
楼主: 帅哥
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2009-1-15 20:58:26 |只看该作者
FAR Federal Aviation Regulations
FAS Flight Augmentation System
FASTNR Fastener
FAT Free Air Temperature
FATM Flight Attendant Training Manual
FATS Fan Air Temperature Sensor
FAV Fan Air Valve
FAWP Final Approach Waypoint
F/B Form Board
FBH Forward Bearing Housing
FBM Feet Board Measure
FBS Fixed Base Simulator
FBW Fly By Wire
FC First Class
FC Freight Container
FC Fully Closed
FC Footcandle
FC Functional Check
FC Course from a Fixed waypoint to a Changeover
F/C First Class
F/C Fully Closed
F/C Functional Check
FCA Fuel Condition Actuator
FCC Flight Control Computer
FCCS Flight Control Computer System
FCCU Flight Control Computer Unit
FCD55 Full Color Display 5x5
FCDC Flight Control Direct Current
FCDC Flight Critical DC
FCE Flight Control Electronics
FCEPS Flight Control Electronic Power Supply
FCES Flight Control Electronic System
FCES PM FCES Power Monitor
FCEU Flight Control Electronics Unit
FCM Fuel Conservation Manual
FCOC Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler
FCOM Flight Crew Operating Manual
FCPI Flight Control Position Indicator
FCS Flight Control System
FCS Flight Control Surface
FCSOV Flight Control Shut-Off Valve
FCST Forecast
FCT Functional
F/CTL Flight Control
FCTM Flight Crew Training Manual
FCTN Function
FCU Flight Control Unit
FCU Fuel Control Unit
FCU Flap Control Unit
FCV Flow Control Valve
FD Flight Director
FD Fuselage Datum
FD Course from a Fixed waypoint to DME Distance
FD Flaps Down
F/D Flight Director
F/D Fan Discharge
F/D Frequency to Digital
FDAF Flight Data Acquisition Function
FDAP Flight Deck Audio Panel
FDAU Flight Data Acquisition Unit
FDBK Feedback
FD CMD Flight Director Command
FDD Floppy Disk Drive
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FDDVA Flow Divider and Drain Valve Assembly
FDE Flight Deck Effect
FDE Flight Director Engaged
FDEP Flight Data Entry Panel
FDH Flight Deck Handset
FDM Fault Data Management
FDMU Flow Divider Metering Valve
FDPS Flight Director Pitch Sync
FDR Flight Data Recorder
FDR Feeder
FDRS Flight Data Recorder System
FDS Flight Director System
FDS Flight Director Selected
FDSU Flight Data Storage Unit
F/E Flight Engineer
FED Federal
FED-STD Federal Standards
FESC Forward Electronic Service Center
FET Field Effect Transistor
FEW Fleet Empty Weight
FEXT Fire Extinguisher
FF Fuel Flow
FF Feeder Fault
FF Fast Forward
FF Final Fix
F/F Fuel Flow
F/F Flip Flop
F-F Fuel Flow
FFCC Forward Facing Crew Cockpit Concept
FFCC Forward Facing Crew Cockpit Configuration
FFCCV Flight Guidance Control Panel
FFCCV Fan Frame Compressor Case Vertical
FFEU Fuel Flow Electronics Unit
FFG Fuel Flow Governor
FFL Flip Flop Latch
FFP Fixed Firm Price
FFR Fuel Flow Regulator
FFRATS Full Flight Regime Autothrottle System
FFS Fuel Flow System
FFS Full Flight Simulator
FFWD Fast Forward
FGI Flight-Ground Idle
FGN Foreign
FGS Flight Guidance System
FH-All Fault History - All (CMC)
17 REV. OCT. 00
FHP Friction Horsepower
FI Fault Isolation
FI Flight Idle
FIAU Flight Instrument Accessory Unit
FIDDS Fault Isolation Data Display System
FIDO Flight Information and Data Output (FMC)
FIDS Fault Isolation and Detection System
FIFO First Input/First Output
FIG Figure
FIL Filament
FIL Fillet
FIL H Fillister Head
FILT Filter
FIM Fault Isolation Manual
FIM Fault Indication Module
FIM Fault Isolation Monitor
FIM Full Indicator Movement
FIN Functional Item Number
FIN Vertical Stabilizer
FIN STA FIN (vertical stabilizer) Station
FIN WL FIN (vertical stabilizer) Waterline
FIP Flight Interphone
FIR Full Indicator Reading
FIR Flight Information Region
FIREX Fire Extinguisher
FIRM Fault Isolation Reporting Method
FIS Flight Information Service
FIS Flight Instrument System
FISR Fleet Issues Summary Report
FJCC Fuel Jettison Control Card
FK Fork
FL Flight Level
FL Flow
FL Flood
FL Floor
FL Fluid
FL Flap
FL Flight
FL Focal Length
FLACW Fault Action Word
Fla.G Flammable Compressed Gas
Fla.L Flammable Liquid
Fla.S Flammable Solid
FLC Feel and Limitation Computer
FLCH Flight Level Change
FL CH Flight Level Change
FL CHG Flight Level Change
FLD Field
FLDK Flight Deck
FLDT Floodlight
FLEX Flexible
FLG Flange
FLH Flat Head
FLLT Flashing Light
FLMPRF Flameproof
FLMTR Flowmeter
FLNG Fueling

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2009-1-15 20:58:43 |只看该作者
FLOE Flight Operations Engineering
FLOT Flotation
FLP Flap
FLR Flare
FLRS Flap Load Relief System
FL SB Flap Switch Box
FLT Flight
FLT ATTD Flight Attendant
FLT CONT Flight Control
FLT DIR Flight Director
FLT DK Flight Deck
FLT/DK Flight Deck
FLT INT Flight Interphone
FLT LDR Fleet Leader
FLTP Flight Path
FLT PLN Flight Plan
FLTR Filter
FLT RCDR Flight Recorder
FLT REC Flight Recorder
FLUOR Fluorescent
FLWG Following
FLX Flexible
FLXTO Flexible Take-Off
FM Frequency Modulation
FM Fan Marker
FM Course from a Fixed waypoint with a Manual
FM Function Module
FMA Flight Mode Annunciator
FMC Flight Management Computer
FMCF Flight Management Computing Function
FMCS Flight Management Computer System
FMC SPD FMC controlled Speed
FMCU Flight Management Computer Unit
FME Floor Mounted Equipment (tool)
FMEA Failure Mock Effect Analysis
FMEA Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
FMPI Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inspection
FMS Flight Management System
FMSM Fuel Measuring Stick Manual
FMU Fuel Metering Unit
FMV Fuel Metering Valve
F/N Flag Note
FNA Final Approach
FNCP Flight Navigation Control Panel
FNP Fusion Point
FNSG Flight Navigation Symbol Generator
FO Fully Open
FO First Officer
F/O First Officer
FOB Fuel On Board
FOB Free On Board
F/OBS First Observer
FOC Fuel Oil Cooler, Fuel Oil Cooling
FOC Free Of Charge
FOD Foreign Object Damage
FOD Fuel Over Destination
FOEB Flight Operations Evaluation Board
FOPB Flight Operations Policy Board
FOR Flight Operations Review
FOR DET For Detail
FP Fuel Pressure
FP Freezing Point
FPA Flight Path Angle
FPAC Flight Path Acceleration
FPD Facility Planning Document
FPD Freezing Point Depressant
FPI Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection
F-PLN Flight Plan
F/PLN Flight Plan
FPM Feet Per Minute
FPP Forward Power Present
FPS Feet Per Second
FPT Flight Path Target
FPV Flight Path Vector
FQ Fuel Quantity
FQDU Fuel Quantity Display Unit
FQI Fuel Quantity Indicator
FQI Fuel Quantity Indication
18 REV. OCT. 00
FQIS Fuel Quantity Indicating System
FQPU Fuel Quantity Processor Unit
FQS Fuel Quantity System
FR Field Relay
FR Front
FR From
FR Frame
FRAG Fragment
FRAT Full Rate Auto Trim
FRCM Flight Recorder Control Module
FRCP Flight Recorder Control Panel
FREQ Frequency
FRES Fire Resistant
FRICT Friction
FRM Fault Reporting Manual
FRM From
FRO Future Replacement Order
FRP Fiberglass Reinforced Plastics
FRQ Frequency
FRT Front
FS Front Spar
FS Fast Slew
FS Fuselage Station
FS Flap Switch
FS Fuel Savings
FS Federal Specification
FS Flight Simulator
Fs Control Force
F/S Fast/Slow
F/S Front Spar
F/S Full Size
FSASR Field Service Airline Status Report
FSB Fasten Seat Belt
FSC Federal Supplier Code
FSC Fuel System Controller
FSCM Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers
FS D Fast Slew, Date (clock)
FSDO Flight Standards District Office
FSE Field Service Engineering
FSEIC Fuel System EICAS Interface Card
FSEU Flap/Slat Electronic Unit
FSLG Fuselage
FSMC Fuel System Management Card
FSN Federal Stock Number
FSO Flight Standards Office (FAA)
FSOV Fuel Shutoff Valve
FSPM Flap/Stabilizer Position Module
FSR Field Service Report
FSS Front Spar Station
FSS Flight Service Station
FSSI Front Spar Station Inboard
FSSO Front Spar Station Outboard
FS STA Front Spar Station
FSTN Fasten
FSTNR Fastener
FSU Fuel Summation Unit
FSV Full Scale Value
F SYNC Fast Synchronization
FT Feet, Foot
FT Fuel Temperature
FT Functional Test
FT Flight Test
F/T Functional Test
FTC Flare Test Complete
FTG Fitting
FTK Freight Tonne Kilometre
FTK Fuel Tank
FTL Footlambert
FT-LB Foot-Pound
FT/MN Feet per Minute
FTMS Federal Test Method Standard
FTR Fuel To Remain
FTRNG Feathering
FTRP Fleet Team Resolution Process
FTS Frame Time Select
FT/SEC Feet per Second
FU Fuse
FU Fuel Used
FU Feedback Unit
FU Flaps Up
F/U Follow-Up
FUNC Functional
FUNCT Functional
FUS Fuselage
FUSLG Fuselage
FV Flux Valve
FW Firewall
FW Failure Warning
F/W Firewall
F/W Failure Warning
FWC Flight Warning Computer
FWC Factory Work Code
FWD Forward
FWL Fin (vertical stabilizer) Waterline
FWS Flight Warning System
FWSD Flight Warning and System Display
FWSOV Firewall Shutoff Valve
FWT Folding Wing Tip
FWTEC Folding Wing Tip Electronic Card
FXD Fixed
FY Fiscal Year
FYI For Your Information
19 REV. OCT. 00
G Gravity
G Gravitational Unit
G Gram
G Green
G Gyro
G Grid
G Generator
GA Go-Around
GA General Application
GA Gauge
G/A Go Around
G/A Ground-to-Air
GAC Ground Air Connection
GAE Go Around Engaged
GAIR General Assembly Inspection Report
GAL Gallon, Gallons
GAL/HR Gallons per Hour
GAL/SEC Gallons per Second
GALV Galvanize
GALV Galvanometer
GALY Galley
GAMMA-T Potential Slope
GAS Go Around Selected
GB Generator Breaker
GBS Generator Breakers
GBST Ground Based Software Tool
GCA Ground-Controlled Approach
G-CAL Gram-Calorie
GCB Generator Circuit Breaker
GCM Ground Checkout Module
GCP Glareshield Control Panel
GCR Generator Control Relay
GCR Generator Control Regulator
GCR Group Coded Recording
GCS Ground Clutter Suppression
GCU Generator Control Unit
GD Gear Down
GDL Ground List
GDNC Guidance
GE General Electric
GEN Generator
GEN General
GENL General
GES Ground Earth Station
GF Generator Field
GFE Government Furnished Equipment
GFR Generator Field Relay
GFTM General Familiarization Training Manual
GG Graphics Generator
G/G Ground Guidance
GHD Ground Handling Document
GHE Ground Handling Equipment
GHR Ground Handling Relay
GI Ground Idle
GIM General Introduction Manual
GLC Generator Line Contactor
GLR Galley Load Relay
GLR Generator Line Relay
GLY Galley
GM Gram
GMC General Modifications Committee
GMR Ground Movement Radar
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GND Ground
GNDA Ground Acceleration
GND RET Ground Return
GNDV Ground Speed
GO ARND Go-Around
GOV Governor
GOVT Government
GOX Gaseous Oxygen
GP Gain Program
GP Group
GP Glide Path
GP General Purpose
G/P Glidepath
GPCP Ground Proximity Control Panel
GPCT Ground Power Current Transformer
GPCU Ground Power Control Unit
GPH Gallons Per Hour
GPM Gallons Per Minute
GPROX Ground Proximity
GPS Global Positioning System
GPS Gallons Per Second
GPSSU Global Positioning System Sensing Unit
GPU Ground Power Unit
GPWC Ground Proximity Warning Computer
GPWM Ground Proximity Warning Module
GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System
GR Gear
GR Graphic Recorder
GRA Gray
GRA Geared Rotary Actuator
GRAD Gradation
GRC Ground Radio Communication
GRD Ground
GRD PWR Ground Power
GRN Green
GRO Ground Roll Out
GRP Group
GRP Geographic Reference Point
GRP Ground Reference Point
GRP Glass-Reinforced Plastic
GRS Gust Response Suppression
GRV Groove
GRVTY Gravity
GS Glide Slope
GS Ground Speed
G/S Glide Slope
G/S Ground Speed
GSB Ground Service Bus
GSC Glide Slope Capture
GS CAP Glide Slope Capture
GSE Ground Support Equipment
G/SF Glide Slope Flag
GSGP Glide Slope Gain Program
GSI Glideslope Intercept
GSKT Gasket
GSM General Structure Manual
GSPD Groundspeed
GSPR Gasper
GSR Ground Service Relay
GSRV Glide Slope Receiver Validity
GSSR Ground Service Select Relay
GST Glide Slope Track
GST Gimbal Slew Test
GSTR Ground Service Transfer Relay
GS TRK Glide Slope Track
GTA General Terms Agreement
GTHRG Gathering
GTV Gate Valve
GU Gear Up
GUID Guidance
GVL Gravel
GW Gross Weight
20 REV. OCT. 00
GWT Gross Weight
G-x Galley-x
GY Gray
GYRO Gyroscope
H Hot
H Hour
H High, Height
H Hot (electrical point)
H Hydrogen
H Headwind
H2O Water
HA Holding Pattern to an Altitude Termination
HA Hectare
HA Hose Assembly
HAA Height Above Airport
HAS Heading and Attitude System
HAT Height Above Touchdown
HB Brinnell Hardness Test Value
HBAW Handbook Bulletin for Airworthiness (FAA)
HBM Heart Beat Monitor
HBOV Handling Bleed Off Valve
HC Hose Component
HCAU Heading Coupler Accessary Unit
HCC High Pressure Case Cooling
HCS Hydromechanical Control System
HD Head
HDG Heading
HDG HOLD Heading Hold
HDGR Heading Rate
HDG HLD Heading Hold
HDG/S Heading Select, Heading Selected
HDG SEL Heading Select
HDG/STS Heading Status
HDL Handle
HDLG Handling
HDS Horizontal Drive Shaft
HDST Headset
HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air
HEX Hexadecimal
HEX Hexagon
HF High Frequency
HF Holding Pattern to a Fixed waypoint
HF High Friction
HFEC High Frequency Eddy Current
Hg Mercury
HGR Hangar
HGT Height
HGW High Gross Weight
HHE Heading Hold Engaged
HI High
HIAD Handbook of Instruction for Aircraft Designers
HIL Hold Item List
HILDA High Lift Data Analyzer
HILDA High Lift Databus Analyzer
HIRF High Intensity Radiated Fields
HIRL High Intensity Runway Lights
HIV Hydraulic Isolation Valve
HI Z High Impedance
HK Knoop Hardness Test Value
HL High Level
H/L Hold Item List
H/L High Low
HLAC High Level AC Voltage
HLCL Helical
HLCS High Lift Control System
HLD Hold
HLDC High Level DC Voltage
HLDG Holding
HLDR Holder
HLTY Healthy
HM Holding pattern with a Manual termination
HMG Hydraulic Motor Generator
21 REV. OCT. 00
HMU Hydro-Mechanical Unit
H NAV Horizontal Navigation
HNBK Handbook
HND Hand
HNDBK Handbook
HNG Hinge
H/O Hard-Over
HOC High Oil Consumption
HOLD Holding
HOLD Y Hold-Year
HOQ Hydraulic Oil Quantity
HOR Horizontal
HORIZ Horizon
HORIZ Horizontal
HORZ Horizon
HOT High Oil Temperature
HP High Pressure
HP Horsepower
HP High Pass
HPA Hectopascals (Millibars)
HPA High Power Amplifier
HPC High Pressure Compressor
HPE High Pressure Hook Engage
HP FCOC High Pressure Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler
HPFAC High Pressure and Fan Air Controller
HPHF High Pressure Hook Fault
HP HR Horsepower-Hour
HP-HR Horsepower-Hour
HPI Hydraulic Pressure Indicator
HPM High Pressure Hook Monitor
HPMV High Pressure Hook Monitor Valid
HPNGV High Pressure Nozzle Guide Vane
HPR High Pressure Rotor
HPSOV High Pressure Shut Off Valve
HPT High-Pressure Turbine
HPTACC High Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control
HPTC High Pressure Turbine Cooling
HPWS High Pressure Water Separator
HQI Hydraulic Quantity Indicator
HQIU Hydraulic Quantity indication Unit
HQTRS Headquarters
HR Radio Height (altitude)
HR Hour
HR Hot Rolled
HR Human Resources
HR(x) Rockwell Hardness Test Value
HR(xxx) Rockwell Superficial Hardness Test Value
HRD Hard
HRD Hardware Requirements Document
HRS Hours
HS High Speed
HS Horizontal Stabilizer
HS High Stage
H/S Horizontal Stabilizer
HSBL Horizontal Stabilizer Buttock Line
HSC Hydraulic Service Center
HSC Hydraulic System Controller
HSCT High Speed Civil Transport
HSD Hours Slew-Day
HSE Heading Select Engaged
HSG Housing
HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator
HSI Hot Section Inspection
HSPRSOV High Stage Pressure Regulating and Shutoff
HSRP Horizontal Stabilizer Reference Plane
HSS High Speed Steel
HST Horizontal Stabilizer Tank
HSV High Stage Valve
HT Heat
HT Heat-Treat
HT Height
HT Hard Time
H/T Heat-Treat
HTAS High True Airspeed
HTD Heated
HTG Heating
HTR Heater
HTSA Height Switch A (1500 ft)
HTSB Height Switch B (Flare)
HT TR Heat Treat
HUD Heads Up Display
HUL Hook-Up List
H/U Hook-Up
HV High Voltage
HV Vickers Hardness Test Value
HVDF High and Very High Frequency Direction
Finding Stations
HVPS High Voltage Power Supply
HVY Heavy
HWBPT Hardware Breakpoint
H/WIND Head Wind
HX Heat Exchanger
HYD Hydraulic
HYDIM Hydraulic Interface Module
HYDQUIM Hydraulic Digital Quantity Interface Module
HYDR Hydraulic
HYQUIM Hydraulic Quantity Indicating Module
Hz Hertz
22 REV. OCT. 00
I Index
I Inertial
I Implementation Age (MPD)
IACS International Annealed Copper Standard
IAF Initial Approach Fix
IAS Indicated Air Speed
IASE Indicated Air Speed Engaged
IASS Indicated Air Speed Selected
IAT Inhibit Auto Trim
IATA International Air Transport Association
IATP International Airline Technical Pool
IAW In Accordance With
IAWLU Inertial Aural Warning Logic Unit
IAWP Initial Approach Waypoint
IB Inboard
IBIT Initiated Built-In-Test
IBN Identification Beacon
IBVSU Instrument Bus Voltage Sense Unit
IC Integrated Circuit
IC Interchangeability Code
IC Initial Climb
IC Invoice Control Card
I/C Inspection/Check
I/C Intercom
I/C Interphone Communication
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICD Interface Control Document
ICM Instrument Comparison Monitor
ICPI Integrated Cabin Pressure Indicator
IC-RT Intercom-Radio Transmitter
ICS Intercommunications System
ICU Instrument Comparator Unit
ICU Interface Control Unit
ICY Interchangeability
ID Identification, Identifier
ID Inside Diameter
IDD Inertial/DME-DME
IDENT Identify, Identification
IDENT Identifier
IDG Integrated Drive Generator
IDGS Integrated Drive Generator System
IDP Integrated Data Processing
ID PL Identification Plate
IDS Integrated Display System
IDU Integrated Display Unit
IDU Interactive Display Unit
IDV Inertial/VOR-DME
IE In Effect (that is)
IEC Integrated Electronic Control
IEPR Integrated Engine Pressure Ratio
IF Intermediate Frequency
IF Initial Fix
IF In Flight
I/F Interface Fault
IFE In-Flight Entertainment
IFF Identification Friend or Foe
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IFSAU Integrated Flight System Accessory Unit
IFSD In Flight Shut Down
IFSS Inboard Front Spar Station
IGB Inlet Gearbox
IGN Ignition
IGS Integrated Graphic System
IGV Inlet Guide Vane
IGVA Inlet Guide Vane Actuator
IHC Integrated Handset Controller
IHCB Industrial Hazards Control Bulletin
IHP Indicated Horsepower
IHPH Indicated Horsepower Hour
IHP-HR Indicated Horsepower Hour
IHS Industrial Hygiene and Safety Standards
IIPD Illustrated Initial Provisioning Document
ILCB Indicator Light Control Box
ILES Inboard Leading Edge Station
ILL Illuminate, Illumination
ILLUM Illuminate, Illumination, Illuminated
ILLUMD Illuminated
ILLUS Illustrate, Illustrator, Illustration
ILM Independent Landing Monitor
ILS Instrument Landing System
ILSCP ILS Control Panel
IM Inner Marker (ILS)
IMBAL Imbalance
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions
IML Inside Mold Line
IMM Immediate
IMMTE Integrated Mix Manifold Temperature Error
IMP Impeller
IMP Imperial
IMP Impact
IMP Impulse
IMPATT Impact Avalanche and Transmit Time (diode)
IMU Inertial Measurement
IN Inch, Inches
IN Inlet
IN Inspection
IN Input
INA Initial Approach
INB Inbound
INBD Inboard
INC Increase
INC Incorporated, Incorporation
INC Increment
INCL Including, Inclusive
INCLG Including
INCLR Intercooler
INCPT Intercept
INCR Increase
INCR Increment
IND Indicator
IND Indicate, Indicated
INDEF Indefinite
INDEP Independent
INDG Indicating
INDUC Inductance
INDUS Industrial
INDX Index
INFC Interface
INFIS Inertial Navigation Flight Inspection System
INFLT Inflight
INFO Information
INH Inhibit
INHB Inhibit
INHG Inches of Mercury
IN HG Inches of Mercury
INHI Inhibit
INHIB Inhibit, Inhibition
INIT Initialize, Initiate
INIT Initial, Initialization
INIT REF Initialization Reference
INL Inlet
IN-LBS Inch-Pounds
INOP Inoperative
INP Input
INPH Interphone
INR Inner
23 REV. OCT. 00
INRTL Inertial
INS Inertial Navigation System
INS Insulate
INS Insurance (Sonic)
INSP Inspect, Inspection
INSR Insert
INST Instrument, Instruments
INST Instrumentation
INSTL Install, Installation
INSTLLD Installed
INSTM Instrumentation
INSTR Instrument
INSTS Instruments
INST XFR Instrument Transfer
INSUL Insulate, Insulation, Insulator
INT Interphone
INT Interior
INT Internal
INT Integral, Integrating
INT Intersection
INT Interrupt
INT Intermittent
INT Intake
INTC Interconnect
INTC Intercom
INTC Intercept
INTCHG Interchangeable
INTCM Intercom
INTCON Interconnection
INTCP Intercept
INTEG Integrator, Integration
INTEN Intensity
INTER Interrupt
INTERR Interrogation
INTFC Interface
INTG Integral
INTGT Integrate
INTK Intake
INTL Internal
INTL Initialize
INTLK Interlock
INTLKS Interlocks
INTMD Intermediate
INTMT Intermittent
INTPH Interphone
INTR Interior
INTRG Interrogate, Interrogator
INTRO Introduction
INTRP Interrupt
INTRPT Interrupt
INTS Integrator Saturated
INU Inertial Navigation Unit
INV Inverter
INV Invalid
INWP Intermediate Waypoint
I/O Input/Output
I-OEU Inboard Overhead Electronics Unit
IOM Inertial/Omega Mix
IOM Input/Output Module
IOP Input/Output Processor
IOR Immediate Operational Requirement
IP Intermediate Pressure
IP Invoice Packing Card
IP Impact Pressure
I/P Intercept Point
I/P Intercept Profile
I/P Input
IPC Illustrated Parts Catalogue
IPCT Initial Provisioning Coordination Team
IPD Initial Provisioning Document
IPL Illustrated Parts List
IPS Inches Per Second
IPV Indicator Para Visual
IQI Image Quality Indicator
IR Infrared
IRD Interior Reconfiguration Document
IRMP Inertial Reference Mode Panel
IRMS Integrated Radio Management System
IRNG In Range
IRP Integrated Refueling Panel
IRQ Interrupt Request
IRREG Irregular
Irr.M Irritating Material
IRS Inertial Reference System
IRU Inertial Reference Unit
ISA International Standard Atmosphere
ISA ICAO Standard Atmosphere
ISA In Service Activities
ISAR In Service Activities Report
ISB Inter System Bus
ISC Instrument Systems Corporation
ISC Industry Steering Committee
ISC Industry Subcommittee
ISDAS In-Service Data Acquisition System
ISDU Inertial System Display Unit
ISDU Inertial Sensor Display Unit
ISG Instrument Symbol Generator Unit
ISLN Isolation
ISO Isolation
ISO International Standards Organization
ISO In-Service Occurrence Reports
ISOL Isolate, Isolated, Isolation
ISPA Inertial Smooth Pressure Altitude
ISS Inboard Slat Station
ISS Inertial Sensor System
ISS Inertial Sensing System
ISS Issue
ISSS Instrument Source Select Switch
ISU Inertial Sensor Unit
IT Interruption
ITEL Illustrated Tool and Equipment List
ITEM Illustrated Tool and Equipment Manual
ITT Interturbine Temperature
IU Inertial Unit
IV Isolation Valve
IVASEB Integrated Video Audio Seat Electronics Box
IVS Inertial Vertical Speed
IVS In-arm Video System
IVSI Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator
IVV Instantaneous Vertical Velocity
I/W In Work
I/W Interchangeable With (IPC)
24 REV. OCT. 00
J Joule
JAA Joint Airworthiness Authorities
JAM Jammed, Jamming
JAMG Jamming
JAN Joint Air Force-Navy
JAR Joint Airworthiness Requirements
JAR Joint Airworthiness Regulatory
JB Junction Box
J-BOX Junction Box
JCT Junction
JETT Jettison
JFC Jet Fuel Control
JIT Just In Time
JK Jack
JNL Journal
JO Job Order
JOG Joggle
JPR Jumper
JREMS Justified Removals
JS Jump Seat
JT Joint
JTSN Jettison
K Knot
K Kilo
K Thousand
K 1024
K Kelvin (degrees)
KAP Keep-Alive-Power
KBAR Kilobar
KC Kilocycle
KCAL Kilocalorie
KCAS Knots of Computed Airspeed
KBD Keyboard
KEAS Knots Equivalent Airspeed
KEV Kiloelectrovolt
Kg Kilogram
KG Kilogram
KG-CAL Kilogram-Calorie
KGH Kilograms per Hour
KG-M Kilogram-Meter
KGPH Kilograms Per Hour
KGS Kilograms
KG-SEC Kilometers per Second
KHz Kilohertz
KIAS Knots Indicated Air Speed
KIP Kilopounds
KIP-FT Kilo Foot-pounds
KL Kiloliter
KM Kilometer
KM/SEC Kilometers per Second
KN Knot
KOHM Kilo Ohm
K PA Kilopascal
KRUG Kruger
KSI Kilopounds per Square Inch
KT Knot
KT Kiloton
KTS Knots
KV Kilo Volt
KVA Kilovolt-Amperes
KVAR Kilovolt-Amperes Reactive, Kilovar
KW Kilowatt
KWH Kilowatthour
KWHR Kilowatthour
KWR Kilowatts Reactive
KWS Kilowatts
25 REV. OCT. 00
L Left
L Length
L Liter
L Inductor
L Low
L Lambert
L Lumen
LA Linear Accelerometer
LA Longitudinal Accelerometer unit
LA Lightning Arrestor
LAB Laboratory
LAC Local Area Controller
LAG Lagging
LAM Lateral Autopilot Module
LAM Laminate
LAN Local Area Network
LAS Lateral Autopilot Servo
LAT Latitude
LAT Lateral
LATA Lateral Acceleration
LAT/ACC Lateral Accelerometer
LAT DEV Lateral Deviation
LATL Lateral
LAT REV Lateral Revise
LAU Linear Accelerometer Unit
LAV Lavatory
LB Pound
LB Left Body
L-BAND .6 to 1.55 GigaHz frequency band
LBBL Left Body Buttock Line
LB-FT Pound-Foot (Torque)
LB-IN Pound-Inch
LBL Left Buttock Line
LBLR Label Recognition
LBP Left Bottom Plug
LBS Lateral Beam Sensor
LBS Pounds
LBS/HR Pounds Per Hour
LBTR Left Bus Tie Relay
LC Load Controller
LC Labor Cost
LC Lower Center
LCA Lateral Control Actuator
LCC Life Cycle Cost
LCC Low pressure Case Cooling
LCCA Lateral Central Control Actuator
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCDU Left Control Display Unit
LCF Low Cycle Fatigue
LCH Latch
LCIT Load Compressor Inlet Temperature
LCK Lock
LCL Local
LCLU Landing Control Logic Unit
LCM Least Common Multiple
LCM Logic Control Module
LCN Load Classification Number
LCR Left-Center-Right
LCT Line Current Transformer
LCV Load Control Valve
LD Load
LD Left Display
L/D Lift/Drag
LDA Localizer-type-Directional Aid
LDG Landing
LDG Landing Gear
LDG Loading
LDG GR Landing Gear
LDI Landing Direction Indicator
LDR Loader
LE Leading Edge
LE Log Entry
L/E Leading Edge
LED Light Emitting Diode
LED Leading Edge Devices
LEFDU Leading Edge Flap Drive Unit
LE-FLP Leading Edge Flap
LEMAC Leading Edge of Mean Aerodynamic Chord
LEP List of Effected Pages
LES Leading Edge Station
LE STA Leading Edge Station
LEV Lever
LF Left Front
LF Low Frequency
LFEC Low Frequency Eddy Current
LFDS Large Format Display System
LFFS Lower Front Spar Station
LFR Low Frequency Radio Range
LFS Localizer Frequency Select
LFT Left
LG Landing Gear
L/G Landing Gear
LGA Landing Gear Cable "A"
LGB Load Gearbox
LGBV Landing Gear By-pass Valve
LG CS Landing Gear Control Switch
LGE Lounge
LGE Large
LGND Legend
LGT Light
LGTS Lights
LGTV Landing Gear Transfer Valve
LGW Landing Gross Weight
LGWOW Left Gear Weight On Wheel
LH Left Hand
L-HR Lumin-Hour
LI Limit Indicator
LI Left Inboard
LIB Left Inboard
LIFO Last In First Out
LIM Limit, Limitation
LIM Laser Intensity Monitor
LIMG Limiting
LIM SW Limit Switch
LIN Line
LIN Linear
L INBD Left Inboard
LIN FT Linear Foot
LIQ Liquid
LIS Localizer Inertial Smoothing
LJ Locating Jig
LK Lock
LKD Locked
LKG Locking
LL Latitude & Longitude
LL Low Level
L/L Latitude & Longitude
LLAC Low Level Alternating Current
LLAC Low Level AC voltage
LLAR Lower Lobe Attendants Rest
LLDC Low Level Direct Current
LLDC Low Level DC voltage
LLG Lower Lobe Galley
LLS Left Line Select Key
LLS Low-Level Solid Radioactive Material
LLWAS Low Level Windshear Alerting System
26 REV. OCT. 00
LMC Least Material Condition
LMG Left Main Gear
LMM Localizer Middle Marker
LMP Lamp
LMP Left Middle Plug
LMT Local Mean Time
LMTR Limiter
LN Left Nose
LN Line Number
L/N Line Number
LNA Low Noise Amplifier
LNAV Lateral Navigation
L NAV Lateral Navigation
L-NAV Lateral Navigation
LNG Long
LNGW Long Word
LO Low
LO Lock Out
LO Left Outboard
LO Local Oscillator
L/O Layout
LO2 Liquid Oxygen
LOB Left Outboard
LOC Localizer
LOC Locate, Location
LOCE Localizer Engaged
LOCF Localizer Flag
LOD Load
LO FLO Low Flow
LOG Logic
LOG Logarithm
LOGO Logogram, Logographic
LOM Localizer Outer Marker
LON Longitude
LONG Longitude, Longitudinal
LONGN Longeron
LO PR Low Pressure
LOP Low Oil Pressure
LOP Log Of Pages
LOPA Layout Of Passenger Accommodations
LORAN Long Range Navigation
L OUTBD Left Outboard
LO Z Low Impedance
LP Low Pressure
LP Lightning Protector
LP Loop
LP Low Pass
LPA Loop A
LPB Loop B
LPC Low Pressure Compressor
LPC Low Pressure Core
LP FCOC Low Pressure Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler
LPI Lateral Path Integrator
LPM Liters Per Minute
LPO Landings Per Overhaul
LPT Low Pressure Turbine
LPTACC Low Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control
LPTC Low Pressure Turbine Cooling
LP VALVE Low Pressure Valve
LPW Lumens Per Watt
LR Left Rear
LRC Long Range Cruise
LRCU Landing Rollout Control Unit
LRM Line Replaceable Module
LRRA Low Range Radio Altimeter
LRS Load Relief System
LRU Line Replaceable Unit
LS Line Select Key
LS Loudspeaker
LS Low Speed
L/S Low Speed
LSA Low Specific Activity Radioactive Material
LSA Low Speed Aileron
LSAP Loadable Software Airplane Parts
LSB Lower Side Band
LSB Least Significant Bit
LSD Least Significant Digit
LSDA Low Speed Digital to Analog
LSDS Lavatory Smoke Detection System
LSI Large Scale Integration
LSK Line Select Key
LSP Limit Select Panel
LSP Low Speed
LSPD Low Speed Digital to Analog
LSR Load Shedding Relay
LSSW Left Strut Switch
LSU Lavatory Service Unit
LT Light
LT Left
LT Teleloading
LT Left Turn
LTD Limited
LTG Lighting
LTK Load Tonne Kilometre
LTL Loan Tool
LTP Left Top Plug
LTR Liter
LTR Letter
LTS Lights
LTSHLD Light Shield
LU Lubrication
LUB Lubricate
LUF Lower Usable Frequency
LV Low Voltage
LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transducer
LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transformer
LVDT Linear Velocity Differential Transducer
LVDT Linear Voltage Displacement Transducer
LVL Level
LVL/CH Level Change
LVL CHG Level Change
LVPS Low Voltage Power Supply
LVR Lever
LVR Louver
LW Landing Weight
LW Left Wing
LW Locked Wheel (protection)
L/W Lockwire
LWD Left Wing Down
LWM Lower Weather Minimums
LWR Lower
LWS Left Wing Station
L-x Lavatory-x
27 REV. OCT. 00
M Mach
M Motor
M Maneuvering Speed (EFIS)
M Mode
M Magenta
M Meter
M Minus
M Magnetic
M Maintenance
M Milli
M Manifold
MA Milliamperes
MA Maintenance Annunciator
MA Master
MA Missed Approach
MAA Maximum Authorized IFR Altitude
MAC Mean Aerodynamic Chord
MAC Maximum Allowable Concentration
MADAR Malfunction Detection Analysis and Recording
MADU Multi-purpose Aids Display Unit
MAG Magnetic
MAG Magnetic Heading
MAG Magazine
MAG Magneto
MAG DEC Magnetic Declination
Mag.M Magnetized Material
MAGN Magnetron
MAG TRK Magnetic Track
MAG VAR Magnetic Variation
MAI Multiplexer Action Item
MAIDS Multipurpose Automatic Inspection and
Diagnostic System
MAIN Maintenance
MAIN MUX Main Multiplexer
MAINT Maintenance
MALF Malfunction
MALS Medium Intensity Approach Light System
MAN Manual
MANF Manifold
MAP Ground Mapping
MAP Master Annunciator Panel
MAP Multi-Acquisition Processor
MAP Missed Approach Point
MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure
MAP Mission Audio Panel
MARS Maintenance Analysis and Reports Section
MAS Milli-Ampere/Seconds
MASI Mach and Airspeed Indicator
M/ASI Mach Airspeed Indicator
MAT Maintenance Alert Time
MAT Maintenance Access Terminal
MATL Material
MAWEA Modularized Avionics and Warning Electronics
MAWP Missed Approach Waypoint
MAX Maximum
MAX< Maximum Angle (climb)
MAX CLB Maximum Climb
MAX DES Maximum Descent
MAX END Maximum Endurance
MAX SPD Maximum Speed
MB Millibars
MB Marker Beacon
M/B Metal Bond
M/B Mother Board
MBB Mode Bar Bias
MBR Main Battery Relay
MBS Millibars
MC Master Change
MC Material Cost
MC Megacycle
Mc Corrected Mach
MCA Minimum Crossing Altitude
MCA Minimum Control-Air (speed)
MCBF Mean Cycles Between Failures
MCC Maintenance Control Center
MCD Magnetic Chip Detector
MCD Master Control Drawing
MCDP Maintenance Control Display Panel
MCDU Multipurpose Control Display Unit
MCDU Multifunction Control Display Unit
MCE Motor Control Enable
MCG Minimum Control-Ground (speed)
MCHENG Multi-Channel Engage
MCi Millicurie
MCL Maximum Climb (power)
MCL Master Component List
MCLM Microfilm
MCP Mode Control Panel
MCP Maximum Continuous Power
MCP Modernization Commonality Program
MCR Maximum Cruise
MCR Master Change Request
MCR Maximum Cruise (power)
MCS Master Control Switch
MCT Maximum Continuous Thrust
MCU Modular Concept Unit
MCV Main Control Valve
MCW Modulated Continuous Wave
MD Minimum Descent Altitude
M/D Main Deck
MDA Minimum Descent Altitude
MDA Minimum Decision Altitude
MDAU Modular Data Acquisition Unit
MDF Medium Frequency Direction Finding Station
MDH Minimum Decision Height
MDI Master Dimensioning Index
MDL Module
MDL Middle
MDLC Maneuvering Direct Lift Control
MDR Maintenance Delay Report
MD&T Master Dim & Test
MD/T Master Dim & Test
MDU Multiplier Divider Unit
ME Mechanical Equipment (tool)
MEA Minimum Enroute Altitude
MEAS Measurement
MEC Main Equipment Center
MEC Main Engine Control
MEC Main Engine Controller
MECH Mechanic, Mechanical
MECH Mechanism
MED Medium
MED Main Entry Door
MED Mode Engage Disable
MED Medical
MEDB Model Engine Data Base
MEK Methyl Ethyl Keytone
MEKP Methyl Ethyl Keytone Peroxide
MEL Minimum Equipment List
MEM Memory
MENH Mechanical and Engine Handling
MEP Mean Effective Pressure
MES Main Engine Strut
MES Main Engine Start
28 REV. OCT. 00
MESC Mid Electrical Service Center
MET Meteorological
MEV Main Electro Valve
MEV Million Electron-Volts
MEW Manufacturers Empty Weight
MF Medium Frequencies
MF Mach Feel
MFA Memorized Fault Annunciator
MFC Mechanical Fuel Control
MFD Multifunction Display
MFD Manufactured
MFDS Manifold Failure Detection
MFG Manufacturing
MF MOT Mach Feel Motor
MFP Main Fuel Pump
MFP Mixed Fission Products
MFR Manufacturer
MFR IDENT Manufacturer Identification
MFST Manifest
MG Motor Generator
MG Milligram
MGB Main Gear Box
MGD Million Gallons per Day
MGMT Management
MGOS Maintenance and Ground Operations Systems
MGR Manager
MGS Main Gear Switch
MGSCU Main Gear Steering Control Unit
MGSS Main Gear Steering System
MGT Management
MGTW Maximum Gross Taxi Weight
MH Millihenry
MHDG Magnetic Heading
MHR Magnetic Heading Reference
MHRS Magnetic Heading Reference System
MHSU Magnetic Heading Sensor Unit
MHz Megahertz
MI Miles
MI Magnetic Indicator
MI Indicated Mach
MIBK Methyl Isobutyl Keytone
MIC Microphone
MICRO-P Microprocessor
MID Middle
MIDO Manufacturing Inspection District Office
MI/HR Miles per Hour
MIKE Microphone
MIL Military Specifications
MIL-SPEC Military (part) Specifications
MIL-STD Military Standards
MIN Minimum
MIN Minute
MIN ALT Minimum Altitude
MIN FUEL Minimum Fuel
MIN SPD Minimum Speed
MIN TIME Minimum Time
MIP Maintenance Information Printer
MIPO Manually Issued Purchase Order
MISC Miscellaneous
MI/SEC Miles per Second
MIT Miscellaneous Tool
MITP Metal In Tailpipe
MIX Mixed Present Position
MK Mark
MKR Marker
MKR BCN Marker Beacon
ML Milli-Liter
ML Milli-Lambert
M/L Material List
MLD Molded
MLG Main Landing Gear
MLGWW Main Landing Gear Wheel Well
ML/O Metal Layout
MLS Microwave Landing System
MLU Monitor and Logic Unit
M&LU Monitor and Logic Unit
MLW Maximum Landing Weight
MM Maintenance Manual
MM Maintenance Monitor
MM Middle Marker
MM Millimeter
MMAP Mission Maintenance Audio Panel
MMC Maximum Material Condition
MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List
MMF Maintenance Module Fault (EIS Code)
MMH/FH Maintenance Man Hours per Flight Hour
MMO Maximum Operating Mach
MMR Multimode Receiver
M MUX Main Multiplexer
MN Main
MN Minute
MN Mach Number
MNFST Manifest
MNL Manual
MNPS Minimum Navigation Performance Specification
MNTD Mounted
MNVR Maneuver
MO Month
MOA Make On Assembly
MOCA Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude
MOD Module
MOD Modification, Modified
MOD Modulator
MOD Model
MOH Measure Of Hardness
MOL WT Molecular Weight
MOM Momentary
MON Monitor, Monitored
MONG Monitoring
MONO Monaural
MOPS Minimum Operational Performance Standards
MOS Metal Oxide Semiconductor
MOS Method of Shipment (Sonic)
MOSFET Metallic Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect
MOSV Motor Operated Shutoff Valve
MOT Motor
MOT Motion
MOU Memorandum Of Understanding
MP Maintenance Practices
MP Modification Proposal
MP Microprocessor
MPA Maximum Power Assurance
MPB Micro Processor Bipolar
MPCB Main Power Circuit Breaker
MPCS Minimum Pressure Control System
MPD Maintenance Planning Data
MPD Maintenance Planning Document
MPDTM Master Planning Document Task Masterfile
MPG Miles Per Gallon
MPH Miles Per Hour
MPL Maximum Permitted Life
MPLX Multiplexer
MPR Multipurpose Register
MPS Maximum Performance Specifications
MPS Multiplex Power Supply
29 REV. OCT. 00
MPS Maintenance Programs Subcommittee (ATA)
MPSOV Minimum Pressure and Shut-off Valve
MPU Magnetic Pickup
MPU Magnetic Pickup Unit
MPU Microprocessor Unit
MR Modification Revision
MRA Minimum Reception Altitude
MRB Maintenance Review Board
MRBPB Maintenance Review Board Policy Board (FAA)
MRC Maximum Range Cruise
MRR Mechanical Reliability Reports
MRR Miscellaneous Retrofit Requirement
MRS Malfunction Reporting Systems
MS Mid Spar
MS Milliseconds
MS Military Standard
M/S Mail Stop
M/S Modal Suppression
M/S Mid Spar
MSA Minimum Safe Altitude
MSAS Model Stability Augmentation System
MSB Most Significant Bit
MSC Multi Shield Connection
MSC Miscellaneous System Controller
MSCM Miscellaneous Switching Control Module
MSD Most Significant Digit
MSD Multiple Site Damage
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
MSEC Milliseconds
M/SEC Meters per Second
MSG Message
MSG Maintenance Steering Group
MSG Maintenance Systems Guide
MSI Maintenance Significant Item
MSI Medium Scale Integrated
MSL Microwave Landing System
MSL Mean Sea Level
MSL Maintenance Service Letter
MSM Maintenance Schematic Manual
MS M Minutes Slew-Month
MSN Mission
MSP Mode Select Panel (EFIS)
M-SPD Manual Speed
MSS Mid Spar Station
MSS Mode Selector Switch
MST Master
MSTCLR Master Clear
MSTR Master
MSU Mode Selector Unit
MSU Magnetic Sensor Unit
MSW Microswitch
MT Mach Trim
MT Manual Trip
MT Mount
MT Maintenance Tip
MTA Mach Trim Actuator
MTBCR Mean Time Between Confirmed Removal
MTBD Mean Time Between Defects
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
MTBI Mean Time Between Inspection
MTBIFS Mean Time Between In Flight Shut-down
MTBPR Mean Time Between Premature Removals
MTBR Mean Time Between Removals
MTBT Mean Time Between Trouble
MTBUR Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removal
MTCHG Matching
MTD Manufacturing Technical Directive
MTE Manual Test Equipment
MTG Miles To Go
MTG Muting
MTG Mounting
MTGC Mounting Center
MTGW Maximum Taxi Gross Weight
MTIP Maintenance Tip
MTL Minimum Triggering Level
MTL Minimum Threshold Level
MTN Motion
MTOGW Maximum Takeoff Gross Weight
MTOP Maintenance Task Operating Plan
MTOW Maximum Takeoff Weight
MTP Maintenance Test Panel
MTR Motor
MTR Meter
MTR Master Tool Record
MTRG Metering
MTS Mach Trim System
MTS Maintenance Training Simulator
MTTF Mean Time To Failure
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
MTTR Mean Time To Removal
MTW Maximum Taxi Weight
MTXW Maximum Taxi Weight
MU Management Unit
Mu Millimicron
MUF Maximum Usable Frequency
MUI Multiple Usage Item
MULT Multiple, Multiplication
MUS/VOL Music Volume
MUX Multiplex, Multiplexer
MV Magnetic Variation
MV Millivolt
MV Multivibrator
MV Metering Valve
MV Mach Validity
MVAR Magnetic Variation
MVP Moisture Vapor Proof
MVR Magnetic Variation
MVT Movement
MW Milliwatt
M/W Mates With
M/W Master Warning
MWARN Master Warning
MWC Master Warning Computer
MWC Main Wheel Circuit Card
MWCC Master Warning Caution Controller
MWP Master Warning Panel
MWS Master Warning System
MX Multiplex
MZFW Maximum Zero Fuel Weight
30 REV. OCT. 00
N North
N Normal
N Neon
N Newton
N1 Engine Fan Speed
N1 Low Pressure Compressor
N1.D N1 Descent
N1.L N1 Latch
N2 Engine Rotor Speed
N2 Intermediate Pressure Compressor (RB211)
N2 High Pressure Compressor (JT9D)
N2C Corrected N2 Speed
N3 High Pressure Compressor
NA Normal Accelerometer
NA Not Applicable
NA Not Available
N/A Not Available
N/A Not Applicable
NAC Nacelle
NACA National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
NAC BL Nacelle Buttock Line
NAC STA Nacelle Station
NAC WL Nacelle Waterline
NAI Nacelle Anti-Ice
NAK No Acknowledgment
NAM Nautical Air Miles
NAM Normal Accelerometer Monitor
NAR No Action Required
NAS National Aerospace Standards
NAS National Aircraft Standards
NAS National Aeronautical Standards
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NATL National
NAUT Nautical
NAV Navigate, Navigation
NAV ADC Navigation Air Data Computer
NAVAID Navigation Aid
NAV RAD Navigation Radio
NBL Nacelle Buttock Line
NBR Number
NBS National Bureau of Standards
NC Normally Closed
NC Not Connected, No Connection
NC Numeric Control
NC Normal Checklist
N/C Numerical Control
NCD No Computed Data
NCFAL Non-Critical Fault Word Logic
NCP Navigation Control Panel
NCT Neutral Current Transformer
NCU Navigation Control Unit
NCU Navigation Computer Unit
NCV Navigation Computer Valid
ND Navigation Display
ND Nose Down
NDAR Newly Delivered Airplane Report
NDB Non-Directional Beacon
NDB Non-Directional Radio Beacon
NDB Navigation Data Base
NDI Non-Destructive Inspection
NDT Non-Destructive Test
NEC National Electrical Code
NEG Negative
NEUT Neutral, Neutralizing
NFC Not Fully Closed
NFO Not Fully Open
NG Gas Generator RPM
NGT Night
NGV Nozzle Guide Vanes
NGWOW Nose Gear Weight On Wheel
Nh HP Compressor RPM
NHA Next Higher Assembly
NI Not Interchangeable
N/I Not Interchangeable
NICAD Nickel-Cadmium
NIL Engine Speed Limit
NITE Night
Nl LP Compressor RPM
NLG Nose Landing Gear
NLGWW Nose Landing Gear Wheel Well
NLT No Later Than
NM Nautical Mile
Nm Moment (Newtonmeter)
NMI Nautical Mile
NMI Non Maskable Interrupt
N MI Nautical Mile
N MOS Negative Metal Oxide Semiconductor
N MOS N-Channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor
NNC Non-Normal Checklist
NO Normally Open
NO Normal Operation
No. Number
NOB Number One Bearing
NOM Nomenclature
NOM Nominal
NOMEN Nomenclature
NonflaG Non-Flammable Compressor Gas
NON STD Non Standard
NOPT No Procedure Turn Required
NOR Normal
NOR Normal Operating Range
NORM Normal
NOZ Nozzle
NP Non Procurable
NP New Part
Np Propeller RPM
N/P Next Page
N/P Nut Plate
NPN Negative-Positive-Negative
NPRM Notice of Proposed Rule Making
NPT National Taper Pipe (Thread)
Npt Power Turbine Speed
NPV Net Present Value
NR Nose Restraint
NRC Non-Routine Card
NRM Normal
NRMP Non-Reversible Motor Pump
NRP Navigation Reference Point
NRW Net Recoverable Weight
NRZ Non-Return-to-Zero
NRZM Non Return to Zero Modified
NS No Smoking
N/S New Subject
NSC Notice of Status Change
NSEC Nanoseconds
NSS Neutral Shift Sensor
NSTA Nacelle Station
NSV Negative Sequence Voltage
NTS Not To Scale
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
NU Navigation Unit
NU Not Used
NUM Numerical
NV North Velocity
NVM Non-Volatile Memory
NVMEM Non-Volatile Memory
31 REV. OCT. 00
NVMEM RD Non-Volatile Memory Read Error
NVMEM WR Non-Volatile Memory Write Error
NVRM Non-Volatile RAM
NW Nose Wheel
N/W Nose Wheel
NWL Nacelle Waterline
NWS Nose Wheel Steering
O Open
O Orange
O Operations
O2 Oxygen
OAD Output Analog Discrete
OAP Output Audio Processor
OAS Outer Air Seal
OAT Outside Air Temperature
OB Outboard
OBJ Object
OBJT Object
OBS Observer
OBS Omni Bearing Selector
OBS Obsolete
OBSVR Observer
OC Over Current
OC On Condition
OC On Course
OC Order Card
O/C On Course
O/C Open Circuit
OCC Occupied
OCCPD Occupied
OCCPNT Occupant
OCL Obstacle Clearance Limit
OCS Obstacle Clearance Surface
OCT Octane
OD Outside Diameter
OD Out of Detent
O/D Out of Detent
ODAR Organizational Designated Airworthiness
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OEU Overhead Electronics Unit
OEV Overboard Exhaust Valve
OEW Operating Empty Weight
OF Over Frequency
OF Overfull
OF Outside Force
OFCR Officer
OFFR Off/Reset
OFF R Off-Reset
OFL Outflow
OFP Operational Flight Program
OFS Offset
OFSS Outboard Front Spar Station
OFST Offset
O/FULL Overfull
OFV Outflow Valve
OGV Outlet Guide Vane
OH Overheat
O/H Overheat
OHM Overhaul Manual
OHME Overhead Mechanical Equipment (tool)
OHU Overhead Unit
OIG Office of Inspector General
OJT On-the-Job Training
OK Correct
OLES Outboard Leading Edge Station
OLS Oil Level Sensor
OLW Operational Landing Weight
OM Outer Marker
OM Overhaul Manual
OM Operations Manual
OMB Operations Manual Bulletin
OML Outside Mold Line
OMS Onboard Maintenance System
OMTBF Observed Mean Time Between Failure
32 REV. OCT. 00
ON-ORD On Order (Sonic)
ONS Omega Navigation System
O-OEU Outboard Overhead Electronics Unit
OP Operational, Operation, Operating
OP Open Phase
OP Open
OP Oil Pressure
OP Operating Procedure
OP Opalescent
OP Operational (check)
O/P Output
OP-AMP Operational Amplifier
OPAS Overhead Panel ARINC System
OPBC Overhead Panel Bus Controller
OPC Operational Program Configuration
OP/C Operational Check
OPER Operative, Operational
O/PFDV Other Pitch Flight Director Valid
OPN Operation
OPNG Opening
OPP Opposite
OPR Operate
OPR Operator
OPRN Operation
OPS Operation, Operations
OPT Optimum
OPT Optical
OPT Option, Optional
OPTL Optional
OPV Overpressure Valve
OR Overrotation
ORD Ordinance
ORD RCD Order Received (Sonic)
ORF Orifice
ORG Orange
ORG Organization
Org Per Organic Peroxide
ORIDE Override
O/RIDE Override
ORIG Origin, Original, Originator
ORN Orange
ORT Owner’s Requirements Table (software database)
ORZ Omni Range Zero
OS Over Station
OS Oversize
OS Out of Service
O/S Over Station
O/S Overspeed
O/S Oversize
OSC Oscillator, Oscillation
OSC Oscilloscope
OSG Oscillograph
OSS Over Station Sensor
OSS Outboard Slat Stations
OSH Occupational Safety and Health
OSU Overdoor Service Unit
OT Oil Temperature
O/T Over Temperature
OTOW Operational Take-Off Weight
OUT Outlet
OUT Output
OUTB Outboard
OUTBD Outboard
OUTPT Output
OUTR Outer
OV Over
OV Over Voltage
OVBD Overboard
OVCO Over Voltage Cutout
OVDR Over Door
OVF Over Frequency
OVFL Overfill, Overflow
OVHD Overhead
OVHL Overhaul
OVHT Overheat
OV/HT Overheat
OVLD Overload
OVPRESS Overpressure
OVRD Override
OVRHT Overheat
OVSP Overspeed
OVV Overvoltage
OVWG Overwing
OW Outer Wing
OW One Way
OWE Operating Weight Empty
OXY Oxygen
Oxy M Oxidizing Material
OZ Ounce
OZ-FT Ounce-Foot
OZ-IN Ounce-Inch (torque)
33 REV. OCT. 00
P Primary
P Panel
P Pressure
P Purple
P Pink
P Pitch
P Plus
P Page
P2 Inlet Air Pressure
P5 Exhaust Gas Pressure
P25 HPC Inlet Pressure
P49 HPT Exhaust Pressure
P4.95 Turbine Exhaust Pressure
PA Passenger Address
PA Public Address
PA Power Amplifier
Pa Pascal
PA AMP Passenger Address Amplifier
PAC Passenger Address Controller
PA/CI Passenger Address/Cabin Interphone
PAH Pitch Attitude Hold
PAL Pressure Altitude
PAL Programmable Array Logic
PALCS Passenger Address Level Control Sensor
P.ALT Profile Altitude
PAM Pitch Autopilot Module
PAM Pulse Amplitude Modulation
PAM Performance Assessment Monitor
PAMB Ambient Pressure
PAR Precision Approach Radar
PAR Parallel
PAR Periodic Activity Report
PARAM Parameter
PARA/SER Parallel to Serial
PARS Periodic Activity Reports
PAS Passenger Address System
PASS Passenger
PAT Pitch Attitude Trim
PA T/R Passenger Address Tape Reproducer
PAX Passenger, Passengers
PAX Passenger Announcement Entertainment and
Service Multiplex System
PAX TEL Passenger Telephone
PB Burner Pressure
PB Pushbutton
P/B Pushbutton
PBACK Pushback
PBE Protective Breathing Equipment
PBI Polybenzimidazole
PBM Pressure Bias Modulation (antiskid)
P/BSW Pushbutton Switch
PC Printed Circuit
PC Packing Card
PC Pitch Computer
PC Control Pressure
PC Pulsating Current
PC Production Certificate (FAA)
PC Personal Computer
P/C Printed Circuit
P/C Percent
PCA Power Control Actuator
PCA Printed Circuit Assembly
PCA Positive Control Airspace
PCAM Pitch Camout
P CAP Partial Glide Slope Capture
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCD1 Compressor Discharge Pressure-First Stage
PCD2 Compressor Discharge Pressure-Second Stage
PCE Personal Consumption Expenditures
PCF Passenger Cum Freighter
PCH Patch
P.CLB Profile Climb
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International
P CMD Pitch Command Valid
PCN Pavement Classification Number
PCND Precondition Fail
PCP Power Control Package
PCP Pilot Call Panel
PCR Publications Change Request
PCR Production Change Record
PCT Percent, Percentage
PCU Power Control Unit
PCU Passenger Control Unit
PCU Propeller Control Unit
PCV Proportional Control Valve
PCW Pitch Control Wheel
PCWS Pitch Control Wheel Steering
PCZ Positive Zone Control
PD Pitch Diameter
PD Datum Pressure
PD Performance Data
PDB Performance Data Base
PDC Performance Data Computer
PDC Procurement Data Card
PDCS Performance Data Computer System
PDDC Provisioning Descriptive Data Card
P.DES Profile Descent
PDI Pictorial Deviation Indicator
PDIU Propulsion Discrete Interface Unit
PDL Portable Data Loader
PDM Post Delivery Modification Material
PDOS Powered Door Opening System
PDP Power Distribution Panel
PDRC Procurement Data Reference Card
PDS Primary Display System
PDSV Pressure Drop and Spill Valve
PDT Pole Double Throw
PDU Power Drive Unit
PDU Pneumatic Drive Unit
PDU Pilot Display Unit
PE HP Stage Air Pressure
PE Purchased Equipment
PED Pedestal
PED Portable Electronic Device
PEEPLS Passenger Emergency Escape Path Lighting
PEL Permissible Exposure Limits
PEM Performance Engineer's Manual
PEP Peak Envelope Power
PEPC Primary External Power Contactor
P.EPR Profile EPR
PERC Percussion
PERF Performance
PERF INT Performance Initialization
PERM Permanent
PERS Personnel
PES Passenger Entertainment System
PES Production Engineering Specification
PES Pitch Enhancement System
PETRO Petroleum
PF Pitch Force
PF Pitch Feel
PF Power Factor
PF Pulse Frequency
34 REV. OCT. 00
PF Pre Flight
PF Profile
PF Pilot Flying
PF Package Freighter
pF Picofarad
PFC Primary Flight Computer
PFCS Primary Flight Control System
PFCS Powered Flight Control Surfaces
PFD Primary Flight Display
PFI Post Flight Inspection
PFO Parallel Feeder Open
PF/T Preflight/Transit
PF TA Pitch Feel and Trim Assembly
PG Page
PG BUS Program Bus
PGM Program
PH Phase
PH Precipitation Hardening
PHD Pitch Hook Disengaged
PHE Pitch Hook Engaged
PHI Bank Angle
PHL Pitch Hook Limit
PHP Pounds per Horsepower
PHR Pounds per Hour
PHS Pitch Hook Sync
PHYS Physical
PI Procedure Turn to an Intercept
PI Performance Index
PI Production Illustration
PIA Peripheric Interface Adaptor
PIA Programmable Interface Adapter
PIC Product Identification Code
PIDS Primary Ice Detection System
PIE Pride In Excellence
PIIC Passenger In-flight Information Computer
PIMU Propulsion Interface Monitor Unit
PINT Pitch Integrator
PINT Integrated Pressure
PIP Product Improvement Package
PIR Pressure Interstage Return
PIR Pump Interstage Regulator
PIREP Pilot's Report
PIS Passenger Information Sign
PIX Picture
PJTR Projector
PK Park
PK Pink
PK Pack
PKG Parking
PKG Package
PKS Packs (air conditioning)
PL Place
PL Plate
PL Plug
PL Parts List
PL Pilot Landing
P/L Payload
PLA Power Lever Angle
PLA Programmed Logic Array
PLAC Placard
PLAT Programmed Lateral Assurance Test
PLAT Programmed Localizer Assurance Test
PLATF Platform
PLD Payload
PLF Present Leg Faults (CMC)
PLI Pitch Limit Indicator
PLI Pitch Limit Indication
PLI Preload Indicating
PLL Phase Lock Loop
PLN Plan
PLNG Planning
PLS Pulse
PLSTC Plastic
PLT Pilot
PLTS Pilots
PLYWD Plywood
PM Phase Modulation
PM Permanent Magnet
PM Pounds per Minute
PM Power Monitor
PM Manifold Pressure
PMA Permanent Magnet Alternator
PMA Parts Manufacturer Approval (FAA)
PMA Portable Maintenance Aid
P.MACH Profile Mach
PMAT Portable Maintenance Access Terminal
PMB Plastic Media Blasting
PMC Power Management Computer
PMC Power Management Control
PMC Power Management Controller
PMC Performance Management Computer
PMC Process Material Control
PMD Programmable Memory Device
PMD Programmed Memory Device
PMDB Production Management Data Base
PME Portable Mechanical Equipment (tool)
PMG Permanent Magnet Generator
PMI Principle Maintenance Inspector (FAA)
PML Precision Measurement Laboratory
PMO Program Management Organization
PMP Pump
PMR Performance and Maintenance Recorder
PMS Performance Management System
PMUX Power Plant Multiplexer
PMUX Propulsion Multiplexer
PN Part Number
P/N Part Number
PN1 First Part Number (Sonic)
P.N1 Profile N1
PN2 Second Part Number (Sonic)
PNC Part Number Code
PNCS Performance Navigation Computer System
PNEU Pneumatic
PNF Pilot Not Flying
PNFF Pitch No First Failure
PNL Panel
PNP Positive-Negative-Positive
PNUTT Platform Not Up To Temperature
PO Outside Air Pressure
PO Pickoff
PO Power On
PO Purchase Order
PO Polarity
Po Inlet Total Pressure
PODS Pneumatic Overheat Detection System
POI Principle Operations Inspector
POR Point Of Regulation
POR Power On Reset
PORT Portable
POS Position
POS Positive
POS INT Position Initialization
POSIT Position
POSN Position
POS REF Position Reference
POT Potentiometer
35 REV. OCT. 00
POT W Potable Water
PP Power Plant
PP Power Plant Pylon
PP Peak to Peak
PP Push-Pull
P/P Program Pin
PPB Provisioning Parts Breakdown
PPBL Power Plant Buttock Line
PPBM Power Plant Buildup Manual
PPBU Power Plant Build Up
PPC Phosphor Protection Circuit
PPDC Provisioning Procurement Data Card
PPDES Product Performance Data Exchange
PPH Pounds Per Hour
PPI Plan Position Indicator
PPM Parts Per Million
PPM Pounds Per Minute
PPOS Present Position
PPR Paper
P/P ROM Preprocessor ROM
PPS Power Plant Station
PPS Pilots Performance System
PPS Pulses Per Second
PPS Precision Positioning Service (GPS)
PP/S Pulse Pairs per Second
PPWL Power Plant Water Line
PQAS Program Quality Assurance System
PR Power Relay
PR Pressure
PR Pair
PR Regulated Pressure
PR Reference Pressure
PR Pitch Rate
PR Partial Revision
PR Photorecorder
P/R Pitch Rate
PRAM Prerecorded Announcement Machine
PRBC Pressure Ratio Bleed Control
PRC Pressure Ratio Control
PRCLR Precooler
PRCS Processor
PRCSG Processing
PRCSR Processor
PRE Protective Equipment
PREAMP Preamplifier
PRECIP Precipitation
PRED Prediction
PRE-ENG Pre-Engage
PREFAB Prefabricated
PRE FLT Pre Flight
PRELIM Preliminary
PREP Prepare
PRES Present
PRES POS Present Position
PRESS Pressure, Pressurization
PREV Previous
PRF Pulse Rate Frequency
PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency
PRFM Performance
PRG FLOW Program Flow error (MCDP)
PRGM Program
PRG MEM ROM Memory error (MCDP)
PRI Primary
PRIM Primary
PRIN Principle
PRL Parallel
PRL Parallel Rudder Logic
PRN Parts Requirement Notice
PROC Procedure
PROC Processor
PRO CAL Processed Comparator Autoland
PROC T Procedure Turn
PROD Production
PROF Profile
PROG Progress
PROG Program
PROJ Project, Projector
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
PROP Propellant
PROS Present Position
PROT Protection, Protective
PROT Protractor
PROTN Protection
PROTO Prototype
PROV Provision
PROX Proximity
PRPHL Peripheral
PRPHR Peripheral
PRR Production Revision Record
PRR Pulse Repetition Rate
PRR-R Production Revision Record, Retrofit only
PRSM Pitch/Roll Servo System Monitor
PRSOV Pressure Regulating and Shut Off Valve
PRSODV Pressure Raising Shutoff and Dump Valve
PRSRZ Pressurize
PRST Partial Reset
P/RST Press to Reset, Push to Reset
PRSV Pressure Regulator & Shutoff Valve
PRT Partial Revision Telex
PRT Pulse Repetition Time
PRV Pressure Regulating Valve
PRV Pressure Relief Valve
PRV Pressure Reducing Valve
PRVC Pressure Regulating Valve Controller
PS Power Supply
PS Pressure Switch
PS Process Solution
PS Pitot Static
Ps Static Pressure
P/S Pitot/Static
P-S Parallel to Series
PS2 Compressor Inlet Static Pressure
PS3 11th Stage Air Pressure
PSA Power Supply Assembly
PSAMB Ambient Static Pressure
PSC Present Course
PSC Pneumatic System Controller
PSCL Predicted Safe Cycle Life
PSD Process Specification Departure
PSE Principle Structural Element
PSEQ Phase Sequence
PSEU Proximity Switch Electronics Unit
PSEU Proximity Sensor Electronics Unit
PSF Pounds per Square Foot
PSFL Pressure Sensitive Flow Limiter
PSGR Passenger
PSH Pre-Select Heading
PSH Present Heading
PSI Pounds per Square Inch
PSIA Pounds per Square Inch Absolute
PSID Pounds per Square Inch Differential
PSIG Pounds per Square Inch Guage
PSM Power Supply Module
PSM Power Supply Monitor
PSM Passenger Service Module
36 REV. OCT. 00
PSN Position
PSNR Positioner
PSPA Power Supply and Pulser Assembly
P.SPD Profile Speed
PSPL Peculiar Spare Parts List
PSR Primary Surveillance Radar
PSRAB Propulsion System Reliability Assessment Board
PSS Passenger Service System
PSS Proximity Switch System
PSTA Primary Stabilizer Trim Actuator
PSU Passenger Service Unit
PSU Power Supply Unit
PSUD Passenger Service Unit Decoder
PSV Planned Shop Visit
PT Total Pressure
PT Point
PT Pint
Pt Part
Pt Pitot, Pitot Pressure
PT2 Engine Inlet Pressure
PT2 Compressor Inlet Total Pressure
PT4.95 Exhaust Gas Pressure
PTA Power Transfer Actuator
PTC Pack Temperature Controller
PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient
PTCH Pitch
PT CODE Part Code
PTCTN Protection
PTDC Provisioning Technical Data Card
PTFE Polytetraflouroethane
PTH Path
PT I Pitch Trim Inhibit
PTL Purchased Tool
PTM Performance Training Manual
PTM Pilot Training Manual
PT MOT Pitch Trim Motor
PTO Power Takeoff
PTR Printer
PTR Push To Reset
PTT Push To Talk, Press to Talk
PTT Push to Test, Press to Test
PTU Power Transfer Unit
PTU Power Transformer Unit
PTW Pitch Trim Wheel
PTY Parity
PU Pick Up
PU Panel Unit
P/U Pick Up
PUB Publication
PUL Pulley
PULV Pulverize, Pulverizer
PUR Purple
PURS Purser
PV Priority Valve
PVA Polyvinyl Alcohol
PVB Polyvinyl Butyral
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
PVD Para Visual Display
PVD Para Visual Director
PVDC Para Visual Display Computer
PVIS Passenger Video Entertainment System
PW Pratt-Whitney
PWGC Pulse Width Gain Control
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
PWM Pulse Width Modulator
PWR Power
PWR DR Power Drive
PWR SPLY Power Supply
PWS Predictive Windshear
PYL Pylon
PYRO Pyrotechnic
37 REV. OCT. 00
Q Pitch Rate
Q Torque
QA Quality Assurance
QAD Quick Attach-Detach
QAI Quality Assurance Item
QAR Quick Access Recorder
QC Quality Control
QC Quick Change
QC Quality Check
Qc Dynamic Pressure
QCCR Quality Control Change Request
QCDS Quality Control and Distribution System
QCE Quality Control Engineering
QCR&D Quality Control Research and Development
QCS Quiet Climb System (FMC)
QD Quick Disconnect
Q DISC Quick Disconnect
QDRNT Quadrant
QDT Quadrantal
QE Quadrantal Error
QEC Quick Engine Change
QEC Quadrantal Error Correction
QEC Quadrantal Error Corrector
QECU Quick Engine Change Unit
QFE Field Elevation Atmosphere Pressure
QFE Field Elevation Pressure
QIC Quality Improvement Center
QNE Sea Level Standard Atmosphere Pressure
QNH Atmosphere Pressure at Sea Level
QNH Baro Pressure Setting for in Route Altitude
QNH Destination Altimeter Setting
QPA Quantity of Parts per Airplane
QPL Qualified Products List
QPL Qualified Parts List
Q-POT Pressure Potentiometer
QPRI Qualitative Personnel Requirements Information
QQI Quantitative Quality Indicator
QRH Quick Reference Handbook
QT Quart
QTE Quote
QTR Quarter
QTS Quarts
QTY Quantity
QTZ Quartz
QUAD Quadrant
QUAL Quality
R Right
R Red
R Reset
R Resistor
R Yaw Rate
R Roll
R Ramp
R Range
R Radius
R Rankine (degrees)
R Repeat Interval
RA Radio Altitude
RA Radio Altimeter
RA Redundancy Assurance
RA Rain
RA Resolution Advisory
R/A Radar Altimeter
R/A Radio Altitude
RABS Reverse Actuated Bleed System
RAC Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Control
RACON Radar Beacon
RAD Radio
RAD Radial
RAD Radian
RAD Radiation Dosage
RAD Roll Anticipation Distance
RadM Radioactive Material
RAE Ram Air Exit
RAEA Ram Air Exit Actuator
R/AF Radio Altimeter Flag
RAI Ram Air Inlet
RAIA Ram Air Inlet Actuator
RAIL Runway Alignment Indicator Light System
RAM Random Access Memory
RAPCON Radar Approach Control
RA RT Radio Altimeter Receiver Transmitter
RAT Ram Air Turbine
RAT Ram Air Temperature
RATG Repairs Assessment Task Group
RAV Radio Altitude Valid
RAX Random Access Transfer Memory
RB Right Body
R/B Replaced By (IPC)
RBA RMI Bearing Indicator
RBA Rigid Bus Assembly
RBBL Right Body Buttock Line
RBL Right Buttock Line
RBN Radio Beacon
RBP Right Bottom Plug
RBTR Right Bus Tie Relay
RC Roll Computer
RC Rate Comparator
RC Repetitive Chime
RC Rate of Change
RC Replacement Code
R/C Rate of Climb
RCAF Repeat Course Alpha Fail
RCAG Remote Center Air-to-Ground
RCAM Roll Camout
RCC Remote Charge Converter
RCCB Remote Controlled Circuit Breaker
RCD Recording
RCDR Recorder
RCDU Remote Control Display Unit
RCDU Right Control Display Unit
RCL Recall
RCLM Runway Center Line Marking
RCLS Runway Center Line Lift System
38 REV. OCT. 00
RCM Ratio Changer Module
RCMDE Roll Command Enable
RCP Radio Communications Panel
RCP Reverse Current Protection
RCPT Receptacle
RCPTN Reception
RCV Receive
RCVD Received
RCVR Receiver
RCWS Roll Control Wheel Steering
RCVY Recovery
RD Right Display
RD Read
R/D Radial & Distance
R/D Rate of Descent
R&D Research and Development
RDDMI Radio Digital Distance Magnetic Indicator
RDDMI Radio Digital Distance Measuring Indicator
RDF Radio Direction Finder
RDG Reading
RDMI Radio Distance Magnetic Indicator
RDNG Reading
RDP Roller Drive Power
RDR Radar
RDR XMTR Radar Transmitter
RDS Radial Drive Shaft
RDY Ready
RE Regarding
RE Reynolds number
REAC Reactor
REC Record, Recorder
RECD Received
RECD Recorded
RECEPT Receptacle
RECIP Reciprocating
RECIR Recirculation
RECIRC Recirculate, Recirculation
RECIRC Recirculating
RECM Recommend
RECOG Recognition
RECON Reconnaissance
RECOV Recovery
RECP Receptacle
RECT Rectifier
RECT Rectangle
RED Reduction
REDUND Redundancy
REF Refer, Reference
REF ALIGN Reference Alignment
REFL Reflected
REFLD Reflected
REFLNG Refueling
REF PT Reference Point
REFRAC Refractory
REFRIG Refrigerate, Refrigeration
REG Regulate, Regulator, Regulating
REG Regulation
REG Register, Registry
REGEN Regenerative
REIL Runway End Identification Lights
REINF Reinforce
REJ Rejected, Rejection
REL Release
REL Relief
REL Reluctance
REL Relay
RELIAB Reliability
RELOC Relocate, Relocated
REM Remote
REM Remove
REM Roentgen Equivalent Man
REMS Removals (unscheduled)
REP Representative
REP Repellant
REP Reporting Point
REP Reproducer
REP Repair
REPEL Repellent
REPL Replace, Replacement
REPL BY Replaced By
REPRO Reproducer
REQ Require, Required
REQ Request, Requested, Requisition
REQD Required
RES Reserve
RES Resistance, Resistor
RES Research
RESP Response
REST Restriction
RESTR Restricted
RESV Reserve
RESYNC Resynchronize, Resynchronization
RET Retract
RET Retard
RETF Return to Field
RETR Retract, Retractable
RETRD Retracted
RETRG Retracting
RETRN Retraction
REU Remote Electronics Unit
REV Reverse
REV Reverser
REV Revise, Revision
REV Revolution
REV Reversion
REW Rewind
REW Recoverable Empty Weight
RF Radio Frequency
RF Right Front
RF Refill
RF Reference
RFC Request For Change
RFCC Reverse Flow Check Controller
RFCS RF Combiner/Splitter
RFDA RF Distribution Amplifier
RFI Radio Frequency Interference
RFL Refuel
RFL Reflected
RFM Rotocraft Flight Manual
RFP Request For Proposal
RFS Reason For Selection
RFS Regardless of Feature Size
RFU Radio Frequency Unit
RFW Request For Work
RGDS Regards
RGLRD Regulated
RGLTD Regulated
RGLTG Regulating
RGLTN Regulation
RGLTR Regulator
RGTR Register
RGWOW Right Gear Weight On Wheel
RH Right Hand
RH Relative Humidity
R/H Radar Height
RHE Rudder Hook Engaged
39 REV. OCT. 00
RHK Rudder Hook Monitor
RHM Rudder Hook Monitor
R/hr Roentgens per Hour
RI Right Inboard
RI Rate of Issue
R/I Radio/Inertial
R/I Remove/Install, Removal/Installation
R/I Repetitive Inspection
RIB Right Inboard
RINT Roll Integrator
RIV Rivet
RJB Radio Junction Box
RK Rack
RK Repair Kit
RLF Relief
RLG Ring Laser Gyro
RLOC LOC Receiver
RLS Right Line Select key
RLS Remote Light Sensor
RLSE Release
RLSED Released
RLTD Related
RLY Relay
RLY/SW Relay/Switch
RM Room
RM Reversion Mode
RM Raw Material
RMCU Remote Magnetic Compensation Unit
RMG Right Main Gear
RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator
RMM Ramp Maintenance Manual
RMP Right Middle Plug
RMP ENG Rudder Mod Piston Engaged
RMS Root Mean Square
RMT Remote
RMTE Remote
RMT OUT High-Speed ARINC Output
RMU Remote Management Unit
RN Right Nose
RNAV Radio Navigation
R NAV Radio Navigation
RNG Ring
RNG Range
RNI Radio Navigation Indicator
RNP Required Navigation Performance (FMC)
RO Right Outboard
RO Rollout
RO Repair Order
R/O Rho-Rho (DME-DME)
R/O Rollout
RO ALT Rollout Altitude
ROB Right Outboard
ROLT Reorder Lead Time
ROM Read Only Memory
ROM Rollout Mode
RON Remain Overnight
RO PCU Rollout Power Control Unit
ROT Rotate, Rotation, Rotary
RP Reverser Position
RP Reinstate Part
RPCM Rudder Power Control Module
RPCP Rollout Power Control Package
RPCU Rollout Power Control Unit
RPDR Reproducer
RPG Report Program General
RPL Replace
RPL Repellent
RPLNT Repellent
RPLS Replaces
RPLSD Replaced
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RPP Reflected Power Present
RPS Revolutions Per Second
RPTG Reporting
RPTG Repeating
RPTR Repeater
RPU Receiver Processor Unit
RQ Recommended Quantity
RQMT Requirement
RQRD Required
RR Rapid Revision
RR Right Rear
RR Rolls Royce
RR Radio Range Station
RR Rudder Rib
R/R Rho-Rho (DME-DME)
R&R Remove and Replace
RRAM Receiver RAM
RRC Rudder Ratio Changer
RRC Rudder Rollout Control
RRCA Rudder Ratio Changer Actuator
RRCBV Rudder Ratio Changer Bypass Valve
RRCM Rudder Ratio Changer Module
R RR Roll plus Roll Rate
RS Rear Spar
RS Resolver
RS Reserve
RS Restoration
RS Repeating Stroke
R/S Rear Spar
RSA Request for Service Allowance
RSA Request for Support Allowance
RSC Recording System Controlling
RSE Roll Servo Engaged
RSL Rudder Stop Limiter
RSP Responder Beacon
RSP Rotational Sampling Program
RSPL Recommended Spare Parts List
RSR Route Surveillance Radar
RSRV Reserve
RSS Rear Spar Station
RSS Root Sum Square
RS STA Rear Spar Station
RSSW Right Strut Switch
RST Reset
RSU Raster Shading Unit
RSV Reserve
RSVD Reserved
RSVR Reservoir
RSVR Resolver
RT Receiver-Transmitter
RT Right
RT Right Turn
RT Route
RT Rate
RT Rejection Tag
RT Round Trip
R/T Receiver-Transmitter
R/T Rate of Turn
R/T Radio Transmit
R/T Reverse Thrust
RTA Receiver Transmitter Arinc
RTA Required Time of Arrival
RTC Real Time Clock
RTC Reduced Temperature Configuration
RTCA Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics
40 REV. OCT. 00
RTE Route
RTF Radio Telephony
RTG Rating
RTG1 Rating (engine) 1
RTG2 Rating (engine) 2
RTK Revenue Ton Kilometer
RTL Reverse Thrust Lever
RTL Reverse Thrust Limit
RTL Reverse Thrust Limiter
RTL Rental Tool
RTL Ready To Load
RTN Return
RTNR Retainer
RTO Rejected Takeoff, Refused Takeoff
RTP Right Top Plug
RTP Radio Tuning Panel
RTRN Return
RTRSW Rotary Switch
RTRY Rotary
RTS Return To Seat
RTS Return To Service
RTV Room Temperature Vulcanizing
RUC Recommended Use Code
RUD Rudder
RUD STA Rudder Station
RUE Repeat Update Excessive
RV Rollout Valid
RV Relief Valve
RVA Reverser Actuator
RVDT Rotary Variable Differential Transformer
RVDT Rotary Variable Differential Transducer
RVE Repeat Velocity Excessive
RVR Runway Visual Range
RVS Reverse, Reverser
RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum
RVSN Reversion
RVSR Reverser
RVT Rivet
RW Right Wing
RW Runway
R/W Read/Write
RWD Right Wing Down
RWI Read/Write Interface
RWK Rework
R/W MEM RAM Memory
RWS Right Wing Station
RWY Runway
RZ Return-to-Zero
S South
S Second
S Secondary
S Minimum Slat Retract Speed (EFIS)
S Stringer
SA Single Aisle
SAARU Secondary Attitude Air Data Reference Unit
SAC Single Annular Combuster
SACO Seattle Aircraft Certification Office (FAA)
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SAETG Structural Audit Evaluation Task Group
SAF Safety
SAFD Safetied
SAI Standby Attitude Indicator
SAL Salvage
SALS Short Approach Light System
SALV Salvage
SAM Stabilizer Trim & Aileron Lockout Module (767)
SAM Stabilizer/Elevator Asymmetry Module (757)
SAP Special Audio Panel
SAS Stabilization Augmentation System
SAT Static Air Temperature
SAT Saturate
SATCOM Satellite Communication
SAV Starter Air Valve
SB Service Bulletin
SB Switch Box
SB Side Band
S/B Speed Brake
SBE Service Bulletin Engineering
S/BELT Seat Belt
SBEW Standard Basic Empty Weight
SBHM Static Balance Hinge Moment
SBL Symbol
SBT Service Bulletin Telex
SC Single Chime
SC Scale
SC Status Change
SC Speed Control Computer
SC Stock Code (Sonic)
S/C Speed Command
S/C Step Climb
SCAV Scavenge, Scavenger
SCC System Control Center
SCC Station Control Card
SCC Signal Consolidation Card
SCC Stress Corrosion Cracking
SCD Specification Control Drawing
SCD Subject to Captains Discretion
SCE Source
SCF Standard Cubic Foot
SCFM Standard Cubic Feet per Minute
SCFS Standard Cubic Feet per Second
SCH Schematic
SCH Schedule
SCH Search
SCHED Schedule
SCHEM Schematic
SCID Signal Collection/Tail ID Card
SCM Spoiler Control Module
SCN Specification Change Notice
SCO Section Control
SCO Section Controller
SCP Spoiler Control Package
SCP Stabilizer Chord Plane
SCP System Cargo Panel
SCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier
SCR Screw
41 REV. OCT. 00
SCR Specification Change Request
SCRN Screen
SCS Speed Command System
SCS Speed Control System
SCS Single Channel Simplex
SCSV Speed Control System Valid
SCT Status Change Telex
SCT Supersonic Commercial Transport
SCU Seat Control Unit
SCU Start Control Unit
SCU Signal Conditioner Unit
SCU Supplemental Control Unit
SCU Starter Converter Unit
SCUP Scupper
SCV Surge Control Valve
SD System Display
SD Shutdown (engine)
SD Side Display
S/D Step Descent
S/D Shutdown
S/D Stock Depleted
SDAC System Data Analog Converter
SDAU Special Data Acquisition Unit
SDD System Description Document
SDF Standard Data File
SDI Source/Destination Identifier
SDI Source Data Identifier
SDL Software Data Loader
SDM Speaker Drive Module
SDN System Description Note
SDP System Display Panel
SDR Service Difficulty Report
SDS Shop Distribution Standards
SDTM Structure Description Training Manual
SDU Satellite Data Unit
SE Special Equipment (tool)
SEB Seat Electronic Box
SEB/ST Seat Electronics Box with Self Test
SEC Seconds
SEC Secondary
SEC Section
SEC Secant
SEC Service Extender Concentrate (oil filter)
SEC-FT Second-Foot
SECT Section
SEG Segment
SEI Standby Engine Indicator
SEI Standby Engine Instrument
SEL Select, Selected, Selection
SEL Selector
SELCAL Selective Calling
SELCAL Selective Call System
SEL FROM Selected From
SEL PNL Selector Panel
SELTR Selector
SEM Short Edge Margin
SEM Scanning Electron Microscope
SEN Sensor
SENS Sensitivity
SENS Sense
SEPC Secondary External Power Contactor
SEQ Sequence
SER Service
SER Serial
SERNO Serial Number
SER/PRL Serial to Parallel
SERV Service
SERV INT Service Interphone
SERVO Servomechanism
SERVO CTL Servo Control
SEU Seat Electronics Unit
SF Spot Face
S/F Spot Face
SFAR Special Federal Aviation Regulation (FAA)
SFC Specific Fuel Consumption
SFCC Slat/Flap Control Computer
SFCC Sideways Facing Crew Cockpit
SFCC Sideways Facing Crew Configuration
SFD Source-to-Film Distance
SFE Seller Furnished Equipment
SFENA Societe Francaise D'Equipments Pour La
Navigation Aerienne
SFM Surface Feet per Minute
SFPI Slat/Flap Position Indicator
SFPM Surface Feet Per Minute
SG Symbol Generator
SG Signal Generator
SG Stroke Generator
SG Strain Gauge
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language
SGP Stroke Generator Processor
SGSEL Suggested Ground Support Equipment List
SGU Symbol Generator Unit
SH Sheet
S/H Sample and Hold
SH ABS Shock Absorber
SHDBL Sheddable
SHED Shedding
SHF Super High Frequency
SHI Standby Horizon Indicator
SHK Shank
SHKR Shaker
SHLD Shield
SHLD Shielding
SHN Scratch Hardness Number
SHP Shaft Horsepower
SHPR Shipper
SHPT Shipment
SHP TO Shipped To (Sonic)
SHRD Shroud
SHT Short
SHT Sheet
SHTW Short Word
SHVR Shaver
SI Slip Indicator
SID Standard Instrument Departure
SIDS Standard Instrument Departures
SIDS Standard Instrument Departure Sequence
SIF Selective Identification Feature
SIG Signal
SIIA Structural Item Interim Advisory
SIL Service Information Letter
SIL Silence
SIL Systems Integrated Lab
SIM Simulation
SIM System Interface Module
SIN Sine
SIP Service Interphone
SIR Service Information Release
SIRS Significant Item Reporting System
SIS Service Interphone System
SIS Service Item Summary
SISP Source Input Select Panel
SIT Situation
SIV Standard Item Variations
SKED Schedule
42 REV. OCT. 00
SKT Socket
SL Service Letter
SL Sea Level
SL Slat
S/L Service Letter
SLAMMR Side-Looking Airborne Modular Multimission
SLAR Side-Looking Airborne Radar
SLAT STA Slat Station
SLCTD Selected
SLCTR Selector
SLFPM Sea Level Feet Per Minute
SLI Since Last Inspection
SLP Space Limited Payload
SLS Side Lobe Suppression
SLS Sea Level Static
SL SB Slat Switch Box
SLST Sea Level Static Thrust
SLT Slat
SLV Sleeve
SM Splice
SMA Stress Methods and Allowables
SMC Stall Management Computer
SMD Surface Mounted Device
SME Shipping Mechanical Equipment (tool)
SMHGA Side Mounted High Gain Antenna
SMK Smoke
SMM Stall Margin Mode
SMPG Structural Maintenance Planning Guidelines
SMV Speed Mode Valid
SMV Speedbrake Mode Valve
SMYD Stall Management Yaw Damper
SMYDC Stall Management Yaw Damper Computer
SN Serial Number
SN Sign
S/N Serial Number
SNGL Single
SNIF Sensitivity for Normal Interface
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SNS Standby Navigation System
SNS Sensor
SNSR Sensor
SO Shut-Off
SO Second Officer
S/O Shut-Off
S/O Second Officer
SOB Side-Of-Body
SOC Start OF Climb
SOH Start Of Heading
SOL Solenoid
SOL V Solenoid Valve
SONIC Spares Ordering Nonstop Inventory Control
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SOP Service Operating Procedure
SOP Standard Option Pin
SOP Standard Overhaul Practices
SOSP Structures Operator Support Program
SOT Start Of Transmission
SOTM System Operation Training Manual
SOV Shutoff Valve
SOW Statement Of Work
SP Splice
SP Scratch Pad
SP Summing Point
SP Speed
SP Sampling
SP Space
SP Stop
SP Special Performance
SPAD Scratch Pad
SPASE Single Point Audio System Earth
SPBK Speed Brake
SPC Statistical Process Control
SPD Speed
SPD Surfaces Position Digitizer
SPD BK Speed Brake
SPDBRK Speed Brake
SPD/M Speed/Mach
SPDT Single Pole Double Throw
SPE Seller Purchased Equipment
SPEC Specification
SPF Specific Pathogen Free
SPFK Specific
SPG Spring
SP GR Specific Gravity
SP HT Specific Heat
SPI Surface Position Indicator
SPI Special Position Identification
SPKR Speaker
SPKRS Speakers
SPL Spoiler
SPL Splice
SPL Splice List
SPLC Splice
SPLR Spoiler
SPLY Supply
SPM Stabilizer Position Module
SPM Surface Position Monitor
SPMC Service Process Material Control
SPNC Single Pole Normally Closed
SPNO Single Pole Normally Open
SPOP Service Process Operation Procedure
SPR Servo Pressure Regulator
SPR Service and Performance Report
SPR Suppression
SPRC Safety Performance Review Committee
SPRS Suppression
SPS Service Process Solution
SPS Single Point Sensor
SPS Standard Positioning Service (GPS)
SPST Single Pole Single Throw
SPT Static Procedures Trainer
SPU Start Power Unit
SQ Square
SQ Squelch
SQ CM Square Centimeter
SQ FT Square Feet
SQ-FT Square-Feet
SQ IN Square Inch
SQ KM Square Kilometer
SQL Squelch
SQ M Square Meter
SQ MI Square Mile
SQ MM Square Millimeter
SQ u Square Micron
SQW Square Wave
SQ YD Square Yard
SR Senior
SR Spherical Radius
SRA Specific Range Air
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
SRCH Search
SRD Software Requirements Document
SRE Surveillance Radar Element of GCA
SRF Solvent Resistant Finish
SRF Self Relieving Filter
43 REV. OCT. 00
SRKM Structural Repair Kit Manual
SRL Significant Rework Log
SRM Structural Repair Manual
SRM Stabilizer Trim/Rudder Ratio Module
SRP Service Related Problem
SRS Speed Reference System
SRU Shop Repairable Unit
SRU Shop Replaceable Unit
SRV Servicing
SRVO Servo
SS Single Shot
SS Slow Slew
SS Stick Shaker
SS Slat Station
SS Stainless Steel
SS Suggested Spare
SS Sky/Shading
SSALS Simplified Short Approach Light System
SSALSR Simplified Short Approach Light System Runway
Alignment Lights
SSB Split System Breaker
SSB Single Side Band
SSB Supplier Service Bulletin
SSB System Startup Box
SSC Static Source Correction
SSC Single Stroke Chime
SSCVR Solid State Cockpit Voice Recorder
SSD Significant Structural Detail
SSD Source Select Discrete
SSEC Static Source Error Correction
SSFD Signal Selection Fault Detection
SSFDR Solid State Flight Data Recorder
SSG Single Stroke Gong
SSI Structural Significant Item
SSI Supplemental Structural Inspection
SSI Stocked Specialty Item
SSID Supplemental Structural Inspection Document
SSIP Supplemental Structural Inspection Program
SSIS Significant Service Item Summary
SSLCV Synch Shaft Lock Control Valve
SSM Servo System Monitor
SSM Sign Status Matrix
SSM System Schematics Manual
SS M Slow Slew, Month (clock)
SSPL Structural Spare Parts List
SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar
SSR Solid State Relay
SSSV Solid State Stored Voice
SST Supersonic Transport
SSW Strut Switch
SSWP Signal Swap
ST Start
ST Standard Tool
ST Status Code (Sonic)
STA Station
STA Stationary
STA Straight-in-Approach
STA Stabilizer Trim Actuator
STAB Stabilizer
STAB Stabilized
STAB Stabilization
STAB BL Stabilizer Buttock Line
STAB STA Stabilizer Station
STAN Stanchion
STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Route
STAT Status
STAT Static
STAT Statistic
STB Boeing Part Standards
STBD Starboard
STBY Standby
STC Sensitivity Time Control
STC Servo Test Complete
STC Supplemental Type Certificate (FAA)
STCM Stabilizer Trim Control Module
STD Standard
STE System Test Equipment
STE Special Test Equipment
STFS Structures Task Forces
STG Structures Task Group
STGR Stringer
STIF Stiffener
STIFF Stiffener
STIM Stimulus
ST INV Static Inverter
STIU Stabilizer Trim Interface Unit
STL Steel
STLM Stabilizer Trim Limit Switch
STL WARN Stall Warning
STOL Short Takeoff and Landing
STOM System Operation Training Manual
STP Step
STP Surge Tank Protection
STP Stamp
STR Stringer
STR Structural
STRG Steering
STRL Structural
STRN Straighten
STRUCT Structure
STS Status, System Status
STS Speed Trim System
STVC Standby Temperature Control Valve
STWL Stairwell
STWY Stairway
STX Data To Follow
SU Switching Unit
SUBASSY Subassembly
SUBCONT Subcontract, Subcontractor
SUBJ Subject
SUBMUX Submultiplexer
SUBS Subsequent
SUD Stretched Upper Deck
SUFF Suffix
SUM Summing
SUP Supply
SUP Support
SUPL Supply
SUP-NUM Supernumerary
SUPP Supplemental
SUPPL Supplement, Supplemental
SUPPR Suppressor
SUPPR Suppression
SUPSD Superseded
SUPSD BY Superseded By
SUPT Support
SUR Surge
SUR Surface
SURF Surface
SURV Surveillance
SV Solenoid Valve
SV Servo Valve
SV Servicing
SVA Stator Vane Actuator
SVA Stator Vane Angle
SVC Service
44 REV. OCT. 00
SVCE Service
SVD Seat Video Display
SVMTR Servomotor
SVO Servo
SVS Vertical Speed Sync
SVU Seat Video Unit
SW Switch
S/W Software
SWC Stall Warning Computer
SWG Switching
SWG Structures Working Group
SWITCH IN Switch Input
SWL Sidewall
SWLT Switchlight
SW/LT Switch-Light
SWMC Stall Warning Management Computer
SWP Sweep
SWR Standing Wave Ratio
SWS Switches
SWS Software Sales
SWTG Switching
SWY Stopway
SYM Symmetrical
SYM Symbol
SYM GEN Symbol Generator
SYN Synchronize
SYN Synthetic
SYN Synchro
SYNC Synchro
SYNC Synchronize, Synchronous
SYNC Synchronization
SYN/DIG Synchronous Digital
SYN REF Synchro Reference
SYNTH Synthesizer
SYNTHR Synthesizer
SYS System
SYST System
T True
T Turn
T Time
T Temperature
T2 Inlet Total Temperature
T2 Fan Inlet Temperature
T2C HP Compressor Inlet Temperature
T4.95 Turbine Exhaust Temperature
T54 Low Pressure Turbine Inlet Temperature
TA Twin Aisle
TA Trim Assembly
TA Trim Augmentation
TA Traffic Advisory
TA Taxi (out)
TAB Test and Bite Panel
TAB Tabulate, Tabulation
TAC Trim Augmentation Computer
TAC Tactical
TAC Thrust Asymmetry Compensation
TACAN Tactical Air Navigation
TACH Tachometer
TACT Tactical
TAD Telegraphic Airworthiness Directive
TAES Transport Airplane and Engine Subcommittee
TAFCU Timed Acceleration Fuel Control Unit
TAI Thermal Anti-Ice
TAN Tangent
TAN Total Acid Number
TAP Total Air Pressure
TA PM Trim Augmentation Power Monitor
TAR Terminal Area Surveillance Radar
TAS True Airspeed
TAS V True Airspeed Valid
TAT Total Air Temperature
TB Terminal Block
TB Tie Breaker
TBA To Be Announced
TBB Transfer Bus Breaker
TBC The Boeing Company
TBD To Be Determined
TBDP Tie Bus Differential Protection
TBE Tetrabromoethane
TBF To Be Furnished
TBO Time Between Overhaul
TBSV Time Between Scheduled Visits
TBU Time Base Unit
TBV Turbine Bypass Valve
TBV Transient Bleed Valve
TC Test Complete
TC Thermocouple
TC Turn Coordination
TC Turbine Case
TC Time Constant
TC Type Certificate (FAA)
T/C Top of Climb
T/C Thermocouple
T/C Turbo Compressor
TC1 Turbine Cooling Air
TCA Turbine Cooling Air
TCA Terminal Control Area
TCAS Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
TCAS Traffic Collision and Avoidance System
TCC Thrust Control Computer
TCC Turbine Case Cooling
TCC Turbine Clearance Control
TCCA Turbine Clearance Control Air
TCCS Thrust Control Computer System
TCCV Turbine Clearance Control Valve
45 REV. OCT. 00
TCF Trim, Centering and Feel Unit
TCF Terrain Clearance Floor
TCFN Two's Complement Fractional Notation
TCL Turn Coordinator Left
TCM Technical Coordination Meeting
TCPS Temperature Compensated Pressure Switch
TCTO Time Compliance Technical Order
TCV Temperature Control Valve
TD Time Delay
TD Technical Directive
TD Turbine Driven
TD Touch Down
TD Test Data
T/D Top of Descent
T/D Time Delay
T/D Time/Distance
T*D Top of Descent
TDA Trim Down Arm
TDC Trim Down Control
TDC Time Delay Closing
TDL Time Delay Logic
TDM Tooling Design Manual
TDO Time Delay Opening
TDP Touch Down Protection
TDP Touchdown Point
TDR Torque Differential Receiver
TDR Time Domain Reflectometer
TDU Time Display Unit
TDX Torque Differential Transmitter
TDY Temporary Duty
TDZL Touchdown Zone Lights
TE Trailing Edge
TE Turbulence Engaged
TE Test Equipment
TE HP Stage Air Temperature
T/E Trailing Edge
TE ANN Turbulence Engaged Annunciation
TEC Turbine Exhaust Case
TEC Turbine Exhaust Cone
TECH Technical
TEL Telephone
TEL Trailing Edge Left
TELE Telephone
TEM Temperature
TEMP Temperature
TEMP Test and Evaluation Master Plan
TENS Tension
TEO Engine Oil Temperature
TER Trailing Edge Right
TERM Terminal
TERMN Termination
TEST SIG Test Signal
TF Fan (air) Temperature
T/F Track of a Fixed waypoint
TFC Traffic
TFE Teflon
TFR Transfer
TFR Technical Focus Reports
TFU Transient Fuel Unit
TFU Technical Follow Up
TFV Transient Fuel Valve
TG Tail Gear
TGB Transfer Gearbox
TGL Touch-and-Go Landing
TGT Turbine Gas Temperature
TGT Target
TH True Heading
THD Thread
THEO Theoretical
THEOD Theodolite
THERM Thermal
THERM Thermometer
THERMO Thermostat
THETA Temperature and Pressure
THK Think
THMS Thermistor
T/HOLD Throttle Hold
THP Thrust Horsepower
THR Thrust
THR Throttle
THR HLD Throttle Hold
THR HOLD Throttle Hold
THRM Thermal
THR MGT Thrust Management
THROT Throttle
THR REF Thrust Reference
THR REV Thrust Reverser
THRSH Threshold
THRST Thrust
THRU Through
THS Trim Horizontal Stabilizer
THSHD Threshold
TI Texas Instruments
TI Track to an Interrupt
TI Taxi In
TI Transported Interface
Ti Titanium
TIA Type Inspection Authorization
TIE Bus Tie
TIM Time
TIP Tune In Progress
TIR Type Inspection Report
TIS Time In Service
TIT Turbine Inlet Temperature
TK Track
TK Track Angle
TK Turn Knob
TK Tank
T/K Turn Knob
TKE Track Angle Error
TKE Track Error
TKID Turn Knob In Detent
TKS Thanks
TL Tilt
TL Transmittal Letter
TLA Throttle Lever Angle
TLA Thrust Lever Angle
TLB Technical Log Book
TLM Telemeter
TLR Thrust Lever Resolver
TLSE Terminal Lug Sensing Elements
TLT Thrust Lever Travel
TLW Tail Wind
TM Thrust Management
TM Torque Motor
TM Manifold Temperature
TMA Thrust Mode Annunciator
TMC Thrust Management Computer
TMCF Thrust Management Computing Function
TMCS Thrust Management Computer System
TME Thrust Management Engaged
TME Transportable Mechanical Equipment (tool)
TMF Turbine Mid-Frame
TMF Thrust Management Function
TMG Timing
TMIGA Top-Mounted Intermediate Gain Antenna
46 REV. OCT. 00
TMP Temperature
TMR Timer
TMS Thrust Management System
TMS Thrust Management Select
TMSP Thrust Mode Select Panel
TO Takeoff
TO Turn-Off
TO Technical Order
To Total Inlet Temperature
T/O Take-Off
TO/APPR Take-Off/Approach
TOBI Tangential On Board Injection
TOC Top Of Climb
TOCWS Takeoff Configuration Warning System
TOD Top of Descent
TOD Take-Off Dry
TOD Take-Off Distance
TOD Task Oriented Data
TOE Takeoff Engaged
TOE ANN Takeoff Engaged Annunciation
TOGA Take-Off Go Around
TO/GA Takeoff Go-Around
TOGW Take-Off Gross Weight
TOL Tolerance
TOP Takeoff Power
TOR Take-Off Run
TOR Torque
TORQ Torque
TOS Turbine Overspeed
TOSC Turn On Self Check
TOT Total
TOW Take-Off Weight
TOW Take-Off Wet
TP Test Point
TP Thrust Select Panel
TP True Position
TP Top Plug
TP Tangent Point
TP Type (WDM)
T-P Turn Point
TPIS Tire Pressure Indication System
TPMU Tire Pressure Monitor Unit
TP& Technical Policies and Procedures
TPR Transponder
TPRSOS Trim Air Pressure Regulating and Shutoff Valve
TPU Transient Pressure Unit
TPU Transient Power Unit
TR Transformer Rectifier
TR Thrust Reverser
TR Temporary Revision
TR Truss
TR Turn Radius
TR Transistor
TR Regulated Temperature
TR Torque Receiver
TR Transit (check)
T/R Transformer Rectifier
T/R Thrust Reverser
T/R Transmit-Receive
T/R Thrust Beam
T-R Transmitter-Receiver
T-R Transformer-Rectifier
TRA Thrust Resolver Angle
TRA Throttle Resolver Angle
TRACON Terminal Radar Control
TRAJ Trajectory
TRAN Transfer
TRANS Transit, Transition
TRANS Transfer
TRANS Transformer
TRANS Transient Control
TRANS Transport
TRANSF Transfer
TRANSF Transformer
TRANSV Transverse
TRC Thrust Rating Computer
TRC Thermatic Rotor Control
TRDE Trade
TRF Transfer
TRF Turbine Rear Frame
TRF Tuned Radio Frequency
TRI Triple
TRIG Trigger
TRIM V Trim System Valid
TRK Truck
TRK Track
TRNBKL Turnbuckle
TROPO Tropopause
TRP Thrust Rating Panel
TRPL Triple
TRQ Torque
TRQR Torquer
TRS Transformer Rectifiers
TRS Technical Repercussion Sheet
TRSM Thrust Reverser Sequencing Mechanism
TRT Turn Round Time
TRU Transformer Rectifier Unit
TRU True
TRUN Trunnion
TRV Travel
TRWL Thrust Reverser Water Line
TS Terminal Strip
TS Trouble Shooting
TS Temperature Switch
TS Tensile Strength
TS Test Set
T/S Terminal Strip
TSA Test Set Airplane
TSC Troubleshooting Chart
TSC Torque Signal Conditioner
TSFC Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption
TSJ Test Jig
TSL Terminal Strip List
TSLSV Time Since Last Shop Visit
TSM Trouble Shooting Manual
TSO Time Since Overhaul
TSO Technical Service Order
TSO Technical Standard Order (FAA)
TSS Test Set Station
TST Test
TSTR Transistor
TT Total Time
TT Total Temperature
TT Term Type
TT Switching Temperature of HP Valve
TT Tool Tag
TT Terminal Type
TT2 Engine Inlet Temperature
TTG Time To Go
TTL Transistor Transistor Logic
TTL Total
TTL Tuned To Localizer
TTR Technical Trouble Report
TTU Through Transmission Ultrasonic
TUA Trim Up Arm
TUC Trim Up Control
47 REV. OCT. 00
TUN Tuning
TUNE Tuner
TURB Turbulence
TURB Turbine
TURBL Turbulence, Turbulent
TV Television
TVB Turbine Bypass Valve
TVBA Turbine Vane and Blade Cooling Air
TVBC Turbine Vane and Blade Cooling
TVBCA Turbine Vane and Blade Cooling Air
TVC Turbine Vane Cooling
TVOR Terminal VOR
TW Twisted
T/W Together With (IPC)
T/WIND Tail Wind
TWR Tower
TWS Technical Work Statement
TWT Traveling Wave Tube
TWX Teletype Written Exchange
TWY Taxiway
TX Transmitter
TX Torque Transmitter
TXPDR Transponder
TY Type (WDM)
TYP Typical
TZ Tin-Zinc
u Micro
UA Unit Assembly
UAC Upper Area Control Center
UARRSI Universal Aerial Refueling Receptacle System
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
UART Universal Asynchronous Receive/Transmit
UB Utility Bus
UB Unit Bond
UBR Utility Bus Relay
UC Upper Center
UCM Uncommanded Movement
UCT Universal Coordinated Time
U/D Upper Deck
UDC Upper Deck Cargo
UDL Unit Detail Listing
UDT Update
UF Under Frequency
UFDR Universal Flight Data Recorder
U/FLOOR Underfloor
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UI Unit Issue
UKCAA British Civil Aviation Authority
ULB Underwater Locator Beacon
ULC Universal Logic Card
ULD Unit Load Device
ULD Underwater Locating Device
UM Unit Manufacture
UM Unit of Measure (Sonic)
UMC Universal Master Caution
UNBAL Unbalance
UNCPLG Uncoupling
UNCRCTD Uncorrected
UND Under
UNIV Universal
UNK Unknown
UNLK Unlock
UNLKD Unlocked
UNP Unknown from Production surplus
UNREG Unregulated
UNRGLTD Unregulated
UNSCHD Unscheduled
UNSCHED Unscheduled
UNSD Unused
UNSHD Unscheduled
U/O Used On
UP Upper
UPDT Update
UP/LT Up Left
UPR Upper
UR Utilization Rate
UR Unsatisfactory Report
URR Unscheduled Removal Rate
US Under Speed
US United States
U/S Unserviceable
USB Upper Side Band
uSEC Microsecond
USG U.S. Gallons
USG Unusually Significant (service bulletin)
USPHS U.S. Public Health Service
UT Unit Time
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
UTIL Utility
UUT Unit Under Test
UV Under Voltage
UV Ultra-Violet
UVEROM Ultra Violet Erasable Read Only Memory
48 REV. OCT. 00
UV PROM Ultra Violet Programmable Read Only Memory
UWY Upper Airway
V Volt, Voltage
V Valve
V Velocity
V Version
V Violet
V Voice
V Vendor
V1 Takeoff Decision Speed
V1 Critical Engine Failure Speed
V2 Scheduled Target Speed
V2 Takeoff Safety Speed
V2min Minimum Takeoff Safety Speed
V3 Flap Retraction Speed
V4 Slat Retraction Speed
Va Design Maneuvering Speed
VA Volts-Amperes
VA Heading with an Altitude Termination
VAC Volts Alternating Current
VAC Vacuum
V AC Volts Alternating Current
VAL Valve
VALU Value
VAP Visual Approach Procedure
VAR Variation, Variable
VAR Reactive Volt Ampere
VAR Visual-Aural Radio Range
VAR/WX Variable Weather (mode)
VASIS Visual Approach Slope Indicator System
VB Design Speed for Maximum Gust Intensity
VB Vertical Bearing
V/B Vertical Beam
VBFLO Initial Buffet Onset Speed (low)
VBS Vertical Beam Sensor
VBV Variable (bleed) Bypass Valve
VBV Variable Bleed Valve
VBVS Variable (bleed) Bypass Valves
Vc Calibrated Airspeed
VC Design Cruising Speed
VC Variable Camber
V/C Vendor Code
VCD Vortex Control Device
VCDU Video Control Distribution Unit
VCE Voice
VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator
VCP Video Control Panel
VD Design Diving Speed
VD Heading to a DME Distance
VDC Volts Direct Current
V DC Volts Direct Current
VDCU Video Distribution Control Unit
VDCU Video Display Control Unit
VDD Version Description Drawing
VDEV Vertical Deviation
VDF VHF Direction Finding Station
VDR VHF Data Radio
VDU Video Distribution Unit
VE Velocity East
VEF Critical Engine Failure Speed
VEH Vehicle
VEL Velocity
VEND Vendor
VENT Ventilate, Ventilation
VEP Video Entertainment Player
VERT Vertical
VERT ACC Vertical Acceleration
VERT REV Vertical Revise
VERT SPD Vertical Speed
49 REV. OCT. 00
VES Video Entertainment System
VF Design Flap Speed
VF Video Frequency
VFE Maximum Flap Extended Speed
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VFTO Final Take Off Velocity
VFTO Final Take Off Speed
VFY Verify
VG Vertical Gyro
VGH Velocity-Gravity-Height
VGH Vertical Gust History
VGV Vertical Gyro Valid
VH Maximum Speed in Level Flight with Maximum
Continuous Power
VHF Very High Frequency
VHS Video Helical Scan
VHV Very High Voltage
VI Heading to an Intercept
VIB Vibration
VIB Initial Buffet Velocity
VID Video
VIGV Variable Inlet Guide Vanes
VIO Violet
VIP Very Important Person
VIS Visual
VIU Video Interface Unit
V/L VOR/Localizer
VLCT Very Large Commercial Transport
VLD Valid
VLE Landing Gear Extended Speed
VLF Very Low Frequency
VLLDC Very Low Level DC Voltage
VLMTRC Volumetric
VLO Landing Gear Operating Speed
VLOF Lift-off Speed
VLTGE Voltage
VLV Valve
VM Maneuvering Speed
VM Heading with a Manual Termination
Vm Minimum recommended Maneuvering Speed
Vmax Maximum Operating Speed
VMBE Maximum Brake Energy Speed
VMC Minimum Control Speed (with one engine
VMC Visual Meteorogical Conditions
VMCA Minimum Control Airspeed
VMCG Minimum Control Ground Speed
V MIN Minimum Operating Speed
VMO Maximum Operating Velocity
VMOMMO Maximum Operating Limit Speed
VMS Minimum Selectable Speed
VMU Minimum Unstick Speed
VMU Video Monitor Unit
VMU Video Modulator Unit
VNAV Vertical Navigation
V NAV Vertical Navigation
V/NAV Vertical Navigation
VNE Never-Exceed Speed
VNE Vertical Nav Engaged
VNS Vertical Nav Select
VNV Vertical Nav Valid
VO Voice
VOL Volume
VOLT Voltage
VOM Volt Ohm Meter
VOR VHF Omnidirectional Range
VOR VHF Omnirange Station
VORE VOR Engaged
VOR LOC VOR Localizer
VOR/LOC VOR/Localizer
VOT Voter
VOX Voice
V-PATH Vertical Path
VPI Vertical Path Integrator
VPI Vapor Phase Inhibitor
VPLC Valve Position Logic Card
Vr Rotation Speed
VR Voltage Regulator
VR Voice Recorder
V/R Voltage Regulator
V REF Landing Reference Speed
VREF Reference Speed
VR-HDG Heading to a Radial
VRMS Volts Root Mean Square
VRTA Vertical Acceleration
VS Vertical Speed
VS Verses
Vs Stall Speed
V/S Vertical Speed
VS1 Minimum Steady Flight Speed obtained in a
Specified Configuration
VSBN Vendor Service Bulletin Number
VSBT Vendor Service Bulletin Title
VSCF Variable Speed Constant Frequency
VSCU Video System Control Unit
VSD Vertical Situation Display
VSE Vertical Speed Engaged
VSEL Selected-Approach Speed (autothrottle
VSI Vertical Speed Indicator
VSMF Visual Search Microfilm Files
VSO Volumetric Shut Off
VSO Minimum Steady Flight Speed in the Landing
V-SPD Vertical Speed
VSS Stick Shaker Speed
VSS Vertical Speed Select
V/STOL Vertical/Short Takeoff and Landing
VSV Variable Stator Vane
VSVS Variable Stator Vanes
VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
VTK Vertical Track
VTK Vertical Track Error
VTO Volumetric Top Off
VTO Vertical Takeoff
VTOL Vertical Takeoff and Landing
VTR Video Tape Reproducer
VTR Video Tape Recorder
VTR Variable Takeoff Rating
VTVM Vacuum Tube Voltmeter
VTY Vanity
VX Speed of Best Angle of Climb
VY Speed for Best Rate of Climb
50 REV. OCT. 00
W West
W White
W Wing
W Watts
W Weight
W Wire
W Width
W Warm
WA Wind Angle
W/A Wraparound
WACS Warning And Caution System
WAF Wafer
WARN Warning
WAY PT Waypoint
W/B Wire Bundle
WBA Wire Bundle Assembly
WBC Weight and Balance Computer
WBL Wing Buttock Line
WBM Weight and Balance Manual
WBRR Wire Bundle Revision Report
WBS Weight and Balance System
WBS Work Breakdown Structure
WC Wording Change
W/CHAIR Wheelchair
WCP Wing Chord Plane
WCS Wing Center Station
WCU Waste Control Unit
WD Wind Direction
WD Word
WD Warning Display
WD Wing Datum
WD Wheels Down
W/D Wiring Diagram
WDI Wind Direction Indicator
WDIR Wind Direction
WDM Wiring Diagram Manual
WDO Window
WDO HT Window Heat
WEA Weather
WEA RDR Weather Radar
WEM Warning Electronics Module
WES Warning Electronics System
WEU Warning Electronics Unit
WFC Widespread Fatigue Cracking
WG Wing
WG Wave Guide
WG Working Group
WGAP Word Gap
WGD Windshield Guidance Display
WGDC Windshield Guidance Display Computer
WGDS Windshield Guidance Display System
WG SW Wave Guide Switch
WGT Weight
WH Wheel
WH Watt-hour
WHCU Window Heat Control Unit
WHCU-L Window Heat Control Unit-Left
WHCU-R Window Heat Control Unit-Right
WHL Wheel
WHLS Wheels
WHT White
WIRC Warning-Inhibition-Recall-Clear
WIU Wiring Integration Unit
WIU Wheel Interface Unit
WL Water Line
WLDP Warning Light Display Panel
WLG Wing Landing Gear
WLP Weight Limited Payload
WM Wiring Diagram Manual
WM Wattmeter
WMBPV Windmill Bypass Valve
WND Wind
WNDSHR Windshear
WO Washout
W/O Washout
W/O Without
WOR Wear Out Rate
WOW Weight On Wheels
WP Waypoint
WPT Waypoint
WR Weather Radar
WR Write
WR Word Rate
W/R Weather Radar
WRN Warn, Warning
WRL Wing Reference Line
WRP Wing Reference Plane
WRS Wire Release System
WS Wind Speed
WS Wing Station
WS Wind Shear
W/S Wind Shield
W/S Wind Shear
W/S Will Ship
WSC Windshear Computer
WSCP Warning and System Control Panel
WSDP Warning and System Display
WSHLD Wind Shield
WSPD Wind Speed
WSS Wing Spar Station
WSSG Warning System Symbol Generator
WSTA Wing Station
W STA Wing Station
WT Weight
W/T Wing Tip
WTAI Wing Thermal Anti Ice
WTAIS Wing Thermal Anti-Ice System
WTB Wing Tip Brake
WTC Wire Type Code
WTG Waiting
WTR Water
WTS Wing Tip Station
WU Wheels Up
WUC Work Unit Cost
W/V Wind Direction Speed
WW Wheel Well
W/W Wheel Well
WX Weather
WX Weather Radar
WXR Weather Radar
WX+T Weather Turbulence (mode)
WYPT Waypoint
51 REV. OCT. 00
X Cross
XARM Cross Arm
XBAR Crossbar
X-BLD Cross Bleed
X-CH Cross Channel
X-CHAN Cross Channel
XCPN Exception
XCVR Transceiver
XDCR Transducer
XDUCR Transducer
XFD Cross Feed
XFEED Cross Feed
X FEED Cross Feed
X-FEED Cross Feed
XFER Transfer
XFM Transformer
XFMR Transformer
XFR Transfer
XLOC LOC Receiver Yaw Axis
X LINE Crossline
XLTR Translater
XMISSION Transmission
XMIT Transmit
XMITTER Transmitter
XMSN Transmission
XMTG Transmitting
XMTING Transmitting
XMTR Transmitter
XNT Transient
XPC External Power Contactor
XPDR Transponder
XPNDR Transponder
XREF Cross Reference
XSECT Cross Section
XSTR Transistor
XTAL Crystal
X-TALK Cross-Talk
XTK Cross Track
XTK Cross Track Distance
XTK Cross Track Deviation
XTK Cross Track Error
XTKA Cross Track Acceleration
XUL Hook-Up List
X VALVE Cross Valve
Y Yellow
Y Yaw
YAW DMPR Yaw Damper
YC Tourist Class
YC Yaw Computer
YCAM Yaw Camout
YCF Economy Class-Front
YCR Economy Class-Rear
YD Yard
Y/D Yaw Damper
YD ACT Yaw Damper Actuator
YDM Yaw Damper Module
YDS Yaw Damper System
YEL Yellow
YES Yankee Escape System
YINT Yaw Integrator
YNFF Yaw No First Failure
YR Year
Y/RATE Yaw Rate
YRG Yaw Rate Gyro
YSSM Yaw Servo System Monitor
YTOM Yaw Takeoff Mode
Z Zulu Time (GMT)
Z Impedance
Z Zone
ZDL Zone Division Logic
ZFW Zero Fuel Weight
ZIA Zone Integration Area
ZIU Zone Integration Unit
ZMU Zone Management Unit
ZN Zone
ZNI2 Zinc Iodide
ZP Pressure Altitude
ZPC Zone Power Converter
ZPC Zone Power Controller
Zpi Indicated Pressure Altitude
ZR Zirconium
ZRF Zero Fuel Weight
ZTC Zone Temperature Controller
52 REV. OCT. 00

使用道具 举报

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发表于 2009-11-5 14:18:00 |只看该作者

回复 1# 帅哥 的帖子

hagood information.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2009-11-27 00:22:18 |只看该作者
Thank you~

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