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Traffic Alert & Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-6-13 09:19:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-6-13 09:19:16 |只看该作者
· TCAS is designed to enhance crew awareness of nearby traffic and issue for timely visual acquisition or appropriate vertical flight path maneuvers to avoid potential collisions. It is intended as a backup to visual collision avoidance, application of right-of-way rules and ATC separation. USE OF TA/RA, TA ONLY, AND TRANSPONDER ONLY MODES · TCAS operation should be initiated just before takeoff and continued until just after landing. Whenever practical, the system should be operated in the TA/RA mode to maximize system benefits. Operations in the Traffic Advisory (TA) Only or TCAS Off (Transponder Only) modes, to prevent nuisance advisories and display clutter, should be in accordance with airline policy. · The responsibility for avoiding collisions still remains with the flight crew and ATC. Pilots should not become preoccupied with TCAS advisories and displays at the expense of basic airplane control, normal visual lookout and other crew duties. Traffic Advisory (TA) · A Traffic Advisory (TA) will occur when nearby traffic meets system minimum separation criteria, and is indicated aurally and visually on the TCAS traffic display. When a TA is received, expeditiously accomplish the following: - Look for traffic using the traffic display as an aid. - Call out any conflicting traffic. - Do not maneuver unless visual contact confirms that separation is not adequate. · Maneuvers based solely on a TA may result in reduced separation and are not recommended. · TA mode may also be appropriate in non Terminal Control Area (TCA) environments (outside Class B airspace) under the following circumstances: - During takeoff toward known nearby traffic (in visual contact) which would cause an unwanted RA during initial climb. - During closely spaced parallel runway approaches. - When flying in known close proximity to other airplanes. - In circumstances identified by the operator as having a verified and significant potential for unwanted or undesirable RA's. Resolution Advisory (RA) · TCAS determines that separation from approaching traffic may not be t, TCAS will issue a Resolution Advisory (RA) aural warning and a pitch command. · Maneuvering is required if any portion of the airplane symbol is within the red region on the attitude indicator (as installed) or if the existing vertical speed is in the red band (RA VSI). Editor : Copyright Ó Smartcockpit.com / Ludovic ANDRE version 01 Smartcockpit.com BOEING 737 BRIEFINGS Page 2 · Flight crews should follow RA commands using established procedures unless doing so would jeopardize the safe operation of the airplane or positive visual contact confirms that there is a safer course of action. If an RA occurs, expeditiously accomplish the following: - If maneuvering is required, disengage the autopilot and smoothly adjust pitch and thrust to satisfy RA commands. - The pitch must be adjusted to fly the airplane symbol just out of the red region(s) on the ADI or to achieve a vertical speed just outside the red band(s) on the RA VSI. Adjust thrust as required to maintain desired speed. - Attempt to establish visual contact. - When clear of conflict, advise ATC and smoothly return to previous clearance. · If a climb RA occurs in the landing configuration: - Disengage autopilot and autothrottle and advance thrust levers to maximum thrust. - Smoothly adjust pitch to satisfy RA commands while performing normal go-around procedures. - Attempt to establish visual contact. - When clear of conflict, coordinate with ATC for further clearance. · RA maneuvers require only small pitch attitude changes which should be accomplished smoothly and without delay. · Properly executed, the RA maneuver is mild and does not require large or abrupt control movements. Remember that the passengers and flight attendants may not all be seated during this maneuver. When complying with an RA, flight director commands may be followed only if they result in a vertical speed that satisfies the RA command. · Pilots should maintain situational awareness since TCAS may issue RAs in conflict with terrain considerations, such as during approaches into rising terrain or during an obstacle limited climb. · Continue to follow the planned lateral flight unless visual contact with the conflicting traffic requires other action. · GPWS, and stall warnings take precedence over TCAS advisories. Stick shaker must be respected at all times. Complying with RAs may result in brief exceedance of altitude and/or placard limits. · Smoothly and expeditiously return to appropriate altitudes and speeds when clear of conflict. · Maneuvering opposite to an RA command is not recommended since TCAS may be coordinating maneuvers with other airplanes. TRAFFIC AVOIDANCE PROCEDURE · The following is accomplished immediately by recall whenever a TCAS traffic advisory (TA) or resolution advisory (RA) occurs. CAUTION: Once an RA has been issued, safe separation could be compromised if current vertical speed is changed, except as necessary to comply with the RA. This is because TCAS I to- TCAS II coordination may be in progress with the intruder aircraft, and any change in vertical speed that does not comply with the RA may negate the effectiveness of the others aircraft's compliance with the RA. Editor : Copyright Ó Smartcockpit.com / Ludovic ANDRE version 01 Smartcockpit.com BOEING 737 BRIEFINGS Page 3 Note: If stick shaker or initial buffet occurs during the maneuver, immediately accomplish the APPROACH TO STALL RECOVERY procedure. Note: If high speed buffet occurs during the maneuver, relax pitch force as necessary to reduce buffet, but continue the maneuver. Note: Do not use flight director commands until clear of conflict. FOR TA: PILOT FLYING PILOT NOT FLYING Look for traffic using traffic display as a guide. Call out any conflicting traffic. If traffic is sighted, maneuver as required. Monitor FOR RA, EXCEPT A CLIMB IN LANDING CONFIGURATION: PILOT FLYING PILOT NOT FLYING If maneuvering is required, disengage the autopilot and smoothly adjust pitch and thrust to satisfy the RA command. Monitor Look for traffic using traffic display as a guide. Call out any conflicting traffic. FOR A CLIMB RA IN LANDING CONFIGURATION: PILOT FLYING PILOT NOT FLYING · Disengage the autopilot and autothrottle. · Advance thrust levers forward to ensure maximum thrust is attained and call for FLAPS 15. · Smoothly adjust pitch to satisfy the RA command. · Verify maximum thrust set. · Position flap lever to 15 detent. · After positive rate of climb established, call for GEAR UP · Position gear lever up. Attempt to establish visual contact. Call out any conflicting traffic.

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发表于 2011-7-30 20:31:38 |只看该作者
Traffic Alert & Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)

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