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Chapter 6 Approach Charts [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-9-29 11:46:13 |只看该作者

Chapter 6
Approach Charts
Chapter 6 Approach Charts
§6.1 Introduction
§6.2 Layout and Information
§6.3 Non-Precision Approaches
§6.4 Precision Approach
§6.5 Straight-In Approaches
§6.6 Approaches with Reversals
§6.7 Racetrack Procedure
§6.8 Circling Approaches
§6.9 Missed Approaches
§6.10 RNAV Approaches
Chapter 6 Approach Charts
Approach charts are graphic representations of
instrument approaches that are available at a
given airport. The standards used in designing
these instrument approaches are governed by
each country’s controlling civil aviation
administration (CAA):
§6.1 Introduction

With both pilots and the airplane prepared,
pilots can begin the pre-approach briefing.
When flying with a crew, this briefing
accomplishes at least three goals:
• You inform your fellow crewmembers of
how you plan to conduct the approach and
what their expected responsibilities are;
• You give them a chance to provide input
into your plan, catching things you may
have overlooked, or adding responsibilities;
• The briefing can be used as a checklist to
make sure radios/navaids/constraints have
been properly programmed into the aircraft.
And if you fly single-pilot, it is also a
requirement to review the chart, especially
for situational awareness.
§6.2 Layout and Information
Jeppesen’s approach charts are designed by
pilots for pilots.
The data placement within Jeppesen
approach charts is based on observed
pilot-usage patterns and incorporates
human factors research, a standard preapproach
briefing sequence of information,
and crew resource management (CRM)
Take a closer look at a typical Jeppesen
approach chart to see what information is
• The Heading
• The Plan View
• Profile View
• Landing Minimums
Profile View
Plan View
Landing Minimum
§6.2.1 Heading
The top of a Jeppesen approach chart
presents basic approach information in the
same order in which you would normally
brief the procedure prior to flying it. The
format is referred to as the Briefing Strip
Development of the briefing strip concept
began in 1993, and is now a highly refined
variation of the original classic format.
The main feature of the briefing strip
arrangement is to place basic information
in a common location for more convenient
use during the pre-approach briefing.
The information in chart heading includes:
• Heading Border Data
• Communication Row
• Pre-Approach Briefing Strip & MSA
§ Heading Border Data
Heading information, located on the top
border of each Jeppesen approach chart,
contains standard information to help you
quickly identify and retrieve the approach
to be briefed and flown.
• Location Name
• Procedure Identifier
• Chart Index Number
• Chart Date
• Airport Identifier and Airport Name
The location name is the basis for filing the
chart in alphabetical sequence in your
Airway Manual, and is the first information
accessed to select the correct chart from
the binder. The geographical location
name used is generally the major city
served by the civil airport.
Location Name
The procedure identifier is a common
reference used by both the controller and
the pilot to ensure both understand what
instrument approach procedure is
Procedure Identifier
Location Name Procedure Identifier
On Jeppesen Charts, the procedure identifiers
is named according to the Navaids which
provides final approach navigation guidance.
Location Name Procedure Identifier
Approach charts are sequenced by the chart
index number for the respective airport.
This number ensures that all procedure
types are grouped together for each
Within a group of similar procedure types,
briefing strip charts are sequenced
according to runway number, lowest to
Chart Index Number
The chart index number is usually a threeor
four-digit number enclosed in an oval at
the top of the chart.
• The First Digit represents the airport
number and is an arbitrary assignment.
• The Second Digit represents the chart
0-Area, DP, SID, STAR, Class B, etc.
1-ILS, LOC, MLS, LDA (Localizer-type Directional
Aid), SDF (Simplified Directional Facility)
8-PAR, ASR(airport/airfield surveillance radar),
Stand-Alone GPS
9-VOR DME RNAV, Charted Visual Flight
Procedures (CVFP)

The chart date may be used to ensure that the
chart selected is correct and current. Each chart
has a chart date and, additionally, may have an
effective date. Dates are expressed in the format
of day, month, year.
Chart Date
Revision Date Effective Date
The four-letter airport identifier is a combination
of an ICAO regional designation and airport’s
governing agency designation. The tree-letter
identifier is a combination of an IATA.
The name of the airport may be shortened and
common prefixes and suffixes deleted.
Airport Identifier and Name
Identifier Airport Name
§ Communications Row
The first communication box (es) contains the
frequency for obtaining noncontrol airport
information and/or weather information from
such facilities as ATIS, ASOS, or
AWOS.“D” indicates that the ATIS is a
digital transmission. Note a asterisk (*)
indicates that the ATIS is operational on a
part-time basis only.
Directional or altitude limitations may also be
placed on the use of the frequency. For
example, if the frequency use is defined by
a VOR radial or magnetic bearing, you
must only use that frequency when flying
in the specified area.
§ Pre-flight Approach
Briefing Strip &MSA
The next row of information in the heading area
are the pre-Approach Briefing Strip and MSA
information rows.
These rows include the:
• Primary navigation aid
• Final approach course bearing
     

• Check altitude box
• Lowest minimum altitude. DA(H) or
• Airport elevation
• Minimum Safe Altitude (MSA) graphic
• Missed approach instructions
• Additional notes/Altimeter setting
Navigation Aid
Final Approach
Course Bearing
Altitude Box
Missed Elevation MSA
Additional Notes
Check Altitude Box
The content of the check altitude box varies
depending on the type of approach you are
• On precision approaches, it provides the
crossing altitude of the glide slope at the OM.
• On non-precision approaches, it contains the
altitude at the FAF.
Lowest Minimum Altitude
This altitude may be expressed as a DA or MDA,
depending on the type of approach:
• For a precision approach, this box contains the
lowest DA(H), generally based on a straight-in
landing with all equipment operation.
• For a non-precision approach, it contains the
lowest MDA(H) for the straight-in landing.
The airport elevation is the highest point of an
airport’s usable runways, while the TDZE is the
highest elevation in the first 3,000 feet of the
landing surface.
Terps Pans-ops
Airport Elevation
The MSA indicates the minimum altitude you
can fly that will provide you with at least
1,000 feet of obstruction clearance within
the given radius of the fix or facility
designated below the MSA circle (when
not specified, the radius is 25 nautical
MSA may also serve as a hint for a safe
altitude in case of an engine failure during
takeoff or departure procedures.
The center of the MSA is normally the
locator on ILS or localizer approaches, the
VOR on VOR or VOR/DME approaches,
and the NDB on NDB approaches. On
GPS approaches, the MSA is typically
centered on the landing runway threshold.
The MSA is not meant for navigation
purposes. It provides only obstruction
clearance within the sector and does not
guarantee navigation nor communication
coverage at the MSA within that area. It is
designed for use only in an emergency or
during VFR flight, such as during a VFR
approach at night.
Missed Approach Instructions
There are at least three places on the
approach information can be found. The full
textual description of the missed approach
procedure is placed in the pre-approach
briefing strip area, since the entire missed
approach procedure should be reviewed
during the pre-approach briefing.
This information could include requirements
for altimeter setting units, avionics, ground
installation systems, crew training, and
many and varied other requirements
unique to an approach procedure.
Additional Notes/Altimeter
Setting Information
§6.2.2 Plan View
The plan view of the instrument approach
chart is a graphic overview of the
approach procedure. It is placed on the
approach chart under the heading section
for you to use as a visual planning aid.
The symbology of plan view has been
divided into four major categories:
• Scale, Terrain and Elevation symbols
• Navaid symbols
• Flight track symbols
• Airspace fix symbols
§ Scale, Topographical,
and Elevation Symbols
Man-made structure Elevation Elevation
Approach Track
The plan view is depicted to scale. To help
you measure distance, a mileage scale is
located along the left side of the chart.
Normally, this scale is one inch equals five
nautical miles (1inch=5 nm). However,
occasionally the length of the approach
may require a different scale factor to be
The instrument approach plan view includes
some, but not all, orientation details. Lakes
or large water areas, rivers, and
aeronautical lights/beacons are all
examples of orientation details found in
the plan view.
Terrain Symbols
Terrain and Man-made
• A bold arrow indicates the highest portrayed
terrain high point or man-made structure
depicted in the plan view.
• The elevation of the depicted terrain high points
and man-made structures is reported in feet
above mean sea level in the plan view.
• An inverted “ ” symbol with a dot represents an
unidentified man-made structure.
• When man-made objects are known, they are
depicted with specific symbols such as a tower
or a building.

The IFR airport of landing is depicted with a
diagram of its runways according to scale.
Other airports that fall within the plan view
and underlie the instrument approach are
also depicted, as follows:
§ Navaid Symbology
• Navaid facilities
• Marker beacons
• Facility information boxes
Navigation Facilities
• Front course:
The Instrument Landing System
(ILS), Localizer (LOC),
Localizer-type Dirctional Aid
(LDA), Simplified Directional
Facility (SDF), and Microwave
Landing System (MLS) are all
shown with a half-feathered
arrow at right side along the
approach direction.
• Back Course
A localizer back course
approach is indicated by
a half-solid arrow at left
side along the approach
direction. The back
course is a navigation
signal transmitted in the
opposite direction of the
front course.
• Offset Facility:
An offset facility is
depicted when the
localizer is not aligned
with the runway. It is
often shown on SDF
or LDA approach
Marker Beacons
Facility Information Boxes
Information box (es) with shadow means
that it is used as the main navaid when
acting final approach.
§ Flight Track Symbols
Flight track symbols are used to depict the:
• Instrument approach procedure flight track,
including the missed approach track;
• Radials, including lead radials and cross radials;
• Bearing and courses;
• Approach transitions, feeder routes, and/or
arrival routes, including distances and altitudes;
• Course reversals, including procedure turns;
• Holding patterns.
Flight Track
Approach procedure flight track
Missed approach track
Visual flight track
High level track
Magnetic Bearings and Courses
True Course
Magnetic Heading
(Routes without radio
aids guidance)
Magnetic Course
Approach Transitions
Approach transitions provide guidance to
navigate from the enroute airway system
to the instrument approach.
Approach Transition is too
long or too complex
DME Arc & RNAV Transitions
No Procedure
Magnetic Bearing Change
Restriction with an Intersection
Offset Approach Transition
If transition route is too short to denote, the
related information is noted with
information box
Too information to denote, transition route
noted with number.Check the details in
the specific place.
Course Reversals and
Procedure Turns
Holding Pattern
§ Airspace Fixes
Fixes, reporting points and waypoints are all
geographical positions or locations that
may be used for navigation purposes on
an approach procedure course.
• Fixes and Reporting Points
• Waypoints
• Computer Navigation Fixes (CNFs) and
Database Identifiers
There are basically two categories of fixes,
reporting points, and/or waypoints:
Fixes and Reporting Points
DME Fixes
A waypoint is a predetermined geographical
position used for route/instrument approach
definition, progress reports, published VFR
routes, visual reporting points, or points for
transitioning and/or circumnavigating controlled
and/or special use airspace.
Waypoints are defined relative to a VORTAC,
VOR/DME, or GPS, or in terms of
latitude/longitude coordinates.

Computer Navigation Fixes (CNFs)
and Database Identifiers
A point used for the purpose of defining the
navigation track for an airborne computer
system (e.g., GPS or FMS) is called a Computer
Navigation Fix (CNF).
Beginning in 1998, the United States and many
other countries began assigning five-letter CNF
names to previously unnamed airspace fixes
and mileage break points on DPs (departure
procedures), enroute and area, and standard
terminal arrival charts.

§6.2.3 Profile View
The profile view schematically portrays a
side view of the approach procedure flight
path. It begins at the same location as the
plan view and contains many of the same
symbols; however, it is not drawn to scale.
The symbols in profile view include:
• Flight tracks, including bearings, distances, times,
missed approach points, course reversals,
stepdown fixes, visual descent points, and VNAV
constant rate of descent
• Navaids and waypoints, including makers and fixes
• Altitudes, including the recommended
altitude/height descent table
• Conversion table
• Lighting and missed approach icons
§ Descent Flight Tracks
(non) Precision Approach Glide Slope
MLS Glide Path Non-precision Glide Slope
High level approach track
Visual flight track
Outbound limited
by DME
Outbound limited
by Time

§ Airspace Fixes
The flight track from intermediate approach
course to final approach course is defined
by Marker Beacons, Fixes, Waypoints and
Navaids on the profile view.
MAP FAF/FAP Fix Navaid
For a nonprecision approach procedure,
the FAF is indicated on the profile view
by a Maltese Cross, if specified by the
state source.
For a precision approach procedure, the
final approach segment starts at the point
on the localizer course where the glide
slope/path is to be intercepted at the
prescribed glide slope interception altitude.
This point is called the FAF in the United
States and Canada, and the FAP under
ICAO applications. Again, the FAP is not
depicted on the approach chart.
Stepdown Fixes
Many approaches incorporate one or more
stepdown fixes along approach segments
to allow you to descend to a lower altitude
after you overfly various obstales.
When you cannot identify a stepdown fix,
you must level off at the minimum altitude
specified for that fix.
Only one stepdown fix normally is permitted
between the final approach fix and the
missed approach point.
The MAP (Missed Approach Point) is a point
prescribed in each instrument approach procedure
at which a missed approach procedure must be
executed if the required visual reference has not
been achieved.
Approach MAP
Approach MAP
For precision approaches, the MAP is the
point where you reach the DA(H), while
descending on the glide slope.
You must execute the missed approach
procedure if the required visual reference
to continue the approach has not been
For nonprecision approaches, the MAP
occurs either at a fix defined by a navaid,
or after a specified period of time has
elapsed since you crossed the final
approach fix.
The conversion table at the lower left corner
of the chart will specify the MAP and, if
applicable, the time at various speeds
from the final approach fix to the MAP.
A VDP (Visual descent point) depicted by the letter V
in the profile view, represents the point from which
you can make a normal descent to a landing,
provided you have the approach end of the runway
in sight and you are at the minimum descent
altitude (MDA) . A descent below the MDA should
not be started prior to reaching the VDP.
§ Altitudes
The profile view shows minimum altitudes
along the flight track. All altitudes are
given above QNH in feet, followed by a
parenthetical number which shows the
HAT (Height above touchdown zone or
When a TDZE (Touchdown zone elevation)
is not given, the numbers represent height
above the airport elevation (HAA).
All altitudes are MINIMUM altitude unless
specifically labeled otherwise, such as
• “MANDATORY” means the altitude shown is
required at the fix or glide slope intercept.
• Maximum altitudes are labeled “MAXIMUM”
and may be abbreviated “MAX” .
• Recommended altitudes are labeled
• TDZE is the highest elevation in the first
3,000 feet of the landing surface.
• TCH (Threshold Crossing Height) is a
theoretical height above the runway
threshold when you are established on the
glide slope descent path.
TCH has been traditionally used in precision
approaches as the height of the airborne
glide slope antennae when passing above
the runway threshold.

§ Conversion Tables
• For a precision approach, the table lists
the glide slope angle an groundspeed to
the rate of descent for the ILS glide slope
(descent in feet per minute).
• For nonprecision approaches, the table
relates groundspeed to the distance from
the FAF (the LOM or similar fix) and
shows the time in minutes and seconds to
fly from FAF or other specified fix to MAP.
• For combined ILS and LOC approaches,
only one descent table is provided when
the ILS glide slope angle and the descent
gradient of the LOC approach are
§ Lighting Icons
PAPI: Precision Approach Path indicator
Standard 2-bar VASI
VASI: Visual approach slop indicator
Missed Approach Icons
§6.2.4 Landing Minimums
The landing minimums table, found at the
bottom of the Jeppesen approach chart,
contains two types of minimums that must
both be met in order to legally complete
the approach to landing:
• DA(H)/MDA(H)
§ Type of Procedure
Landing minimums are affected by any or all
of the following factors:
• Straight-in
Straight-in landing minimums normally are
depicted when the final approach course is
positioned within 30°of the runway
• Sidestep
A sidestep maneuver is a procedure in
which you are cleared for an approach to
one runway with a clearance to land on a
parallel runway.
This type of approach procedure is rarely
found outside the U.S and Canada.
• Circle-to-Land
A circling approach is a procedure that
involves executing an approach to one
runway and then landing on another.
Because circle-to-land procedures do not
specify a specific runway, the heights in
parentheses are above the airport, rather
than runway elevation.

§ Type of Approach
Another differentiation made in the landing
minimums table is the type of approach.
• Category I Precision
In a precision approach, the minimum
altitude shown on the chart is called the
DA. During the time you make this
decision, you are continuing to descend,
so if you execute a missed approach, you
will pass slightly through this altitude.
• Category II/III Precision
For a Category II precision approach, the
minimum altitudes shown on the chart are
decision altitudes, as previously described
in the Category I Precision discussion.
Category II decision altitudes are typically
accompanied by a RA height minimum.
Category III precision approaches typically
do not have a decision altitude and require
special certification for the operator and
the individual pilot.
• Nonprecision
In a nonprecision approach, the minimum
altitude shown on the chart is called the
MDA because it is the lowest altitude to
which you may descend until you have
established the required visual reference
requirements and are in a position to land.
• Multiple Approach Types
Occasionally, a chart portrays more than
one type of approach procedure on the
same chart. In that case, multiple sets of
straight-in minimums are provided.
§ Aircraft Approach Ategory
The type of aircraft affects the landing
minimums. The landing minimums table
includes divisions for each of four aircraft
Each aircraft is placed into an aircraft
approach category based on its computed
approach speed. This speed equals 130%
of the aircraft’s stall speed in the landing
configuration at the maximum certificated
landing weight.

§ Inoperative Components
or Visual Aids
Landing minimums usually increase when a
required radio navigation component or
visual aid becomes inoperative.
Regulation permit you to make substitutions
for certain components when the
component is inoperative, or is not utilized
during an approach.
For example, on an ILS approach, a
compass locator or precision radar may be
substituted for the outer marker where so
depicted in the profile view.
When the ILS glide slope is inoperative, the
procedure becomes a nonprecision
localizer approach, raising the minimum
altitude to which you can descend, and
changing to a minimum descent altitude
rather than a decision altitude.
Glide Slope
Sometimes lower minimums are allowed when you
can identify a particular fix in a nonprecision final
approach segment.
Although DME may not be required to fly the
specific approach procedure, the ability to
identify a DME fix provides lower minimums.
DME Fixes
Whether or not certain lighting systems
(typically approach lights, centerline lights,
or touchdown zone lights) are working
affects the visibility requirements for the
approach procedure.
Middle Marker
Although in the U.S, the FAA has eliminated
the penalty for an inoperative middle
marker, a few countries (such as Brazil,
Chain Taipei ) continue the penalty.
Altimeter Setting
When an altimeter setting is derived from a
remote source more than 5 miles from the
airport reference point, rather than a local
altimeter, the DA(H) or MDA(H) is
increased by a factor that considers both
the remote altimeter as well as the
elevation difference between the landing
airport and the remote altimeter airport.

§ Airport Operating
Although continuous efforts are being made
to standardize airport operating
specifications around the world, there
remain significant differences between
governing specifications, especially in the
area of landing and takeoff minimums.
There are three primary specifications that
Jeppesen applies when determining
• ICAO Document 9365, Manual of All-
Weather Operations
• Joint Aviation Regulations Operations
(JAR OPS-1 Subpart E)
• FAA Handbook 8260.3B TERPS

§ Other Factors
In addition to those factors covered in this
lesson, many other factors may affect
landing minimums, especially those in the
circle-to-land column.
Frequently, these restrictions are due to
critical terrain or obstacles, prohibitions to
overfly nearby residence areas, or for
noise abatement.
Time of Day
§6.3 Nonprecision Approaches
A nonprecision approach provides lateral course
guidance with no electronic glide slope
The most common of the nonprecision approaches
and the navigation aids and systems upon which
they are predicated include:
Some other uncommon nonprecision
• LOC Back Course Approaches
• LDA Approach
• SDF Approach
§6.3.1 Effects of Navaid Location
Regardless of the type of navaid, its location
in relation to the runway can significantly
affect the approach.
There are two basic types of nonprecision
approaches: those that use a navaid
located beyond the airport boundaries,
and those with the navaid located on the
An on-airport facility is one that is located
within 1 mile of the nearest portion of the
landing runway for a straight-in approach ,
or within 1 mile of the nearest portion of
the usable landing surface for a circling
approach. On-Airport Facility
Off-Airport Facility
You might notice the effects of the navaid
location in other parts of the approach
chart as well:
• Final approach course
• Course reversal
• Presence of an FAF
• Timing from FAF to MAP
§6.3.2 Final Approach Course
Even on nonprecision approaches to the
same straight-in runway, you may need to
fly a different final approach course due to
the location of an non-airport navaid.
This difference is even more pronounced in
Andoya, Norway.

Course Reversal
With an on-airport navaid, you may have to
execute a procedure turn where you might
not need to if the approach where based
on an off-airport navaid.
This is because you may need to establish
your position prior to descending, by flying
first to the navaid at the airport and then
performing a procedure turn to complete
the approach.

Presence of an FAF
When the primary navaid is not located on
the airport( for example, on the final
approach course ), it often serves as both
the initial approach fix (IAF) and the final
approach fix (FAF).
When the navaid is on the airport, no FAF is
designated unless DME or another means
is available for identifying such a fix.
Instead, a final approach point (FAP) is
designated and serves as the FAF.
Not have FAF
The location of the FAP is defined as the
beginning of the final approach segment.
This point is where the aircraft is established
inbound after completing any required
procedure turn.
Since this could be a different point for each
aircraft that flies the approach, the FAP is
dynamic, rather than static like an FAF.
Timing from FAF to MAP
The conversion table may include the
approximate length of time it will take to fly
from the final approach fix (FAF) or
equivalent to the missed approach point
(MAP) for a given groundspeed.
• If DME is required for the approach, timing
data is frequently not provided, because
the pilot is expected to identify the MAP
from the MDE reference.
• GPS approaches do not provide timing
data because the pilot determines the
MAP from the specific waypoint
programmed into the GPS system.
• When the navaid is on the airport, it
frequently serves as the MAP. You would
not require timing data because you know
when you have reached the navaid and,
therefore , the MAP.
For nonprecision approaches, the missed
approach point (MAP) occurs either at a fix
defined by a navaid, or after a specified
period of time has elapsed since you
crossed the final approach fix (FAF).
The exact location of the missed approach
point (MAP) depends on obstacles in the
missed approach area, as well as whether
the navaid is on off the airport:
• For off-airport facilities, the MAP cannot be
further from the final approach fix (FAF)
than the runway threshold for straight-in
approaches, or from the first usable
portion of the landing area for circling
• For on-airport facilities, the MAP is the
navaid facility.
§6.4 Precision Approach
The instrument landing system (ILS) is a
precision approach navigational aid that
provides highly accurate course, glide
slope, and distance guidance to a given
There are three general classifications of
ILS approaches-Category I, Category II,
and Category III.

To fly a basic ILS approach (Category I),
you must be instrument rated, current, and
your aircraft must be equipped
ILS approaches may also be Category II or
III; these approaches typically have lower
minimums and require special certification
for operators, pilots, aircraft, and
air/ground equipment.
The ILS can be the safer approach
alternative in poor weather conditions for
several reasons:
• It provides vertical course guidance in
addition to lateral guidance.
• It is a more accurate approach aid than
any other widely available system.
• The increased accuracy and the vertical
guidance through the glide slope generally
allows for approach minimums.
• The lower minimums can make it possible
to execute an ILS approach and land at an
airport when it would not have been
possible using a nonprecision approach.
§6.5 Straight-in Approaches
Straight-in landing minimums normally are
used when the final approach course is
positioned within 30°of the runway and a
minimum of maneuvering is required to
align the airplane with the runway.
However, the offset should not be more than
15°from the runway centerline for
Category C and D aircraft.
In contrast to a straight-in landing, the controller
terminology “cleared for straight-in
approach…”means that you should not perform
a course reversal, but does not reference
landing minimums.
For example, you could be “cleared for straight-in
ILS Runway 25 approach, circle to land Runway
34.” In this case, you would not fly a course
reversal, and you would be required to remain at
the higher circle-to-land MDA(H) minimums until
you begin your final descent.
If you are not being radar vectored,
generally you begin a straight-in approach
at an outlying initial approach fix (IAF), and
then fly the initial and intermediate
segments, which places you on the final
approach segment.
§6.6 Approach with Reversal
A course reversal is prescribed when it is
necessary to reverse direction to establish your
aircraft inbound on an intermediate or final
approach course. When charted, it is a required
maneuver, except under the following conditions:
• Radar vectoring is provided. Radar vectors to
the final approach course provide a method of
intercepting and proceeding inbound on the
published instrument approach procedure
without the published course reversal.
• The symbol “NoPT” (no procedure turn) is
shown on the chart,.
If you are flying an arrival or feeder route
that is labeled with NoPT, you are not
authorized, nor does ATC expect you, to
perform the course reversal.
• You are transitioning from an arrival route,
feeder route, or initial approach segment
from within a Terminal Arrival Area (TAA)
straight-in area. This area is typically
noted as NoPT on the TAA chart.
A course reversal may be depicted in two
types procedure formats (Procedure Turn
and Teardrop/Base Turn) in the plan view

§6.6.1 Procedure Turn
When a course reversal is shown as a
procedure turn, the point at which the
started an the type and rate of turn usually
are left to the discretion of the pilot.
Jeppesen approach charts show procedure
turns with 45/180 or 80/260 degree angles.
Note: Procedure design rules applied by
states using ICAO standards require you to
fly the course, heading, speed, and timing
as shown on the approach chart in order to
remain within the relevant airspace and to
ensure the required obstacle clearance.
For the airspace design, it is assumed the
turns are at a maximum bank angle of 25°,
or a rate of 3°/second, whichever is less.
§6.6.2 Base Turn
When a course reversal is shown as a
teardrop or base turn pattern, you must fly
the course reversal as shown on the chart.
In this case, the headings, leg lengths, and
direction of turns are mandatory, and are
found in the plan view and profile views.
§6.7 Racetrack or Holding
Pattern Course Reversals
When a holding or racetrack pattern is
published as a course reversal, you must
make the proper entry and follow the
depicted pattern to establish your aircraft
on the inbound course.
Again, the information you need about the
course reversal can be found in the plan
view and profile view sections of the
approach chart.
§6.8 Circling Approach
A circling approach is a procedure that
involves executing an approach to one
runway and then landing on another.
Several situations any require you to
execute a circling approach.


The circling approach is not a simple
maneuver; you are required to fly at a low
altitude at a fairly show airspeed and your
attention may be diverted outside the
aircraft more than usual. At the same time,
you must ensure that you do not:
• Descend below the MDA improperly;
• Fly outside the protected area;
• Lose sight of the runway environment.
§6.8.1 Circling Maneuvers
In simple terms, the circling approach
procedure involves flying the approach,
establishing visual contact with the runway
environment, and then positioning the
aircraft on a final approach to the runway
on which you intend to land. The circling
approach allows you to land on any
appropriate runway not subject to
additional charted restrictions.
Circling approach can be extremely
hazardous, especially when combined with
such factors as low visibility, mountainous
terrain, and/or night operations.
Many commercial operators are not
authorized to fly circling approaches, or if
so, are required to make specialized
Circle-to-land minimums are included on
most approach plates as a part of the
procedure minimums information band.
Circle-to-land minimums are expressed with
an MDA, even though a glide slope may
be used to descend to that circling MDA.
The circle-to-land MDA is usually higher
than the straight-in landing MDAs.
§6.8.2 Restrictions of Circle-to-Land
Restricted by Direction
Restricted by Available
Equipment or Navaids
Restricted by Time or Weather
Restricted by Aircraft Categories
Limited Protected Area
§6.9 Missed Approach Procedures
The missed approach procedure must be flown
whenever you reach the missed approach
point (MAP) and cannot establish the
required visual references, or when you are
not in a position to land safely.
A missed approach procedure also may be
required during a circling approach when
visual contact with the runway environment is

Every instrument approach has a missed
approach segment with appropriate
heading, course, and altitude information
provided. The purpose of this segment is
to allow you to safely navigate from the
missed approach point to a point where
you can attempt another approach, or
continue to another airport.
The missed approach segment begins at the
MAP and ends at a designated point, such
as an initial approach or enroute fix. The
actual location of the MAP depends upon
the type of approach you are flying.

§6.10 RNAV Approach
RNAV equipment can compute the airplane
position, actual track, and groundspeed, and
then provide meaningful information relative
to the selected route of flight.
RNAV procedures include:
• GPS Overlay

§6.10.1 VOR/DME RNAV Charts
§6.10.2 GPS Overlays
Properly installed and certified GPS
equipment can be used to fly many
nonprecision approaches based on
conventional navaids, if so specified in the
approach procedure identification.
There are two types of GPS overlays:
• The first requires the underlying ground
navaids and associated aircraft navigation
equipment to be operational, but not
monitored by the crew during the
approach as long as the GPS meets RAIM
accuracy requirements.
These procedures are indicated by a small,
italic (GPS) in front of the procedure
• The second eliminates the requirement for
conventional navigation equipment to be
operating during the approach, although
that equipment may be required for other
portions of the IFR flight.
These approach charts can be identified by
the words “or GPS” in the procedure
§6.10.3 RNAV(GPS) Charts
RNAV (GPS) charts combine unaugmented
GPS and augmented GPS, along with
FMS-based RNAV, approaches onto a
single chart.
Within U.S, augmented GPS, approaches
will be based on WAAS and LAAS.
A GPS standalone approach procedure is
designed solely for use with GPS and
offers more efficient routing than is
possible with some conventional
You must have conventional navigation
equipment aboard your aircraft as a

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发表于 2011-10-9 16:43:35 |只看该作者
Chapter 8 Differences Between Jeppesen Database & Charts

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发表于 2013-11-11 23:53:34 |只看该作者
Thanks for sharing!

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发表于 2013-12-16 13:55:59 |只看该作者

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