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CRJ-200 飞机航线维护工作单—航后 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-7-11 11:34:05 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-7-11 11:34:28 |只看该作者
1.0 机电外部检查 ME Exterior Check 工时/MH:40 分钟/MIN 1.01 左前机身 Left Forward Fuselage (1) 从地面上目视检查驾驶舱窗户和结构、风挡雨刮、结冰探头、登机门应无损伤 且状况良好。 Do a visual check as seen from the ground for damage and for the condition of the items that follows: flight compartment windows and frames, window wipers, ice detector, passenger/crew door. 1.02 前轮舱 Nose Hydraulic Compartment (1) 目视检查前起落架应无液体渗漏且状况良好,舱门无损坏(参考AMM TASK 32-20-00-210-801)。 Do a visual check for fluid leakage and the condition of the nose landing gear and for damage to the doors. (2) 目视检查前机轮/轮胎组件的损伤和磨损状况(参考AMM TASK 32-42-01-210-801)。 Do a visual check of the nose wheel/tire assemblies for damage and wear. (3) 用干净布沾液压油(MIL-H-5606)清洁前起落架镜面并擦干。 Clean the nose landing gear piston with a clean cloth moistened with hydraulic fluid (MIL-H-5606) and rub with a clean dry cloth. 1.03 左中前部机身 Left Mid-Forward Fuselage (1) 目视检查左中前部机身和客舱玻璃应无损伤且状况良好。 Do a visual check for damage and the condition of the left mid-forward fuselage and the cabin windows. 1.04 左主起落架 Left Main Landing Gear (1) 目视检查左主起落架应无液体渗漏且状况良好,舱门无损坏(参考AMM TASK 32-10-00-210-801)。 Do a visual check for fluid leakage and the condition of the left main landing gear and for damage to the door. (2) 目视检查左主起落架机轮/轮胎组件的损伤和磨损状况(参考AMM TASK 32-41-01-210-801)。 Do a visual check of the left main landing gear wheel/tire assemblies for damage and wear. (3) 详细检查左主起落架刹车指示销的磨损状况:设置停留刹车,确信刹车磨损指 示杆未磨平(参考AMM TASK 32-43-26-210-801)。 Do a detailed inspection of the left main landing gear brake wear pin indicators. Set parking brake, make sure that the end of the wear indicator pin is not flat with, or below, the surface of the housing bracket. (4) 用干净布沾液压油(MIL-H-5606)清洁主起落架镜面并擦干。 Clean the main landing gear piston with a clean cloth moistened with hydraulic fluid (MIL-H-5606) and rub with a clean dry cloth.

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