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TCDS.A.014 Page 1/9
Is sue 02, 06 Febru ary 200 8
European Aviation Safety Agency
1 Rond-point Maurice Bellonte
For model: A300F4-608ST
Issue 2, 06 February 2008
List of effective Pages:
Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Issue 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2
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I. General......................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Aeroplane ........................................................................................................................... 4
II. Certification Basis ...................................................................................................................... 4
1. Reference Proposal Date for EASA Restricted TypeCertification ...................................... 4
2. French DGAC Special Certification Dates.......................................................................... 4
3. EASA Certification Basis .................................................................................................... 4
4. Special Conditions.............................................................................................................. 5
5. Equivalent Safety Findings ................................................................................................. 5
6. Environmental Standards ...................................................................................................5
III. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations......................................................... 5
1. Type Design Definition ....................................................................................................... 5
2. Maximum Certified Weights................................................................................................ 6
3. Centre of Gravity Range..................................................................................................... 6
4. Limit Speeds (Indicated Airspeed – IAS – unless stated otherwise) .................................. 6
5. Engines limitations.............................................................................................................. 6
6. Auxiliary power unit (APU).................................................................................................. 7
7. Fuel Tank Capacity (0.8 kg/litre)......................................................................................... 7
8. Fuel.................................................................................................................................... 7
9. Hydraulics.......................................................................................................................... 8
10. Tyres.................................................................................................................................. 8
11. Minimum Flight Crew.......................................................................................................... 8
12. Maximum number of occupants ......................................................................................... 8
13. Maximum Authorized Altitude............................................................................................. 8
14. Cargo compartment loading ............................................................................................... 8
15. Other Limitations ................................................................................................................ 8
16. Environmental Flight Envelope........................................................................................... 8
17. All Weather Capabilities ..................................................................................................... 8
18. Equipment .......................................................................................................................... 9
19. Maintenance Instructions.................................................................................................... 9
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1. Data Sheet No A.014
2. Airworthiness Category Large Aeroplanes
3. Certifying Authority EASA
4. Type Certificate Holder AIRBUS
1 Rond-point Maurice Bellonte
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I. General
1. Aeroplane Airbus A300F4-608ST
II. Certification Basis
1. Reference Proposal Date for EASA Restricted TypeCertification 27 May 2004
2. French DGAC Special Certification Dates :
A300-600ST MSN 655: 25 October 1995
A300-600ST MSN 751: 22 April 1996
A300-600ST MSN 765: 7 May 1997
A300-600ST MSN 776: 30 June 1998
A300-600ST MSN 796: 5 January 2001
3. EASA Certification Basis
- FAR Part 25, including amdt. 1 through 19 (initial A300 certification basis);
- FAR Part 25, including amdt. 19 through 44, except paragraphs:
25-109 amdt. 42
25-205, which is deleted and replaced by JAR 25-205 at change 14
25-301 amdt. 23
25-305(d) amdt. 23
25-331(a)(2) amdt. 23;
- FAR Part 25, amdt. 46 for paragraphs 25-803(c)(d) and 25-809(f)(1)(iv)(v);
- FAR Part 25, amdt. 47 for paragraph 25-809(f)(1)(iii);
- FAR Part 25, amdt. 49 for paragraph 25-733;
- FAR Part 25, amdt. 54 for paragraphs 25-385(e)(1) and (e)(2).
French-German complementary conditions
CB7-1: Flight in rough air
CC4-1: "En route" design conditions with high lift devices extended
CC5-1: Design manoeuvre conditions
CC8-1: Bird impact
CC9-1: Asymmetric load on the horizontal stabilizers
CC10-1: Ground loads
CC11: Jacking loads
CD1-1: General Design of Systems
CD8-1: Operation of landing gear
CD9-2: Protection of Equipments installed on LGs and LG Wheel Wells
CE0: Engine installation – Application JAR E
CE2-1: Windmilling without oil
CE4-1: Engine vibration levels
CE10-1: Auxiliary power Unit (APU) and its installation on the Aircraft
CF3-1: Functionning of the system under negative acceleration
CF7-1: Electrics
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4. Special Conditions
SC B01 Stick pusher
SC B02 Stalling speeds and operational speeds
SC C04 Damage tolerance evaluation
SC C06 Discrete gust requirements
SC C08 Crashworthiness
SC C09 Stalling speeds for structural design
SC D01 Pressurized cockpit
SC D04 Main cargo door
SC D05 Cargo compartment, Fire detection system response time
SC D06 Fire protection of system within Class E cargo compartment
SC K01 Category 2 operations
SC K02 Autoland
5. Equivalent Safety Findings
CRI D02 provides an equivalent level of safety to FAR 25-803(a), 805(a) and 809(a)(b) relative
to "Emergency exits";
CRI D03 provides an equivalent level of safety to FAR 25-812(d)(e) relative to "Emergency
CRI D06 provides an equivalent level of safety to FAR 25-855 and 857(e) relative to the
cargo compartments as far as the main deck cargo compartment is concerned.
6. Environmental Standards
Environmental requirements for noise, fuel venting and emissions
ICAO Annex 16, Volume 1 – Chapter 3
Note: When Airbus modification 19603 (Recertify A300-600ST aircraft to new noise chapter 4
requirements) is embodied, the aircraft is compliant with ICAO Annex 16, Volume 1 – Chapter
4 and certificated to Stage 4 Noise requirements.
III. Technical Characteristics and Operational Limitations
Twin-jet, wide body, Super Transporter, large airplane category.
Not authorized for passenger transport.
1. Type Design Definition
Definition of the A300-600ST reference model in AIRBUS publication:
• 00K001S0001/C1S (Equivalent Type Design for the Special Certification)
• 00K000A0001/C0S (List of modifications for the RTC, in addition to the Equivalent
Type Design)
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2. Maximum Certified Weights
Valid for A300-600ST MSN 655
Taxi weight (Kg) 153 900
Take-off weight(Kg) 153 000
Landing weight (Kg) 140 000
Zero fuel weight (Kg) 132 000 (Center Tank empty)
130 000 (Center Tank used)
Valid for A300-600ST MSN 751, 765, 776, 796
Taxi weight (Kg) 155 900
Take-off weight(Kg) 155 000
Landing weight (Kg) 140 000
Zero fuel weight (Kg) 133 800 (Center Tank empty)
130 000 (Center Tank used)
3. Centre of Gravity Range
Refer to EASA approved Aircraft Flight Manual.
4. Limit Speeds (Indicated Airspeed – IAS – unless stated otherwise)
Maximum Operating Mach – MMO : 0.70
Maximum Operating Speed – VMO (kt) : 295
Other speed limits: Refer to DGAC approved Flight Manual
5. Engines limitations
M.IM 13 (DGAC)
Static thrust at sea level*:
- take-off (5mn)** (flat rated 30°C)
- maximum continuous
25,740 daN
21,387 daN
Approved oils : See Specification GENERAL
ELECTRIC D50TF1 called for in
Service Bulletin GE N°79-1
* Standard conditions (ISA: 15°C – 1013,2 mbar) and up to temperatures indicated in
DGAC "Fiche de Caractéristiques Moteur", which also indicates thrust measurement
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** 10 minutes at take-off thrust allowed only in case of engine failure (at take-off or during
go-around) in accordance with DGAC "Fiche de caractéristiques moteur".
Other engine limitations: See the relevant Engine Type Certificate Data Sheet.
6. Auxiliary power unit (APU)
Available mechanical shaft power at sea level 98.5 KW
Maximum operating speed 43562 rpm
Maximum gas temperature at turbine outlet 585°C
Approved oils: See AIRESEARCH GTCP 331-250 Chapter 49-21-00 Table 2.
7. Fuel Tank Capacity (0.8 kg/litre)
TANK Unusable fuel Usable fuel
Kg Liter Kg Liter
Outer 12 15 7 408 9260
Inner 130 163 28 112 35 140
Center 48 60 14 080 17 600
TOTAL 190 238 49 600 62 000
8. Fuel
Fuel determined to be in conformity with General Electric Specification DT50 TF2 may be
- Anti-icing: PHILIPS PFA-55MB to MIL-I-27686 specification, 0.15% by volume maximum
I and TGF, 0.2% by volume maximum concentration (for Russian fuel).
I-M and TGF-M 0.1% by volume maximum concentration (for Russian fuel).
- Biocide: SOHIO BIOBOR JF at 270PPM maximum concentration
- Anti-static: SHELL ASA-3 at 1PPM maximum concentration
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9. Hydraulics
Fluid specifications: NSA 30-7110
10. Tyres
See Aircraft Maintenance Manual, chapters 12 and 32.
11. Minimum Flight Crew
Two (2): Pilot and Co-pilot
12. Maximum number of occupants
Five (5) including Fligt Crew
13. Maximum Authorized Altitude
35 000 ft
14. Cargo compartment loading
The airplane must be loaded in accordance with the loading instructions given in the
relevant WEIGHT AND BALANCE Manual – Chapter 1.10.
Cargo compartment Maximum load (kg)
Main 45 500
Aft 12 837
Rear (Bulk) 27 837
Forward 500
15. Other Limitations
Refer to approved Airplane Flight Manual.
16. Environmental Flight Envelope
Refer to approved Airplane Flight Manual.
17. All Weather Capabilities
The aircraft is qualified to Cat 2 precicion approach and autoland.
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18. Equipment
The equipment required by the applicable requirements shall be installed.
19. Maintenance Instructions
- - Safe Life Airworthiness limitation items are provided in the A300-600 Airworthiness
Limitation Section (ALS) Part 1, with supplement for A300-600ST aircraft approved by
EASA (reference to ALS document)
- - Certification Maintenance Requirements are provided in the A300-600 Airworthiness
Limitation Section (ALS) Part 3 with supplement for A300-600ST aircraft approved by
EASA (refer to Airbus document AI/ST5/829/85)
- - Ageing system maintenance items are provided in the A300-600 Airworthiness
Limitation Section (ALS) Part 4 with supplement for A300-600ST aircraft approved by
EASA (reference to ALS document)
- - Fuel Airworthiness Limitations are provided in the A300-600 Airworthiness Limitation
Section (ALS) Part 5 with supplement for A300-600ST aircraft approved by EASA (refer
to Airbus document 95A.1929/05)

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