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Airbus A320 Braking as Predicate-Action Diagrams [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-9-28 15:58:37 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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发表于 2010-9-28 15:58:49 |只看该作者
Airbus A320 Braking as Predicate-Action
Peter B. Ladkin
Universit¨at Bielefeld, Technische Fakult¨at
Postfach 10 01 31, D-33501 Bielefeld
We use the Predicate-Action Diagrams of Lamport to express the de-
scription of the operation of the Airbus A320 braking systems contained
in the Flight Crew Operating Manual. This helps identify ambiguities
and incompleteness.
1 Introduction
On September 14th, 1993, a Lufthansa Airbus A320 landed at Warsaw Airport
in Poland in a thunderstorm. It overran the end of the runway, surmounted an
earth bank, and came to rest on the other side. Two people died and others
were injured in this accident, which began to interest us and others in the design
of the A320 braking system [FI.93a, FI.93b, FI.93c]. This paper analyses the
specification of the A320 braking system contained in the Flight Crew Operat-
ing Manual [FCOM], and rewrites it in Predicate-Action Diagrams of Lamport
[Lam94b]. A fuller version of this work containing an analysis is [Lad95].
Flight crew should have a complete, accurate high-level specification of sys-
tem operation from which to work. This may be provided using predicate-action
diagrams, with advantage over the Boolean logic expressed in English that is
currently used. This is in line with current thinking, for example by the task
force studying controlled flight into terrain – “a factor that often crops up when
crashes are analysed is the failure of the pilot at the controls to stick to standard
flight procedure. But that is not necessarily the pilot’s fault: [...] Or perhaps
poor descriptions mean the procedure is misunderstood.” [Eco94].
The Braking System Design of the A320. The braking system design
of the A320 is described in the A320 Flight Crew Operating Manual [FCOM].
There are four main components of this system, of which the two primary com-
ponents are the brakes and anti-skid. The other two are the spoilers (which
destroy lift from the wings) and the thrust reversers (which divert engine ex-
haust to thrust in a forward direction). The brakes and anti-skid system are
described in [FCOM, 1.32.30: Landing Gear: Brakes and Anti-Skid]; the spoiler
activation in [FCOM, 1.27.10: Flight Controls Description, P11]; the thrust
reverser actuation in [FCOM, 1.70.70: Power Plant: Thrust Reverser System].
Predicate-Action Diagrams and TLA+ Specifications. A predicate-action
diagram is a simple state diagram in which the states are given by the values of
chosen state predicates (conditions which have values), and transitions between
these states, indicated by labelled arrows, are actions of a given type. Predicate-
action diagrams corresponding to the braking system descriptions are shown in
Figures 1, 2 and 3. Predicate-action diagrams have a simple formal translation
into the temporal logic TLA [Lam94a].
Related Work. The Airbus approach to using computers in civil aircraft
design is presented in [Pot93]. Much fundamental research and analysis of algo-
rithms involved in flight control and management stems from SRI Computer Sci-
ence Lab, and may be found on theWWWstarting at http://www.csl.sri.com/ft-history.html
. A comprehensive introduction to safety analysis for systems involving com-
puters in general is [Lev95]. Aircraft engineering safety issues are discussed
in [LT82]. Standards for certification of flight-control systems are in [RTCA92].
Analysis and statistics of airplane accidents appear in [OSZ92]. Articles
concerning the DC-10 accidents appear in [FB92]. An account of fatal A320
accidents to date is in [Mel94]. Reports of facts and findings related to the
Warsaw accident are in [FI.93a, FI.93b, FI.93c], and the official report on the
Warsaw accident itself is [MCAAI94].
2 The Design of the A320 Braking System
The braking system design of the A320 is described in the A320 Flight Crew
Operating Manual [FCOM],repeated in [Lad95]. We give some sample entries.
Each page is identified by a section number (three sets of digits separated by
periods), a REVision number, a SEQuence number, and a Page number.
Landing Gear: Brakes and Anti-Skid (1.32.30)
1.32.30, REV 16, SEQ 001, P 1
Anti Skid System
The anti skid is deactivated when the speed is lower than 20 kts (ground speed).
An ON/OFF switch activates or deactivates the anti skid system and nose wheel
The speed of each main gear wheel (given by a tachometer) is compared with
the aircraft speed (reference speed). When the speed of a wheel decreases below
0.87 time [sic] reference speed, brake release orders are given to maintain the
wheel slip at that value (best braking efficiency).
1.32.30, REV 15, SEQ 001, P 3
Auto Brake
System arming
The crew may arm the system by depressing the LO, MED or MAX push button
switches, provided all the following arming conditions are met:
• Green pressure available
• Anti-skid electrically powered
• No failure in the braking system
Note: Auto brake may be armed with parking brake on.
System Activation
Automatic braking is initiated by the ground spoiler extension command (refer
to 1.27). Consequently in the event of an acceleration stop, if the deceleration
is initiated with the speed below 72 KTS, the automatic braking will not be
operative because the ground spoilers will not be extended.
System disarming
The system is disarmed by:
• Pressing the push-button switch or,
• Loss of one or more arming conditions or,
• Applying sufficient force to the rudder pedals when autobrake is operating:
– In MAX mode both pedals must be depressed,
– In MED or LO desarming [sic] may be accomplished by action on
one pedal only,
• Ground spoiler retraction (refer to 1.27).
• Flight condition since 10 seconds.
1.32.30, REV 15, SEQ 001, P 4
Normal Braking
Braking is normal when:
• green hydraulic pressure is available
• A/SKID and N/W STRG is ON
Anti-skid is operative and autobrake is available.
The control is electrically achieved through the BSCU:
• either via the pedals
• or automatically
– on ground by autobrake system
– in flight by setting the landing gear lever to the up position
Anti-skid system is controlled by the BSCU via the normal servo valves.
No brake pressure indication is provided.
Flight Controls Description (1.27.10: REV 18, SEQ 106, P 11)
Ground Spoiler Control
Achieved by the spoilers 1 to 5.
• Ground spoilers are armed when the speed brakes control lever is
pulled up into the armed position.
• Ground spoilers automatically extend:
– (At MLG touch down) OR (During T.O run at speed greater than
72 KT)
 (They are armed and all thrust levers are at idle) OR
 (When reverse is selected on at least one engine (remaining en-
gine at idle)
• Ground spoilers retraction is achieved when:
– (All thrust levers are set at idle) AND (Speed brake control lever is
pushed down)
– One thrust lever advanced
 above 20◦
 at least 3 sec between 4◦ and 20◦
3 Analysis and Critique
The specification of the braking system design includes some causal or temporal
dependencies, as well as specifying state changes, thus ensuring that Boolean
logic must be supplemented by a semantics that considers change over time,
hence our preference for TLA. In the semantics of TLA, a collection of Boolean
values of the propositions describes a state. A proposition is a state predicate,
since its Boolean value depends on the state in which it is evaluated. A logical
formula describing how a state changes is called an action.
Real-time constraints also appear essentially in the FCOM description, e.g.:
The system is disarmed by: [...] flight condition since 10 seconds. Ground
spoilers retraction is achieved when: [...] at least 3 sec between 4◦ and 20◦.
They may be handled in TLA [AL94], but we don’t attempt that here. In
[Lad95], we identified the following problems with the descriptions:
ambiguities due to imprecise statement, or to infelicitous phrasing in English;
confusion between action and state: a desired result is achieved when, e.g. [X]
occurs when [Y] is activated, or [X] occurs when lever [Y] is pulled up. Do
the conditions on [Y] refer to its state, or to an action performed on [Y]?
Whether certain states are acceptable or anomalous may depend on which
reading is given;
imprecision in stating Boolean conditions: potentially ambiguous English de-
scriptions are used to represent Boolean expressions, especially since paren-
theses are not included. However, in at least one place, an accurate
Boolean formula is used. Pilots are clearly expected to understand Boolean
multiple terms used for a single concept or value: for example insufficient
pressure, or low pressure; such terms are rarely noted to be synonyms;
incorrect mathematics is used in one place to describe a crucial quantity–an
integral should be used, but does not appear.
4 The FCOM Specification as Predicate-Action
We use predicate-action diagrams to represent the information contained in
the specification. Predicate-action diagrams are almost self-explanatory. The
nodes are partial states, that is they are collections of values of selected state
predicates. We call these partial states ‘states’. ‘Actions’ change the values of
the state predicates, and are represented by arrows between the ‘states’. The
‘actions’ represented in the diagrams are collections of all the actions that can
change the value of one of the predicates of the ‘state’. It is required that the
result of any action that changes the value of the ‘state’ belongs to one of the
‘actions’, and that all the ‘states’ that result from any of the actions belonging
to an ‘action’ appear in the diagram. Thus, a predicate-action diagram focuses
on certain predicates, and shows how the values of those state predicates are
changed by actions of the system, which are grouped into sets of actions that
all have the same effect on the selected state predicates.
In the representation of the FCOM specification in predicate-action dia-
grams, we represent the ‘actions’ by logical disjunctions of its component ac-
tions. We also label the ‘states’ by certain useful indicative expressions. Thus,
a braking-mode ‘state’ labelled with normal satisfies the state predicate that
braking-mode = normal. However, these labels, while helpful, do not neces-
sarily correspond to explicit state predicates. The state predicates explicitly
asserted in the ‘state’ are given by conjunctions written in an ellipse attached
by a line to the ‘state’.
(green lowpress AND yellow lowpress)
BSCU failure OR
Alt with A/S Alt w’out A/S
Autobrake available
Antiskid operative AND
Prkbrk off AND
green press ‘avail’ AND
Autobrake inoperative
Antiskid operative AND
Prkbrk off AND
yellow lowpress
green lowpress
yellow press ‘avail’ AND
power supply failure OR
(A/S off AND N/W STRG off) OR
[(A/S off AND n/W STRG off) OR
power supply failure OR
(green lowpress AND yellow lowpress)] AND
BSCU failure OR
Autobrake inoperative
Figure 1: The Braking Modes from the FCOM Specification
Antiskid off
Alternate w’ antiskid OR
Normal OR
Alternate w’out antiskid
‘Operate’ PBr handle
Figure 2: The Parking Brake Mode from the FCOM Specification
We omit the predicate-action diagram corresponding to the thrust reverser
system, because it is not revised when we apply our rewriting criteria.
5 Revising the Predicate-Action Diagrams
The predicate-action diagramrepresentation of the FCOMdescription can easily
be completed, in the following steps:
• list all state predicates occurring in any diagram;
• determine the values of all the state predicates in every state denoted, and
list them with the state;
• add transitions each way between all pairs of states;
• notate each transition with its action description (where possible);
• disambiguate the action descriptions from a given state (if necessary);
• note those transitions between pairs of states that cannot occur, and re-
move these transition arrows.
Antiskid No antiskid
A/S on
A/S off OR
speed < 20kts OR
yellow lowpress
Figure 3: The Antiskid Condition from the FCOM Specification
AND spoilers retracted
spoilers armed
AND spoilers extended
spoilers armed
(both thrust levers in reverse) )
(one thrust lever idle AND one thrust lever in reverse) OR
( (both thrust levers idle) OR
MLG touchdown OR (T.O. AND speed > 72kt)
spoilers NOT armed
( (both thrust levers in reverse) AND
(speed brake control lever pushed down) )
( (one thrust lever advanced above 20 deg) OR
(one thrust lever advanced for > 3 sec between 4 deg and 20 deg) )
speed brake levers
moved into up position
Figure 4: Ground Spoiler Deployment from the FCOM Specification
Using these principles, we have revised the predicate-action diagrams as in
Figs 5, 6 and 7.
6 Further Analysis
Some expressions on the FCOM refer to state predicates holding over some
explicit period of time. For example, a full logical expression of the description
contained in the FCOM must include some logical means of handling assertions
of thrust lever position and temporal duration, as noted in [Lad95]. This can
be done straightforwardly in TLA [AL94]. In fact, by using TLA, we believe
the approach we are suggesting here is extendable to all forms the specification
may take, since TLA allows arbitrary mathematics to be included.
When asserting formulas concerning variables which change with time, it’s
a good idea to list all the potential variables. The list of variables referred to
in the FCOM description appears in Table 1. One well-known source of poten-
tial inaccuracies is discrepancy between system states which represent certain
environmental variables by values derived from sensors, and the actual val-
ues of those variables themselves. One example, expressed crudely, is that the
Lufthansa A320 suffered delayed deployment of braking systems because, for
various reasons expressed in the report [MCAAI94], the sensors didn’t detect
that the plane was on the runway. See also [FI.93a]. We describe now what
must be done with the variables.
NOT autobrk avail
(NOT power supply or BSCU failure) AND
Antiskid AND
(A/S - N/W STRG switches on) AND
(NOT Prkbrk) AND
yellow pressure AND
NOT green pressure AND
(NOT Normal-brk) AND
Alt with A/S Alt w’out A/S
NOT autobrk avail
(NOT Antiskid) AND
power supply or BSCU failure ] AND
[ NOT (A/S - N/W STRG switches on) OR
(NOT Prkbrk) AND
NOT yellow pressure AND
NOT green pressure AND
(NOT Normal-brk) AND
(NOT power supply or BSCU failure) AND Normal
green pressure
NOT green pressure =>
(A/S - N/W STRG switches on) AND
(NOT Prkbrk) AND
green pressure AND
Normal-brk AND
Antiskid AND
Autobrk avail
Normal w’out A/S
(NOT Antiskid)
As for state ‘Normal’
Speed => (20kt OR >20kt)
Speed => (<20kt)
( (green pressure => NOT green pressure) AND
(yellow pressure => NOT yellow pressure) )
BSCU fails OR
power supply fails OR
A/S and N/W STRG turned off OR
(green pressure =>
NOT green pressure)
(yellow pressure => yellow pressure)
NOT yellow pressure
yellow pressure =>
Figure 5: The Revised Braking Modes
Parkbrake Alternate brk
Normal brk or
Prkbrk-handle => OFF
Prkbrk-handle => ON
Prkbrk AND
NOT Normal-brk AND
NOT Antiskid
Figure 6: The Revised Parking Brake Mode
Variable name Values
antiskid-mode activated, deactivated
autobrake-mode disarmed, armed, active
braking-on? Boolean
braking-system-failure? Boolean
sensed-skid-onset? Boolean
anti-skid-switch-position ON, OFF
main-gear-tachometer-left real-number
main-gear-tachometer-right real-number
sensed-reference-speed real-number
brake-release-order-in-effect Boolean
wheel-slip-value real-number
green-hydraulic-pressure available, insufficient
yellow-hydraulic-pressure available, ??
antiskid-power-electric? Boolean
autobrake-arming lo, med, max
speedbrake-control-lever-position armed, disarmed
sensed-MLG-touch-down? Boolean
takeoff-run? Boolean
speed->-72-kt? Boolean
ground-spoilers-state armed, extended, in-transit, retracted
thrust-lever-positions {1, 2} × { reverse, idle, < 4◦, [4◦, 20◦], > 20◦ }
number-rudder-pedals-depressed 0,1,2
in-flight? Boolean
speed-brakes-control-lever-position up-armed, down-disarmed
sensed-speed < 20-kts, [20kts, 72kts], > 72-kts
power-supply-failure? Boolean
BSCU-failure? Boolean
Table 1: The variables used in the actuation logic
Variable name Values
sensed-skid-onset? Boolean
sensed-reference-speed real-number
wheel-slip-value real-number
sensed-MLG-touch-down? Boolean
takeoff-run? Boolean
speed->-72-kt? Boolean
in-flight? Boolean
sensed-speed < 20-kts, [20kts, 72kts], > 72-kts
Table 2: Internal variables corresponding to environmental situations
(both thrust levers in reverse) )
(one thrust lever idle AND one thrust lever in reverse) OR
( (both thrust levers idle) OR
MLG touchdown OR (T.O. AND speed > 72kt)
( (both thrust levers in reverse) AND
(speed brake control lever pushed down) )
( (one thrust lever advanced above 20 deg) OR
(one thrust lever advanced for > 3 sec between 4 deg and 20 deg) )
Spoilers disarmed
Spoilers armed
and retracted
Spoilers extended
(spoilers armed) AND
(speed brake levers up) AND
NOT (spoilers extended)
(spoilers armed) AND
(speed brake levers up) AND
(spoilers extended)
speed brake levers => UP speed brake levers => DOWN
(NOT speed brake levers up) AND
NOT (spoilers extended)
(NOT spoilers armed) AND
Figure 7: Revised Ground Spoiler Deployment Diagram
Variable name Values
sensed-skid-onset? Boolean
sensed-reference-speed real-number
wheel-slip-value real-number
sensed-MLG-touch-down? Boolean
takeoff-run? Boolean
in-flight? Boolean
Table 3: Reduced Set of Internal variables corresponding to environmental sit-
Listing the Variables
Firstly, all the variables mentioned in the FCOM description should be listed,
along with the types of values they can have, which may be determined from the
description. These variables determine the possible states, given by their com-
binations of values. This may be a larger set than needed, because of logical
dependencies between some variables. This list may then be surveyed to de-
termine variables which are internal representations of environment variables.
Variables which correspond to environmental properties are listed in Table 2
and a reduced set in which variables which are restatements of values of others
variables, and thus logically dependent on them, are listed in Table 3.
The three steps involved in analysing the variables are:
• List all variables appearing in the description being considered;
• identify variables which are representations of environmental conditions,
and for each such variable [variable-name], add a new variable named
• identify logical dependencies amongst the variables listed, and reduce the
set of variables by elimating those whose values may be expressed as values
of others (the choice of which variables to eliminate and which one to retain
is arbitrary, subject only to the condition that the eliminated variables
may be defined in terms of the retained ones).
7 Conclusions
We have suggested that the description in the Flight Crew Operating Manual of
an aircraft such as the A320 may be considered as a high-level system specifica-
tion of the usual sort. We have shown how predicate-action diagrams, a simple
graphical technique based on rigorous logical methods, may be used to analyse
the specification, and to express it better.
[AL94] M. Abadi and L. Lamport. An old-fashioned recipe for real time. ACM
Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 16(5):1543–
1571, Sep 1994.
[Eco94] Air crashes: But surely ... The Economist, 331(7866):92–93, June 4th
- 10th 1994.
[FB92] J.H. Fielder and D. Birsch. The DC-10 Case: A Study in Applied
Ethics, Technology and Society. State University of New York Press,
[FCOM] Airbus Industrie, Toulouse-Blagnac, France. A320 Flight Crew Oper-
ating Manual. Pages reproduced in [MCAAI94].
[FI.93a] Actuation delay was crucial at Warsaw. Flight International, page 10,
13 - 19 October 1993.
[FI.93b] Early Warsaw result provokes questions. Flight International, page 14,
3 - 9 November 1993. News report by A. Jeziorski.
[FI.93c] Warsaw over-run was preventable. Flight International, page 8, 8 - 14
December 1993.
[Lad95] P. B. Ladkin. Analysis of a technical desciption of the Airbus A320
braking system. High Integrity Systems, 1(4), 1995. To appear. Also in
[Lam94a] L. Lamport. The Temporal Logic of Actions. ACM Transactions on
Programming Languages and Systems, 16(3):872–923, May 1994.
[Lam94b] L. Lamport. TLA in pictures. In
http://www.research.digital.com/SRC/tla/, 1994.
[Lev95] N. G. Leveson. Safeware: System Safety and Computers. Addison-
Wesley, 1995.
[LT82] E. Lloyd and W. Tye. Systematic Safety. Civil Aviation Authority,
London, 1982.
[MCAAI94] Main Commission Aircraft Accident Investigation. Report on the
accident to Airbus A320-211 aircraft in Warsaw on 14 September 1993.
Warsaw, March 1994.
[Mel94] P. Mellor. CAD: Computer-Aided Disaster! High Integrity Systems,
1(2), November 1994.
[OSZ92] C.V. Oster, J.S. Strong, and C.K Zorn.Why Airplanes Crash: Aviation
Safety in a Changing World. Oxford University Press, 1992.
[Pot93] J.P. Potocki de Montalk. Computer software in civil aircraft. Micro-
processors and Microsystems, 17(1):17–23, 1993.
[RTCA92] Radio and Technical Commission for Aeronautics, Washington, D.C.
DO-178B: Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment
Certification, December 1992. This document is known as EUROCAE
ED-12B in Europe.

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