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波音737飞机外部灯光介绍-PTR训练教材 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-7-14 21:24:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-7-14 21:24:48 |只看该作者

1   Introduction
1.1 Wing Scanning Lights(大翼照明灯)
 The wing scanning lights supply lighting to the leading edge of the wing.
 These lights are installed on each side of the fuselage in a location that is forward of each wing.

1.2 Landing Lights(着陆灯)
 The landing lights supply lighting to the runway.
 An inboard landing light is installed in the leading edge of each wing near the fuselage.

 An outboard landing light is installed in each outboard trailing edge flap fairing.
 1.3 Runway Turnoff Lights(转弯灯)
 The runway turnoff lights supply lighting to the area in front of and to the side of the airplane.
 A runway turnoff light is installed adjacent to each inboard landing light.

 1.4 Nose Gear Taxi Light(滑行灯)
The nose gear taxi light supplies lighting to the area in the direction the nose wheels are pointed.
 This light is installed on the nose gear strut and turns with the nose wheels.
1.5 Steady Position (Navigation) Lights(航行灯)
 The steady position lights make the airplane more easily seen.
 These lights are installed on each wingtip. One light points aft and is white. The other lights point outboard and are red on the left wingtip and green on the right wingtip.

1.6 Anticollision Lights(防撞灯)
 The anticollision lights make the airplane more easily seen.
 The anticollision lights are installed on the upper and lower fuselage. 6.3 Both the upper and the lower anticollision lights flash. Each light is strobe light with a red lens.

1.7 Strobe Position Lights(频闪灯)
 The strobe position lights make the airplane more easily seen.
 There is a strobe position light on each wingtip forward of the colored steady position light and a strobe position light on tip of the fuselage.

 1.8 Logo Lights(标志灯)
 The logo light is a floodlight that gives lighting to the vertical stabilizer.
 There is a logo light installed in the navigation light fairing on the trailing edge of each wingtip.

 2  Ref: AMM33-40  AMM33-41  AMM33-42  AMM33-43  AMM33-44
              AMM33-45  AMM33-49

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