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发表于 2011-6-13 12:21:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-6-13 12:26:41 |只看该作者

1. General
A. This chapter contains information on principle dimensions for the wing, ailerons, flaps,
horizontal stabilizer surfaces, vertical stabilizer surfaces, and body; areas for the wing and tail
surfaces; and station diagrams for the wing, vertical tail surfaces, and engine nacelle.
B. Abbreviation terms used in defining the dimension, areas and stations are listed in the following
2. Abbreviations
A. The airplane is divided into reference planes, designated as stations, waterlines and buttock
lines, measured in inches. This provides a means of quickly identifying the location of
components, the center of gravity and the distribution of the weight. (See figure 201.)
B. Body
B STA Body Station. The plane perpendicular and measured parallel to the body
centerline from a point 130 inches forward of the nose.
BBL Body Buttock Line. The plane measured perpendicular to the body vertical
centerline plane, BBL 0.00.
BWL Body Waterline. The plane measured perpendicular to a horizontal plane located
148.5 inches below the body, BWL 0.00.
BRP Body Reference Plane. The horizontal plane, Body Waterline 208.1, at the top
surface of the floor beams.
C. Vertical Stabilizer
Fin Sta Vertical Stabilizer Station. The plane perpendicular to the centerline of the
vertical stabilizer rear spar. Distance is measured from Fin Station 0.00, the
intersection of the leading edge line extension and the fin waterline 0.00.

Fin WL Vertical Stabilizer Waterline. A horizontal plane measured parallel to a Body
Waterline. Fin Waterline 0.00 is Body Waterline 300.50.
Fin LE Sta Vertical Stabilizer Leading Edge Station. A plane perpendicular to the vertical
stabilizer leading edge, measured from the fin leading edge station 0.00, the
intersection of the leading edge line extension and the vertical stabilizer waterline
Rud Sta Rudder Station. A plane perpendicular to the rudder hinge centerline, measured
from Rudder Station 0.00, the intersection of the rudder hinge centerline and
vertical stabilizer waterline 0.00.
D. Horizontal Stabilizer
Stab Sta Horizontal Stabilizer Station. A plane perpendicular to stabilizer chord plane and
plane of stabilizer rear spar, measured from stabilizer station 0.00, the
intersection of the leading edge and stabilizer buttock line 0.00.
SCP Stabilizer Chord Plane. A plane through the trailing and leading edges of the
stabilizer airfoil.
Stab BL Horizontal Stabilizer Buttock Line. A plane perpendicular to stabilizer chord plane
and parallel to the trace of a body centerline. It is measured from stabilizer
Buttock Line 0.00, the intersection of stabilizer chord plane and body buttock line
Stab RS Horizontal Stabilizer Rear Spar. A principal spanwise transverse member of the
stabilizer wing structure.
Stab LE Sta Horizontal Stabilizer Leading Edge Station. A plane perpendicular to the
horizontal stabilizer leading edge, measured from the Stabilizer Leading Edge
Station 0.00, the intersection of the leading edge line extension and stabilizer
buttock line 0.00.
Elev Sta Elevator Station. A plane perpendicular to the elevator hinge centerline
measured from the intersection of elevator hinge centerline and stabilizer buttock
line 0.00.

E. Wing
MAC Mean Aerodynamic Chord. The chord of a section of an imaginary airfoil on the
wing which would have vectors throughout the flight range identical to those of
the actual wing.
WCP Wing Chord Plane. A plane through the trailing and leading edges of the wing
WRP Wing Reference Plane. The outboard rear spar plane projected inboard.
W Sta Wing Station. A plane perpendicular to wing chord plane and plane of wing
reference plane (Outbd. RS), measured from intersection of extended leading
edge and wing buttock line 0.00.
WBL Wing Buttock Line. A plane perpendicular to wing chord plane and parallel to the
trace of a body centerline. It is measured from intersection of wing chord plane
and body buttock line 0.00.
FS or RS Wing Front Spar or Rear Spar. A principal spanwise transverse member of the
wing structure.
FSS or RSS Front or Rear Spar Station. A plane perpendicular to wing chord plane and plane
of the front or rear spar.
F. Nacelle
Nac BL Nacelle Buttock Line. A plane parallel to a wing buttock line. Nacelle buttock line
0.00 is equivalent to wing buttock line 191.00.
Nac WL Nacelle Waterline. A plane 1° 38' down from the wind chord plane, measured
32.250 inches down from the wing chord plane at nacelle station 63.47 the plane
is Nac WL 100.

Nac Sta Nacelle Station. Distance measured parallel to nacelle CL from a point 63.47
inches forward of the nacelle.
TR Sta Thrust Reverser Station. Distance measured parallel to thrust reverser centerline
on a plane perpendicular to thrust reverser centerline from a point 92.92 inches
forward of the thrust reverser.
TRWL Thrust Reverser Waterline. A plane 3° up from nacelle waterline. Thrust reverser
waterline 100 intersects nacelle waterline 100 at thrust reverser station 96.47

1. General
A. Dimensions are included for the wing, ailerons, flaps, horizontal stabilizer surfaces, vertical
stabilizer surfaces and body. Areas are included for the wing and tail surfaces (Fig. 201).
2. Dimensions
A. Length (overall) - 100 feet 4 inches
B. Width (overall) - 93 feet
C. Height (vertical stabilizer tip, top of fairing to ground) - 37 feet
D. Wing:
Root Chord (theoretical, at body centerline) - 288.09 inches
Basic Chord (theoretical) - 185.60 inches
Tip Chord (theoretical) - 63.29 inches
Platform Taper Ratio
Tip Chord/Basic Chord - 0.34
Tip Chord/Root Chord - 0.22
Dihedral (wing chord plane with respect to body reference plane) - 6 degrees
Incidence - 1 degree
Sweepback (25 percent chord line) - 25 degrees
Aspect Ratio - 8.83
Mean Aerodynamic Chord (basic wing only) - 134.46 inches
Body Station at 0% MAC - 625.60
E. Ailerons:
Span - 109.57 inches

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