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Application Guide for Foreign Regional Maintenance Organization Certificate [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-10-20 09:28:35 |只看该作者
Issue Date:Feb 10,2003
Application Guide for Foreign/Regional Maintenance Organization Certificate
Flight Standard Department
1. Reference and Purpose.................................................................- 1 -
2.Applicability....................................................................................- 1 -
3. Cancel...............................................................................................- 1 -
4.Description.....................................................................................- 1 -
5. Application precondition.............................................................- 2 -
6. Management functioning department..........................................- 3 -
7.Application Procedure..................................................................- 3 -
8. Submit material...............................................................................- 5 -
9. Instructions for filling out the Application for issue of Maintenance Organization Certificate [F145-1 (10/2001)....................................- 6 -
10.Standards for auditing fee.........................................................- 8 -
Attachment 1:GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OF CIVILAVIATION OF CHINA...................................................................................................- 11 -
Attachment 2......................................................................................- 13 -
Application Guide for Foreign/Regional Maintenance Organization Certificate
1. Reference and Purpose
This AC is formulated in accordance with China Civil Aviation Regulations Approval for Civil Aircraft Maintenance Organization (CCAR-145-R2) issued and put into effect on Dec, 21, 2001. This AC serves as a guide to foreign/regional maintenance organizations (Hereinafter referred as Applicant) on how to apply for maintenance organization certificate and how to fill in APPLICATION FOR ISSUE OF MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION CERTIFICATE as well as how to submit the necessary documents and materials as required.
This AC is applicable to foreign/regional maintenance organizations.
3. Cancel
Application Guide for Maintenance Organization Certificate (AC-145-02R2) issued on Jan,05, 1991 and revised on Mar, 31, 1996 is cancelled.
Foreign maintenance organization means a maintenance organization holding corporate right registered in another country. Regional maintenance organization means a maintenance organization holding corporate right registered in Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan. This AC serves as a procedural guide and a guide of policy to foreign/regional maintenance organizations on how to apply to General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (hereinafter referred as CAAC) for maintenance organization certificate. As for how to meet AC-145-2 - 1 -
Application Guide for Foreign/Regional Maintenance Organization Certificate
the concerned requirements stipulated in CCAR-145, please refer to the regulation itself and the relevant AC.
The auditing fee for foreign/regional maintenance organization is charged according to man-hour cost, international charging standard meanwhile is also considered and the auditing fee is also made with reference to national charging standards.
5.Application precondition
5.1 The applicant shall have at least one of the following maintenance capabilities or conditions of maintenance ratings and maintenance items described in article 18 and 19 of CCAR-145:
(1)Maintenance items: Test, repair, alteration, overhaul, line maintenance, periodic check;
(2)Maintenance ratings: airframe, power plant, propeller, aircraft components other than complete power plant or propeller and specialized service.
5.2 The applicant must be a holder of maintenance organization certificate approved by local/regional civil aviation authority.
5.3 The applied maintenance items from the Applicant shall be power plant, propeller and aircraft components installed in Chinese registered aircraft.
5.4 The letter of intent from Chinese customer is necessary for original application and new item application.
5.5 Applicant applying for extending maintenance approval must submit Maintenance Organization Annual Report per year on time.
5.6 If any agent was asked to assist applicant in applying for maintenance organization approval, it must be authorized by the applicant and be registered in CAAC and concerned regulation training by CAAC shall be received as well.
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5.7 Any bad records of the applicant kept by CAAC in the past may result in an unacceptable application. The bad records include but not limit to following aspects:
(1) The application is cancelled or the audit is refused by the Applicant after CAAC issued Notification of Acceptance for application.
(2) Do not satisfactorily cooperate with CAAC in case of audit and/or maintenance
quality investigation.
(3) Do not pay the auditing fee after audit;
(4) Do not report to CAAC as regulated;
(5) Serious quality problems occurred when repairing aviation products for Chinese customers;
(6) Offer false information to CAAC deliberately.
6. Management functioning department
Application and approval of foreign/regional applicants is under the charge of following department:
Continued Airworthiness & Maintenance Division
Flight Standard Department of CAAC:
155# Dong Si Street West, Beijing
Post Code:100710
Tel: 86-10-64092423/64091402
Fax: 86-10-64030987
7.Application Procedure
7.1 Applicant shall look through current CCAR-145 and the concerned Advisory Circular (AC) which can be obtained from the management functioning organizations listed in 6 of this AC.
7.2 Applicant shall fill out the application of the maintenance organization certificate and get the application material prepared. Copies of the application may be used, but the contents filled in and signature must be original. In the case of applying for changes if it changes the maintenance capability list only AC-145-2 - 3 -
Application Guide for Foreign/Regional Maintenance Organization Certificate
without changing the approved items on the maintenance organization certificate, the application is not required to be filled in. The annual audit for the approved maintenance organization is not required to fill in the application.
7.3 Application materials shall be submitted to corresponding management functioning organizations listed in 6 of this AC. CAAC accepts application materials posted or submitted by the applicant, or passed on by the agent described in 5.5 of this AC.
7.4 Applicant applying for maintenance organization certificate for the original needs to meet the person-in-charge of the respective maintenance functioning organizations listed in 6 of this AC to clarify all application items concerned. The meeting time could be set through bilateral negotiation. If applicant wants to renew the maintenance organization certificate, the application for renewal shall be made at least 6 months before the expiry date of the certificate.
7.5 CAAC shall issue the Notification of Acceptance for Application to those applicants qualified for the application preconditions stated in paragraph 5 of this AC, and to those who are to undergo CAAC audit and are willing to pay audit fee.
7.6 All application, except the application of changing the maintenance organization name only, must undergo on site audit performed by CAAC, who will assign audit team to perform on site audit after issuing the Notification of Acceptance for Application. The audit team shall notify the applicant of the detailed audit plan at least 30 days prior to the audit.
7.7 After receiving the application acceptance notification, applicant shall pay the auditing fee as the ways appointed by the notification. CAAC accepts the payment means of telegraphic transfer which is indicated in the notification of acceptance only, and the received amount of auditing fee must agree with the one indicated in the notification of acceptance. All handling charges from remittance shall be paid by the applicant.
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7.8 The audit team shall put forward the suggestion of approval by means of audit report after on site audit. Maintenance functioning organization listed in 6 of this AC shall complete the audit and approval for the audit report within 1 month.
7.9 Once the audit report is approved by maintenance functioning organizations listed in 6 of this AC and the suggestion of “approval” in the report has got approved, the maintenance certificate will be issued; and for those who has not been approved, notification in written shall be delivered to them.
8. Submit material
8.1 Submit one set of the following materials for the original application:
(1) Application for issue of maintenance organization certificate;
(2)Maintenance Management Manual (Refer to AC-145-5 for compiling requirements);
(3) Maintenance capability list(only for applicant applying for aircraft component);
(4) Letter of Intent from Chinese customer;
(5) A copy of current & effective maintenance organization certificate issued by the local/regional civil aviation authority.
8.2 Submit one set of the following materials for the application of changing maintenance ratings or items:
(1) Application for issue of maintenance organization certificate;
(2) Revision draft of Maintenance Management Manual;
(3) Revision draft of maintenance capability list (if applicable);
(4) Letter of Intent for newly applied items from Chinese customer;
(5) A copy of current & effective maintenance organization certificate issued by the local/regional civil aviation authority.
8.3 Submit one set of the following materials for application of changing location or facilities:
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Application Guide for Foreign/Regional Maintenance Organization Certificate
(1) Application for issue of maintenance organization certificate;
(2) Revision draft of Maintenance Management Manual;
(3) A copy of current & effective maintenance organization certificate issued by the local/regional civil aviation authority.
8.4 Submit one set of the following materials for application of changing organization or the name of the organization:
(1) Application for issue of maintenance organization certificate;
(2) Reasons for the organization and name change;
(3) Revision draft of Maintenance Management Manual;
(4) A copy of current & effective maintenance organization certificate issued by the local/regional civil aviation authority.
8.5 As to apply for renewing the maintenance organization certificate, only correspondence signed by the accountable manger or the quality manager authorized by the Accountable Manager of maintenance organization is required to indicate the intent to renew the maintenance organization certificate and be willing to pay auditing fee.
8.6 Submit one set of the following materials for application of changing maintenance capability list only:
(1) Revision draft of maintenance capability list;
(2) The letter of intent for applied new P/N from Chinese customer;
(3) Internal evaluation report and evaluation record of the organization’s maintenance capability applying for adding part number (P/N) signed by quality manager.
8.7 Submit one set of the following materials for other reasons:
(1) Application correspondence signed by the Accountable Manager or the authorized quality manager of the maintenance organization;
(2) Relevant materials containing explanation;
9. Instructions for filling out the Application for issue of Maintenance
- 6 - AC-145-2
Application Guide for Foreign/Regional Maintenance Organization Certificate
Organization Certificate [F145-1 (10/2001)
9.1 The application for foreign maintenance organization certificate shall be filled out in English; the application for regional maintenance organization certificate shall be filled out in English or Chinese. Except for signature, the other contents shall be printed out.
9.2 Requirements for filling out the application:
(1) Name of the applicant: the full legal name of the applicant, which shall be which shall be in compliance with the maintenance organization certificate issued by the original country /local administration .
(2) Mail address: the mail address of the applicant (including postcode), which shall be in compliance with the maintenance organization certificate issued by the original country /local administration .
(3) Telephone/ Fax: the telephone and fax number offered must ensure the normal communication between CAAC and the accountable manager.
(4) Reason of application: Mark “X” in the corresponding column according to application purpose; if mark “X” in the column of “other reasons”, detailed information is kindly asked for.
(5) Maintenance items applied for: Mark “X” in the corresponding column according to items applied for. If mark “X” in the column of “other items”, detailed information is kindly asked for.
(6) Accountable manager: shall be the one specified in the Maintenance Management Manual submitted by the organization:
a) Name: shall be printed.
b) Title: the full name of the position actually held in the maintenance organization;
c) Signature: autographic signature by the accountable manager himself;
d) Date: date on which the accountable manager signs.
(7) Detailed maintenance items and location applied for: refer to Attachment 6 of CCAR-145 to fill out the maintenance items applied for. The work location could be omitted from the list if it is the same with that mentioned in item (2); but if the location is different or more than that mentioned in item (2), detailed information of the locations and concrete maintenance items applied for at AC-145-2 - 7 -
Application Guide for Foreign/Regional Maintenance Organization Certificate
each location shall be listed clearly
(8) Contracted maintenance items: only those contracted maintenance items related to the items applied for and out of the maintenance capability list of the applicant.
10.Standards for auditing fee
10.1 Fee for original auditing (To)
(1) Auditing fee for original (To) is the total fee including application acceptance auditing fee (A), on site audit fee (C) and supplementary fee (S).
(2) Application acceptance fee (A) is US $1000 .
(3) On site auditing fee (C) is calculated as standard man-hour(s) multiply man-hour fee. The calculation of the standard man-hour (H) is as follows:
a) Item of airframe: 40 man-hour for each maintenance production line, Extra 12 man-hour for the same maintenance production line for one more aircraft type.
b) Item of power plant (including APU):24 man-hour for each maintenance production line, extra 8 man-hour for the same production line for one more power plant type.
c) Item of propeller: 16 man-hour for each maintenance production line, extra 4 man-hour for the same production line for one more propeller type.
d) Item of landing gear: 16 man-hour for each maintenance production line, extra 4 man-hour for the same production line for one more L/G type.
e) Item of tire, brakes and glass: 12 man-hour for each maintenance production line, extra 2 man-hour for the same production line for one more type.
f) Other aircraft parts: 24 man-hour for 30 items (included) and less than 30; 48 man-hour for 30—100 (included) items; 72 man-hour for 100—200 (included) items; 96 man-hour for 200-500(included) items; 120 man-hour for 500-1000 (included) items; 150 man-hour for 1000 items and above.
g) Special process: 4 man-hour for each special process.
(4) Supplementary fee (S) including meals and accommodation, air ticket fare
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and ground transportation fee shall be charged based on the standard fee at that time. (If the organization being audited offers all these service, no charge is required.
(5) Standard man-hour fee (N): for European countries, America, Canada and Japan, it is US$80 per man hour; For the rest countries and region, it is US$60 per man hour.
Calculation formula:
The maximum auditing fee charged is US$20000, even it exceeds US$20000 calculated as above.
10.2 Annual auditing fee for maintenance organization (Ta)
(1) Annual auditing fee for maintenance organization (Ta) are the total fee including on site auditing fee (C) and supplementary fee (S).
(2) On site auditing fee (C) is calculated as standard man-hour(s) for original auditing multiply coefficient K (K=0.6)
(3) Supplementary fee (S) including meals and accommodation, air ticket fare and ground transportation fee shall be charged based on the standard fee at that time. (If the organization being audited offers all these service, no charge is required.
(4) Standard man-hour fee (N): for European countries, America, Canada and Japan, it is US$80 per man hour; For the rest countries and region, it is US$60 per man hour.
Calculation formula:
The maximum auditing fee charged is US $20000, even it exceeds US$20000 calculated as above.
10.3 Fee for changing maintenance organization certificate (Tc)
(1) Only application acceptance fee (A) is charged for changing the name of the organization
(2) Fee for changing location includes on site auditing fee (C)and
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supplementary fee (S).
a) On site auditing fee (C) is calculated as standard man-hour for original auditing multiply coefficient K (K=0.8).
b) Supplementary fee (S) including meals and accommodation, air ticket fare and ground transportation fee shall be charged based on the standard fee at that time (If the organization being audited offers all these service, no charge is required.
c) Standard man-hour fee (N): for European countries, America, Canada and Japan, it is US$80 per man hour; For the rest countries and region, it is US$60 per man hour.
Calculation formula:
The maximum auditing fee charged is US $20000, even it exceeds US$20000 calculated as above.
(3) Fee for changing maintenance ratings or items: for adding items, the same fee as that of the original application will be charged; while for reducing items no fee is charged and also no more charge for the next re-audit of the maintenance organization. When applying for changing maintenance capability list only without changing the maintenance organization certificate, fee shall be counted within the next re-audit fee instead of being charged separately.
Notes: “the same maintenance production line” means the same maintenance area with the same housing & facilities, the same personnel and management methods.
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Application Guide for Foreign/Regional Maintenance Organization Certificate
Attachment 1
1. Name of applicant
2. Address
3. Telephone Fax
4. Reason for application
□(1)Original application for certificate
□(2)Change in maintenance rating or items
□(3)Change in location or facilities
□(4)Change organization structure or name
5. Maintenance functions applied for
□Airframe □Powerplant
□Propeller □Components
□Specialized service □Others
6. Accountable Manager
Name Title
Signature Date
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7. Detail maintenance functions applied for and facilities location
8. Maintenance functions contracted to outside agencies
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Attachment 2(total 4 pages)
Maintenance capability list
CAAC Certificate No.
Revision No.
Revision date:
Organization address: .
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Company maintenance capability list
Effective page list
CAAC Certificate No.: Revision No:
Revision Date
Item quantity
Maintenance capability list statement
Approved by:
Approve Date:
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AC-145-2 - 15 -
Statement on Maintenance Capability List
It certifies that all items listed in this maintenance capability list are within the approved scope of maintenance organization certificate issued by CAAC (certificate No.________). It is guaranteed that the maintenance organization is qualified for housing & facility, tools & equipment, materials, airworthiness documentation and personnel listed in the maintenance capability list, has the working instruction as CCAR-145 requested in place and meets CCAR-145 requirements constantly.
Any change and revision of this maintenance capability list has to be reported to CAAC for approval.
Name: (printed)
Signature: (signature)
(this statement shall be signed by the accountable manager or the quality manager authorized by him )
Application Guide for Foreign/Regional Maintenance Organization Certificate
××××company maintenance capability list
Chapter No.
Maintenance working rating
Basis documentation
Main Equipment
1. Maintenance organization could work out its own maintenance capability list based on above format, but the items must be within the approved scope of maintenance organization certificate.
2. Paper size used for maintenance capability list shall be A4 or similar one; if the list runs lots of pages, effective page list shall be used to control the validity.
3. The sequence number is running number and the tactic sequence if these items shall follow ATA chapter order.
4. If the basis documentation and mainly used equipment for parts with same P/N but different tail numbers are the same, it does not have to list these tail numbers separately.
5. Maintenance work items shall be any one or combination of testing, repairing, alteration, modification and overhaul. However the word overhaul cannot be used for non-lifetime control parts and those without basis documentation.
6. Basis documentation shall be airworthiness material and technical documentation offered by aircraft parts manufacturer.
7. The main equipment shall be final testing equipment in general.
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