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- 2009-12-25
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- 2021-7-10
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- 2036
Instrument Flight Aim To learn to correctly fly an aircraft accurately, solely by reference to the aircraft instruments. Application Precision control and coordination Practise towards a NVFR or CIR Used to exit cloud upon accidental entry Assist in flying an aircraft in reduced visibility Overview Revision Definitions Principles Considerations Air Exercise Airmanship Revision Aircraft instruments 15 20 25 10 5 RPM 0 1 2 3 4 ALT 6 5 7 8 9 VSI 20 20 5 15 10 10 15 5 40 60 80 120 100 140 160 T&B L R Definitions Rate one turn A turn that takes 2 min to alter heading 360 Calculated by: Instrument Scan A method used to view and cross reference the instruments in order to check and maintain performance. AoB 儹10%IAS儁 7刟 Principles Instrument interpretation Power + attitude = Performance Tacho Gives power information Pitch AH, ALT, ASI, VSI Bank AH, T&B, DG Yaw Only the balance ball 15 20 25 10 5 RPM 0 1 2 3 4 ALT 6 5 7 8 9 VSI 20 20 5 15 10 10 15 5 40 60 80 120 100 140 160 T&B L R Principles Aircraft Control Maintain smooth coordination of power and flight controls AH and Tacho used to set up initial configuration, then other instruments used to cross-reference and confirm performance is being achieved. To change configuration: Change adopt required power and attitude Check check performance Hold if correct; or Adjust if required Trim as required Principles Instrument Scan 15 20 25 10 5 RPM 0 1 2 3 4 ALT 6 5 7 8 9 VSI 20 20 5 15 10 10 15 5 40 60 80 120 100 140 160 T&B L R Considerations Sensory Illusions Vestibular organs 3 semi-circular organs in the inner ear which detect accelerations by moving tiny hair follicles Constant velocity or gradual changes in velocity is not detected Somatogravic Illusion Acceleration / Deceleration causes sensations of up / down pitch. Worst at night during a go-around or climb. Considerations Sensory Illusions Spatial Disorientation Disagreement of senses Slow roll to left not detected by senses. Correct with right bank. Senses detect the right bank and instruments show S&L! Causes vertigo/leans. Partial Panel Failure Detect failed instruments by cross-checking other instruments. Use inverted V scan DG fails, supplement with magnetic compass. Remember ONUS and SAND 0 1 2 3 4 ALT 6 5 7 8 9 VSI 20 20 15 5 10 10 15 5 40 60 80 120 100 140 160 T&B L R Air Exercise Cruise (ASPT) Attitude Change the AH to the correct attitude and hold. Scan DG, ALT and T&B Speed Scan ASI for acceleration to cruise speed Power Reduce RPM to cruise power Trim Trim to the attitude on the AH Primary instruments of interest: AH, ALT, DG Secondary instruments of interest: ASI, T&B and VSI Air Exercise Climb (PAST) Power Increase the power to climb settings referring to TACHO and AH Attitude Adopt climb attitude with reference to AH, then monitor DG and T&B for direction and balance Speed Scan AH, DG and ASI Trim Trim to maintain attitude on the AH Primary instruments of interest: AH, ASI and DG Secondary instruments of interest: ALT, VSI and T&B Air Exercise Descent (PAST) Power Reduce power TACHO and AH Attitude Adopt attitude with AH, then scan DG and T&B for direction and balance Speed Scan AH, DG, ASI and VSI Trim Trim if required Primary instruments of interest AH, ASI and DG Secondary instruments of interest ALT, VSI and T&B Air Exercise Turns (BBB) Bank Roll to rate one, referring to the AH Balance Refer to T&B and balance with rudder Back Pressure Set attitude referring to AH, ALT and VSI Primary Instruments of interest: AH, ALT, VSI Secondary Instruments of interest: T&B and DG Air Exercise Climbing / Descending Turns (BBB) Bank Roll to rate one, referring to the AH Balance Refer to T&B and balance with rudder Back Pressure Set attitude referring to AH, ALT and VSI Primary Instruments of interest: AH, ALT, VSI Secondary Instruments of interest: T&B and DG Airmanship Avoid flying into cloud if you do, conduct a 180o rate one turn to exit. Smooth and positive control inputs. Use correct scan techniques. Do not chase performance instruments SET ATTITUDE! Instrument taxi checks. Correct handover/takeover procedure. |