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Auxiliary Power Unit Starter Motor and Air Intake System Inspection/Cleaning [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-7-31 16:00:17 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-7-31 16:00:34 |只看该作者
AD No.: 2006 - 0153 R1
[Corrected, 29 November 2006]
Date: 27 November 2006
No person may operate an aircraft to which an Airworthiness Directive applies, except in accordance with the
requirements of that Airworthiness Directive unless otherwise agreed with the Authority of the State of Registry.
Type Approval Holder’s Name:
Type/Model designations:
A318, A319, A320 and A321 aircraft
TCDS Number: EASA A.064
Foreign AD: Not applicable.
Revision/Supersedure: This AD revises and supersedes EASA AD 2006-0153 dated 30 May 2006.
ATA 49 Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) - Starter Motor and Air Intake System –
Manufacturer(s): AIRBUS, (formerly AIRBUS INDUSTRIE)
Applicability: AIRBUS A318, A319, A320 and A321 aircraft, all certified models, all serial
numbers, except :
- aircraft equipped with APIC APS 3200 APU, that have received AIRBUS
modification (mod) 35803 in production or AIRBUS service bulletin (SB)
A320-49-1070 in service.
- aircraft equipped with Honeywell 131-9A APU, that have received Mod
35936 in production or SB A320-49-1075 in service.
Reason: An operator reported black smoke at the rear of the fuselage during taxi after
landing. The smoke was caused by a fire in the APU air intake.
The analysis has demonstrated that following numerous unsuccessful APU
start attempts in flight, there is a risk of reverse flow leading to flame
propagation to the APU air inlet and air intake duct. If this zone is
contaminated, a fire may be initiated.
It is reminded that the Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM) limits the
number of APU start attempts as follows:
After 3 starter motor duty cycles, wait 60 minutes before attempting 3 more
AD 2006-0153 required repetitive inspections of the APU starter motor, APU
inlet plenum and APU air intake as well as repetitive cleaning of the APU air
This AD has now been revised to reduce the applicability and to introduce an
optional terminating action.
The ‘Compliance section of this AD has been corrected to replace the quoted
issue date of AD 2006-0153 with the effective date, as intended.
Effective Date: 11 December 2006
Compliance: 1. Within the next 600 flight hours (FH) after June 09, 2006 (effective date of
AD 2006-0153), inspect the APU starter motor, APU air inlet plenum and
APU air intake, and apply the necessary corrective actions in accordance
with the instructions given in the Airbus SB A320-49-1068 revision 1;
2. Thereafter, at intervals not exceeding 600 flight hours, repeat the
inspection as required by paragraph 1. of this directive;
3. Prior to accumulating 2,400 FH total time since new or within the next 600
FH after June 09, 2006 (effective date of AD 2006-0153), whichever
occurs later, unless already accomplished as per SB A320-49-1068 at
original issue, clean the APU air intake in accordance with the instructions
given in the SB A320-49-1068 revision 1.
4. Thereafter, at intervals not exceeding 2,400 FH, repeat the cleaning task
as required by paragraph 3. of this directive.
After embodiment of SB A320-49-1070 in service on aircraft equipped with
APIC APS 3200 APU, or SB A320-49-1075 in service on aircraft equipped
with Honeywell 131-9A APU, the inspections and cleaning as described above
are no longer required.
Ref. Publications: AIRBUS Service Bulletin A320-49-1068 revision 1
AIRBUS Service Bulletin A320-49-1070 original issue
AIRBUS Service Bulletin A320-49-1075 original issue
or later approved revisions.
Remarks: 1. If requested and appropriately substantiated the responsible EASA
manager for the related product has the authority to accept Alternative
Method of Compliance (AMOCs) for this AD.
2. The original issue of this AD was posted AS PAD 06-054 for consultation
on 13 March with a comment period until 27 March 2006. The Comment
Response Document can be found at http://ad.easa.europa.eu/ .
3. Enquiries regarding this AD should be addressed to the AD Focal Point,
Certification Directorate, EASA. E-mail ADs@easa.europa.eu .
4. For any question concerning the technical content of the requirements in
this AD, please contact AIRBUS - Fax 33 5 61 93 44 51.

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发表于 2011-4-22 15:24:54 |只看该作者



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