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发表于 2014-2-26 18:19:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2014-2-26 18:19:45 |只看该作者

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Steven Whelan
Tel: +49-6126-989-636
Fax: +49-6126-989-637
Mobile: +49-172-610-0322

The purpose of this checklist is to assist the owner/operator, and the person or agency performing the required conformity inspection. This checklist is generic, therefore, all items mentioned may not apply to all aircraft. Older aircraft not meeting current environmental and noise standards, may have additional certification requirements not listed here.

In any case, all of these items will be examined and verified, as applicable, during the certification process.


1.                  Reference FAA Type Certificate Data Sheet for U.S. certification eligibility.

2.                  Aircraft is registered and either the original FAA Form 8050-3, or a faxed Telegraphic Message (“Fly-Wire”) from the FAA registra tion office is in the aircraft. NOTE: Pink copy of the temporary registration is not acceptable.

3.                  Proof that the aircraft has been previously certificated in the U.S.. This may be a copy of the original airworthiness certificate, a U.S. Export Certificate of Airworthiness, or an original logbook entry from the manufacturer. Note: Copies of airworthiness and export certificates may be obtained from FAA records in Oklahoma City.

4.                  A letter or power of attorney, allowing the person or agency other than the registered owner, to sign and submit the airworthiness certification application.


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Verify aircraft, engine and propeller data plates are installed, legible, and match by make, model and serial number the aircraft maintenance records. (FAR 21.182 and 45.11)

6.                Inspection - Aircraft must have undergone a 100-hour type inspec tion within 30 days prior to certification, and returned to service by an FAA approved repair station or an A&P mechanic holding an inspection authorization. Regardless of aircraft type, this inspection must meet the scope and detail of FAR 43.15 and 43 Appendix D. The person or organization approving the aircraft for return to service from this inspection must determine that the aircraft meets all applicable airworthiness requirements.

(FAR 21.183 (d) and FAR 43.15)

7.                For aircraft manufactured outside the United States, an original Ex port Certificate of Airworthiness from the country of manufacturer, must be provided as noted under “Import Requirements” on the FAA Type Certificate Data Sheet. (FAR 21.29 and 21.183(c)

8.                Airworthiness Directives - Provide a summary list of AD’s for air craft, engines, propellers and accessories by AD number, subject, date of compliance, method of compliance, and time/date/cycles of next required inspection. Each AD must have the signature and number of the person approving the AD. Provide documented proof of compliance (“dirty finger-print” copy) for all AD’s. The latest bi weekly AD revision must be noted. (FAR 91.417)

9.                Life-Limited Components - List status of all life-limited and airworthiness limited components and items, as noted per FAA Type Certificate Data Sheets, limitations section of applicable manufacturer’s maintenance manuals and FAA approved flight manuals, as applicable. Show current time and cycles, time and cycles remaining, and maximum allowable limits per manufac turer. Show “back-to-birth” traceability of all turbine engine rota ting components and airframe components and items as noted on the Type Certificate Data Sheet.

10.            Calendar-Limited Items - List status of calendar-limited items showing current time, time remaining and maximum time allowed. (Ex: oxygen bottles, fire extinguisher bottles, landing gear blow-down bottles, squibs, emergency equipment). List must be signed, dated and approved by the person or agency approving the required 100 -hour inspection.

11 a.      

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Maintenance History - Provide documentation and traceability of previous maintenance, repairs, overhauls and alterations.


There are no requirements that an aircraft, while on a non-U.S. registration, be maintained in accordance with FAR 43. How ever, prior to issuance of a certificate of airworthiness, it must be determined that the aircraft meets all airworthiness require ments and conforms to its type design. All previous maintenance must have been performed i.a.w FAA acceptable data such as manufacturer’s maintenance manuals, component maintenance manuals, service bulletins, service letters, airworthiness directives, etc.. Maintenance overhaul and repair records must reflect the data used. Repairs or modifications not using equipment manufac-turer’s acceptable data, may be considered as major alterations, and may require FAA engineering analysis and approval, or com ponent replacement, overhaul or repair, prior to the aircraft’s certification. Any major repairs or alterations must have been accomplished i.a.w. FAA approved data.

(FAR 21.183(d), 43.15 and 91.417)

11 b.      Provide documentation of all service bulletins, service letters, engineering orders, and major repairs and alterations.

12.            Altimeter, static/pitot and transponder tests - must have been performed by an FAA approved repair station with the past 24 months, i.a.w. FAR 43 appendix E and F.

13.            Aircraft Equipment List - Equipment list/component list must reflect all items actually installed on the aircraft by name, part number, and serial number.

14.            Weight and Balance Report - Provide current weight and balance report, CG data and loading schedule.

15.            Aircraft Flight Manual or pilot operating handbook as referenced in the TCDS with the most current revision. Include any supple ments required by aircraft alterations. (Ex: additional avionics, instrumentation, different engine, STC’s etc.)

16.            Verify all required placards and instrument range markings are in accordance with TCDS, aircraft flight manual and chapter 11 of the manufacturer’s maintenance manual.


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Verify installed equipment has required TSO markings as per FAA Advisory Circular AC-20-110H. (Ex: seats, seat belts, tires, ELT, etc.)

18.            Compass has been calibrated as required, and the compass correction card is installed in the aircraft.

19.            Verify registration marks are proper size: 12 inches high, 8 inches wide, with 2 inch spacing and 2 inch wide character thickness.

20.            Also verify installation of external data plate ( FAR 45.11 and FAR 45.21 through 45.33)

21.            For transport category passenger aircraft, an approved layout of passenger accommodation (LOPA).


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