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The Siinglle Eurropean Sky ATM Researrch (SESAR) iiniittiiattiive Luc TYTGAT Eurropean Commiissiion,, DG TREN DG TREN Air Traffic Control is operated like 20 years ago Basic technologies are obsolete European airspace cannot be further divided Europe facing development challenges DG TREN In Europe, the issue is even more complex due to fragmentation Research has failed to deliver the necessary modernisation efforts Technology is not the only challenge: decision making is also a key issue DG TREN An in-depth ATM reform is needed Rationalise ATM institutional set up: Single European Sky High Level Group Reorganise ATM R&D: SESAR SESAR Joint Undertaking DG TREN The Single Sky Legislation reforms the organisation of air navigation service provision • Separation of regulatory activities from service provision (National Supervisory Authorities, Air navigation service providers) • Organisation of cross-border functional airspace blocks • Common standards for service provision (certification, Charging schemes) • Interoperability • Establishes bodies which manage implementation (SSC, ICB), involving all stakeholders (staff, military,…) • Implementing powers to the Commission Single European Sky
ATM Institutional reform DG TREN Hiigh Levell Group High Level Group (set up in Nov 2006) is reflecting on the best regulatory framework to support a European performance based ATM for 2020 by: - the simplification of the current regulatory framework, avoiding duplication of EU and non EU regulations - the development of EASA into the ultimate EU safety authority (including Airports and ATM) - the evolution of Eurocontrol in this context (transparency, separation of operative and legislative tasks) Report will be presented to VP Barrot on 03July and will be a key element in the review of SES DG TREN The technological & industrial complement to the Single Sky Legislation SES
ATM Technological reform Technological advances developed by SESAR will be implemented through EU law AR DG TREN One programme for Europe a solution to European issues with a global perspective Open to international partnership shared by all the players in the air transport sector Combines resources and efforts – avoiding fragmentation Addresses environmental issues One vision to be shared with the world SESAR DG TREN Objectives A consistent, focussed and user-driven project. Ambitious but realistic objectives for the European ATM infrastructure: Triple capacity Reduce by 50% ATM costs Increase safety by a factor of 10 10% reduction of environmental impact per flight A European programme with worldwide reach DG TREN DDeeffiinniittiioonn DDeevveellooppmmeenntt DDeeppllooyymmeenntt 2004 2008 2013-16 2020 > 3 phases Define the different technological steps, programme priorities and operational implementation plans. Develop new equipments, systems or standards, through defined and coherent R&D activities; Deploy the new system through a large scale production and implementation of the new ATM infrastructure. DG TREN A 60 M |