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抓住机遇,全面推进白云机场航空枢纽建设 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-8-12 09:50:53 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-8-12 09:51:28 |只看该作者
Developing Hub Construction of BaiyunAirport despite Economic CrisisMr. LIU Zijing, PresidentGuangdong Airport Management Corporation(GAMC)
􀁺Development of Civil Aviation :Opportunities􀁺HubDevelopment of BaiyunAirport􀁺Measures to Further Promote Hub Construction of BaiyunAirport
􀂾Development of Civil Aviation :Opportunities􀁺In 2008,the global passenger & cargo throughput increased 1.6% & decreased 4.5% respectively.Development Tendency of the Global Aviation Traffic Volume between2002 and 20080.0020.0040.0060.0080.00100.002002200320042005200620072008PassengersCargo
􀁺In 2008, the growth speed of passengers and cargo throughput decreased 13% and 14.8% comparing to 2007 respectively.Development Tendency of the China Aviation Traffic Volumebetween 2006 and 20080100200300400500200620072008PassengersCargo􀂾Development of Civil Aviation :Opportunities
􀁺Economic Stimulus Plan of ¥4,000,000,000,000􀁺¥118,000,000 for Infrastructure Development Plan􀁺Ten Revitalization Plan of ten Industries􀁺Letdown of decreasing amplitude of import & export in March􀁺Letdown of the decreasing tendency of industry growth rate in March􀁺The growth rate of GDP is estimated to be 8% in 2009.􀂾Development of Civil Aviation : Opportunities
􀁺Domestic passenger of China is increasing.􀂾Development of Civil Aviation :Opportunities-20.0%-10.0%0.0%10.0%20.0%Civil Aviation growth rate of China (Quarter I, 2009)MixDomestic passengerInternational passenger
􀁺The prices of petroleum, steels, cement and chemical products will stay in low level for very long time.050100150PetroleumSteelsPrice of petroleum and steelMay,2008now􀂾Development of Civil Aviation :Opportunities
PPI of China since July, 2008-8.00%-6.00%-4.00%-2.00%0.00%2.00%4.00%6.00%8.00%10.00%12.00%Jul-08Aug-08Sep-08Oct-08Nov-08Dec-08Jan-09Feb-09Mar-09􀂾Development of Civil Aviation :Opportunities􀁺PI has been decreasing continuously since last December.
􀁺97 airports will be built up, more airports will be extended and reconstructed.􀂾Development of Civil Aviation :Opportunities
􀂾Hub Development of BaiyunAirport􀁺The 11thFive‐year Plan of GAMC􀁺Goal: To develop Baiyunairport as a large gateway hub in Asia‐Pacific region􀁺hase 1: In 2010, Baiyunairport will become a preliminary comprehensive gateway hub with 40 millions PAX.􀁺hase 2: In 2015, further developed to be a comprehensive gateway hub of China with 60 millions PAX.􀁺hase 3: In 2020, Baiyunairport will become a mature comprehensive gateway hub of China with 75 millions PAX.
02000000040000000600000008000000020052007200920112013201520172019Passengers throughput of BaiyunPlanIn fact􀂾Hub Development of BaiyunAirport􀁺The 11thFive‐year Plan of GAMC
􀂾Hub Development of BaiyunAirport􀁺3 star brands of Baiyunairport’s hub dvelopment􀁺Flying from Baiyun:Building net of routes, sale, serving and traffic, let more traveler to choose Baiyunairport.􀁺Baiyuntransit:According to the request of Hub airport and airline company, rebuild the procedure of transit, improve the transit efficiency , let more traveler to choose Baiyunairport.􀁺Baiyunlogistics:Improving the cargo handling process. And thereupon international cargo will be transported via BaiyunAirport more speedy and conveniently.
􀂾Hub Development of BaiyunAirport􀁺3 star brands of Baiyunairport’s hub dvelopment􀁺Launched the program of building World Top 10 Service Airport.􀁺Strategy cooperate with: China Southern Airlines, Shenzhen Airlines, Hainan Airlines and famous agents􀁺Strategy cooperation agreement: Guangzhou Customs, Huangpu Customs, Inspection units and famous agents.
􀂾Hub Development of BaiyunAirport􀁺Situation of Baiyunairport’s hub development􀁺62 new international routes increased in the last 3 years and 89 international routes at present􀁺In 2008, the PAX of Baiyunairport was 33.437 million, which increased with 8%.􀁺In 2009, 36 million PAX and 900 thousand tons cargo is expected.
Passengers throughput of Baiyun010000000200000003000000040000000199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200809(anticipate)􀂾Hub Development of BaiyunAirport􀁺Situation of Baiyunairport’s hub development
Number of international route of Baiyun27345457880204060801002005200620072008now􀂾Hub Development of BaiyunAirport􀁺Situation of Baiyunairport’s hub development
􀂾Hub Development of BaiyunAirport􀁺Facility constructions of Baiyunairport in progress 􀁺E3 corridor,W3 corridor and neutral cargo terminal will come into service soon.􀁺The expansion of north taxiways is in progress.􀁺The 3rd runway will come into service before the Guangzhou Asian Games.
􀂾Hub Development of BaiyunAirport􀁺FedEx Asia Pacific Hub has begun operation􀁺The FedEx hub worked on Feb.6th, 2009.􀁺Cargo Network was basically formed.􀁺The FedEx hub will bring over 200 thousand tons cargo to Baiyunairport in 2009.
􀂾Hub Development of BaiyunAirport􀁺Strategy positioning of Baiyunairport was listed on the 「Reform and development plan of the Pearl River Delta Region 」􀁺Speed up the expansion and strengthen the competitive􀁺Build a comprehensive Free Trade Zone in Baiyunairport􀁺Build a hub logistics zone which circles and services Baiyunairport
􀂾Measures to Further Promote Hub Construction of BaiyunAirport􀁺Accelerates construction of BaiyunAirport Hub􀁺The brand‐building of ‘Flying from Baiyun’, ‘Baiyuntransit’and ‘Baiyunlogistics’􀁺Improve the BaiyunCity Terminal and Cargo City Terminal networks􀁺Support the flight wave arrangement and alliance operation of base airlines and optimize transit process􀁺Deepen the cooperation with SZ, CA, MU and HU􀁺Deepen the cooperation with the signed agents and seek for more partners as well 􀁺Enhance the strategic cooperation with Inspection Authority􀁺Assure the service for FedEx Asia‐Pacific Hub
􀂾Measures to Further Promote Hub Construction of BaiyunAirport􀁺Establish world top 10 best service airport􀁺Object:to be world top‐10 best service airport around 2011􀁺The sever program of international transit in BaiyunAirport is working which is the first in China.􀁺Reform the transit process and improve the efficiency􀁺Further improve the process of cargo service
􀂾Measures to Further Promote Hub Construction of BaiyunAirport􀁺Steadily carry out the expansion of Baiyunairport􀁺174 stands after the expansion, which meets the demand of an annual 75 million PAX, 2.17 million tons cargo throughput and 620 thousand aircraft turnovers􀁺A grade 4F 3rd runway: service in 2010, 3800m x 60m􀁺Terminal 2: service in 2013, with 531,000 m2, including carpark,parking building, subway and ground transit􀁺E3, W3 corridor and neutral cargo terminal: service in 2009􀁺ress ahead the construction of north taxiways and E4, W4 apron
Neutral cargo terminalE3, W3 corridor3rd runwayTerminal 2􀁺Steadily carry out the expansion plan of Baiyunairport􀂾Measures to Further Promote Hub Construction of BaiyunAirport
􀂾Measures to Further Promote Hub Construction of BaiyunAirport􀁺romote the development of airport economy􀁺Tie in with the government in applying BaiyunAirport Trade Free Zone􀁺Speed up the reform and comprehensive development of the old airport􀁺ush the jointed aircraft maintenance with oversea parties 􀁺AirportIndustry Investment Fund 􀁺China Science‐BaiyunShare Investment Fund
􀂾Measures to Further Promote Hub Construction of BaiyunAirport􀁺Deepen the cooperation and communion withHongkong, Shenzhen, Macao and ZhuhaiAirport􀁺Successfully hosted the 5 PRD airport conference on carrying out 「Reform and development plan of the Pearl River Delta Region 」􀁺rinciples of cooperation: carry out the national civil airport layout and planning, market economy based, support and benefit each other, develop in harmony􀁺Signed the「Reform and development plan of the Pearl River Delta Region 」􀁺Established the mechanism on implementing 「Reform and development plan of the Pearl River Delta Region 」􀁺cooperation area: security, service enhancing, training, construction, airport economics and airspace optimization
􀂾Measures to Further Promote Hub Construction of BaiyunAirport􀁺Compete for more policy support from the government􀁺Baiyunairport’s hub development is always valued and supported by all levels government.􀁺Financial support for the cargo routes from government 􀁺Enlist supports on traffic rights, flight schedule, routes network, runway capacity, airspace optimization and cargo base airlines developing.􀁺Continue pushing the legislation on airports management
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