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滑翔伞坐袋MIX airbag [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-3-15 21:03:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

1        GENERAL INFORMATION        
1.1        THE CONCEPT        
1.2        SAFETY        
1.3        THE SPEED SYSTEM        
1   概要
1.1 概念
1.2 安全性
1.3 速度系统

2 紧急降伞 (副伞)
2.1 紧急降落伞(副伞)装备/套件
3        ADJUSTING YOUR MIX        
3.2        ADJUSTING THE LEG STRAPS        
3 调整您的MIX
3.1 调整坐姿
3.2 调整腿部皮带
3.3 调整速度系统
4.1 CROSS BRACING        
4.3 POCKETS        
4.4 TOWING        
4   特征和辅助部件
5        FLYING WITH YOUR MIX         
5.1 TANDEM FLYING        
6 维护和修理

Description   描述        aragliding harness 滑翔伞装备  

Max. Load   最大承载量        100 kg
Height of Centre of Gravity重心高度
        WE HAVE TO VERIFY 须查证/鉴定
Karabiner Distance
弹簧扣/钩之间的距离        37 - 48 cm
Weight including karabiners, back protection, crash-resistant polycarbonate (Lexan), (without parachute)重量(包括弹簧扣,背垫,抗碰撞的LEXAN,不包括主伞的重量)        5.85 kg
DHV homologation  DHV许可号        GS-03-228-00
Back Protection 背垫保护        rotection in 17 cm thick Styrofoam, with a Polycarbonate crash-resistant plate  厚度为17cm的聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料的与聚碳酸酯纤维碰撞抗性板材制作而成的保护垫

Parachute Container 伞袋
(装伞的器械)        Integrated container under the seat’s board with a lateral handle


The Concept   概念
MIX is a paragliding harness created especially for training fields and beginners.
Our main objectives in the construction of this harness were safety, simplicity and versatility. The detachable restraint rope, the side pocket, the parachute holder that can be positioned on the front, on either side or completely removed, makes it the ideal harness for those first steps at the training field. As an optional, a protection can be attached underneath with velcro straps to shield against abrasions during imprecise landings.
这套装备主要的设计理念体现在安全、简单和通用性。 具有:可拆的可自由伸缩/操控的绳索,旁边还配有侧袋,可被安置在前方任何一边或完全地去除的降伞持架座,这些成为了初次降落的理想装备。 当不能准确着陆时,可选择坐在底部被附有尼龙搭扣皮带的保护袋上。

1.2   Safety  安全性
Pilot safety in the MIX is made possible thanks to the excellent hook-in points and to the exceptional integration of the several protections.

The hook-in point has been set especially to offer the pilot the possibility of having the maximum stability of his/her wing
In order to integrate the protections to the harness, we have tried to create a single unit made of both protections without any break points. The protection has been clearly enlarged by moving the rear pocket upwards, which in case of accident (falling backwards) will act as a real head protection.
钩卡点的设置特别考虑到了可以给飞行员提供尽可能大的稳定性 。
为了达到最大的安全系数,我们设法创造出了一种:在不采用任何转折点的情况下将两个防护零件组装成一个独立的防护装置。 这样保护袋通过向上移动后方口袋会明显扩大,万一发生事故的情况下,(向后下跌)就可以起到防护作用。

All the protective parts must be inserted via the front velcro opening in the following order. The Lexan crash-resistant plate must be inserted via the velcro, inside the bag below it. The lateral protections must be inserted in the apposite side pockets and are held in place by the elasticated opening
所有防护零件必须通过前面的尼龙搭扣插入Lexan抗碰撞性板材(板材位于袋子里面)。侧向保护需插在合适的的侧袋里并由松紧带固定 。

The back protection is then inserted after the lateral protections. It is held in place by the shape of the holder itself and by two frontal velcro straps.
在侧向防护装置插好之后再插后背防护垫。 它由前面二条尼龙搭扣皮带固定。


1.3   The Speed System   速度系统
The MIX comes all set for the use of a speed system. It is already equipped with the proper pulleys needed for assembly. The cord slide has been designed to allow an easy and light operation of the speed system.
MIX装备所有的设置都是为速度系统的使用而为。 它配备了合适的滑轮, 可伸缩绳子的设计使得速度系统体现出易操作性和轻便性。

2        THE EMERGENCY PARACHUTE  紧急降伞(副伞)
A detachable holder is supplied for the emergency parachute. It can be positioned on either side with a zip and plastic buckles at the corners, or at the front with two plastic buckles on the side that remains fixed and a metal one in the top corner on the side that remains openable.
一个可拆的坐垫为紧急降伞(副伞)所使用。 可以用一个拉锁和塑料扣将它安置在角落的任何一方,或者用两个塑料扣将其安装在前方。


Covering the opening there are a few layers in Cordura, which will protect your parachute against dust and humidity.

If your parachute ever gets wet (i.e. water landings) you must remove it from the harness, dry it and re-pack it again before putting it back in the container.
The container on the MIX comes with its own handle; therefore it may only be used with the one supplied with the harness. This handle and its strap must be connected to the inner container of the parachute. If your parachute’s inner container does not have the proper loop, please contact your parachute dealer.
The parachute must be connected to the harness before being inserted in the container. The forked connecting strap is fastened in 2 points, over shoulder height, ensuring a proper load distribution and a correct landing position in case of deployment.
如果您的降伞淋湿了(即水着陆)您必须将它取下来,烘干它,并且在放回它之前再重新装置。每个部分都配有相应的把手; 因此必须配套使用。把手和皮带必须连在一起再放到降伞的内面装备里。 如果您的降落伞里面器械没有相应的圈圈,请与您的经销商联系。降落伞在被放入器械之前必须连接在装备上。 分叉连接的皮带在肩膀高度2点中被紧固,以保证适当的负荷分配和正确的着陆位置。

2.1   Emergency Parachute Assembly 紧急降落伞装备/套件(副伞装备)
To assemble your parachute correctly, follow the instructions below:

1        ass the harness’ bridle through the loop of the parachute’s bridle. The parachute then has to be passed through the big loop of the harness’ bridle. Pull the bridles tightly to prevent dangerous friction between the bridles on opening.


2        This connection may also be done using a karabiner – with a breaking load of at least 2000 kg. In this case the bridles must be fastened to the karabiner by means of elastics in order to avoid the karabiner from rotating on opening, which could bring about a dangerous lateral loading of the karabiner. The karabiner’s screw lock must be tightly screwed to prevent it from opening accidentally. This latter type of connection is more shock-absorbent than the conventional (former system) one.
2  也可使用一个弹簧钩将两绳连接在一起,钩子受力最少在2000KG。在这种情况下必须紧固绳索,为了避免伞转动,可能出现侧向的危险性,所以必须紧紧拧紧螺丝锁防止它偶然打开。 后面这种连接方式比常规(前系统)具有更好的冲击吸收性,后者比前者更牢固。

3        If your parachute is already equipped with a double restraint rope, this can be connected to the harness (without substituting it). Use the two loops placed over the padded shoulder straps and the two screw karabiners included. ATTENTION to avoid anomalous lateral loading, the rope must be attached to both loops on the respective shoulder straps. Not only to one.
3. 若伞配有一条双向受力绳索,如图所示,则可直接与装备相连,使用二个圈和二个肩带上的孔。 必须注意:避免侧向装载,绳索必须在肩带的两个圈,而不仅仅是其中的一个。

4        The black handle loop goes through the loop on the inner holder, then the entire handle goes through its own loop in order to get a tight connection. For easier extraction, the inner holder’s connection loop must be positioned far from the centre.
4 黑手柄圈套入内袋的圈,然后整个手柄套入它自己的圈以便连接更紧。为更容易提取,内手柄的连接圈必须远离中心位置安置。


5        Insert the parachute in the container of the MIX leaving the handle visible towards the outside and with the handle’s connection loop on the inner container pointing upwards.
5 将伞放入袋子,露出手柄,并使得手柄的连接圈朝上。

6        Closing the holder: insert the elastic closing loop into the eyes that are located on the left flaps. To help you close the holder you can pass a piece of cord through the loop. The photos show in which order to close the flaps.
6 关闭伞袋: 如下图所示。

7        Insert the handle’s pin through the elastic loop following the illustrations given. The cords must be removed at the end of this stage. Finally the handle is inserted under the upper and lower covers.
7按照给定的例证从弹性圈处插入手柄的别针,必须移动绳子以牢固松口。 最后手柄需外露,如图所示。


8        Fixing the safety cord: this particular type of cord (to be bought only from specialized dealers) must hold 5 kg. It prevents an accidental opening of your parachute. Using a needle, pass it through the elastic loop and tie it to the pin.
8 固定安全绳:这种特殊类型的绳子 (只能从专业经销商那购买)必须能够承受5 kg的重量。通过一个弹性圈将针栓牢。

After the first assembly of your parachute you must perform an opening test and, before every take off, you must control the proper position of the handle.

Since 01/01/98 an authorized harness or parachute dealer or a flight instructor must test every new parachute and harness/external container combination that is assembled for the first time. Following the above instructions the opening of the parachute is perfectly possible from your normal flying position; the proof of this may be found in the parachute’s proof sheet.
自从01/01/98以来,任何一位被授权的经销商或飞行指导员(教练)必须检测第一次被装配的每把新伞和装置及外部套件组合。 若您遵循上述指示,从您的正常飞行位置来张开伞是完全可能的; 在进行伞的校样时候就有这种情形的发生。


The MIX harness offers you several adjustment possibilities, making it possible for the pilot to find his ideal position in flight. It may take a while to find this ideal position, but this will be rewarded with an extraordinary comfort during every flight.

Before you start making any adjustments to the MIX, you must insert the Lexan, back protection and  parachute.

We suggest you hang in your harness, simulating a flying position, in order to find your ideal setting. This simulation becomes even more realistic if the back pocket is filled with the things you normally take with you during a flight (rucksack, extra clothing and suchlike)
我们建议您模仿飞行位置,为了发现您理想的设置。 在您飞行时,若通常携带一些随身品(如:背包,额外衣物和类似的东西)放在后袋时,这种模仿更显得尤其实用。

3.1        Adjusting the Sitting Position  3.1 调整坐姿
The first adjustment regards the angle between your legs and your back. This angle can be regulated between 70° and 110°, regarding the vertical axis by using the lateral straps (those running through the trimmers). By pulling the trims as tightly as possible, it will be almost impossible to sit in the harness after take-off; this is the safest position for those learning on training fields.
首先调整您的腿和后背之间的角度。 通过拉紧侧向皮带使得垂直轴和侧向皮带之间的角度被调控在70°和110°之间,这对于那些还在训练场上的初学者来说是最安全的一个位置。

When adjusting the back, you must choose the torso inclination with respect to the vertical axis while flying.

The shoulder-strap adjustment offsets the variations in the pilot's height. For a greater comfort, the shoulder-straps also support part of the torso weight.
根据飞行员的高度的来调整肩膀皮带。 为更舒适,肩膀皮带也应承担一部分的身躯重量。

The chest strap regulates the distance between the two karabiners and varies between 38 and 50 cm. The tighter it is, the more stability and vice versa; adjustable from inside.
胸口皮带调控:使得两个弹簧钩之间的距离变化在38和50 cm之间。 调得越紧,就越稳定反之亦然; 可从里边进行调整。

3.2        Adjusting the Leg Straps  3.2 调整腿部皮带
Thanks to the height of the leg straps buckles, these allow a large tolerance regarding different thigh measures. Usually the original setting from the manufacturer fits properly. In any case you should check to see if you are able to reach the ideal flying position without using your hands. This can be done simulating a flight position. If you are not able to reach this position, check the sitting position angle and afterwards the leg straps. Remember that the proper setting will allow you to reach the ideal flying position without using your hands.
Use the buckles under the chest strap to adjust your leg straps; make sure to do it in a symmetrical way.

根据每个人腿步的粗细,腿皮带扣的高度可以进行自由调整。通常出厂时的原始设置都差不多可以。 无论如何您应该检测看是否能调整到理想的飞行位置,这可以通过模仿飞行来完成。 如果您不能调整到合适的位置,检查坐姿角度和后面的腿部皮带。无需通过手来调整坐姿,只有调试好了座姿位置,才能让您到达更理想的飞行位置。

3.3 Adjusting the Speed System  3.3 调整速度系统
After having found the ideal sitting position, you must adjust the accelerator. The necessary pulleys are already mounted on the harness.
找到理想坐姿以后,您必须调整加速器。 相应的滑轮已经安置在了配件上。

The pedal cords must be passed first through the rings fixed to the elastic in front of the board, then into the harness through the holes near the front corners of the seat, then through the pulleys placed near the rear corners of the seat and then up to the attachments on the paraglider risers.



4.1 Cross bracing  4.1交叉拉索线

Your MIX harness does not have any cross bracing. The geometry on this harness has been chosen in order to guarantee stability in flight, even without the use of cross bracing.
您的MIX装备没有任何交叉拉索支撑结构。 为了保障在飞行中的稳定性,甚至不需使用交叉拉线,运用几何结构设计就可达成此目的。

4.2 Ballast setting 4.2(起稳定气流作用的砂囊)镇流装备
It is possible to order a special container for your ballast, your instruments and maps. This container must be inserted in the small buckles close to the main karabiners. This container cannot be used if the emergency parachute is mounted in a frontal position.
为您的平衡器(稳定气球的砂囊)、仪器和地图制定一个特别装备是有必要的。 这个装备须放在靠近主伞的小袋里。如果紧急伞(副伞)被放在前面,这个装置是不能被使用的。

4.3 Pockets   4.3口袋
The MIX comes with a big pocket on the back and a detachable side pocket with zip. These pockets are arranged in such a way to prevent the contents from accidentally falling out during flight.
MIX带有一个后背大口袋和一个带拉锁的可拆的旁侧袋。 这些口袋的可以用来装载一些随身携带物体,以防在飞行期间被掉。

The transparent pocket divided into three parts can be used for the instruction manual, the DHV label, and another label for your personal data.
There is also a label to identify the product attached to the pocket for the instruction manual.

4.4         Towing 4.4牵引支架
Your MIX is also excellent for towing. The release system connects to the same karabiners attaching the paraglider’s risers. To attach the release system properly, insert the release bridle in such a way that the release itself is in front of the risers, in flight direction.

5        FLYING WITH MIX  5 用MIX装置飞行

Checking the harness before take off is crucial; always check the following aspects:

•        Are all the pockets closed properly?
•        Is the parachute’s handle attached correctly?
•        Make sure that every buckle clicks when fastening it and as you pull, control for a proper fastening (pay special attention in case of ice or snow: always clean the snow or the ice before fastening the buckles).

5.1         Tandem Flying   5.1纵排飞行

This harness is also suitable for tandem flying; Thanks to the get-up system, which offers an outstanding freedom of leg movement, the pilot may have a nice run during take off.
这装置也适用于纵排飞行; 幸亏这个系统提供了一个相当好的可供腿部自由运动的装置,飞行员在起飞离开路面后可以很好地操控。

If the passenger is not an advanced pilot, he/she should never carry an emergency parachute in the harness. This could provoke an involuntary deployment.


Before putting the harness back in the rucksack, open the rear zip and insert the upper part into the large pocket. In this way no abnormal folds will form in the rear part.
在把装备放回背包之前,打开后方拉链并且把装备上部分插入大口袋。 这样可以避免在后部出现反常折叠现象。


There is no safety inspection procedure established by law for harnesses. In any case, we suggest you to send your harness back to the manufacturer once every two years in order to have it inspected professionally.
在法律上并没有明确规定滑翔装备的安全检测程序。 无论如何,我们还得建议您:每2年将您的滑翔装备送回到制造商进行专业检测,以确保您的安全。

The main aluminium karabiners must be replaced every two years. Impacts may create undetectable cracks that, because of the continuous loads, could result in structural damage.

Avoid dragging your harness on the ground, on rocks…etc. Extended exposition to UVA rays (sun), humidity and heat should be always avoided.

Repairs and replacement of spare parts must not be done by the customer. Only the manufacturer will be able to use the necessary materials and techniques to guarantee the functionality and the conformity of your harness with the certification requirements.

To clean the harness, use warm water and soap.

The fast locks must be kept clean and may be lubricated, not more than once a year, with a silicon spray.  

We wish you great flights and landings with your new MIX !
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