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邝宝麟-可持续发展的机场航站楼 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-12-3 04:48:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2010-12-3 04:49:03 |只看该作者

Sustainability Implemented 融入可持续发展设计America’s First LEEDCertified Air Terminal 美洲第一个LEED机场航站楼认证項目Boston Logan Terminal “A”波士顿洛根国际机场航站楼“A”Boston, Massachusetts 马萨诸塞州波士顿
•Developer -Delta Air Lines
•Owner -Massachusetts
Port Authority (Massport)
•43 Acre Site 占地43英亩
•$480 M Terminal opened in
March 2005
•686,000 sq. ft. complex
•Terminal: 8 contact gates expanded
to 12 contact gates
•Linked Satellite: 10 contact gates
Design Challenge 面临的设计挑战•Tight Site…“the last pieceof land”仅余的土地…“最后一块可利用的土地”•Split Operation拆分运营•Brownfield 褐地•Limited Down-Time有限的停机时间•Sustainable Design Objectives可持续发展设计目标The critical foundation for the Airport Design was the Sustainable Design Goals…最关键的基础要求是满足可持续发展的目标…
Clients Sustainable Objective…... 客户的可持续发展目标……–Sustainable design assessment criteria for the selection of the design/construction team依照可持续发展设计评估准则选择项目设计/施工团队–Section 61 Findings (Environmental Impact Report) for MEPA (Mass. Environmental Protection Agency) –formed the basis of the agreement between Massport and Delta依照马萨诸塞州环境保护局编制的第61章节报告(环境影响报告)–即马萨诸塞州机场管理局与达美航空的合同基础……….were our Design Opportunity……….都是我们的设计机遇
Boston Logan Terminal ABoston, MassachusettsSimple, Elegant Architecture简洁、优雅的建筑

Boston Logan Terminal ABoston, MassachusettsCompact, Flexible Processing 紧凑的、灵活的处理流程
Boston Logan Terminal ABoston, MassachusettsDaylighting, Views and Place自然采光、景观及场所

Boston Logan Terminal ABoston, Massachusetts
Boston Logan Terminal ABoston, MassachusettsBoston Logan Terminal “A”波士顿洛根国际机场航站楼“A”
•Site 地块
–Site selection, density and redevelopment
–Alternative transportation
–Storm water design 雨水疏导系统设计
–Heat Island effect 热岛效应
•Water Efficiency高效用水
–Water efficient landscaping
–Water Use reduction 节约用水
•Energy and Atmosphere 能源及空气
–Enhanced commissioning
–Optimize Energy Performance
Final LEED Credit Matrix
•Materials and Resources 材料及资源•Recycled content 回收性物料•Local/regional materials 本地材料•Indoor Environmental Quality 室内环境质量•Construction management plan 施工管理计划•Low-emitting materials 低挥发性材料•Indoor chemical & Pollutant source control室内化学及污染物质来源控制•Thermal Comfort 舒适温度•Innovation and Design Process 创新及设计进程•Exemplary Performance in Recycled Content and Local materials回收性物料及本地用材使用的极佳模范Final LEED Credit MatrixLEED最终评分基质
•Federal and State pressure for sustainable design联邦政府及州政府对可持续发展设计的大力推行•re-Established Airport Design Guidelines and the incorporationof mitigation measures during the EIR process that includesustainable/green buildings预先确立的机场设计导则及在EIR过程中结合含可持续/绿色建筑的环境管理措施•roactive Airport : Established business agreement between airport and tenant included LEED Certification requirement. 前瞻性的机场:租户合同条件包含LEED认证条件Sustainable Design: Keys to Success可持续发展设计:成功关键Boston Logan Terminal “A”波士顿洛根国际机场航站楼“A”
•Owner –Indianapolis Airport Authority业主: 印第安纳波利斯机场管理局•$390 M Terminal opened in November 2008as part of a $1,100 M development造价3.9亿美元的航站楼于2008年11月正式启用(发展项目总造价11亿美元)•1,200,000 sq. ft. complex 1,200,000平方尺综合大楼•40 contact expandable to 44 gates登机口由40个增加至44个Colonel H. Weir Cook TerminalIndianapolis, Indiana威尔库克上校航站楼印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯
Visionary Client 业主的远景30 Year Plan 长达30年的计划21stCentury Building 21世纪建筑Change and the Future(Expansion to 100 Gates)改变和未来(扩建至100个登机口)‘Gateway’requirement 作为“门同”的要求‘Connect’to Indiana 与印第安纳州“连通”Sustainable Design Objectives可持续发展设计目标Integrated Design Team with Sustainable Design Focus以可持续发展设计为焦点的综合设计团队Design Opportunity设计机遇
1.Allow the Best & Most Rational Planning to Govern提供最佳及最合理的规划管理2.Embrace the Natural Environment of Indiana融入印第安纳州的自然环境3.Reflect Indiana’s Culture and Respond to Civic Needs体验印第安纳州的文化和及回应市民需要4.Maximize Potential for Sustainable Change & Growth最大化可持续发展改变和发展的潜力
Design Approach设计方向
Office/Air handling
Departures / Retail
EDS Mezzanine
Rational Planning

Civic Space 民用空间Rational Planning 合理规划
Civic Space 民用空间
Guiding Principles:指导原则:“Embrace the Natural Environment Here”“怀抱当地自然环境”Tailor the Building to the Sun, the Wind, the Rain and Snow迎合气候变化如日照、风力、雨水及降雪量的建筑设计Embrace the Landscape of Horizon & Sky 融合天与地的景色Sustainable Design可持续发展设计Target: LEEDSilver目标EED银级认证
Preserving the Relationship Between People and Place…维护人与场所之间的关系“Embracing the Landscape of Horizon and Sky”“融合天与地的景色”•Sustaining Views 可持续的景观•Day Lighting自然采光•Roof Form 屋顶设计模式•“Light”Building “亮点”建筑•High Performance Envelope 高性能外壳•Efficient Systems 高效系统
Building Form: Key Issues 建筑体型:关键点
The Science of LightViews and Light景色及采光

Rational Form合理模式

The Procession
Departure 出发区域
Tailored Mechanical Systems量身订制的机械系统
The Procession
The ProcessionHigh Performance Curtain Wall高性能的幕墙
Integrated Local Art结合本地艺术
The Sheltering Roof 遮蔽式屋顶设计

Site 地块–Alternative Transportation 可选择的交通工具–Alternative Fuel Vehicles 可选择的燃料汽车–Reduced Site Disturbance 減少地块干扰–Storm Water Design 雨水疏导系统设计–Heat Island effect (R/NR) 热岛效应–Reduced Light Pollution 減少光污染Water Efficiency高效用水–Water Efficient Landscaping节水景观设计–Water Use reduction节约用水
Sustainable Design Issues Addressed:
Energy and Atmosphere 能源及空气-Optimize Energy Performance 最优化能源使用(21%) -Enhanced Commissioning 提高生产-Measurement and Verification 量度及确认Materials and Resources 材料及资源-Construction Waste Management 施工废物回收管理-Resource Reuse 资源重新使用-Recycled Content 回收性物料( 43%)-Local/Regional Materials 本地材料(73%)-Renewable Materials 可更新材料
Sustainable Design Issues Addressed:
Sustainable Design Issues Addressed:Indoor Air Quality 室内空气质量–Air Delivery Monitoring 空调输送监察–Construction IAQ Management 施工IAQ管理–Low Emitting Materials 低挥发性材料–Controllability of Systems 可调节系统–Thermal Comfort 舒适温度–Daylighting and Views自然光及景观Innovation 创新设计–Sound Monitoring 音量监察–Lighting自然采光–Exemplary VOC Reduction 减少低挥发性材料使用的极佳模范
LEEDSilvercriteria have been met application is currently with the USGBC已达LEED银级认证标准目前正在USGBC申请注册中Colonel H. Weir Cook TerminalIndianapolis, Indiana威尔库克上校航站楼印第安纳州因蒂安纳波利斯
So how do we as architects create sustainable building projects like the airports we have just seen?作为建筑师,我们应该如何创造如同上述所见的可持续发展设计项目呢?First of all –be where you need to be to deliver your services.This speeds communication, saves costs for clients and gives international design staff the essential opportunity of understanding the culture, geography, climate and environment of the project site. It is not possible to design great sustainable architecture without that understanding.首先立足于项目所在地。从而达到高效沟通及节省差旅等成本开支,同时也给予我们的国际团队一个重要的机会认识当地文化、地理、气候和环境。没有这样的了解就不能打造出一个优秀的可持续建筑设计。中国
Next step is to develop expertise. Large design practices can develop Aviation focused design and research groups based in specific locations. This is essential to advance the quality of airport design and keep on top of industry developmentsBut sustainable design expertise is different sustainable designhas to be embedded in and be part of the design process. It is not an add-on skill. Designers must be trained to think sustainably in every aspect of their work. Thisis a requirement for any design group aiming to produce truly sustainable work.第二个步骤就是发展专业。一个大型的设计事务所有能力发展航空专项设计及派遣研究专责小组往指定的项目所在地工作。这是一个提高机场设计素质及保持在业界内领先地位的要素。但是可持续发展专业是不一样的。可持续发展设计必须结合在设计进程中,并不是一项附加的技能。设计师必须接受专业的培训,从可持续发展角度思考工作上的各个细节。这也是任何一个专业团队打造一个真正的可持续作品的基本要求。
So with designers trained to think sustainably on every project, you need to give them the tools to develop that thinking.因此,为了达到培训的目的,您需要给他们一套工具。There are a number of extremely powerful software that can help us create buildings that are very finely tuned to the local environment.目前有很多功能强大的软件可以帮助将建筑物优化于当地环境中。Ecotect we use in concept development to look at solar conditions。例如在概念阶段中利用Ecotect研究日照情况。WinAir is a CFD tool used for wind conditions analysis.利用WinAir CFD工具进行风力分析。Radiance and DaySim focus on the solar performance of detailed architectural elements。辐射率及DaySim软件针对建筑物细部对太阳能辐射的表现。
We also use an energy simulation tool called eQuest which can assess the general performance of the whole building from an energy consumption point of view.我们同时会利用eQuest能量模拟工具,评估整个建筑物的一般能量消耗。It may seem odd for architects to take on this kind of building analysis –but that is what is required of architects in the 21stcentury in order to design truly sustainable, low energy buildings. 建筑师对这种分析方法未免感到奇怪,但这正是21世纪一个真正可持续发展的、低能耗建筑设计的需要。With environmental analysis (tools) integrated into our design process, we are able to develop criteria, generate concepts, test-verify-and fine-tune our designs. This is an important element in achieving high-performance sustainable buildings.结合环境分析工具于设计进程中,我们可以制定标准、发展概念、测试与优化设计,是实现高效能可持续建筑的重要元素。
The final piece in delivering complex sustainably designed projects is training the design team to think holistically and three-dimensionally about the project at all times. 最后,成功传递复杂的可持续设计项目是培训我们的团队时刻以整体的、多角度的方式思考工作。Use of a Building Information Modeling platform is essential; This means architectural designers work in a three-dimensional environment, along with the structural and MEP engineers. 建筑信息模型平台的使用至关重要;这意味着建筑设计师在一个三维的环境中和结构工程师以及机电工程师携手工作。This identifies and eliminates potential clashes between building elements long before we get to construction; saving time and money.这可以在施工之前预早识别及消除建筑构件的潜在不协调,节省时间与成本。
Allows a greater degree of cost control for projects –as every element is quantified throughout the design process there are no surprises when final cost estimates are produced.允许更大程度的成本控制,因为所有构件数量在设计过程中已确定,最终的成本估算得以顺利编制。And because all the design disciplines are working from the same three-dimensional model it creates greater cross-discipline understanding, more innovative design solutions and more awareness of the constraints and opportunities within the design.同时由于所有设计专业都是依照同一个三维模型设计,可加强大家的相互了解、寻求更多富创意的设计方案及更能察觉到设计上的障碍及机遇。
•Be in the place you are needed 在您需要的时候就在您的身旁•rovide Internationally trained and experienced designers 拥有富经验的专业国际设计师•Team them with local design communicators 结合本地设计专才•Integrate sustainable design into your design process在设计过程中融合可持续发展设计•Train your design team to achieve LEED accreditation培训您的设计团队成为LEED专业•Integrate environmental analysis software into the architecturaldesign process 在建筑设计过程中结合环境分析软件•Adopt a BIM process in design so that you work in an integrated manner with other design team members在设计过程中使用建筑信息模型,一体化各设计团队成员工作

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