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CBT 01 [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-12-21 16:55:55 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
成绩单 题目正文 标准答案 用户选项 选项说明 1.. Which flight conditions of a large jet airplane create the most severe flight hazard by generating wingtip vortices of the greatest strength? A. Heavy, slow, gear and flaps up. B. Heavy, slow, gear and flaps down. C. Heavy, fast, gear and flaps down. A X 2..In a decision-making process , a participatory leader A.allows each team member to have a say and to participate in team processes. B.tends to make all team decisions and controls all resources C.may ultimately decide the team's actions, but seldom takes into consideration the team members' experience, knowledge, and preferences. A X 3..The perception of color is a function of the A.cones on the retina and is diminished in dim ambient lighting. B.rods on the retina and is diminished in dim ambient lighting. C.cones on the retina and is diminished in bright lighting conditions. A X 4..Hypoxia may be caused by A.fly with a head cold B.breathing too quickly and/or too deeply for the requirements of the body C.flying at an altitude where the partial pressure of oxygen is too low C X 5.. (According to figure 4) at Shanghai, which description is correct A. The visibility is 800 meters, the sea level pressure is 996 hPa, B. The visibility is 8 kilometers, the QNH is 999.6 hPa, C. The visibility is 8 kilometers, the sea level pressure is 999.6 hPa, C X 6.At which speed will increasing the pitch attitude cause an airplane to climb? A.Low speed. B.High speed. C.Any speed. B X 7.. A plane, MH 160°, receive this ATC clearance: "... HOLD EAST OF THE ABC VORTAC ON THE ZERO NINER ZERO RADIAL...",What is the recommended procedure to enter the holding pattern? A.Teardrop only B.Direct only C.Parallel only C X 8.The maximum duty time in 24 consecutive hours that a carrier may schedule a pilot in a three pilot crew (including a second-in-commander pilot) without a rest period is A.16hours B.17 hours C.18 hours A X 9. A person whose duties include the handing or carriage of dangerous articles and/or magnetized materials must have satisfactorily completed an established and approved training program within the preceding A. 6 calendar months. B. 12 calendar months. C. 24 calendar months. B X 10.. Which dispatch requirement applies to an international air carrier that is scheduled for a 10 hours IFR flight? A.No alternate airport is required if the visibility at the destination airport is desired to be at least 4,800m. B.An alternate airport is required. C.An alternate airport is not required if the ceiling at the destination airport is at least 600m AGL. B X 11. If a flight engineer becomes incapacitated during flight, who may perform the flight engineer's duties? A.The second in command only. B.Any flight crewmember, if qualified. C.Either pilot, if they have a flight engineer certificate. B X 12.. (Refer to Figure 1) According to the aeronautical weather report on figure 1, the QNH for ZUUU is A.998 hPa B.1099.8 hPa C.999.8 hPa A X 13.. Which condition will for the formation of radiation fog? A. Moist, stable air being moved over gradually rising ground by a wind B. A clear sky, little or no wind, and high relative humidity. C. Moist air moves over colder ground or water. B X 14..If a pilot suspects that he/she is suffering the effects of hypoxia, the most appropriate remedy would be A.use supplement oxygen or descend immediately to a low level B.voluntarily increase the depth of breathing to induce more oxygen into the lungs C.voluntarily increase the breathing rate to increase the oxygen uptake A X 15.For the purpose of testing the flight recorder system. A.A minimum of 1 hour of the oldest recorded data must be erased to get a valid test B.A total of 1 hour of the oldest recorded data accumulated at the time of testing may be erased C.A total of no more than 1 hour of recorded data may be erased B X 16.What effect does the leading edge slot in the wing have on performance? A. Decrease profile drag. B. Changes the stalling angle of attack to a higher angle. C. Decelerates the upper surface boundary layer air. B X 17.. Under what condition should a pilot on IFR advise ATC of minimum fuel status? A. When the fuel supply becomes less than that required for IFR. B. If the remaining fuel suggests a need for traffic or landing priority. C. If the remaining fuel precludes any undue delay. C X 18.. In the Northern hemisphere, if a pilot makes a long-distance flight from east to west, under which of the following conditions, A.(接正文encounter against the wind forming by air pressure system?) when the airplane is in the south of high pressure system and in the north of low pressure system. B. When the airplane is in the north of high pressure system and in the south of low pressure system. C. When the airplane is in the north of high pressure and low pressure systems . B X 19.. An alternate airport for departure is required A.if weather conditions are below authorized landing minimums at the departure airport. B.when the weather forecast at the estimated time of departure is for landing minimums only. C.when destination weather is marginal IFR. A X 20.. [Refer to Figures 4-50,4-51,4-52,4-53, and 4-54.] What is the total fuel required at .80 Mach? A.22,836 pounds. B.22,420 pounds. C.22,556 pounds. B X 21.. Which is a definition of V2 speed? A.Takeoff decision speed. B.Takeoff safety speed. C.Minimum takeoff speed. B X 22.. What is the approximate rate unsaturated air will cool flowing upslope? A. 3℃ per 1,000 feet. B. 2℃ per 1,000 feet. C. 4℃ per 1,000 feet. A X 23. An airport approved by the Administrator for use by an air carrier certificate holder for the purpose of providing service to a community when the regular airport is not available is a/an: A.destination airport. B.provisional airport. C.alternate airport. B X 24.. (Refer to Figure 6-7) If the en route altitude of an aircraft is FL118, what is the altitude when the aircraft operates to DAWANGZHUANG along 007o A.FL118. B.FL128. C.FL138. A X 25.. Who is responsible for the issue of Series D NOTAMs? A.CCAFC. B.Area flight information center. C.Airport flight information office. C X 26..What temperature condition is indicated if precipitation in the form of wet snow occurs during flight? A. the temperature is above freezing at flight altitude. B. The temperature is above freezing at higher altitudes. C. There is an inversion with colder air below. A X 27.Which ground components are required to be operative for a Category II approach in addition to LOC glide slope, marker beacons, and approach lights? A.Radar and RVR. B.RCLS and REIL C.HIRL, TDZL, RCLS, and RVR. C X 28.If an aircraft level turns at an angle of bank of 30 degree , the load factor is A.1Gs. B.2Gs. C.1.4Gs C X 29.. The ATS unit must ensure that pilots are kept informed of any change in the status of airport facilities_______________. A. at their destinations B. at their alternate aerodromes C. A and B C X 30.. (Refer to Figure 6-5) If an aircraft is estimated to arrive WEIXIAN at 1300z, pilot should contact ZHENGZHOU CONTROL on the frequency of A.122.20MHz. B.8897KHz. C.3016KHz. C X 31..(according to figure 2), the forcasting visibility at ZSSS is____ A. 5000 m between 00Z-05Z, and 3000 m at other time B. 5000 m between 00Z-09Z C. 5000 m between 00Z-05Z, 5000 m above at other time A X 32. By regulation, who shall provide the pilot in command of a domestic or flag air carrier airplane information concerning weather, and irregularities of facilities and services? A.The aircraft dispatcher. B.Air route traffic control center. C.Director of operations. A X 33.. If the wind direction measured by the weather station is 270°,the optimum takeoff and landing direction is . A.from east to west B.from west to east C.from north to south A X 34.What characteristic should exist if an airplane is loaded to the rear of its CG range? A.Sluggish in aileron control. B.Sluggish in rudder control C.Unstable about the lateral axis C X 35. Which is a definition of the term "crewmember"? A.Only a pilot, flight engineer, or flight navigator assigned to duty in an aircraft during flight time. B.A person assigned to perform duty in an aircraft during flight time. C.Any person assigned to duty in an aircraft during flight except a pilot or flight engineer. B X 36.. The most important restriction to the operation of turbojet or turboprop engines is A.Limiting compressor speed. B.Limiting Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT). C.Limiting torque. B X 37. If it becomes necessary to shut down one engine on a domestic air carrier three-engine turbojet airplane, the pilot in command A. must land at the nearest suitable airport, in point of time, at which a safe landing can be made. B. may continue to the planned destination if approved by the company aircraft dispatcher. C. may continue to the planned destination if this is considered as safe as landing at the nearest suitable airport. C X 38. In a 24-hour consecutive period, what is the maximum time, excluding briefing and debriefing, that an airline transport pilot may instruct other pilots in air transportation service? A.6 hours. B.8 hours. C.10 hours. B X 39.. [Refer to Figures 4-46, 4-47 and 4-48.] What is the ETE from Chicago Midway Airport to Greater Buffalo Intl? A.2 hours 12 minutes. B.2 hours 15 minutes. C.2 hours 18 minutes. A X 40.. You should advise ATC of minimum fuel status when your fuel supply has reached a state where, upon reaching your destination, you cannot accept any undue delay. A. This will ensure your priority handling by ATC. B. ATC will consider this action as if you had declared an emergency. C. If your remaining usable fuel supply suggests the need for traffic priority to ensure a safe landing, declare an emergency due to low fuel and report fuel remaining in minutes. C X 41.. (Refer to Figure 7) In this chart, ISOL EMBD CB 340/XXX means A. Some places have CBs, CBs with little or no separation B. Isolated cumulonimbus embedded in layers of other clouds, the top of the cumulonimbus is 34000 feet, the base is unknown C. The airplane is embedded in layers of clouds, the top of the cumulonimbus is 34000 feet, the base is unknown B X 42.Within what frequency range dies the localizer transmitter of the ILS operate? A.108.10 to 118.10 MHZ B.108.10 to 111.95 MHZ C.108.10 to 117.95 MHZ. B X 43..Which of the following characteristics heat thunderstorm? A.It moves with the weather system. B.It covers small area and is isolated with openings C. It strengthens at night and weakens in the day on land B X 44.. What is the time limitation for filing flight application? A.At least before 1500 Beijing Time prior to the departure date. B.At least before 1700 Beijing Time prior to the departure date. C.At least before 1200 Beijing Time prior to the departure date. A X 45.What is the purpose of an elevator trim tab? A.Provide horizontal balance as airspeed is increased to allow hands-off flight. B.Adjust the speed tail load for different airspeeds in flight allowing neutral control forces. C.Modify the downward tail load for various airspeeds in flight eliminating flight-control pressures. C X 46.. The most important restriction to the operation of turbojet or turboprop engines is A.Limiting compressor speed. B.Limiting exhaust gas temperature. C.Limiting torque. B X 47..Hypoxia is always accompanied by A. dizziness B.a degradation in the performance of a pilot C.vomiting B X 48.The "runway hold position" sign denotes A.An area protected for an aircraft approaching a runway B.An entrance to runway from a taxiway C.Intersecting runways C X 49.. An alternate airport must be listed in the dispatch and flight release for all international operation air carrier flights longer than A.7 hours. B.8 hours. C.6 hours. C X 50..Carbon monoxide is dangerous because A.it displace oxygen from the blood's red cells B.it is highly acidic and attacks the lining of the lungs C.it displaces oxygen from the lungs causing suffocation A X 51.. In flight, pilots find forane clouds consisting of cloud bar and cloud band with flat floor and piled clouds on the top of some clouds. The descriptive cloud should be. A. cumulus congestus B. cumulostratus C. towering clouds C X 52.. What condition produces the most frequent type of ground-or surface-based temperature inversion? A. The movement of colder air under warm air or the movement of warm air over cold air. B. Widespread sinking of air within a thick layer aloft resulting in heating by compression. C. Terrestrial radiation on a clear, relatively calm night. C X 53..What is a symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning? A.Rapid, shallow breathing. B.Pain and cramping of the hands and feet. C.Dizziness. C X 54..Hypoxia is the result of which of these conditions? A.Insufficient oxygen reaching the brain. B.Excessive carbon dioxide in the bloodstream. C.Limited oxygen reaching the heart muscles. A X 55.Which "rule-of-thumb" may be used to approximate the rate of descent required for a 3 glide path? A.5times groundspeed in knots. B. 8times groundspeed in knots. C.10 times groundspeed in knots. A X 56.A pilot of a high-performance airplane should be aware that flying a steeper-than-normal VASI glide slope angle may result in A. A hard landing. B. Increased landing rollout. C. Landing short of the runway threshold. B X 57. A domestic air carrier airplane lands at an intermediate airport at 1815Z. The latest time it may depart without a specific authorization from an aircraft dispatcher is A.1945Z. B.1915Z. C.1845Z. B X 58.. An aircraft that encounters a headwind of 45knots, within a microburst, may expect a total shear across the microburst of A. 40 knots B. 80 knots C. 90 knots C X 59..Which of the following is not the tip for good SA management during the flight? A.Resolve discrepancies- contradictory data or personal conflicts. B.Fixation-focusing on any one thing to the exclusion of everything else. C.Monitor and evaluate current status relative to our plan. B X 60.. If the landing minimums for a NDB approach shown on the IAP chart are visibility 2,000m and MDA 120m, which minimums apply when you actually divert to this airport? A.Visibility 2,800m and MDA 180m. B.Visibility 3,600m and MDA 240m. C.Visibility 2,000m and MDA 120m. C X 61. A pilot flight crewmember, other than pilot in command, must have received a proficiency check or line-oriented simulator training within the preceding A.6 calendar months. B.12 calendar months. C.24 calendar months. C X 62.. (Refer to Figure 6-1) Which approach lighting is available for VOR/DME Rwy 36R? A.HIALS. B.HIALS with PAPI. C.PAPI. B X 63.Holding position signs have A.White inscriptions on a red background B.Red inscriptions on a white background C.Yellow inscriptions on a red background A X 64..A common source of human error is the false hypothesis. Under certain conditions this is more or less likely than at other times. From the following list, select the situation least likely to A.(续正文, result in a person arriving at a false hypothesis)when expectancy of an event is high B.after a period of intense concentration C.during normal operation C X 65..Which airplane performance characteristics should be recognized during takeoff when encountering a tailwind shear that increases in intensity? A. loss of, or diminished, airspeed performance B. decreased takeoff distance C. increased climb performance immediately after takeoff A X 66.Which airplanes are required to be equipped with a ground proximity warning glide slope deviation alerting system? A.All turbine powered airplanes B.Passenger -carrying turbine-powered airplanes only C.Large turbine-powered airplanes only A X 67..During the life cycle of a thunderstorm, which stage is characterized predominately by downdrafts? A. cumulus B. dissipating C. mature B X 68.When are outboard ailerons normally used? A.Low-speed flight only. B.High-speed flight only. C.Low-speed and high-speed flight. A X 69.. What does the throttle opening of a turbo-charged-reciprocating engine control? A.Supercharger gear ratio. B.Exhaust gas discharge. C.The desired manifold pressure. C X 70.During an en route descent in a fixed-thrust and fixed-pitch attitude configuration, both the ram air input and drain hole of the pilot system become completely blocked by ice. What airspeed indication can be expected? A.Increase in indicated airspeed. B.Decrease in indicated airspeed. C.Indicated airspeed remains at the value prior to icing B X 71. An applicant who is taking a practical test for a type rating to be added to a commercial pilot certificate, in an approved simulator, is A.required to have a first-class medical certificate. B.required to have a second-class medical certificate. C.not required to have a medical certificate. C X 72..If the aircraft enters the strong downdraft burst, where is the aircraft expected to meet the strongest downdraft? A. in the center of strong downdraft burst B. when it enters the strong downdraft burst C. when leaves the strong downdraft burst A X 73.. It should be reported without ATC request that A. When unable to climb at a rate of at least 500 feet per minute. B. When unable to descend at a rate of at least 1000 feet per minute. C. When unable to climb or descend at a rate of at least 600 feet per minute. A X 74.. [Refer to Figure 4-28.] How much will landing distance be reduced by using 15o of flaps rather than 0o flaps at a landing weight of 115,000 pounds? A.500 feet. B.800 feet. C.2,700 feet. B X 75..The time of useful consciousness(TUC) is affected by many factors, such as flight altitude, climbing rate, pilot's activity level, pilot's A.(续正文,health, and whether the pilot smoking or not. The statement is )right B.wrong A X 76. (Refer to Figure 2-12) what is the runway distance remaining at "A" for a nighttime takeoff on runway 9? A.1,000 feet B.2,000 feet C.2,500 feet B X 77.. Maximum range performance of a turbojet aircraft is obtained by which procedure as aircraft weight reduces? A.Increasing speed or altitude. B.Increasing altitude or decreasing speed. C.Increasing speed or decreasing altitude. B X 78..Which type of weather conditions are covered in the Convective SIGMET A. Embedded thunderstorms, severe turbulence B. Cumulonimbus clouds, light turbulence C. severe icing, surface visibility lower than 5000 meters A X 79. When a pilot plans a flight using NDB NAVAIDS. Which rule applies? A.The airplane must have sufficient fuel to proceed. by means of VOR NAVIDS, to a suitable airport and land. B.The pilot must be able to return to the departure airport using other navigation radios. C.The airplane must have sufficient fuel to proceed, by means of VOR NAVAIDS, to a suitable airport and complete an instrument approach by use of the remaining airplane radio system. C X 80.. What is an area identified by the term "clearway"? A.centrally located about the extended centerline and under airport authorities, which does not contain obstructions and can be considered when calculating takeoff performance. B.An area, at least the same width as the runway, capable of supporting an airplane during a normal takeoff. C.An area beyond the takeoff runway, which is able to support the airplane, for use in decelerating the airplane during an aborted takeoff. A X 81. A crewmember who has served as second-in-command on a particular type airplane (e.g., B737-300), may serve as pilot-in-command upon completing which training program? A.Upgrade training. B.Recurrent training. C.Initial training. A X 82.. Which points should be report to ATC without request? A. when leaving the final approach fix outbound. B. when leaving an assigned holding fix. C. when leaving the final approach fix outbound, or when leaving an assigned holding fix. C X 83.. What is the correct symbol for minimum unstick speed? A.VMU. B.VMD. C.VFC. A X 84..The two different types of light sensitive elements on the retina are classified as A.rods which are sensitive to color and cones which work best in dim light. B.cones which are sensitive to color and rods which work best in dim light. C.rods and cones both of which are responsible for color vision. B X 85.(Refer to Figures 2-4 and 2-5)To which aircraft position does HSI presentation "A" correspond? A.9and6 B.9 only C.6 only A X 86..Which of the following is the clue of SA weaken or loss during the flight? A.Fixation-focusing on any one thing to the exclusion of everything else. B.Adhere to standard operating procedures. C.Meet expected checkpoint on flight plan or profile-ETA, fuel burn, etC.as far as possible. A X 87..Which type clouds are indicative of very strong turbulence? A. nimbostratus. B. Standing lenticular. C. Cirrocumulus. B X 88.. What effect will an increase in altitude have upon the available equivalent shaft horsepower (ESHP) of a turboprop engine? A.Lower air density and engine mass flow will cause a decrease in power. B.Higher propeller efficiency will cause an increase in usable power (ESHP) and thrust. C.Power will remain the same but propeller efficiency will decrease. A X 89.. You can't enter tower controlled airspace under IFR weather conditions unless you have filed an IFR flight plan and A.slowed down to the final approach IAS. B.received an ATC clearance. C.climbed to the appropriate altitude. B X 90.. Series C NOTAMs of Class 2 must be disseminated to domestic area flight information center NOTAMs office A.25 days ago. B.15 days ago. C.7 days ago. B X 91..(according to figure 2), at ZBAA, the max predicting wind speed is___. A. 17 m/s B. 8 m/s C. 6 m/s A X 92.. [Refer to Figure 4-28.] What is the ground roll when landing with 5o of flaps at a landing weight of 142,500 pounds? A.1,750 feet. B.2,100 feet. C.2,500 feet. C X 93..Which of the following is not normally a symptom of hypoxia? A.increased visual field B.An increase in breathing rate C.Sleepiness or frequent yawning A X 94.. (Refer to Figure 6-3) The true direction of Rwy 35 at PUDONG is A.342o. B.347o. C.352o. A X 95.. What effect would a change in air density have on gas-turbine-engine performance? A.As air density decreases, thrust increases. B.As air density increases, thrust increases. C.As air density increases, thrust decreases. B X 96. When is DME required for an instrument flight? A.At or above 24000 feet MSL if VOR navigational equipment is required B.In terminal radar service areas C.Above 12,500 feet MSL A X 97. . (Refer to Figure 6-2) Which approach lighting is available for ILS/DME Rwy 36L? A.HIALS with PAPI. B.HIALS. C.PAPI. A X 98.. (According to Figure 1) which station reports the max wind speed A.ZSSS B.ZUUU C.ZWWW C X 99.What is a characteristic of longitudinal instability? A.Pitch oscillations becoming progressively greater. B.Bank oscillations becoming progressively greater. C.Aircraft constantly tries to pitch down. A X 100.. (Refer to Figure 6-3, 6-4) What distance is available for takeoff on Rwy 17 at PUDONG? A.12,093 feet. B.12,097 feet. C.13,123 feet. C X 成绩合计
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