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中国民航业绿色发展展望 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-10-23 10:56:30 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-10-23 10:58:41 |只看该作者


􀀹欧盟提出了“绿色天空”计划,已通过了将航空纳入欧盟排放交易体系(EU ETS)的立法程序
􀀹美国的“下一代航空运输系统”(NextGen)、澳大利亚即将实施的将航空纳入“广义的排放交易体系”(Broad ETS)
—— 国内形势
——全面推进行业节能工作全面推进行业节能工作1.航空公司节油2. 地面服务节能3. 加强空管现代化建设4. 加强民航企事业单位办公节能

Green Development Prospects of
China Civil Aviation Industry
民航局规划发展司Civil Aviation Administration of China15, May, 2009
Mr. ShaHongjiang, Deputy Director General
Department of Planning
Aviation SecurityFlight SafetyEnvironment Protection3 Concerned Topics in Global Aviation Community
Civil Aviation Energy Conservation
and Emission Reduction
•Energy conservation and emission reduction is very important and urgent to the development of aviation industryIndustry growthEnvironment protection
Main Contents
􀂾One:Current Situation of Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in China Civil Aviation Industry
􀂾Two: Situation and Tasks we are facing
􀂾Three: Prospects of Future
􀂙roportions of civil aviation energy consumption
about 94% is aviation fuel94%3%2%1%aviation fuelairport energy consumptionAirlines ground energy consumptionATC and other aviation units
One: Current Green Development Situation of
China Civil Aviation Industry
—Energy Structure and Utilization Efficiency(1)
􀂙As the rapid growth of China civil aviation industry in recent years, the aviation fuel consumption is growing at the rate of 12% annually.050000001000000015000000199519971999200120032005fuel demand
—Energy Structure and Utilization Efficiency(2)
•Over 75% of aviation fuel is consumed by Air China, China Southern and China Eastern, the big three groups
Total (ton)Air China (ton)China Eastern (ton)China Southern (ton)Fuel consumption in 200610,005,3762,681,6892,279,5672,723,201Air ChinaChina Eastern China Southernothers
—Energy Structure and Utilization Efficiency(3)
•The top ten airports in term of passenger traffic account for 60% of total passengers volume,40% of the total airport energy consumption60%40%first ten large passengervolume airportsother airports
—Energy Structure and Utilization Efficiency(4)
􀂙Due to the update of fleet, the fuel consumption every ton kilometer is reducing. 1995-2000, the average fuel consumption each ton kilometer reduced 2.5% annually, while from 2000 to 2005, 1.2% was reached. consumptionper TKM
—Energy Structure and Utilization Efficiency(5)
CO2 Emission RatioChina Transport SystemCivil Aviation4.5%GroundTransport63.2%Railway11.6%Water Trnsport20.7%􀂙According to the calculation based on China transport system energy consumption level in 2000,4.5% of total CO2emission was caused by civil aviation. According to the “aviation and global atmosphere special report”published in 1999 by IPCC, 13% of the total emission was causedby world civil aviation industry.One: Current Green Development Situation of China Civil Aviation Industry (cont.)—Civil Aviation Emission(1)Global CO2 Emission by TransportAviationOthersRoad Transport
•China civil aviation grows rapidly, so as the aviation emission.The emission of greenhouse gases increased from less 20 million ton in 2000 to about 30 million ton in 2005, about 15% increase annually.
•More than 40 airports in China have encountered noise problem. It is extremely urgent to solve noise pollution because of the increasing awareness of protecting public rights.
•After the introduction of scientific outlook on development, aviation emission control is not only an environmental issue, but also a task to keep aviation industry growing in a sustainable way.
—Civil Aviation Emission(2)
􀀴Improve organization structure
􀀴Compose “Civil Aviation Industry Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Plan”
􀀴Build a solid foundation of work
􀀴Encourage application of new ATM technology
􀀴romote specific energy conservation and emission reduction work
􀀴Actively participate in ICAO missions of energy conservation and emission reduction
One: Current Green Development Situation of China Civil Aviation Industry (cont.)—Current Work on Energy Conservation & Emission Reduction
􀀴Awareness of energy conservation and emission reduction need to be improved
􀀴A weak foundation
􀀴System coordination and working mechanism need to be refined
􀀴Utilization of air space is low
One: Current Green Development Situation of China Civil Aviation Industry (cont.)—Major Problems
Two: Situation and Tasks We Are Facing
—International Situation
􀀹ICAO has set up Group on International Aviation and Climate Change (GIACC)to study civil aviation emission reduction issues
􀀹European Union put forward a “Green Sky “plan, and has approved legislation procedures to make aviation part of EU Emission Trading System(EU ETS)
􀀹The Next Generation Aviation Transportation System (NextGen)in United States, aviation is about to join in the Broad Emission Trading System(Broad ETS)in Australia
􀀹All the facts show that ICAO and individual countries pay more attention to the negative effects aviation greenhouse gas emission bring to the environment
􀀹Resource saving and environmental protection are our basic national policies
􀀹Mandatory requirement of energy conservation and emission reduction has been raised in the national 11th “five year”plan
􀀹“Energy Conservation Law”requires transportation department to be responsible for energy saving monitoring and management in related areas and make up energy conservation plans
􀀹Specific requirements are raised to CAAC by national team which deals with climate changing and energy conservation and emission reduction
􀀹To build a resource saving and environment friendly civil aviation transportation system is a way to implement scientific outlook and fasten the growth of civil aviation industry. It is also an inevitable requirement of turning a giant China civil aviation industry into a powerful one
—Domestic Situation
􀀹By 2015, a relatively sound energy conservation and emission reduction system will be built based on the establishment of industry energy conservation and emission reduction criteria, policy, supervision technical support􀀹New progress is made regarding industry technology application and research in energy conservation and emission reduction􀀹Industry energy conservation and emission reduction culture has filtered into people’s minds􀀹A significant energy conservation and emission reductionresult is shown across the whole industryThree: Prospects of Future—Target(1)
year of 2005year of 2015Energy consumption per ton kilometerreducing 15% compare to 2005
per ton kilometer
Airport noise
New Airport Rubbish harmless process and sewage process rate
Up to 75%
Noise monitoring and control has started at airports which passenger volume exceed 10million
Reducing 15% compare to 2005Three: Prospects of Future—Target(2)
Key Measures(1)
—Push Forward Industry Energy ConservationPush forward industry energy conservationPush conservation1.Fuel saving of airlines2. Energy Saving in ground handling3. Promote ATC Modernization4. Industry-wide Office energy saving
promote industry emission reductionreductionaviation emission controlairport noisemonitor & controlImprove aviation waste and airport sewage process
Key Measures(2)
—Push Forward Industry Emission Reduction
􀀹Combine industry characteristic and current situation to reinforce management and enhance operational efficiency
􀀹Study and set laws, regulations and operational procedures whichare helpful in energy conservation and emission reduction, clarify responsibilities
􀀹Strengthen the collaboration among airport, airline and ATC
􀀹All levels of administrative units will play an important role in setting up a sound system of collecting data, monitoring and evaluation of energy saving and emission reduction
􀀹Based on the principle of “trial before widely implementation”, “easy ones before hard ones, find emphasis to demonstrate”, specific energy conservation and emission reduction projects and demonstration work is carried out
Key Measures(3)
—Reinforce Management, Consolidate Foundation
􀀹Climate change is not only an environmental issue, but moreover,it is a development issue
􀀹Enjoy rights and fulfill duties in accordance with “UN climate changing framework agreement”and other international laws and regulations
􀀹romote international communication and learn advanced experience regarding climate changing, try to control the aviation greenhouse gas emission,enhance capability of dealing with climate changing and promote a sustainable growth in industry, economy, population, resource and environment
Key Measures(4)
—Promote International Communication and
Cooperation, Actively Deal With Climate Change

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发表于 2011-4-27 13:25:08 |只看该作者


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