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ARFOR [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-23 21:11:20 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ARFOR - one issued for areas at or below FL200, and another for Ops above FL200 Comprise of a statement of general synoptic situation and the meteorological conditions expected to prevail in the designated area. Aerodrome Forecasts – (TAF & TTF) Statement of meteorological conditions expected for a specified period in the airspace within a radius of (5) nm of the centre of the aerodrome runway complex TAF service provided is in accordance with the airfield category ie. Type and amount of traffic (refer AIP GEN 3.5-4) TTF – Trend type forecast Aerodrome weather report (METAR/SPECI) to which a statement of trend is appended. Relates to weather conditions expected to affect the aerodrome of origin for 3hrs following the time of the report TTF supersedes the TAF PROV – Provisional Forecasts Forecast prefixed by PROV when considered likely to be deficient in accuracy TEMPO and INTER Indicate significant variations of a temporary or intermittent nature in aerodrome forecasts. TEMPO – expected to last period of less than 1hr INTER – changes expected to occur frequently for periods of less than 30min duration FM - indicate changes significantly different to preceeding information in one or more of the elements: wind direction/speed, visibility, cloud, weather. Relates to improvements and deteriorations. “FM” will continue until the end of the TAF period or until replaced by another change METEROLOGOICAL REPORTS Routine Reports (METAR) – issued at fixed times, hourly or half hourly Special Reports (SPECI) – issued whenever wether conditions fluctuate about or are at below specified criteria (Refer AIP for conditions for SPECI to be issued) Approved Observer – Officers of the BOM, ATC or other persons on the ground approved for the purpose by the BOM and/or CASA
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