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发表于 2010-8-15 21:50:06 |只看该作者
June 2007
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
Air India is an international airline, fully owned by Government of India and
is having its operations & maintenance base at Mumbai (Bombay).
Air India has B747-200/300/400, B777-200ER and A310-300 aircraft in its
fleet. Maintenance of B747 and A310 aircraft and overhaul of their engines
and components is performed in-house. Air India’s maintenance facilities are
approved by DGCA of India. Its engine overhaul and associated component
overhaul facilities are also approved by FAA and EASA.
At present, Air India does not have major maintenance and overhaul facilities
for B777 aircraft. Till such time major maintenance capabilities are built up,
it is proposed to outsource major maintenance and overhaul to reputed MROs.
The line checks and checks up to ‘4A’ will be done in-house.
Air India intends to take on dry lease three aircraft B747-400 or B777-200ER
for a period of 18 months to two years. Separate Tender Documents are
available on this web site (www.airindia.in) for each of these aircraft
The purpose of this document is to present the requirements of Air India and
to invite technical and financial proposals directly from the aircraft owners or
their authorised representatives for dry-lease of above mentioned aircraft types.
4.1 Annexure-I
The Annexure-I contains the technical specifications and delivery
requirements. Please complete the annexure with the required
information and submit as a part of the offer.
4.2 Annexure-II
Annexure-II is for financial bid of the offer.
As our company’s procedures do not permit post-tender
negotiations- except with the bidder offering the best financial
terms – you are requested to submit your best terms at this stage
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
Offers complete in all respects should be sent in two sealed envelopes. One
envelope will contain Annexure I and be superscribed as “Tender for B777-
200ER Dry lease - Annexure I - Technical Bid”. The second envelope will
contain the Annexure-II and be superscribed as “Tender for B777-200ER
Dry lease - Annexure II – Financial bid”.
Please provide your company profile along with the Technical Bid.
These envelopes must be submitted to Air India at the following address:
Mr. V. Srikrishnan,
Materials Management Department
Air India, Old Airport
Santacruz East
Mumbai 400 029
After downloading this document, please communicate to
V.Srikrishnan@airindia.in and also to SM.Rao@airindia.in or fax 91-22-
26157051 (Attn: Mr. S. M. Rao) with your name, address and email
address/ Fax number. This is to ensure that any subsequent
changes/developments can be promptly communicated to you.
This is an open Tender. There is no cut-off date. This tender would
remain open till the requirements of Air India are met. As the tender
would be deemed close as soon as satisfactory offers are received by
Air India, bidders are requested to submit their bids at the earliest.
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
Requirement 3 (Three) aircraft on dry lease. Aircraft types under
consideration are
1. Separate tender documents are placed on Air-
India web site for each of the above aircraft
types. Please use the relevant document
corresponding to the type of aircraft being
2. This tender is for B777-200ER
Lease Period 2 years
Preferred Delivery
October 2006 as indicative date but can consider later
Age of aircraft The aircraft shall not be more than 15 years old at the
time of importing into India.
ETOPS At least 180 minutes and must comply with applicable
latest revision of manufacturers guidelines
RVSM qualification The aircraft must have completed Height monitoring
verification and have State approval for conducting
flights in RVSM air space.
Auto Land Capability Aircraft qualified for Cat IIIb preferred
AD compliance Must have complied with all applicable Airworthiness
directives issued by the Regulatory Authority of the
Country of Manufacture, including those due within 6
(Six) months after the start of the lease period.
Air India is looking for aircraft with a seating capacity
up to 300 seats in three class layout. For B777-200ER,
Air India prefers the following interior arrangement:
Three Class configuration.
First Class – Eight seats. Seats should be able to
provide 180 degree recline(full flat beds).
Executive Class – Twenty one seats, at 57-60 inch pitch
(158 degree recline slumberette seats).
Economy Class - Remaining area has to be configured
for Economy Class seating at 33 inch seat pitch
i.e.,267seat approx.
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
MTOW/MLW/MZFW As long range operations are planned with these
aircraft, highest possible certified weights are desirable.
Metric Units Aircraft Instrumentation and Technical documents like
AFM etc., in Metric units (fuel, Aircraft weights,
Note : This is a pre-delivery requirement.
External Painting Aircraft to be painted in Air India livery.
Engine type PW 4000 Series Engines
Cockpit door
enhanced security
At delivery, the aircraft must meet FAA phase –II
modification requirement to install a reinforced and
bullet proof cockpit door that meet the new FAR 25-
795 requirements (or its equivalent requirement).
Delivery Location Air India prefers the aircraft to be delivered at Delhi,
under lessor’s registration.
Air India prefers
galleys to have
- Galleys to accept Air India’s ATLAS equipment
(dimensions are given in Part –2, Item E)
- Galley/galley complexes to be self-sufficient to cater
to the zones in which they are located
Galleys should have
(Detailed requirements
are given in Part-2 Item
- Chilling facilities for all meal cart locations
- Refrigerated chiller locations for ovens in all the
galleys for the second meal.
- Adequate number of water boilers, coffee makers,
hot cups and hot beverage flasks
- Adequate number of meal carts, beverage carts and
Galleys must have
meal capacity for
- Two major meal tray set up (in large trays) and oven
space for two hot meal service (in square aluminum
foils) for first class and crew
- Two major meal tray set up (in large trays) and oven
space for two hot meal service (in casseroles) for
Executive class
- Two major meals tray set up (in 2/3rd trays) and oven
space for two hot meal service (in teflon tin foils) for
Economy class.
The aircraft on offer must be equipped with the following equipment which are
mandatory requirements in India. If not already complied, it should be done
prior to the delivery of aircraft at lessors’s cost. The compliance requirements
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
are listed in detail at the website www.dgca.nic.in Compliance with these
requirements, prior to delivery, should be confirmed in the next part, i.e., Part-2.
 ELT (Impact activated) Impact activated ELT is an additional
requirement for aircraft operating in India.
This is a fixed ELT meeting TSO C91a
requirements. The ELT shall have an external
fixed antenna and capable of transmitting on
121.5, 243 and 406 MHz with remote control
panel installed in the cockpit.
 SSCVR Capable of recording two hours duration and
with bulk erase facility to be deactivated.
 ELT ( Portable) Qty two capable of transmitting on 121.5 and
406 Mhz.
 Dual HF
 Triple VHF
 Escape path marking
 8.33 KHz VHF spacing
 TCAS II change 7 or ACAS II
 Mode ‘S’ Transponder system Must be incorporated with Euro control
mandate of Elementary and Enhanced
Surveillance functions. If not installed at
delivery, lessor must provide modification kit
to meet Euro control deadline.
 SSFDR Complying with ICAO Annex 6 parameter
recording capability
 EGPWS with aircraft position
information from GPS.
Mandated by Indian DGCA – must be
complied prior to delivery.
 Overhead Projection System/
Video Monitors in each of
the Passenger Zones
Desired Features
 PWS (Predictive Windshear System)
 MMR (Multi-mode receivers)
 Cockpit Door Surveillance System
 PTV (Individual Passenger Audio/Video)
 Paravisual display for low visibility take off.
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
A) Please provide the following details with respect to each aircraft on offer.
Name and address of owner of the aircraft.
Also please indicate ownership/ financing
arrangement of the Aircraft on offer, giving
names and addresses of Lessor, Head
Lessor, Security Trustee, Mortgagee etc.
If not owned, Please provide documentary
evidence of authority to offer the aircraft
Please specify the delivery schedule for
each aircraft on offer
Manufacturer’s Serial Number
Number of aircraft on offer
Lease Term
Aircraft registration Number
Date of manufacture
Country of registration
Engine type
Max. take off weight (t)
Max. landing weight (t)
Max. zero fuel weight (t)
Aircraft Basic Weight in Delivery
Configuration (EmptyWeight of Aircraftdoes
not include weight of Crew, ULDs,
Food, Water and other service items)
Max. Fuel Capacity (litres)
Delivery location (Preferred location is
Air India Colours at Delivery  Yes  No
Seating Configuration at Delivery
 No. of classes
 No. of seats in each class.
 Specify seat type:
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
First Class: Full Flat Sleeperettee Seats
Executive class: Slumberettee seats
 Yes  No
 Yes  No
 Seat pitch in each Class
 Seat recline in each Class
No. of cabin attendant seats
No. of toilets
Lower Deck Configuration
 No. & size of pallets
 Fwd Cargo
 Aft Cargo
 No. & type of containers
 Fwd Cargo
 Aft Cargo
 No. of sets of pallets supplied
with each aircraft
 No. of sets of containers supplied
with each aircraft
Are These aircraft equipped/approved for
 180 minutes ETOPS
 Equipped for extended over water
 FDR complying with ICAO Annex 6
parameter recording capability
 Deactivation of Bulk erase facility of
 Escape Path Marking
 8.33 KHz VHF spacing
 TCAS II change 7 or ACAS II
 Mode S (European (Eurocontrol)
- With ELS
- With EHS
 SFAR 88-1 JAA INT/POL 25.12
compliant fuel system
 Yes  No
 Yes  No
 Yes  No
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
 Metric Units (Fuel Indication System,
 Cockpit Display in PFD/ ND format.
 Cockpit door Phase – II Mod
 Cockpit door surveillance system
 Whether galleys will accept Air
India’s ATLAS standard type carts
 Yes  No
Provide vendor & part no. of
 ELT (Impact Activated)
 DFDAC card
 SSFDR – If installed
 SSCVR - If installed
Oxygen Capacity
- Passengers
- Crew
Inflight Entertainment :
Specify if each seat is equipped with
personal TV and each zone has a overhead
projection system.
Spare Engine Support :
Specify details in financial bid
 Yes  No
(B) Please provide the following details with respect to the Landing Gears
Part No. When was
the Last
When is the
next overhaul
interval in
hours or
cycles or
Nose Landing Gear
LH Main Landing gear
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
RH Main Landing Gear
Nose Gear Wheel Part No. __________________
Main Gear Wheel Part No. __________________
Brake Part No. __________________
Nose wheel tire size _________________ Bias/Radial________________
Main gear wheel tire size _________________ Bias/Radial_________________
Brake cooling fan : Installed / Not Installed
( C) Please provide the following details with respect to the following Avionics
System/ LRU Hardware
Part No.
Software Part No. Vendor
22 AFS
22 FCU
30 Ice Detection
31 EIS
31 CWS
34 MMR
34 GPS
45 CMC
45 Air Borne Data
D) Please provide the following details with respect to the (proposed)
installed engines & APU at delivery :
Engine position : # 1 # 2
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
Engine S/N :
Engine TSN/CSN :
Engine TSO/CSO :
Engine TSLV/CSLV :
Reason for Last Shop Visit :
Brief Description of job done on
engine during last shop visit :
First Life Limiter
EGT Margin at Take Off
- In Test Cell
- On Wing
Engine Module Data
Please fill in the required data for all modules such as Fan, LPC, HPC, Combustor,
HPT, LPT, all gear boxes, all mainline bearings, engine mounts, etc. – separately for
all the installed engines – in the table given below.
Engine No. 1 S/N :
Description Serial No. Life Done
Brief Description of Job
Done on each module
Engine No. 2 S/N :
Description Serial No. Life Done
Brief Description of Job
Done on each module
Applicability and compliance status of the following SB’s and other salient
features of the proposed installed engines.
1) FAA/JAA –ADs should be Complied. Provide compliance status
2) LLP status.
3) Furnish list of modifications complied on engine and module.
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
4) Copy of Last Boroscope inspection of complete engine including
5) Last shop visit details of the engine with details like TSO/CSO of each
6) ETOPS requirements status
APU Details
APU Type
Sl. No.
Time/cycles since component refurbishment
Time/cycles since Hot Section refurbishment
Brief description of work carried out during
last shop visit along with copy of LLP list
(Can be given as an annexure)
Status of SBs / FAA/JAA AD status
E) In-flight & Passenger Amenities
1) Air – India uses standard ‘ATLAS’ equipment (sizes of major galley
equipment are given below). Please specify the type of Galley
Equipment being used on your aircraft.
Meal/Bar Cart Full
(14 Racks)
Height (1008.38 mm) Width
(302.26 mm) Depth (805.18
Height (850.5 mm)
Width (276 mm)
Depth (771 mm)
Meal/Bar Cart Half
(14 Racks)
Height (1008.38 mm) Width
(302.26 mm) Depth (404 mm)
Height (849 mm)
Width (276 mm)
Depth (382 mm)
Standard Unit
2 Drawers
Height (279 mm) Width (288
mm) Length (396 mm)
Oven Cage (8
Height (414.2 mm) Internal
Width (215.5 mm)
Length (389 mm)
Loading Drawers Height (102 mm) Width (266.5
mm) Length (375 mm)
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
 Please specify the chilled galley locations?
 How many refrigerator units are available in the aircraft?
 What is the type of chilling units installed for chilling of meals/ bar carts and
chiller units for ovens?
 How are the meal/bar carts and second meals chilled in the galleys?
 Please submit detailed galley diagrams/drawings and Galley Loading
Plans of all galleys in the aircraft which is in use presently by the Airline
using the aircraft.
 Please submit dimensions / sizes of all galley insert equipment (eg. Ovens /
Oven Cages, standard units, hot beverage flasks, hot cups, etc).
 Please specify the galley capacity in the aircraft?
(Air – India caters to Two (2) Hot Meals – First Meal in the oven location
and second meal in the chiller location )
 Can the galley be modified with minor modifications if necessary, in order to
accommodate Air India ATLAS Standard Meal Carts & Beverage Carts?
 Can the Meal Cart Refrigeration be adapted with minor modifications to suit
Air India ATLAS standard Carts?
 How many sets of equipment will be delivered with the aircraft?
Following is the list of equipment required (approximate)
Please specify the number of each equipment available in your aircraft as per the
following table
Please note, galley/galley complexes should be self-sufficient with necessary
equipments, as listed above, to cater to the zones in which they are located
Please provide galley-wise distribution of all equipment available in the following
table :
Description G1 G2 G3 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8
Full Cart – (Meal/Bar)
Half Cart (Meal/Bar)
Waste Cart / Bin Trash
Standard Unit
Hot Beverage Flask
Hot Cup Points
Oven (Steam/ Dry Heat)
Oven Chiller
Bun Warmer
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
Water Faucet
Coffee Makers
Ice Bins
Please provide the number of each item available in your aircraft in respect of CABINS as per the
following table :-
Description Quantum of
Cabin attendants seats
Bassinet Locations
Wheel Chair
Coat Compartment
Flight crew bunks
Cabin crew bunks
Lockable Storages
What type of entertainment systems are available on the aircraft – Audio and
Video Projection System and Personal TVs (if installed), Boarding Music,
Announcement Systems and Passenger Information System(Airshow)?
Specify make and model / part numbers of the system and software type for
both audio and video.
The passenger electronic headsets that are in use in the aircraft –
Is it 2 pin, 3 pin or Single Pin ? Specify pin type.
G) The following documents / Certificates have to be provided along with the
Technical Bid
- Present interior layout ( LOPA)
- Proposed interior layout (LOPA)
- Location and number of crew seats
- Galley drawings & weights
- C of A
- C of R
- RVSM State approval
- CAT-II / IIIa operational approval
- PRNAV / RNP1 State approval
- Flight Safety Manual
- Flight Safety Equipment list, description and Layout Diagrams.
- Maintenance program (Maintenance check intervals)
- ETOPS compliance certificate
As per Indian regulations regarding operation of a foreign aircraft on dry lease,
the aircraft should be registered in India. For the Indian operator to exercise
effective control on maintenance and inspection of the aircraft, it is necessary
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
to know the complete history of the aircraft and, therefore, the lessor should
provide complete information, including the following, about the aircraft.
Aircraft hours/cycles since new
Aircraft hours/cycles since last ‘C’ check
When was last “C” check carried out
When was last “D” check carried out
Hours/Cycles logged since “D” check
Agency which has performed the last “D”/
“C” check
Whether a “D” check is due during lease
Mandatory modifications status on aircraft
and engines
Details of accidents / incidents, if any, and
repairs carried out
Certificate of Registration from
Airworthiness authority of the State of
Certificate of Airworthiness from the
Airworthiness authority of the State of
Details of utilisation of the aircraft during
the past one year
Present Lessee/ Operator of the aircraft.
Date of proposed redelivery of the aircraft
to the Lessor by present Lessee/ Operator.
The following information is required.
J) Please attach a listing of all the major components / LRUs showing the vendor
name and part number.
K) Please provide a list of Hard Time components, showing Part No., Sr. No.,
hours / cycles / calendar period logged since last overhaul and when next due.
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
L) Please provide a copy of certificate from the Airworthiness authority of the
State of Registry of the aircraft approving the maintenance check schedule
followed by Lessor.
M) Please provide a statement from the owner/operator that the aircraft fully
complies with the airworthiness requirements of the State of Registry
N) Please provide details of maintenance program followed and approved by the
airworthiness authority of the country of Registry
O) The aircraft and their documents will be inspected. Please indicate when and
where the inspection can be made.
P) Please provide a brief profile of your company along with financial
performance of the company for the last three years.
Q) The current balance or startup reserves in the amounts equal to the product
of time logged and the corresponding maintenance reserve are made available
by the Lessor to the Lessee to undertake the maintenance during the lease
term. Please confirm availability of the startup reserves in the Technical Bid
(Annexure I) and indicate their quantities in the Financial Bid (Annexure II).
Specify redelivery requirements as given below.
Redelivery check : Type of Check and with or without
JAA/ FAA Certification
Hard Time Components : With or without JAA/ FAA Certification
(As per MPD)
Other Components : _____________________
Redelivery location : _____________________
Painting at redelivery : _____________________
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
(A) Aircraft
- All the aircraft are to be delivered fresh out of “C” check.
- All the aircraft shall have valid C of A at time of delivery.
- Major components which are “On Condition” or “Condition
Monitored” shall be serviceable.
- Landing gear should not be due for overhaul in the lease term.
- Air India prefers that “D” Check does not fall due during the
Lease Period.
- All wheels and Brakes should have at least 50% remaining useful
- Other “hard time” components shall have a minimum of 6,000
hours or 2,000 flight cycles or one and half year (whichever is
limiting) until the next scheduled shop overhaul. Components
having an interval less than these intervals shall have full life
(B) Engines/APU
- Engines and APU life limited parts shall have at least 4,000 flight
cycles remaining.
- Engines shall have sufficient on-wing take-off margin to allow at
least 2000 cycles of operation
- Normally we expect completely overhauled engine/APU at the
time of delivery. If that is not the case, the individual module of the
engine/APU should not have done more than 500 cycles since
- Major components installed on engines (EBU/LRU items) shall
have a remaining life of at least 4,000 hours.
- No terminating action requirement of any FAA/JAA AD during
the lease period (Repetitive inspection requirements are excluded).
- No engine/APU will have a reduced inspection interval
requirement for a condition of an installed component.
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
(C) Galley Equipment
o Meal Carts - Full
o Meal Carts - Half
o Waste Carts
o Waste Bins
o Ice Bins / Drawers
o Standard Units
o Oven Cage with Trays
o Hot Jugs / hot beverage flasks
o Hot Cups
o Service Trolleys
o Carry Cots
Air India requires additional ship sets of the above equipment. In case
the galley equipment is compatible with those with Air India, the
requirement is three sets per aircraft. However if the equipment are
different, six sets per aircraft are required.
Please advise the number of sets per aircraft that will be supplied with
each aircraft.
(D) Documents
Following aircraft documents are required at the time of delivery of the
1. Standard package of technical documentation for normal airline
flight operations and maintenance planning (hard copies and
2. Component list of life controlled items
3. MPD, MEL, CDL, Weight & Balance Manual
4. CMMs of BFE equipment such as Galleys, Passenger Seats,
Impact activated ELTs.
5. Database for DFDR recorded parameters, etc.
6. Flight Safety Manual, Flight Safety Equipment List, their
description and layout diagrams
7. Aircraft major repair data history
8. Updated list of SBs and ADs incorporated in the aircraft and
9. DFDR data printouts in engineering units and raw data in
electronic form of the test flight data after the delivery ‘C’
10. Powerplant IPC – 2 copies and a CD
11. Powerplant Shop Manual – 1 copy
12. Power Plant build up Manual – 1 copy
13. 2 copies of any other publications relevant to the engines
14. Flight data parameter library document
15. ETOPS documentation
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
16. Certificates required :
- C of A
- C of R
- Export C of A
- Radio Station license
- RVSM State approval
- CAT-II / IIIa operational approval
- PRNAV / RNP1 State approval
- Weighing report after the reconfiguration
- RNP 10 approval
- BRNAV RNP 5 approval
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
1. Airlines / operators / owners of aircraft / leasing companies having
aircraft of its own/ have authority to offer aircraft on lease can only
participate in the Tender. Air India will not deal with any agents /
brokers during the process of evaluation and finalisation of the lease
2 (i) ADs issued after the commencement of the lease and whose threshold lies
within the lease period will be complied with by Air India. Air India’s cost in
complying with all such ADs will not exceed USD 20,000 per aircraft during
the entire lease period. Any cost in excess of this amount shall be reimbursed
to Air India. If the aircraft have to be grounded beyond the normal scheduled
maintenance period for complying with the ADs, lessor shall suitably
compensate for such additional grounding.
(ii) Lessor shall pay to the lessee for the compliance of optional or
recommendatory SBs. Lessor shall reimburse the out-of-pocket expenses
incurred by the lessee and also for the downtime of the aircraft.
3. The aircraft will be delivered to Air India fresh from ‘C’ check and in
Air India livery. At the end of lease period, the aircraft will be returned
by Air India fresh out of ‘C’ check.
4. Air India shall be responsible for aircraft maintenance, crew and insurance.
The aircraft will be insured for a value lower of the acquisition value or
current market value.
5. Air India prefers the aircraft to be delivered at Delhi, under lessor’s
registration. If this is not possible please indicate where the aircraft will be
delivered. Also indicate the place where the aircraft is to be redelivered.
6. Payments made to the lessor will be subject to Indian tax liabilities which will
be borne by the lessor and will be deducted at source, if applicable.
7. Quotations for dry lease shall be in US Dollars.
8. The offer should be valid for a period of 4 months from the tender due date.
9. Air India reserves the right to accept or reject any offer or part thereof without
assigning any reasons thereof.
10. Technical discussions and negotiations will be held at Mumbai, India.
11. The lease arrangement is subject to receiving approvals from DGCA – India,
Air India’s Board and Government of India.
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
The lease rental shall be in terms of per aircraft per month basis. Please note
that the lease term is mentioned as two years in the tender document and the
bids submitted must conform to this requirement.
- Maintenance reserves, if applicable, will be quoted on per aircraft
- The maintenance reserves will be payable monthly in arrears.
- All the rates should be quoted for 1 : 6 cycle / flight hour ratio.
- Engine / APU maintenance reserves will be utilised for ALL off-wing
repair / maintenance requirements of engine / APU with the following
exclusions :
(a) repair of damage resulting from service outside the Aircraft
operational limits established by the equipment type
certificate holder (operational mishandling);
(b) repair of damage not occurring in normal operation (e.g.
foreign object damage/hostile acts or negligence of any
Please indicate item wise maintenance reserves as shown below for the
aircraft :
Airframe (“D” check) USD ___________ per month
Landing Gear USD ___________ per month
Engine off-wing repair/
maintenance USD ___________ per engine
flight hour
Engine LLP USD ___________ per flight cycle
per engine
APU off-wing repair/
maintenance USD ___________ per aircraft
Note : On average, the aircraft to APU hours are in 2 : 1 ratio
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
Please indicate the current balance of maintenance reserve account for the
aircraft :
Aircraft Serial Number: Aircraft No. 1
Amount in USD
Aircraft No. 2
Amount in USD
- Airframe (“D” check)
- Landing Gears
- Engine No1 off-wing
repair / maintenance
- Engine No2 off-wing
repair / maintenance
- Engine No1 LLP
- Engine No2 LLP
- APU off-wing repair /
Note : Lessor may fill up additional columns of data for each aircraft on offer.
Generally the current balance or startup reserves are in the amounts equal to
the product of time logged and the corresponding maintenance reserve. This
amount represents the contribution of the lessor (towards undertaking
maintenance) for the time logged prior to the delivery of the aircraft.
Please indicate the amount for which the aircraft is to be insured in
Please advise whether you could provide the following services, and if so, at
what additional cost. You are requested to indicate these costs separately
and not to include in the lease rental.
(A) Training
(1) Flight crew : 8 sets per aircraft
(training includes
 Ground technical
 Fixed base simulator
Tender No.DL/777-200ER/June 2007
 Full flight simulator
 Flying training and type endorsement checks
 Route training/checks
 CATII/III qualification)
(2) Licensed Engineers : Please quote for a batch of 15
engineers – to be trained in Airframe,
Powerplant and applicable Avionics
(3) Technician Training : On the job training for 20 maintenance
(4) In-Flight Crew : 7 persons for Service training and Flight
Safety training
(5) Miscellaneous training: Such as Weight & Balance, Load &
Trim sheet, Performance, Flight
Dispatchers, etc. Please quote cost per
relevant training.
(B) Spares Support : Spares are required for line maintenance
and operational support. Please indicate
the type and quantum of spares that
would be provided along with cost to Air
India, if any.
(C) Maintenance : If major maintenance of the aircraft can
be offered, please indicate cost and
ground time of ‘C’/’D’ checks.
(D) Power by Hour : Cost of Power by Hour arrangement with
respect to the maintenance and repair of :
- Engines
- Components
(E) Spare Engines : Cost of providing Spare Engine Support.
(Signature of the lessor)

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发表于 2010-11-9 22:49:44 |只看该作者

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