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VFR Flight Guide PREFLIGHT [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-30 04:18:23 |只看该作者
128 Civil Aviation Safety Authority Australia PRE-FLIGHT PLANNING NAIPS 09/2001 2 SERVICES SECTION BRIEFING MENU FEATURE SERVICE OPTION *01 Pilot Briefing Voice This option takes users directly through to staff in the Briefing Office where you can: • Obtain pilot briefing material and/or • Submit a flight plan *02 Pilot Briefing Facsimile This option is to submit a flight plan via the fax. *03 Pilot Briefing Change Use this option when you need to make a Request change to flight plan, cancel a flight plan, or confirm that your flight plan sent by fax has arrived at the briefing office. *04 AVFAX Pilot briefing material from the fax back system. *05 DECTALK Digitised voice recordings of weather information *06 Publication Centre/ This option takes users through to Airservices purchase a new Phone Publications Centre where you can order: Away card • PhoneAway cards • Aeronautical publications such as the AIP, En Route Supplement, instrument and visual maps and charts. *07 Credit Card Refresh Use this option to top up the credit balance on your PhoneAway card. Remember to have your credit card ready and that only one credit card can be used for each PhoneAway card. *08 Voicemail Use the option if you wish if you wish to access the Voicemail feature of the card. *09 Fax Messaging Use this option if you wish to access the Voicemail feature of the card. *10 Fax Messaging Go back and listen to the menu options again. OR Enter the number to Simply enter the number you wish to call, be called using the full number including the area code for all areas. OR Hold on the line for You will be connected with Airservices. Airservice’s Help Desk. 129 Civil Aviation Safety Authority Australia PRE-FLIGHT PLANNING METEOROLOGY 09/2001 2 SERVICES SECTION NOTIFICATION REQUIRED FROM OPERATORS FOR DOMESTIC OPERATIONS All meteorological information issued on a routine basis and held by the briefing office concerned is available without prior notice. Eight (8) hours notice is required for nonroutine forecasts. FORECAST FOR FLIGHTS - VALID AREA FORECASTS NOT AVAILABLE Route forecasts required for flights for which valid Area Forecasts are not available will be supplied subject to the prior notification specified below. Notification should include part or all of the following information: • departure aerodrome and ETD • destination and ETA • route • ETAs and ETDs for intermediate stopping places • alternate aerodrome and probable ETAs • heights for upper winds and temperatures • aerodrome(s) at which flight documentation is required • time briefing required FORECAST REQUIRED AVAILABILITY NOTICE REQUIRED A.Preflight 1 hour before ETD 3 hours B. Preflight for multi 1 hour before ETD 8 hours stage flights having a duration of more than 6 hours C.En route As arranged 3 hours Requests for these should be made to the appropriate MET office as listed on page 125. Note: Every effort will be made to expedite MET documentation for Mercy and SAR flights. AREA FORECASTS FOR OPERATIONS AT OR BELOW FL200 These forecasts are issued in narrative form for aircraft operations at or below FL200. They comprise a statement of the general synoptic situation and the meteorological conditions expected to prevail in the designated area. A route forecast is issued for any part of a planned flight for which a routine area forecast is not prepared. These forecasts are available from the ATS automated briefing systems and briefing offices listed in ERSA GEN. AERODROME FORECASTS An aerodrome forecast (TAF) is a statement of meteorological conditions expected for a specified period in the airspace within a radius of five nautical miles of the centre of the aerodrome or runway complex. The TAF service provided is in accordance with the airfield category, the category of airfield being determined by the type and the amount of traffic. 130 CATEGORY DESCRIPTION AND SERVICE CATEGORY AERODROME TYPE TAF SERVICE

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-30 04:18:34 |只看该作者
1 International Issued 6 hourly, valid 24 hours continuous MET watch and amendment service. 2 Domestic with more than 500 Issued 6 hourly, valid for 12 hours, movements per month MET watch and amendment service during validity period. 3 Other selected domestic and Issued as required, valid 12 hours, selected remote aerodromes MET watch and amendment service during validity period 4 Remainder No TAF Civil Aviation Safety Authority Australia PRE-FLIGHT PLANNING METEOROLOGY 09/2001 2 AVIATION FORECASTS SECTION Adelaide 1 Aeropelican 3 Albany 3 Albury 3 Alice Springs 1 Amberley (RAAF) 2 Archerfield 2 Argyle 2 Armidale 2 Avalon 2 Ayres Rock 3 Bairnsdale 3 Balgo Hill 3 Ballarat 3 Ballina 3 Bankstown 2 Barcaldine 3 Barrow Island 3 Bathurst 2 Bathurst Island 3 Bendigo 3 Birdsville 3 Blackall 3 Borroloola 3 Boulia 3 Bourke 3 Brewarrina 3 Brisbane 1 Broken Hill 3 Broome 2 Bundaberg 2 Burketown 3 Cairns 1 Caloundra 2 Camden 3 Canberra 2 Cape Don 3 Carnarvon 2 Casino 3 Ceduna 3 Cessnock 3 Charleville 2 Charters Towers 3 Chillagoe 3 Christmas Island 3 Clermont 3 Cleve 3 Cloncurry 3 Cobar 3 Cocos Island 3 Coen 3 Coffs Harbour 2 Condobolin 3 Coober Pedy 3 Cooktown 3 Coolangatta 2 Cooma 2 Coonabarabran 3 Coonamble 3 Cootamundra 3 Corowa 3 Cowra 3 Cudal 3 Cunderdin 3 Cunnamulla 3 Daly River Mission 3

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发表于 2008-12-30 04:18:44 |只看该作者
Darwin 1 Deniliquin 3 Derby 3 Derby South/ Curtin 2 Devonport 2 Doomadgee 3 Dubbo 2 Dysart 3 East Sale (RAAF) 2 Edinburgh (RAAF) 2 Elcho Island 2 Emerald 2 Ernabella 3 Esperance 3 Essendon 2 Evans Head (RAAF) 3 Fitzroy Crossing 3 Flinders Island 2 Forbes 3 Gayndah 3 Georgetown 3 Geraldton 2 Gibb River 3 Giles 3 Gladstone 2 Glen Innes 3 Goondiwindi 3 Goulburn 3 Goulburn Island 3 Gove 2 Grafton 3 Griffith 3 Groote Eylandt 2 Gunnedah 3 Halls Creek 3 Hamilton 3 Hamilton Island 3 Hay 3 Harvey Bay 3 Hobart 2 Hooker Creek 3 Horn Island 2 Horsham 3 Hughenden 3 Innamincka 3 Innisfail 3 Inverell 3 Ivanhoe 3 Jabiru 2 Jabiru Venture 3 Jackson 3 Jandakot 3 Julia creek 3 131 AERODROMES AND CATEGORIES FOR WHICH TAF WILL BE AVAILABLE Civil Aviation Safety Authority Australia PRE-FLIGHT PLANNING METEOROLOGY 09/2001 2 AVIATION FORECASTS

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发表于 2008-12-30 04:18:53 |只看该作者
SECTION Kalgoorlie 1 Karratha 2 Kidston 3 King Island 2 Kingaroy 3 Kingscote 2 Kintore 3 Kowanyama 3 Kununurra 2 Latrobe Valley 3 Launceston 2 Laura 3 Laverton (WA) 3 Learmonth 1 Leigh Creek 3 Leinster 3 Leonora 3 Lismore 3 Lockhart River 3 Longreach 2 Lord Howe Island 3 Mackay 2 Macarthur River Mine 3 Maitland 2 Mallacoota 3 Mangalore 3 Maningrida 2 Mareeba 3 Maroochydore 2 Maryborough (QLD) 2 Meekatharra 2 Melbourne 1 Merimbula 3 Mildura 2 Milingimbi 3 Minlaton 3 Moomba 2 Moorabbin 2 Moranbah 3 Moree 3 Mornington Is 3 Morawa 3 Moruya 3 Mount Gambier 2 Mount Isa 2 Mount Magnet 3 Mudgee 3 Narrabri 3

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发表于 2008-12-30 04:19:04 |只看该作者
Naracoorte 3 Narrandera 3 Newman 2 Ngukurr 3 Nhill 3 Norfolk Island 3 Normanton 3 Norseman 3 North Rankin 3 Nowra 3 Nyngan 3 Oakey 2 Olympic Dam 3 Onslow 3 Oodnadatta 3 Orange 2 Paraburdoo 3 Parafield 2 Parkes 2 Pearce (RAAF) 2 Perth 1 Philip Island 3 Pickataramor 3 Point Cook (RAAF) 2 Port Augusta 3 Port Hedland 1 Port Keats 3 Port Lincoln 2 Port Macquarie 2 Portland 3 Proserpine 3 Quilpie 3 Renmark 3 Richmond (QLD) 3 Richmond (RAAF) 2 Rockhampton 2 Roma 2 Rottnest Island 2 Sale 2 Samuel Hill (RAAF) 3 Scone 3 Shepparton 3 Shute Harbour 3 Smith Point 3 Smithton 3 Snake Bay 3 Southern Cross 3 St George 3 St Helens 3 Strahan 3 Swan Hill 3

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发表于 2008-12-30 04:19:14 |只看该作者
Sydney 1 Tamworth 2 Tarcoola 3 Taree 2 Telfer 3 Temora 3 Tennant Creek 2 Thangool 3 Thargomindah 3 The Granites 3 Tibooburra 3 Timber Creek 3 Tindal 1 Toowoomba 2 Townsville 1 Troughton Island 3 Tumby Bay 3 Victoria River Downs 3 Wagga Wagga 2 Walgett 3 Wangaratta 3 Warburton Range 3 Warrnambool 3 Wave Hill 3 Weipa 2 Welshpool 3 West Wyalong 3 Whyalla 2 Wilcannia 3 Williamson (MIL) 3 Williamtown (RAAF) 2 132 Civil Aviation Safety Authority Australia PRE-FLIGHT PLANNING METEOROLOGY 09/2001 2 AVIATION FORECASTS SECTION 133 Wiluna 3 Windorah 3 Winton 3 Wollongong 3 Woomera 2 Wudinna 3 Wyndham 2 Wynyard 2 Yorke Island 3 Young 3 Yuendumu 3 Civil Aviation Safety Authority Australia PRE-FLIGHT PLANNING METEOROLOGY 09/2001 2 AVIATION FORECASTS SECTION SIGNIFICANT FORECAST ABBREVIATIONS In reports, terminal forecasts and low level area forecasts, the amount of cloud will be indicated by the following abbreviations: SKC Sky Clear No cloud or, if appropriate , CAVOK FEW Few 1 to 2 OKTAS SCT Scattered 3 to 4 OKTAS BKN Broken 5 to 7 OKTAS OVC Overcast 8 OKTAS The only cloud type that are included in aeronautical code format are towering cumulus (TCU) and cumulonimbus (CB). Forecasts in narrative form, such as low level area forecasts, will continue to include cloud types other than CB and TCU when appropriate.

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发表于 2008-12-30 04:19:24 |只看该作者
In the case of CB cloud, the amount will be indicated as follows: ISOL ISOLATED for individual CBs OCNL OCCASIONAL for well-separated CBs FREQ FREQUENT for CBs with little or no separation GOOD is used in the visibility section of low level area forcasts to indicate a visibility greater than 10KM over the entire area. When weather elements are forecast to reduce the visibility below 10KM, GOOD is replaced by those elements and their associated visibilities. Note that the visibility remains greater than 10KM in parts of the area unaffected by those elements. WEATHER CODE AND TRANSLATION CODE TRANSLATION BC Patches (or Patches of) BL Blowing DR Drifting FZ Freezing MI Shallow SH Showers (or showers of) TS Thunderstorms (or Thunderstorms with) BR Mist DU Dust DS Dust storm DZ Drizzle FC Funnel Clouds FG Fog FU Smoke GR Hail GS Small hail pellets HZ Haze IC Ice Crystals (very small ice crystals in suspension, also known as diamond dust) PL Ice Pellets PO Dust Devils RA Rain SA Sand SG Snow Grains SN Snow SQ Squalls SS Sand Storm VA Volcanic Ash Note 1: There is an option for intensity to be described when used with the abbreviations DZ, RA, SN, SH or TS. In these cases, the weather group is prefixed by (-) for light, or (+) for heavy. Moderate intensity has no prefix. Note 2: METAR/SPECI may provide an indication of weather in the vicinity. If this is included, one or more of the weather groups above may be used, preceded by the abbreviation “VC” 134 Civil Aviation Safety Authority Australia PRE-FLIGHT PLANNING METEOROLOGY 09/2001 2 AVIATION FORECASTS SECTION TEMPO AND INTER TEMPO and INTER are used to indicate significant variations of a temporary or intermittent nature in aerodrome and landing forecasts: TEMPO is used to indicate changes to conditions which are expected to last for less than 60 minutes but more than 30 minutes in each instance and where the aggregate of the changes is expected to be less than half the total period indicated INTER is used to indicate changes expected to occur frequently and more or less continuously throughout for periods of less than 30 minutes in each instance and where the aggregate of the changes is expected to be less than half the total period indicated.

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-30 04:19:34 |只看该作者
FM is used in forecasts to indicate changes which are significantly different to preceding information in one or more of the elements, wind direction and/or speed, visibility, weather or cloud. The changes relate to improvements as well as deteriorations. The forecast conditions commencing with the code “FM” will continue until the end of the TAF validity period, or until replaced by another significant change. CLOUD HEIGHT DATUM In aerodrome and trend forecasts, cloud heights are given above aerodrome elevations. In other forecasts, heights are expressed: • as a flight level; or • with reference to mean sea level FORECAST AMENDMENTS Amendments to forecasts are issued as necessary when changes are expected during the period of validity of a given forecast. FM TAF START TAF FINISH TAF START INTER START TAF FINISH 30 MINS 30 MINS TEMPO START 60 MINS 60 MINS TAF START TAF FINISH 135 Civil Aviation Safety Authority Australia PRE-FLIGHT PLANNING METEOROLOGY 09/2001 2 AVIATION FORECASTS SECTION TAF - AERODROME FORECAST AERODROME WEATHER AND FORECAST DECODE COMPOSITION IDENTIFIER The identifier METAR is used to identify all aerodrome weather reports made routinely either on the hour or half hour UTC which do not meet SPECI criteria. SPECI is used to identify all other observations and is also used to identify observations recorded 10 minutes following an improvement above SPECI conditions. The identifier TTF METAR or TTF SPECI is used to identify METAR and SPECI to which a three hour trend is appended. The use of this identifier is restricted to those locations for which Trend-Type Forecasts are issued. The identifier TAF or TAF AMD is used to identify an aerodrome forecast or an amended aerodrome forecast. If the forecast is provisional, the abbreviation PROV becomes the first element of the identifier. LOCATION

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-30 04:19:46 |只看该作者

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-30 04:19:58 |只看该作者
ORIGINATION TIME The origination time of a TAF is expressed in a six figure group, followed by the abbreviation “Z” VALIDITY TIME(S) The time of an aerodrome weather report is expressed in a four figure group followed by the abbreviation “Z”. The period of validity of an aerodrome forecast is expressed as a four figure hour group. UTC to hour UTC. WIND INFORMATION Wind direction is given in three figures relating to True North. When the wind is calm, it is encoded as “00000KT”. Wind speeds from 1 to 9KT, inclusive, are given in two figures; eg. 5KT is given as 05KT. Variable wind direction is given as “VRB” and is used when the reporting of a mean wind direction is not possible, such as: • In light windy conditions (3KT or less), or • The wind is veering or backing by 180 o or more (eg, passage of a thunderstorm, or localised wind effect) Maximum wind speed is given only when it is 10KT or more greater than the mean wind speed and the mean wind speed is greater than or equal to 15KT. The term “MAX” is not included, the letter “G” followed by the maximum wind speed is used; eg 280° mean speed 20KT, maximum speed 35KT, is given as 28020G35KT. USE OF THE TERM "CAVOK" "CAVOK" is included in the report or forecast when the following conditions are observed, or forecast to occur simultaneously: • visibility 10KM or more • no cloud below 5,000FT or below the highest minimum sector altitude, whichever is the greater, and no cumulonimbus; and • no precipitation, thunderstorm, shallow fog, low drifting snow or dust devils. Whenever a total of BKN (ie more than 4/8) low or middle cloud cover is present at or above 5000FT, and CAVOK has been used, cloud amount and base are given. VISIBILITY In METAR/SPECI or TAF, the minimum visibility observed OR forecast is always given. In METAR/SPECI, if the minimum visibility covers more than half the aerodrome, or when visibility is fluctuating rapidly and significant directional variations cannot be given, the minimum visibility is the only visibility information reported. METAR/SPECI visibility will have a directional variation indicated when the minimum 137 5 6 7 Civil Aviation Safety Authority Australia PRE-FLIGHT PLANNING METEOROLOGY 09/2001 2 AVIATION FORECASTS SECTION 4 3 visibility is less than 5,000M and the visibility in another direction, covering more than half the aerodrome, is at least 50% greater. Under these conditions, the minimum visibility will be given first, with the direction indicated by one of the eight points of the compass, followed by the higher visibility, without a compass point. 1000N 9999 WEATHER Weather is given using the codes listed on page134. One or more of the codes may be grouped eg TS or TSGR, SH or SHRA. There is an option to describe the intensity of the weather which is only used with the precipitation codes DZ, RA, SN, SH , or TS. In these cases, the weather group is prefixed by (-) for light, and (+) for heavy. Moderate intensity has no prefix. METAR/SPECI may provide an indication of weather in the vicinity. If this is included, one or more of the weather groups on page 134 may be used, preceded by the abbreviation “VC”. CLOUD Cloud height is always given as a three figure group in hundreds of feet, with the last two digits omitted; eg: cloud at 700 feet is shown as 007. Cloud information is reported from the lowest to the highest layer or mass in accordance with the following: • the lowest layer or mass, regardless of amount, as FEW, SCT, BKN or OVC as appropriate • the next layer or mass, covering more than 2/8, as SCT, BKN or OVC as appropriate • the next higher layer or mass, covering more than 4/8, as BKN or OVC as appropriate; and • cumulonimbus and/or towering cumulus clouds, whenever observed, and not reported in the above. The cloud type will be identified only for cumulonimbus and towering cumulus when observed at or near the aerodrome. These will be given as “CB” and “TCU” respectively. When an individual layer (mass) or cloud is composed of cumulonimbus and towering cumulus with a common cloud base, the type of cloud is reported as cumulonimbus only. Cloud details will be written as one word for each layer being reported; eg 8/8ths of stratus at 500FT will be given as “OVC005” and not “OVC 005” Whenever cumulonimbus cloud is forecast, the degree of associated thunderstorm activity or probability of occurrence is included. Cloud information is not included if there is no cloud. When the sky is obscured, the group is omitted in a report and included in a forecast only if cloud is forecast. Vertical visibility is never included. 138 9 Civil Aviation Safety Authority Australia PRE-FLIGHT PLANNING METEOROLOGY 09/2001 2 AVIATION FORECASTS SECTION 8 SIGNIFICANT VARIATIONS Aerodrome forecasts may include an indicator of significant variation if changes in one, or more of the elements of wind, visibility, weather or cloud, which would satisfy the amendments criteria, are expected. These relate to improvements as well as deteriorations. The terms TEMPO and INTER are used to indicate significant variations of a temporary or intermittent nature. The term FM Is used to indicate changes which are more lasting in nature. The indicator is the beginning of a self-contained forecast or trend.

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