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CBT 17 [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-12-21 17:03:29 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
1. Who is required to submit a written report on a deviation that occurs during an emergency? A. Person who found the emergency. B. Person who heard the emergency. C. Pilot in command. C X 2.. [Refer to Figure 4-28.] How much will landing distance be reduced by using 15o of flaps rather than 0o flaps at a landing weight of 115,000 pounds? A.500 feet. B.800 feet. C.2,700 feet. B X 3.What is load factor? A.Lift multiplied by the total weight. B.Lift subtracted from the total weight. C.Lift divided by the total weight. C X 4.If a required instrument on a multiengine airplane becomes inoperative, which document dictates whether the flight may continue en route? A. An approved Minimum Equipment list for the airplane. B. Original dispatch release. C. Certificate holder's manual. C X 5..Which of the following is not the right description about CRM? A.CRM uses the crew as the unit of training. B.CRM embraces some of operational personnel only. C.CRM concentrates on crew members' attitudes and behaviors and their impact on safety. B X 6.. (Refer to Figure 5) Flying from Shenzhen to Zhengzhou, which weather phenomenon that may be meet A. Rain shower and thunderstorm B. Rain and fog C. Strong wind and thunderstorm A X 7.Holding position signs have A.White inscriptions on a red background B.Red inscriptions on a white background C.Yellow inscriptions on a red background A X 8.. It should be reported without ATC request that A. When unable to climb at a rate of at least 500 feet per minute. B. When unable to descend at a rate of at least 1000 feet per minute. C. When unable to climb or descend at a rate of at least 600 feet per minute. A X 9.. In average, for every 1,000 feet increase in the troposphere, the temperature of the air will . A. descend 2℃ B.descend 3℃ C. descend 4℃ A X 10..What cause hypoxia? A.Excessive carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. B.An increase in nitrogen content of the air at high altitudes. C.A decrease of oxygen partial pressure. C X 11. (Refer to Figures 2-4 and 2-5) To which aircraft position does HSI presentation "I" correspond? A.4 B.12 C.11 C X 12.. (According to Figure 1) How much is the visibility at Urumchi (ZWWW) A. 300 metres B. 900 metres C. 3000 metres A X 13.If the airplane attitude remains in a new position after the elevator control is pressed forward and released, the airplane displays A.-neutral longitudinal static stability. B.-positive longitudinal static stability. C.-neutral longitudinal dynamic stability. A X 14.An air carrier may schedule a pilot to fly in an airplane, in any calendar month, for no more than A.80hours B.90 hours C.100hours B X 15.Which color on a tri-color VASI is an "on course" indication? A.Red B.Amber C.Green C X 16..As a general rule, supplement oxygen should be provided and used by the pilot in the day if the flight is above A.15000 feet B.10000 feet C.8000 feet B X 17.. (Refer to Figure 7) Flying from Guangzhou to Chengdu, which significant weather phenomenon may be encounterd A. Thunderstorm, Rain shower, mountain waves, moderate clear air turbulence B. Rain shower, freezing precipitation, mountain waves, severe clear air turbulence C. Rainfall, freezing precipitation, mountain waves, severe icing B X 18..During the life cycle of a thunderstorm, which stage is characterized predominately by downdrafts? A. cumulus B. dissipating C. mature B X 19..The proprioceptive system generates sensation from A.the semicircular canals B.the skeletal muscles, joints and tendons C.the otolith B X 20.. When takeoff or landing at the airport on the edge of thunderstorm region, which of the following descriptive weather should be watchouted particularly? A. visibility and low clouds B. windshear at low altitude C. hail and rainstorm B X 21..Which of the following area has the highest probability to produce low level windshear? A.Area with strong cold advection B.Area where the sea and the land meet C. Area near the front with thunderstorms C X 22.Airflow separation over the wing can be delayed by using vortex generators. A.Directing high pressure air over the top of the wing or flap through slots and making the wing surface smooth. B.Directing a suction over the top of the wing or flap through slots and making the wing surface smooth. C. Making the wing surface rough and/or directing high pressure air over the top of the wing or flap through slots. C X 23. (Refer to Figure 2-12) What is the runway distance remaining at "B" for a daytime takeoff on runway 9? A.2,000 feet B.2,500 feet C.3,000 feet C X 24. Which passenger announcement(s) must be made after each takeoff? A. Keep satety belts fastened while seated and no smoking in the aircraft lavatories. B. Passengers should keep seat belts fastened while seated. C. How to use the passenger oxygen system and that there is a $1,000 fine for tampering with a smoke detector. B X 25.. If an aircraft is operating within Class B airspace at an indicated airspeed greater than 250 knots, the elevation of the highest mountain from left 25 kilometers to right 25 kilometers along the route is 2,650 meters, the minimum safe altitude is A.3,250m. B.3,050m. C.2,950m. A X 26.What flight condition should be expected when an aircraft leaves ground effect? A.An increase in induced drag requiring a higher angle of attack. B.A decrease in parasite drag permitting a lower angle of attack. C.An increase in dynamic stability. A X 27.. If a received ATC clearance seems to be conflict to a regulation, the pilot should A.Do not accept the clearance. B.Read the clearance back entirely. C.Request a clarification from the ATC immediately. C X 28.. When proceeding to the alternate airport, which minimums apply? A.The alternate minimums calculated from the IAP chart. B.The actual minimums shown on the IAP chart. C.visibility 1,600m and ceiling 120m. B X 29.An airplane has seats for 49 passengers and two crewmembers. What is the number of flight attendants required with only 1 passenger aboard? A.Two B.One C.Zero B X 30.GPS instrument approach operations, outside the United States, must be authorized by A. The FAA-approved aircraft flight manual (AFM) or flight manual supplement B. A sovereign country or government unit C. The FAA Administrator only B X 31. What is the fuel reserve requirement for a commercially operated reciprocating-engine-powered airplane flying within contiguous China upon arrival at the most distant alternate airport specified in the flight release? Enough fuel to fly A. 30 minutes plus 15 percent of total time required to fly at normal cruising consumption to to the alternate. B. to fly for 90 minutes at normal cruising fuel consumption. C. 45 minutes at normal cruising fuel consumption. C X 32.Which is a purpose of the leading-edge flaps? A.Increase the camber of the wing. B.Reduce lift without increasing airspeed. C.Direct airflow over the top of the wing at high angles of attack. A X 33. (Refer to Figure 2-1and 2-2) To which aircraft position dose HSI presentation "D" correspond? A.4 B.15 C.17 C X 34.. (Refer to Figure 6-5) What is the MAA on the airway A461 between ZHOUKOU and WEIXIAN? A.FL 29,500 feet. B.FL 8,100 feet. C.FL 39,400 feet. C X 35.. The tropopause at middle latitude area usually reaches. A. 8 to 9 km B.10 to 12 km C.15 to 17 km B X 36. (Refer to Figure 2-6) Which RMI illustration indicates the aircraft to be flying outbound on the magnetic bearing of 235 FROM the station ?(wind050 at 20 knots) A.2 B.3 C.4 B X 37.. [Refer to Figures 4-49, 4-50,4-51,4-52,4-53, and 4-54.] What is the ETE at .78 Mach? A.1 hours 08 minutes. B.1 hours 02 minutes. C.1 hours 05 minutes. A X 38.. Which type of compressor stall has the greatest potential for severe engine damage? A.Intermittent "backfire" stall. B.Transient "backfire" stall. C.Steady, continuous flow reversal stall. C X 39.Which of the following is considered an auxiliary flight control? A. Ruddervator B. Upper rudder C. Leading-edge flaps C X 40..The somatogravic illusion (falsly identifying a level acceleration as a steep climb), is most likely to be encountered A.during a go-around in a high performance aircraft when flying visually B.during and just after take-off in a high performance aircraft on a dark night C.during an approach to a poorly lit runway on a dark night B X 41..What altitude and route should be used if the pilot is flying in IFR weather conditions and has two-way radio communications failure? A. Continue on the route specified in the clearance and fly the highest of the following: the last assigned altitude, altitude ATC has informed the pilot to expect, or to the MEA. B. Descend to MEA and, if clear of clouds, proceed to the nearest appropriate airport. If not clear of clouds, maintain the highest of the MEAs along the clearance route. C. Fly the most direct route to the destination, maintaining the last assigned altitude or MEA, whichever is higher. A X 42. .Except during an emergency, when can a pilot expect landing priority? A. When cleared for an IFR approach B. When piloting a large, heavy aircraft. C. In turn, on a firs-come, first serve basis. C X 43..The time of useful consciousness while cruising at an altitude of 30,000 feet and sitting quietly would be about A.40 seconds B.3 minutes C.1 minute and 15 seconds C X 44.. On the weather chart of ground, the area which has great difference in temperature between cold and warm air mass is. A.front B.low pressure center C.shear line A X 45.. (According to figure 2) , which of the following forecast stations predicts the turbulence? A. ZUUU B. ZHHH C. ZSSS C X 46.. [Refer to Figures 4-25 and 4-26.] Which conditions will result in the shortest landing distance at a weight of 132,500 pounds? A.Dry runway using brakes and reversers. B.Dry runway using brakes and spoilers. C.Wet runway using brakes, spoilers and reversers. B X 47..(Refer to Figure 1) What weather condition is reported at Urumchi (ZWWW) A. Strong wind with shower B. Snow and rain C. Strong west wind and blowing snow C X 48..Where can the maximum hazard zone caused by wind shear associated with a thunderstorm be found? A. in front of the thunderstorm cell (anvil side) and on the southwest side of the cell. B.. ahead of the roll cloud or gust front and directly under the anvil cloud. C. on all sides and directly under the thunderstorm cell. C X 49.. [Refer to Figure 4-32.] What is the turbulent air penetration N1 power setting for Operating Conditions below? WEIGHT (*1000): 100,PRESSURE ALTITUDE: 35,000,TOTAL AIR TEMP (TAT): -11oC A.83.4 percent. B.86.0 percent. C.87.4 percent. C X 50.Normally, a dispatcher should be scheduled for no more than A.8 hours of service in any 24 consecutive hours B.10 hours of duty in any 24 consecutive hours C.10 consecutive hours of duty C X 51. If a flight engineer becomes incapacitated during flight, who may perform the flight engineer's duties? A.The second in command only. B.Any flight crewmember, if qualified. C.Either pilot, if they have a flight engineer certificate. B X 52..When making an approach to a wider-than-usual runway, without VASI assistant, there is a tendency A.to fly a lower-than -normal approach. B.to fly a higher-than -normal approach. C.to fly a normal approach. B X 53..Heavy coffee or tea, can stimulate the central nervous system and produce an increase in alertness and activity, produce anxiety and A.(续正文,drastic mood swings at one time.. The statement is)right B.wrong A X 54..Which of the following techniques would contribute most to good term problem solving performance? A.stands steadfastly by your own aims and opinions and don't be swayed by others B.don't say nothing just to "keep the peace" when you are genuinely unhappy about a planned course of action C.trust you personal opinion, at the same time, adopt the other flight crews' ideas partially B X 55.. What is the time interval for filing flight plan? A.At least one hour prior to the departure time. B.At least 30 minutes prior to the departure time. C.At least one hour and a half prior to the departure time. C X 56.. [Refer to Figure 4-39.] What is the approximate level-off pressure altitude after drift-down under Operating Conditions below? WT AT ENG FAIL (*1000): 100,ENGINE ANTI-ICE: ON,WING ANTI-ICE: ON,ISA TEMPERATURE: +10oC,AIR CONDITIONING: ON A.16,400 feet. B.19,600 feet. C.18,700 feet. A X 57. In a 24-hour consecutive period, what is the maximum time, excluding briefing and debriefing, that an airline transport pilot may instruct other pilots in air transportation service? A.6 hours. B.8 hours. C.10 hours. B X 58.. What effect will an increase in altitude have upon the available equivalent shaft horsepower (ESHP) of a turboprop engine? A.Lower air density and engine mass flow will cause a decrease in power. B.Higher propeller efficiency will cause an increase in usable power (ESHP) and thrust. C.Power will remain the same but propeller efficiency will decrease. A X 59..who is exposed to a high glare environment while on the ground (beach sand or snow), which would help to enhance night vision? A.don't read small print within one hour of flying. B.wear good quality sunglasses during the day. C.avoid using contact lenses B X 60.. Wingtip vortices created by large aircraft tend to A. Sink below the aircraft generating the turbulence. B. Rise from the surface to traffic pattern altitude. C. Accumulate and remain for a period of time at the point where the takeoff roll began. A X 61. What recent experience is required to be eligible for the practical test for the original issue of a Category II authorization? A.Within the previous 6 months, six ILS approaches flown manually to the Category I DH. B.Within the previous 12 calendar months, six ILS approaches flown by use of an approach coupler to the Category I or Category II DH. C.Within the previous 6 months, six ILS approaches, three of which may be flown to the Category I DH by use of an approach coupler. C X 62.What facilities may be substituted for an inoperative middle marker during a Category I ILS approach? A.ASR and PAR. B.The middle marker has no effect on straight-in minimums. C.Compass locator, PAR, and ASR. B X 63.. Series C NOTAMs of Class 2 must be disseminated to domestic area flight information center NOTAMs office A.25 days ago. B.15 days ago. C.7 days ago. B X 64.. What effect would a change in altitude have on the thrust output of gas-turbine-engine? A.As altitude increases, thrust decreases. B.As altitude increases, thrust increases. C.As altitude decreases, thrust decreases. A X 65.. [Refer to Figure 4-28.] What is the ground roll when landing with 5o of flaps at a landing weight of 107,500 pounds? A.1,750 feet. B.2,000 feet. C.2,350 feet. B X 66.Who must the crew of a domestic or flag air carrier airplane be able to communicate with, under normal conditions, along the entire route (in either direction) of flight? A.ARINC B.Any FSS C.Appropriate dispatch office C X 67.. A plane, MH 160°, receive this ATC clearance: "...CLEARED TO THE ABC VORTAC HOLD SOUNTH ON THE ONE EIGHT ZERO RADIAL, LEFT TURNS...",What is the recommended procedure to enter the holding pattern? A.Teardrop only B.Direct only C.Parallel only C X 68.. How often is SNOWTAM broadcast to distant centers? A.Hourly. B.One hour and a half a time. C.30 minutes a time. A X 69.. For scheduled airline, pilots should fill in the box of TYPE OF FLIGHT with letter A.G. B.S. C.R. B X 70.What is the highest speed possible without supersonic flow over the wing? A.Initial buffet speed. B.Critical Mach number. C.Transonic index. B X 71..The decision-making process is quite complex; however, it can be condensed into six elements, using the acronym DECIDE. The first E is A.Estimate the other pilots' ability of dealing with this problem B.Evaluate the effect of the action C.Estimate the need to counter or react to the change C X 72.. (Refer to Figure 6-5) At the bottom of this enroute chart excerpt, ZHENGZHOU ACC's information is enclosed in a rectangle, what is the VHF communication frequency? A.122.20MHz. B.3016MHz. C.8897MHz. A X 73. (Refer to Figure 2-6) Which RMI illustration indicates the aircraft is southwest of the station and moving closer TO the station? A.1 B.2 C.3 A X 74.. Where provided, an automatic terminal information service (ATIS) will assist operations prior to_______________________. A. the commencement of final approach B. enter TMA C. the commencement of initial approach A X 75.What is the minimum number of flight attendants required on an airplane having a passenger seating capacity of 238 with only 40 passengers aboard? A.Six B.Five C.Two B X 76. The air carrier must give instruction on such subjects as respiration, hypoxia, and decompression to crewmember serving on pressurized airplanes operated above A. FL 180. B. FL 200. C. FL 250. C X 77.Information obtained from flight data and cockpit voice recorders shall be used only for determining A.Who was responsible for any accident or incident B.Evidence for use in civil penalty or certificate action C.Possible causes of accidents or incidents C X 78. How does Coriolis force affect wind direction in the Southern Hemisphere. A. Causes clockwise rotation around a low. B. Causes wind to flow out of a low toward a high. C. Has exactly the same effect as in the Northern Hemisphere. A X 79.. (According to Figure 1) How much is the vertical visibility at Chengdu (ZUUU) A. 50 metres B. 500 metres C. 150 metres C X 80..Sudden penetration of fog can create the illusion of A.pitching up. B.pitching down. C.leveling off. A X 81.If both the ram air input and drain hole of the pitot system are blocked by ice, what airspeed indication can be expected? A.No variation of indicated airspeed in level flight if large power changes are made B.Decrease of indicated airspeed during a climb C.Constant indicated airspeed during a descent A X 82.What are the lowest Category IIIA minimum? A.DH 50 feet and RVR 1,200 feet. B.RVR 1,000 feet C.RVR 700 feet. C X 83.. If the flight level of an aircraft is desired to be 9,000 meters, pilot should fill in the LEVEL block of the flight plan with A.M9000. B.S9000. C.M0900. C X 84. The certificated air carrier and operators who must attach to, or include on, the flight release form the name of each flight crewmember, flight attendant, and designated pilot in command are A.supplemental and commercial. B.supplemental and domestic. C.flag and commercial. A X 85.. (Refer to Figure 6-7) The initial point of KM 2A is at A.The point cleared by ATC. B.D38 to HUAIROU. C.HUAILAI. C X 86..Empty Field Myopia is the tendency of the ciliary muscle to relax when there are no close objects in the field of view. A.(续正文,This causes the eye to take up a focal length of approximately)one to two meters. B.five meters. C.infinity. A X 87.. In the SIGMET 8 of the Figure 3, what is the valid period of time. A. From 08Z to 22Z. B. From the 22nd 08Z to the 22nd at 14Z. C. From 14Z to 22Z B X 88.. [Refer to Figure 4-30.] What is the maximum charted indicated airspeed while maintaining a 3o glide slope at a weight of 110,000 pounds? A.136 knots. B.132 knots. C.139 knots. A X 89. To be eligible for the practical test for the renewal of a Category II authorization, what recent instrument approach experience is required? A.Within the previous 6 months, six ILS approaches, three of which may be flown to the Category I DH by use of an approach coupler. B.Within the previous 6 months, six ILS approaches flown by use of an approach coupler to the Category I DH. C.Within the previous 12 calendar months, three ILS approaches flown by use of an approach coupler to the Category II DH. A X 90.. Just prior to takeoff, the captain learns that an unstable fast cold front is passing his destination airport, and he can realize that the current weather may be A.thunderstorm, shower and high wind B.clear, high wind, good visibility C.stratonimbus, light rain, poor visibility A X 91.How can the pilot increase the rate of turn and decrease the radius at the same time? A.- Steepen the bank and increase airspeed. B. Steepen the bank and decrease airspeed. C.Shallow the bank and increase airspeed. B X 92.. [Refer to Figure 4-45.] What is the trip time corrected for wind under Operating Conditions below? DISTANCE (NM): 400,AVG WIND COMP (KTS): 15TW, A.58.1 minutes. B.59.9 minutes. C.54.7 minutes. B X 93. A provisional airport is an airport approved by the Administrator for use by an air carrier certificate holder for the purpose of A.obtaining provisions and fuel when unable, due to winds, to proceed direct to the regular airport. B.having the aircraft catered (foods, beverages, or supplies). C.providing service to a community when the regular airport is unavailable. C X 94.. What should a pilot do to maintain "best range" airplane performance when a tailwind is encountered? A.Increase speed. B.Maintain speed. C.Decrease speed. C X 95.. The clouds which can produce thunderstorm and hail are . A.nimbostratus B.cumulonimbus C.altostratus. B X 96.. You should advise ATC of minimum fuel status when your fuel supply has reached a state where, upon reaching your destination, you cannot accept any undue delay. A. This will ensure your priority handling by ATC. B. ATC will consider this action as if you had declared an emergency. C. If your remaining usable fuel supply suggests the need for traffic priority to ensure a safe landing, declare an emergency due to low fuel and report fuel remaining in minutes. C X 97. The minimum amount (planned) of fuel to be aboard a flag carrier turbojet airplane on a flight within the contiguous China , after reaching the most distant alternate airport, should be A. 45 minutes at normal cruising fuel consumption. B. 2 hours at normal cruising fuel consumption. C. enough fuel to return to the destination airport or to fly for 90 minutes at normal cruising fuel consumption, whichever is less. A X 98.In conducting Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO), the pilot should have readily available: A.The published Available Landing Distance (ALD), landing performance of the aircraft, and slope of all LAHSO combinations at the destination airport. B.The published runway length and slope for all LAHSO combinations at the airport of intended landing. C.The landing performance of the aircraft, published Available Landing Distance (ALD) for all LAHSO combinations at the airport of intended landing, plus the forecast winds. A X 99. When a pilot's flight time consists of 80 hours' pilot in command in a particular type airplane, how does this affect the minimums for the destination airport? A.Has no effect on destination but alternate minimums are no less than 100m(MDH/DH) and VIS1600m. B.Minimums are decreased by 30m(MDH/DH) and 800m(VIS). C.Minimums are increased by 30m(MDH/DH) and 800m(VIS). C X 100.. (Refer to Figure 6-2) If an aircraft is cleared to circle-to-land on Rwy 36L at CAPITAL, and its maximum speed is approximately 180 knots, what height above the airport could it descend to? A.870 feet. B.762 feet. C.755 feet. C X
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