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APRIL 2010

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Just happened

Technical Data Support and Services symposium in Bangkok, Thailand

This fifth Technical Data symposium has successfully taken place in Bangkok, Thailand at the beginning of April, with the impressive participation of more than 150 attendees from airline operators, suppliers, Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) organisations, and – of course – Airbus. Thus up to 70

Coming soon
different companies from all around the world were represented. In line with the theme of the symposium, “Delivering Innovative Solutions”, more than thirty different presentations, demos and workshops were brought out to participants, covering solutions for every

A330/A340 Family symposium in Berlin, Germany
The symposium will be held from 31 May to 3 June in Berlin, Germany. During this event, two-way communications regarding actual in-service issues affecting the A330/A340 Family operations, along with topics of general interest will be raised. Airbus Family symposiums are held for each Airbus programme every two years, and target airline engineering and maintenance managers. The prime function of these meetings is to enable a better communication between Airbus and the operators, leading to an ever safer and more efficient fleet.
single key area of technical data such as Maintenance & Repair, Supplier Data, Service Bulletins, Scheduled Maintenance or Flight Operations, to name a few. On top, additional presentations were kindly delivered by guest speakers from Virgin Atlantic Airways, ST Aerospace and Pratt & Whitney.

Customers provided valuable feedback during the event and mainly during the interactive workshops. We will keep you informed of the concrete measures taken following our analysis.

Airbus Material, Logistics, Suppliers and Warranty symposium
This next symposium for airline customers, Maintenance Repair & Overhaul (MRO) organisations and major worldwide suppliers will be held in Paris, France from 25 to 27 October, 2010. Airbus will present the latest developments and initiatives in the material, logistics, suppliers and warranty domains that have been developed, based on the close and productive relationship with our customers and suppliers. The new suite of Flight Hour Services solutions will also be presented: These services were developed to help you increase your aircraft availability and reliability, whilst decreasing maintenance risks and investment.

The airline and MRO markets are constantly evolving and thus require innovative and flexible solutions. Innovation is a key driver for Airbus, not only when building aircraft but also when supporting our customers’ operations. Airbus will continue to drive the deployment of new supply and logistics services with the customer and supplier community, shaping the future together and delivering world-class support to our airline operators. Invitations will be sent out soon.

WISE Main Adopted Solutions & Tips

For further information
please contact

Alain ANDRIA at For reliability improvement and operations’ cost savings

engineering & maintenance

& Tips

The WISE Main Adopted Solutions & Tips (WISE MAST) initiative has been launched in 2008 in response to the airlines’ feedback, received through the Airbus Customer Satisfaction Improvement Programme (CSIP). Its objective is to provide advice and assistance to airlines to improve aircraft availability, reliability and to help reduce operating costs.
After a successful pilot phase which has involved 20 airlines, WISE MAST has been progressively deployed on the different Airbus programmes (A320 Family in April 2009, A300/A310 Family in October 2009 and A330/A340 Family in February 2010).
Please note that WISE MAST is part of the World In-Service Experience (WISE) set of services, which aims at sharing knowledge and experience with our customers.

The ‘Top Fleet Solutions’ database
WISE MAST constitutes the Airbus database of ‘Top Fleet Solutions’ which are technical recommendations selected by Airbus for their overall interest and ability to:
Increase aircraft availability/reliability,

Reduce operating costs (maintenance cost, fuel consumption, etc.).

More precisely, 3 criteria are used to consider a recommendation as a ‘Top Fleet Solution’:
Proven technical efficiency, demonstrated through in-service experience,

Good economic efficiency, demonstrated through cost/benefit analysis,

Wide applicability (i.e. an ability to concern a large part of the fleet).

Two types of recommendations are covered:
Modifications (SB/VSB),

Preventive maintenance practices (introduction of soft-time).

Overview of the content
WISE MAST provides all the elements in order to ease the airlines’ decision making regarding the embodiment of an Airbus recommendation with:
Applicability/effectivity aspects,

Brief presentation of the technical issue and of the solution proposed by Airbus,

Direct access to all associated documents through hyperlinks,

Determination of the benefits brought by the Airbus recommendation,

Result of Airbus cost/benefit analysis, which compare from an economic point of view the benefits of the recommendation versus the corresponding investment.

WISE MAST is available through AirbusWorld (Maintenance & Engineering community/Manage Fleet/Optimize my fleet). The access is free-of-charge (FOC) and granted to all Airbus airlines and Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) organisations which are members of the MRO Network. ●


Repair Manager
For further information please contact Colin SMART at A new on-line tool to ease colin.smart@airbus.com
aircraft structural

engineering & maintenance

Since July 2009, we have been in the pilot phase with several Airbus customers, in order to capture their operational experience and feed this into the Repair Manager service definition.
During the first pilot phase, the customers have checked the validation of the 3D aircraft definitions and the general Structural Damage Report (SDR) concept. During the second pilot phase, the customers have checked the version of Repair Manager closer to the operational one with the:
Capability to print the SDR (in PDF format),

Capability to send the SDR by e-mail,

Improvements in the 3D usability,

Capability to import SDRs.

Following a full review by Airbus, some of the observations received will be implemented in the Entry-Into-Service versions and the rest will be implemented in upcoming versions. A ‘Trial mode’ will be available in which the Airbus aircraft operators can have full access to all the functionalities during a limited period of time. A special focus has been given to the 3D usage to:
Simplify 3D representations of groups of MSNs, according to major aircraft modifications implying 3D changes,

Help the users during the SDR creation by selecting the damaged part and navigating to the related SRM identification chapter,

Visualize internal and external damages,

Help locate the damages on the aircraft and identify the surrounding structure,

Synchronize 3D updates with

SRM revisions. Repair Manager will contribute to your objectives by reducing the lead-time for analysis and reporting, improving aircraft availability and maximizing aircraft residual value. Your advantages are to comply, on time, with airworthiness authorities and to benefit from optimum technical information, enabling cost-effective repairs.

Summary of the main functionalities:
Access on-line via AirbusWorld/Maintenance & Engineering community,

Process oriented,

View internal/external structure and damages via 3D simplified models,

Create/complete/modify Structure Damage Reports (SDR),

Declare concessions into the system,

Search for structure damage and Aircraft Status Reports in tabular and 3D modes,

Export tabular output results in ‘PDF’ or ‘CSV’ formats,

Hyperlinks to documentary services on AirbusWorld (e.g. SRM, Engineering Drawings),

Semi-automatic SDR re-assignment to another aircraft (belonging to a structural constituent assembly),

Export SDR,

Import concessions and legacy SDR (according to the Airbus SDR XML schema). ●

Aircraft recovery activities
For further information please contact Jean-Marc BRAUD at Preparing for contingencies

Managing a runway
excursion, or any other kind of similar incident, is a delicate
operation and requires special attention to the preparation. A simple de-bogging,
badly prepared, can quickly become a much more complicated operation. It is clear that good knowledge of the procedures and tools is necessary to plan a successful operation; one that is fast, reliable and sure.
Technology watch
Listening to our partners
Our department is a major player in the IATA Aircraft Recovery Task Force (ARTF), made up of operators, airports, suppliers and manufacturers. Airbus listens to all the participants in order to provide documentation based on shared experience and the requests made.
Necessary updates and adapted procedures
The evolution of lifting techniques, the arrival of heavier aircraft (A380) and the development of new composite structures (A350), oblige us continually to look at new technologies. As an example, the A400M and A350 projects were designed using the Digital Mock-Up (DMU). This has permitted us to simulate a great number of scenario cases and to identify the best lifting solutions. For the development of our new A330-Freighter, we have defined specific procedures to facilitate pallet unloading when the aircraft is in a critical situation (roll or pitch angle). These procedures are reflected in other programmes as far as possible.

A support mission
Daily support
Fortunately, the number of annual incidents remains stable in proportion to the number of aircraft in service. As a support function, our task is to provide permanent technical assistance to our operators, particularly during incidents. We can also propose on-site engineering assistance, upon the operators’ request.

An experience to be shared
Since 2009, we propose training courses in recovery engineering, based on our expertise in the field, such as:
Preparation in emergency planning to prepare for contingencies,

Use of the Aircraft Recovery Manual (ARM),

Assimilation of main recovery techniques,

Familiarization with theoretical

calculation methods, . Simulation exercises. ● www.airbusworld.com.

For further information please contact Annick PEDRON at annick.pedron@airbus.com or Serge GOLOFIER at serge.golofier@airbus.com
For further For further information information please contact please contact
at at annick.pedron serge.golofier @airbus.com @airbus.com

With fuel prices remaining volatile, the airlines are focusing with intensive care in the area of operational cost savings and for that matter, on fuel economy and flight efficiency. In the fuel domain, 2009 ended up with a barrel price just over $81, representing a 70% increase since January 2009. Due to the predicted high demand for oil and tightening supplies, analysts forecast crude oil prices up to $105 per barrel by 2012 and airlines might feel downturns already in 2010.

Airbus solution… The fuel and flight efficiency consulting service
Airbus created last year a dedicated service for fuel and flight efficiency. The idea here is to provide our best practices to guide airlines towards a new way of working, leading to a better overall efficiency. The objective of such service is to assist airlines to improve their fuel usage and consumption by optimizing activities related to flight preparations, flight operations and maintenance & engineering. This includes proper trade-offs to fine-tune and properly dose all fuel, time and maintenance related costs.
The approach to this consulting service is modular and made of three main phases (see chart below), that are always customized to each specific customer’s context and objectives.

The latest status
In 2009, Airbus Customer Services signed a complete consulting package contract covering the 3 phases with a major airline in Asia. Our team of consultants identified areas for improvement representing a 2.4% potential savings of the yearly fuel budget, thanks to the fuel initiatives’ implementation. Our tailor-made fuel efficiency consulting service provided full satisfaction to the customer, opting for this natural choice for a rapid return on investment and reduced operating costs. The implementation phase is
currently on-going under the leadership of our customer who is assisted by our consultants, for the monitoring aspects.

Airbus is fully committed to providing the best answer to customers in terms of fuel and flight efficiency. Our consulting services are always customized to the context and environment of each customer. Some airlines may need full guidance for identification of potential savings and implementation of fuel initiatives. While others, more advanced in the fuel efficiency management

process, would only need Airbus to help validate their current initiatives, identify new
comprehensive portfolio of services. These services cover


Transfer Package and Operational
For further information please contact Christophe SEGONDS at christophe.segonds@airbus.com

Compliance Study
New services to improve leased aircraft management

Airbus has recently developed two new services, the Transfer Package and the Operational Compliance Study, in order to help its customers manage second-hand aircraft. Depending on your needs, you will find the adequate offer: Either the Transfer Package in order to get a detailed knowledge of the aircraft configuration, or the Operational Compliance Study that provides an assessment of the current aircraft configuration against a national authority’s operational regulation.
Transfer Package
The full Transfer Package includes the following deliverables (valid for a specific MSN):
List of Repair Approval Sheets (RAS),

Aircraft Configuration Matrix (ACM),

List of all applicable Airworthiness Directives (AD),

List of free-of-charge Service Bulletin (SB) kits, delivered during the lease periods.

Each item can also be ordered separately, on a stand-alone basis.
To cope with the specific nature of aircraft transfer activities requiring high flexibility and reactivity, Airbus can guarantee that you receive the complete Transfer Package within two working days.

Operational Compliance Study
The purpose of the Operational Compliance Study is to provide an assessment of the current in-service aircraft configuration against national authority’s operational regulations such as EU-OPS1 or FAR121. It covers regulation requirements related to an aircraft configuration. For each MSN, Airbus will provide within two to three weeks a Tentative Compliance Document (TCD) identifying for each regulation, the compliance status and means of compliance or non-compliance, so that customers can:
Clearly identify the work to be performed on the aircraft to comply with their regulatory requirements,

Gain the operational approval from their relevant authority.

Both the Transfer Package and the Operational Compliance Study are reflected in the Airbus Customer Services e-Catalogue. For any further information, please contact your Customer Support Director. ●

‘Going Digital’ project

For further information please contact Benoit DE MONTETY at Flight operations' documentation converted to a digital format

Airbus will complete in 2010 the migration of the ‘Flight Ops’ documentation for the A320 and A330/A340 Families, from the paper reference to the new XML format (similar to A380 data).
After the Cabin Crew Operating Manual (CCOM) and Flight Crew Training Manual (FCTM), already supplied in the new format since 2008, the Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) has been delivered in December 2009.
The Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) and Flight Crew Operating Manual/Quick Reference Handbook (FCOM/QRH) will be released in two steps in 2010:
. At first, a release of data will Airbus proposes two software to manage XML documentation:
Flight Operations Documentation Manager (FODM) for light customization,

Aircraft DOCumentation (ADOC) for Flight Ops to manage deeper customization and any other structured flight operations’ documentation. The ADOC on-line version will be available in June 2010.

To get up-to-date information on the ‘Going Digital’ project, roadmap, training and tools, please visit our dedicated website through the following path: AirbusWorld/Flight Operations community/Going Digital project. ●


Technical Flight Familiarization course
For further information please contact Jean-Michel ROY at Training crews to be prepared for technical flights

training & flight operations

Pilots are trained to perform safe, efficient and comfortable flight operations.
In addition to normal flights, they may be called to perform technical flights following the aircraft maintenance visits or major repairs.
These technical flights – which require a different mindset compared to normal line operations – are only requested by Airbus after very specific maintenance actions and if some items cannot be properly ground tested. To fulfil this need, Airbus developed the Technical Flight Familiarization (TFF) course.
The goal of this course is to share expertise with the operators, by training crews selected by the airline, to safely perform technical flights.
The team is composed by:
Two pilots qualified and familiar on the aircraft type (6 months experience recommended by Airbus),

One technical flight engineer who may be: -A third pilot qualified on the

aircraft type,
-A maintenance engineer, who has followed the maintenance aircraft type rating course,
-A flight operations engineer, who has followed any aircraft type familiarization course.
The Technical Flight Familiarization is available for the A320, A330, A340 Families and the A380.
This course lasts five days and is divided into three phases:
Ground school,

Full Flight Simulator training,

Actual aircraft flight training.

The first TFF took place in September 2009 in Toulouse with two technical flight crews from an airline and the feedback was very positive.
Airbus offers this course on a monthly basis and encourages the airlines to pay specific attention to this type of technical flights which require Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSA), different from those required for normal revenue flights. ●

For further information please contact Paul-Franck BIJOU at The Performance-Based Navigation solution paul-franck@quovadisway.com
training & flight operations

QuoVadis opens office in China
QuoVadis, a 100% Airbus subsidiary, was launched in July last year to support airlines, airports, air navigation service providers and authorities in Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) deployment, as well as to provide related services. On 15 December 2009, QuoVadis opened an office in Beijing, on the same campus as Airbus China.
The Beijing office team is already on hand to manage PBN projects and sales locally, in what is proving to be a very strong and mature market for performance-based navigation technologies.
Globally ranked second in the world for air transport volumes, Chinese aviation grew at a rate of over 17% a year from the past 30 years up to 2008, and is predicted to keep growing at around 10% a year over the next decade.
“China is a very advanced market in terms of PBN,” explained Paul-Franck BIJOU, QuoVadis Chief Executive Officer. “And it has one of the most advanced, if not the most advanced roadmaps for Performance-Based Navigation implementation.”
There are 160 airports in the country already, with plans to increase this number to as many as 240, due to the domestic and international demand. “Some of the existing airports have extremely high traffic densities”, Paul-Franck explained, “such as Beijing, which handles some 1,400 take-offs and landings every day.”

Quovadis signs MoU in China
“There are 38 ‘special’ airports where conditions are particularly challenging, including eight at elevations of over 8,000 feet,” Paul-Franck added.

“Performance-Based Navigation technologies are, of course, perfect to be used in these kind of conditions and environments, for air traffic management.”
Therefore, in order to strengthen the relationship with Chinese authorities, QuoVadis and the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 25 February, setting the base for increased cooperation.

Quovadis launches its new website
In addition to setting up representation in China, QuoVadis launched its own dedicated website at the end of February. The site is open to potential and existing customers, as well as staff recruitment. Please visit www.quovadisway.com for further information. ●

First row

Jianqiang Paul-Franck ZHANG
Chief Executive Officer, of FSD,
Deputy Director General

Quovadis CAAC
Second row

Jianming  Xinghong  Huagang  Erxue  Philippe  Charles  Jacques  Geoffrey  Don-Jacques  Matthias  
Deputy General  Inspector,  Deputy Director  Deputy Director  Vice President,  Executive  Vice President  Director,  Head of  Head of  
Manager,  South West  General,  General,  Government  Vice-President,  Training  European  Operations,  Training,  
SOC, Air China  Regional CAAC  Sichuan Safety  South West  Affairs  Airbus  & Flight  Affairs,  Quovadis  Quovadis  
Group  Oversight Office  Regional CAAC  Airbus China  Customer  Operations,  Airbus  
Services  Airbus  

For further information

Airbus Material Management seminars
please contact

Stephan HIRSCH at

New customized modules

material, logistics and suppliers

Cost reduction and increased operational efficiency in material management are permanent objectives in today’s challenging times. Airbus Material, Logistics and Suppliers has recognized this need, and offers Airbus customers three seminars specifically developed to support more efficient material management with differing levels of specialization.
The Airbus material training experts have carefully analyzed all current modules with regards to their operational relevance. The outcome is an improved portfolio of training seminars developed using modern teaching methods. In order to ensure all training courses follow a practical approach, all topics are presented in a direct aviation context, enabling participants to relate the training content to their day-to-day business.
Principles of Material Management (PMM)
This 4-day entrant module is tailored to newcomers to the field of aviation material management and professionals who want to freshen up their knowledge of material management in the airline business and its underlying mechanisms. Finding themselves amidst an AOG event based on a virtual airline, participants explore different areas and stages of spares management in aviation such as material planning, order processing, provisioning management, supplier management, scheduled maintenance and logistics. The seminar concludes with a practical case study with the main objective of helping participants recognize the complexity of the supply chain and creating an understanding of the different contributors in the spares business.

Material Management in Operation (MMO)
This 3-day seminar is tailored to professionals who are familiar with material management principles in the aviation industry and with experience in the field of material, logistics and supplier management, building on the content of the PMM module. Emphasis is put on the practical implementation of best practices in the airline spares business and, based on common industry practices and solutions offered by Airbus, alternative solutions are explored. Topics include the Customer Order Desk, planning and provisioning support, the Airbus supplier support contractual framework, spares access concepts and Airbus’ web interface. The syllabus is complemented by practical exercises and a case study with the aim of revealing possible options and solutions for an airline when setting up its overall spares strategy.
From left to right:
Salvo SANTORO (WindJet)
Chamara KUMARATHUNGA (SriLankan)
Stephan HIRSCH (Airbus)
Patrick STROBICH (FlyNiki)

Advanced Material Management (AMM)
The target groups for this 3-day seminar are experienced professionals and managers in the aeronautical industry who want to go to the next level. The principle objective is to identify industry trends in material management and benchmark current state-of-the-art practices whilst anticipating future developments. The seminar aims to broaden participants’ knowledge and highlight cost implications of decisions in material management.

Spares Mobile Classroom (SMC)
In response to customer requests and in order to provide maximum flexibility to Airbus customers, Airbus Material, Logistics and Suppliers is also able to offer a Spares Mobile Classroom (SMC), a course customarily conducted at the customer’s facilities and fully customized to Airbus customers’ requirements. The additional advantage of this module is that participants do not need to travel, thereby saving time and money, and customers are not limited with respect to the number of participants.
In 2009, seminars were held in Hamburg and also in Asia in order to accommodate customer demands in different regions worldwide. Customer feedback has been very positive and in spite of current cutbacks in some areas, the seminars have registered a high rate of attendance to date. Participants also appreciate the opportunity to further develop their aviation network at these events.
The customers’ comments have confirmed the added value that these seminars create for the participants, and the need to continue on this path. Airbus Material, Logistics and Suppliers has scheduled further events in Europe, the Americas, the Middle East and in the Asia-Pacific region. The 2010 schedule can be viewed in the Material Management community on AirbusWorld, and all details pertaining to registration for the seminars can be found in the Airbus Customer Services e-Catalogue. ●


For further information

Supplier Support Rating results 2009
please contact Delphine COLLINS at supplier.support@airbus.com Another record year
material, logistics and suppliers

Airlines 2007 75.96

Airlines 2008 77.89 Airlines 2009 78.03
Airlines 2007 74.21

Airlines 2008 73.78 Airlines 2009 74.82
Airlines 2007 73.44

74.51 Airlines 2009 76.56
Airlines 2007 64.57
Airlines 2008

Airlines 2008 67.88
Airlines 2009 67.87

Satisfaction percentage 0 10 20 30 4050 6070 80 90
Airlines 2007 76.43

Airlines 2008 76.76 Airlines 2009 77.61
Suppliers’ categories
A very high response rate to the 2009 Supplier Support Rating process has been reached, once again, reinforcing the significance perceived by the airline community in evaluating the suppliers’ performances. The 6,060 questionnaires received (62.5% via the on-line tool) covered 117 airlines, thus representing 82.6% of the in-service Airbus fleet (compared to 77.2% in 2008). This is the fourth year in a row where more than 100 airlines have participated in the rating process.
The Rating 2009 remains consistent with the previous years with the suppliers covering three types of commodities: 38 major Supplier Furnished Equipment (SFE), 3 In-Flight Entertainment (IFE) and 28 cabin suppliers covering galleys, seats and monuments, along with 5 engine manufacturers.
The global rating scores increased in all the suppliers’ categories demonstrating a continued overall improvement in the suppliers’ performances, including airline perception, except for seats which remain stable.
Airbus will formally acknowledge the performance of the best suppliers in support, such as:
The top cabin suppliers in the Cabin Ranking and the best supplier support performer of each cabin commodity will be awarded during the Aircraft Interiors Expo in Hamburg, Germany, on 19 May.

The top ten SFE/IFE suppliers will be awarded at the annual ceremony to be held during the Farnborough air show, United Kingdom, in July.

Airbus will now continue to develop the Supplier Support Rating process to ensure we meet and exceed our customers’ needs and identify areas for improvement where suppliers can enhance their support performance. The rankings, together with the worldwide and regional results, will be delivered in April in a brochure sent to all participants and published on AirbusWorld within the Material Management community. We will also provide each customer participant with customized results analysis where their own perception is compared to the worldwide and regional results. ●

Support Improvement meetings
For further information please contact Delphine COLLINS at Communicating on the suppliers’ continuous improvement

in the aftermarket

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