Article 51 - President of Councilffice ffice" />
1 Y( ]$ s6 |) \; s. T( e% ]The Council shall elect its President for a term of three years. He may be reelected. He shall have no vote. The Council shall elect from among its members one or more Vice Presidents who shall retain their right to vote when serving as acting President. The President need not be selected from among the representatives of the members of the Council but, if a representative is elected, his seat shall be deemed vacant and it shall be filled by the State which he represented. The duties of the President shall be to:
" A' t! m# F( Z9 G! s6 \5 K(a) Convene meetings of the Council, the Air Transport Committee, and the Air Navigation Commission;
, w S' B) ]+ X* n(b) Serve as representative of the Council; and
_* t! X h5 X b5 M5 W3 y% U(c) Carry out on behalf of the Council the functions which the Council assigns to him.
* f) W8 t- k1 P1 P& p% }Article 52 - Voting in Council2 D5 P" l6 U/ H
Decisions by the Council shall require approval by a majority of its members. The Council may delegate authority with respect to any particular matter to a committee of its members. Decisions of any committee of the Council may be appealed to the Council by any interested contracting State,
. ~8 j/ J- }/ I6 c$ qArticle 53 - Participation without a vote
( \0 B$ x& I- Z* d! [Any contracting State may participate, without a vote, in the consideration by the Council and by its committees and commissions of any question which especially affects its interests. No member of the Council shall vote in the consideration by the Council of a dispute to which it is a party.
) _ A6 K* y. B! [Article 54 - Mandatory functions of Council
7 X3 \; O! r% q$ p* p8 ~ k( |( AThe Council shall: 0 z8 a# n: O8 S, R0 S" i
(a) Submit annual reports to the Assembly; / |( o7 d) }( X2 l9 ?
(b) Carry out the directions of the Assembly and discharge the duties and obligations which are laid on it by this Convention; * S3 ~ l- Y* l: Z5 M
(c) Determine its organization and rules of procedure; 1 H$ s/ ^4 g. x$ E" M$ G
(d) Appoint and define the duties of an Air Transport Committee, which shall be chosen from among the representatives of the members of the Council, and which shall be responsible to it;
~' s, s' G7 n; Q# s/ i# { T: l(e) Establish an Air Navigation Commission, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter X; + q: p7 m2 l+ k) S; _
(f) Administer the finances of the Organization in accordance with the provisions of Chapters XII and XV; 3 }/ T+ g# N: |. Z; k
(g) Determine the emoluments of the President of the Council; 3 h* P9 e* }: ^6 R0 i- j6 ^; r4 @
(h) Appoint a chief executive officer who shall be called the Secretary General, and make provision for the appointment of such other personnel as may be necessary, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XI; 5 R$ N7 t0 _3 k1 x8 `
(i) Request, collect, examine and publish information relating to the advancement of air navigation and the operation of international air services, including information about the costs of operation and particulars of subsidies paid to airlines from public funds; + }, y0 C. }* I7 A/ R
(j) Report to contracting States any infraction of this Convention, as well as any failure to carry out recommendations or determinations of the Council; + D% K; d, s' C0 }$ V) m
(k) Report to the Assembly any infraction of this Convention where a contracting State has failed to take appropriate action within a reasonable time after notice of the infraction;
i: l3 [" O4 m' B' r1 b(l) Adopt, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VI of this Convention, international standards and recommended practices; for convenience, designate them as Annexes to this Convention; and notify all contracting States of the action taken;
. L2 b( A: R2 A9 ]6 f+ ?" i(m) Consider recommendations of the Air Navigation Commission for amendment of the Annexes and take action in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XX;
. L- ^+ m, ~) y8 |" H(n) Consider any matter relating to the Convention which any contracting State refers to it.
6 h6 P- i" b- c8 b" ]8 DArticle 55 - Permissive functions of Council
6 T/ w; j- ~% G8 [) I2 vThe Council may:
& q4 P% x3 j* x. `& A(a) Where appropriate and as experience may show to be desirable, create subordinate air transport commissions on a regional or other basis and define
; K" R# c x/ f& F1 G$ fgroups of states or airlines with or through which it may deal to facilitate the carrying out of the aims of this Convention; . D( c3 u, e( j; a
(b) Delegate to the Air Navigation Commission duties additional to those set forth in the Convention and revoke or modify such delegations of authority at any time;
" J+ Y# W% ]! W* P Y(c) Conduct research into all aspects of air transport and air navigation which are of international importance, communicate the results of its research to the contracting States, and facilitate the exchange of information between contracting States on air transport and air navigation matters;
! c6 e( ^* u* V7 ^3 A) z) D(d) Study any matters affecting the organization and operation of international air transport, including the international ownership and operation of international air services on trunk routes, and submit to the Assembly plans in relation thereto; + `4 P7 e5 I& b% U( V7 I6 D+ ?
(e) Investigate, at the request of any contracting State, any situation which may appear to present avoidable obstacles to the development of international air navigation; and, after such investigation, issue such reports as may appear to it desirable.
, K: X+ s4 ]' c) @- B" gChapter X - The Air Navigation Commission9 K6 g# u6 \2 X0 L) ^! L
Article 56 - Nomination and appointment of Commission
# r. _1 } R7 v/ K4 TThe Air Navigation Commission shall be composed of twelve members appointed by the Council from among persons nominated by contracting States. These persons shall have suitable qualifications and experience in the science and practice of aeronautics. The Council shall request all contracting States to submit nominations. The President of the Air Navigation Commission shall be appointed by the Council. R) D; s, i R9 w7 X: C: n( o
Article 57 - Duties of Commission
. q0 E7 `& G3 k) V) y2 i/ `0 IThe Air Navigation Commission shall:
- p% z5 Q. d' N6 @7 R6 z(a) Consider, and recommend to the Council for adoption, modifications of the Annexes to this Convention;
6 {5 ^2 x% ~& A2 x: R) u(b) Establish technical subcommissions on which any contracting State may be represented, if it so desires; $ y* O# D$ R8 S. _. x
(c) Advise the Council concerning the collection and communication to the contracting States of all information which it considers necessary and useful for the advancement of air navigation. |