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INSTRUMENT FLIGHT Aim • To learn to correctly fly an aircraft accurately, solely by reference to the aircraft instruments. Application • To exit cloud upon inadvertent entry. • Precision control coordination. • Practice towards a NVFR or CIR. Overview Revision Rate One Turn • Completion of 360 in 2 minutes. (3/sec) AoB = 10% IAS + 7 Definitions Instrument Scan • Method used to cross reference the instruments, checking our performance Principles 15 20 25 10 5 RPM 0 1 2 3 4 ALT 6 5 7 8 40 9 60 80 120 100 140 160 T&B L R AH Artificial Horizon (Vacuum gyro). TACHO Power (measured in rpm). DG Directional gyro (Vacuum gyro). T&B Turn Coordinator (electrical gyro). ALT Altimeter (Static System). VSI Vertical Speed Indicator (Static System). ASI Air Speed Indicator (Pitot Static System). UP DN 20 20 5 15 10 10 15 5 Principles Instrument Interpretation • Power + Attitude = Performance AH - fly by attitude TACHO - gives power information Pitch - AH, ALT, ASI, VSI all give pitch information Bank - AH, T&B, DG all give bank information Yaw - only the Balance Ball gives yaw information Principles Aircraft Control • Maintain smooth coordination of power and flight controls • AH and TACHO used to set up initial configuration, then other instruments used to cross-reference and to confirm performance is being achieved. Principles To change configuration: • CHANGE - adopt required power and attitude • CHECK - check performance being achieved • HOLD - if correct; or • ADJUST - if required • TRIM - as required. Principles • Instrument Scan – Selective Radial Scan 15 20 25 10 5 RPM 0 1 2 3 4 ALT 5 6 7 8 9 UP DN VSI20 20 5 15 10 10 15 5 40 60 80 120 100 140 160 T&B L R Principles - Review Considerations Sensory Illusions Vestibular Organs: • 3 semi-circular organs in the inner ear which detect accelerations by moving tiny hair follicles. • Constant velocity or gradual change in velocity is not detected. Considerations • Somatogravic Illusion: Considerations Spatial Disorientation: • disagreement of senses • Slow roll to left not detected by senses. Correct with right bank. Senses detect the right bank and instruments show S&L! • Causes vertigo/leans. Considerations Partial Panel Failure • Detect failed instruments by cross-checking other instruments. Use inverted V scan. • DG fails, supplement with magnetic compass. Remember ONUS and SAND errors. 0 1 2 3 4 ALT 5 6 7 8 9 UP DN VSI20 20 5 15 10 10 15 5 40 60 80 120 100 140 160 T&B Consderations - Review Air Exercise CRUISE –Trim Trim to the attitude on the AH. Power –Reduce RPM to cruise power. –Scan ASI for acceleration to cruise speed. Speed – Scan the DG, ALT and T&B for correct S&L criteria (Constant direction, altitude and in balance). – Change the AH to the correct straight and level attitude and hold. Attitude Air Exercise 0 1 2 3 4 ALT 5 6 7 8 9 UP DN VSI 20 20 5 15 10 10 15 5 40 60 80 120 100 140 160 T&B 25 15 20 10 5 RPM Air Exercise CLIMB Trim – Trim to the attitude on the AH. – Scan AH, DG and ASI and adjust if require to achieve the speed. Speed – Scan the AH and adopt the climb attitude monitoring the DG and T&B for direction and balance. Attitude – Increase the power to climb settings referring to AH and TACHO. Power Air Exercise 0 1 2 3 4 ALT 5 6 7 8 9 UP DN VSI 20 20 5 15 10 10 15 5 40 60 80 120 100 140 160 T&B 25 15 20 10 5 RPM Air Exercise – Trim only if necessary (speed should be the same as cruise with no trim change. Trim – AH, DG, ASI and VSI and check speed and ROD, adjust if necessary. Speed – Scan the AH and adopt the descent attitude monitoring DG and T&B for direction and balance. Attitude – Reduce the power to 1900 rpm referring to AH and TACHO. Power DESCENT Air Exercise 0 1 2 3 4 ALT 5 6 7 8 9 UP DN VSI 20 20 5 15 10 10 15 5 40 60 80 120 100 140 160 T&B 25 15 20 10 5 RPM Air Exercise • TURNS – set attitude referring to AH, ALT and VSI. Backpressure – Refer to T&B and balance with rudder Balance – Roll on bank to 17 degrees (rate one) referring to the AH. Bank Air Exercise 0 1 2 3 4 ALT 5 6 7 8 9 UP DN VSI 20 20 5 15 10 10 15 5 40 60 80 120 100 140 160 T&B 25 15 20 10 5 RPM Air Exercise CLIMBING / DESCENDING TURNS – set attitude to maintain speed referring to AH and ASI. Backpressure – Refer to T&B and balance with rudder. Balance – Roll on bank to 17 degrees (rate one) referring to the AH. Bank Air Exercise 0 1 2 3 4 ALT 5 6 7 8 9 UP DN VSI 20 20 5 15 10 10 15 5 40 60 80 120 100 140 160 T&B 25 15 20 10 5 RPM Airmanship • Avoid flying into cloud – if you do, conduct a 180 rate one turn to exit. • Smooth and positive control inputs. • Use correct scan techniques. • Do not chase performance instruments…SET ATTITUDE! • Instrument Taxi checks. • Correct hand-over/takeover procedure. Review |