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抓住机遇全面推进白云机场航空枢纽建设广东省机场管理集团公司总裁刘子静 当前经济形势下民航业发展面临的机遇白云机场航空枢纽建设情况全面推进白云机场枢纽建设的措施 当前经济形势下民航业发展面临的机遇2008年世界民航客、货运量分别同比增长1.6%和下降4.5%2002-2008年世界民航运输量变化趋势0.0020.0040.0060.0080.00100.002002200320042005200620072008客运量(亿人次)货运量(百万吨) 2008年我国旅客和货邮运输量1.9亿人次和403万吨增速比2007年下降13和14.8个百分点2006-2008年全国民航运输生产0100200300400500200620072008旅客运输量(百万人)货邮运输量(万吨)当前经济形势下民航业发展面临的机遇 4万亿经济刺激计划新增1.18万亿用于重大基础设施建设十大产业振兴规划三月全国进出口降幅放缓三月份工业增速过快下滑势头得到初步遏制国民经济增长保“8”目标有望实现当前经济形势下民航业发展面临的机遇 国内民航业已率先实现恢复性增长当前经济形势下民航业发展面临的机遇-20.0%-10.0%0.0%10.0%20.0%2009年一季度全国民航业务增速旅客运输量国内旅客运输量国际/地区旅客运输量 石油、钢材、水泥、化工原材料等生产资料将在较长时间内保持较低价格水平050100150世界原油价格(美元/桶)国内普通钢板(百元/吨)原油、钢材价格变化一年前目前当前经济形势下民航业发展面临的机遇 去年12月以来,我国PPI连续负增长,并可能贯穿全年当前经济形势下民航业发展面临的机遇2008下半年来我国PPI走势-8.00%-6.00%-4.00%-2.00%0.00%2.00%4.00%6.00%8.00%10.00%12.00%2008年7月2008年8月2008年9月2008年10月2008年11月2008年12月2009年1月2009年2月2009年3月 全国将新建97个民用机场,更多机场需要扩建和改建当前经济形势下民航业发展面临的机遇 白云机场航空枢纽建设情况广东省机场管理集团公司十一五规划核心:把白云机场建设成为亚太地区大型门户复合枢纽第一阶段:到2010年,旅客吞吐量达到4000万人次,初步建成大型门户复合枢纽。第二阶段:到2015年,旅客吞吐量达到6000万人次左右,白云机场作为我国大型门户复合枢纽的功能进一步优化和完善。第三阶段:到2020年,实现旅客吞吐量7500万人次左右,建设成为高度成熟的大型门户复合枢纽。 白云机场航空枢纽建设情况广东省机场管理集团公司十一五规划0200040006000800020052007200920112013201520172019白云机场旅客吞吐量战略目标旅客吞吐量(万人次)实际旅客吞吐量(万人次) 白云机场枢纽建设三大品牌齐头并进“白云启航”、“白云中转”、“白云物流”三大枢纽品牌成功推出白云启航:通过建设航线网络、营销网络、服务网络、地面交通网络,争取更多航空旅客选择从白云机场出发或中转。白云中转:按照枢纽机场要求和航空公司运作需求,进行中转流程改造,提高中转效率,争取旅客和货物从白云机场中转出去。白云物流:通过完善基础设施、改进货运流程等措施,提升服务质量,提高通关效率,争取更多航空货物选择从白云机场出发或中转。白云机场航空枢纽建设情况 白云机场枢纽建设三大品牌齐头并进全面启动了争创“世界十佳服务机场”活动战略合作:南航、深航和海航,国际知名货代战略合作协议:广州海关、黄埔海关、机场联检单位,知名货代白云机场航空枢纽建设情况 白云机场航空枢纽建设情况白云机场枢纽建设情况三年来,白云机场国际航线净增62条,目前已达89条,提前实现到2010年达87条的战略目标2008年,白云机场旅客吞吐量达3343.7万人次,同比增长8%预计2009年将完成旅客吞吐量3600万人次左右,货邮吞吐量90万吨左右 白云机场航空枢纽建设情况白云机场枢纽建设情况白云机场旅客吞吐量(万人次)010002000300040001996年 1997年1998年1999年2000年2001年2002年2003年2004年2005年2006年2007年2008年09预计 白云机场航空枢纽建设情况白云机场枢纽建设顺利推进白云机场国际航线数量27345457890204060801002005年2006年2007年2008年目前 白云机场基础设施建设进展顺利东三、西三指廊及中性货站即将投入使用北滑行道扩建工程已开工建设第三跑道力争在亚运会前投入使用白云机场航空枢纽建设情况 白云机场航空枢纽建设情况联邦快递亚太转运中心正式投入运营2009年2月6日正式运营白云机场货运枢纽网络基本形成2009年将给白云机场带来新增国际货量20余万吨 白云机场航空枢纽建设情况白云机场战略定位纳入《珠江三角洲改革发展规划纲要》 加快广州白云国际机场扩建,巩固其中心辐射地位并提高国际竞争力 设立白云空港综合保税区 建立以白云空港为中心的枢纽型现代物流园区 全面推进白云机场枢纽建设的措施继续推进白云机场枢纽建设“白云启航、白云中转、白云物流”三大枢纽品牌建设完善白云机场异地候机和异地货站网络支持基地公司航班波建设和联盟运作,优化中转流程加强与南航、国航、东航、海航和深航的合作加强与已签约货代的合作,寻找更多合作伙伴加强与机场联检单位的战略合作,提高通关效率全力做好联邦快递亚太转运中心运营服务保障工作 全面推进白云机场枢纽建设的措施争创世界十佳服务机场目标:争取2011年前后进入世界十佳服务机场行列成功启用了全国第一个国际中转服务平台进行中转流程改造,提高中转效率进一步完善货运服务流程 全面推进白云机场枢纽建设的措施稳步推进白云机场基础设施建设竣工后,停机位增加到174个,满足年旅客吞吐量7500万人次、货邮吞吐量217万吨、飞机起降62万架次的要求第三跑道:力争2010年投入使用,长3800米,宽60米,飞行等级4F二号航站楼:2013年投入使用,航站楼53.1万平方米,包括停车楼、停车场、交通中心与地铁站东三、西三指廊和中性货站:今年投入使用北滑行道系统和东四、西四站坪工程继续推进 全面推进白云机场枢纽建设的措施稳步推进白云机场基础设施建设中性货站东三、西三指廊第三条跑道二号航站楼 全面推进白云机场枢纽建设的措施积极推进空港经济发展配合市府申请设立白云空港综合保税区加快老机场的改造和综合开发工作推进与新加坡方面合作设立飞机维修公司事宜空港产业投资基金中科白云股权投资基金 全面推进白云机场枢纽建设的措施深化粤港澳机场的合作交流成功举办珠三角五大机场落实《纲要》高层研讨会合作原则:落实全国民用机场布局规划;按市场经济原则;相互支持、互惠互利、和谐发展签署了《落实珠江三角洲改革发展规划纲要行动纲领》建立了共同落实《纲要》工作机制合作方向:安全管理、提升服务、员工培训、机场建设、空港经济、空域开发和利用 全面推进白云机场枢纽建设的措施继续努力争取各级政府的大力支持各级政府有关部门历来十分重视和支持白云机场枢纽建设广州市政府出台了《广州白云国际机场国际货运航线财政补贴专项资金管理暂行办法》继续争取白云机场在航权开放、航班时刻、航线网络建设、跑道容量、空域优化、货运基地航空公司设立等方面的支持继续推进《广州市民用机场管理条例》立法工作 谢谢!! Developing Hub Construction of BaiyunAirport despite Economic CrisisMr. LIU Zijing, PresidentGuangdong Airport Management Corporation(GAMC) Development of Civil Aviation :OpportunitiesHubDevelopment of BaiyunAirportMeasures to Further Promote Hub Construction of BaiyunAirport Development of Civil Aviation :OpportunitiesIn 2008,the global passenger & cargo throughput increased 1.6% & decreased 4.5% respectively.Development Tendency of the Global Aviation Traffic Volume between2002 and 20080.0020.0040.0060.0080.00100.002002200320042005200620072008PassengersCargo In 2008, the growth speed of passengers and cargo throughput decreased 13% and 14.8% comparing to 2007 respectively.Development Tendency of the China Aviation Traffic Volumebetween 2006 and 20080100200300400500200620072008PassengersCargoDevelopment of Civil Aviation :Opportunities Economic Stimulus Plan of ¥4,000,000,000,000¥118,000,000 for Infrastructure Development PlanTen Revitalization Plan of ten IndustriesLetdown of decreasing amplitude of import & export in MarchLetdown of the decreasing tendency of industry growth rate in MarchThe growth rate of GDP is estimated to be 8% in 2009.Development of Civil Aviation : Opportunities Domestic passenger of China is increasing.Development of Civil Aviation :Opportunities-20.0%-10.0%0.0%10.0%20.0%Civil Aviation growth rate of China (Quarter I, 2009)MixDomestic passengerInternational passenger The prices of petroleum, steels, cement and chemical products will stay in low level for very long time.050100150PetroleumSteelsPrice of petroleum and steelMay,2008nowDevelopment of Civil Aviation :Opportunities PPI of China since July, 2008-8.00%-6.00%-4.00%-2.00%0.00%2.00%4.00%6.00%8.00%10.00%12.00%Jul-08Aug-08Sep-08Oct-08Nov-08Dec-08Jan-09Feb-09Mar-09Development of Civil Aviation :Opportunities PI has been decreasing continuously since last December. 97 airports will be built up, more airports will be extended and reconstructed.Development of Civil Aviation :Opportunities Hub Development of BaiyunAirportThe 11thFive‐year Plan of GAMCGoal: To develop Baiyunairport as a large gateway hub in Asia‐Pacific region hase 1: In 2010, Baiyunairport will become a preliminary comprehensive gateway hub with 40 millions PAX. hase 2: In 2015, further developed to be a comprehensive gateway hub of China with 60 millions PAX. hase 3: In 2020, Baiyunairport will become a mature comprehensive gateway hub of China with 75 millions PAX. 02000000040000000600000008000000020052007200920112013201520172019Passengers throughput of BaiyunPlanIn factHub Development of BaiyunAirportThe 11thFive‐year Plan of GAMC Hub Development of BaiyunAirport3 star brands of Baiyunairport’s hub dvelopmentFlying from Baiyun:Building net of routes, sale, serving and traffic, let more traveler to choose Baiyunairport.Baiyuntransit:According to the request of Hub airport and airline company, rebuild the procedure of transit, improve the transit efficiency , let more traveler to choose Baiyunairport.Baiyunlogistics:Improving the cargo handling process. And thereupon international cargo will be transported via BaiyunAirport more speedy and conveniently. Hub Development of BaiyunAirport3 star brands of Baiyunairport’s hub dvelopmentLaunched the program of building World Top 10 Service Airport.Strategy cooperate with: China Southern Airlines, Shenzhen Airlines, Hainan Airlines and famous agentsStrategy cooperation agreement: Guangzhou Customs, Huangpu Customs, Inspection units and famous agents. Hub Development of BaiyunAirportSituation of Baiyunairport’s hub development62 new international routes increased in the last 3 years and 89 international routes at presentIn 2008, the PAX of Baiyunairport was 33.437 million, which increased with 8%.In 2009, 36 million PAX and 900 thousand tons cargo is expected. Passengers throughput of Baiyun010000000200000003000000040000000199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200809(anticipate)Hub Development of BaiyunAirportSituation of Baiyunairport’s hub development Number of international route of Baiyun27345457880204060801002005200620072008nowHub Development of BaiyunAirportSituation of Baiyunairport’s hub development Hub Development of BaiyunAirportFacility constructions of Baiyunairport in progress E3 corridor,W3 corridor and neutral cargo terminal will come into service soon.The expansion of north taxiways is in progress.The 3rd runway will come into service before the Guangzhou Asian Games. Hub Development of BaiyunAirportFedEx Asia Pacific Hub has begun operationThe FedEx hub worked on Feb.6th, 2009.Cargo Network was basically formed.The FedEx hub will bring over 200 thousand tons cargo to Baiyunairport in 2009. Hub Development of BaiyunAirportStrategy positioning of Baiyunairport was listed on the 「Reform and development plan of the Pearl River Delta Region 」Speed up the expansion and strengthen the competitiveBuild a comprehensive Free Trade Zone in BaiyunairportBuild a hub logistics zone which circles and services Baiyunairport Measures to Further Promote Hub Construction of BaiyunAirportAccelerates construction of BaiyunAirport HubThe brand‐building of ‘Flying from Baiyun’, ‘Baiyuntransit’and ‘Baiyunlogistics’Improve the BaiyunCity Terminal and Cargo City Terminal networksSupport the flight wave arrangement and alliance operation of base airlines and optimize transit processDeepen the cooperation with SZ, CA, MU and HUDeepen the cooperation with the signed agents and seek for more partners as well Enhance the strategic cooperation with Inspection AuthorityAssure the service for FedEx Asia‐Pacific Hub Measures to Further Promote Hub Construction of BaiyunAirportEstablish world top 10 best service airportObject:to be world top‐10 best service airport around 2011The sever program of international transit in BaiyunAirport is working which is the first in China.Reform the transit process and improve the efficiencyFurther improve the process of cargo service Measures to Further Promote Hub Construction of BaiyunAirportSteadily carry out the expansion of Baiyunairport174 stands after the expansion, which meets the demand of an annual 75 million PAX, 2.17 million tons cargo throughput and 620 thousand aircraft turnoversA grade 4F 3rd runway: service in 2010, 3800m x 60mTerminal 2: service in 2013, with 531,000 m2, including carpark,parking building, subway and ground transitE3, W3 corridor and neutral cargo terminal: service in 2009 ress ahead the construction of north taxiways and E4, W4 apron Neutral cargo terminalE3, W3 corridor3rd runwayTerminal 2Steadily carry out the expansion plan of BaiyunairportMeasures to Further Promote Hub Construction of BaiyunAirport Measures to Further Promote Hub Construction of BaiyunAirport romote the development of airport economyTie in with the government in applying BaiyunAirport Trade Free ZoneSpeed up the reform and comprehensive development of the old airport ush the jointed aircraft maintenance with oversea parties AirportIndustry Investment Fund China Science‐BaiyunShare Investment Fund Measures to Further Promote Hub Construction of BaiyunAirportDeepen the cooperation and communion withHongkong, Shenzhen, Macao and ZhuhaiAirportSuccessfully hosted the 5 PRD airport conference on carrying out 「Reform and development plan of the Pearl River Delta Region 」 rinciples of cooperation: carry out the national civil airport layout and planning, market economy based, support and benefit each other, develop in harmonySigned the「Reform and development plan of the Pearl River Delta Region 」Established the mechanism on implementing 「Reform and development plan of the Pearl River Delta Region 」cooperation area: security, service enhancing, training, construction, airport economics and airspace optimization Measures to Further Promote Hub Construction of BaiyunAirportCompete for more policy support from the governmentBaiyunairport’s hub development is always valued and supported by all levels government.Financial support for the cargo routes from government Enlist supports on traffic rights, flight schedule, routes network, runway capacity, airspace optimization and cargo base airlines developing.Continue pushing the legislation on airports management Thank you ! |