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SINGLE EUROPEAN SKY – ATM Research “1st Air-TN FORUM” [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-10-4 07:27:38 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-10-4 07:28:06 |只看该作者
Dear Madam, Sir,
The "Air-TN" project is funded by EC within the ERA-NET scheme and is meant to step up the cooperation
and co-ordination of research activities in aeronautics carried out at national level
through the networking of research activities at EU level.
One of the goal of the Air-TN project is to organise thematic fora on relevant themes bringing
together specialists participating in existing projects (EU or other) with people from organisations
and countries not involved in these projects to foster cooperation and dissemination throughout
the EU member states.
Three Fora are going to be organised by Air-TN:
o The Single European Sky – ATM Research,
o The Green Air Transport System,
o The role of UAV and General Aviation in the future air transport system.
The rationale driving the choice is the following: such items are of major interest; there is an
urgent need to focus national developments and initiate cooperation on these themes in order to
ensure the delivery of the needed results to support European transport policies; the integration of
NMS and their research capabilities will be an important consideration throughout the three Fora.
Air-TN management team in cooperation with EUROCONTROL has organised the forum entitled
“The Single European Sky – ATM Research” that will take place at EUROCONTROL Experimental
Center, in Bretigny (near Paris), France on January 31st 2007.
The main content of this Forum is the following:
o How the concept addresses Single European Sky policy.
o Provide a detailed view of the operational concept targeted for the 2020 time horizon.
o The research work programme to deliver the concept.
o Beyond SESAR the next Steps towards the HLTCs.
You will find hereafter the agenda of the workshop, the registration form and a short description of
Air-TN and Single European Sky.
In order to help to organise the event, please send the registration form not later than
19 January 2007 to EUROCONTROL.
“1st Air-TN FORUM”
January 31st, 2007
EUROCONTROL Experimental Center,
Bretigny (near Paris),
January 31st, 2007
EUROCONTROL Experimental Center,
Bretigny (near Paris), France
** partially to be confirmed **
09:00 Welcome by Director EEC, the EUROCONTROL
Experimental Centre
Jan van Doorn,
09:10 Welcome by AirTN Project Leader & Presentation Walter Riha, DLR
09:30 Single European Sky Luc Tytgat, DG TREN
09:50 SESAR – Introduction Patrick Ky, DG TREN
10:10 SESAR – what the “Definition Phase” will deliver Air Traffic Alliance
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 SESAR – the operational view SESAR Consortium
11:45 A EUROCONTROL view on the research needs, the
Network of Centres of Excellence
Pierre Andribet,
12:30 Lunch
14:00 SESAR – Development phase Patrick Ky, DG TREN
14:20 Long term Research perspectives
Dave Young,
14:40 Coffee Break
15:00 New Member States – Involvement in SESAR DG-TREN
15.20 Impacts on further AirTN work Walter Riha, DLR
15:30 Discussion
Moderated by
16:15 End of the Forum
For reaching EUROCONTROL and for Hotel suggestions please visit:
A shuttle bus will be available
 from Place d'Italie to the EEC, and
 from the EEC back to Paris Cité Universitaire
From Paris Cité Universitaire there is the Métro acces to Paris and in particular Gare du
Nord and Charles de Gaulle airport
The suggestions is to stay close to Place d'Italie which is also easily reachable by Métro.
For further info please contact Béatrice Bettignies-Thiebaux at the following e-mail
address: airtnforum1@eurocontrol.int
January 31st, 2007
EUROCONTROL Experimental Center,
Bretigny (near Paris), France
Register by filling in the following form in capital letters and E-mail it by
19/01/2007 to:
E-mail: airtnforum1@eurocontrol.int
Job Title:
I made a
at the
Air-TN (Aeronautics ERA-Net) objectives are twofold: (1) to step up the co-operation and coordination
of research activities in aeronautics carried out at national level through the networking
of research activities at EU level. This first objective includes the implementation of joint
aeronautical research activities (in GARTEUR Action Groups); (2) to expand the European
dimension with an aeronautical network in order to improve the coherence and co-ordination of
aeronautics and in order to strengthen the underpinning of the European Aeronautics programme.
These two objectives will be achieved by bringing together key actors (public bodies and other
national bodies that finance or manage aeronautical research activities) from a large number of
European nations (sixteen Member States plus Romania and Switzerland) with a common strategic
interest in Aeronautics. These key actors will form AirTN and will carry out the proposed AirTN
work programme consisting of seven work packages.
To foster increased co-operation that can lead to co-ordination of national research activities
between the participants involved in AirTN the project will move along the 4 steps identified in the
Specific Programme "Integrating and strengthening the foundations of the European Research
Area". The four-step approach to durable co-operation consists of
 Systematic exchange of information and good practices
 Analysis of common strategic issues in civil aeronautics
 Development of joint activities in civil aeronautics
 Transnational research activities in civil aeronautics
The AirTN activities will lay the foundation for expanding the scope of durable co-operation in
Aeronautics between the partners involved.
EUROCONTROL is the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation. This civil and
military Organisation which currently numbers 37 Member States, has as its primary objective
the development of a seamless, pan-European Air Traffic Management (ATM) system. The
achievement of this objective is a key element to the present and future challenges facing the
aviation community, which are to cope with the forecast growth in air traffic, while
maintaining a high level of safety, reducing costs, and respecting the environment.
EUROCONTROL develops, coordinates and plans for implementation of short-, medium- and
long-term pan-European air traffic management strategies and their associated action plans in
a collective effort involving national authorities, air navigation service providers, civil and
military airspace users, airports, industry, professional organisations and relevant European
EUROCONTROL's core activities span the entire range of gate-to-gate air navigation service
operations - from strategic and tactical flow management to controller training; from regional
control of airspace to development of leading-edge, safety-proofed technologies and
procedures, and the collection of air navigation charges.
For further informationn see: http://www.eurocontrol.int/

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