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320系列导航非正常操作A [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-1 08:10:28 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-4-1 08:10:54 |只看该作者
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 1/71
Abnormal operation (A) 2/71
You are in flight, everything is normal… when
Clliicckk oonn tthhee ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 3/71
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 4/71
Noo,, ttoo eexxttiinngguuiisshh tthhee Maasstteerr Caauuttiioonn lliigghhtt,, ppuusshh tthheeMaasstteerr Caauuttiioonn ppbb ssw..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 5/71
Noo,, ttoo eexxttiinngguuiisshh tthhee Maasstteerr Caauuttiioonn lliigghhtt,, ppuusshh tthheeMaasstteerr Caauuttiioonn ppbb ssw..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 6/71
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 7/71
On the E/WD, read the title of
the failure.
Notice also the “CHECK
ATT” on both PFD indicating
that there is a difference in the
aircraft attitude displayed to the
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 8/71
There is no ECAM page
associated with the ADIRS,
so the CRUISE page
remains on the SD.
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 9/71
The attitude cross-check
demanded by the ECAM
procedure is carried out by
comparing the PFD attitudes
with that of the standby
In this example, the F/O
PFD, which shows a different
attitude to that given by the
captain’s PFD and the
standby horizon, is likely to
be the one at fault.
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 10/71
Having identified which PFD is giving the incorrect
attitude display, the ATT HDG switch should be selected
to that side. In this case, the switch must be selected to
F/O 3 position.
The pilot flying will ask you to perform the ECAM
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 11/71
You, as pilot non flying,
read and perform ECAM
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 12/71
You, as pilot non flying,
read and perform ECAM
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ATTTT HDG sswiittcchh..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 13/71
You, as pilot non flying,
read and perform ECAM
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ATTTT HDG sswiittcchh..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 14/71
IR 3 is now supplying the
F/O side. The aircraft attitude
on the F/O PFD is back to
“CHECK ATT” indications
have disappeared.
Clleeaarr NAV..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 15/71
IR 3 is now supplying the
F/O side. The aircraft attitude
on the F/O PFD is back to
“CHECK ATT” indications
have disappeared.
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 16/71
IR 3 is now supplying the
F/O side. The aircraft attitude
on the F/O PFD is back to
“CHECK ATT” indications
have disappeared.
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 17/71
The STATUS page is
displayed for review.
A green message advises
us that everything is normal!
Clleeaarr tthhee STTATTUS ppaaggee..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 18/71
The STATUS page is
displayed for review.
A green message advises
us that everything is normal!
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee CLLR oorr STTS kkeeyy..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 19/71
The STATUS page is
displayed for review.
A green message advises
us that everything is normal!
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee CLLR oorr STTS kkeeyy..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 20/71
Notice that as the STATUS
page is empty, the STS
reminder is not displayed.
ECAM action completed.
Abnormal operation (A) 21/71
We will continue with an ADR 1 fault which
normally supplies ATC 1.
Let’s assume, you are the pilot non-flying. You are
in flight, in cruise and everything is normal ...
Clliicckk oonn tthhee ffoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 22/71
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 23/71
Noo,, ttoo eexxttiinngguuiisshh tthhee Maasstteerr Caauuttiioonn lliigghhtt,, ppuusshh tthheeMaasstteerr Caauuttiioonn ppbb ssw..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 24/71
Noo,, ttoo eexxttiinngguuiisshh tthhee Maasstteerr Caauuttiioonn lliigghhtt,, ppuusshh tthheeMaasstteerr Caauuttiioonn ppbb ssw..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 25/71
Abnormal operation (A) 26/71
On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.
Notice on the PFD, the speed, altitude,
mach and barometric indications are lost.
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 27/71
The procedure requests you to switch the AIR
DATA sw to the CAPT position.
The pilot flying will ask you to perform the ECAM
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 28/71
You, as pilot non flying, read and perform ECAM
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 29/71
You, as pilot non flying, read and perform ECAM
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee AIIR DATTA sswiittcchh..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 30/71
You, as pilot non flying, read and perform ECAM
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee AIIR DATTA sswiittcchh..
Abnormal operation (A) 31/71
By switching the AIR DATA sw to CAPT 3,
ADR 3 supplies the Captain’s PFD, ND and
the DDRMI instead of the faulty ADR 1.
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 32/71
ADR 11 hhaass ttoo bbee sswiittcchheedd ooffff..
Coonnttiinnuuee ECAMaaccttiioonn..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 33/71
ADR 11 hhaass ttoo bbee sswiittcchheedd ooffff..
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ADR 11 ppbb ssw..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 34/71
ADR 11 hhaass ttoo bbee sswiittcchheedd ooffff..
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee ADR 11 ppbb ssw..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 35/71
ADR 1 is now off which has led to a GPWS fault.
After review and confirmation from the pilot
Clleeaarr NAV..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 36/71
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ADR 1 is now off which has led to a GPWS fault.
After review and confirmation from the pilot
flying, ...
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 37/71
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
ADR 1 is now off which has led to a GPWS fault.
After review and confirmation from the pilot
flying, ...
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 38/71
GPWS hhaass ttoo bbee sswiittcchheedd ooffff..
Coonnttiinnuuee ECAMaaccttiioonn..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 39/71
GPWS hhaass ttoo bbee sswiittcchheedd ooffff..
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee GPWS SYS ppbb ssw..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 40/71
GPWS hhaass ttoo bbee sswiittcchheedd ooffff..
Noo,, cclliicckk oonn tthhee GPWS SYS ppbb ssw..
Abnormal operation (A) 41/71
After review and confirmation from the pilot
flying, clear to see the STATUS page.
Clleeaarr NAV..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 42/71
After review and confirmation from the pilot
flying, clear to see the STATUS page.
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 43/71
After review and confirmation from the pilot
flying, clear to see the STATUS page.
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 44/71
The STATUS page is displayed for review.
A green message advises us that the approach
capability is degraded to CAT 3 SINGLE ONLY.
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 45/71
You can see in the INOP SYS column that ADR 1
and CAT 3 DUAL are now inoperative. The GPWS is
also unavailable due to ADR 1 fault.
After confirmation from the pilot flying, you can
clear the STATUS page.
Clleeaarr tthhee STTATTUS ppaaggee..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 46/71
You can see in the INOP SYS column that ADR 1
and CAT 3 DUAL are now inoperative. The GPWS is
also unavailable due to ADR 1 fault.
After confirmation from the pilot flying, you can
clear the STATUS page.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee CLLR oorr STTS kkeeyy..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 47/71
You can see in the INOP SYS column that ADR 1
and CAT 3 DUAL are now inoperative. The GPWS is
also unavailable due to ADR 1 fault.
After confirmation from the pilot flying, you can
clear the STATUS page.
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee CLLR oorr STTS kkeeyy..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 48/71
ECAMaaccttiioonn ccoompplleetteedd..
Abnormal operation (A) 49/71
Let’s see now a demonstration of an in-flight RADIO
ALTIMETER abnormality.
You are the pilot non-flying. You are in descent
everything is back to normal…
Clliicckk oonn tthhee FFoorrwaarrdd aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 50/71
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 51/71
Noo,, ttoo eexxttiinngguuiisshh tthhee Maasstteerr Caauuttiioonn lliigghhtt,, ppuusshh tthheeMaasstteerr Caauuttiioonn ppbb ssw..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 52/71
Noo,, ttoo eexxttiinngguuiisshh tthhee Maasstteerr Caauuttiioonn lliigghhtt,, ppuusshh tthheeMaasstteerr Caauuttiioonn ppbb ssw..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 53/71
Abnormal operation (A) 54/71
On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.
As there is no associated procedure, after review
and confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr NAV..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 55/71
On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.
As there is no associated procedure, after review
and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 56/71
On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.
As there is no associated procedure, after review
and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
Abnormal operation (A) 57/71
The STATUS page is displayed, showing
inoperative systems and aircraft information.
With only one RA, CAT III is unavailable, and the
failure of RA 1 causes the loss of the GPWS.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr STTATTUS..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 58/71
The STATUS page is displayed, showing
inoperative systems and aircraft information.
With only one RA, CAT III is no more available, and
the failure of RA 1 causes the loss of the GPWS.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee CLLR oorr STTS kkeeyy..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 59/71
The STATUS page is displayed, showing
inoperative systems and aircraft information.
With only one RA, CAT III is no more available, and
the failure of RA 1 causes the loss of the GPWS.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee CLLR oorr STTS kkeeyy..
Abnormal operation (A) 60/71
You are flying an approach manually, with RA 1
still faulty.
Clliicckk oonn tthhee aarrrroow ttoo aaccttiivvaattee tthhee ffaaiilluurree..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 61/71
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 62/71
Noo,, ttoo eexxttiinngguuiisshh tthhee Maasstteerr Caauuttiioonn lliigghhtt,, ppuusshh tthheeMaasstteerr Caauuttiioonn ppbb ssw..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 63/71
Noo,, ttoo eexxttiinngguuiisshh tthhee Maasstteerr Caauuttiioonn lliigghhtt,, ppuusshh tthheeMaasstteerr Caauuttiioonn ppbb ssw..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 64/71
Abnormal operation (A) 65/71
On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.
As there is no associated procedure, after review
and confirmation from the PF...
Clleeaarr NAV..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 66/71
On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.
As there is no associated procedure, after review
and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 67/71
On the E/WD, read the title of the failure.
As there is no associated procedure, after review
and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss eeiitthheerr CLLR kkeeyy..
Abnormal operation (A) 68/71
Clleeaarr STTATTUS..
The STATUS page is displayed, showing
inoperative systems and aircraft information.
With both RA faulty, both AP are lost in approach,
as well as the auto call-outs.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 69/71
The STATUS page is displayed, showing
inoperative systems and aircraft information.
With both RA faulty, both AP are lost in approach,
as well as the auto call-outs.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee CLLR oorr STTS kkeeyy..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 70/71
The STATUS page is displayed, showing
inoperative systems and aircraft information.
With both RA faulty, both AP are lost in approach,
as well as the auto call-outs.
After review and confirmation from the PF...
Noo.. Prreessss tthhee CLLR oorr STTS kkeeyy..
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 71/71
The ECAM System Display automatically reverts to the
CRUISE page and the STS reminder is displayed on the
The first part of the navigation abnormal operation is
now complete.
MMoodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd
NAVIGATION MENU Abnormal operation (A) 72/71

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