Overview of WMO Seminar on Quality Management in the Provision of Meteorological Services to Aviation Hong Kong ,China.pdf
Overview of WMO Seminar on Quality Management in the Provision of Meteorological Services to Aviation Hong Kong ,China
Zhuang weifang A brief introduction of the seminar
. Sponsor: WMO, in coordination with ICAO
. Held in Hong Kong 21thNOV-25th NOV
. The seminar for Asia & Pacific region
. Attendants: 50persons
. Hosted by: Hong Kong Observatory
Seminar reports
. Bryan Boase:Overview of Quality Management Systems
. Dimitar H Ivanov uality Assurance in aviation weather services
. Bryan Boase:Change management & client focus
. S.T.Chan:ISO9000 Quality Management System Documentation
. Bryan Boase:What is ISO9000 Series session one
. S.Y.lau:Internal & Certification Audit
. James Travers:ISO9001:2000 Implementation-Performance Management
. S.T.Chan:What is ISO9000:2000 session two
. James Travers:ISO9001:2000 Implementation-Costs and Benefits
. Saad Banafara:WMO activities related to the implementation ofquality management system
. Isabella Ruedi:WMO Quality Management Framework
Coutry/Industry Presentation
. Singapore: Kwok Wah Chow
. Malaysia: Huvi Vein Tan
. Hong Kong, China: S.Y.Lau
. Canada: Carr Mcleod
. New Zealand: James Travers
. Romania: Anca Barca
. Myanmar: Tin Htut
. China: Surong Zhao(Introduction the website)
. Russia
. Kazakhstan
. Thailand
Quality Assurance – ICAO perspective
. QA requirements for Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) – Amendment 29 to Annex 15, applicable 6 Nov 1997 andAmendment 30, applicable 2 Nov 2000
. QA in the provision of AIS – a standard; conformity with ISO 9000 – recommendation
. AIS information is often bundled with MET information – similar QArequirements introduced for the provision of MET services withAmendment 72 to Annex 3, applicable 1 Nov 2001
. QA in the provision of MET -a recommendation; conformity with ISO 9000 – recommendation
Quality Assurance – ICAO
perspective . MET Divisional Meeting 2002 – training – Recommendation Discussions on QA under Agenda Item 4 – Institutional changes and trends in the provision of meteorological services to international air navigation . Changing institutional environment – liberalization or decentralization of the provision of MET services . Distinction between MET authority and MET service provider . The use of ISO 9000 – concerns . Certification of the aviation services only . Cost-benefit issues . Need for specific 4/3 – Guidance material on quality management systems to be developed by ICAO and WMO – Current status of the Manual on the QMS – final draft reviewed by ICAO and WMO; publication is pending coordination with ISO
ICAO Framework on QA in MET
. ICAO Annex 3
– Chapter 2, 2.2: Supply, quality assurance and use ofmeteorological information – provides the basic framework on QA and QMS
. Other documents containing “stated requirements” or guidance:Regional Air Navigation Plans (ANP), Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS), Supplementary Procedures (SUPPs), guidancematerial; reference to documents of other organizations, e.g., WMO
. ICAO/WMO Manual on QMS for the Provision of MeteorologicalService to International Air Navigation
ICAO Framework on QA in MET
Annex 3 SARPs 2.2.1 Close liaison shall be maintained between those service for international air navigation concerned with the supply and those concerned with the use of meteorological information on matters which affect the provision of meteorological P r o v ide r s a n d Us e r s mu s t c o mm u n ic a t e
ICAO Framework on QA in MET
Annex 3 SARPs . 2.2.2 Recommendation.-In order to meet the objective of meteorological service for international air navigation, the Contracting State should ensure that the designated meteorological authority referred to in 2.1.4 establishes and implements a properly organized quality system comprising procedures, processes and resources necessary to provide for the quality management of the meteorological information to be supplied to the users listed in 2.1.2 M E T A u t h o r it y s h o u l d e s t a b li s h a Q M s y s t e m
ICAO in Framework on QA MET
Annex 3 SARPs
2.2.3 Recommendation.-The quality system established inaccordance with 2.2.2 should be in conformity with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 series of quality assurance standards, and certified by an approved organization. Note: International Organization for Standardization (ISO)9000 series of quality assurance standards provide a basicframework for the development of a quality assurance programme. The details of a successful programme are to be formulated by each State and in most cases are unique to theState organization ISO 9 0 0 0 s e r ie s r e c o m me n d e d ; c e r t if ic a t ion ; Q A p r o g r a m me s a r e u n i q u e
ICAO Framework on QA in MET
Annex 3 SARPs
. 2.2.4 Recommendation.-The quality system should providethe users with assurance that the meteorological informationsupplied complies with the stated requirements in terms of the geographical and spatial coverage, format and content,time and frequency of issuance and period of validity, as wellas the accuracy of measurements, observations and forecasts.Where the quality system indicates that meteorologicalinformation to be supplied to the users does not comply withthe stated requirements, and automatic error correctionprocedures are not appropriate, such information should notbe supplied to the users unless it is validated with theoriginator. Re q u ir e me n t f o r c o m p li a n c e w it h s t a t e d r e q u ir e m e n t s
ICAO Framework on QA in MET
Annex 3 SARPs . 2.2.5 Recommendation.-In regard to the exchange of meteorological information for operational purposes, the quality system should include verification and validation procedures and resources for monitoring adherence to the prescribed transmission schedules for individual messages and/or bulletins required to be exchanged, and the times of their filing for transmission. The quality system should be capable of detecting excessive transit times of messages and bulletins received.
M e a s u r e c o m p li a n c e ; s e t u p p e r f o r ma n c e ind ic a t o r s ( KP I) ; d e t e c t n o n - c o mp li a n c e
ICAO Framework on QA in MET Annex 3 SARPs . 2.2.6 Recommendation.-Demonstration of compliance of the quality system should be by audit. If non-conformity of the system is identified, action should be initiated to determine and correct the cause. All audit observations should be evidenced and properly documented. Au d it s ; c o r r e c t iv e a c t ion s
What is ISO9000:2000
Structure of ISO 9001:2000 . Eight clauses in ISO 9001:2000 1. Scope
Introductory 2. Normative reference
3. Terms & definitions
4. QMS
5. Management Responsibility Actual requirements
6. Resource Management
“Shall” 7. Product Realization
8. Measurement, Analysis & Improvement
Outline of Manual on QMS
. Ch.1 – Policies on quality systems for aero. met.Services
. Ch.2 – Concepts & vocabulary
. Ch.3 – Anatomy of ISO 9001:2000 QMS
. Ch.4 – QMS documentation
. Ch.5 – Auditing processes
. Ch.6 – Nonconformance reports & corrective action
. Ch.7 – Steps to certification & other practical issues
. Ch.8 – Case studies
Benefits(WMO QMF)
– Optimizes techniques to customers needs
– Improves customer confidence and satisfaction (helps to keepcustomers)
– Provides better controls over operations (results are easier to control)
– Continual process improvement
– Increases productivity and efficiency
– Insure prompt and effective action on faults or complaints
– Clarifies working structure
– Improves teamwork and communication
– Enhances corporate image and quality awareness in the organization
– Insures availability of proper documentation
– Enables quick start-up time
– Provides systematic training to staff
– Helps for marketing services.
– Assurance of effective management to directors andshareholders/owners
. Quality assurance to users -helps to obtain and keep them (customers)
. Framework for continuous process improvementhelps efficiency
. Assists compliance with regulatory requirements
. Fosters a culture of quality and operationalexcellence within the organisation
. Helps the organisation to stand out from thecrowd in marketing its services.
. Enables effective response to infrequentrequirements
Benefits Cont‘d
. Helps employees understand their jobs better
. Eliminates unnecessary work – so productivity gains
. new people learn the requirements more easily,faster and more accurately
. Improves team work and communication
. Identifies training requirements
. Helps the overall efficiency of the organisation
. Staff are motivated to think about and check their work in an environment where innovation and improvement are encouraged