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Part-145 Certifying Staff Competence establishment and control [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-7-17 21:05:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-7-17 21:05:23 |只看该作者


145.A.30 (e):
The organisation shall establish and control the
competence of personnel involved in any

AMC 145.A.30 (e):
The referenced procedure requires amongst others thatplanners, mechanics, specialised services staff, supervisors and certifying staff are assessed for competence by 'on thejob' evaluation and/or by examination relevant to their particular job role within the organisation
Adequate initial and recurrent training should be provided and recorded
Assessment should establish that:
□  Certifying staff are able to determine when the aircraft or aircraft component is ready to release to service and whenit should not be released to service.

145.A.35 (a)

The organisation shall ensure that certifying staff have anadequate understanding of the relevant aircraft and/orcomponents to be maintained, together with the associated organisation procedures. This must be accomplished before the issue or re-issue of the certification authorisation.

“Certification authorisation” means the authorisation issued to certifying staff by the organisation and which specifies the factthat they may sign certificates of release to service within thelimitations stated in such authorisation on behalf of the organisation.

145.A.35 (b)

The organisation may only issue a certification authorisation to certifying staff in relation to any type rating listed on the aircraft maintenance licence, subject to the licence remaining valid throughout the validity period of the authorisation, and the certifying staff remaining in compliance with Part-66.


.145.A.35 (c)
The organisation shall ensure that all certifying staff are involved in at least six months of actual relevant aircraft or component maintenanceexperience in any consecutive two year period.
.  ‘involved in actual relevant aircraft or component maintenance’means that the person has worked in an aircraft or componentmaintenance environment and has either exercised the privilegesof the certification authorisation and/or has actually carried out maintenance on at least some of the aircraft type systemsspecified in the particular certification authorisation.

145.A.35 (d)

The organisation shall ensure that all certifying staff receivesufficient continuation training in each two year period to ensure that such staff have up-to-date knowledge of relevant

organisation procedures and
human factor issues

145.A.35 (e)

The organisation shall establish a program for continuation training for certifying staff, including a procedure to ensurecompliance with relevant parts of Part-145 and Part-66.

AMC 145.A.35(e)

The program for continuation training should list all certifyingstaff and when training will take place, the elements of suchtraining and an indication that it was carried out reasonably ontime as planned.

145.A.35 (f)

The organisation shall assess all certifying staff for their competence, qualification and capability to carry out their intended certifying duties prior to the issue or re-issue of a certification authorisation

AMC.145.A.35 (f)

There are a number of ways in which such assessment may becarried out, and the procedures must be established to fit theorganisation.
Points to be focused on:

AMC.145.A.35 (f)
. Assessment of capability ”on the job”
Sufficient time to arrive at a conclusion
□ Not required to assess against the completespecter of duties
. Written confirmation of CRS privileges from another approved organisation shall be accepted. Confirmation shall be signed by the person responsible for running thequality system.

AMC.145.A.35 (f)
. Assessment of qualifications by collecting all documentation relating to the qualification . If needed, a confirmation check
Comparison check for differences betweenproduct type on the qualification document, and the relevant product types


determine the need for product type differences training

145.A.35 (g)

When Certifying Staff have fulfilled the following requirements:

relevant knowledge to technology and procedures
valid AML ,

continuation training,

assessed for qualification and capability

least six months of actual relevant maintenance experience ina two year period

…….the organisation shall issue a certification authorisation
Continued validity of the certification authorisation is
dependent upon continued compliance with the points above.

145.A.35 (h)

The certification authorisation must be in a style that makes its scope clear to the certifying staff and any authorised person who may require to examine the authorisation.

Where codes are used to define scope, the organisation shall make a code translation readily available.

145.A.35 (i)

The person responsible for the quality system shall alsoremain responsible on behalf of the organisation for issuing certification authorisations to certifying staff.

Such person may nominate other persons to actually issue or revoke the certification authorisations in accordance with a procedure as specified in the exposition


Initial training and assessment
. Initial human factors training
Ref. syllabus GM 145
Initial organisational procedures (MOE etc.)

Initial update to relevant technology

Initial fuel tank safety training (if applicable)

Assessment of above


Certification Authorisation
. Responsibilities
Certifying Staff:
□ Not allowed to issue CRS unless in compliance with Part-66/ Part-145

To issue authorisation when privilegessatisfied. (Assessment completed).

Revoke when not in compliance or misuse ofCRS privileges


Certification Authorisation
Responsibility -the person responsible for the quality system

Style -that makes its scope clear to the certifying staff and any

authorised person Where codes are used to define scope, the organisation shall
. make a code translation readily available.
. Issue / re-issue
. relevant knowledge to technology and procedures

valid AML ,

continuation training,

assessed for competence, qualification and capability

at least six months of actual relevant maintenance experience

in a two year period
. Revoke when not in compliance with above or misuse of CRS
Report to CAA-N if applicable

Continuation training

. Each two year period plan
Shall list all certifying staff

When training will take place
When carried out (as planned)
Elements of training
Feedback to organisation

. Documentation
Ref 145.A.35(j)

Continuation training elements
. Relevant technology
Relevant Quality findings
New equipment
Fuel tank safety
. etc

Continuation training elements
. Internal/ external procedures
Relevant Quality findings
. etc….

Continuation training elements
. Human Factors (not initial)
Relevant Quality findings

Issues from internal/ external incidents

Fail to follow procedures



Relevant experience
. The organisation shall ensure that all certifying staff are involved in at least sixmonths of actual relevant aircraft maintenance experience in anyconsecutive two year period
either exercised the privileges of thecertification authorisation and/or has actuallycarried out maintenance on at least some of the aircraft type systems specified in theparticular certification authorisation.

Which means:

Relevant experience
The organisation must in their procedures define:

Aircraft type system differences

Necessary experience for eachcertification authorisations


Documentation! (Ref 145.A.35(j))




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Rank: 1

发表于 2011-7-28 20:04:24 |只看该作者
Part-145 Certifying Staff Competence establishment and control

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