CASSLink Import User Manual Delivering Companies Version 1.2 Table of contents 1. Getting Started....................................................................................................3 1.1 What is CASSLink........................................................................................3 1.2 Internet URL.................................................................................................3 1.3 User Name and Password...........................................................................4 1.4 CASSLink log in screen................................................................................5 1.5 CASSLink Menu...........................................................................................6 2. Input Services......................................................................................................7 2.1 Input.............................................................................................................7 2.1.1 Data File Header Record......................................................................8 2.1.3 Data File Name.....................................................................................8 2.3 Input History..................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.2 File Upload...................................................................................................9 2.3 Input History...............................................................................................10 2.4 Loading Files..............................................................................................12 2.4.1 Steps for loading files..........................................................................12 2.5 Load Status................................................................................................13 2.6 Accepting or Rejecting files........................................................................14 2.7 File Upload Errors......................................................................................15 2.8 Sample Validation Report...........................................................................17 2.8.1 Index of Sample Validation Report......................................................17 2.8.2 File Validation Errors...........................................................................19 3. Output Services.................................................................................................20 3.1 Output Delivering........................................................................................20 3.2 Output Reports...........................................................................................22 3.2.1 PDF Report.........................................................................................22 3.2.2 Hot File................................................................................................24 3.2.3 XLS Files.............................................................................................25 4. User Maintenance.............................................................................................26 4.1 Change Password......................................................................................26
1. Getting Started 1.1 What is CASSLink CASSLink is IATA’s global processing system for processing of Delivering Company documents – Air Waybills (IBI – Import Billing Advice) and correction documents (IAM – Import Adjustment Memo) to Recipients. It uses global standard in accepting electronic documents for processing and standard output reporting. The report received by your office in London or Singapore is the same as those in Sydney or Auckland. One of the advantages of CASSLink is that, being a web-based system, the information contained in it is accessible online anywhere, provided you have a Username and Password 1.2 Internet URL The CASSLink website address (URL) is:
1.3 User Name and Password The Cargo Manager will allocate Usernames and Passwords to all Delivering Companies. For security purposes, the Username and Password are unique, with the initial Password being computer generated. Your Username is usually based on your 2-letter country code eg. GB, IE etc., followed by your Delivering Company prefix either alpha or numeric eg GB_CSC or GB_176. Both the Username and Password may contain UPPER and lower case alpha and numeric characters and are Case Sensitive. It is recommended that the initial login, all Users should go to User Maintenance and change their password (See Section 4 of this document for more details). If you have not received a Username or Password, contact the CASS Manager and ask for these to be allocated to you. Similarly, contact the Cargo Manager if you have forgotten your Username or Password, or you have been locked-out of CASSLink because the Username or Password has been entered incorrectly five (5) times. The Username allows the Delivering Company to: Link to other Import CASSLink “Countries” they are responsible for.
Access all available Menu Options
Your local Cargo Manager can also create additional Usernames for Delivering Company users where necessary. 1.4 CASSLink log in screen
The CASSLink “Home” screen contains information on the following: Which user is logged in
Which CASSLink Country is being accessed
Any Operational Messages, such as scheduled maintenance and system downtime
User information, possibly more relevant to Delivering Companies and the CASS Manager
Menu options associated with the User profile
User Menu
Operational Messages
User Name
1.5 CASSLink Menu Once you have successfully entered the CASSLink website using your Username and Password, there are three (3) menu options for the CASSLink User to choose. These can be found on the left-hand side of the CASSLink screen. These Menu options are: Input Services
Output Services
User Maintenance
2. Input Services 2.1 Input The Input module is used by Airlines and CASS Managers to “Upload” Airline billing information into CASSLink. The billing file is a .txt file containing: A Header record
IBI records and correction documents (IAM)
A Trailer Record
Details of the standard file structure may be found in the CASS Technical Specifications Handbook, which is available from IATA ( Example of Airline billing file
2.1.1 Data File Header Record ALSGBCSCA070716070716 00 Where: ALS = Record ID - ALS CC = ISO Country Code (GB, IE, JP etc) CSC = Delivering Company Identifier either alpha or numeric. A = Branch Identifier 050116 = Period Start date (YYMMDD) 050131 = End of Period date (YYMMDD) 01 = File number (generally 01, but if more than one file is produced by the airline for a given period, this can be 02, 03, 04 etc. up to 99. A load error may occur when the Header is not complete or incorrect. 2.1.3 Data File Name There is no correct name convention for the Input Data File. One suggested file name format is: IYYCCAIR.PPN Eg. I08GBCSC.021, where: I = Import YY = year (08) CC = Country code (GB, IE, JP etc) AIR = Delivering Company code (alpha or numeric) PP = Billing Period number (01, 02,…, 24) N = number of file, usually corresponding to the “File number” in the Header Record (above) By using this or a similar file name format to store and manage files, the relevant Year, Billing Period and country are easily recognized. The need to easily identify country and Period information is especially relevant where Delivering Companies load files for multiple CASSLink operations from a single central point. 2.2 File Upload With the Global CASSLink system Delivering companies are encouraged to “Upload” their own billing file or files into the CASSLink system for processing each billing period. Further, Delivering Companies with access to multiple CASSLink “Countries” can load their billing files as one single combined file input. CASSLink will check the validity of the input file to ensure that the format complies with the requirements defined in the CASS Technical Specifications Handbook, as well as checking for duplicates and other errors. It is recommended that all files be validated first before loading by ensuring the “Validate Only” box is ticked (default setting) on the input screen. This gives the user the opportunity to correct any errors before deciding whether to accept the file or reject it (see notes on Input History). CASSLink prepares a Validation Report that can be viewed in the Input History page or by viewing a copy of the Report, sent by email to the user’s email address. (If you do not receive the Validation Report email, contact your CASS Manager and verify that CASSLink contains the correct email address in the User profile.) The Validation Report provides details of the file that has been validated, specifically detailing any errors, thus giving the user the option to “reject” the file upload, correct any errors and re-validate the file. 2.3 Input History The listing in Input History identifies: the Billing period (by Period end-date),
the number of Records,
number of Errors,
number of records with Warning
status of the file upload.
More Info (File details)
Validation Report (ViewPDF)
Download (copy of file loaded into CASSLink)
The search features on the Input History page allow for Users to: Specify the Delivering Company information
Refine the Date range of the search
Note: The date displayed in the search results is that date entered in the Header Record of the input file. Therefore, if the period “End Date” is not entered correctly, the date range search may not list the required file. This does not mean that the billable documents will not be processed in the intended billing period as CASSLink uses the document “execution date” as the date for billing the document, but that the file details will not be viewed with other files loaded for the same billing period.
2.4 Loading Files The following steps are the procedure for loading files into CASSLink for processing. The loading of files MUST be completed before the CASS Reports Production Date (as per the CASS Reporting Timetable). Failure to load and Validate files before this date may result in the file not being captured for processing in the required Billing Period. 2.4.1 Steps for loading files 1. Prepare the file to be uploaded. This must be loaded before the cut-off date for EDI Data Upload as shown in your CASS Reporting Timetable. Save the file for Upload.
2. Log into CASSLink
3. Select Input Services, then Input
4. Select “Browse” and search for the saved file (prepared in step 1 above) for the particular Billing Period.
5. Ensure the “Validate Only” box is ticked (default setting) so that any errors or warnings can be examined and corrected if necessary.
6. Select “Upload”. A message should appear at the end of the load sequence indicating “File Upload successful”. If this message is not received i.e. there is an error, open the file and check for any errors, particularly in the Header Record.
7. If the file is loaded successfully, select Input Services, then Input History
8. All files entered into CASSLink in the date range selected for your Airline will be listed.
9. Check the file entry and see if there are any errors or warnings. If there are, select View PDF to look at the Validation Report. All errors will be listed, as well as totals on the bottom of the report. If the file contains errors that can be corrected, the User can either “Load” the file with the errors, or “Reject” the file so that the errors can be corrected and re-load the file (back to step 3).
To either “Load” or “Reject” the file, select the “tick box” under “Load/Reject” and either select the “Load” or “Reject” boxes at the bottom of the file list. Only files where “validation only” is “ticked” (not “un-ticked”) can be rejected due in this manner. 2.5 Load Status When uploading files to CASSLink, a list will be available including the status of the “Upload”. The following status will be displayed: Receiving - Received
Validating - Validated
Loading - Loaded
When the file has been successfully loaded, more information is available including the Validation Report in .PDF format. This Validation Report is also emailed to the uploading User (the email address used is recorded in the User Profile. If the Validation Report is not received, contact your CASS Manager and verify/update your User email address). Only files where "Validate only" is selected can be rejected due to errors. If, after loading a file, the Status does not change from Receiving, Validating or Loading to Received, Validated or Loaded after an acceptable period of time, contact your CASS Manager. At certain times, congestion in the CASSLink system may result in delays in completing the file Upload. A load “Failure” may occur. If the “Failure” status is received at file load, check the file contains a TTT (trailer) record. This is the usual cause of a load “Failure”. If the file does contain a TTT record and there is no other logical explanation for the failure, retry the file Upload. 2.6 Accepting or Rejecting files When the Input File has been uploaded and the “Validate Only” box has been “ticked”, the result of the file upload can be examined, then can be either “loaded” or “rejected”. The file load will be displayed on the Input History screen as below. Change date range to refine the search and then click on search
Number of Records in the File
Records with Error and Warnings
Tick, then Load or Reject
The Input History screen displays: Airline code
  eriod end-date
Status of file load
Load/Reject “tick” box
More Info
View PDF (Validation pdf report)
Input File (download)
2.7 File Upload Errors Errors may occur when uploading files, these can include: Error Message   ossible reason or correction “One of the files submitted is already uploaded”. This may be because the file already being loaded or the new file has the same file number in the Header Record. Open the file in Notepad to check the file number. File not found or one of the submitted files is of incorrect input format Open the file in Microsoft Notepad (or similar) and examine the file for any unusual characters. In particular check the Header Record and ensure that the dates and file number are numeric characters only, especially that there are “0’s” (zero’s), not “o’s” (alpha). Also ensure that the Header Record is on the first line of the file and the first line is not blank. “The header contained dates that were incorrect” Check the Header Record to ensure dates are correct. No apparent reason can be found for the load failure. Retry the upload “BillingDate : O6-04-20 is not numeric.” There is an “O” (Oscar) instead of a “0” (zero) in the date field of the Header.
2.8 Sample Validation Report
2.8.1 Index of Sample Validation Report 1 - Country Code and Airline identification (numeric code) 2 - File number (relevant if there are more than one file for the Airline 3 - Document details – record type, IBI serial number, Recipient code 4 - Error details – Type of error and explanation 5 - Error status – Rejected, Warning 6 - Record count – number Validated (documents on the file), number found with Errors, number found with Warnings, number found without Remarks (no errors or warnings) 6
2.8.2 File Validation Errors Error Reason Modulus – check failed on IAM Number Check the IAM number Airline not found on file CFG6011 The Airline has not been input on the Last Carrier Master File. Contact the CASS Manager VAT Indicator not conform origin/destination Check the agent code Currency not found Incorrect currency code has been entered Recipient-code not found Recipient code is not in CASSLink Recipient office does not participate in CASS anymore Recipient is no longer a valid CASS agent or location ie. “Stopped” or “Deleted” Duplicate document update attempt Billing record has been loaded previously
3. Output Services Output Services contains a sub-menu for Delivering Company – Output Delivering 3.1 Output Delivering
The Output Airlines screen contains the following information: CASS Operation = Select the country required. Only used where the Delivering Company is linked to operations in other CASS/CASSLink countries.
Choose Delivering Company = Will list your Delivering Company name.
Billing RemPeriod = The Billing Period represented as YYYYPP. Each CASS operation has twenty-four Billing/Remittance Periods each calendar year. Therefore 200712 above would represent the period 01-15 DEC 2007.
  eriod Nr = The number of the Period processed. “Normal” production Period will be “1” and “2”, where a Correction Period would be shown as “3”.
  eriod Total – Currency = The total amount billed for the Period in the local billing currency. This amount will be reflected in the output reports (below).
View Details = Projected billing data loaded by Delivering Company’s for the next Billing Period to be processed (see below for more details).
View PDF = Cargo Sales Invoice/Adjustment, Invoice Breakdown & Import Billing Statement reports produced in PDF format. Delivering Company’s will need Abode Acrobat Reader to open this report. Adobe Acrobat may be downloaded free from the Adobe website:
View HOT = Delivering Company HOT (Hand-off-Tape) in a text format. Winzip is required to open these reports.
View XLS = Delivering Company Spreadsheet Report (Microsoft Excel format).
All Delivering Company output reports produced are available in Output Delivering Company’s. Storage of CASSLink Reports for CASS Billing Periods may vary depending on the CASSLink operation in your country, but will generally be between six (6) months and two years i.e. from between twelve (12) Billing periods up to forty eight (48) Billing periods. In View Details, Delivering Company’s can view the projected amount to invoice to Agents, before the CASSLink reports are produced. Details can be viewed after an Delivering Company has “uploaded” their billing data, but only after the daily processing has been executed, with details usually available on the next working day after the billing file has been uploaded by the Delivering Companies. Each CASSLink operation will have different timetable deadlines for the Delivering Company upload of billing files. Check with your CASS Manager or your CASS Reporting Timetable to see when files are due to be uploaded for the relevant CASS Billing Period. 3.2 Output Reports Delivering Company Output Reporting may be received in three (3) formats:   DF Report
HOT File (flat or text file)
XLS Spreadsheet
3.2.1 PDF Report The PDF Report is the standard output report to all Delivering Company’s. The PDF Report may be downloaded directly from CASSLink when billing production has been run. Additionally, the CASS Manager may email the PDF report to all Delivering Company’s at the end of Billing Report Production. The Delivering Company may nominate up to four (4) recipients to receive this Report at the completion of the CASSLink Reports Production cycle. Advise all intended recipient email addresses to your CASS Manager. The PDF document contains two (3) reports. The Cargo Sales Invoice/Adjustment report shows all Air Waybills and correction documents (IAM) billed to each Recipient location. Each Recipient location is reported separately and in numeric order.
The Invoice Breakdown report shows the breakdown of the Destination charges reflected on the Invoice
The Import Billing Statement provides a summary of amounts owed to or from all Recipients for the Billing Period. The total amount due to or from Delivering Company for the Billing Period is shown as “Net Due Del Company” or “Net Due Recipient” at the bottom of the report.
The CASS Manager may also include important information or news in a “Coverpage”, at the beginning of the PDF Report. Please check these every Period.
3.2.2 Hot File The Hand Off Tape (HOT) is so called because originally, this file was made available to users on a magnetic tape or floppy disk. The term has stuck and the universal generic term for the flat or text (.txt) billing file is HOT file. Recipients and Delivering Companies use the HOT file to reconcile the billing data in their accounting systems. The HOT file can be emailed to a nominated email address (advise your CASS Manager), or downloaded from CASSLink as a “Zipped” file. The HOT file itself has a file extension name of .HOT. To view this, open the file using Microsoft Notepad or a similar program. The resulting HOT file output contains a string of data as below:
Your CASS Manager can assist with the interpretation of the data fields in this file. In addition, the CASS Technical Specifications Handbook may be purchased from IATA ( to further assist your technical staff. This is a compressed (zipped) file. Winzip is therefore required to open this file. To obtain a copy of Winzip, go to 3.2.3 XLS Files In addition to the PDF and HOT files, a spreadsheet “xls” (Microsoft Excel format) report is also available to Delivering Companies that require this report. Please consult your CASS Manager to activate this report. The xls report contains Billing and Invoice summaries for the requested location. The xls report output may vary in different countries. This report is not emailed to subscribers and therefore must be downloaded directly from CASSLink each Period. 4. User Maintenance 4.1 Change Password It is recommended that when Airlines Sign-in to CASSLink for the first time that they change their password. Procedure: Go to User Maintenance Menu;
Select Change Password;
Enter the “Old” password, then enter a new password twice. The new password must contain eight (8) alpha/numeric characters, with the password to contain at least 2 numeric characters.
Click the “Update Password” button
If the User has failed to enter the Password in the correct format, or entered the Password incorrectly, one of the following error messages may be displayed: When the new password has been correctly entered, the message – Password was successfully updated will be displayed.