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AIP New Zealand 新西兰AIP NOISE ABATEMENT DEPARTURE 减噪离场程序 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-8-11 18:03:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-8-11 18:03:45 |只看该作者

AIP New Zealand  AD 1.7 -1
1.1 General
1.1.1 Aeroplane operating procedures for take-off climb must ensure that the necessary safety of flight operations is maintained while minimising exposure to noise on the ground.
ICAO Noise Abatement Climb Procedures
1.1.2 The procedures detailed in 1.2 and 1.3 are the ICAO noise abatement take-off climb procedures defined in ICAO Doc 8168-OPS/611, Volume 1, Part 1, Section 7, Chapter 3. The procedures differ in that the acceleration segment for flap/slat retraction is either initiated prior to reaching the maximum prescribed height or at the maximum prescribed height. To ensure optimum acceleration performance, thrust reduction may be initiated at an intermediate flap setting.
1.1.3 For both procedures, intermediate flap transitions required for specific performance-related issues may be initiated prior to the prescribed minimum height; however, no power reduction can be initiated prior to attaining the prescribed minimum altitude.
1.1.4 The indicated airspeed for the initial portion of the departure prior to the acceleration segment is to be flown at a climb speed of V2 plus 10 to 20kt.
CAR Part 93 Noise Abatement Departure Profiles for Auckland Airport
1.1.5 The procedures detailed in 1.4 and 1.5 are the noise abatement departure profiles prescribed for Auckland Airport in Appendix D to CAR Part 93.


1.2 Noise Abatement Departure Procedure (NADP) 1
1.2.1 NADP 1 is intended to provide noise reduction for noise-sensitive areas in close proximity to the departure end of the runway-in-use.
1.2.2 The procedure involves a power reduction at or above the prescribed minimum altitude and the delay of flap/slat retraction until the prescribed maximum altitude is attained. At the prescribed maximum altitude, accelerate and retract flaps/slats on schedule while maintaining a positive rate of climb, and complete the transition to normal enroute climb speed.
E Civil Aviation Authority

AD 1.7 -2 AIP New Zealand
1.2.3 NADP 1 must not to be initiated at less than 800ft above aerodrome elevation.
1.2.4 The initial climbing speed to the noise abatement initiation point must not be less than V2 plus 10kt.
1.2.5 On reaching an altitude at or above 800ft above aerodrome elevation, adjust and maintain engine power/thrust in accordance with the noise abatement power/thrust schedule provided in the aircraft operating manual. Maintain a climb speed of V2 plus 10 to 20kt with flaps and slats in the take-off configuration.
1.2.6 At no more than an altitude equivalent to 3000ft above aerodrome elevation, while maintaining a positive rate of climb, accelerate and retract flaps/slats on schedule.
1.2.7 At 3000ft above aerodrome elevation, accelerate to enroute climb speed.

1.3 Noise Abatement Departure Procedure (NADP) 2
1.3.1 NADP 2 provides noise reduction to areas more distant from the runway end.
1.3.2 This procedure involves initiation of flap/slat retraction on reaching the minimum prescribed altitude. The flaps/slats are to be retracted on schedule while maintaining a positive rate of climb. The power reduction is to be performed with the initiation of the first flap/slat retraction or when the zero flap/slat configuration is attained. At the prescribed altitude, complete the transition to normal enroute climb procedures.
1.3.3 NADP 2 must not to be initiated at less than 800ft above aerodrome elevation.
1.3.4 The initial climbing speed to the noise abatement initiation point is V2 plus 10 to 20kt.
1.3.5 On reaching an altitude equivalent to at least 800ft above aerodrome elevation, decrease aircraft body angle/angle of pitch while maintaining a positive rate of climb, accelerate towards VZF, and either:
reduce power with the initiation of the first flap/slat retraction; or

reduce power after slat retraction.

1.3.6 Maintain a positive rate of climb, and accelerate to and maintain a climb speed of VZF plus 10 to 20kt to 3000ft above aerodrome elevation.
1.3.7 On reaching 3000ft above aerodrome elevation, transition to normal enroute climb speed.

E Civil Aviation Authority
AIP New Zealand  AD 1.7 -3

1.4  Noise Abatement Departure Profile for Auckland Airport — Procedure C
1.4.1 Each pilot of an aircraft departing from Auckland Airport required under CAR 93.59 to comply with Procedure C must:
from take-off to an altitude of not less than 800ft above aerodrome elevation:

use take-off power; and

use take-off flap; and

(iii)  climb at V2 plus 10 to 20kt; and

at or above 800ft:

reduce thrust by manual throttle reduction or by automatic means; and

for aeroplanes not equipped with an operating automatic thrust restoration system, achieve and maintain not less than the thrust level necessary after thrust reduction to maintain, for the flap-slat configuration of the aeroplane, the take-off flight path engine-inoperative climb gradients specified in FAR 25.111(c)(3) in the event of an engine failure; and


(iii)  for aeroplanes equipped with an operational automatic thrust restoration system, achieve and maintain no less than the thrust level necessary after thrust reduction to maintain, for the flap-slat configuration of the aeroplane, a take-off path engine-inoperative climb gradient of zero percent, provided that the automatic thrust restoration system will, at least, restore sufficient thrust to maintain the take-off path engine-inoperative climb gradients specified in FAR 25.111(c)(3) in the event of an engine failure; and
during the thrust reduction, coordinate the pitchover rate and thrust reduction to provide a decrease in pitch consistent with allowing IAS to decay no more than 5kt below the all engine target climb speed and, in no case, to less than V2 for the aeroplane configuration; and

maintain the speed and thrust requirements specified in (i) through (iv) to the higher of 3000ft above the aerodrome elevation, or until the aeroplane has been fully transitioned to the enroute climb configuration, then transition to normal enroute climb procedures.

E Civil Aviation Authority

AD 1.7 -4  AIP New Zealand

1.5  Noise Abatement Departure Profile for Auckland Airport — Procedure D
1.5.1 Each pilot of an aircraft departing from Auckland Airport required under CAR 93.59 to comply with Procedure D must:
from take-off to an altitude of not less than 800ft above aerodrome elevation:

use take-off power; and

use take-off flap; and

(iii)  climb at V2 plus 10 to 20kt; and

at or above 800ft:

initiate flap and/or slats retraction; and

reduce thrust by manual throttle reduction or by automatic means; and


(iii)  for aeroplanes not equipped with an operating automatic thrust restoration system, achieve and maintain not less than the thrust level necessary after thrust reduction to maintain, for the flap-slat configuration of the aeroplane, the take-off flight path engine-inoperative climb gradients specified in FAR 25.111(c)(3) in the event of an engine failure; and
for aeroplanes equipped with an operational automatic thrust restoration system, achieve and maintain no less than the thrust level necessary after thrust reduction to maintain, for the flap-slat configuration of the aeroplane, a take-off path engine-inoperative climb gradient of zero percent, provided that the automatic thrust restoration system will, at least, restore sufficient thrust to maintain the take-off path engine-inoperative climb gradients specified in FAR 25.111(c)(3) in the event of an engine failure; and

during the thrust reduction, coordinate the pitchover rate and thrust reduction to provide a decrease in pitch consistent with allowing IAS to decay no more than 5kt below the all engine target climb speed and, in no case, to less than V2 for the aeroplane configuration; and

maintain the speed and thrust requirements specified in (i) through (iv) to the higher of 3000ft above the aerodrome elevation, or until the aeroplane has been fully transitioned to the enroute climb configuration, then transition to normal enroute climb procedures.


E Civil Aviation Authority


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