness.
CJ9 harness cost $13,532.00. IPC Location 73-00-00-25, Item 520.
The fix for this location will have a material cost of $171.00 +/-
and a labor cost of two ( 2 ) man hours
•Can be accomplished at A/C letter check inspection’s.
•Can be accomplished on an overnight where mechanic is available.
•Can be accomplished when engine is at a shop visit.
Project # 2002-03-006382 W.P. Johnson
Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines
GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines
g GE Aircraft Engines Analyze – Discussed AA Action Plan
Present hardware at the location of concern:
Bracket assembly: P/N 1870M69G01, Cost $163.00
Clamp assembly P/N 649-411-955-0, Cost $84.25
Hardware to be used at location of concern for Fix:
Bracket assembly: P/n 1870M69G01( Modified ), Cost $0.0
Clamp assembly : P/N 649-411-953-0, Cost $82.75 x 2 = $165.50
Bolt, P/N AS3237-08, Cost $3.20 +/-
Nut , P/N AS3485-10, Cost $3.00 +/-
Due to this chaffing problem over the past year AA has had to change out 15 CJ9 leads for the CMM
repair. Repair cost to AA of $3700.00 each = total repair cost of $55,000.00 + the loss of
30+ man hour to change harness’s. Also to support this problem AA has had to procure extra CJ9
harness’s to cover the fleet until repaired harness returns. AA procured 3 addition CJ9 harness’s
at a cost of $13,532 each = total cost $40,596.00 to support their fleet.
Problem has created for AA, a material / repair cost to AA = $ 95,596.00 + loss man hours.
Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines
GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines
g GE Aircraft Engines
CFM56-7 CJ9
Harness Clamp of Concern
Analyze – Discussed AA Action Plan
Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines
GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines
g GE Aircraft Engines
Problem with present Clamping
Analyze – Discussed AA Action Plan
Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines
GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines
g GE Aircraft Engines
Suggested Clamping Configuration Fix
11 12
13 14
Tape being added
as extra protection
for longer life of
Analyze – Discussed AA Action Plan
Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines
GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines
g GE Aircraft Engines
As you will note by picture process:
The procedure is very simple
• Drill tooling controls mounting hole application
• Tooling does not harm other hardware
• Tooling not hard to make
• Will not have a high cost to apply
• Can be applied at both shop & on-wing
• Harness configuration position and pattern flow is not changed
• No areas of concern with other hardware interference
• Two clamp application will do a better job of protection
for the CJ9 harness and help prevent repair and procurement
cost to customer
• At shop visit or at new make a nut plate could be
incorporated a new bracket assembly hole location to eliminate
the use of a nut.
Analyze – Discussed AA Action Plan
• Summary: despite other Airline-sharing experience, ATA still decided not to incorporate fix since
they wanted to evaluate the other clamp locations as well
Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines
GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines
g GE Aircraft Engines
Analyze – Discussed Incorporation of S/B 72-0285
Possible Solution #2
• Replacement of current clamps by new clamps with inner diameter material thickness increased
• Cat. 7 S/B – ATA requested CFM participation since clamps were too expensive
Part Number Eng Part Name $ Price Qty Days
649-411-981-0 (13) Clamp 82.5 (1) 30
649-411-982-0 (10) Clamp 82.75 (1) 30
649-411-983-0 (20) Clamp 84.25 (1) 30
• S/B introduces 3 new part
numbers for different locations
• Requires replacement in
43 locations
• Cost per engine $3,585 for
clamps only (no labor)
• Effectivity: N301 – N321 + 2
spare engines ($157,740)
Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines
GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines
g GE Aircraft Engines
Analyze/Improvement – Proactively Wrap 3M Tape
Possible Solution #3
• Letter was
signed on 11/6/02
by ATA
• Gives 4 labor
hours to proactively
wrap fiberglass
tape on clamp
• Remaining action
item is to notify
ATA where to
install tape since
all clamp areas
can’t be done in 4
hours (Telecon
will be schedule
with Lloyd Rawson
Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines
GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines
g GE Aircraft Engines Analyze – Z Score Before Fix
Description: Classify units as defective or non defective, traditionally uses the Binomial distribution formula listed below.
Glossary: Mean Average
Sigma Standard Deviation
p(d) Probability of Defects
Enter Numbers Below
Enter Numbers Above
p(d) = 1-FTY "=>" 0.022727
Z = 2.000425
FTY= 0.977273
p(d)= 0.022727
No. of Bad Units
Total No. of Units
p(d)= "=>"
Six Sigma -- Define/Measure/Analyze/Improve/Control Phases GE Aircraft Engines
GE Proprietary Information GE Aircraft Engines
g GE Aircraft Engines
 Get ATA to proactively wrap fiberglass tape around
selected CJ9/CJ10 harness clamp locations
 GE receives benefit due to lower warranty payments
 GE FMO receives benefit due to less harness damages
(lower repair costs) when engine is received in the overhaul
 ATA will see fewer CJ9/CJ10 harness removals on-wing
(lower maint labor costs)
 Will avoid costly engine delays/cax due to harnesses
removals on the line
 Allows ATA to proactively manage the situation on wing
 Repair would allow continued operation until the next
shop visit
Control – Summary

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发表于 2011-6-4 23:28:40 |只看该作者

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发表于 2011-7-31 04:32:58 |只看该作者
Prevent CJ9/CJ10 Harness Chaffing on ATA's CFM56-7B27B1 Engines

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