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中国民航航空器适航审定系统的建设Development of Aircraft Airworthiness Certification System of CAAC
中国民航适航审定系统的历史、现在与未来History, Present and the Future of the Airworthiness Certification System of CAAC
中国民航适航审定系统建设的历史机遇和挑战Chance and Challenge to Development of the Airworthiness Certification System of CAAC
中国民航适航审定系统建设的关键要素和战略框架Key Elements and Strategic Framework of the Airworthiness Certification System of CAAC
历史、现在与未来History, Present and the Future
上世纪70年代末,民航局成立工程司,开始着手开展适航审定管理In the late 1970’s, CAAC established the Engineering Department to initiate the airworthiness certification management
中国民航适航审定系统逐步建立健全与国际接轨的适航法规体系和组织机构,培养了一批批专业的适航审定管理和技术人员The airworthiness certification system of CAAC has established the comprehensive and international adaptive airworthiness standard and organization, and professional management and technical personnel were brought up
1985年与美国联邦航空局合作开展对MD82/90飞机在中国的转包生产的监督检查Inspection and Surveillance of the assembly line of MD 82/90 airplane in China, cooperative with FAA in 1985
1985年FAA给Y12II型飞机颁发型号合格证,进而扩展涵盖23部飞机(正常类、实用类、特技类和通勤类飞机)、机械类机载设备的中美适航双边FAA issued Type Certificate of Y12II airplane, and signed the Bilateral Airworthiness Agreement to cover Part 23 airplane and mechanical appliance in 1995
历史、现在与未来History, Present and the Future
随着中国民航发展和变革,中国民航的适航审定系统也从未停下发展的脚步The airworthiness certification system keeps developing with growth and innovation of the CAAC
自2003年启动对国产新支线飞机ARJ21-700的适航合格审定工作以来,适航审定系统得到了进一步加强The airworthiness certification system is strengthened since 2003, when the certification of ARJ21-700 regional jet begins
2007年1月,上海航空器适航审定中心成立,侧重运输类飞机的适航审定Establish Shanghai Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Center in January 2007, focus on transport category airplane certification
2007年12月,沈阳航空器适航审定中心成立,侧重旋翼机和轻型航空器的适航审定Establish Shanghai Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Center in December 2007, focus on rotorcraft and small airplane certification
历史、现在与未来History, Present and the Future
在不远的将来,我们还将成立适航审定中心和适航验证中心,分别侧重航空发动机和螺旋桨的适航审定、以及适航标准及其符合性方法的验证技术In the near future, airworthiness certification center and airworthiness technical center will be established, which is focus on engine and propeller certification, and substantiating technology about airworthiness standard and related means of compliance respectively
历史、现在与未来History, Present and the Future
中国民航适航审定系统的历史、现在与未来History, Present and Future of the Airworthiness Certification System of CAAC
中国民航适航审定系统建设的历史机遇和挑战Chance and Challenge to Development of the Airworthiness Certification System of CAAC
中国民航适航审定系统建设的关键要素和战略框架Key Elements and Strategic Framework of the Airworthiness Certification System of CAAC
历史机遇和挑战Chance and Challenge
在中国民航发展的5年规划和2020年远景规划中,均在实现民航大国向民航强国转变的战略高度对适航审定系统提出了明确、具体的规划要求To achieve the strategic goal of turning China’s aviation industry into a strong one out of a large one, the updated airworthiness certification system is required in the 5-year plan and vision 2020 of the CAAC
民航大国向民航强国转变的重要标志之一是The milestone of transform from large aviation industry into strong one is
具备发达的民族航空制造业;以及having developed Chinese aviation manufacturing industry, and
建成与其相应的适航审定系统have updated airworthiness certification system adaptive to the aviation industry
“适航先行”的理念The concept of “airworthiness competitiveness”
历史机遇和挑战Chance and Challenge
在2007年中国民航发展论坛上,前任民航总局局长杨元元在其《中国发展新一代民用航空运输系统的愿景》的主题演讲中,明确提出要“建立适应国际新技术、新标准、新程序的适航审定系统”In the 2007 China Civil Aviation Development Forum, Mr. Yang Yuanyuan, the former minister of CAAC, gave the concept of “establish airworthiness certification systems which are adaptive to new international technology, new standards, and new procedures” in his speech “Vision of a New Generation Air Transport System in China”
民航局李家祥局长明确要求,适航审定系统对民族航空制造业要“大力支持,适合航行”Mr. Li Jiaxiang, administrator of CAAC gave the further explanation and requirement on how the airworthiness certification system provides support to the Chinese aviation industry, as the concept of “provide support and ensure airworthiness”
历史机遇和挑战Chance and Challenge
民航大国向民航强国转变的需要To meet the strategic transform from large aviation industry into strong one
发展新一代民用航空运输系统To meet the vision of a New Generation Air Transport System in China
“适航先行”的概念The concept of “airworthiness competitiveness”
“大力支持,适合航行”的概念The concept of “provide support and ensure airworthiness”
中国民航适航审定系统的历史、现在与未来History, Present and Future of the Airworthiness Certification System of CAAC
中国民航适航审定系统建设的历史机遇和挑战Chance and Challenge to Development of the Airworthiness Certification System of CAAC
中国民航适航审定系统建设的关键要素和战略框架Key Elements and Strategic Framework of the Airworthiness Certification System of CAAC
关键要素和战略框架Key Elements and Strategic Framework
关键要素Key Elements
健全的组织Robust organization
合格的人员Qualified personnel
与国际接轨的工作思路Meeting with international practice
关键要素和战略框架Key Elements and Strategic Framework
健全的组织Robust organization
关键要素和战略框架Key Elements and Strategic Framework
健全的组织Robust organization
关键要素和战略框架Key Elements and Strategic Framework
合格的人员Qualified personnel
紧密结合国内型号任务,在适航审定实践中锻炼队伍、积累经验Gather experience during type certification
建立适航教育培训体系,以教育先行,推动“适航先行”Establish airworthiness education and training system, use “education competitiveness” to progress “airworthiness competitiveness”
加强国际合作交流Strengthen international cooperation
关键要素和战略框架Key Elements and Strategic Framework
与国际接轨的工作思路Meeting with international practice
航空业的国际合作是大势所趋The trend of international cooperation in aviation industry
ARJ21模式:国内制造商负责机体设计和系统综合,国际供应商负责系统研发“ARJ21 Mode”: Domestic manufacturer is responsible for airframe design and system integrity, international supplier is responsible for system design & development
直15模式:合作设计“Z15 Mode”: 50-50 percent cooperation of design & development
A320模式:国内负责总装制造“A320 Mode”: Domestic manufacturer is responsible for final assembly line
关键要素和战略框架Key Elements and Strategic Framework
与国际接轨的工作思路Meeting with international practice
民族航空制造业有意识地开展国际合作和竞争The Chinese aviation industry has involved international cooperation and competition
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关键要素和战略框架Key Elements and Strategic Framework
与国际接轨的工作思路Meeting with international practice
广泛的国际适航当局的适航双边关系Worldwide airworthiness bilateral relationship with international airworthiness authority
欧洲:欧洲航空安全局,法国民航局,德国民航局,英国民航局,俄罗斯航空注册局等Europe: EASA, DGAC France, LBA Germany, CAA UK, Russia
北美:美国联邦航空局,加拿大运输部North America: FAA, Transport Canada
南美:巴西民航局South America: ANAC Brazil
亚洲:印度尼西亚,以色列Asia: Indonesia, Israel
大洋洲:澳大利亚航空安全局,瓦努阿图民航局Oceania: CASA Australia, Vanuatu
非洲:津巴布韦民航局,刚果(布)民航局Africa: zimbabwe, The Republic of Congo
关键要素和战略框架Key Elements and Strategic Framework
与国际接轨的工作思路Meeting with international practice
以ARJ21-700飞机项目为平台和载体,与以美国联邦航空局FAA为代表的航空发达国家适航当局开展更深层次合作,推动其适时开展“影子审查”,进而扩展包括运输类飞机在内的全面适航双边Promote the cooperation with FAA by using the platform of ARJ21, and urge FAA to conduct the “shadow certification” and expand Bilateral Airworthiness Agreement to cover the transport category airplane
在这一历史性过程中,我们的航空制造业人员和适航审定系统人员的素质都将得到极大程度的提高,对采取国际适航标准有全新的体会和认识,进而促进我国自己适航标准、审定能力和民机设计技术水平的全面提升The Chinese aviation industry and CAAC airworthiness certification system will benefit from the international cooperation
关键要素和战略框架Key Elements and Strategic Framework
建设适航审定中心和适航验证中心Establish the airworthiness certification center and technical center
建设适航教育培训体系,推行“教育先行”Establish the airworthiness education and training system, promote “education competitiveness”
以ARJ21-700飞机项目为平台,开展国际合作Use ARJ21 as a platform to strengthen international cooperation
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