- 注册时间
- 2009-12-25
- 最后登录
- 2021-7-10
- 在线时间
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- 帖子
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- 精华
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- 2036
STALLING & SLOW FLIGHT OBJECTIVE: To be able to recognise the symptoms of an impending stall, the stall itself, and to recover with a minimum height loss of 100ft under varying conditions of power and flap. APPLICATION: Slow speed flight such as approach and landing. AIRMANSHIP: Smooth coordinated use of controls Correct hand over/Take over technique: - Instructor: “Handing over” Student: “I have control” or Instructor: “Taking over” Student: “Handing over” Instructor: “I have control” Lookout (use the clock rule; ie. aircraft sighted 12 o’ clock high) Reference to natural horizon Unintentional stall should never occur Pre-stalling checks AIR EXERCISE: Pre-stalling checks Height sufficient to recover by 3000ft Hatches and harnesses secure Engine FMOST checks Lookout Location Loose articles secure Reference point Entry Throttle to idle As IAS decreases increase back pressure to maintain altitude Stalling & Slow Flight During Symptoms – high nose attitude, low IAS, sloppy controls, stall warning, buffet Stall – height loss and nose pitches down. Possible wing drop Recovery Relax back pressure and put nose 5 fingers below horizon Correct wing drop if needed by using opposite rudder (DO NOT use ailerons) As speed increases apply full power Adopt climb attitude Stalling & Slow Flight Sequence 13 Effects of power on stall symptoms 1500RPM Speed reduces more quickly Shorter stall warning Stall speed is lower Wing drop more likely Effects of power on recovery At stall, adopt attitude 5 fingers below horizon Correct for any wing drop with opposite rudder Apply full power Raise nose to Straight and level attitude (3 fingers below horizon) Check speed and adopt climb attitude Stalling & Slow Flight Effects of flap on stall symptoms Speed reduces more quickly Shorter stall warning Stall speed is lower Stall more pronounced Wing drop more likely Effects of flap and power on stall symptoms (eg: approach configuration) Stall speed is lower Stall more pronounced Wing drop more likely Note: Raise flaps in stages on recovery Stalling & Slow Flight |