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Chapter 2 Enroute/Area Charts [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-9-29 11:34:37 |只看该作者

Chapter 2
Enroute/Area Charts
Chapter 2 Enroute/Aera Charts
§2.1 Introduction
§2.2 Layout of Enroute Charts
§2.3 Navaids
§2.4 Airway/Route components
§2.5 Airports
§2.6 Airspace
§2.7 Boundaries
§2.8 Holding Pattern
§2.9 Communication Procedures
§2.10 Area Charts
§2.11 RNAV Enroute Charts
§2.12 Legends of Enroute Charts
§2.1 Introduction
U.S.A Airways System
Enroute charts provide the information pilots
need to:
• Plan the route of flight
• Keep track of their position
• Maintain safe altitude
• Ensure navigation signal reception
The information in enroute charts includes:
• Airway sturcture
• Controlled airspace limitation
• Navaids
• Airports
• Communication frequencies
• Minimum enroute altitude (MEA)/Minimum
obstacle clearance altitude (MOCA)
• Mileage
• Reporting points
• Special used airspace (SUA)
• Other required information
§ 2.1.1 Type of Enroute Charts
1.Low altitude enroute charts
Low altitude enroute charts primarily depict
the airspace between the minimum
usable IFR altitude up to an altitude
assigned by the controlling agency.
2.High altitude enroute charts
High altitude enroute charts display jet routes.
The altitude limit for these charts vary,
since high altitude airspace often differs
from one country to another. For example,
in the United States and Canada, the
altitude limit for high altitude airspace
begins at 18,000 feet MSL and extends up
to FL450.
3. High/low altitude enroute charts
When space is allows, a chart may depict
both High and Low altitude airspace.
4. Area charts
Area charts are published for major terminal
areas where the navaid and airway data is
congested on the enroute chart.
Since 1995, Jeppesen had been converting the old
bi-color to a new muticolor enroute and area
charts. Highlights between them include:
• Muticolor printing;
• Front panels redesigned to use space effectively;
• IFR airport shown in blue; VFR airport shown in
• Area fill for open water improves distinction
between water and land masses.
§2.1.2 New Format Charts

§2.1.3 Selecting an Enroute Chart
The first step, however, is
to turn to the Enroute
Tab in your Airway
Manual. The Enroute
Table of Contents page
found behind this tab
lists the various pages
relating to enroute
operations filed in your
CH(H/L) 中国CHINA高/低空航路图1-4
ME(HI) 中东MIDDLE EAST高空航路图1-2
ME(H/L) 中东MIDDLE EAST高/低空航路图1-14
EA(H/L) 欧亚大陆EURASIA高/低空航路图1-12
FE(H/L) 远东FAR EAST高/低空航路图1-8
A(H/L) 非洲AFRICA高/低空航路图1-14、1A
A(HI) 非洲AFRICA高空航路图1-8
AS(H/L) 澳大利亚AUSTRALIA高/低空航路图1-8
AU(HI) 澳大利亚AUSTRALIA高空航路图9-10
AU(LO) 澳大利亚AUSTRALIA低空航路图1-8
LA(H/L) 拉丁美洲LATIN AMERICA高/低空航路图1-8
P(H/L) 太平洋PACIFIC OCEAN高/低空航路图1-4
AT(H/L) 大西洋ATLANTIC OCEAN高/低空航路图1-5
AK(LO) 阿拉斯加ALASKA低空航路图1-4、AT(HI)-5
CA(H/L) 加拿大-阿拉斯加CANADA-ALASKA高/低空航路图10-12
CA(LO) 加拿大-阿拉斯加CANADA-ALASKA低空航路图1-9
CA(HI) 加拿大-阿拉斯加CANADA-ALASKA高空航路图1-6
US(LO) 美国UNITED STATES低高空航路图1-52
US(HI) 美国UNITED STATES高空航路图1-8、2A/2B
E(H/L) 欧洲EUROPE高/低空航路图3-4
E(LO) 欧洲EUROPE低空航路图1-15
E(HI) 欧洲EUROPE高空航路图1-15
U.S. low altitude Enroute chart index
U.S. High altitude Enroute chart
§2.2 Layout of Enroute Charts
§2.2.1 Front and Back Panel
Front Panel
Back Panel
Information typically found on the front and back
panel includes the:
• Heading Information
• Coverage Index Diagram
• Changes Note
• Communications Tabulations
• SUA Tabulations
• Cruising Altitudes/Levels
• Cross-Reference Notes
In addition to the region of coverage and
chart type, the enroute chart heading
information includes three important chart
• Number
• Scale
• Dates
§ Heading Information

1.Chart boundaries
2.Major cities
4.Time zones
5.Area chart
6.Chart usage
§ Coverage Index Diagram
§ Change note
A changes note highlights significant items
that have been modified on the chart since
the last revision for each chart.
§ Communications
Each enroute chart contains a tabulation of
air traffic control (ATC) communication
services and frequencies within its
The information includes frequencies and
voice/radio call names for approach,
departure, tower, and ground control, as
well as services availability.

All HF communications listed
below have single side band
capability unless indicated
Separates multiple airports under a
• location name.
Charted location is shown by Area
chart initials and/or by quarter
panel number-letter combination.
Cpt Clearance (Pre-taxi Proc.) 许可(滑行前程序)
C Clearance Delivery 放行许可
(R) Radar capability 雷达功能
X On request 按要求
* Part-time operation 部分时段工作
G Guard only 只接收
T Transmit only 只发射
Identifying names/abbreviations
not used in radio call
Light Names /
BOLD NAME Voice call 呼号
图例含义(英文) 含义(中文)

Communication information of any given
geographic region is described in the
Comm Tabs. In general, this information
• City name
• Area chart code
• Code of the section of the panel
• Call name
• Communication services
• P=Panel
• 4=The panel
• B=The section of
the panel
§ SUA Tabulations
The back panel of the enroute chart typically
contains SUA tabulations above the cruising
altitude symbol. However, in cases where chart
congestion limits the amount of room, the
Airspace Tabulations may be cross referenced .
The Airspace Tabulation may contain separate
listings for
• Special Use Airspace
• Limits, Classifications, and Restrictions of
Designated Airspace
• Terminal Airspace

§ Cruising Altitudes/Levels
A reminder showing
the appropriate
cruising altitudes or
flight levels for VFR
and IFR flight is
included at the
bottom of the back
This information is in the form of a cruising
altitude rose (sometimes referred to as a
“quad rose”) with magnetic or true bearing
sectors. Bearings are magnetic unless
followed by a “T”.
In the United States, the degrees apply to
the magnetic course and not the magnetic
heading, but this varies occasionally for
international operations and will be noted
The recommended altitudes for the direction
of flight are contained within each sector of
the cruising altitude rose.
In this example, traffic heading 180 degrees
to 359 degrees, or west, should fly at even
thousand altitudes. Traffic heading 360
degrees to 179 degrees, or east, should fly
at odd thousand altitudes.
Cruising altitudes may be reported in feet, flight
levels (hundreds of feet), and/or meters. You
may also see the notation ”EQUAL FLs ”. This
simply means cruising altitudes can also be
reported in equivalent flight level measurements,
for example, FL200 instead of 20,000’.
On many charts outside the United States, a
conversion table is also included to help convert
feet to meters and vice versa.

§ Cross-Reference Notes
Due to space limitations, you may see the
cross-reference notes on the front and
back panel.
§ Other Special Instructions
Other special instructions may be provided
on the front and back panel of some series
enroute charts, due to requirements of
some special rules of country in the

§2.2.2 Orientation
The primary orientation elements on the
enroute charts are the:
• Latitude and longitude grid
• Magnetic variation line
• Minimum off-route altitude grid (Grid
• Limited topographic information

§2.2.3 Border Information
Before you examine the symbols on the
face of the chart, you can find important
information in the border of the chart,
outside the chart margins.
The chart border may include:
• Chart Scale
• Projection Note
• Panel Names and Numbers

§2.2.4 Panel Navigation
There is some panel navigation information
in the enroute chart border. Once you
have needed chart in hand, there are
several ways to quickly find the
information that you may need, including:
• ZIGDEX and Panel Numbers
• Enroute chart overlap indicators
• Area chart overlap indicators
• “To Notes”

§2.3 Navaids
Navigation Aids (navaids) are presented in a
similar manner on all Jeppesen charts.
They are represented by a symbol defining
the type of installation, communications
information, and, depending on the chart
series, supplemental information consisting
of geographical coordinates, elevation, and
magnetic variation or station declination.
The Navaid components
covered in this lesson
• Symbology
• Facility Information
• Communications
§2.3.1 Symbology
The symbols of navaids shown as green in
their descriptions below are printed in
green on multicolor charts. All symbols are
blue on single color charts.
The variation in the color of the navaid
symbology does not affect its meaning or
use. Often you may find navaid symbology
overlapping on an enroute chart and color
variation is used to increase legibility.
• VOR on Low and High/Low Charts
• VOR on High Charts
• NDB on Low and High/Low Charts
• NDB on High Charts
• Compass Locator
• Localizer
• Marker beacons
• GPS as a substitute
§ on Low and
High/Low Charts
Every VOR symbol on low and high/low enroute charts
has a compass rose surrounding the location of the
VOR and the 360° radial to indicate magnetic north.
§ VOR on High Charts
For legibility purposes, on High altitude enroute
chart, VOR symbols are reduced in size since
the charts cover more area; that is, the scales
are smaller than on Low charts.
The single line extending from the symbol
corresponds to a 360°radial to indicate
magnetic north. The small tick at the end of the
line is used to measure magnetic courses with
the PV-5 plotter.

A VORTAC is a facility consisting of two
components, VOR and TACAN, which provides
three individual services: VOR azimuth, TACAN
azimuth, and TACAN distance (DME) at one site.
Since VORTAC and VOR DME are functionally
identical facilities for civilian users, Jeppesen
uses a single symbol for both by simply
combining the VOR and TACAN/DME symbol.
The single line extending from the symbol
corresponds to a 360°radial to indicate
magnetic north. The small tick at the end of the
line is used to measure magnetic courses with
the PV-5 plotter.
Most TACAN stations without a co-located VOR can
be used by civilian DME units. Pure TACANs do
not have compass roses since the azimuth
cannot be used by most civilian pilots. Jeppesen’s
symbol, a serrated circle, represents both TACAN
and DME facilities.
§ NDB on Low and
High/Low Charts
NDBs are shown on Jeppesen Low and High/Low
altitude enroute charts as a series of dots forming
three concentric circles.
The single line extending from the symbol
corresponds to magnetic north. The small tick at
the end of the line is used to measure magnetic
bearings with the PV-5 plotter.
§ NDB on High Charts
For legibility purposes, on High and High/Low
altitude enroute charts, Nondirectional
Beacins(NDBs) symbols are reduced in size since
the charts cover more area; that is, the scales are
smaller than on Low charts.
The magnetic north
pointer on NDB symbol is
included to make it easier
to measure magnetic
bearings with a plotter.
§ Compass Locator
Compass Locator symbols
look similar to an NDB
symbol. They are only
shown on enroute charts
when providing an enroute
function or Transcribed
Weather Broadcast
Localizers are usually employed to provide course
and distance information with respect to a
runway during an approach, but in some
instances localizers may also be combined with
other facilities, fixes, or reporting points to form
an enroute intersection.
§ Localizer
Charts depict localizers to indicate
availability at airports. The localizers that
perform an enroute function are include
with frequency, identifier, and bearing. The
ones depicted to show localizer availability
are shown without their frequency,
identifier, and bearing.
§ Marker beacons
Marker beacons, also known as fan markers, are
depicted by a lens-shaped symbol. Though not
commonly used for enroute purposes, occasionally
a marker is used for position identification.
The subtle difference in the shape of the marker
refers to the elliptical array of the transmitted signal.
When a maker is collocated with a locator, NDB,
or intersection, the symbol changes as follows:
• Markers with collocated Locator or NDB
• Markers with collocated airspace fix or intersection
§ GPS as a Substitute
In the U.S., the FAA allows the use of GPS as a
substitute for all DMEs and NDB.
In order to be authorized to substitute the GPS for
NDBs and DMEs, the GPS avionics must be
approved for terminal IFR operations. This new
authorization essentially deletes the requirement
for an ADF receiver to be in the airplane. There
is one use that still remains for the ADF. It is still
required to shoot an NDB approach that has not
been approved as an overlay approach.

§2.3.2 Facility Information Boxes
The facility box gives the name, frequency,
two- or three-letter identifier, and Morse
code identification. Other information may
also be displayed, such as coordinates,
the class of VOR, and even available
§ On-Airway
Navaid information is
presented in a
shadowed box when
the navaid is an airway
component. The name
of the navaid, its
frequency, identifier,
and Morse code
identification is noted.
On-Airway VOR
Generally, various coverage of VOR are
distinguished by letters preceding the
Navaid frequencies. Such as:
• (T) —Terminal VOR
• (L) —Low Altitude VOR
• (H) —High Altitude VOR

There are two ways to determine whether VOR
combined with DME:
• Navaid symbol—VORTAC is a TACAN station
collocated with VOR. TACAN can be used by civilian
DME. Jeppesen’s symbol of TACAN and DME is a
serrated circle.
• D identifier—DME available. When VOR and
TACAN/DME antenna are not collocated, a notation
of “Not Collocated” is shown below the box.
On-Airway DME

On high/low enroute charts, latitude and
longitude coordinates are shown at the
bottom of the information box for high
altitude navaids.
High altitude Navaid
Some L/MF (low and medium frequency )
navaids are combined in the shadowed box
even though they are not the part of the
airway structure. They are used for course
guidance for over lengthy route segments.
Special L/MF Navaids
LOC, SDF, LDA and MLS navaids are all
identified by a round cornered box when
they perform enroute function. This box
includes frequency, identifier, Morse code
identification, as well as inbound magnetic
course. The box identification also
indicates when DME is available through
the localizer.
Localizer Navaids Performed an
Enroute Function
Charts depict localizers to
indicate availability at
§ Off-Airway Navaids
Off-airway navaids are unboxed on low and
low/high enroute charts.
On Low and Low/High Enroute Charts
Off-airway navaids are boxed without a
shadow on high altitude enroute charts.
On high Enroute Charts
TACAN facilities not associated with a VOR
are listed with channel number and a VOR
“ghost” frequency. The “ghost” frequency
enables civilian users to access the DME
signal. Coordinates are only shown on the
high altitude charts.
Off-airway TACAN
Navaids are used in the airway system but that
are located at an airport may have the airport
and the navaid information grouped together.
The navaid frequency and identifier are located
below the location name of airport when the
navaid name, location name and airport
name are the same.
Navaids located at an airport
Marker beacon (or fan beacon) are shown
on enroute charts if they identify a
particular location along an airway or on
the approach to an instrument landing.
The marker beacon name and Morse code
identification are shown next to the
Marker beacon
§ Notations
Facilities information boxes may contain
parenthetical information further describing
navaid conditions.
• “*”:An asterisk specifies part-time hours of
• (DME not Collocated) (TACAN not
Collocated): When the TACAN or DME
antennae is not collocated with the VOR,
this notation is shown below the VOR
facility information box.
• (May be Decmsnd): This notation reports
that the Navaid may be decommissioned.
The Navaid may or may not be operational.
• (On Request): In order to use a Navaid
with this notation, you must request that
the Navaid be turned on.
• (On Test): The Navaid has not been
approved yet for navigational purposes
and is still under testing.
• (NDB unmonitored): The Navaid is not
monitored by anyone. It may or may not be
• (Private): This Navaid is not owned by a
state or federal entity.
• (May be Shutdown): This Navaid may or
may not be operational at any one time.
• (May not be Comsnd): This commissioning
note states that the Navaid has been
charted, but has not been commissioned yet.
Remote Communications Outlets (RCO) are
unmanned communications facilities remotely
controlled by ATC. An RCO may use UHF or VHF
frequencies to extend the communications range
of flight service stations. RCOs were established
to provide ground-to-ground communications (for
example, enroute clearances, departure
authorizations, and instrument flight rules
cancellations or departure/landing times) between
ATC specialists and pilots located at a satellite
§ Remote Communications
Outlets and Whether transmitters
As a secondary function, they may be used for
advisory purposes whenever the aircraft is below
the coverage of the primary air/ground frequency.
RCOs can be associated with navaids and airports,
or stand on their own at remote sites. When at
remote sites, the RCO is indicated by a circle with
a dot inside. A simple thin-lined communication
box contains the name of the RCO.
§2.3.3 Communications
All of the FSS frequencies are shown on the
charts near the antenna locations.
Generally, the name of the FSS is printed
above the navaid facility information
boxes , along with applicable frequencies.
Since the frequencies of FSS are typically in
the 120 MHz range, often only the last two
or three digits are shown; thus 122.2 is
shown as 2.2. Frequencies in the 110s or
130s are not truncated. Note also that
Jeppesen is in the process of changing the
way frequencies are displayed to eliminate
any truncation.
§ FSS near the Navaids
When FSS or whether communication
transmitter sites are located at, or very
near navaids, information about the
frequencies is shown above the navaid
facility information boxes.
The specific information included with the
communication frequencies are varied
depends on the situation. They may
• Call name
• Name without frequency
• Multiple call names
• G (only listen)
• US Enroute flight advisory service
If the name of the FSS is same as the
Navaid name, the communication
frequencies are depicted directly above
the navaid information box.
Call Name
If the name of the FSS differs from the
Navaid name, the abbreviated name of the
controlling FSS will shown with the
frequency above the information box.
In some cases, an FSS may transmit over a
VOR, with no frequency available to
receive. In this case, only the FSS name,
in parentheses, appears above the navaid.
Name without frequency
Occasionally, more than one FSS may have
a communication frequency listed with a
Multiple Call Name
The letter “G” after the frequency indicates
that the FSS only listens over, or guards,
the frequency. It does not transmit over
this frequency, but only over the frequency
of the Navaid.
G (only listen)
WX (US Enroute flight advisory service) is a type of
listening FSS of US. WX FSS provides special
weather information service at certain time for pilot
requirements according to type of airplane, desired
airway and flight level. The operation time is
between 0600 and 2200 LT.
Hazardous In flight Weather Advisory
Service (HIWAS) can be broadcast special
weather advisories over selected navaids.
Generally, HIWAS broadcasts SIGMETS,
AIRMETS and PIREPS over selected
VOR frequencies.
When HIWAS is available, ATC generally
does not broadcast the advisories but
instead tells pilots they exist and refers
them to HIWAS.
§ FSS near the Airport
As a matter of fact, most FSS frequencies are
depicted not above the navaids information
boxes but near the airport or airport information.
Useable communication frequencies in the airport
list above the airport information boxes in the
following order:
• ATIS (Automated Terminal Information Service)
• ASOS (Automated Surface Observation System)
• AWOS (Automated Whether Observation
• RCO (Remote Communication Outlet)
• LAA (Local Airport Advisory)
• CTAF (Common Traffic Advisory
§ ACC Communication
Normally, ACC controller will designate a new
communication frequency for pilot when air traffic
control handoff is happened.
The ACC communication frequencies is used when
pilot can’t contact the previous and next ACC.
§2.4 Airway/Route Components
Airways are corridors of airspace in the sky,
usually controlled, defined, and flown by
radio navigation aids or a self-contained
navigation system. They help you fly specific
routes and allow controllers to manage and
predict enroute air traffic flow.
Various countries use the term “airway” or
“route” and ICAO regions use the term “ATS
route”, but essentially the meanings are the
An ATS route is specifically designed for
channeling the flow of traffic as necessary
for the provision of air traffic services. The
term is used variously to mean airway,
advisory route, controlled or uncontrolled
route, arrival or departure route, and so on.
The airway information provided on charts,
• Airway types and designators
• Course guidance
• Airspace Fixes
• Mileage
• Altitudes
§2.4.1 Airway Centerlines
A dark, solid line defines most airway
centerlines. The line thickness may vary
depending on the congestion of the area.
However, there are several special cases of
airway centerlines, such as dashed line,
green line and thick solid line.
§ Airway to an Alternate
An airway may be identified by a dashed line,
indicating route to an alternate airport.
§ Overlying High Altitude
On low or high/low altitude charts, overlying
high altitude airway are shown in green.
§ RNAV Airway
RNAV airway are depicted with a thick solid
line on the enroute charts.
§2.4.2 Airway Types and
Airways are referred to by the letter and
number designation shown along the airway
on the enroute chart. Both the designators
themselves, and the way they are depicted
on the chart, provide information about the
type of airway shown.
§ Airway Designators
Airway designators are shown in boxes
along the airway they name. Many of
these, such as victor airways and jet route,
are shown with white letters in a black box
for distinction.
Airway designators may be used simply to
provide a way to refer to the airway. For
example, some countries designate
certain routes by a color name. For
example, an “A” would denote an Amber
airway. Other countries use the phonetic
alphabet in lieu of color names, so “A”
would be an Alpha airway.
In other cases, the designator stands for
something more specific. For example, the
United States uses a J for JET routes on
enroute charts. Most countries have
designated specific letter to refer to RNAV
无B-X RNAV配备的航空器所使用的航路(欧洲)
W 白色,Whiskey航路
V Victor航路
U 高空航路。航路或者航线或者其中的部分航段划设在高空空域。
SP 超音速区域导航航路
RR 加拿大R航路
R 红色,Romeo航路,东西支航路,
PDR 预定航路
OTR 海洋过渡航路
NAT 与北大西洋组织航迹结构相联的航路
K 主要为直升机划设的低空航路或者航线
J 喷气机航路
HL 高空航路
H 高空航路
GR 海湾航路
G 绿色,Golf航路,东西主航路
DOM 国内航路。外国经营人使用需特别批准。
D 直飞航路。需要ATC的许可,不可用于填报飞行计划
BR 巴哈马航路、加拿大Bravo航路
B 兰色,Bravo航路,南北支航路
AWY 航路
ATS 未公布识别代号,但提供ATS服务的指定航路
AR 大西洋航路、加拿大Alpha航路
ADR 咨询航路
A 琥珀色,Alpha航路,南北主航路
1,2,3 条件航路的类别(欧洲)
1,2 条件航路的类别(欧洲)
1 条件航路的类别(欧洲)
W 西
UL 区域导航航路
S 南
R 区域导航航路
N 北
L 中低频航路
G 仅提供飞行情报服务
F 仅提供咨询服务
E 东
§ One-way Airway
Some airways allow only one-way traffic patterns.
One-way airways are indicated with an arrow
When hours are displayed below the one-way
airway designation, it means that one-way traffic
is preferred during the hours listed, but two-way
traffic is allowed during all other hours.
§ Pre-requirements
Some airways require the action of the pilot before
you can fly them.
A “PPR” along an airway centerline indicates that
prior permission is required for flight in the
direction of the accompanying arrow. You must
obtain permission from the controlling agency
before flying this type of airway.
Airways with an “FPR” designation have a flight
plan requirement that dictates you must file a
flight plan before flying them.

§2.4.3 Course Guidance
Navaids, particularly VORs and NDBs,
provide positive course guidance for
airway navigation. Enroute charts include
information about these navaids, headings,
and other course guidance information.
§ VOR Radials
Most airways are based on VOR radials,
which include those from VOR, VORTAC,
and VOR/DME stations. Near the VOR
symbol, enroute charts list the VOR radial
upon which the airway is based.

§ NDB Bearings
Low frequency airways are defined by NDB
magnetic bearings from the navaid, and
are depicted on most charts in green.
Since VHF and LF airways often overlap,
the use of green versus black for LF
airways helps distinguish between the
VHF radials and LF magnetic bearings.

§ MC and TC
In most case, all kinds of
courses on the charts are
magnetic courses (MC).
Course guidance in the
high-latitude area, such
north of the Canada, are
based on true bearing. In
this case, there are
indicated with a “T”
following the course
§ Changeover Points
When flying an airway, you normally change
frequencies midway between navaids,
unless a changeover point (COP) is
A COP is the point along an airway where
the navaid frequency should be changed.
COP symbology includes the mileage from
each station to the COP.

§ Gap in Nav-signal
A gap in nav-signal coverage, shown as two
black rectangles along an airway, may
cause a COP to be detached.
§2.4.4 Airway Fixes
Airway fixes are simply designated locations
along an airway or route that can provide a
means for checking the progress of a flight.
They are often located at points where the
airway turns or at a place that provides a
positive means of establishing a position.
Intersections, waypoints, database identifiers,
and reporting points, are all considered fixes.
The term “fix” is used here to describe an
intersection, waypoint, reporting point, or any
other designated point along an airway. However,
there are differences between these terms:
• The location of intersections is determined by
ground-based navaids. The exact position is
given as a VOR radial (or NDB magnetic bearing)
and the DME mileage from the navaid.
§ Types of Fixes
• The term waypoint is generally reserved
for positions that can only be determined
by area navigation (RNAV) equipment or
GPS. The exact location for a waypoint is
shown as its lat/long geographic
A fix may be based on one or more of the
• Intersection of two airways
• Intersection of two VOR radials, or NDB
• Intersection located by DME
• Geographic coordinates
2. Location Mode
§ Intersections
Enroute charts identify most intersections
with a triangle symbol.
At a Navaid, a dot in the triangle symbol
represents a fix collocated with a Navaid.
Sometimes the triangle in the navaid
symbol may be omitted. The name of the
navaid represents the intersection name.

The location of the intersection along an
airway is typically defined by a radial from a
VOR or a magnetic bearing to an NDB.
An intersection can also be located by DME.
These fixes are identified with a “D” and an
arrow that points from the navaid to the fix.
If it is unclear which navaid is the basis for
the DME, the navaid identifier follows the
DME distance.

§ Reporting Points
The intersections of the airway are also
named as reporting points. The reporting
points can be used as air traffic controlling,
altitude changing and approach transition
Enroute charts depict most fixes as either
noncompulsory or compulsory reporting
In a nonradar environment, pilots are required
to make a position report when passing over
a compulsory reporting point. These are
identified on enroute charts by a solid
Sometimes the same point can be compulsory
and nomcompulsory, depending on which
airway you are flying .
At noncompulsory reporting points, position
reports are not required unless requested
by a controller.
Along some routes, enroute charts indicate that a
meteorological report is required upon crossing
the intersection. The symbol for such a reporting
point is a capital M with a circle around it. If the
reporting point only applies to certain routes, the
route will be annotated to the symbol.
A meteorological report is made to the controlling
ground station (or to another station if indicated),
and should include the following items:
• Air temperature
• Wind
• Icing
• Turbulence
• Clouds
• Any other significant weather
§ CNFs [Database Identifiers]
and Mileage Break Points
Computer Navigation Fixes (CNFs) are used
for defining the navigation track for an
airborne computer system (e.g., GPS or
FMS). A CNF is generated by the onboard
database and displayed on the avionics
On the enroute chart, CNFs are enclosed in
brackets or indicated with an “X”, to aid in
identifying them. Sometimes, they are further
identified by geographic coordinates.
A mileage break point indicates a point where the
course changes direction, but no fix is indicated.
It is shown on the chart as “×” on the airway
and it is used to isolate segments when no
published fixe exists.
Beginning in 1998, the United States and other
countries began assigning five-letter names to
previously unnamed fixes and mileage break
points on DPs, enroute and area charts, and
CNFs are not used in position reporting, ATC
requests, or for flight planning purposes.
§ Waypoints
A waypoint is designated by a star symbol
(). Waypoints are defined relative to a
VORTAC or VORDME, or in terms of
lat/long coordinates.
Waypoints may be any of the following types:
• Predefined, published waypoints
• Floating waypoints
• User-defined waypoints

§ Bypass
When an airway passes over a fix that is not
used for course guidance or reporting, the
airway centerline sometimes passes
around, or bypasses the symbol. In rare
cases, an airway turns at a fix without
using it.
Sometimes, an explanatory note on the
chart clarifies the proper use of the fix.

§2.4.5 Mileage
Enroute charts annotate airways with
mileage figures between adjacent navaids,
fixes, and mileage break points.
§ Segment Mileage
The length of each airway segment is
annotated in small, bold numbers directly
on the airway. These distances may be
either in nautical miles or DME mileage.
When the DME symbol is shown without a
number, the DME mileage is the same as
the segment mileage.
§ Mileage between
Two Navaids
The total mileage between two navaids is
printed in a hexagonal box. The total
mileage box may have directional pointers
when there are multiple airway
designators. The pointers parallel the
airway centerlines along which the
mileage applies.

§2.4.6 Altitudes
Enroute charts also annotate airways with the
altitudes at which you are expected to fly while
on the airway. These annotations include:
• Minimum enroute altitude (MEA)
• Minimum obstruction clearance altitude
• Enroute minimum off-route altitude (Enroute
• Maximum authorized altitude (MAA)
• Minimum crossing altitude (MCA)
• Minimum reception altitude (MRA)
• Even and odd altitudes
The minimum enroute altitude (MEA) is the
most common airway altitude shown on
charts. It is ordinarily the lowest published
altitude between radio fixes that
guarantees adequate navigation signal
reception and obstruction clearance (2,000
feet in mountainous areas and 1,000 feet

MOCA is the lowest published altitude in
effect between radio fixes on VOR airways,
off airway routes, or route segments.
A MOCA is similar to an MEA, but MOCA
ensures a reliable navigation signal only
within 22 nautical miles of the facility,
whereas an MEA provides reliable
navigation signals throughout the entire
MOCA is shown by a “T” after the altitude.
The obstruction clearance of MOCA is
similar to MEA. That is 2,000 feet in
mountainous areas and 1,000 feet

A enroute MORA is an altitude derived by Jeppesen
that provides reference point clearance within 10
NM of the airway centerline (regardless of the
airway width) and fixes.
Enroute MORA values clear all reference points by
2,000 feet in areas where the highest reference
points are 5001 feet MSL or higher, while by
1,000 feet in areas where the points are 5000 feet
MSL or lower.
Enroute MORA are denoted by an altitude figure
with an “a” suffix.
§ Enroute MORA

A maximum authorized altitude (MAA) is a
published altitude representing the maximum
usable altitude or flight level for an airspace
structure or route segment.
It is the highest altitude on a Federal airway, jet
route, RNAV low or high route, or other direct
route for which an MEA is designated at which
adequate reception of navigation signals is
Maximum authorized
altitude, shown by
“MAA” followed by
the altitude.
A minimum crossing altitude (MCA) is the
lowest altitude at which an aircraft can
cross the fix when proceeding in the
direction of a higher minimum enroute IFR
altitude (MEA).
MCA indicated by “MCA” along with any
necessary information, such as the
affected airway and direction of flight.

A minimum reception altitude (MRA) is the
lowest altitude that ensures adequate
reception of the navigation signals forming
an intersection.
MRA indicated by “MRA” along with any
necessary information, such as the
affected airway and direction of flight.

§ Even and Odd Altitudes
On some routes, flight levels are used which
are contrary to the standard cruising
altitude/direction of flight convention. In
these instances, an arrow with the letter
“E” or “O”, is shown to depict whether
even or odd altitudes should be flown in
the direction of the arrow.
When all altitudes, even
and odd, are available
on an airway, enroute
charts use “E&O” with
a directional arrow.
§ MEA Change
The bar symbol indicates MEA changing,
limiting of MAA applicability or MAA
changing. Also MOCA or MORA change
when MOCA or MORA is charted with no
MEA. Symbol is omitted at navaid.

§2.5 Airports
Low and high/low altitude enroute charts
offer a lot of information about airport
facilities and services, including:
• Airport name and location
• Type of airport
• Airport elevation and runway information
• Weather and airport communications
§2.5.1 Airport name and location
Every airport appearing on an enroute chart
includes the following identifying
• The location of the airport
• The airport name (if different from the
name of the location)
• The ICAO (4 letters) or Jeppesen NavData
airport identifier (3 alphanumeric

§2.5.2 Type of Airport
The symbology used on enroute charts to
identify airports helps you immediately
determine the type of airport it is.
Specifically, you can tell at a glance if the
airport is:
• VFR or IFR
• Civilian or Military
• Seaplane Base or Heliport
§ VFR or IFR Airport
Enroute charts group airports into two
categories, IFR airport with at least one
published standard instrument approach
procedure (SIAP), VFR airport with none.
Enroute charts always show airport
symbology and its associated text in the
same color.
Enroute charts display the IFR airport
symbol and related information in blue.
Location name of the IFR airport is
indicated with capital letters.
VFR airport symbol and related information
display in green on enroute charts.
Location name is indicated with lowercase.

§ Civilian or Military Airport
§ Seaplane Base or Heliport Airport

§2.5.3 Airport Elevation and
Runway Information
In addition to the type of airport, the enroute
chart may include additional information
about the airport and its runways.
Airport elevation is listed in feet MSL below
the airport name.
In addition to the elevation, two or three
digits denote the length of the airport’s
longest runway in hundreds of feet.
The figure is rounded to the nearest hundred
with 70 feet as the dividing point. For
example, a 6669-foot runway is listed as
“66”, whereas a 6671-foot runway shows
as “67”.
An “s” after the runway length denotes a soft

§2.5.4 Weather and Airport
Above the airport name, enroute charts
often provide more information about
communications availability and
requirements, as well as weather services
available at that airport. The services and
requirements are similar throughout the
world, but differ by region in name and
• U.S. and Canada Weather Information
• U.S. Airport Communications
• Canadian Airport Communications
• Airport Weather Information and
Communications Outside the U.S. and
§ U.S. and Canada
Weather Information
On North American charts, terminal and
enroute weather stations located at a
particular airport are shown above the
airport name. These stations may include
one of the following weather services:
• ASOS: Automated Surface Observation System.
ASOS, in the US, is a surface weather observing
system implemented by the National Weather
Service of FAA and DOD.
ASOS provides continuous minute-by-minute
observations and performs the basic observing
functions necessary to generate an aviation
routine weather report (METAR) and other
aviation weather information. ASOS information
may be transmitted over a discrete VHF radio
frequency or the voice portion of a local NAVAID.
• AWOS. An automated weather observation
system transmits local real-time weather data
directly to the pilot. There are four AWOS
information levels:
 AWOS-A only reports the altimeter setting.
 AWOS-1 usually reports the altimeter setting, wind,
temperature, dew point, and density altitude.
 AWOS-2 reports the same as AWOS-1, plus visibility.
 AWOS-3 reports the same as AWOS-2, plus cloud or
ceiling data.
• EFAS: An airport with an enroute flight
advisory service (EFAS), shows the call
name followed by “-WX” along with the last
two digits of the frequency. (The first two
digits are understood as “12”.) An asterisk
before the frequency denotes part-time

§ U.S. Airport
If present, any of the following airport
information and communication may be
depicted above the airport name on a U.S.
enroute chart. An asterisk indicates that
these services operate part-time.
Automatic terminal information service is a
continuous, recorded broadcast of
noncontrol information provided at busy
airports. This airport advisory information
helps to improve controller effectiveness
and reduces frequency congestion.
The common traffic advisory frequency is
designed to carry out airport advisory
practices while operating to or from an
uncontrolled airport. The CTAF may be a
UNICOM, Multicom, FSS, or control tower
A flight service station provides a number of
essential functions for both IFR and VFR
aircraft. In addition to conducting weather
briefings and handling flight plans, the also
provide local airport advisories (LAAs).
Local airport advisory service is provided by FSSs
or the military at airports not serviced by an
operating control tower.
This service provides information to arriving and
departing aircraft about wind direction and
speed, favored runway, altimeter setting,
pertinent known traffic and field conditions,
airport taxi routes, traffic patterns, and
authorized instrument approach procedures.
LAA information is advisory and does not
constitute an ATC clearance.
§ Canadian Airport
When available, the following designations are
listed above the airport name on Canadian
charts along with their radio frequencies.
• AAS: Airport Advisory Service
• ATF: Aerodrome Traffic Frequency
• RCO: Remote Communications Outlets
• FSS: Flight Service Station
• MF: Mandatory Frequency
§ Outside the U.S. and
Most airport weather information outside the
U.S and Canada, such as information on
obtaining weather reports and forecasts, is
contained behind the Meteorology
sections of the Airway Manual.
The aerodrome flight information service
(AFIS) and ATIS are provided in regions
outside the U.S. and Canada.

§2.6 Airspace
§2.6.1 Controlled and Uncontrolled
Many countries divide their airspace into
controlled airspace and uncontrolled
• Controlled: Controlled airspace is an area
of defined dimensions within which air
traffic control service is available.
Controlled airspace is depicted with white
• Uncontrolled: Uncontrolled airspace is all
airspace that is not controlled.
Uncontrolled airspace is tinted gray on fullcolor
enroute charts. Note that
uncontrolled airspace over water is bulegray.

§2.6.2 Airspace Classifications
Airspace is categorized into a variety of
airspace classifications, denoted by letters.
Although these ICAO designations are
used in much of the world, the dimensions,
equipment requirements, and restrictions
for each airspace class often vary from
country to country.
§ ICAO Designations
Class A is the most restrictive airspace
classification and requires the most
amount of pilot experience and control by
ATC. All aircraft in Class A must be
operated under IFR and the pilot must
have and instrument rating.
Class A Airspace
Class B airspace contains or covers the busiest air
traffic environments to ensure more complete
control over aircraft in congested airport
In Class B airspace, both IFR and VFR flight is
permitted; however, both types are under Air
Traffic Control and are separated from one
The configuration of each Class B area is
individually tailored to its airport environment.
Class B Airspace
Both IFR and VFR flights are permitted and
all flights are under Air Traffic Control
Services in Class C Airspace.
IFR traffic receives separation from both IFR
and VFR flights, while VFR flights are only
separated from IFR and receive traffic
information concerning other VFR flights.
Class C Airspace
Class D and E airspace are often associated
with control towers around less busy
Often, Class E airspace lies adjacent to
Class D to enable instrument pilots to
remain within controlled airspace while
performing an instrument approach.
In fact, at airports with a part-time tower,
Class D airspace may revert to Class E
when the tower is closed.
Class D/E Airspace
Class D airspace may be designated for
terminal enroute purposes. In Class D
airspace, all flights are subject to ATC
service. IFR flights are separated from other
IFR flights and receive traffic information
concerning VFR flights. VFR flights receive
traffic information concerning all other flights.
Class D airspace
Class E airspace is generally designated for
enroute. Most low-level airways are Class
E, unless otherwise assigned. In Class E
airspace, only IFR flights are subject to
ATC service. IFR flights are separated
from other IFR flights. All flights receive
traffic information as far as practical.
Class E airspace
§ Airspace Classifications
in China
Upper Control Area, Medium and Lower
Control Area, Terminal (Approach) Control
Area, and Tower Control Area are set up
on airway zones and civil airport regions in
In most case, airspace is divided into class
A, B, C and D airspace according to
different control areas in china.
Class A Airspace is upper control area. The
floor of Class A airspace corresponds to
FL 6,000 (not including) meters.
During flight within Class A airspace, pilots
must comply with IFR and maintain
separation from other aircrafts given by
the ATC.
Class A Airspace
Class B airspace is medium and lower
controlled area, which extends from FL 600
meters to FL 6000 ( including) meters.
You can operate within the Class B airspace
either under VFR or under IFR according to
meteorological condition.
Class B Airspace
Class C Airspace extends from FL 600m to
the ceiling of FL 6,000m (included), but
laterally, it extends from the airport
reference point to radius of 50 kilometers
or the entrance of the air corridor (if exists).
All of the flights in Class C Airspace can be
complied with IFR or VFR.
Class C Airspace
Class D Airspace is airport control zone
airspace. Class D Airspace extends from
ground to the first holding pattern level,
includes traffic pattern region and
segments after the FAF.
All operations within Class D Airspace can
be complied with IFR or VFR.
Class D Airspace
§ Airspace
Classification in U.S.
The classes of airspace were created and
then specified in FAA FAR Part 71.
Airspace is divided into class A, B, C, D, E,
F and G in U.S.A.
Class A Airspace
Class A airspace is the most restrictive and
requires the most amount of pilot
experience and control by ATC.
In the United States, Class A airspace
begins at 18,000 feet MSL and extends up
to FL 600.

Class B airspaces surround the nation’s
busiest international airports.
Aircrafts operating within Class B airspaces
must be equipped with two-way radio
communication system, and an available
VOR or VORTAC receiver.
A requirement for a 4096 code transponder
with mode C automatic altitude reporting
capability is associated with Class B
Class B Airspace
Class C airspace is similar to Class B. About
120 airports belong to Class C airspace in
The center of Class C airspace is the
primary airport. This airspace usually
consists of a 5 NM radius core surface
area that extends from the surface up to
4,000 feet MSL.
Two-way radio communications with the
appropriate ATC facility are requited prior
to entry this airspace.
Class C Airspace
Airspace from the surface to 2,500 feet MSL
surrounding those airports that have an
operational control tower.
Runway is the airspace center. Radius of
airspace is 4.3 NM.
Class D Airspace
Class E airspaces are controlled airspaces,
extend from 700 or 1200 feet AGL to
18,000 feet MSL.
Operation in this airspace can be complied
with IFR or VFR.
Class E Airspace
Class F airspace is uncontrolled airspace.
Class F Airspace
Class G Airspace
The ceiling of Class G airspace is from surface to
700 or 1,200 feet AGL.
Class G airspace (uncontrolled) is that portion of
airspace that has not been designated as Class
A, Class B, Class C, Class D, or Class E
§ Controlled Airspaces
on Enroute Charts
Controlled airspace is depicted on an
enroute chart by control area boundaries.
On the boundary itself, you will find the
specific airspace class of the airspace.
Within the boundary, look for sector
boundaries, as well as upper or lower
limits of the airspace.
The control area boundary of Class A
airspace is shown by a wide, maroon line.
Class A Airspace
The control area boundary of Class B
airspace is similar to Class A shown by a
wide, maroon line.
Lines appear under (lower limit) or over
(upper limit) each limit indicating the limits
of altitude in hundreds of feet MSL.
Class B Airspace

The control area boundary of Class C
airspace is shown by a wide, blue line.
Class C Airspace
The control area boundary of Class D/E airspace is
shown by a thin, white dashed line.
Class D/E Airspace
§2.6.3 Type of Designated
In addition to airspace classifications, there are
also types of designated airspace. Both use the
same symbology. Types of designated airspace

An FIR is a country’s area of responsibility for air
traffic control and flight information. A country’s
airspace always consists of at least one FIR,
though a country may designate more than one
within their area of responsibility.
For example, airspace of china has been divided
into 10 FIRs and 1 Area of Jurisdiction . There
are Shenyang, Beijing, Shanghai, Kunming,
Guangzhou, Wuhan, Lanzhou, Urumqi,
Hongkong, and Taipei. Sanya is an Area of

The FIR/UIR boundary name, identifier and
airspace category are depicted on an enroute
chart with a barbed line.
For the limits of the FIR and UIR, you would refer
to the front or back panel of your enroute chart in
the designated airspace box.
Control Areas (CATs) and their counterparts,
Upper Terminal Areas (UATs) are volumes
airspace and UATs reside within upper airspace.
Whereas FIRs are defined by the country, CTAs
and UTAs represent areas of specific Air Traffic
Control responsibility within the country’s FIR.
In some countries, Air Traffic Control Centers
(ACCs) or Air Route Traffic Control Centers
(ARTCCs) serve the functions of CTAs/UTAs.

Terminal Maneuvering Area (TMA) is normal
established at the confluence of ATS
routes in the vicinity of one or more major
TMA provides safe and efficient air traffic
control service for aircraft arrival and
departure . TMA can be any types of
On an enroute chart, TMA boundaries are
depicted with a solid maroon or blue line.

In contrast to Control Areas, airspace
delegated to a control tower is called a
Control Zone (CTR).
CTRs generally begin at the surface and
extend to a specific limit. CTR provides
airport control service for appropriate
CTR boundaries, regardless of airspace
classification, are depicted by a blue
dashed line with airspace classification
inset in the outline.

Related to CTR are ATZ and TIZ.
An aerodrome traffic zone (ATZ) is a term
for specific airspace established around an
airport for the protection of airport traffic. In
an uncontrolled ATZ, aircraft broadcast
intentions and listen on the standard
enroute frequency. Uncontrolled ATZs are
shown as solid lines.
A traffic information zone (TIZ) is Class G
airspace where continuous two-way
communication is required.
§2.6.4 Special Use Airspace
In addition to above-mentioned designated
airspaces, enroute charts designate many
types of special use airspaces (SUAs),
which are belonged to uncontrolled
airspaces, such as prohibited area,
restricted area, warning area, etc.
On enroute charts, SUAs are depicted with
maroon and green dashed lines.


Each special use area also has an
accompanying label that indicates its
country, with some exceptions, type of
special use airspace, and identification
When space allows, it may also list upper and
lower limits, hours of operation, or the
controlling agency on the chart. For special
use airspace located in congested areas,
enroute charts provide additional
information on a separate list elsewhere on
the chart.

§2.7 Boundaries
Enroute charts contain numerous boundary
lines, depicting borders of airspace
classes, countries, time zones, controlling
agencies, and defense zones.
This lesson explains the symbology for two
broad categories of boundaries.
• Geographical boundaries identify political
entities, time zones, and charted regions.
• Procedural boundaries depict areas with
different procedures or requirements.
§2.7.1 Geographical Boundaries
Enroute charts include specific designations
for several types of geographic boundaries.
• Political boundaries
• Time zone
• Chart boundaries
§ Political Boundaries
Political boundaries identify international,
state, or provincial borders.
International boundaries are depicted with a
broken black line on enroute charts.
Often, political boundaries coincide with time
zones, airspace, or procedural boundaries.

§ Time Zone Boundaries
Time zone boundaries depict longitudinal
divisions where differences in local time
and UTC occur.
A black line of small “T” depicts a time zone
boundary on an enroute chart.
These boundaries are annotated with the
conversion of local time to UTC.
Like political boundaries, time zone
boundaries frequently coincide with other
types of boundaries.

§ Chart Boundaries
Chart boundaries identify regions that are
covered by other charts.
Adjacent and overlapping enroute chart
boundaries are shown with blue shaded lines.
A blue label identifies the chart type (high,
low, or high/low) and number, and an arrow
points to the area that represents the
adjacent chart.

Area charts, typically provided to cover hightraffic
regions, are identified by shaded
gray dashed lines.
§2.7.2 Procedural Boundaries
Procedural boundaries depict areas with
different procedures or requirements. On
enroute charts, there are following
categories of procedural boundaries:
• Controlling agencies
• Air defense identification zones (ADIZ)
• Reduced vertical separation minimums
§ Controlling Agencies
Enroute charts depict the areas of
responsibility of a controlling agency, the
authority that has jurisdiction over an
airspace region.
One type of controlling agency is an air route
traffic control center (ARTCC). ARTCCs are
established primarily to provide air traffic
service to aircraft operation on IFR flight
plans within controlled airspace during the
enroute phase of flight.

QNH/QNE boundaries differentiate between
regions with different procedures for
altimeter settings:
• In QNH regions, the altimeter displays
mean sea level altitudes based on local
station pressure setting.
• In areas marked as QNE, the altimeter is
set to standard pressure: 29.92 inches of
mercury, 1013.2 hp, or 1013.2 millibars.

Within airspace designated as an air defense
identification zone (ADIZ), the identification,
location, and the control of aircraft is required.
The special procedures within these zones are
required in the interest of national security.
Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum
(RVSM) airspace is where the vertical
separation of aircraft is reduced from 2,000
feet to 1,000 feet between specific flight
levels (FL290 and FL410 (including)).
RVSM is applied only between aircraft that
meet stringent altimeter and autopilot
performance requirements.
The symbology for RVSM airspace boundaries
is a maroon shaded and dotted line with an
RVSM airspace label and flight levels on the
applicable side.
§2.8 Holding Procedures
Holding procedures are used by ATC for
delaying airborne aircraft, to help maintain
separation and approach sequence, and
to smooth out traffic flow.
Air traffic controllers issue a holding
clearance if they anticipate a delay before
the aircraft arrive or approach.
Issued typically at least five minutes before
you arrive at the clearance limit or fix, the
holding clearance gives you instructions
about the holding pattern you are
expected to execute.
Some holding patterns are indicated on
charts, but others are given as instructions
from air traffic controllers.
§2.8.1 Published Holding Patterns
Published holding patterns will include the
following information as appropriate:
• Holding fix
• Direction
• Leg length
• Altitude
• Speed

§ Holding Fix
A holding fix begins and ends each circuit of
the holding pattern.
A fix may be an intersection, navaid,
waypoint, or DME distance from a navaid.
§ Holding Direction
A holding pattern is defined by the direction
from the holding fix, a line of position on
which to fly one leg of the pattern, and the
direction of the turns.
Shaped like an oval racetrack, holding
patterns generally are of two types. In a
standard holding pattern, the turns are to
the right, while a nonstandard holding
pattern uses left turns.
§ Leg Length
Generally, standard leg length of holding
pattern depends on time of outbound.
At or below 14,000 feet (4250 meters) MSL,
the inbound and outbound legs are
typically defined as 1-minute no-wind
straight segments.
Above 14,000 feet (4250 meters) MSL, the
straight segments are 1.5 minutes long, or
more with increment of 0.5 minute .

If there is a minimum holding level
associated with a holding pattern, it’s listed
with the holding pattern symbol.
§ Holding Speed
Since the size of the holding pattern is
directly proportional to the speed of the
airplane, ATC limits the amount of
airspace reserved for holding by imposing
maximum holding speeds for specific
altitude ranges.
When holding patterns have additional
speed restrictions to keep faster airplanes
from flying out of the protected area, it lists
the airspeed (IAS) limit.

§ Holding Instruction
Pilot must execute holding procedure
according to published holding pattern,
unless he receive another instruction, if
there is a published holding pattern on the
The instruction by ATC for a published holding
pattern contains the following information:
• Direction to hold from the holding fix
• Holding Fix
• Expect further clearance (EFC) time
When approaching a clearance limit without
holding instructions, pilot must execute the
following specific procedures to maintain
enough separation :
• Request further clearance before arrive
holding fix
• Execute published holding procedure if not
receive further clearance
The clearance for a holding pattern that is
not on a chart (nonpublished) contains
additional information than the clearance
provided for a published holding procedure:
• Direction to hold from the holding fix
• Holding fix
• Holding course (a specified radial,
magnetic bearing, airway, or route number)
§2.8.2 Nonpublished Holding
• Outbound leg length in minutes, nautical
miles when DME is used, or RNAV
• Nonstandard pattern (if used)
• Expect further clearance (EFC) time
When approaching a clearance limit without
holding instructions and a holding pattern
is not charted, hold on the inbound course
using right turns.
§2.8.3 Holding Pattern Entry
Generally, there are three holding pattern
entry procedures that have been developed
to enable you to get properly oriented on the
holding course without excessive
The type of entry pattern used depends on
your magnetic heading relative to the
holding course upon arrival at the holding fix.
Holding pattern entry sectors are established
by imagining a line at 70° across the
holding course.
For example, if the holding course is the
090°radial from a VOR, the entry sectors
are defined by a line through the fix
coinciding with heading of 020° and 200°.


§2.9 Communications Procedures
Communications procedures include:
• Radar Handoff
• Reporting Procedures
• Descent Clearance
• Loss of communications
§2.9.1 Radar Handoff
During the enroute phase, flights that
transition from one air traffic control (ATC)
facility or traffic service (ATS) unit, to the
next require a handoff, or transfer of
These transition boundaries are depicted on
enroute charts with black barbed lines.

The handoff procedure is similar to the
handoff between other radar facilities,
such as departure or approach control.
During the handoff, the controller whose
airspace you’re leaving issues instructions
that include the:
• Name of the facility
• Appropriate frequency
• Other pertinent remarks
§2.9.2 Reporting Procedures
In addition to acknowledging a handoff from
one controller to another, you are required
to make other reports without a specific
request from a controller.
Certain reports are mandatory, and others
are necessary only if radar contact has
been lost or terminated.
Generally, you should report to a controller if
• Leave one assigned altitude or flight level
for another
• Make a VFR-on-top change in altitude
• Leave any assigned holding fix or point
• Are unable to climb or descend at least
500 feet per minute
• Change your true airspeed by 5% or 10
knots, whichever is greater, from that filed
in a flight plan
• Reach a holding fix or clearance limit (time
and altitude or flight level)
• Lose nav/comm capability
• Encounter unforecast weather or safety of
flight information
If not in radar contact, you should make
additional reports when you:
• Deviate from an ETA more than 3 minutes
• Leave the FAF inbound on a nonprecision
• Leave the OM on a precision approach
Contents of routine airborne position reports
may vary slightly due to differences in
state rules and procedures.
Position reports should include:
• Aircraft identification
• Aircraft position
• Time
• Altitude or flight level
• ETA over the next reporting fix
• Next reporting point
§2.9.3 Descent Clearance
When aircraft near the destination, controllers
issue a descent clearance that ensures
arrival in approach control airspace at an
appropriate altitude.
There are two types of descent clearances:
• For the first type of descent clearance, a
controller instructs you to descend and
maintain a specific altitude, for enroute
traffic separation purposes.
• For the second type of descent clearance,
“at pilot’s discretion”, you may begin the
descent whenever you choose, as long as
you do not descend below the MEA shown
on the chart.
§2.9.4 Loss of Communications
If you experience two-way radio communication
failure, and set the transponder to squawk
code 7600, the information block on the ATC
radar screen alerts the controller.
For exercising emergency authority, your
transponder setting is 7700, and for a special
emergency, 7500.
In the event of two-way radio communication
failure while operating on an IFR clearance in
VFR conditions, you typically would continue
the flight under VFR and land as soon as
If aircraft must continue the flight under IFR
after experiencing two-way communication
failure, pilot should fly one of the following
• The route assigned in your last ATC clearance
• If you are being radar vectored, the direct route
from the point of radio failure to the fix, route, or
airway specified in the radar vector clearance.
• In the absence of an assigned route, the route you
were advised to expect in a further clearance.
• In the absence of an assigned or expected route,
the route filed in your flight plan.
§2.10 Area Charts
Area charts depict navigational information
in a larger scale than other enroute charts,
and are often easier to use for IFR
operations in high-traffic regions.
They are published for major terminal areas
when any of the following conditions exist:
• Navaid and airway data is congested on
the enroute chart.
• Terrain awareness is a concern.
• Terminal information is not adequately
covered on an enroute chart.

In general, area chart symbology is similar to
that used on any enroute chart. However,
there are a few exceptions. This lesson
discusses the following information unique
to area charts:
• Coverage
• Airports
• Terrain
• Man-made structures
• Departure and Arrival Routes
• Speed Limits
§2.10.1 Coverage
Most area charts are one-sided, although
some that cover a large area are twosided.
An area chart may include several
large cities, but it takes the name of the
largest within the area it covers.
The area chart’s name is located in the
upper right corner.

§2.10.2 Airports
Area charts contain the following unique
information related to airports:
• Runway Configurations
• Communications Box
• DME arcs
§ Runway Configurations
§ Communications Box
Communication frequencies for main
airports depicted on an area chart are
printed in a communications box which,
depending on space, may be on the face
of the area chart, or on the back.
Typically, the available frequencies for each
major airport are listed, such as Approach,
Radar, Tower, Ground, and ATIS.

§ DME Arcs
Area charts may display one or more DME
arcs around major airports when terrain is a
These circumferences are printed as blue
lines and labeled with a “D” followed by the
DME distance.
DME arcs provided to help pilot maintain
situational awareness near airport

§2.10.3 Terrain
Terrain contour lines and contour values are
depicted on area charts when the chart’s
coverage rises more than 4,000 feet above
the main airport.
§2.10.4 Man-made Structures
One more feature of area charts not found
on enroute charts is an obstruction symbol.
Some area charts depict man-made
structures with a symbol and the printed
elevation of the structure in feet MSL.
Generally, a symbol representing a manmade
structure having a height of at least
1000 feet or more above ground level.

§2.10.5 Departure Arrival Routes
On certain area charts,
arrivals and/or
departure tracks are
depicted and
distinguished from
other airways. These
routes have distinct
flight track symbology
and are not identified
with an airway label.
§2.10.6 Speed Limits
There are often speed restrictions in the
vicinity of busy airports. Areas that have
airspeed restrictions may be shown on
area charts with a red shaded, dashed
boundary line. The speed restriction area
is on the shaded side of the symbol.

§2.11 RNAV Route
§2.11.1 RNAV
RNAV is defined as “a method of navigation
that permits aircraft operation on any
desired course within the coverage of
station referenced navigation signals or
within the limits of a self-contained system
capability or combination of these.”
RNAV systems are recognized for their
horizontal 2D capability to utilize one or
more navigation sensor source to
determine the aircraft position, compute
flight paths referenced to navigation aids
or points defined by latitude and longitude,
and provide guidance cues or tracking of
the flight path.
An RNAV system may determine position
using any of a number of ground navigation
aids including VOR/DME,DME/DME, Loran-
The use of multiple sensors is common
because of the variety in navigation
infrastructures from region to region or state
to state, as well as being mandated through
§2.11.2 RNP
RNP (Required Navigation Performance) was
initially envisaged by ICAO as a means to avoid
the inflexibility and slow changeability of
equipment mandates for airspace operation.
Through the initial efforts of the ICAO Review of
the General Concept of Separation Panel
(RGCSP), RNP was further developed as a tool
where specific levels of navigation performance
would be specified in the development of
airspace and to enhance operations.
RNP is intended to characterize an airspace
through a statement of the navigation
performance accuracy (RNP type) to the
achieved within the airspace.
The RNP type is based on a navigation
performance accuracy value that is
expected to be achieved at least 95 per
cent of the time by the population of
aircraft operating within the airspace.
The minimum capability considered
acceptable to support ATS route operations. RNP20 ±20.0NM(±37.0KM)
Reduced lateral and longitudinal separation
minima and enhanced operational efficiency in
oceanic and remote areas where the
availability of navigation aids is limited.
RNP10 ±10NM(±18.5KM)
ATS routes and airspace design based on
limited distance between navaids. RNP4 ±4.0NM(±7.4KM)
RNP1 ±1.0NM(±1.85KM) The most efficient ATS route operations
Type Accuracy(95%) Application

§2.11.3 RNAV/RNP
RNAV operations within the RNP concept
permit flight in any airspace within
prescribed accuracy tolerances without the
need to fly directly over ground-based
navigation facilities.
RNP RNAV establishes to total system
requirements to enable airspace
operations that are optimized for RNP.

§2.11.4 PBN
The PBN concept specifies aircraft RNAV
system performance requirements in
terms of accuracy, integrity, availability,
continuity and functionality needed for the
proposed operations in the context of a
particular Airspace Concept.
The PBN concept represents a shift from
sensor-based to performance-based
Performance requirements are identified in
navigation specifications, which also identify
the choice of navigation sensors and
equipment that may be used to meet the
performance requirements.
The navigation specifications are defined at a
sufficient level of detail to facilitate global
harmonization by providing specific
implementation guidance for States and
Among these performance-based concepts
are area navigation (RNAV), Required
Navigation Performance (RNP), and
Airspace concept.

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