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Quality Assurance Manual for the Aviation Weather Service [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-8-20 12:28:51 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2011-8-20 12:29:11 |只看该作者


The Aviation Weather Service has a plain, but demanding quality policy: 
"Our customers shall experience the met.no and the Aviation Weather Service as a provider that timely distributes correct products and services".
Customers of the Aviation Weather Service need correct products and services, and they need timely deliveries. The Aviation Weather Service aims at discovering and satisfying customer needs, converting them into Quality Management requirements and designing our activities accordingly. 
The customers should feel confident about our products and services. The way we serve the customers must be well proven and we must show up sound attitudes as far as quality is considered. These goals cannot be reached without establishing, documenting, following and maintaining firm procedures for the most important activities in our processes. Through certification in accordance with NS-EN ISO 9001 on
3. november 2005, our Quality Management System (QMS) has proven to satisfy requirements set by an international standard. Key national organizations we relate to are Avinor (we have a contract on cooperation and deliveries with them), the Air Force (contract on running Aviation Weather Service offices at Air Force bases) and the Civil Aviation Authority (superior responsibility for controlling Air Traffic).
When our customers receive products and services from the Aviation Weather Service, they shall be  confident that deliveries are quality assured according to established and approved procedures. Our customers shall be confident that errors, deviation from specifications and proposals for changes and improvements are systematically treated following the rules of our QMS. Through these actions we safeguard that our deliveries are an important part of the Air Traffic Safety Service. 
The aim of this manual is to give a brief information on how our QMS is structured and the way it works. The QMS will help you to work fast and systematically. It is our hope that it will be considered a tool for support and necessary inspiration in your everyday work. 
Blindern, 04.11.2005
Jens Sunde Arnulf Heideg.rd Director of Meteorology Division Chief of Aviation Weather Service

This QA Manual gives a brief description on the Quality Management System (QMS) for the Aviation
Weather Service at met.no. The manual describes the main outlines on how to do the job, as it
covers the requirements that NS-EN ISO 9001 demands from such a manual.

It is primarily written for and by the employees, they must know its contents. All employees can

access the manual via the QMS web version on met.no’s intranet.  
The QA Manual also gives our customers and authorities a description on how we work to assure
the best possible quality to our products and services.

Below is shown our certificate that was issued 3. November 2005.



Our quality objectives 
The overall quality objective for the Aviation Weather Service is to keep customers satisfied through timely deliveries of products and services. We want the AWS to be known as a reliable, responsible and an outstanding provider of Aviation Weather Services. Detailed quality objectives for our management of activities are revealed in our process descriptions.

The Aviation Weather Service (AWS) is directed by the Chief of Aviation Weather Service, the post being within the Meteorology Division staff. He executes authority on behalf of the Meteorology Director through guidelines laid down by that director. He administers and coordinates the AWS and cooperates with central posts within Avinor, the Air Force and the Civil Aviation Authority. The Chief of AWS is in contact with the regional management for the three Meteorological Watch Offices (MWOs) that run operational AWS within clearly defined areas of responsibility. The MWO must be in contact with an employee in charge at AWS offices that are administrated by the WMO.

Below you will find our production chain, the fundamentals to perform well in the AWS world.

Here we have listed our main processes after an “-“ ; all of them described by flow charts in the QMS:
Receive the watch changeover brief

Receive data


Consider the watch changeover brief 

Consider data


"Produce & deliver"
Produce observations

Produce forecasts, consultations and briefings

-Deliver and forward products

-Monitor the aviation weather

-Check upon proposals for improvements in daily services
-Evaluate and update products
-Check upon proposals for changes from customers
-Evaluate meteorological tools
-Run customers meetings

Develop new meteorological tools, with FoU division

Develop new meteorological tools, with Obs division


The Quality Assurance Manual is the superior document in the Quality Management System (QMS), being one of the guiding documents for the Aviation Weather Service (AWS). The manual describes our quality policy, our organisation, how we must work to assure the quality of products and services and how we improve. Our productive activities are running continuously, and the QMS focuses on this fact. The AWS has defined processes covering all activities in our production chain. 

Important note:
Inside each process it is quite often referred to one or more check lists, templates, instructions, etc. The process will confirm whether you shall (”Skal”) use the referred documents or if you may (”Kan”) use them. In most of the cases the term may will be used.

Above is shown the Main page of the QMS as it shows up on a PC or a workstation screen. The very
upper part obviously shows browser rulers.
Some 2/3 of the page is covered by the Start page ( blue-green-black text onto a white background)
where key messages to users are stated. 
Above the Start page you can click on boxes leading you through processes.
Uppermost left shows met.no logo; brings you home when clicked.
Central / upper left shows important links to the QA manual, orgchart, job descriptions, authorization
matrix, etc Lower left shows links to most needed  support documents (black on white)

The way we describe our processes

  Most of our processes are depicted by flowcharts as the one above, here for simplicity torn apart in its mid section. The processes are described by combining graphics and texts, any connection to other processes are shown with blue hyperlinks. In addition are given job instructions, templates and check lists relevant to activities in each process, also via blue hyperlinks.  

What does it mean to follow our Quality Management System ?
The Quality Management System (QMS), and by that the Aviation Weather Service (AWS) obligations to follow the requirements laid down in EN-NS ISO 9001, is valid without limitations for all our deliveries accept when other arrangements have been agreed with the customer. 
Such an agreement may be part of a contract, or a separate document steering what procedures in quality assurance to be followed when a delivery takes place. One example could be a customer who wants us to use another package of quality documentation.

Configuration of the QMS 
The Aviation Weather Service QMS is Web-based. The only official and updated version of the QMS is found on the met.no intranet. When needed, e.g. a customer wants a view through the system, we will hand over a copy of it on a CD, or make a print-out of the parts asked for. Such versions are not to be configured !  Employees in the AWS are asked to follow this rule: ”Any user of a guiding document in a paper-version is responsible for that version being the valid one”.
The QMS is a "living" system to be changed when needed. Chief of Aviation Weather Service approves amendments to this QA Manual, job descriptions and establishment/removal of process descriptions. Authority to change other parts of the system is given to the QMS coordinator, who is responsible for configuring the system. For data safety reasons (s)he is the only one allowed to change the system. 

How we confirm that described processes are in accordance with reality
In our QMS, we will always confirm the execution of mandatory activities. A digital copy and a paper copy are equivalents as documentation. It is required that they as a minimum contain the name of the person making the documentation, the date and a digital copy should bear a unique filename (not needed when the documentation are copies of an e-mail). 

Contact with the customer
According to our quality policy, we aim at an open, honest contact with our customers. We do have procedures to check upon customer satisfaction and how we’re supposed to deal with situations where and when the customer is not satisfied with our products or services. 

This is the way we improve
The Aviation Weather Service is a highly scientific service, aiming heavily for maintaining and improving
the competency of our employees.  We systematically improve the ways we work. We establish and execute procedures on treatment of nonconformities, corrective actions and suggestions for improvements. By use of the periodic reviews carried out by AWS Management, by focusing on the quality objectives and executing improvement projects, by internal audits etc, we provide a QMS that is useful and continuously improving. We realize that continuously improving means a constant attention from everyone in the AWS world. The QMS coordinator is responsible for coordinating all actions taken to improve the quality of our deliveries.
Versionnbr.: 1.0
Date: 21.11.05



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