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AirNav RadarBox™ 2008 Manual [复制链接]

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-8-21 21:28:26 |只看该作者
AirNav® Systems LLC
AirNav RadarBox™ 2008
© Copyright AirNav Systems LLC 2008. All rights reserved.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without prior notice and shall not constitute a
commitment on the part of AirNav Systems. The Product(s) and/or services described in this document shall be furnished
pursuant to the signing of a license, non-disclosure or service agreement and shall be used or copied in accordance with
the terms thereof.
AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
1. Welcome ................................................................
1.1. Main Features ................................
1.2. ADS-B Background ................................
1.3. What Will I See?................................
2. Getting Started................................................................
2.1. Installation ................................................................
2.2. Hardware Guide................................
2.3. Antenna Positioning................................
2.4. Quickstart Tutorial ................................
3. Using RadarBox ................................................................
3.1. AirNav RadarBox Network ................................
3.2. Aircraft Details Autopopulate ................................
3.3. Creating Alerts................................
3.4. MyLog Database................................
3.5. Creating Reports ................................
3.6. Viewing Aircraft Photos ................................
3.7. Using Filters................................................................
3.8. SmartView................................................................
3.9. Flight Data Recorder/Playback................................
3.10. Monitor Airport Movements ................................
3.11. Connecting to AirNav ACARS Decoder
4. Menus, Windows and Toolbars ................................
4.1. Toolbars................................................................
4.1.1. Shortcut Keys ................................
4.1.2. Maps Toolbar ................................
4.1.3. Location Toolbar ................................
4.1.4. Weather Toolbar................................
4.1.5. Filters Toolbar ................................
4.2. RadarBox Interface................................
4.2.1. MyFlights................................
4.2.2. ACARS................................................................
4.2.3. MyLog................................................................
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
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AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
4.2.4. Alerts ................................................................
4.2.5. Reporter ................................
4.2.6. Database Explorer................................
4.2.7. Preferences ................................
4.3. Menus ................................................................
4.3.1. File................................................................
4.3.2. Filters................................................................
4.3.3. Map ................................................................
4.3.4. Tools Menu ................................
4.3.5. Window................................................................
4.3.6. Help ................................................................
5. Advanced Users................................................................
5.1. Tracking Military Aircraft ................................
5.2. Displaying Special Country Flags................................
5.3. Custom Outline Maps ................................
5.4. Data Output on Port 7879 and 40004
5.5. Timeout Settings ................................
6. Troubleshooting................................................................
6.1. Hardware Connection ................................
6.2. Network Connection ................................
6.3. RadarBox Without an Internet Connection
7. Registration and Logon ................................
7.1. How to Order ................................
7.2. Logon Window ................................
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
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AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
1. Welcome
Welcome to the worlds most Adva
AirNav RadarBox is the closest you can be to real world aviation without leaving your chair thanks to next generation
Radar decoding. By decoding ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast) signals, you will be able to
your computer what Air Traffic Controllers see on their screens. Flight number, aircraft type, altitude, heading, speed are
all updated each second. RadarBox employs the award winning software interface developed by the world's leader in
flight tracking and monitoring solutions, AirNav Systems.
AirNav RadarBox is equipped to be used in locations all over the world. 3D multi
contain more than 200 thousand geographic points included. Airports, runways, VOR, NDB, FIX
and elevation data.
How does it work?
1. Install the software from the CD
2. Connect the AirNav RadarBox to your computer using the USB cable provided
3. Start Tracking flights in real-time!
RadarBox Network
AirNav RadarBox Network is an unique feature that allows you to view data received by other RadarBox users all over the
It is the first worldwide flight data network ever developed. You are experimenting with cutting
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
Advanced Real-Time Radar Decoder
king multi-window maps with worldwide coverage
rk Page 4
see on
FIX, cities, roads, airways
cutting-edge technology.
AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
1.1. Main Features
AirNav RadarBox - Main Features
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AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
 Real-Time Radar ADS-B decoder
 Superior receiver sensitivity
 No need for an external power supply
 Plug-and-play USB connection
 Light weight easy to carry aluminum box
 Track flights in real-time
 Second by second updates on flight number, aircraft registration, altitude, speed, heading and vertical speed
 Real-Time retrieval of aircraft details including registration, company, aircraft type
 Based on the award winning AirNav Systems 3D multi
 Easy plug and play USB connection - no complex time consuming setup
 ACARS Decoder interface
 5 minute delayed flight data sharing on port 7879
 Data sharing output in add-on compatible format is ava
 Automatically Imports Outline Files (.out)
 Real-Time photos of all tracked aircraft
 Real-Time weather information
 Export data and generate reports
 Share screen shots or send logs automatically to your friends
 MyLog feature: log all and share with your friends all the aircraft you receive
 Alert generation for specific aircraft or in
 Radar player to review airspace recordings
 Editable callsign database included: know the origin and destination of each fligh
 160 thousand flight number database included
 High definition worldwide map layer
 Worldwide aviation data included (Airports, Runways, VOR, NDB, FIX, airways and ATC boundaries)
 More than 1 million map locations including detailed shore lin
 Quick locate feature
 Worldwide elevation data
 Microsoft Windows
 PC with 400 Mhz processor (higher recommended)
 128 MB RAM
 One Available USB Connection
 50 MB Hard Disk Space Available for Instal
 CD-ROM Drive
Package Contents:
 RadarBox Hardware Unit
 USB Cable
 Antenna
 Quick Installation guide
 Setup Wizard CD with RadarBox Software
Visit AirNav RadarBox Homepage for more informati
1.2. ADS-B Background
ADS-B Background
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
inning multi-window map interface
available on Port 40004
in-range flights
lines, country boundaries and cities
information and Screen Shots.
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AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
Putting it in a simple form, AirNav RadarBox consists of a hardware receiver that decodes ADS
computer where a software processes it and shows it on 3D interface. Re
the AirNav Systems RadarBox network. This way you will be able to see data received from users all over the world.
What is ADS-B?
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (also called ADS
their current position and altitude, category of aircraft, airspeed, identification, and whether the aircraft is turning,
climbing or descending over a dedicated radio datalink. This functionality is known as "ADS
of ADS-B functionality.
The current ADS-B system was developed in the 1990s though its lineage dates back to the 1960s. It relies on data from
the Global Positioning System, or any navigation system that provides an equivalent or
range of the system is line-of-sight, typically less than 200 nautical miles (370 km).
The ADS-B transmissions are received by air traffic control stations, and all other ADS
reception range. Reception by aircraft of ADS
The initial use of ADS-B is expected to be by air traffic control and for surveillance purposes and for enhancing pilot
situational awareness. ADS-B is lower cost than conventional radar and permits high
and surface movements. ADS-B is effective in remote areas or in mountainous terrain where there is no radar coverage,
or where radar coverage is limited. The outback of Australia is one such area where ADS
previously none existed. ADS-B also enhances surveillance on the airport surface, so it can also be used to monitor traffic
on the taxiways and runways of an airport.
ADS-B equipped aircraft may also have a display unit in the cockpit
(ADS-B in) and TIS-B (Traffic Information Service
controllers will then be able to "see" the positions of air traffic in the vicin
provide an ASAS (Airborne Separation Assurance System).
Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems may in the future also make use of "ADS
collision avoidance system by what is called 'hybrid surveillance'.
Airbus and Boeing are expected to include ADS
aircraft from 2005 onwards.
1.3. What Will I See?
What Will I See?
The ADS-B equipment which generates the signals which are detected and displayed by RadarBox, are fitted to most
modern airliners and cargo aircraft. ADSmore
use will be made of such modern technology
RadarBox aircraft list and on the map screen.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
Received data may be shared between users using
ADS-B) is a system by which airplanes constantly broadcast
better service. The maximum
ADS-B equipped aircraft within
n ADS-B data is known as "ADS-B in".
higher quality surveillance of airborne
ADS-B will provide
picturing surrounding air traffic from ADS
Service-Broadcast) data derived from air traffic radar. Both Pilots and air traffic
vicinity of the aircraft, and this may be used to
ADS-B in", supplementing the existing TCAS
ADS-B out (i.e. the transmitter of information) as standard on new
t -B is not yet mandatory, but as airspace becomes even more crowded, much
more to enhance flight safety. Aircraft with full ADS
Page 7
ADS-B data and sends it to your
ceived ADS-B out" and is the basic level
er surveillance where
ADS-B data
ity new-build
ADS-B will show in the
AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
Why can I see aircraft in the list but they do not appear on the map?
Some aircraft, although they are fitted with ADS
information, it is impossible to display the aircraft on the map. In the example below, the first 2 aircraft in the list have
ADS-B equipment, but they are not transmitting position information. However, it is s
type of the aircraft and their altitude. The last 2 aircraft are transmitting full position information (shown by the Globe
in the first column) and will appear on the map. Note that military aircraft will often show
security reasons, do not transmit their position.
What will not show on RadarBox?
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
ADS-B equipment, do not transmit their position. Without position
still possible to see the identity and
Page 8
t till in the aircraft list, but for
AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
Older aircraft, or small light aircraft and helicopters might not be fitted with ADS
the aircraft list or on the map screen. See
2. Getting Started
2.1. Installation
AirNav RadarBox 2008 - Installation
If you need any help during the installation process visit
The AirNav RadarBox system is made up of two parts.
 The hardware - consisting of the receiver, antenna and USB cable
 The software - delivered on CD or downloaded as an update from the AirNav website
You must install the software first. Once the software installation is complete, you can then install th
RadarBox uses device drivers supplied on the CD. It is vital that these drivers are installed, otherwise RadarBox will not
function. Follow the below steps to correctly install RadarBox and start tracking flights in real
help in troubleshooting the driver installation, see the
1. Run the setup.exe file located on the root folder of the provided CD. Follow registration instructions paying special
attention to the User Agreement.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
ADS-B equipment and so will not appear in
st Tracking Military Aircraft for more information.
AirNav Systems support page
Troubleshooting section.
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MPUTER the hardware.
real-time on your computer. For
AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
2. After the software installation is complete
Windows will detect that AirNav RadarBox is connected.
3. When the below windows appears, under "Can Windows conne
at this time". Click "Next".
4. Under "What do you want the wizard to do?" select
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
connect the USB cable from the hardware to your computer
connect to Windows Update for software?" select
"Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)".
Page 10
ct "No, not
AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
5. Select "Search for the best driver in thes
Browse for the folder that contains RadarBox drivers. It is located on a folder named "drivers" that is inside the folder
where AirNav RadarBox software has been installed.
The standard location of the AirNav drivers is
2008\Drivers". Click "Next".
5. Driver installation will start. If the window below appears click
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
these locations" and then select "Include this location in the search"
ocation "C:\Program Files\AirNav Systems\AirNav RadarBox
"Continue Anyway".
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AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
6. If the window below appears select again the R
"C:\Program Files\AirNav Systems
7. That's it! The hardware has been installed successfully.
2.2. Hardware Guide
Hardware Guide
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
RadarBox driver folder, usually located at:
Systems\AirNav RadarBox 2008\Drivers". Click "OK".
Click the "Finish" button.
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adarBox .
AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
In this section you will find the meaning of the three hardware lights (LED) that your RadarBox hardware contains.
Normal Operating:
Under operating normal conditions (hardware connected to your computer, drivers correctly in
running) the green light will be always on, the blue light will flicker on each time data is being transferred from the
hardware to your computer and the white light will flicker on each time there is data being received from aircraft.
Green LED:
This is the most important light. When on it means that hardware is properly powered. AirNav RadarBox hardware uses
power from your USB connection. There is no need for external power or batteries. In normal conditions this light should
always be on. If it is not on, there may be a problem with your USB cable. See
Blue LED:
This LED indicates the status of the USB connection as shown below. Note that under normal condi
drivers installed and software working) the blue light will blink anytime data is being transferred by USB between the
hardware and your computer.
 Blue LED Blinking at a one time per second:
When the blue LED blinks on for half a second and off for half a second, this indicates that the hardware is being
powered by the computer but there is no valid connection between them. This could indicate the
installed correctly or because there is a problem with your USB cable. For more information on how to properly install
the drivers please go to the Installation section
 Blue LED Blinking Quickly (approximately five times per second)
The hardware is properly connected to your computer (USB controller working) but the AirNav RadarBox Driver is not
installed or not working. For more information on how to properly install t
and the Troubleshooting section.
 Blue LED Off
If the light is permanently off (and the green light is permanently on) the
the AirNav RadarBox software is not yet started.
 Blue LED Blinking one time per second
Hardware properly connected to your computer and AirNav RadarBox software is working but no flights are being
received. By default the light will always blink at a one time per second rate. If you would normally expect to see traffic,
check that your antenna is connected.
White LED:
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
and the Troubleshooting section.
the drivers please go to the
then the hardware is ready to start working and
y Page 13
installed and software
for more help.
conditions (hardware on,
USB driver is not
he Installation section
AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
The white LED Blinks whenever a mode-S signal is received from an aircraft and decoded with
blinks the more information is received from aircraft. In highly congested airspace areas this lights will be on 95% of the
time! During the test period the development team has received more than 50 mode
2.3. Antenna Positioning
Antenna Positioning
RadarBox comes with a small magnetic base antenna and this antenna has been selected for its excellent performance
when used with the hardware receiver and AirNav software. Correct
gain maximum performance as ADS-B signals are transmitted in the 1090 MHz Ultra High Frequency band, which is eight
times higher than VHF aircraft voice communications. At this frequency, signals travel
by any obstructions such as buildings, trees and hills. This means that if anything comes between you and the aircraft,
then that aircraft will probably not be displayed by RadarBox. In order to achieve maximum performa
good range and coverage, the following points should be noted:
 The RadarBox antenna is not an internal antenna.
 The antenna should ideally be positioned outdoors and clear of obstructions.
 The higher the antenna, the better the performance.
 Performance is enhanced by a "ground
magnetic antenna to the center of the disk
 The longer the feed cable, the poorer the performance.
Whilst RadarBox can work perfectly acceptably with the antenna sitting on a window ledge, you should
always try to find the highest and clearest position. A skylight window is an ideal location for the
antenna. If you have RadarBox installed on a laptop computer, then you will be able to move the laptop,
RadarBox and antenna to find the position that gives the best
connected by a long feeder cable can improve performance, however, the advantage of the high antenna
can be completely overcome by losses in the cable. If you wish to use a long feeder cable, you must use
high quality, low-loss cable. Note that such cable tends to be thick, inflexible and expensive.
A signal pre-amplifier may improve RadarBox performance, however, the amplifier must be capable of working at 1090
MHz. The performance of a poorly sighted antenna will not be i
experiment with the standard RadarBox antenna before considering an external antenna and/or a pre amplifier.
the antenna only a small distance can make a significant difference in performance.
everything, but not at the expense of a long 'lossy' feeder cable.
Use the Maximum Range Polar Diagram to see how well you have positioned you antenna. Clear the polar diagram
before starting this test - File | Preferences | Gen
Leave RadarBox running for at least 30 minutes to allow the polar diagram to build up.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
mode-s messages per second.
positioning of the antenna is essential in order to
by "line of sight" and are affected
ground-plane" which is simply a metal disk the size of a CD or larger. Attach the
o performance. An external antenna
improved by a pre-amplifier. It is recommended that you
Remember that height is
General | Clear/Reset Polar Diagram.
Page 14
success. The more this LED
performance and to ensure
sk Moving
AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
2.4. Quickstart Tutorial
AirNav RadarBox 2008 - Quickstart Tutorial
This set of step by step instructions will guide you through the most important application features.
Note: information between [...] means that the command mentioned can be found in AirNav RadarBox 2008 Menus.
Example: [Tools|Internet|Download Updated Data Now] points you to click on Tools men
Updated Data Now subtopic.
Step by Step Tutorial
1- Start the software using the windows Shortcut created on your Start Menu or Desktop.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
ll menu, Internet topic, Download
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AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
2. The Welcome Window will be shown. Enter your Username and Password then click the "
can 'tick' the Remember password checkbox to save you having to type your details every time you start RadarBox. The
connection to the Hardware will be started and if you are a subscriber of AirNav RadarBox Network feature, the software
will try to download network data.
3- The first time you run RadarBox, the main software window with a world map will be shown as illustrated below.
Dynamic 3D maps are one of AirNav RadarBox 2008 most important features. You are now going to explore
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
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Start" button. You
some of the
AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
4- First task: you will center the map at your home location, zoom in and save it as your default map.
To center the map at any location let's use the "Locate" feature. It easily centers the map on any airport, city or
navigation facility all over the world.
Imagine you are located near London Heathrow Airport.
main screen as on the screen shot below. After this
London appears at the center.
5- Now Zoom in until more detailed view of the London area is shown. You can do this by clicking the zoom in button
on the map toolbar. The easiest way to pan/zoom your maps is by using your mouse buttons. Left click
map and 'drag' the map to the desired location.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
Enter "EGLL" in the locate box.
click the Locate button. The map will now be panned so
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This box it at the top of the
. that
anywhere in the
AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
6- Save your map by going to [Map |Open/Save | Save Map].
your default map file?". This map will be the one that will be always shown
7- All map functions are located on the map menu or on the map toolbar on the top of the main window. You can also
right mouse click over any map to access map functions in a faster way, including setting you home loca
menus there are several map layers that you can choose to be hidden or visible. This includes aviation related layers
(airports, runways, NDBs, VORs, FIXes as well as airways and ATC boundaries). There are also general interest layers like
roads, geographic coordinates, cities and elevations. See the
General Map Layers
8- Now let's have a look at the RadarBox Inte
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
Answer Yes to the "Are you sure you want to overwrite
after the application is started.
oads, Maps Toolbar section for more information on working with
Aviation Map Layers
Interface panel. This is where all the action will take place. It is divided into 5
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location. On these
AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
 MyFlights: where all the flights received using your hardware will be shown. A grid will show as many flight details as
possible, from aircraft registration to flight route. Photos and aircraft details will appear on the bottom of this tab.
 Network: all AirNav RadarBox Network flights (received from other RadarBox users) will be shown on this tab.
 SmartView: Selected aircraft list, chosen by registration or flight ID
 ACARS: flights received from AirNav ACARS Decoder interface will be shown here.
 Alerts: you could receive an email each time a specific registration is received by your decoder. Other types of alerts
are available.
9- In addition to the 5 tabs, you can also access the MyLog and Reporter functions.
 MyLog: a collection of all live flights received by your RadarBox will appear on this tab (Network flights are not
recorded in MyLog). Data can be imported and exported from the MyLog Tools menu.
 Reporter: an easy interface for you to share your reports with other mode
10- At the bottom of the RadarBox interface notice the connection status. You can monitor here if the hardware is
properly connected to your computer and to the RadarBox Network.
11- To connect to RadarBox Network and see flights being received by other users
RadarBox unit connected to your computer. After this be sure you are connected to the internet. If both conditions are
met go to the Network Tab on the RadarBox Panel Interface and check the "Get Flights From RadarBox Network
For more features refer to the following topics in the Help/Manual:
Creating Alerts
Creating Reports
Using Filters
Monitor Airport Movements
Flight data Recorder / Playback
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
l mode-s users.
t first check that you have your
Page 19
Network" check
AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
3. Using RadarBox
3.1. AirNav RadarBox Network
AirNav RadarBox Network
AirNav RadarBox Network is a unique feature that enables you to view data other RadarBox users are receiving all over
the world. It is the first worldwide flight radar flight data ever developed. You are experiencing new technology neve
used before.
How does it work? Each AirNav RadarBox user can share their live data with other users. Live data will be processed and
after passing some validation algorithms it is then stored in a queue for upload to the AirNav server. Data is then
uploaded 5 minutes after it has been received. On our server we have a powerful application called "AirNav Network
Server" which processes up to 10000 flight messages per second at peak periods. Data is then organized and properly
processed and an output file is created. Each connected client will then automatically download the updated list of
network flights. This list often has more than 500 flights worldwide and the list is growing daily as more users install
RadarBox and share their data.
You will be able to track flights over Europe, North America, Asia, South America and more: in other words you will be
able to see flights wherever there is a RadarBox user.
Please note that for security reasons, data received from the RadarBox network is delayed by 5 mi
on the screen is the position of the aircraft 5 minutes ago. This does not apply to the live data received directly from your
RadarBox hardware decoder which is real
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
aded real-time and shows the actual position of the aircraft.
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minutes. So what you see
AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
How does the map display work with a mixture of Live aircraft and 5 minute delayed Network data?
Although it sounds confusing at first, the 5 minute delay of Network data has little effect on the overall display of aircraf
Aircraft which are close to the RadarBox receiver will be displayed 'live' in their actual position and without any delay.
Depending on your location and antenna position, you can expect to see live traffic out to 150 miles or more from your
location. Beyond your live reception range, you
Because Network traffic is further away, the 5 minute position delay is of little significance. Occasionally, you may see
an aircraft "jump" a few miles as it transfers from Network
When the aircraft leaves your reception area, it will once again become a Network track. If you receive a flight live on your
RadarBox and this flight information is also available on the data
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
darBox will see Network traffic from other RadarBox users who are sharing data.
data to Live data and comes into your area of live reception.
download from the network, then your live flight
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AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
information will be given priority for display and the network data will be ignored. Network traffic can be displayed with
"*" on the data tag to differentiate live and Network traffic.
What details will I see for each flight?
For each flight you will see:
 ACARS sign showing if the flight has any ACARS messages (for more information, go to
 Globe sign: when shown position information is available so the flight is being tracked on the
 Status: flight status information
 Mode S: the mode S code for this aircraft
 Country flag: the flag of the country where the aircraft is registered
 Flight ID: the flight number/callsign for this flight
 Registration: the tail number of the air
 Aircraft: type of aircraft in ICAO (4 character) code
 Airline logo: the logo of the airline that operates this flight
 Altitude: altitude in feet
 GS: ground speed for the flight in Knots
 Hdg: the heading of the aircraft from 0 to 359 degrees
 VRate: vertical rate of climb or descent in feet per minute
 Route: origin and destination airports if the route is recognised by the RadarBox database
Connecting to the Network
To connect to AirNav RadarBox network you need to have your RadarBox hardware connected to your computer. Open
the RadarBox Interface if it not already open, go to the Network tab and check the "Get flights from RadarBox Network"
check box.
Look at the the bottom of the RadarBox Interfa
every 30 seconds.
Note that you will have to be a registered user of the software and have an active AirNav RadarBox account to be able
to receive network flights.
You can do this from the main menu [RadarBox | Network Account Information]
To subscribe to AirNav RadarBox Network please visit
New users have free access to the network during the fi
3.2. Aircraft Details Autopopulate
Aircraft Details Autopopulate
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
l aircraft
(0=North, 90=East, 180=South, 270=West)
etwork Interface panel to confirm the connection status. Network data is downloaded
om AirNav RadarBox Order page
first year.
Page 22
ACARS Decoder interface)
AirNav® Systems
AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
RadarBox is provided with an extensive database which includes details of a large number of aircraft. However, new
aircraft are always being registered and these might not be included in the database. The diagram below shows a mixture
of aircraft, some with full registration and type details and some which have these details missing. The first 6 aircraft in
the list and the last 2 have full registration and t
crew in the cockpit, so if this is missing, it is because it has not been entered by the flight crew. If there is no Flight
then it is not possible for to RadarBox to display
In the list there are 3 aircraft that do not have type or registration showing, but the Mode S codes are correctly detected
by RadarBox as 40107A, 401229 and 401294. When you left
will connect to the online database and if a record for this aircraft exists, the registration and type will be auto
The internal RadarBox database will be updated at the same time and a photo of the aircraft will be downloaded if set in
the Preferences.
3.3. Creating Alerts
Creating Alerts
One of the most important features of AirNav RadarBox is that you can program the software to trigger alerts for certain
circumstances. For example, you can have the program to automatically send an email message when British Airways
flight 272 is received. The Alert feature can be accessed on the RadarBox Interface. If it not shown open it from the
program menu [ Tools | Interface | Show/Hide].
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
type details. Please note that the Flight ID (callsign) is programmed by the
the Airline logo.
left-click on one of these unpopulated aircraft lines, RadarBo
ple, Page 23
ype ID,
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How does it work?
The alert feature is divided in two parts:
 Conditions that will trigger an alert
 Type of Alert
There are five types of conditions to trigger an alert:
 Mode-S: when an aircraft with a specific mode
 Registration: when a specific registration is received
 Range: when a flight is less that a defined number of miles from a specified location
 Flight ID: to trigger an alert when a defined flight number is received
 Aircraft: when an aircraft type appears on the system
 Mode 3A "squawk" code
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mode-s has been received an alert is triggered
ircraft Page 24
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There are four types of alerts
 Play a Sound: a sound is played when an alert is triggered. The sound file can be specified using the browse key
 Show a notification message: a windows notificat
 Send an email: an email is sent to a specific email address
 Execute a file
If you wish Network traffic to trigger an alert, tick the "Activat Alerts for Network Flights" box.
Note that you can use wildcards to specify conditions. For example if you want your computer to play a sound whenever
a British registered aircraft has been received enter G
registrations start with a 'G-').
On the bottom of the Alert tab you will also see the alert log box. This will keep a log of the alerts sent for you to check.
Example of an Alert
Let's imagine we want an email message to be sent to "
1- Check the Flight ID check box to activate this type of alert condition
2- Type 'BAW272' on the aircraft alert box
3- Check the "Send an Email to the following addresses:" option
4- Type the email address on the email address box
5- That's it. When flight BAW272 is first received by the system an email address will be sent to the specified email
3.4. MyLog Database
MyLog Database
RadarBox includes a highly flexible SQL database which records all Live aircraft detected by the receiver. Network data
is not recorded.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
notification window opens on the bottom right corner of the screen
G-* in the registration condition (all the British registered aircraft
johnsmith@email.com" whenever British Airways flight 272 is
he Page 25
ion * "
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Aircraft are displayed in a grid, and the following information is available:
 Mode S code
 Registration
 Aircraft type (ICAO short name)
 Aircraft name in long format
 The Mode S country for that aircraft
 Airline
 First date and time the aircraft was detected in the format 200712011255
 Last date and time the aircraft was detected
 Comments entered by user
When the aircraft is selected by clicking on the appropriate line, all the flights recorded for that aircraft are shown in th
lower portion of the MyLog window, and the photo or photos for that aircraft are shown to the right.
MyLog Quick Filter
Flights can be searched by using the Quick Filter above the aircraft grid. For example, to find all Singaporean aircraft,
select Registration = 9V-* picked last week.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
- Year/month/day/hour/minute/seconds
ts * Page 26
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MyLog Tools
A number of options are available from the MyLog Tools Menu.
 Import from SQB: Imports data from an external database (For example BaseStation.sqb file)
 Export to CSV: Exports to a comma delineated file for import into MS Excel or MS Access
 Populate: Checks the online database and populates records in the data
 Empty MyLog Tables: Clears all records from the database
 Close: Closes the MyLog window
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is available
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3.5. Creating Reports
Creating Reports
AirNav RadarBox has an embedded report feature. This makes it easier to you send reports of
friends or to an internet mailing list. To access this feature use the Reporter Button, or MyLog | Reporter. Aircraft
detected by your RadarBox receiver are listed in date/time order.
How to send a report
1- Select Data to include in the report
First you need to specify the data range for the report, the choices are today's entries or yesterday's entries.
2- Generate the Report
Click the generate report button. Once the report is generated you will need to specify what you w
3- What to do with the report
 Copy to clipboard
 Save to file as a .txt file
 Send by email
Example of a generated report:
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
clude Page 28
received flights to your
want to do with it.
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Report generated by AirNav RadarBox 2008
Advanced Real-time Radar Decoder
Log Author:
Location: Shropshire
Country: UK
Generated at 2007/12/06 14:45:43 UTC
Valid for 2007/12/06
33 Aircraft Logged
Mode S Regist Airc Date and Time
15407C RA-82044 A124 2007/12/06 14:36:45
400F99 2007/12/06 14:3
40075F G-THOL B733 2007/12/06 14:39:36
4CA243 EI-DCM B738 2007/12/06 14:39:45
400B23 G-MAFI D228 2007/12/06 14:39:45
AA66F9 2007/12/06 14:39:45
4004CE G-DOCF B734 2007/12/06 14:39:56
400892 G-GFFJ B735 2007/12/06 14:40:15
4010EB 2007/12/06 14:40:41
400AF8 G-EZDC A319 2007/12/06 14:41:15
40073C G-BYGD B744 2007/12/06 14:41:15
400989 G-MAJG JS41 2007/12/06 14:41:16
400FDC 2007/12/06
40100A G-JECR DH8D 2007/12/06 14:41:52
400F26 G-MAJZ JS41 2007/12/06 14:42:25
400806 G-CDZM B738 2007/12/06 14:42:26
43C1E6 ZJ265 AS50 2007/12/06 14:42:26
4D2024 9H-AEN A320 2007/12/06 14:42:35
8960DD A6-EBV B773 2007/12/06 14:42:45
400E74 G-VFIZ A346 2007/12/06 14:42:55
400A2E G-TTOJ A320 2007/12/06 14:43:15
400A34 G-CELB B733 2007/12/06 14:43:15
4CA293 EI-DEM A320 2007/12/06 14:43:25
400834 G-MIDX A320 2007/
4CA201 EI-DCD B738 2007/12/06 14:44:35
4006B1 G-BYGA B744 2007/12/06 14:44:55
400943 G-EMBV E145 2007/12/06 14:45:05
A4BD1F N404ST F900 2007/12/06 14:45:05
4008E4 G-MIDU A320 2007/12/06 14:45:15
40079D G-WOWE DH8C 2007/12/06 14:45:25
400877 G-EUPG A319 2007/12/06 14:45:25
43C1E7 ZJ266 AS50 2007/12/06 14:45:35
400A78 G-JEDR DH8D 2007/12/06 14:45:40
New Aircraft entries have the symbol *
--- End of Report ---
Note: If you require more specific data, use MyLog and the Quick Filter before exporting data via the Tools menu.
There is a very popular internet mailing list where mode
the "Mode_S" group. You can send log reports by email to show other users what you have been received. To do so send
an email to "Mode_S@yahoogroups.com" (you need to be subscribed to the group for your message to be accepted). You
can subscribe at http://groups.yahoo.com/
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
FFJ 14:41:35
12/06 14:44:01
f mode-s users change experiences and logs at Yahoo Groups. It is called
an " Page 29
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3.6. Viewing Aircraft Photos
Viewing Aircraft Photos
You can view all the aircraft photos in the MyLog database by selecting the All Photos tab. Airc
alphabetical order by registration.
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Aircraft are displayed in
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Note that aircraft pictures are saved in jpg format by registration, for example G
Photos for each Aircraft' option is set in Preferences, the second photo
3.7. Using Filters
Using Filters
You can choose what aircraft to be displayed on the map by using the filters utility. It can be accessed on the filter toolba
at the top of the application main screen. Advanced filters are also available by clicking the "Advanced" filter tool button.
To specify a filter type the filter condition on the white filter boxes and click the filter tool button just left of it so t
is in the down (checked) condition. This means that the filter is active.
There are four type of filters available:
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
G-BNLI.jpg and when the 'Download 2
will be saved in the format G
creen. n. Page 31
that it
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 Airline: show only flight of a specific airline (ICAO
 Origin: show only flights from a specific airport (ICAO or IATA
 Destination: show only flights to a specific airport (ICAO
 Airport: show only flights that arrive or depart from a specific airport (ICAO or IATA
There are three types of advanced filters available:
 Altitude: show only flights which altitude is between the values specified
 Range: show flights that are below a specified range of a specifc location
 Aircraft: show only flights operated by a certain aircraft type
You can specify negative filters. Negative filters are tho
negative filter. See the example below.
Note that if you do not know the airline, airport or aircraft codes to specify on filters you can always click the "..." butt
Filters Examples
 Example 1 - show only Lufthansa flights:
Type 'DLH' on the airline filter white box and click the 'Airline' button. 'DLH' is the ICAO code for Lufthansa.
 Example 2 - show only flights from Los Angeles airport:
Type 'LAX' on the origin filter white box an
 Example 3 - show only activity for London Heathrow:
Type 'EGLL' or 'LHR' on the airport filter white box and click the 'Airport' button.
3.8. SmartView
SmartView is a very useful tool which allows you to follow specific aircraft or airlines.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
- 3 letter - code of the airline)
- 4 or 3 letter - code of the airport)
or IATA - 4 or 3 letter - code of the airport)
- 4 or 3 letter
lights those that show all aircraft not including the ones that match your
and click the 'Origin' button. 'LAX' is the airport code for Los Angeles.
Page 32
- code of the airport)
se button.
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Click on the Setup button to open the Fleet Watch Setup input window. Individual aircraft registrations, or airline ID can
be entered with "*" being used as a wildcard to allow groups of aircraft to be seen. Click Apply Changes to activate. When
the SmartView tab is selected (see above) only those aircraft that meet the criteria in the Fleet Watch Setup window will
show in the Fleet Watch aircraft list. It you sele
filtered out
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
dcard select Show Only Feet Watch Flights on Map, then all other flights will be
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METAR, TAF and Auto QNH Settings
Also available at the top of the SmartView window, is the Select Airport option. This allows weather for a specific airfield
to be displayed and for the map to be centered on that airfield. The QNH (atmospheric pressure at airfield level, adjusted
to mean sea level) can also be set for the selected airfield.
3.9. Flight Data Recorder/Playback
Flight Data Recorder / Playback
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played rder Page 34
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The flight data recorder feature enables you to record and playback flight movement files. This feature is accessible on
the File menu.
Flight data files contain a Mode-S message on each line. Their extension is .rbl.
Data on each line is in comma-separated format and has the following fields:
 $PTA: Always present and identifies a mode
 Date/Time in format yyyymmddhhnnss
 Mode S HEX Code
 Callsign
 Altitude in feet
 Groundspeed
 Track
 Vertical Rate in feet per minute
 Airspeed
 Latitude
 Longitude
3.10. Monitor Airport Movements
Monitor Airport Movements
It is simple to monitor all arrivals and departures to or from a specified airport.
1- On the Filters toolbar (shown below) enter the code of the airport you want to monitor in the Airport box.
If you do not know the code, click the '...' button to specify the airport by name.
2- Click on the "Airport" button. It will now remain checked.
Flights to the selected Airport will show green. Flights from the selected airport will show red.
3- If at anytime you want to monitor all the airspace again, click the "Airport" button to uncheck it.
4- The "Origin" and "Destination" buttons can be used in the same way to view specific flights to and from an airport.
Note: Not all flights have a route displayed. The
route details.
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mode-s message
Monitor Airport Movements function will not work for flights without
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3.11. Connecting to AirNav ACARS Decoder
Connecting to AirNav ACARS Decoder
AirNav RadarBox can work in conjunction with Air
AirNav). This way you will be able see ACARS messages for the flights you are tracking. AirNav RadarBox is the first
radar decoder application ever to have an ACARS interface included. Data i
AirNav RadarBox using a simple Windows DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) interface. Select 'Connect to AirNav ACARS
Decoder' in the RadarBox ACARS window.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
AirNav ACARS Decoder (Decoder is a separate program available from
is passed from AirNav ACARS Decoder to
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For more information on ACARS please read the bottom of this topi
Connecting to AirNav ACARS Decoder
When you start AirNav RadarBox it will detect if AirNav ACARS Decoder is running and if that is the case, connect to it
automatically. If ACARS Decoder was started after RadarBox, then Select 'Connect to AirNav ACARS
RadarBox ACARS window.
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Decoder' in the
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What details will I see for each flight?
All the flight details received from AirNav ACARS Decoder will be shown on the RadarBox Interface, ACARS Tab.
For each flight you will see:
 Received: time of message reception
 Flight ID: the flight number / callsign for this flight
 Registration: tail number of the aircraft
 Aircraft: type of aircraft in ICAO (4 character) code
 M: ACARS Mode
 Lbl: message Label
 Mode S: the mode S code for this aircraft
 Blc, No: block ID, and message number
 U/D: if the message is an uplink or downlink
What is ACARS?
ACARS ([A]ircraft [C]ommunication [A]ddressing and [R]eporting [S]ystem) is a digital data link system transmitted via
VHF radio which allows airline flight operations departments to communicate with aircraft in their fleet.
This VHF digital transmission system, used by many civilian aircraft and business jets, can be likened to "email for
airplanes," as the registration of each aircraft is its unique add
ARINC (Aeronautical Radio, Inc.). Message traffic is routed via ARINC computers to the proper company, relieving some
of the necessity for routine voice communication. With ACARS, such routine items
passenger loads, fuel data, engine performance data, and much more, can be requested by the company and retrieved
from the aircraft at automatic intervals. Before the advent of ACARS, flight crews had to use VHF voice
to relay this data to their operations on the ground.
The ACARS system is comprised of the following elements:
1- The Airborne Subsystem, onboard the aircraft, which consists of the:
Management Unit - Receives ground-to-air messages vi
Control Unit - The aircrew interface with the ACARS system, consisting of a display screen and printer.
2- The ARINC Ground System, which consists of all the ARINC ACARS remote transmitting/rec
ARINC computer and switching systems.
3- The Air Carrier C2 (Command and Control) and Management Subsystem, which is all the ground based airline
operations departments such as operations control, maintenance and crew scheduling,
Messages can be categorized in two ways: "Downlinks" which are those ACARS transmissions which originate in the
aircraft, and "uplinks" are those messages sent from the ground station to the aircraft.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
, ht address in the system developed by aeronautical radio giant
as departure reports, arrival reports,
via the VHF radio transceiver, and also controls the replies.
linked up with the ACARS system.
Page 39
ress communications
a receiving stations, and the
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A typical series of ACARS transmissions will look something like this example of United 767
Washington Dulles International (IAD):
ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N651UA
Message label: QF Block id: 1 Msg. no: M82A
Flight id: UA0978
Message content:-
The message label QF refers to an ACARS OFF report/message. The nose gear struts are now retracting, and the ACARS
system duly notes this event as the off time. D
the OFF time respectively.
ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N651UA
Message label: SA Block id: 2 Msg. no: S82A
Flight id: UA0978
Message content:-
In this example, we see a downlink response to an uplinked weather report,sent by crew request or automatically by the
flight operations.
ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N651UA
Message label: H1 Block id: 3 Msg. no: D89A
Flight id: UA0978
Message content:-
#DFBE13C24651'''''''''''' 8 5972240TO
132202 294 25103269 220
1440 947 520 97418600250107179 5341565144173014923812143 262528 11
ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N651UA
Message label: H1 Block id: 4 Msg. no: D89B
Flight id: UA0978
Message content:-
#DFB89 0 0 0 661 147 47
1440 950 536
In this series of two messages, we see a takeoff (TO) engine performance report.
ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N651UA
Message label: H1 Block id: 5 Msg. no: D89C
Flight id: UA0978
Message content:-
#DFB97418853250111173 5541565144173614933782162 261527 15
0201 89 -2 0 0 671 146 27
ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N651UA
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
-----------------------------------------------------------[05/08/1997 22:41]
Departure airport and destination station are noted to the left and right of
----------------------------------------[05/08/1997 22:41]
-----------------------------------------------------------[05/08/1997 22:42]
-----------------------------------------------------------[05/08/1997 22:42]
g. -----------------------------------------------------------[05/08/1997 22:42]
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767-300ERs departing from
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Message label: H1 Block id: 6 Msg. no: D89D
Flight id: UA0978
Message content:-
The engine performance data continues to be downlinked in the above three transmissions.
ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N651UA
Message label: 5Z Block id: 7 Msg. no: M83A
Flight id: UA0978
Message content:-
/R3 IADFRA 0978-05 IAD
This is a downlink response to an uplinked HOWGOZIT report (shown below), which is a United Airlines flight data report
ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N658UA
Message label: RA Block id: J Msg. no: QUHD
Flight id: QWDUA~
Message content:-
10978-23 HOWGOZIT
IAD 2214/2249 887A
SWANN 2259 37 849
BROSS 2301 37 839
OOD 2307 37 815
RBV 2312 37 801
ACK 2337 37 757
WHALE 2354 37 728
BANCS 0108 37
Waypoints are shown in the left-hand column, just below the OUT and OFF times from IAD. OUT refers to doors closing
on the aircraft at the gate,
and OFF refers to time of departure as outlined abov
column, requested/expected flight level next
and fuel remaining figures are shown in the right hand column.
ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N651UA
Message label: _ Block id: 0 Msg. no: S87A
Flight id: UA0978
This is a frequent message on the ACARS screen, a signal that the aircraft is in the process of receiving uplinked
ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N651UA
Message label: H1 Block id: 4 Msg. no: D90A
Flight id: UA0978
Message content:-
#DFB/PIREPUA.E22C246510978KIADEDDF 8 5972250CL
38.9850 -77.46532241 1757 18.0324 14
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
-----------------------------------------------------------[05/08/1997 22:42]
-------------------------------------------[05/08/1997 22:44]
d: -------------------------------------[23/07/1997 22:51]
above. ETAs at the waypoints along the route are shown in the middle
-----------------------------------------------------------[05/08/1997 22:44]
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39.0942 -77.51132243 6802
ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N651UA
Message label: H1 Block id: 5 Msg. no: D90B
Flight id: UA0978
Message content:-
#DFB 7.5332 13
39.1518 -77.22502247 11805 -4.3307 17
These two messages are position and weather data downlinked from the aircraft automatically to the ground station.
ACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .N642UA
Message label: H1 Block id: 9 Msg. no: F39A
Flight id: UA0970
Message content:-
This is a good example of a position report along
latitude 39.09.2 and West longitude 76.13.6, which happens to be the waypoint named SWANN, and they were over
SWANN at 2155.16 UTC, at FL230 (Flight Level 230 or 23,000 feet), and they
2156.24, next position BROSS. Outside air temperature is a minus 21, wind 282/14.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
-------------------------------[05/08/1997 22:50]
------------------------------[05/08/1997 22:50]
-----------------------------------------------------------[10/08/1997 21:55]
the aircraft's flight route. In this case, United flight 970 is a North
are estimating next waypoint GOLDA at
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4. Menus, Windows and Toolbars
4.1. Toolbars
4.1.1. Shortcut Keys
Shortcut Keys
AirNav RadarBox 2008 use can be easier by using shortcut keys.
F1 – Opens help file in the appropriate topic
F9 – Automatically avoids Flight Label Overlap
F10 – Automatically avoids VOR/NDB/FIX/Airport Label Overlap
ESC – Opens Full Screen Mode
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4.1.2. Maps Toolbar
Maps Toolbar
This Toolbar provides methods of editing the current map view.
Icons (from the left to the right):
 Set map to
 Resize map to full window extents
 Zoom in
 Zoom out
 Zoom Back
 Zoom Forward
 Pre-defined Map Colors (you can define them in the preferences window)
 Map projections
 Pan Map with Active Flight
 Radar Rings
 Mode-S Signal Maximum Range
 Maximum Range Polar Diagram
 Geographic Coordinates Grid
 Airport/VOR/NDB/FIX and other navigation facilities
 General map labels (routes, railroad, elevation)
Please note that you can access other map features by clicking your right mouse butto
Working with maps
AirNav RadarBox 2008 new graphical approach gives you the chance to use one of the most sophisticated map interface
currently available in any flight tracking application.
Map functions are available through the map too
resize, and change the projection type, fit to screen and hide/show map layers using the map toolbar. The easiest way
to edit a map is using your mouse buttons.
Pan and Rotate
1- Hold down your left mouse button
2- Move your mouse until you move the map to the desired location
1- Hold down your right mouse button
2- Move your move to resize the map as desired
See Custom Outline Maps in the Advanced Users section for information on displaying custom maps.
Avoid Label Overlap
You can avoid aircraft labels being overlapped. This can be done automatically or manually.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
button over the map.
toolbar, or by using your right mouse button over a map.You may zoom,
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n lbar,
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Click Track menu, Avoid Label Overlap or F9.
All calculations, label rotation and resizing will be made in order to find the best way each label should be displayed.
1- Move the mouse cursor to an area over the label you want to resize.
2- Hold the Shift Key down and at the same time move the mouse.
3- Release the Shift key. The label will remain with its current direction and size.
VOR/NDB/FIX/Airport Label overlap avoidance:
Just press F10.
Overlapped labels will be moved or sized for label o
4.1.3. Location Toolbar
Location Toolbar
It is easy to locate anything on a map.
Items to locate include:
 Airport
 VOR
 NDB
 FIX
 City
To locate an item type the item name on the locate white box and
If more than one item matches the a drop down window will appear for you to select the correct item.
 Example 1: locate the city of Dubai on the Map:
Type Dubai on the locate white box and click Locate
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
ations, The label will move to where the mouse cursor
overlap avoidance.
then click the Locate button.
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 Example 2: locate Miami airport on the Map:
Type KMIA (airport ICAO code for Miami) on the locate white box and click Locate
4.1.4. Weather Toolbar
Weather Toolbar
This feature enables you to quickly find airport weather conditions. In
US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Organization).
Information will be given in the following three formats:
 TAF
 Decoded METAR
Type the airport ICAO code (4 letter) in the white box and select the type of report you want from the drop down "Get
Weather" tool button.
If you do not know the airport code click the '...' button and type the airport/city
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
cate Information is retrieved in real
Page 46
formation real-time from NOAA (the
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4.1.5. Filters Toolbar
Filters Toolbar
The filters toolbar allow you to select what flights are shown on the map.
By default all the flights will be shown.
For more information on how to use filters please go
4.2. RadarBox Interface
4.2.1. MyFlights
MyFlights and Network Tabs
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to Using Filters section.
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This is probably the most important areas of the software after the map displ
on each flight being received.
 The MyFlights Tab shows local flights received by your hardware.
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display. Here you can view detailed information
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 The Network Tab shows flights received worldwide by other users hardware
At the top you have a Quick Filter function. By default the filter is turned off and all flights are shown.
The following data for each flight appear on each column:
 Changed: Last Time (UTC) the flight was changed
 Tracked: Last Time (UTC) tracking info
 ACARS Icon: shown if the aircraft is also being received on ACARS
 Globe Icon: shown if the flight is being shown on the map
 Status: status of the flight (NA means not available)
 Mode S: Aircraft Mode-s HEX Code
 Flag: Country flag of the aircraft registration
 Flight ID: Flight Callsign
 Registration: Registration (tail number) for the aircraft
 Aircaft: Aircraft type in four letter format
 Airline Logo: Logo of the Airline
 Altitude: Altitude in feet
 GS: Ground Speed in Knots
 IAS: Indicated Airspeed in Knots (rarely available)
 Hdg: Heading
 VRate: Vertical rate in feet/minute
 Company: Airline Name
 Route: Origin/Via/Destination in ICAO (4 letter) code
 Flying Over: Region the flight is overflying
 Latitude
 Longitude
You may choose which columns are seen on the grid on the Preferences panel.
You may order data by clicking on the title of each column.
At the bottom of the grid you will see detailed aircraft and flight information including a photo or photos o
aircraft. (Your computer must connected to the internet to download aircraft photos, but once the photo has been
downloaded by RadarBox, it will appear even if you do not have an Internet connection
from a laptop at an airport). Click on the phot to see a larger picture. This feature is a result of a partnership between
AirNav Systems and Airliners.net, the world's biggest databank of Airline photos. As the picture search is done by
registration, the picture you see is of the aircraft being received.
Show MyLog Entries
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information was received
- useful for operating RadarBox
top u Page 49
of the selected
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4.2.2. ACARS
AirNav RadarBox is capable of receiving ACARS Data from
On this tab ACARS Information received using the DDE connection is shown.
Note that on the MyFlight and Network Grids a small ACARS Symbol will appear on a flight if ACARS information is being
received for that flight.
The Grid columns are organized into:
 Received: Date and Time the message was received
 Flight ID: Callsign of the flight
 Registration: Registration (tail-number) of the aircraft
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AirNav ACARS Decoder.
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 Aircraft: Aircraft Type
 M: ACARS Mode
 Lbl: Message Label
 Blc: Block ID
 No: Message Number
 U/D: Uplink or Downlink
Note: AirNav ACARS Decoder is available at AirNav Systems homepage and enables you to decode in real
4.2.3. MyLog
MyLog Tab
MyLog is a unique feature where you can maintain a list of all rece
In other words it's your received aircraft collection.
At the top you can use any of the quick filters available to easily look at data. The Explore Photo Folder button opens the
folder where aircraft photos are stored in Windows Explorer.
The Aircraft Grid columns show:
 Mode S: Aircraft Type
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e: received aircraft.
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real-time ACARS
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 Registration: ACARS Mode
 Aircraft Type: ICAO Code
 Aircraft Name: Long format
 Mode S Country: Registered country for that code
 Airline: Airline Name
 First Time Received: Date and Time the
 Last Time Received: Date and Time
 Comment: User comment
The Flights Grid Columns shows details for the selected aircraft in the Aircraft Grid:
 Callsign: Callsign recorded for that aircraft
 Route: Route from RadarBox database if known
 Message Count:
 Start Time:
 End Time:
One or two pictures of the selected are shown on the right (dependant on Preference settings).
4.2.4. Alerts
Alerts Tab
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aircraft was received for the first time
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One of the most useful features of AirNav RadarBox is t
or a sound warning each time a specific aircraft, flight id, airline, etc is received. This is accomplished in the Alerts Tab
Detailed information on how to setup your custom Alerts can b
4.2.5. Reporter
Reporter Tab
Using the Reporter feature you can share with your friends details on which aircraft you are receiving with AirNav
To properly use this feature you have to generate a report. Do this by selecting which date range you want (Today's
entries or Yesterday's entries) and then click the Generate button. Then you can opt to save your report (by copying it to
the Windows clipboard or by saving it to
A Draft of the generated report is shown on the "Report Draft" tab. You can change this tab by editing directly inside the
software. After entering the subject and recipient email for the report, click the Send Now button to send it to your
friends. There is also the option to automatically send the report at midnight daily.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
the ability to send an email message, receive a pop
be found at Creating Alerts
ture a file).
ds. Page 53
he pop-up notification
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You can check which reports have been automatically sent in the "Automatic Report Log" tab.
See Creating Reports for further details.
4.2.6. Database Explorer
Database Explorer
AirNav RadarBox comes with 4 accurate aviation tables.
 Aircraft Type
 Aircraft
 Airlines
 Airports
 Routes
You can browse, search and edit database settings using this Window.
At the bottom left of the Database Explorer Window the total number of records on the current active table is shown.
The aircraft section of the database is automatically populated when new aircraft are detected (Internet connection
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ft Page 54
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4.2.7. Preferences
You can customize the way you want the application to work. This is done in the Preferences Windows acce
the File menu.
This window is organized into 4 tabs:
 General
 Set Time and Date: opens Windows Time/Date properties box
 Radar Range Rings: draw centered at Home location
 Clear Reset Polar Diagram: Reset the diagram before testing a new
 Use Local Times on MyLog
 Aircraft Label Settings: type, size, prediction vectors and trail line and other settings for the map display
 Internet Proxy Settings
 Grid Visible Columns: choose which columns are visible in the MyFlights and Network grid
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antenna location
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accessible thought
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 Share Flight data on RadarBox Network:
 Transition Altitude and QNH: Set this so above this altitude Flight Levels are shown (instead of 9000ft FL90 is
 Photo Options: several options so you customize the way photos are downloaded from the internet
 Screen Refresh Rate: Map screen update rate, increase time to decrease loading on the PC
 Timeout for MyFlight: timeout flights will be shown in a different color
 Timeout for Network Flights: timeout flights will be shown in a different color
Note: See Timeout Settings in the Advanced Users section for further details on settings.
 Home Station Data
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check if you want other users to see flights you are receiving
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 Home Location: so when you click the Go to Home button on the main window this is properly centered
 Station Data: details of your station which will be included on the Report/Exported Log features.
 Map Colors
 Customize the way maps are drawn. Left click on t
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
o the color panel to change a map color.
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 If you wish to save your color settings for later use, use
2008/Color directory.
 Your custom color settings will then appear in the Map Toolbar drop
Note that you can share your settings with a friend by sending them the .mcl file
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
Export to save the settings file in the AirNav RadarBox
drop-down list.
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4.3. Menus
4.3.1. File
File Menu
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Screen Shot: Create, Save, Share and Explore Screen Shots.
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Play Recorded File: See the Recorder/Replay
Database Explorer: See the Database Explorer
Preferences: Opens the preferences window.
Exit: Closes AirNav RadarBox 2008
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Click here to learn more
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4.3.2. Filters
File Menu
You can select which data you want to be seen on the map.
For more information on filters, please read the
New Filter: Clears the filter being used and creates a new one.
Open Filter: Reads a Filter file saved in a file and loads it into the active view.
Save Filter: Saves the current Filter file to disk using the current Filter name.
Save Filter As: Saves a filter in a specified file.
Advanced Filters: Opens the Advanced Filters Window
4.3.3. Map
Maps Menu
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Using Filters section.
es Page 64
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Set Map To:
Quickly pans and zooms the active map to a desired location.
New, Open and Saving map functions.
All other map functions are self explanatory.
More than 500 thousand map features are available, aviation and non
For more information on AirNav RadarBox 2008
4.3.4. Tools Menu
Tools Menu
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
non-aviation related.
maps please go to the Maps Toolbar section.
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In this menu you can access the most important
Interface: Choose to whether the RadarBox Interface should be visible and where on the screen it you want it to be
MyLog: View Mylog
Visible: Quick access to RadarBox Interface tabs
Network Account Information: Information on your account usage. An Internet connection is required.
4.3.5. Window
Window Menu
Tile Horizontally/Vertically: Puts all the open windows tiled horizontally/vertically (map or vertical tracking
Cascade: Rearranges all opened windows (map and vertical tracking) in AirNav RadarBox 2008 so they overlap.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
AirNav RadarBox 2008 features.
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Arrange Icons: Arranges the icons of minimized forms so that th
Close All: Closes all map and Vertical Tracking opened windows.
Opened Windows: A list of all currently opened maps.
4.3.6. Help
Help Menu
Opens Help File Contents.
Online Support:
Get support in less than 24 hours using our online support ticketing system.
AirNav Forum
Join the online AirNav community to discuss RadarBox and learn from other users.
AirNav Forum
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they are evenly spaced and don't overlap.
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AirNav Systems Online: Check for program updates and news.
Check for Updates: If you are connected to the Internet, click here to download program patches/updates.
Welcome: Opens the AirNav RadarBox 2008 Welcome Window.
About: Opens the program about box with author information. Displays the current software and firmware version
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5. Advanced Users
5.1. Tracking Military Aircraft
Tracking Military Aircraft
Military aircraft do not normally transmit po
aircraft list.
In this example, two military aircraft are being picked up, but are not shown on the map as no position information is
being broadcast. However, it is possible to se
RadarBox Mode S data file has been modified to allow a military bitmap to be shown in place of the country flag. See
Displaying Special Country Flags for more details.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
position information, however, they do sometimes show up in the MyFlights
see the registrations of the aircraft and their height. In this example, the
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sition e
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5.2. Displaying Special Country Flags
Displaying Special Country Flags
WARNING - This section covers alterations to the RadarBox systems files. Changes you make might prevent RadarBox
from functioning correctly, or might stop it from working altogether. In the worst case, be prepared to uninstall and
reinstall RadarBox to recover your original settings.
However, having said that, this is reasonably simple to get working. Please note that this will only wo
version of RadarBox software. These instructions assume that you are running Windows XP. These modifications have
not been tested with Windows Vista.
How does this work?
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
ctly, Page 70
work with the LATEST
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The RadarBox D008.dat (AirNav RadarBox 2008/Data directory
cards in the form:
UK,United Kingdom,010000------------------
where UK represents a UK.BMP flag in the Data/Flags directory
Below: A section of the D008.dat file opened with Windows Notepad
United Kingdom is the description
and 010000------------------ is the 24 character Mode S Binary version of the 6 character Hex code (with wildcards for the)
All UK Mode S codes start with Bin 010000 (a sweeping generalization, but you get the idea!)
When RadarBox detects a Mode S Binary 010000 then it shows the UK.BMP in the aircraft list.
However, British Military aircraft codes are a block within UK allocation, starting with 0100001111, so a line in the
D008.dat as follows, will "trap" these:
and now codes starting with this will show the RA.BMP flag
UK,United Kingdom,010000------------------
The same principle applies to the US military codes, but as there are more allocations, it's a bit more complicated:
UF,US Mil 5,101011011111011111001---
UF,US Mil 4,10101101111101111101----
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directory) file contains the aircraft Mode S allocations plus wild
- . Putting the 2 lines together you can see how it works.
o ---
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UF,US Mil 3,1010110111110111111-----
UF,US Mil 2,1010110111111-----------
UF,US Mil 1,1010111-----------------
US,United States,1010--------------------
Instructions on how to modify the D008.dat File
1. Shut down RadarBox
2. Use MS Explorer to navigate to the RadarBox Data directory, the default should be:
C:/Program Files/AirNav Systems/AirNav RadarBox 2008/Data
3. Make a copy of the D008.dat file and rename it (for example D008.dat.org) so you can revert to the default settings
if you need to. If you can't see the file extension (.dat), you will need to go to Tools/Folder options/View
"Hide extensions for known file types".
4. Using Windows Notepad, open the original D008.dat file (not the one you have just saved as a copy) and you will see
that the file is in this format but has many more lines:
AG,Antigua and Barbuda,00001100101000
5. Copy the following line and insert it in the D008.dat file above the UK line:
So that the appropriate bit of the .dat file looks like this:
AE,United Arab Emirates,100010010110------------
UK,United Kingdom,010000------------------
TZ,United Republic of Tanzania,000010000000
6. Copy the following lines and insert them above the US line in the .dat file:
UF,US Mil 5,101011011111011111001---
UF,US Mil 4,10101101111101111101----
UF,US Mil 3,1010110111110111111-----
UF,US Mil 2,1010110111111-----------
UF,US Mil 1,1010111-----------------
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at ----------
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and untick
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So the appropriate section of the .dat file now looks like looks like this:
AE,United Arab Emirates,100010010110------------
UK,United Kingdom,010000------------------
TZ,United Republic of Tanzania,000010000000
UF,US Mil 5,101011011111011111001---
UF,US Mil 4,10101101111101111101----
UF,US Mil 3,1010110111110111111-----
UF,US Mil 2,1010110111111-----------
UF,US Mil 1,1010111-----------------
US,United States,1010--------------------
7. Click "Save" in notepad to save the modified D008.dat file. Points to note here:
- the number of "-" characters is vital. Every Mode S Hex code (111010010000
- make sure that you don't insert any blank lines or spaces when you are inserting the new lines.
- the D008.dat file MUST be saved as a txt file (so don't use Word or Wordpad any other program) and it must be named
D008.dat and NOT D008.dat.txt which might happen if you use "Save as". Look at the file in Explorer to make sure the
name is correct.
8. Right click on this image and choose "Copy" and paste it into your favorite graphics editor.
The picture must be saved as a bmp to the c:/Program Fil
and must be named RA.BMP
Same again for this one, but this time it must be saved as UF.BMP
9. Close Notepad and run RadarBox. Wait for a Brit Mil or US Mil aircraft to be picked up either as
and you should see the Mil flag in the aircraft list if you have the Flags set to show in Preferences.
Displaying Other Flags
Although this has only covered 2 new flags, the principle can be applied to display flags for any gr
individual registrations. All you need is the Mode S Hex code, Windows Calculator to convert the Hex code to a Binary
code and a bmp saved in the /Flags directory.
Military and Civilian Fags are available on
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
" 111010010000------------
Files/AirNav Systems/AirNav RadarBox 2008/Data/Flags directory
Bones Aviation Page (SBS-1 Utilities)
Page 73
------------) MUST be 24 characters in
es/live or network traffic
group of aircraft, or for
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5.3. Custom Outline Maps
Custom Outline Maps
Outline files are used to draw maps on the RadarBox map screen. Maps can consist of airways, airpace or airf
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Once you have downloaded or created outline files:
1.) Go to your RadarBox 2008 folder (Usually however dependant on your drive name C:
Systems\AirNav RadarBox 2008)
2.) Create a new folder called "Outlines"
3.) Open that folder and place your outlines files in there
4.) Close RadarBox if it is open and start RadarBox again
The outlines should now be displayed on your map. If they do not appear go to the Menu Map and click Outlines. If you
cannot see the outlines, make sure you have not changed the color to that of the background in Preferences | Colors.
To hide Outlines, go the RadarBox Map Menu and untick Outlines or delete the specific outline file from the Outlines
Airspace and airfield outline files are available at
5.4. Data Output on Port 7879
Data Output on Port 7879 and 40004
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
older Bones Aviation Page (RadarBox Utilities).
and 40004
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\Program Files\AirNav
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The data received by RadarBox is available over port 7879 to use for external applications however the data is delayed
by 5 minutes for security reasons (Note: the data you view on the software is not delayed).
The feed works the following way:
1- Flight messages are received in real-time from the decoder.
2- Selected/relevant messages are added to a queue with a an attached time stamp. Not all messages are added because
many of them them are irrelevant (imagine you have a flight being tracked with all the information avail
type, lat/long, altitude - if a message containing only the Mode
queue as it adds no info to what the software already has all the information regarding that flight). If for examp
change in altitude or V/S is received the message will, of course, be added to the queue.
3- There is a timer permanently checking the queue for messages older than 4 minutes 59 seconds. If there are
messages in this condition, they are deleted from
XML is used for easy compatibility with all possible programs (XML is the world reference in data exchange).
The message output Format is as below:
To see the raw data output, Run Telnet, then type "open localhost 7879". Data sharing output in add
format is available on Port 40004
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
Mode-s hex code of the aircraft is received it is not added to the
the queue and added to the output port.
Page 76
available: aircraft
example a
add-on compatible
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AirNav RadarBox 2008 Manual
5.5. Timeout Settings
Timeout Settings
The RadarBox Timeout settings are accessible from th
The Timeout settings are arranged in 2 groups, MyFlight settings and Network Flight settings. The Timeout settings can
significantly affect the way that RadarBox performs and can improve or confuse what is displayed.
Timeout for MyFlights
MyFlight aircraft are live tracks detected by the RadarBox hardware in real time. The aircraft are displayed on the map in
their actual positions. When aircraft are in areas of good reception, their position will be updated regularl
on what you have set as the Screen Refresh Rate. Users normally set a refresh rate of between 1 and 4 seconds.
When an aircraft is at the edge of reception cover, sometimes it will not be detected when the screen refresh is due. If
the aircraft is not detected, then it will be marked for timeout after the set time expires. The aircraft will still be visible in
the aircraft list and on the map until the end of the setting in the 'Seconds to hide timeout flights'. If you set the timeo
to 30 seconds and the hide after timeout to 60 seconds, then the aircraft will be removed from the list and the map after
90 seconds. If the aircraft is detected during this time, then the timeout is canceled until the aircraft fails to be detecte
and then the process starts again.
It can be seen from this, that the MyFlights timeout settings can be adjusted to produce the best 'picture' for the live
traffic you are detecting. If the settings are too long, then aircraft will be "frozen in space" long after they
of cover. Too short, and aircraft will disappear and reappear producing a confusing display.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
the Preferences | RadarBox menu.
aft Page 77
regularly, dependant
have flown out
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Timeout for Network Flights
Network flights have their own timeout settings and these are more critical that those for MyFlights. Network da
only downloaded every 30 seconds and is also updated on the map every 30 seconds. Because the network data has to
be processed from a number of different providers (other RadarBox users sharing data), it can result in some plots being
missed. If the timeout setting is set to less than 30 seconds, then every network flight will timeout before the next data
refresh. If the setting is too long, then flights which are no longer providing information will be frozen for an extended
period before they are finally hidden after the 'seconds to hide' time. If aircraft that have flown out of cover (either
landing or flying to an area where there is no RadarBox network coverage) are not being hidden, then reduce the hide
timeout setting.
Both the MyFlight and Network Flight timeout settings need careful thought to produce the best 'picture'. Experiment
with these settings to see what is best for you.
Testing has shown that the figures in the diagram above work well
seconds and 60 seconds for Network Flights.
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e - 30 seconds and 60 seconds for MyFlights a
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data is
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6. Troubleshooting
6.1. Hardware Connection
Hardware Connection Problems
Please refer to the Hardware Guide for the function of the LED lights on your RadarBo
When RadarBox is run, the program will attempt to connect to the hardware receiver. Look at the hardware connecting
light at the bottom of the RadarBox screen. If the light is green then the hardware is connected and you will see aircraft
on the map and in the MyFlights aircraft list.
If the light is red, then the hardware receiver in not connected correctly. Note: You will not be able to receive Network
data if the hardware receiver is not connected.
 Check that the RadarBox hardware receiver is connected to your computer using the supplied USB cable.
 If the supplied USB cable is connected correctly, try a different cable. Note, not all USB cables are the same, some
cables might not work with RadarBox.
 Check the LED lights on the hardware receiver to see what the lights are indicating. See the
 Check that you have inserted the USB lead into the same computer USB socket that you used when installing RadarBox.
If the hardware connection light is still red, check the Device Manager accessible via the Windows Control Panel | System
menu. Under Universal Serial Bus Controllers, look for the AirNav RadarBox driver. If the driver is not present, you will
need to reinstall the driver.
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
RadarBox receiver.
he ceiver dware onnection Page 79
x Hardware Guide.
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To see the version of the RadarBox driver you have installed, right click the Driver in the Device Manager and select
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For further assistance, contact AirNav Support at
6.2. Network Connection
Network Connection Problems
See the AirNav RadarBox Network section for a description of the network function.
Connecting to the Network
To connect to AirNav RadarBox network you need to have your RadarBox hardware connected to your computer and your
computer must have an Internet connection. Open the RadarBox Interface if not already open and go to the Network
tab and make sure that the "Get flights from
status light at the bottom of the RadarBox Interface panel. Data is downloaded each 30 seconds.
It is not possible to receive network data if your RadarBox hardware is not connected
registered user of the software and have an active AirNav RadarBox account to be able to receive network flights. You can
do this at the main menu [RadarBox | Network Account Information]
6.3. RadarBox Without an Internet C
RadarBox Without an Internet Connection
You can still see live flights without an internet connection, but only flights within "line of sight" of the RadarBox antenn
will be detected. The maximum detection range for l
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
Nav RadarBox Network" check box is ticked. Look at the Network connection
connected. Also, you will have to be a
live flights is approximately 200 nautical miles.
Page 81
. antenna
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If you experience slow running of RadarBox without an Internet connection, deselect
Preferences menu.
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Share Flight Data
Page 82
in the
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7. Registration and Logon
7.1. How to Order
How to Order
To buy AirNav RadarBox 2008 please visit AirNav Systems web site at
"Buy Now" link on the top.
There are several ways to order from Online Order w
7.2. Logon Window
Logon Window
When you start AirNav RadarBox 2008
Enter your registration details - available on the sticker on CD Cover shipped wit
For Example:
Username: PGANRB123456
Password: 987654321
If you are not a registered user you will be able to see a Demonstration of the program capabilities by clicking the "Start
Demo" button.
For information on how to order AirNav Rada
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
with a credit card, to phone and FAX.
you will be presented with a Logon Window.
with the product.
RadarBox 2008 please go to How to Order
Page 83
and click on the
ith h
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ACARS Decoder, 37
Aircraft Photos, 30
Alerts, 23
Antenna Positioning, 14
Autopopulate, 22
Data Output on Port 7879, 75
Features, 5
File Menu, 61
Filters, 31
Filters Toolbar, 47
Flight Data Recorder, 34
Flight Search, 47
Full Screen Mode, 43
Hardware Lights, 12
Help, 67
Help Menu, 67
Internet Connection, 81
Location Toolbar, 45
Logon Window, 83
– World Leader in Flight Tracking and Monitoring
Maps Menu, 64
Maps Toolbar, 44
Military Aircraft, 69
Monitor Airport Movements, 35
MyFlights, 47
MyLog, 25
New Features, 5
RadarBox Network, 20
Registration, 83
Reports, 28
Shortcut Keys, 43
SmartView, 32
Tools, 65
Tutorial, 15
Weather Toolbar, 46
Welcome, 4
What Will I See, 7
Window Menu, 66
Page 84

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-2-21 09:24:34 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2012-2-18 17:23:19 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2018-9-24 18:11:53 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

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