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60道航线真题 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-31 09:46:35 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

1.     what we wither is predicted by the term VCTS in A TAFfficeffice" />

A.   TS are expected in the vicinity

B.    TS may occur over the station and within ffice:smarttags" />50 km of the station

C.   Thunderstorms are expected between 5-25 km of the R/Y complex


2.     What conditions are indicated on a weather depiction chart

A.   Forecast ceiling & visibilities over a geographic area

B.    actual en route ……

C.   actual sky cover……


3 Dew point temperature is:

A.   the ……dry……wet bulb

B.    wet and dry bulb

C.   wet bulb……


3.     a common symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning is

A.   impairment of VIS

B.    tingling hands and arms

C.   decreased body temperature


4.     what action should be taken when cleared for approach while……

A.   descend to min vector alt

B.    remain at last assigned altitude until establish on published route segment

C.   descend to initial approach fix altitude


5.     what is the safest and most efficient take off and initial climb procedure in a light twin-engine airplane? Accelerate to

A.   Vmc, then……

B.    An airspeed slightly above Vmc, the lift off and climb at the best rate of climb airspeed

C.   Best engine-out, rate of climb while the ground


6.     what is corrected altitude approximate true altitude?

A.     density altitude corrected for temperature variation form standard

B.      pressure altitude corrected for instrument error

C.     indicated altitude corrected for temperature variation from standard


7.     如果周围空气比9600冷,真空和压力高关系

A.            真空低于9600

B.             压力高低于真高


8.     a mismatch between the real world and the mental model is termed

A.   an illusion

B.    an hallucination

C.   a dream


9.     121中,近期经历为

A.            90日, 3次起落

B.             100日, 3次起落

C.            120日, 3次起落


11 训练时间

A. 地面,飞行模拟机或飞行训练器


C. 飞行中


12 航线执照最低年龄

A.            18

B.            20

C.           21


13.温度高,在10800M 密度高度和压力高度

A.     impossible to determine without information on possible inversion layers at lower altitude

B.lower than 压力高

C.    higher than 压力高


14. what procedure is recommended for an engine-out approach and landing

A.   the altitude and 速度 should be considerably higher than normal throughout the approach

B.    a 普通进近except to not extend the landing gear or flaps until over the runway threshold

C.   the flight path and procedures should be almost identical to a normal approach and landing


15.  by changing the angle of attack of a wing, the pilot can control the airplane

A.   lift, gross weight and drag

B.    lift, airspeed and drag

C.   lift and airspeed but on drag


16.  leading-edge flaps 在着陆前

A.        decrease rate of sink

B.         increase profile drag

C.      prevent flow separation


17. 气团雷暴downdrafts and precipitation

18. which type storms are most likely to found clouds or tormals

  cold front or squall line thunderstorms

19. 严重雷暴定义



22Wind strength in upper air riffle are stormy and serious turbulence will occur

23.generator voltage

A.   is controlled by the voltage regulator

B.    is controlled by the PRM of the engine

C.   is controlled by number of magnetic poles


24.in relation to accelerate stop distance certification rules allow a period of time for engine failure recognition and pilot reaction, how long is this period

A.   V1 plus 2 second

B.    2 second

C.   Vef until V1 plus 2 S


25. an ATC ‘instruction’

A.   is a directive issued by ATC for the purpose of requiring a pilot to take a specific action providing the safety of the aircraft in not jeoparalized

B.    is the same as an ATC clearance

C.   must be read back in full to the controller and confirmed before becoming effective


26. how does aroused affect performance

A.   affected in overload but not underload

B.    affected in underload but not overload

C.   both affected


27. the surface air temperature of a running will depend on all of the following

A.   airfield elevation, runway length and slope, airfield latitude and wind

B.    airfield elevation and latitude time of the year, time of day, runway surface prevailing wind and cloud cover

C.   airfield elevation runway length, prevailing wind and the time of day


28.the dew point temperature is higher when

A.      air is very warm and dry

B.      air is very cold and moist

C.      air is very moist


30What altitude is a pilot authorized to fly when cleared for an ZLS approach

A.   must maintain the last assigned altitude established on a published route or segment of the approach with published altitudes

B.    ma descend from the assigned altitude only when established on the final approach course

C.   may begin a descend  to the procedure turn altitude


31  provisional or modified route are displayed as

   A, a solid white line

   B, a dashed white line

   C, a dashed magenta line



32.when making a landing over darkened or featureless terrain such as water or snow, a pilot be aware of the possibility of illusion the approach may appear to be too

A.   shallow

B.    high

C.   low


34.when must the pilot initiate a missed approach procedure from an ILS approach

A.               when the time has expired after reaching the DH and the runway environment is not clearly visible

B.                at the DH, if the visual for the intended runway are not destinaty visible or anytime thereafter that visual reference is lost

C.               at the DH when the  runway is not clearly visible


35. when thrust reversers are not available ASDA must be increase by

A.   a distance equal to half of the clearway

B.    10%

C.   200 meters


36. assuring that all ILS components are operating and the required visual reference are not acquired the missed approach should be initiated upon

A.   expiration of the time listed on the approach chart for missed approach

B.    arrival at the DH on the glide slope

C.   arrival at the visual descent point


37.which statement is correct regarding holding pattern and procedure turns that are displayed on the EHSI screen

A.   active holding patterns and procedure turn are shown in magenta inactive in blue and modified in white

B.    active holding patterns and procedure turn are displayed in white in magenta and modified in blue

C.   active holding patterns and procedure turn are turn in blue inactive in magenta and modified in white


38 where is the normal location of the jet stream relative to surface lows and front?

A.      the jetstream is located over the low and crosses both the warm front and the cold front

B.      the jet stream is located north of the surface system

C.      the jetstream is located south of the low and warm front


39.summer thunderstorm in the arctic region will generally move

A.   southwest to northeast with the jetstream flow

B.    directly north to south with the low level polar airflow

C.   northeast to southwest in polar easterlies


40.dew point

A.    the temperature to which dry air must be cooled in order to just reach saturation

B.     the temperature at which a parcel at air reach super satruature point, irrespective of pressure

C.    the temperature to which saturated air must be cooled to produce condensation


41APROB4PROB abilityHHhh group in an IAF indicates the probability of

a.     precipitation or low visibility

b.    Ts or high wind

c.    Ts or other precipitation


42. when simultaneous ILS approach are in progress which of the following should approach control be advised of immediately

A.   if radar monitoring be desired to confirm lateral separation

B.    any inoperative of malfunction aircraft receivers

C.   if a simultaneous ILS approach is desired


43. with increase altitude at a constant IAS, TEM and thrust respectively

A.   decrease and decrease

B.    increase and decrease

C.   decrease and increase



A.        对于三发,起飞备降与起飞机场的  不大于飞机以一发失效静风2小时

B.         对于双发,起飞备降与起飞机场的  不大于飞机正常速度静风1小时

C.        当起飞机场的天气条件低于航空公司为该机场规定的最低标准

45 3 NO. 1 NAV. Would center the CDI and change the…… to

A.   16S

B.    17S

C.   34S

46. 11

A.   an ILS critical area holding position sign

B.    a runway boundary sign

C.   an ILS critical area boundary sign


47. engine bleed air is supplied to the air gap above the fuel in the tanks primarily to

A.   warm the fuel

B.    ensure an adequate supply of fuel pressure is maintained to the APU

C.   prevent cavitation


48. which type clouds maybe associated with the jetstream

A.   cirrus clouds on the equatorial side of the jet stream

B.    cumulonimbus cloud line where the jetstream crosses the cold front

C. ciro stratus cloud bland on the polar side and under the jet stream


49.  a rheostat is 

a.     a temperature indicator

b.    a remote automatic manual switch

c.    a temperature control device



50.when the forecast weather condition for destination and alternate airport are considered marginal for a domestic air carrier’s operation, what specific action should the dispatcher or pilot in command take

A.   list at least are additional alternate airport

B.    list an airport where the forecast weather is not marginal as the alternate

C.   add additional hour of fuel based on cruise power settings for the airplane is use


51.CAT can occur in widely different circumstances, but there are some features which generally hold true, which of the following is generally true

A.    if CAT is encountered a 1000’ altitude change is likely to be sufficient to leave the CAT area

B.    there will be probably be a jet stream in the vicinity if CAT is encountered

C.    CAT occurs more frequently over weather than land


52. 气象报TMPO

53Which of the following statements correctly describes the effect resulting from exposure over many years to aircraft engine noise

A.     some loss of heaving may occur but total recovery will eventually take place

B.     a permanent loss heaving may occur

C.     some loss of heaving may occur but it will last for only a few minutes after each exposure



55. when does min temperature normally occur during a 24 hours period

A.   about 1 hour before sunrise

B.    at midnight

C.   after sunrise


56.the purpose of diluting ethylene glycol deicing fluid with weather in non-precipitation conditions is to

A.     increase the mn freezing point conset of crystallization

B.      decrease the freeze point

C.     raise the eutectic point


58. what is the propose of the term “hold for release” when included in an IFR clearance

A.     when an IFR clearance is received by telephone the pilot will have time to precpave for take off prior to being release

B.      a procedure for delaying departure for traffic volume weather or need to issue further instructions

C.     gate hold procedure are in effect and the pilot receives an estimate of the time the flight will be released


59. what is max allowable weight that may be carried on a pallet which has the dimension of 148*125.2 inch es? Condition: floor load limit: 209 pound/sqft, pallet weight:197 pounds, tiedown device: 66pounds

A.   25, 984.9 pound

B.    25, 987.9

C.   25, 721.9


60 ..how often must a crewmember actually operate the airplane emergency equipment after initial training

A.   6 calendar months

B.    12

C.   24




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