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Basic Training Structure Repair [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-8-20 19:59:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-8-20 19:59:34 |只看该作者

Expenditure for structure repair activities are the consequence of labor costs. Hence, improving human performance provides
a contribution for achieving more effective economical results.
Our structure repair courses provide essential technical information as well as the basic and special knowledge required
for maintenance personnel who are involved in the repair of aircraft structures in the field of commercial aviation.
Each training course is aimed at creating confidence based on knowledge and understanding.
Our structure training is built on a firm basis that will enable the student to perceive:
• materials on modern transport aircraft and their application
• design principles and their derivatives
• categorisation of different types of damage on aircraft structures
• basic application of aircraft manuals such as Structure Repair Manual
• overhaul procedures linked to the Structure Repair Manual
• conduction of typical repairs based on the Structure Repair Manual as well as the operation of special tooling
• safety precautions related to aircraft structures
• Hands-on as well as theoretical training
• Provide strong technical foundations in the classroom, and then proceeding to the workshops for practical training
• Combine classes and tailored content for a specific project
• Develop a curriculum to meet your unique structure training requirements
• LTT instructors having vast experience and up-to-date knowledge
• We provide training on-site to reduce travel expenses
• Personalized training to solve your specific structure challenges
• Students‘ practical problems can be dealt with in the classroom, hence saving time and money
• Real-life structure repair cases enhance trainees‘ proficiency
• Students are supplied with troubleshooting techniques that save both time and money
• Participants determine repair procedures and repair actual parts
• Conduction of training at customer‘s facilities
Basic Training
Structure Repair
Quality based on experience
Structure Repair Courses (Aircraft related)
Duration: 5 days
Course Objectives: All courses enable maintenance technicians to become confident with the use of the
Structure Repair Manual to assess common damages a specific aircraft structure. It includes
a detailed study of the SRM in terms of layout, content and procedures used for structure
purposes, from day to day maintenance tasks up to heavy structural repairs.
A detailed study of aircraft structure including design concepts, construction, principles and
material application as well as hands-on manual training will be conducted in the classroom
This course fulfills ATA 104 Level IV objectives
Target Group: Technicians with previous structure experience
Prerequisites: Entry level up to senior level maintenance technicians with a minimum of one year experience
on modern transport aircraft.
Fluent in English or German
Title ID Duration
Airbus Aircraft:
A319/320/321 Structure Repair FS301 5 days
A340-200/-300 Structure Repair FS303 5 days
A340-500/-600 Structure Repair FS304 5 days
A310/A300-600 Structure Repair FS308 5 days
Boeing Aircraft:
B737-300/-500 Structure Repair FS402 5 days
B737-600/-900 Structure Repair FS403 5 days
B747-200/-400 Structure Repair FS405 5 days
B757-200/-300 Structure Repair FS406 5 days
B767-200/-300 Structure Repair FS407 5 days
B777-200/-300 Structure Repair FS408 5 days
Processes & Procedures
Aircraft Inspection Findings FS102
Duration: 3 days
Course Objectives: This course prepares a maintenance technician, with an A& license (or equivalent) and two
years experience on transport category aircraft, to perform inspections on transport aircraft
during overhaul and maintenance
This course fulfills ATA 104 Level IV objectives
Target Group: A& Mechanics, Airframe Mechanics, Avionics
Prerequisites: Senior level maintenance technicians or delegated inspectors with a minimum of two years
experience on transport aircraft. Fluent in English or German
SRM Handskill Training FS103
Duration: 5 days
Course Objectives: This course enables structure technicians to regain the ability to perform typical repairs on
metal structure parts. It is aimed at participants who have already acquired experience in
structure repair work but whose practical employment dates back several years.
All repairs in the practical training follow the guidelines of the Structural Repair Manual
This course fulfills ATA 104 Level IV objectives
Target Group: Structural repair technicians, airframe mechanics or sheet metal workers who have acquired
experience in structure repair but whose practical employment dates back several years
Prerequisites: Skilled structural technicians with basic experience in structure repair of metallic aircraft
parts. Fluent in English or German
Fatigue Improvement FS107
Duration: 7 days
Course Objectives: This course informs the student about the fundamentals of fatigue improvement procedures
on metallic aircraft structures. The course includes lectures, demonstrations and hands-on
The hands-on practice includes Splitsleeve Cold Expansion, Flap-Peening and Taper-Lok
All practical exercises follow the guidelines of the Structural Repair Manual
This course satisfies ATA 104 Lvel IV objectives
Target Group: Structural repair technicians involved in structure repair and maintenance of modern
transport aircraft.
Prerequisites: Previous structure experience. Fluent in English or German
Basic Training for Aircraft Painting and Removal FS004
Duration: 15 days
Course Objectives: This course trains aircraft varnishers in aircraft painting and paint removal procedures required
to perform finishing repair work on different aircraft types during Line and Base Maintenance
This course fulfills ATA 104 Lvel IV objectives
Target Group: Painter and Varnisher, Lacquerer
Prerequisites: Varnisher with prior experience on painting ranging from aerospace and/or automotive
industries. Fluent in English or German
Aircraft Structure Fundamentals FS006
Duration: 30 days
Course Objectives: Entry level structural repair technicians will gain the basic knowledge of working with common
sheet metal tools to perform general aircraft structural repairs. The course trains the description
and operation of basic sheetmetal repair tools as well as knowledge about basic aircraft
hardware such as common materials and fastener installation and removal procedures.
All repairs performed in the practical training follow the guidelines of the Structural Repair
This course fulfills ATA 104 Level IV objectives
Target Group: Entry-level structural Repair Technicians, entry level Airframe Mechanics, Sheetmetal Worker
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of structure repair work on transport aircraft
Fluent in English or German
Fastener Installation and Removal FS008
Duration: 5 days
Course Objectives: This course prepares the participant to locate, identify and interpret the correct fastener type
as well as determine the appropriate fastener removal and installation procedure.
Demonstrations and student practice sessions on all aspects of fastener types are part of this
All hands-on training follows the guidelines of the Structural Repair Manual
This course fulfills ATA 104 Level IV objectives
Target Group: Airframe Mechanics, Entry-level Structural Repair Technicians
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of structure repair work
Fluent in English or German
Fuel Tank Repair FS009
Duration: 10 days
Course Objectives: This course prepares structural technicians with the background and knowledge of an accurate
detection of fuel leak sources as well as how to perform the required corrective repairs.
All repairs performed in the practical training follow the guidelines of the Structural Repair
This course fulfills ATA 104 Level IV objectives
Target Group: Airframe Mechanics, Structural Repair Technicians involved in fuel leak detection and repair
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of structure repair work on modern transport aircraft
Fluent in English or German
Airbus Drawing Systems FS501
Boeing Drawing Systems FS502
Duration: 2 days
Course Objectives: This course prepares the trainee to locate, identify and interpret the correct drawing for a
specific aircraft. The course includes written exercises and solving drawing based problems.
This course fulfills ATA 104 Level IV objectives
Target Group: Airframe Mechanics, Airframe and System Engineers, A& Mechanics
Prerequisites: Senior level maintenance technicians or a minimum of two years experience on transport
Fluent in English or German
Corrosion Prevention and Control FS503
Duration: 2 days
Course Objectives: This course qualifies maintenance technicians in the control and prevention of aircraft corrosion
as well as corrosion removal methods and preventative maintenance
This course fulfills ATA 104 Level IV objectives
Target Group: Airframe Mechanics, Maintenance Technicians involved in structure repair
Prerequisites: Experienced airframe mechanics and/or structure specialists. Fluent in English or German
Composite Repair Handskill Training FS204
Duration: 5 days
Course Objectives: This course enables structure technicians to regain the ability to perform typical repairs an a
composite structure. It is aimed at participants who already have experience in composite
repair work but whose practical employment dates back several years.
All repairs in the practical training follow the guidelines of the Structural repair Manual
This course fulfills ATA 104 Level IV objectives and is designed for those who will actually
perform repairs on modern transport aircraft
Target Group: Airframe Mechanics, Maintenance Technicians involved in composite repair
Prerequisites: Skilled structural repair technicians with basic experience in composite repair.
Fluent in English or German
Composite Fundamentals FS205
Duration: 5 days
Course Objectives: This course familiarise structural technicians with composite materials and their application
on modern transport aircraft. The student will acquire a basic understanding of standard
practices for composite repair with reference to the SRM
This course fulfills ATA 104 Level IV objectives
Target Group: Entry-level Airframe Mechanics, Sheetmetal Worker
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of structure repair work on modern transport aircraft
Fluent in English or German
Composite Advanced Repair FS206
Duration: 10 days
Course Objectives: This course prepares structural technicians on composite repair to evaluate and repair
damages on complex composite structure parts and it is designed as a follow-up to the
composite fundamentals course. It concentrates on difficult and realistic repair situations.
Most of the class is devoted to hands-on repair practice. All repairs performed in the practical
training follow the guidelines of the Structural Repair Manual.
This course fulfills ATA 104 Level IV objectives
Target Group: Senior-level Airframe Mechanics, experienced Structural Technicians, Maintenance Personnel
who will actually be assessing damages on composite parts or performing composite repairs
Prerequisites: Previous experience in composite materials and processing or who have already attended
the Composite Fundamentals Course.
Fluent in English or German

All courses, detailed course descriptions as well as dates for open courses
are available on our website.
Booking requests may be carried out also through the web.
All courses can be held at the premises of LTT or as Inhouse training at
your own facilities. Instruction languages are English and German.
Please contact our Customer Service should you have any questions or
should you need assistance from our sales team.
Lufthansa Technical Training
Customer Service
Unterschweinstiege 12
60549 Frankfurt
Phone: +49 (0)69 696 2751
Fax: +49 (0)69 696 6384
E-Mail: Customer-Service@LTT.DLH.DE

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2010-9-2 12:51:51 |只看该作者

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发表于 2010-9-7 13:52:11 |只看该作者

Basic Training Structure Repair

Basic Training Structure Repair

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-12-17 15:58:04 |只看该作者

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发表于 2011-1-3 11:16:59 |只看该作者

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发表于 2011-2-28 01:21:39 |只看该作者

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发表于 2011-3-13 22:28:27 |只看该作者

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