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直升机的中英对照语句 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2009-3-10 16:34:13 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
1、familiarization(FAM Course)熟悉过程
       1.1The kamov k50 attack helicopter 卡50武直介绍
       1.2Cockpit system座舱系统
       1.3ATC and Ground crew communications 空中交通管制与地面机组通讯。
2、Preflight preparation 飞行前的准备
       2.1ускоренный запуск(accelerated start-up procedure) 加速与启动
       2.2Подготовка к выруливанию и руление(taxi procedures)滑出程序
       2.3останов двигателей (ka-50 post-flight shut down procedure)卡-50飞行后关车程序(停止引擎)
3、Basic flight procedures 基础飞行规程
       3.1контрольное висение(controlled hover)悬停控制(悬停训练)
       3.2взлет по-вертолетному(vertical take-off using the rotor-in-ground effect) 垂直起飞
       3.3взлет по-самолетному(rolling tak-off using the rotor-in-ground effect) 飞机起飞
       3.4выполнение полетов(transition过渡 maneuvers) ??演习
       3.5посадка по-вертолетному(vertical landing using the rotor-in-ground effect)垂直降落
       3.6посадка по-самолетному(rolling landing) 飞机降落
       3.7полет по кругу (flying a traffic pattern)绕场飞行
4、ABIRS Advanced Moving MAP System ABIRS 高级地图移动系统
       4.1назначение основные режимы(abris overview) ABRIS既述
       4.2подрежимы(abris sub-modes) ABRIS子模式
       4.3тактическая информация(abris data linked tactical infomation)ABRIS战术信息数据链
       4.4работа с планом полета(abris plan functions to build a flight plan) 计划的飞行(俄语直译是带飞行计划的飞行)
       4.5полет по марщруту(enroute navigation) 飞行导航地图
5、combat employment  战斗作业
        5.1подготовка применение оружия (engagement preparation and weapon employment)交战准备与武器操控
        5.2управление звеном работа с вцу(flight communications and data link) 飞行通讯与数据链
6、Advanced flight maneuvers 高级飞行规避(操纵)
        6.1режим самовращения(autorotation descent) _____制度
        6.2посадка на режиме самовращения(autorotation landing) ____着陆模式

-Welcom aboard,trainee欢迎来到飞行训练课程
-today our goal is to get your familiar with the kao50 desin equipment and basic capailities今天我们的目标是熟悉
-the ka-50 is a single-seat helicopter with a dual-engine coaxial rotors and a retractable 3 pointlanding gear
system 卡50为单座双发同轴螺旋桨和可伸缩3支点式起落架系统.
-the helicopter fuselage has a solign consisting of isolated compartments two dividers separate it into the
front,rear and tail sections.武直机身与驾驶舱被分隔开来,前部的两个分离式脚舵用于控制后部的尾螺旋桨.
-the ka50 wings provide additional lifting force when the helicopter is moving at high speed.they also allow the
camiage of weapons and fuel tanks on four hardpoint and UV-26 irfrared flares on the wing tips.
-the tail includes a stabilizer fin,and rudder with a large surface to provide aerody namic compensation.尾部提供
-the landing gears consist of one nose and two main support arms with wheel.when the landing gears are retracted
they retract towards the back of the helicopter and are covered with doors to reduce air resistance.起落架系统包
-the powerplant consists of two turboshalt TV3-117vma engines,gearboxes,as well as regu lators that provide
consistent and safe engine operation.
-the rotor system consists of two 3-blade rotors and blade pitch control mechanisms.the upper rotor moves
clockwise,and the lower moves countercolockwise.
-the hydraulics system consists of both common and main gear retractors,and cannon movenment controls.
-the fuel system consists of two intemal and up to four extemal tanks.the front intermal tank supplies the left
engine and auxiliary power unit.
-the flight control system provides control of the helicopter's pitch bank and yaw,and the collective controls
the pitch of the rotors.the servo boosters are assembled together in one common uinit.the can operation not only
in manual irreversible mode but also in combined mode.this provides simutaneous Manual control with automatic
stabilization of the helicopter when in autopilot.
-the electrial system use 3-phase AC current at 115v and 400hz the electria generators provide 80kw and
oneconverter 500w.the helicopte can also be supplied extemal power source of 115v and 400hz.
-the deicing system prevents icing of the most critical components the air intake and dust protectors are heated
useing hot air from the engines .the rotor blades windshield air pressure sensors, angle of attack and side slip
sensors,clock,and the visual icing indicator are all heated using electrical power Additionally,the windshied and
"shkval"windows are equipped with mechanical wipers.
-the alarm system consits of emergency and notification alarms and visual warming system termed"EKran"
-the ejection seat system consists of the k-37-800 rocket-parachute system.a rotor blade ejection system.an upper
cockpit door ejection and overall control system.
-Radio equipment consists of two VHF radio transceivers(the R-800u and the R-828).the PU-9 intercom device.ap-
530b voice recoder the "almaz" wp-48 auto mated voice warming system,an IFF respose system ARK-22.radio
compass.and an A-036A rada altimeter.
无线电装备有两组VHF收发两用机(R-800U and the R-828).pu-9对讲电话系统.AP-530B 语音记录系统"ALMAZ"WP-48自动语音警告
系统.IFF反映系统,ARK-22 无线电罗盘.A-036A 雷达高度计.
-the K-9U "Rubikon" trageting and flight navigation system consists of components for combat,flight,and
navigation tasks.
-the I-251V "shkval-V" trageting system contisits of a tov camera with a laser rangefinder and missible laser
guidance system.it equipped with field of wiew stabilization and auto matic traget tracking based on visual
target shape recognition.
-the IT-23Mv tv mnitor display a black and white picture from the "shkval"camera.
IT-23MV 显示的黑白图像来源于"shkval"摄像头.
-the "ranet" system displays flight and navigation on the pilot's HUD.as well as targeting information on the IT
-the ABRIS moving map system provides flight preplanning.a detailed terronal system information as well as
complete navigtion data before during the flight.
-the L-140 "Otklik" laser warming receiver warm of detect laser rangefinder and laser guidance.
OTKlik 激光接收告警系统能够对激光测距仪和激光制导的武器进行报警.
-the UV-26 infrared flare consists of a container on each wingtip with 64 flares.
-the ka50 weapon system consists of guided missiles,unguided,missiles,unguided rockets,bombs,and cannon.this
alllows the b.lack shark to engage both airbome and ground traget.
-Basic helcopter charac teristics are as follows
-measurements 基本数据
length(with rotors) of 15.6m 长度,含螺旋桨.15.6米.
wing span 7.34m 翼展 7.34米.
height 4.9米 高度4.9米.
rotor diamter 14.43m 螺旋桨直径 14.43米.
-Heilicopter weight 直升机重量
normal 9800kg 正常 9800KG
max 10,800kg 最大 10,800KG
-Horizontal flight velocity 水平飞行速度
max 350km/h
cruise is 255km/h 寻航速度 255km/h
vertial speed at 2500 is 10m/s 垂直起降速度在2500m空中是10米/秒.
Max positive G is 3.5 最大正G是3.5
ceiling 升力上限
static is 4000m 静态是4000米.
dynamic is 5500m.动态是5500米.
-fuel tanks capacity 油箱容量
main is 1870 liters 正常为1870升
extermal tanks are 550 liters each.副油箱每个550升.
-operation range 操作限制
in combat configuration is 450Km 空战时为450km.
in ferry configuration is 1100km 飞行渡运时为1100km.
-this concludes the overview of the ka-50 attack helicopter.这里介绍了武直k50的总体状况,现在你可以按esc 键接管控

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2009-3-10 16:34:23 |只看该作者
1.2 座舱系统
-welcome to your second lesson trainee
-today we'll familiarize you with the cockpit of the ka-50
-the cockpit consists of several instrument panels that house gauges and
indicators that display information on current flight parameters.aircraft
systems.status engine states,flight controls and system warming indicators.
-the primary flight controls are the cyclic control stick,the collective
control stick and the rudder pedals.
-the collective control stick controls the collective pitch of all of the
rotor blades simultaneously and equally,thereby increasing of decreasing the
amount of lift generated by the rotor disk.the cyclic control stick controls
the swash plate,this creates propulsion and determines the direction of the
helicopter's movement.the actual pitch of any single rotor blade at any
given moment is the summation of the collective and cyclic pitch.the rudder
pedals are used to control the helicopter's direction in horizontal axis
-the primary flight instruments are located on the forward panel,beneath the
antiglare shiled.
-the attitude director indicator(ADI),also referred to as the "artificial
horizon" indicates the helicopter's orientation relative to the horizon.it
also shows deviation form the assigned flight path in horizontal and
vertical axis.
-the horizontal situation indicator(HSI) indicates the helicopter's heading
navigation data,and the helicopter's position in horizontal space relative
to the assigned couse line or navigation points.these can include
waypoints,target points,or airfields.the HSI is helpful when navigating a
route or retuning to base.
-the rotor blade pitch indicator is used to monitor the pitch angle of the
rotor blades.
-the barometric altimeter indicates the aircraft's current altitude above
sea level(ASL).the altimeter dial has two handsne full rotation of the
long hand represents 1000 meters and one full rotation of the shorter hand
represents 10000 meters.
-the vertical velocity indicator (VVI) measures the aircraft's rate of climb
or descent and is also used to help maintain level flight.
-the rotor RPM indicator displays the tachometer measurement of the rotor's
revolutions per minute(RPM) as a percentagt of its maximum value.
-the air speed indicator displays the aircraft's indicated airspeed
-the accelerometer(or "G-meter") indicates the current maneuver loading on
the helicopter,represented by the white needle.the red needles indicate the
highest and lowest G attained during a sortie.
-the radar altimeter displays the helicopter's altitude above ground level
(AGL) to a maxinum altitude of 300 meters altitude is measured with a
small,downwardfacing FM radar.
-the mechanical clock displays the current time of day in hours,minutes,and
seconds.it can also be used to measure misson time in hours and minutes,and
as stop watch to measure short time penods(up to an hour) in minutes and
-the EKRAN-32-03 built-in test(BIT) display is part of the integrated
cockpit information system.EKRAN functions include diagnostics of all
aircraft systems and components that inform the pilot of any failures,and
when in the system tracing mode,provides indications of any in-flight
equipment operation abnormalities.the EKRAN also provides equipment
diagnostics using built-in sensors and documents test results during pre-
flight checks and ground maintenance.
EKRAN-32-03 显座舱内整合的内置测试系统.功能包括诊断飞机所有的系统和部件,在系
-the backup artificial horizon indicates the bank and pitch attitude of the
helicopter,sideslip,and also provides attitude data to the flight data
-the exhaust gas temperature(EGT) indicator displays the exhaust gas
temperature for each engine.
-the tachometer indicates the RPM of each engine turbine.The scale is
calibrated to display RPM as a percentage of maximum.
-the fuel-quantity indicator measures the remaining fuel in the front and
rear tanks.the display is demarcated from 0 to 800 kilograms.
燃油表显示前后主油箱的燃油数,数量为0至800 KG.
-the caution light panels are used to display advisory and caution lights to
the pilot.
-the landing gear control panel is used to raise and lower the landing gear
as well as display the position of the landing gear.
-the left side of the overhead panel includes the navigation lights
brightness switch the windshield wiper switch,the windshield washer fluid
switch the pitot static port and AOA/sideslip sensors heat switches,the
pitot ram air and clock heat switches,the windshield heater setting
switch,and the magnetic compass.
-the right side of the overhead includes the rotor de-icing system
switch,the engine de-icing/dust-protection systems switch the left/right
pitot heat indicator lamps,the pitot heat test button,and the cockpit
ventilation fan switch.
-the data link control panel is located on the left side of the overhead
panel.it is integrated with the weapons control system and its purpose is to
send and receive target information to and from other flight members.
-the L-140 laser warming receiver(LWR)is designed to display the direction
and type of incoming laser energy.it indicates four horizontal quadrants and
two vertical hemispheres above and below the helicopter.
-the uv-26 countermeasures controls panel is located to the right of the
overhead panel and is used to configure the release of infrared flare
UV-26 用于红外控制面板用于控制弹外干扰弹的释放
-the magnetic compass is an autonomous,self-contained,direction-indicating
instrument that does not require a power source.it serves as a backup to
other navigation instruments.
the magnetic compass is an autonomous,self-contained,direction-indicating
instrument that does not require a power source.it serves as a backup to
other navigation instruments.
-the PUI-800 weapon status and control panel is used to prepare weapons for
employment,view weapon inventory and status,and control numerous parameters
of weapon delivery.
PUI-800 武器状态控制面板用于武器的准备,查看控制武器状态及传递多种参数.
-the weapons control panel has the follwing functions selected weapon
type.master arm switch,stores jettison button,HE-API cannon ammunition
select switch,short-medium-long burst switch,automatic and manual weapon
control system mode switch,weapon readiness indicator,weapon/fuel tank
presence indicator,selected weapons remaining  indicator,cannon rounds
remaining indicator,emergency ATGM launch button,arm and disarm switch for
emergency,weapon jettison/launch,and high or low cannon rate of fire switch.
-the landing light and voice warming control panel is located in the lower
part of the center dash.it controls landing lights,navigation channels,and
the automatic voice message unit(VMU)
-the panel contains the following functions main and backup landing light
switch on/off switch for the landing light,inner-outer-automatic NDB
switch,VMU cease message button,VMU repeat button,and emergency switch for
activating voice messages for all warning in emergency mode.
-the PVI-800 navigation control panel is used to select the operating mode
of the flight navigation system and support its interaction with other
PVI-800 导航控制面板可以同其他的系统一起用于飞行导航.
-the Autopilot panel is used to set the flight control augmentation channels
and several autopilot functions.
-The ARK-22 ADF control panel is used to configure the Automatic Direction
ARK-22 ADF(自动定向)控制面板用于配置自动定向
-The R-828 control panel is used to select the channel and control the
volume and noise reduction of the R-828 VHF radio.
R-828控制面板用于选择频道及音量及R-828 VHF噪声的抑制
-The signal flares panel is used to control power to the signal flare system
and fire the flares.The flares come in four colors red,green white and
yellow.and yellow.A cassette with four flares is located on the left
-the electrical power control panel that is used to provide electrical power
to the aircraft's systems
-The radio and data link power control panel is used to enable and disable
power to the radios,intercom,and data link systems.
-the fuel boost pump control panel is used to control the fuel boost pumps
of both the internal and external fuel tanks.it also provides power the fuel
-the fire extinguisher control panel includes fire warning indicators and
the system controls.
-The fuel shut-off valve control panel is used to open and close the fuel
valves to the enginess and APU.
-the transmission/oil pressure and temperature gauges.
-The onboard equipment control panel includes switches for the back-up
ADI,main bydraulics systems,weapons control system,stobe beacon,and others.
-The lighting control panel includes switches for the rotor tip
lights,formation lights,cockpit instrumentation lights,and NVG-compatible
cockpit lights.
-The electronic engine governors(EEG) control panel is used to control the
fuel flow at high gas-generator(GG) RPM and to shut down an engine in case
of powerturbine over-speed.
-The engine power indicator is used to control the engine compressor outlet
pressure relative to the red index marks for take-off("B")maximum
continuous("H")and cruise("K").
引擎功率指示器被用来控制引擎压缩机出口与红色的索引相关的压力标志为起飞 ("
B") 最大连续 (" H") 和巡航 (" K").
-The rear auxiliary panel is located behind the pilot's right side and
includes the following controls:de-icing control panel,engine indicators
control panel,ejection system Built-In-Test panel,voice message unit BIT.
EKRAN warning system BIT controls,hydraulic system temperature and pressure
indicators,laser warning system and infrared countermeasure system
controls,equipment bay lighting switch,and lighting brightness control
EKRAN 警告系统BIT控制,液压系统温度和压力指示器,激光警告系统和红外线的对策
-The left panel includes the R-800L1 VHF radio control panel,targeting mode
control panel,engine and APU start-up controls,radio intercom control
panel,and the auxiliary power unit control panel.
-左边的嵌板包括 R-800 L1 特高频无线电操纵嵌板,目标准模态控制嵌板,引擎和
APU 启动控制,收音机对讲器控制嵌板,和APU控制嵌板。
-In conclusion,you should be able to find any of the cockpit controls blind
-This concludes the lesson about cockpit instrumentation.
-You may take over now by pressing the "ESC" key.
-你可以按 " ESC" 键接管现在。
Have a good flight.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2009-3-10 16:35:06 |只看该作者
welcome aboard trainee
the subject of today's session will be communication with the Air traffic Controller(ATC) and the ground
今天的会议的主题将会课程是与航空管制官 (ATC)和地面服务沟通。
All messages and commands,accessible through the communication menu,are transmitted and received via the radio.As
in real lift,in the simulation.It is necessary to operate the radio on a common frequency in order to
communicate.If this condition is not met,the message will not reach the recipient.
Onboard the Ka-50 helicopter.the R-800 VHF radio is used for communication with other helicopters and ground
personnel .The radio operates in the (100-149MHZ)and(200-400MHZ)wave length ranges.In the simulation
communication between the helicopters in the wing and to ATC on the airfields is always in the frequency of 127.5
All radio messages and commands are structured in the following manner.Callsign
"recipient",callsign"transmitter",message callsign"recipient"-indicates to whom the message is addressed Callsign
"transmitter"-indicates from whom the message is coming form Message-contains the transmitted information.
KA50机上的 R-800 VHF无线电被用于和其他飞机和地面的人员沟通。无线电操作在 (100-149MHZ)和 (200-400MHZ)波长度范围
。在飞机的模拟通迅中地面ATC和机翼的通迅都是127.5Hhz.所有的无线电信和指令以下列的样子被构成。调用方式"接受者 ,呼叫
For example
"Maykop,251,range 5,visual on runway,gear down,ready for landing"This message is sent to the ATC with callsign
"Maykop"(Maykop airfield) from the helicopter with the "251" callsign.The pilot of this helicopter is saying to
the ATC that he is 5 KM from the runway,has the runway in sight,has extended his landing gear,and is ready for
the landing.
" Maykop , 251, 距机场 5, 视觉在跑道上,起落架放下,预备好了着陆 " 这一信息是发给Maykop (Maykop飞机场)的.
prior to communicating,make sure the VHF-2(Keys[p+LALT+LCTRL])and ICM(key[Z+LALT+LCTRL]0 switches on the right
hand panel are turned On.To access the radio command menu press the [\] key.The followin g menu appears
在通讯之前,确定VHF-2([p+ LALT +LCTRL]) 和 ICM(在右手面板上[Z+ LALT +LCTR]打开.通过[\] 访问无线电菜单,
F1] 机翼。
[F2]2nd wingman...
[F2] 第二个僚机驾驶员。。
[F3]3nd wingman..
[F4]4th wingman...
[F4] 第 4个僚机驾驶员。
[F6]Air traffic controller(ATC)...
[F6] 航空管制
[F10]Ground preparation
[F10] 地面准备....

Submenu "ATC..."allows communication with the air traffic controller.The"Ground preparation..."submenu allows
communication with the ground maintenance personnel.To exit the command menu,press the [F12] or [ESC] key.
次菜单ATC允许与航空管制沟通。那”地面准备...”次菜单允许与地面的维护人员的沟通。为了要退出指令菜单,按[F12] 或[
Radio messages to the ATC include requests for startup taxi,take-off,and landing to contact ATC with a
request,start by pressing the keys:
对 ATC 的无线电信包括对启始的请求滑行,起飞,着陆用一个请求连络 ATC,开始按下列按键.
In order to communicate with ATC,the rotary switch on the radio control panel must be set to the VHF-2 position
为了要与 ATC 沟通,在无线电操纵嵌板上的旋转的开关一定被设定成VHF -2.下层菜单可以被访问了.
The following subgroup of commands are now accessible to the player
[F1] Startup request
[F2] Taxi request
[F3] Control hover request
[F4] take-off request
[F5] Return to base
[F6] Landing request
[F7] Emergency request(紧急状况请求)
Startup request.When you press F1,You're asking permission from the ATC to startup the engines,and ensure
clearance around the helicopter.If the weather conditions permit,the ATC gives startup clearance.In bad
weather,it's possible he won't.The maximum wind velocity magnitude allowed for startup clearance is 20m/s for
nose wind and 10m/ s for the tail
wind and cross wind.
开始请请按 F1,你正请求ATC开始启动引擎,在确认没有障碍物。如果天气情况允许, ATC 给启始清除。在差劲的天气方面,它可
Taxi clearance.The player requests taxi clearance from the ATC.if the weather conditions don't exceed the
operational limits for taxi,the ATC will give taxi clearance.The maximum wind velocity magnitude allowed for taxi
clearance is 20 m/s for nose wind and 10m/s  for tail wind.
Control hover request.The player requests control hover for liver clearance form the ATC.If the weather
conditions don't exceed the operational limits for lift-off,the ATC will give clearance for a control hover.The
maximum wind velocity magnitude for tail wind and cross wind when liftoff clearance is allowed is 10 m/s.
悬停请求。飞行员请求悬停从ATC处.如果天气情况不为离地升空超过操作的极限, ATC 将会给予清除盘旋.最大风力是尾部风
Take-off clearance.The player requests take-off clearance from the ATC.If there no other traffic in the take-off
zone and the weather conditions are permissible,the ATC will give take-off clearance.The maximum wind velocity
magnitude for tail wind and cross wind when take-off clearrance is allowed is 10 m/s.
起飞请求。飞行员请求 ATC 的起飞清除。如果在那里在起飞的没有其他的交通划分区域,而且天气情况是可允许的, ATC 将会给
Return to base
The player requests information for returning to the airfield(helipad) from the ATC the ATC gives course(in
degrees),range(in kilometers),the barometric pressure of the air at the runway.(QFE in mmHg),and recommends the
pattern altitude.The pattern altitude is individually set for each airfield according to the scheme,but in
general,a standard altiude of 300 m is acceptable for a helicopter pattern. Landing clearance.During the
approach,within 5 km from the base,the player is allowed to request a landing clearance from the ATC.If the
runway is not occupied,the ATC gives clearance and landing heading,wind direction and magnitude on the ground.If
the runway or the helipad is occupied the ATC denies landing and gives instructions to go around.After the runway
is vacated the ATC gives landing clearance without the need for additional requests.If the player hasn't
requested a landing clearance,and is only 1 km from the base,the ATC informs the player about any landing
opportunities,and wind parameters.
飞行员为从机场 ATC请求返回、ATC给出航向,范围(在公里中),机场气压标高(在 mmHg 中的 QFE),而且推荐高度。航线高度
每地机场均不一样,一般而言300米的标准高度是可以为直升机接受的.距机场5KM 时飞行员应请求ATC,给于降落清场.给果机场已
给出允许降落的信息.需要的清除。如果飞行员还没有请求一个登陆清除,而且是距基地只有 1 公里处, ATC 告知飞行员任何的
"Emergency" requests are sent to the automatic radio course-and-bearing transmitter at the airfield in case of
the loss of navigational awareness in flight.
在飞行中觉察到航向失去时.航向和方位角被" 紧急 " 请求被发送到自动无线电,
"Emergency" requests are also emitted in case of the loss of orientation in flight after the failure of the
navigation equipment,complex weather cond。
itions,or at at night,at the frequency of 127.5 MHz.Upon request the player will be given an "emergency" -
straight course to the nearest airfield or helipad.It is necessary to follow the given course in order ot reach
the airfield.
The group of commands related to ground preparation includes a payload menu.refuel menu,selection of an external
pwer source,helmet device
selection,and connection of the APU to the turbo gear.You can access the Ground Preparation commands by pressing
the following keys:[\]Commands [F10]Ground preparation...
群组命令与地面协调包括挂载菜单.燃油菜单,外部电源,头盔设备选择,与APU连接的涡轮机,你可通过[\] [F10]访问.
Now the player has access to the following subgroup of commands.
[F1]Weapons payload
[F3]Helmet mounted device (头盔安装)
[F4]External ground power 外部地面电源
[F5]Turbo gear 涡轮机
There are two ways to communicate with the ground crew:
1 Communication via the intercom and the audio unit.For this method you must select HON([\+LALT+Lctrl]) on the
rotary switch on the radio panel.Also,make
re the ICM switch is turned on,on the right hand side panel.
2.Voice communication with a "cold" helicopter In this method,you must open the cockpit door([C+RCTRL]),and stop
the engines,Additionally,the APU and rotors must not be operating.
两两方面同地勤人员通讯1.通过内部通话系统,有这种方法无线电选择旋钮必须在radio上([\+LALT+ Lctrl]) 。同时, 确定,
在右手边嵌板上,ICM 开关被打开。
After ground communication is achieved,you can access the weapons payload submenu of commands by pressing the
follow keys[\] Commands [F10] Ground preparation [F1] Weapons payload...
The weapons payload group of commands includes several subgroups,each of which refer to a different payload.In
this way,the player can arm his Ka-50 in refernce to the goal of the mission:
[F1] Ferry fligh(飞行渡运)
[F2] Deep penetration strike(深度突击)
[F3] Anti-tank 反坦克
[F4] Close air support 近距支授
[F5] Reduced 简化
[F6] According to task 依照任务
Payloads are selected by pressing the following keys:[\]Commands [F10]Ground preparation [F1]weapons payload.
荷载通过[\] [F10] [F1]选择
Let's go ahead and select one of the payloads.The execution of the command is followed by a report from the
ground crew.
Access the refuel submenu by pressing the following keys [\] Commands [F10]Ground preparation [F2]Refueling.
访问燃油菜单按 [\] [F10] [F2]
A list of commands for refueling is displayed:
[F1] 25% fuel
[F2] 50% fuel
[F3] maximum combat weight 最大战斗载重
[F4] maximum ferry weight 最大渡运载重
maximum combat take-off weight is to 10,800 kg to meet structural strength requirements.After receiving the
command "Refuel up to maximum combat weight" the ground crew estimates the quantity of the fuel added,considering
the maximum combat weight(10,800kg) of the helicopter,including the external payload.
最大战斗起飞重量 10,800 kg 通过调整需求量的结构强度.在收到命令"加油至最大战斗重量"地勤人员会估算燃油的重量,考虑直
The maximum ferry weight is limited to 11,900 kg to meet structural strenght requirements.After receiving the
command "Refuel up to maximum ferry weight" the ground crew estimates the quantity of the fuel added,considering
the maximum ferry weight(11,900 kg) of the helicopter,including external payload.
最大的渡轮重量被限制为 11,900 公斤符合结构强度,当你发送最大渡运后地勤人员会考虑总的重量包括外部荷载.

You can refuel the helicopter up to 50% by pressing the following keys:[\]commands [F10] Ground preparation [F2]
Refuling fuel [F2] 50% fuel.Upon completion of the refueling a ground crew report will follow.
你可以给直升机加油50%,通过[\] [F10] [F2].发布命令之后你将收到地勤人员的报告
Depending on the flight task and light conditions the player may give a command to the ground crew for
replacement fo the current helmet mounted device.The standard helmet device is the HMS,ensuring combat employment
according to the given capabilities of the helicopter,but for low level night flights it is necessary to use
night vision goggles(NVG) Call the helmet device replacement submenu by pressing the following keys:
[\] Command [F10]Ground preparation [F3] helmet device
依据飞行重行重量和空载状态,玩家能将地勤下达不同头盔装备命令.标准头盔设备是HMS,以保障直升机的战斗能力,在夜间飞行使用夜视头盔是必须的(NVG) 通过[\] [F10] [F3]下达.

A list of commands is available:
[F1] Install HMTD
[F2] Install NVG
You install the NVG by pressing the following keys:[\] Command [f10] Ground preparation [F3] Helmet device... [F2] Install NVG.The execution of the command is followed by a report from the ground crew.
你安装NVG 通过按[\] [F10][F3][F2].命令后地勤人员会报告安装情况.
Access the external electrical power connection submenu by pressing the following keys:
[\] Command [F10] Ground preparation [F4] External ground power ...
Alist of commands is available:[F1] Connect [F2] disconnect
访问外部电源连接,你可以按[\] [F10] [F4] 随后电源列表会出现 [F1]连接 [F2]断开
By default,during a "cold" start at the beginning of a mission,the extermal power is connected to the helicopter and so it's not necessary to give a command for external power.It is necessary to give a command for a ground power connection,when in the middle of a missoion,you must land and shutdown the engines.In this case you must give the voice command for ground power with the cockpit door open.
to perform control checks of various units and equipment without having to start the main engines,a turbo gear is used,which operates with APU bleed air.The turbo gear drives the AC generators and the hydraulic pumps.
要执行各种单元和装备的检不需要启动发动机,涡轮装置被使用当APU启动时.涡轮装置驱动 AC发电机和液压泵
Access the turbo gear enable menu by pressing the following keys:
[\]  Command [F10]Ground preparat [F5] Turbo gear.
A group of commands operation of the turbo gear is listed:
[F1] Connect
[F2] Disconnect
By default,the turbo gear is disconnected.
To connect the turbo gear to the accessory gearbox and to start it up,you must first give a command to the ground crew to connect the turbo gear to the accessory gearbox.Do this by pressing the following keys:[\] Commands [F10]Ground preparation [F5]Turbo gear [F1] On
连接涡轮装置到附件传动臬.通过[\] [F10] [F5] [F1]开启
Move the engines selector knob APU-LH ENG-RH ENG-TURBO GEAR(E) to the TURBO GEAR position(engines startup control panel on the left side).Now you can turn on the AC generators and,if necessary,other systems.
移动引警选择钮APU 左引擎 右引擎 涡轮装置 到涡轮装置位置(引擎启动面板在左边).如果有必要的话,现在你可以开启交流发电机,其他设备.
To disconnect the turbo gear,executethe previous steps in reverse.
And with that the session about communicating with the ATC and the ground crew is over.
You can take control by pressing the "ESC" key and change you weapons or fuel load yourself. happy flying.

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