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蓝天民航词典12月11日未查出输入评析 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2009-12-11 08:22:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
accesss door removed 编辑删除
acoustic panel 已加入编辑删除
Blanking of the Hoisting Points 编辑删除
deicing fluid 已加入编辑删除
deicing fluids 编辑删除
Engine bleed air distribution system 发动机引气分配系统编辑删除
fabric layers 分开查编辑删除
helitest 已加入编辑删除
hydraulic actuator aft attachment 编辑删除
left t/r half 编辑删除
main slider 已加入编辑删除
nonlocking 已加入编辑删除
physical description 已加入编辑删除
retainer track 分开查编辑删除
retract during a stow operation 编辑删除
sadwol 编辑删除
shows 编辑删除
shows the placards 编辑删除
stow hydraulic tube 编辑删除
The hydraulic actuators move the translating sleeves during T/ 编辑删除
The T/R auxiliary and main track liners hold the sliders which 编辑删除
This document shows the placards 编辑删除
track liner 已加入编辑删除
translating sleeve skin The translating sleeve is a nacelle system that consists of the visible surface of the thrust-reverser, the moveable blocker doors, the acoustical treated inner duct and the mechanical connection that is needed to operate the thrust-reverser doors. FACC develops and manufactures innovative translating sleevesFACC is a partner of Goodrich Aerostructures in the development and fabrication of the translating sleeves for the Boeing 787 and Airbus A350. In the development of the translating sleeves FACC combines proven technologies with completely new design aspects. The carbon fiber component consists of the visible surface of the thrust-reverser, the moveable blocker doors, the acoustical treated inner duct and the mechanical connection that is needed to operate the thrust-reverser doors. A newly developed, double-degree acoustic surface, with the Boeing 787 used for the first time on an airplane, marks an important technology jump. In this process a wider frequency band will be covered by including two noise reduction ranges and the noise will additionally be reduced by two steps. The acoustic surfaces are the result of numerous tiny drillings - 1.8 million per engine - through which the sound waves can penetrate into the sandwich area and be confined, and broken into a number of small sound waves. In the thrust-reverser of the 787 engines, the acoustic surfaces will cover over 80% of the surface. As a comparison, in the present state-of-the-art technology, this percentage is between 60 and 70%. The Boeing 787 will be the first plane with an undulated engine nozzle (chevron). The wave shape at the end of the engine allows the hot air coming from the engine to mix easier with the cold outside air. As a result, the noise level is considerably reduced for the passengers inside the cabin. 编辑删除
玫红 已加入编辑删除
30QJ1 编辑删除
accumlate 编辑删除
bullnose seal 编辑删除
configurations 编辑删除
CONTR. 编辑删除
flap configuration 已加入编辑删除
flap configurations 编辑删除
grid pattern 已加入编辑删除
hinge beam 编辑删除
identified 编辑删除
inner wall 已加入编辑删除
innerwall 编辑删除
latch beam 编辑删除
QJ 编辑删除
randrom 编辑删除
rejiect 编辑删除
right T/R sleeve 编辑删除
rubstrip 编辑删除
stow position 已加入编辑删除
tension latches 编辑删除
translate sleeve translating sleeve已加入编辑删除
ttzl 编辑删除
公物舱 编辑删除
[size=-1]chuapter 编辑删除
engine strut 已加入编辑删除
fuel-fed 编辑删除
lamp p-6 PNL DOME LZGHT 编辑删除
undercowl 编辑删除
去美国的航班即将起飞 编辑删除
Barcol 已加入编辑删除
compresses 编辑删除
concerns 编辑删除
consulation 已加入编辑删除
engineers 编辑删除
in force 已加入编辑删除
insept 编辑删除
installaton 编辑删除
maintenance log 已加入 编辑删除
maintence 编辑删除
mfgr 编辑删除
norn 编辑删除
rejected take-off test 编辑删除
system synoptics 已加入编辑删除
undercowl 编辑删除
Variations in temperature cause differences of air density and therefore differences in weight and pressure of the air. 编辑删除
有效号 有效+号编辑删除
accesss door removed 编辑删除
ato-restow 是auto-restow,已加入编辑删除
control the thrust reverser auto-restow operatio 编辑删除
flanges 编辑删除
inner wall 已加入编辑删除
P5 编辑删除
restow 已加入编辑删除
REVERSER Lights 编辑删除
screws. 编辑删除
the engine accessory unit has these functions 编辑删除
TROUBIE-shooting 编辑删除
v-blade 编辑删除
weld-machining-tool 编辑删除
dents 编辑删除
furrle 编辑删除
hydraulic link 已加入编辑删除
inner liner 已加入编辑删除
sliders 编辑删除
SPARKS, 编辑删除
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