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AFDX® / ARINC 664 Tutorial [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-10-10 10:33:16 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-10-10 10:37:38 |只看该作者
Document Title AFDX® / ARINC 664 Tutorial
Document ID 700008_TUT-AFDX-EN_1000
Issue 1000
Classification Public
Project AFDX® / ARINC 664
Realeased by TechSAT GmbH, Poing
Release Date 29/08/2008
Copyright Notice
This document is the property of TechSAT GmbH.
Its content may not be copied or distributed to third parties
without the written approval of TechSAT GmbH.
The document has been checked carefully and is thought
to be entirely reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed
in case of inaccuracies.
TechSAT GmbH reserves the right to make changes
without further notice.
© Copyright 2008 TechSAT GmbH • All rights reserved.
Trademark Notice
Product and other trademark names referred to within this
manual are the property of their respective trademark holders.
AFDX® is a registered trademark of Airbus Deutschland.
AFDX® / ARINC 664 Tutorial 􀁠 3/30
Scope......................................................................................... 7
Overview.................................................................................... 9
Aircraft Data Network (ADN) Characteristics .............................................. 9
Emerging of AFDX.......................................................................................... 9
AFDX Characteristics................................................................................... 10
AFDX Network Architecture................................................... 11
Physical Topology........................................................................................ 12
Logical Topology.......................................................................................... 13
AFDX Communication Concept............................................. 15
The Virtual Link (VL)..................................................................................... 15
Virtual Link Scheduling ................................................................................... 15
Sub Virtual Links............................................................................................. 16
AFDX Port Types .......................................................................................... 17
AFDX Communication Ports........................................................................... 17
Receive Sampling Ports ........................................................................................17
Transmit Sampling Ports........................................................................................17
Receive Queuing Ports................................................................................... 17
Transmit Queuing Ports.........................................................................................17
Service Access Ports (SAP) ........................................................................... 18
Frame Fragmentation................................................................................... 18
AFDX Network Protocol ......................................................... 19
AFDX Protocol Stack.................................................................................... 19
AFDX Frame Structure ................................................................................. 20
Ethernet Preamble.......................................................................................... 20
Ethernet Protocol............................................................................................ 20
Ethernet Payload ............................................................................................ 20
Ethernet Error Control .................................................................................... 20
Ethernet Postamble ........................................................................................ 21
Network Reliability.................................................................. 23
Integrity Checking (IC) ................................................................................. 23
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SN Usage in Transmitting Mode..................................................................... 24
SN Usage in Receiving Mode......................................................................... 24
Redundancy Management (RM).................................................................. 24
The AFDX Switch .................................................................... 25
Frame Filtering.............................................................................................. 26
Traffic Policing.............................................................................................. 26
AFDX Network Configuration ................................................ 27
Transmit Scheduling .................................................................................... 27
Transmit Scheduling Example........................................................................ 27
Bandwidth Allocation................................................................................... 29
List of Figures • Tables • Formulas
AFDX® / ARINC 664 Tutorial 􀁠 5/30
List of Figures
Figure 1: AFDX network architecture ............................................................. 11
Figure 2: Physical topology of AFDX.............................................................. 12
Figure 3: Logical topology of AFDX................................................................ 13
Figure 4: VL scheduling with jitter................................................................... 15
Figure 5: Sub-VL Concept .............................................................................. 16
Figure 6: AFDX protocol stack........................................................................ 19
Figure 7: AFDX frame structure...................................................................... 21
Figure 8: AFDX Integrity Checking and Redundancy Management .............. 23
Figure 9: AFDX Switch Architecture............................................................... 25
List of Tables
Table 1: AFDX protocol overhead including leading and trailing bytes.......... 29
List of Formulas
Formula 1: Bandwidth constraints of messages on the same VL .................. 27
Formula 2: Example using Formula 1 for two messages on the same VL..... 28
Formula 3: AFDX message network load....................................................... 29
Formula 4: Bandwidth constraints from a message point of view .................. 30
Formula 5: Bandwidth constraints from a VL point of view ............................ 30
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List of Abbreviations
Abbreviation Text
ADN Aircraft Data Network
AFDX Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet
ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated
BAG Bandwidth Allocation Gap. BAG is a property of a VL and is given in ms
BER Bit Error Ratio - The number of erroneous bits to the total bit number of bits
COTS Commercial Of The Shelf
CRC Cyclical Redundancy Checking. A data integrity detection method
ES End System - LRU or part of an LRU implementing the network communication
FCS Frame Check Sequence
FIFO First In First Out
IEEE802.3 Ethernet protocol standard from "Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers"
IFG Inter Frame Gap
IP Internet Protocol
Jitter Network transmit latency caused by data contention
Latency Network transmit latency caused by software and hardware layers in the ES
LRU Line Replaceable Unit
MAC Media Access Controller
MTC Message Transmit Cycle. MTC is a property of a message and is given in ms
MTU Maximum Transfer Unit. MTU is a property of a VL and is given in bytes
PL Message payload data. PL is a property of a message and is given in bytes
QoS Quality of Service
RFC Request for Communication. Standard for protocols on top of IEEE802.3
RSN Redundancy Sequence Number
SAP Service Access Point
SFD Start Frame Delimiter
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
VL Virtual Link. A virtual or logical communication channel
AFDX® / ARINC 664 Tutorial 􀁠 7/30
The purpose of this tutorial is to give a description of the Avionics Full Duplex
Switched Ethernet (AFDX®) which is a communication standard for an Aircraft Data
Network (ADN). The description will provide the reader with an overview of the
fundamentals of the AFDX network architecture, network protocol, network
communication concept and network reliability.
The tutorial is based on the standard ARINC 664 which is an AFDX standard defined
by Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated (ARINC) and Airbus. Meanwhile Boeing has
defined a special version of AFDX which is based on the ARINC 664 standard and is
backwards compatible with this. However, the specialties of the Boeing standard are
not described herein.
It is assumed that the reader, as a minimum, is familiar with the principles of data
communication. In particular, knowledge of the Ethernet communication standard is a
definite advantage to understand the contents of this tutorial.

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