sleeves. translating sleeves. clean-out damage 变压蒸馏器 expeditor surface patch for stressed skin chromate primer mandtory sovereign body waste dump valve on resquest portable water Attach a tag switch activation dilght electrical check valve suspesion domestic air carriers carbon sandwich craneasr raffs floor fitting DF/DNF fuselage design released air 转厂 AICABS Spreader jig Input pogo texual trim inter The indicating subsystem provides hydraulic power system status information to the flight crew. Temperature, pressure, quantity, and pump status are continuously displayed on the hydraulic synoptic page of the MFD The indicating subsystem provides hydraulic power system status information to the flight crew. Temperature, pressure, quantity, and pump status are continuously displayed on the hydraulic synoptic page of the MFD (Multi-Function Display). fuselage loop hinged lever hinged lever cap chord-projected outboard location projected tip FAPEC three axis division station location static empty weight 审核监察员 Audit Supervisor 给飞机加油 放弃起飞 airplane overall aerodrome physical characteristic vacade circing buflet flamr instrude inadrertenet indarertent alfp contiguration shout down cruisind mircophone crpssomg lubber line extionguisher nusante turbulunce sae flywheel failtug fail tug cabion Architecture 3 wrap bat gradient cylinder composite wrap thermistotr composite restraint 座舱高度变化 ECER supplies a ground Dial display rawls ##source delegage root causes 如实反映 20 Standard practices-airframe Scratch: craters Ccomprise primar,y empennagppppppp overfill nipple transmitt coefficienppp coefficienpppp conceplp,fg.ppplpb chord lengtp visual sight hole bullete bulleting PWS SCAN 维修执行计划自编项目更改申请 ad-hoc loaning STUCK IN 批准方式 compressor discharge dew piont scissors assembly UNSCHEDULED FLIGHT come away with fairing strip torque kink 试切件 WASI digest number parts digest TRVLIM TRV LIM medthod Aft Bulkhead Liner battery charging box descriptor open filler internal spring pressure PER STRUT minor surface 机坪运行管理 sunmary seat deck 适航验证 二十世纪七十年代 containmnet proceduew break break final descent trial equal time point ETP trial point strut-extension TIIM air-oelo PROCTIVE trial point turbojert run marker granted deviation granted deviatio 稳压装置 电源稳压 IAC AR 吸收系统 油雾吸收 APPLY FOR Runway Crossing node Runway Crossing AIR AFT CRG ramp spot 临界重量 耐污损 耐无损 filler spout pulling up 段及放行 teplacement proactice 限位保护 cyan color Panels and Tabs 慢释压 学生在读 在读 Aileron Control Quadrant column cut column cutout quanter temperaly diffuser duct crank sensor pick up ring crank sensor pick up ring speed-tape pitot lines pressure air line ETOP、 Aft Cargo Compartment Aft Bulkhead Liner Flexible Maintenance Aircraft Flexible Maintenance HYD FUSE Aircraft Flexible Maintenance Schedule upset status 安全防撞 国际航站楼 国际(地区)航站楼 motion device motion device crank lost motion device crank. 防撞保护 TSF/CSF in SVR 337 incorrect, to make statement the correct TSF/CSF is 8092/1753 TSF ,CSF male art driving axe Final Capture Altitude Bilingual placard illlustrated means of friction s?qu?awk a???Oversee contract loading and answer contract queries s?qu?awk s?qu?awk 进近中线 临时关闭 风圈 see to it that noncompliant unload inition 地形的限制 地形限制 compliance level sweepter 恒装驱动 ?Oversee contract loading and answer contract queries ?Oversee contract loading and answer contract queries ?Oversee contract loading and answer contract queries 单元盒 Product Officer 刚性圆弧 bus drum cable Column Cable 刚性攻丝 drum cable 增效比 operational exposure RHIS 埃菲尔铁塔,我一直想去的地方 receive-in summary grid ski strip 目视进场程序 swivel seat armpit braze patch gearbox hub willbe 裕度小 microphone?? 超障裕度小 wall microphone?? wake hazard wall inflection microphone?? microphone?? wall microphone?? wall microphone?? link to cured laminate cured laminate material tube studs 数据接收端口 moop curtaint on the form carbon nose carbon nose. MIXIRS VARIABLE DT VARIABLE DTS spectrum recline the plies As an option on the Airbus single aisle family bkn 060 kbn Resived vlsn watt of power water flow rate deprserve 曹兆坤 CART-HALF warmming CART-HALF SIZE convective signet asr procedure vane ice be identified with 六盘水 walkaround oxygen walkback signs of burn Examine for condition and signs of burn detent valve 架构图 The utility hydraulic system castastrophic sig rtn ARCTIC POLAR 地电位 Z 地电位Z lo z hose-retract hose-retract line propulsive power developed gaining support search/content?q/ asquence linear串联 equerequest Balked landing climb speed Wing Flaps LDG Alternate break system mi?s?ca?r?ri?e?dmi?s?ca?r?ri?e?d mi?s?ca?r?ri?e?dmi?s?ca?r?ri?e?d mi?s?ca?r?ri?e?dmi?s?ca?r?ri?e?d so?r?ting so?r?ting so?r?ting mount hoist ducted fans speech levels normal speech normal speech levels normal speech levels should open the channel The PM1000II riding engineer conditioned air to be supplied from cabin mix manifold circle symbol Medium Conflict Detection Medium ConflictDetection subtracts wiping zone |