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CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 1/42 CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 2/42 In this part, we will explain the operation of the different cabin components. We will start with the forward and aft doors, then we will continue with the overwing exits. Before opening the door from the outside, make sure that the red pressure indicator isn’t flashing. Clliicckk oonn tthhee vviiddeeoo wiinnddoow ttoo ffoolllloow tthhee ccaabbiinn ddoooorr ooppeerraattiioonn ffrroomoouuttssiiddee.. DDOOOORROOPPEERRAATTIIOONN OPENING AND CLOSING FROM OUTSIDE CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 3/42 Before a normal opening, check that the arming lever is in the disarmed position and that the red indicator is not flashing. Click on the video windows to see the cabin door operation from inside. OPENING FROM INSIDE CLOSING FROM INSIDE CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 4/42 The arming lever is used to arm and disarm the slide. Click on the video windows to discover how to operate this lever. ARMING DISARMING CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 5/42 To open the door in emergency mode the arming lever must be in the armed configuration. Click on the video window to see the cabin emergency opening. EMERGENCY OPENING CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 6/42 Seelleecctt tthhee vviiddeeoo wiinnddoow ttoo sseeee tthhee sslliiddee ddeeppllooyymeenntt.. When the door is opened with the arming lever in the armed position, the slide deploys automatically. SLIDE DEPLOYMENT CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 7/42 Select the video window to see how to disconnect the slide from the aircraft. The forward and aft doors can be equipped either with single line escape slides, or with slide rafts. In case of ditching, both can be disconnected from the aircraft to be used as a flotation device. SLIDE DISCONNECTION CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 8/42 Seelleecctt tthhee vviiddeeoo wiinnddoow .. If, in case of ditching, one door is not operative, its corresponding slide raft can be disconnected, transported to and operated through any other cabin door. The inoperative door must be in the armed position. SLIDE RAFT PACKAGE TRANSPORTATION CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 9/42 Select the video window to follow the overwing exit operation.. LLeett’’ss nnoow hhaavvee aa llooookk aatt tthhee oovveerrwiinngg eexxiitt ooppeerraattiioonn.. OVERWING EXIT OPERATION CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 10/42 Seelleecctt tthhee vviiddeeoo wiinnddoow.. The overwing escape slide will deploy automatically as soon as one of the two exits is opened. OFF WING SLIDE DEPLOYMENT CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 11/42 We will now see the communication system between cabin and cockpit. Let’s start by a normal call from the cabin to the cockpit. For a normal call, select the CAPT key on the handset. Caallll tthhee ccoocckkppiitt.. CCAABBIINNTTOOCCOOCCKKPPIITTCCAALLLL CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 12/42 Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee CAPTT kkeeyy oonn tthhee hhaannddsseett.. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 13/42 Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee CAPTT kkeeyy oonn tthhee hhaannddsseett.. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 14/42 In the cockpit, a single buzzer sounds and the amber ATT lights illuminate on all the Audio Control Panels. Reesseett tthhee ATTTT lliigghhtt.. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 15/42 Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee RESETT kkeeyy.. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 16/42 No, select the RESET key on the audio control panel.. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 17/42 Plleeaassee aannssweerr tthhee ccaallll.. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 18/42 No, select the CAB transmission and reception pushbuttons. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 19/42 No, select the CAB transmission and reception pushbuttons on the audio control panel. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 20/42 The communication link is now established, you can speak using a push to talk pushbutton. When the conversation is finished, the call is reset by pushing the reset key on the cabin handset, or by replacing the handset. Let’s now have a look at the emergency call. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 21/42 Please, perform an emergency call from the cabin to the cockpit. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 22/42 No, select the EMER CALL key on the cabin handset. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 23/42 No, select the EMER CALL key on the cabin handset. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 24/42 In the cockpit, the amber CALL and the white ON lights on the call panel and the ATT light on the audio control panels flash, together with three long buzzers. You must answer the call by pushing the transmission and reception key on the audio control panel. Plleeaassee ddoo iitt.. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 25/42 No, select the CAB transmission and reception pushbuttons. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 26/42 No, select the CAB transmission and reception pushbuttons. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 27/42 The communication link is now established, you can speak using a push to talk pushbutton, this will automatically extinguish the flashing light on the call panel and the audio control panels. When the conversation is over, the call will be reset by pushing the reset key on the cabin handset, or by replacing the handset. We will now continue with the oxygen system and the protective breathing equipment operation. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 28/42 Should the cabin pressure altitude exceed 14000 feet, the barometric switch activates the automatic release mechanism of the cabin oxygen units. The masks drop down. On the cockpit oxygen panel, the SYS ON light illuminates . When any mask is pulled, the lanyard attached to the mask extracts the pull pin from the generator and the oxygen flow starts. Once activated, the oxygen flow cannot be stopped and will continue for at least 15 minutes. OOXXYYGGEENN CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 29/42 The oxygen unit doors can be opened manually from the cockpit by pressing the MASK MAN ON switch on the oxygen panel. In the cabin, the unit doors can be opened by using the manual release tool, after the rapid decent when the aircraft has reached the safety level. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 30/42 Plleeaassee waattcchh tthhee vviiddeeoo ooff tthhee Poorrttaabbllee Brreeaatthhiinngg Eqquuiippmeenntt uuttiilliizzaattiioonn.. The Portable Breathing Equipment is primarily used for fire fighting or when it is essential to work in a smoke contaminated area of the cabin. Once activated, it will last for at least 20 minutes and cannot be turned off. PPOORRTTAABBLLEEBBRREEAATTHHIINNGGEEQQUUIIPPMMEENNTTUUTTIILLIIZZAATTIIOONN CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 31/42 EEVVAACCCCOOMMAANNDDSSYYSSTTEEM To activate the evacuation command system from the cockpit you have to push the COMMAND pushbutton switch on the EVAC panel. Sttaarrtt tthhee eevvaaccuuaattiioonn ccoommaanndd ssyysstteem.. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 32/42 Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee EVAC COMMAND ppuusshhbbuuttttoonn.. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 33/42 Noo,, sseelleecctt tthhee EVAC COMMAND ppuusshhbbuuttttoonn.. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 34/42 In the cockpit, the ON indicator comes on, the EVAC indicator flashes, and the specific horn is triggered. In the cabin, the evacuation indicators flash on the forward and aft attendant panels, and the specific horns sound. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 35/42 The horn shut off pushbutton in the cockpit and the reset pushbuttons on the forward and aft attendant panels shut off the horn in the corresponding area. This has been done for you. Swiittcchh tthhee EVAC ccoommaanndd ssyysstteemooffff.. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 36/42 No, select the EVAC COMMAND pushbutton on the EVAC panel. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 37/42 No, select the EVAC COMMAND pushbutton on the EVAC panel. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 38/42 The EVAC command system is now switched off. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 39/42 Let’s suppose that the purser has selected the evacuation COMD pushbutton on the forward attendant panel. With the selector switch in the CAPT position, the evacuation alert system is only activated in the cockpit. - the EVAC horn sounds for 3 seconds, - the EVAC indicator flashes. 3 sec CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 40/42 Now the selector on the EVAC panel in the cockpit is in the CAPT & PURS position. The purser is now able to initiate the evacuation command system in the entire aircraft. CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 41/42 The purser has selected the evacuation COMD pushbutton on the forward attendant panel - In the cockpit, the EVAC horn sounds and the EVAC indicator flashes, - In the cabin the EVAC horn sounds, and the EVAC indicators flash on the forward and aft attendant panels. CABIN SYSTEMS System Operation 42/42 In this module, you have seen the operation of the doors, the exits and the associated slides, the cabin to cockpit call system, the oxygen and protective breathing equipment and the evacuation alert system. Moodduullee ccoommpplleetteedd MENU NEXT CABIN SYSTEMS MENU System Operation 43/42 LLIISSTTOOFFSSUUBBJJEECCTTSS EXIT AUDIO GLOSSARY FCOM RETURN DDoooorrssooppeerraattiioonn OOvveerrwwiinnggeexxiittooppeerraattiioonn EEvvaaccuuaattiioonnccoommmmaannddssyysstteemm Oxygen and portable breathing equipment CCaabbiinnttooccoocckkppiittccaallll |