Beijing Capital Airport Information Alpha at time Zero one three zero Zulu,expect ILS approach runway 36R,runway surface wet,braking action poor.Work in progress near beginning of runway 36L.Taxiway Papa closed.Surface wind 350 degress 6 metres per second, CAVOK,temperature 30 ,dew point 22,QFE1015,QNH1018,No sig.On initial contact advise you have information Alpha.
注解: time Zero one three zero Zulu:zulu表示时间为世界协调时,飞行中使用的标准时间,比北京时晚8小时 CAVOK:Cloud and Visibility OK 云高和能见度良好 No sig:no sigment 指无重要天气现象、天气变化 dew point:露点.当气温下降到露点以下是,空气中的水汽就会结成液态水滴,形成雾。 |