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Flight Attendant Manual 777/200 [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-12-28 03:33:27 |只看该作者
2A.20 Cabin Management System-Service Calls Service Call/Chime Control Menu The Service Call/Chime Control Menu displays three selections: • SERVICE CALL - allows the cabin crew to review and reset passenger calls originating from either the seats or the lavatories for a seating area. • AREA CHIME CONTROL - allows the cabin crew to enable or disable passenger generated chimes by area. • SEAT CHIME CONTROL - allows the cabin crew to enable or disable passenger generated chimes by seat. MAIN MENU SERVICE CALL/CHIME CONTROL MENU SERVICE CALL AREA CHIME CONTROL SEAT CHIME CONTROL February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Service Calls Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.20.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Service Call Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.20.3 2A.20 Cabin Management System-Service Call Service Call Display [Typical] 1 MAIN MENU Push - returns to the Main Menu. 2 PREVIOUS MENU Push - returns to the Service Call/Chime Control Menu. 3 Segmented Bar Segment illuminated (green) - corresponds to the selected area description. The number of segments in the bar correspond to the number of areas controlled by the CSCP/CACP. When ALL AREAS is selected, all segments of the segment bar illuminate. 4 Left/Right Arrow Switches Push - displays the desired area/zone. PREVIOUS MENU ACTIVE LAVATORY CALLS ACTIVE SEAT CALLS 2K 1A A AREA RESET SERVICE CALL FIRST CLASS MENU MAIN B 2 1 3 4 6 7 9 5 8 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Service Call Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.20.4 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 5 Area Description [Typical] Displays the selected area: • FIRST CLASS • BUSINESS CLASS • ECONOMY CLASS - FWD • ECONOMY CLASS - AFT • ALL AREAS • CABIN AREA/CHIME CONTROL 6 ACTIVE LAVATORY CALLS List Displays active lavatory calls for the selected area. Note: If the list is longer than the display area, a scroll box with up/down arrow switches is displayed. 7 AREA RESET Push - clears all service calls. Verify the Active Calls displays go blank. 8 Scroll Box with Up/Down Arrows Displayed - associated list display is full. One push of an arrow switch displays one new line/entry. Once the top or bottom of the display list is reached, pushing an arrow switch does not change the display. The scroll box indicates which part of the list is currently being displayed. Each time a new area is selected, the display reflects the new area. 9 ACTIVE SEAT CALLS List Displays active seat calls for the selected area. Note: If the list is longer than the display area, a scroll box with up/down arrow switches is displayed. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Service Call Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.20.5

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2008-12-28 03:33:45 |只看该作者
Service Call Operation The Service Call display shows: • the default area in the area description display • a list of pending seat calls for that area • a list of pending lavatory calls for that area To check for active seat and/or lavatory calls: • push the left/right arrow switches to select the desired area/zone • observe active calls in the ACTIVE SEAT CALLS display and the ACTIVE LAVATORY CALLS display. Note: If the display is full, scroll through the Active Calls by pushing the up/down scroll switches. To reset/delete active seat and/or lavatory calls: • push the left/right arrow switches to select the desired area/zone • push the AREA RESET switch Note: Pushing the AREA RESET switch clears all service calls. • observe that the ACTIVE SEAT CALLS and ACTIVE LAVATORY CALLS displays are blank. Panel Selections [Typical] CSCP 1L - • FIRST CLASS, BUSINESS CLASS, ECONOMY CLASS - FWD, ECONOMY CLASS - AFT, and ALL AREAS. Note: The ALL AREAS selection is available only when the PANEL OVERRIDE has been selected. CACP 2L - • BUSINESS CLASS. CACP 4R - • ECONOMY CLASS FWD, ECONOMY CLASS AFT. Things to Remember Service calls display in the order that they are received. Service calls are displayed by location. Duplicate or repeated calls only display once. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Service Call Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.20.6 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) [Option: Flight Crew Rest: Installed] Service calls from the flight crew rest appear in the ACTIVE LAVATORY CALLS display. Flight crew rest service calls display FLT CREW RST when FIRST CLASS is selected. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Area Chimes Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.20.7 2A.20 Cabin Management System-Area Chimes Area Chime Control Display 1 MAIN MENU Push - returns to the Main Menu. 2 PREVIOUS MENU Push - returns to the Service Call/Chime Control Menu. 3 Segmented Bar Segment illuminated (green) - corresponds to the selected area description. The number of segments in the bar correspond to the number of areas controlled by the CSCP/CACP. When ALL AREAS is selected, all segments of the segment bar illuminate. 4 Left/Right Arrow Switches Push - displays the desired area/zone. CHIME DISABLE CHIME ENABLE AREA CHIME CONTROL MENU MAIN MENU PREVIOUS ALL AREAS 2 1 3 4 6 7 5 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Area Chimes Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.20.8 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 5 Area Description [Typical] Displays the selected area: • FIRST CLASS • BUSINESS CLASS • ECONOMY CLASS - FWD • ECONOMY CLASS - AFT • ALL AREAS 6 ENABLE CHIME Switch Push (illuminates green) - enables selected area chimes. 7 DISABLE CHIME Switch Push (illuminates green) - disables selected area chimes. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Area Chimes Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.20.9 Area Chime Control Operation The Area Chime Control display shows: • the default area in the area description display • the active state of the chimes (enabled or disabled) for the default area. To disable chimes by area: • push the left/right arrow switches to select the desired area/zone. • push the DISABLE CHIME switch • verify the DISABLE CHIME switch illuminates green. To reset disabled chimes: • push the left/right arrow switches to select the desired area/zone • push the ENABLE CHIME switch • verify the ENABLE CHIME switch illuminates green. Panel Selections [Typical] CSCP 1L - • FIRST CLASS, BUSINESS CLASS, ECONOMY CLASS - FWD, ECONOMY CLASS - AFT, and ALL AREAS. Note: The ALL AREAS selection is available only when the PANEL OVERRIDE has been selected. CACP 2L - • BUSINESS CLASS. CACP 4R - • ECONOMY CLASS FWD, ECONOMY CLASS AFT. Things to Remember Chimes disabled during flight are automatically enabled when the air/ground sensing system determines the airplane is on the ground. The ALL AREAS selection is available only when PANEL OVERRIDE has been selected. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Area Chimes Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.20.10 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Seat Chimes Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.20.11 2A.20 Cabin Management System-Seat Chimes Seat Chime Control Display [Typical] 1 MAIN MENU Push - returns to the Main Menu. 2 PREVIOUS MENU Push - returns to the Service Call/Chime Control Menu. 3 CLEAR Switch Push - clears incorrect row/seat entries. 4 CHIMES DISABLED List Displays all seats whose chimes are disabled. 26 ABC 23 AB 31 ABCDEF 32 A 35 DEF SEAT CHIME CONTROL MENU MAIN MENU PREVIOUS ROW/SEAT CLEAR ROW SELECT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H DISABLE CHIME ENABLE CHIME J K CHIMES DISABLED SEAT SELECT 2 1 4 5 3 8 9 6 7 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Seat Chimes Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.20.12 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 5 Scroll Box with Up/Down Arrows Displayed - associated list display is full. One push of an arrow switch displays one new line/entry. Once the top or bottom of the display list is reached, pushing an arrow switch does not change the display. The scroll box indicates which part of the list is currently being displayed. Each time a new area is selected, the display reflects the new area. 6 ENABLE CHIME Switch Push - enables chimes. Verify Row/Seat selection is deleted from Chimes Disabled list. 7 DISABLE CHIME Switch Push - disables chimes. Verify Row/Seat selection appears in the Chime Disabled list. 8 ROW SELECT and SEAT SELECT Switches Push - enters Row/Seat selection. Selection appears in ROW/SEAT list. Note: SEAT SELECT is not visible until a row has been selected. 9 ROW/SEAT List Displays the row number and seat letter selected from the Row Select and Seat Select sections. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Seat Chimes Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.20.13 Seat Chime Control Operation The Seat Chime Control, Chimes Disabled display, shows the list of disabled seat chimes for all seating areas, with the first row at the top of the list. Disable Seat Chime To Disable a Seat Chime: • enter ROW SELECT/SEAT SELECT selections • verify selected row/seat(s) are displayed in the ROW/SEAT list • push the DISABLE CHIME switch Note: Pushing the DISABLE CHIME switch when only a row number is entered into the ROW/SEAT field displays all the valid seats for the selected row. • verify the chime(s) for the selected row/seat(s) are disabled by observing the Chimes Disabled list. To Clear an incorrect Row/Seat entry: • push the Clear switch • verify the incorrect row/seat entry is deleted from the ROW/SEAT list. Enable Seat Chime To Enable previously Disabled Chimes: • enter ROW SELECT/SEAT SELECT selections • verify selected row/seat(s) are displayed in the ROW/SEAT list • push the ENABLE CHIME switch • verify the chime(s) for the selected row/seat(s) are enabled by observing that they have been deleted from the Chimes Disabled list. To Clear an incorrect Row/Seat entry: • push the Clear switch • verify the incorrect row/seat entry is deleted from the ROW/SEAT list. Panel Selections [Typical] CSCP 1L - • FIRST CLASS, BUSINESS CLASS, ECONOMY CLASS - FWD, ECONOMY CLASS - AFT, and ALL AREAS. CACP 2L - • BUSINESS CLASS. CACP 4R - • ECONOMY CLASS FWD, ECONOMY CLASS AFT. Note: The ALL AREAS selection is available only when the PANEL OVERRIDE has been selected at CSCP 1L. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Seat Chimes Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.20.14 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Things to Remember Disabled chimes automatically reset to enabled when the air/ground sensing system determines the airplane is on the ground. Chimes disabled from the Area Chime Control display do not appear on this display. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System Chapter 2A Cabin Temperature Section 25 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.25.1 2A.25 Cabin Management System-Cabin Temperature Cabin Temperature Display 1 MAIN MENU Push - returns to the MAIN MENU. 2 Segmented Bar Illuminated - shows the selected area description. 3 Left/Right Arrow Switches Push - displays the desired area/zone. C c F ACTUAL TARGET 20 68 20 AREA RESET CABIN TEMPERATURE MENU MAIN ECONOMY FWD 11 thru 18 2 3 5 6 8 4 7 1 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Cabin Temperature Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.25.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4 Area Description Displays the selected area: • FIRST CLASS 1 THRU 3 • BUSINESS CLASS 6 THRU 7 • BUSINESS CLASS 8 THRU 10 • ECONOMY FWD 11 THRU 18 • ECONOMY MID 19 THRU 26 • ECONOMY AFT 27 THRU 41 5 TARGET Temperature Displays the default or desired target temperature for the selected area/zone. 6 Up/Down Arrow Switches Push - increases/decreases the target temperature by one degree. 7 AREA RESET Push - resets the target temperature to the default level. 8 ACTUAL Temperature Displays the actual temperature in degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Cabin Temperature Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.25.3 Cabin Temperature Control System Air moves from the passenger cabin to the lower deck, where it is either exhausted overboard or drawn into the recirculation system. Hot trim air from the bleed air system is added to the pack conditioned air to control the temperature in each zone. Each trim air system supplies three zone supply ducts, with the left trim air system also supplying the flight deck. The cabin temperature controllers regulate the temperature by controlling the addition of hot trim air to the cabin temperature zones. The flight crew sets the master passenger cabin target temperature reference to between 65 and 85 degrees F on the flight deck. The cabin attendants can use the CSS to adjust the zone target temperature in any passenger zone (+/-10 degrees F (+/- 6 degrees C), within the limits of 65 to 85 degrees F (18 to 29 degrees C)). With the loss of inputs from the flight deck or cabin temperature controllers, the packs maintain a cabin target temperature of 75 degrees F (24 degrees C). The cabin temperature controllers automatically compensate for temperature changes as cabin air humidity and passenger activity change during cruise and descent. The zone target temperature displayed on the Cabin Temperature screen is automatically increased (approximately 1 degree per hour to a maximum of 4 degrees) during cruise so the flight attendants do not have to manually increase the target temperature. The zone target temperature is automatically decreased (approximately 4 degrees F (2 degrees C)) slowly during descent until all automatic system corrections are removed. System operation Increase Target Temperature To increase the temperature: • push the left/right arrow switches to select the desired area/zone • observe the actual temperature • use the up arrow to increase the target temperature. Each push of the up arrow increases the target temperature by 1 degree F (1 degree C). Note: Do not expect an immediate change in the temperature. Note: Maximum selectable Target Temperature is 85 degrees F (29 degrees C). February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Cabin Temperature Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.25.4 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Decrease Target Temperature To decrease the temperature: • push the left/right arrow switches to select the desired area/zone • observe the actual temperature • use the down arrow to decrease the target temperature. Each push of the down arrow decreases the target temperature by 1 degree F (1 degree C). Note: Do not expect an immediate change in the temperature. Note: Minimum selectable Target Temperature is 65 degrees F (18 degrees C). Reset Target Temperature To reset a passenger zone temperature to the default (flight crew set) level: • push the left/right arrow switches to select the desired area/zone • push the AREA RESET switch. Note: The AREA RESET switch momentarily illuminates light gray after being pushed. Panel Selections CACP 1L - • FIRST CLASS 1 thru 3, BUSINESS CLASS 6 and 7, BUSINESS CLASS 8 thru 10, ECONOMY FWD 11 thru 18, ECONOMY MID 19 thru 26, and ECONOMY AFT 27 thru 41. CACP 2L - • BUSINESS CLASS 6 and 7, BUSINESS CLASS 8 thru 10, ECONOMY FWD 11 thru 18, ECONOMY MID 19 thru 26, and ECONOMY AFT 27 thru 41. CACP 4R - • ECONOMY FWD 11 thru 18, ECONOMY MID 19 thru 26, and ECONOMY AFT 27 thru 41. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Cabin Temperature Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.25.5 Things to Remember The cabin temperature control system automatically increases the cabin/zone target temperature during cruise and decreases the target temperature during descent. Temperature changes do not occur immediately; do not over-correct (i.e., select a higher zone temperature than required). The temperature in each passenger zone may be adjusted (+/- 10 degrees F within the limits of 65 to 85 degrees F; +/- 6 degrees C within the limits of 18 to 29 degrees C) using the UP/DOWN ARROW switches. For example, if the cabin master temperature is set to 70 degrees F (21 degrees C): • the passenger zone temperature may be increased by a maximum of 10 degrees F (6 degrees C) to 80 degrees F (27 degrees C) (maximum system selectable temperature), or • the passenger zone temperature may be decreased a maximum of 5 degrees F (3 degrees C) to 65 degrees F (18 degrees C) (minimum system selectable temperature). February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Cabin Temperature Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.25.6 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System Chapter 2A Water/Waste Tank Section 30 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.30.1 2A.30 Cabin Management System-Water/Waste Tank Water/Waste Tank Status Menu The Water/Waste Tank Status Menu displays three selections: • LAVATORY/WASTE TANK STATUS - allows the cabin crew to monitor waste tank quantities. The display also shows which lavatories are connected to which waste tank, and the status of the lavatories (such as OCCUPIED, VACANT, or INOP) • LAVATORY INOPERABLE CONTROL - allows the cabin crew to check the status (OP or INOP) of an individual lavatory and, if necessary, to illuminate the INOP sign for individual lavatories. • POTABLE WATER STATUS - allows the cabin crew to monitor the quantity in the potable water tanks. MENU MAIN WATER/WASTE TANK STATUS MENU LAVATORY/WASTE TANK STATUS LAVATORY INOPERABLE CONTROL POTABLE WATER STATUS February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Water/Waste Tank Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.30.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Lavatories Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.30.3 2A.30 Cabin Management System-Lavatories Lavatory/Waste Tank Status Display [Typical] 1 MAIN MENU Push - returns to the MAIN MENU. 2 PREVIOUS MENU Push - returns to the Water/Waste Tank Status Menu. 3 Quantity Indicator Displays the current waste tank quantities: • green – tank is up to 1/4 full • amber – tank is between 1/4 full and 3/4 full • red – tank is between 3/4 full and full 4 LAVATORIES Displays which lavatories are connected to which waste tank. Displays individual lavatory status: • VACANT • OCCUPIED • INOP 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 F E 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 F E 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 F E WASTE TANK 3 WASTE TANK 2 WASTE TANK 1 LAV J INOP LAV G INOP LAV D INOP LAV H VACANT LAV E VACANT LAV A OCCUPIED LAV B VACANT LAV K INOP LAV F VACANT LAV C OCCUPIED LAVATORIES LAVATORIES LAVATORIES LAVATORY/WASTE TANK STATUS MAIN MENU PREVIOUS MENU 2 1 3 4 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Lavatories Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.30.4 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Lavatory/Waste Tank Status Overview The Lavatory/Waste Tank Status display shows: • lavatory condition (VACANT, OCCUPIED or INOP) • which lavatories are associated with each waste tank • each waste tank quantity level To monitor lavatory/waste tank status observe the Lavatory/Waste Tank Status display. Note: When the waste tank is full, 2 LO/HI chimes sound. Things to Remember The WASTE TANK FULL alert message appears when a waste tank is full. Each time a toilet is flushed, the waste tank quantity bar on the Lavatory/Waste Tank Status screen increases to the right and could remain there for as long as 50 seconds. Note: If a waste tank is more than half full and a toilet is flushed, it is possible that the WASTE TANK FULL alert message may display. Pushing the Waste Tank Status button on the window will display the Waste Tank Status Screen. If the quantity bar has not decreased to the left, monitor the screen for approximately 1 minute. If the waste tank remains full, placard the affected lavatories inoperable. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Lavatory Inoperable Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.30.5 [Option: Lavatory Inoperable Control: Installed] 2A.30 Cabin Management System-Lavatory Inoperable Lavatory Inoperable Control Display 1 MAIN MENU Push - returns to the MAIN MENU. 2 PREVIOUS MENU Push - returns to the Water/Waste Tank Status Menu. LAVATORY WASTE TANK STATUS 2 3 2 FWD DR 1R FWD DR 1L FWD DR 1 CTR FWD DR 2R AFT DR 2R 1 1 LAVATORY INOPERABLE CONTROL MAIN MENU PREVIOUS MENU INOP INOP INOP INOP INOP TANK FULL OP OP TANK FULL OP 2 3 4 5 6 1 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Lavatory Inoperable Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.30.6 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 3 STATUS Switches Displays the active status of the lavatories as INOP, OP, or FULL TANK. Inoperative (INOP) Illuminated (green) - • Illuminates automatically when the associated waste tank becomes full. Push - • The INOP light at the associated lavatory illuminates and the INOP switch on the status display illuminates. • Can be selected manually if a lavatory is broken. Operable (OP) Illuminated (green) - • The OP switch is visible and illuminates green when the associated lavatory is operable. Push - • The OP switch can be selected manually if a lavatory is returned to an operable status. FULL TANK Illuminated (green) - • Illuminates automatically when the associated waste tank becomes full. The FULL TANK switch cannot be selected manually. 4 UP/DOWN ARROWS Push - scroll through all of the lavatories. 5 WASTE TANK Displays which lavatory is associated to which waste tank. 6 LAVATORY Displays the lavatory description. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Lavatory Inoperable Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.30.7 Lavatory Inoperable Control The Lavatory Inoperable Control display shows the first 5 lavatory locations. Note: Only 5 lavatories can be displayed at one time. Use the UP/DOWN arrow switches to scroll through the display. • the waste tank associated with each lavatory • the appropriate status (INOP, OP, or FULL TANK) of the associated lavatories. Note: Status is indicated by the green switch. To disable a lavatory: • use the UP/DOWN arrow switches to scroll to the desired lavatory • push the INOP switch • the OP switch extinguishes and the INOP switch illuminates • the INOP light at the associated lavatory illuminates. Things to Remember FULL TANK status can not be changed. When the FULL TANK light is illuminated, the INOP switch automatically illuminates. If the OP switch is illuminated, the INOP switch is extinguished. If the INOP switch is illuminated manually, the OP switch extinguishes. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Lavatory Inoperable Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.30.8 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Potable Water Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.30.9 2A.30 Cabin Management System-Potable Water Potable Water Status Display [Option shown: gallons required for takeoff, English - typical] [Option shown: liters required for takeoff, metric - typical] 1/4 7/8 3/4 5/8 1/2 3/8 1/8 E F GALLONS REQUIRED FOR TAKEOFF GALLONS REMAINING POTABLE WATER STATUS MAIN PREVIOUS 164 200 MENU MENU 2 1 3 4 5 1/4 7/8 3/4 5/8 1/2 3/8 1/8 E F LITERS REQUIRED FOR TAKEOFF LITERS REMAINING 619 757 POTABLE WATER STATUS MAIN PREVIOUS MENU MENU 2 1 3 4 5 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Potable Water Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.30.10 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 1 MAIN MENU Push - returns to the MAIN MENU. 2 PREVIOUS MENU Push - returns to the Water/Waste Tank Status Menu. 3 Quantity Indicator Displays the water quantity. 4 GALLONS (LITERS) REMAINING Displays the gallons (liters) of water remaining. 5 GALLONS (LITERS) REQUIRED FOR TAKEOFF Displays the gallons (liters) of water required for takeoff. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Potable Water Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.30.11 Potable Water System Galley water is supplied from two potable water tanks. The tanks have a combined usable capacity of approximately 825 liters (218 gallons). Water is not available while the tanks are being serviced. Potable Water Status This Potable Water Status display is available at the CSCP and the CACPs. The Potable Water Status display shows: • the number of gallons (liters) of water remaining • the number of gallons (liters) of water required for takeoff It is also used to verify that the water required for takeoff is available. The bar is displayed: • green when the tanks are more than 1/2 full • amber when the tanks are between 1/4 full and 1/2 full • red when the tanks are less than 1/4 full Use the Potable Water Status display during flight to monitor the water quantity remaining. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Potable Water Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.30.12 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System Chapter 2A Passenger Address Section 35 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.35.1 2A.35 Cabin Management System-Passenger Address Passenger Address Display [Typical] 1 MAIN MENU Push - returns to the MAIN MENU. 2 Segmented Bar Segment illuminated (green) - corresponds to the selected area description. The number of segments in the bar correspond to the number of areas controlled by the CSCP/CACP. When ALL AREAS is selected, all segments of the segment bar illuminate. 3 Left/Right Arrow Switches Push - displays the desired area/zone. 2 STEPS ABOVE MINIMUM PASSENGER ADDRESS MENU MAIN FIRST CLASS VOLUME AREA RESET ON OFF ANS APPLIES TO ENTIRE AIRPLANE 6 5 3 8 4 9 7 2 1 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Passenger Address Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.35.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4 Area Description [Typical] Displays the selected area: • FIRST CLASS • BUSINESS CLASS • ECONOMY CLASS • ALL AREAS 5 STEPS ABOVE MINIMUM Displays the number of steps that the volume was increased (1 - 16) above the minimum level. 6 AMBIENT NOISE SENSOR (ANS) When this switch is ON, the volume automatically adjusts to compensate for different noise levels. 7 AREA RESET Push - resets the volume to the default level. 8 VOLUME Control Push - • left arrow switch to decrease the volume 1 level • right arrow switch to increase the volume 1 level 9 Audio Volume Indicator Illuminated (green) - • number of illuminated segments shows the volume level above the preset minimum PA volume level • the next right segment illuminates green with each push of the right volume control arrow switch • one segment extinguishes with each push of the left volume control arrow switch Note: If all of the segments are illuminated, pushing the right arrow switch does not increase the PA volume. The volume cannot be decreased to lower than the preset minimum PA volume level (all of the segments extinguished). February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Passenger Address Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.35.3

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发表于 2008-12-28 03:34:00 |只看该作者
Passenger Address Operations The Passenger Address display shows: • the default area in the area description display • the current volume level • the Ambient Noise Sensor (ANS) active state The Passenger Address display is used to increase or decrease the passenger address volume. Increase/Decrease PA Volume To use the Passenger Address display: • push the left/right arrow switches to select the desired area/zone • adjust volume, if necessary • ANS is displayed Reset PA Volume To reset the volume to the default level: • push the left/right arrow switches to select the desired area/zone • push the AREA RESET switch • the illuminated bar graph segments extinguish • the number in the STEPS ABOVE MINIMUM display returns to 0 Panel Selections [Typical] CSCP 1L, CACP 2L, CACP 4R - • FIRST CLASS, BUSINESS CLASS, ECONOMY CLASS, and ALL AREAS Things to Remember STEPS ABOVE MINIMUM display: • When pushing the right arrow (increase) switch in the VOLUME display, the number in the display increases by one, to a maximum of 16. • When pushing the left arrow (decrease) switch in the VOLUME display, the number in the display decreases by one, to minimum of 0. AREA RESET - pushing the AREA RESET switch causes: • all bar graph segments to extinguish • the STEPS ABOVE MINIMUM display to display 0 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Passenger Address Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.35.4 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System Chapter 2A Cabin Door Status Section 40 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.40.1 2A.40 Cabin Management System-Cabin Door Status Cabin Door Status Display 1 MAIN MENU Push - returns to the MAIN MENU. 2 Door Status LOCKED - Green – door is closed and the door handle in the latched position. NOT LOCKED - Red – door is open, or the door is closed but the door handle is not in the latched position. Cabin Door Status Display The Cabin Door Status display shows each door identified and labeled as LOCKED or NOT LOCKED. Note: This display does not depict the ARMED/DISARMED status of the doors. CABIN DOOR STATUS MAIN MENU LOCKED LOCKED LOCKED LOCKED LOCKED LOCKED NOT LOCKED NOT LOCKED 2L 3L 4L 4R 3R 2R 1R 1L 1 2 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Cabin Door Status Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.40.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System Chapter 2A Display Control Section 45 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.45.1 2A.45 Cabin Management System-Display Control Display Controls Menu The DISPLAY CONTROLS Menu is available at the CSCP and CACPs. 1 MAIN MENU Push - returns to the MAIN MENU. 2 PANEL DIMMING DIM - makes the CSCP/CACP display dimmer. BRIGHT - makes the CSCP/CACP display brighter. 3 PANEL LOCKOUT Push - freezes the display for 30 seconds to allow for cleaning or adjusting. A timer appears in the PANEL LOCKOUT switch and counts down from 30 to 1. PANEL LOCKOUT PANEL DIMMING DISPLAY CONTROLS MENU MAIN DIM BRIGHT 3 1 2 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Display Control Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.45.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System Chapter 2A Smoking Assignments Section 50 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.50.1 2A.50 Cabin Management System-Smoking Assignments Smoking Assignments [Option: Smoking Assignemnts: Installed] Smoking Assigments Display [Typical] 1 MAIN MENU Push - returns to the MAIN MENU. 2 Segmented Bar Illuminated - shows the selected area description. 3 Left/Right Arrow Switches Push - displays the desired area/zone. SMOKING SEATS END 44 BEGIN RIGHT CENTER LEFT SMOKING NO SMOKING RESET AREA SMOKING ROW SELECT SEAT COLUMN SELECT MAIN MENU SMOKING ASSIGNMENTS 50 48 ABCDFGHIL Economy Smoking ( Rows 44 thru 50 ) 50 HIL 49 ABCDFGHIL 3 1 2 10 4 5 11 6 7 8 9 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Smoking Assignments Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.50.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4 Area Description [Typical] Displays the selected area. • Economy Smoking ( Rows 14 thru 34 ) • Economy Smoking ( Rows 36 thru 43 ) • Economy Smoking ( Rows 44 thru 50 ). 5 Up/Down Arrow Switches Use up/down arrows to scroll through list. 6 AREA RESET Push - returns the smoking seat assignments to the original configuration. 7 SMOKING SEATS Displays the seats with smoking privileges in row/seat order. 8 NO SMOKING Push - makes selected seats no smoking seats. 9 SMOKING Push - makes selected seats smoking seats. 10 SEAT COLUMN SELECT Push - selects the left, center, or right seats for the row number(s) displayed in the Smoking Row Select display. 11 SMOKING ROW SELECT Displays the begin and end row number for the controlled area. Push the up/down arrows to change row numbers February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Smoking Assignments Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.50.3 Smoking Assignments Operations The Smoking Assignments display shows: • the default area in the area description display • the begin and end row numbers for the selected area • the seats with smoking privileges for the selected area. To add more smoking seats: • push the left/right arrow switches to select the desired area/zone • select the desired begin and end row numbers for the new smoking seats • select the desired seat column (left, right, or center) • push the smoking switch • the selected smoking seats are shown in the Smoking Seats display. To delete smoking seats: • push the left/right arrow switches to select the desired area/zone • select the desired begin and end row numbers for the new no smoking seats • select the desired seat column (left, right, or center) • push the no smoking switch • the selected no smoking seats are deleted from the Smoking Seats display. To reset a smoking area to its original configuration: • push the left/right arrow switches to select the desired area/zone • push the Area Reset switch • the applicable seats are deleted from or added to the Smoking Seats display. Seat Configuration [Typical] The following seats are configured as no smoking seats and the no smoking indicator on the PCU will be illuminated: • Economy Smoking ( Rows 14 thru 34 ) • Economy Smoking ( Rows 36 thru 43) February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Smoking Assignments Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.50.4 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Panel Selections [Typical] CSCP 1L, CACP 2L, CACP 4R - • Economy Smoking ( Rows 14 thru 34 ), Economy Smoking ( Rows 36 thru 43 ), and Economy Smoking ( Rows 44 thru 50 ). Things to Remember There must be a begin and end row number before seat columns (left, center, or right) can be selected, or a window appears to indicate a selection is required. Pushing the Smoking switch when no seat columns have seen selected (left, center, or right) for a row automatically selects all of the seats in that row. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System Chapter 2A Boarding Music Section 51 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.51.1 2A.51 Cabin Management System-Boarding Music Boarding Music Display [Option: Boarding Music: Installed] 1 MAIN MENU Push - returns to the MAIN MENU. 2 ON Push - (illuminated green) turns the Boarding Music power ON. 3 OFF Push - (illuminated green) turns the Boarding Music power OFF. 4 CHANNEL switches Push - (illuminated green) selects desired channel. 5 VOLUME Displays the volume incrementally. 4 2 3 BOARDING MUSIC MENU MAIN ON OFF VOLUME CHANNEL 1 MACHINE #1 4 2 3 ON OFF VOLUME CHANNEL 1 MACHINE #2 1 6 4 5 2 3 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Boarding Music Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.51.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 6 LEFT/RIGHT ARROW switches Push - increases or decreases volume. Boarding Music Operation The Boarding Music display shows: • the selected Channel • the desired Volume To turn Boarding Music on: • push the ON switch • push the desired CHANNEL switch • the selected CHANNEL switch illuminates To increase or decrease the volume: • push the appropriate left/right arrow switch • the bar graph display increases incrementally to the right, or decreases incrementally to the left, depending on which arrow switch was pushed Note: One push of an arrow switch causes one increment on the bar graph display to illuminate or extinguish, depending on which arrow switch was pushed. Things to Remember If the Boarding Music power has been turned OFF and the Boarding Music display is selected, its default values are: • power: OFF • Channel: 1 • volume: midrange. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System Chapter 2A Non-Normal Operations Section 60 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.60.1 [Options shown: Flight Crew Rest (FCR): installed; Lower Crew Rest (LCR), Overhead Flight Crew Rest (OFCR); Overhead Flight Attendant Rest (OFAR): installed; Options: Main Deck Crew Rest (MDCR), Main Deck Flight Crew Rest (MDFCR)] 2A.60 Cabin Management System-Non-Normal Operations Alert Messages Alert messages appear in windows on the CSCP and the CACPs. Alert messages require crew action. If more than one Alert Message window is activated at the same time, the windows are overlaid; the window with the highest priority remains in front, with the other windows layered behind it. Alert Message priority is shown below: • Smoke Detection • Waste Tank Full • Potable Water Status. • Cabin Interphone Failure • Passenger Address Failure February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.60.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Smoke Detection Lavatory SMOKE DETECTED The SMOKE DETECTED window appears if lavatory smoke is detected. A maximum of four smoke detector alarms can be displayed in the window, with the most recently activated smoke detector listed first. The window displays the message SMOKE DETECTED and the location of the associated lavatory(ies) or crew rest area. Pushing the CLEAR switch removes the window. The message SMOKE DETECTED is displayed in small red text in the bottom left hand side of all displays. The message is displayed until the Lavatory Call Indicator/Reset switch is pushed. Lavatory smoke detector activation is annunciated by a continuous HI chime and a flashing master call light. CLEAR LAV 2F-1R SMOKE DETECTED February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.60.3 Crew Rest SMOKE DETECTED [Option: Flight Crew Rest: installed - typical] Crew rest area smoke detection is annunciated in the same manner as lavatory smoke detection, except: • a flight crew rest smoke detector is annunciated as FLT CREW RST [Option: Flight Crew Rest installed; chime - typical] Crew rest smoke detector activation is annunciated by a continuous HI chime and a flashing master call light. CLEAR FLT CREW RST SMOKE DETECTED February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.60.4 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Cabin Temperature ECS No Communication This window is displayed if the CABIN TEMPERATURE display is selected and the Environmental Control System (ECS) is not communicating with the cabin management system. CABIN TEMPERATURE LOCKOUT ECS No Communication February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.60.5 Water/Waste Tank WASTE TANK FULL The WASTE TANK FULL window appears when the waste level is 1 inch below the shut off point of the sensors. Pushing the Waste Tank Status switch displays the LAVATORY/WASTE TANK STATUS display. Using the status display information, placard the appropriate lavatories as INOPERATIVE. When the waste tank is full, a single LO/HI chime sounds. WASTE STATUS TANK WASTE TANK FULL February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.60.6 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) LOW POTABLE WATER The LOW POTABLE WATER window appears when only 1/4 tank of potable water remains. Pushing the CLEAR switch removes the window from the display. CLEAR POTABLE WATER LEVEL AT 1/4 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.60.7 Communications CABIN INTERPHONE FAILURE The Cabin Interphone Failure window alert message is displayed if the cabin interphone controller fails. [Option: Door 1L shown; Option: Door 2L] The window directs the flight attendant to press the CI NORM/ALT switch, located on the door 1L Attendant Switch Panel. Pressing the clear switch removes the window from all displays and displays the message CABIN INTERPHONE FAILURE. Press CI NORM/ALT Switch in small red text in the bottom left corner of all displays. Note: The text remains displayed until the CI NORM/ALT switch is pushed. CLEAR CABIN INTERPHONE FAILURE Press CI NORM/ALT Switch February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.60.8 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) PASSENGER ADDRESS FAILURE The Passenger Address Failure window appears if the passenger address controller fails. [Option: Door 1L shown; Option: Door 2L] The window displays the message Passenger Address Failure and directs the flight attendant to press the PA NORM/ALT switch, located on the door 1L Attendant Switch Panel. Pressing the clear switch removes the window from all displays and displays the message PASSENGER ADDRESS FAILURE. Press PA NORM/ALT Switch in small red text in the bottom left corner of all displays. Note: The text remains displayed until the PA NORM/ALT switch is pushed. CLEAR PASSENGER INTERPHONE FAILURE Press PA NORM/ALT Switch February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.60.9 FUNCTION LOCK-OUT Messages Function Lock-out Messages are associated with certain displays. Function Lock-out Message windows only appear when the associated display is displayed. The message FUNCTION LOCK-OUT appears above the reason for the lock-out. Functions on the affected display cannot be selected as long as the lock-out remains in effect. Decompression The FUNCTION LOCK-OUT Decompression window appears during a cabin decompression if one of the following displays is selected: • Cabin Lighting • Entry Way Lights The window is removed when the decompression condition no longer exists. Return to the CABIN CONTROLS MAIN MENU by pushing the MAIN MENU switch. Note: A cabin decompression is annunciated by five HI chimes. FUNCTION LOCKOUT Decompression February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.60.10 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Invalid Data FUNCTION LOCK-OUT Invalid Data is displayed when the Cabin Door Status, Potable Water Status, or Waste Tank Status display is selected and the sensor data information is invalid/unreliable. The window is removed when the data is valid again. FUNCTION LOCKOUT Invalid Data February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.60.11 Reduced Power Reduced Power Condition The REDUCED POWER CONDITION window is displayed when the cabin/utility switch has been moved to the OFF position by the flight crew. All night lights, reading lights, and attendant work lights will be illuminated. Commands from the CSCP or CACP for night light operation will be inoperative. When the flight deck cabin/utility power switch is placed in the ON position, the REDUCED POWER CONDITION message is removed and control of the cabin lighting is returned to the CSCP and CACPs. Note: During normal airplane operations, the cabin/utility switch on the flight deck is in the ON position. Note: CSCP or CACP commands for night light operation will be inoperative when the flight deck cabin/utility switch is placed in the OFF position by the flight crew. REDUCED POWER CONDITION Fluorescent lights may be off. Night lights are locked on. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.60.12 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Error Messages Error message windows display if the system fails to respond to a switch selection or the user makes an incorrect selection. NOT A VALID ENTRY Messages Row Number/Seat Does Not Exist A NOT A VALID ENTRY message appears on the Seat Chime Control display for any of the following: • entry of a number for which no row exists • entry of a number for an existing row not controlled by the panel • a seat is selected before a row • selection of a row switch when the ROW/SEAT field already displays a row number and a seat letter. Pushing the CLEAR switch removes the window from the display. CLEAR NOT A VALID ENTRY Row Number/Seat Does Not Exist February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 2A.60.13 Row Not Controlled By This Panel This window appears when a row number is entered from the Seat Chime Control display for a row not controlled by that panel. Pushing the CLEAR switch removes the window from the display. CLEAR NOT A VALID ENTRY Row Not Controlled By This Panel February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Cabin Management System - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 2A.60.14 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Miscellaneous Messages ENTRY OUT OF SEQUENCE The ENTRY OUT OF SEQUENCE Select Row Before Seats window appears when a seat letter is selected from the Seat Chime Control display before a row number is entered. Pushing the CLEAR switch removes the window from the display. CLEAR Select Row Before Seats ENTRY OUT OF SEQUENCE February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lighting Chapter 3 System Description Section 0 FCOM Template 12/12/98 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 3.TOC.0.1 3.0 Lighting-System Description System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.1 Lighting Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.1 Cabin Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.1 Closet Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.1 Galley Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.1 Lavatory Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.2 Reading Lights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.2 Work Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.2 Emergency Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.3 Emergency Lights - Interior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.4 Flashlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.5 Emergency Lights - Exterior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10.6 Non-Normal Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.20.1 Lighting Non-normals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.20.1 Replacing a Burned Out Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.20.1 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 3.TOC.0.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Lighting - System Description Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lighting Chapter 3 System Description Section 10 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 3.10.1 3.10 Lighting-System Description Lighting Overview This chapter provides a description of cabin lighting, and interior and exterior emergency lighting. Cabin Lighting Cabin lighting is provided by white incandescent and fluorescent lights. General cabin illumination includes ceiling, entry way, and night lights. These are supplemented by reading, lavatory, work, galley, and closet lights. All cabin lighting is controlled by the cabin management system (CMS) using the Lighting Menu. Note: During normal airplane operations, the cabin/utility switch on the flight deck is in the ON position. When the cabin/utility switch has been moved to the OFF position by the flight crew, the REDUCED POWER CONDITION window is displayed on the CSCP and CACPs, all night lights, reading lights, and attendant work lights will be illuminated. Commands from the CSCP or CACP for night light operation will be inoperative. When the flight deck cabin/utility power switch is returned to the ON position, the REDUCED POWER CONDITION message is removed and control of the cabin lighting is returned to the CSCP and CACPs. If cabin decompression occurs, all fluorescent ceiling lights illuminate, overriding the cabin management system lighting controls. If all main electrical power is lost, the night and supplementary night lights are automatically turned on. Closet Lights A light is provided in each coat closet when normal cabin lighting provides insufficient illumination. Galley Lights The lighting in each galley is controlled by a three-position switch within the galley. The switch positions are bright, dim, and off. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lighting - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 3.10.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Lavatory Lights Lavatories are illuminated by fluorescent lighting. With the airplane on the ground and the ground service bus powered, the lights illuminate bright regardless of the door position. In flight, the lights illuminate dim when the door is unlocked and bright when the door is locked. Reading Lights The reading lights are located in the passenger service unit (PSU) and provide light from above the passenger seats. They can be operated from the passenger control unit (PCU) or the cabin management system. Work Lights 1 WORK LIGHT Switch Turns work light on (illuminated green) or off. Each flight attendant station is provided with a work light. The lights are controlled by the WORK LIGHT switches on the attendant switch panel (ASP) located at each station. LIGHT 2 LIGHT 1 WORK WORK LIGHT 3 WORK Attendant Switch Panel (typical) 1 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lighting - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 3.10.3 Emergency Lighting [Option shown: Door 1L/4R (777-200/777-200ER), 1L/5R (777-300/777-300ER); Option: Door 2L/4R (777-200/777-200ER), 2L/5R (777-300/777-300ER)] The emergency lighting system provides direction to exit locations and illuminates the egress paths inside and outside the airplane. The system is normally controlled by a switch on the flight deck and is placed in the ARMED position prior to flight. In this position, all interior and exterior emergency lights illuminate automatically if there is a total loss of electrical power. The flight crew can illuminate the emergency lights at any time by placing the flight deck emergency lights switch to ON. The emergency lights switch located on the attendant switch panel at door 1L can be used to bypass the flight deck emergency lights switch and illuminate the emergency lights regardless of the position of the flight deck switch. 1 Emergency Lights/Test (EMER LIGHTS/TST) Switch White. Push - all emergency lights illuminate for approximately 1 minute. Note: EMER LIGHTS/TST switches are located at doors 1L and 4R. 2 Emergency Lights (EMER LIGHTS) Switch Guarded, red. ACCESSORY JACK SERVICE LIGHTS/TST LIGHTS GROUND EMER EMER Attendant Switch Panel 1 2 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lighting - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 3.10.4 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Push - Turns on all emergency lights. Note: The EMERG LIGHTS switch is located at door 1L.

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Emergency Lights - Interior Exit signs and emergency area lights indicate all passenger cabin exit routes. All emergency lights and EXIT signs are powered by remote batteries and are controlled by the emergency lights switches. Interior emergency lights consists of door, aisle, cross-aisle, escape path, exit lights, and luminescent exit signs. Escape path lighting is installed in the centerline passenger seats, spaced at intervals in the aisles and cross-aisles. When illuminated, escape path lighting provides visual guidance for emergency evacuation if all sources of lighting more than four feet above the aisle floor are obscured by smoke. Battery powered exit lights are located at each cabin exit. EXIT EXIT Emergency Escape Path Lights Exit Sign February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lighting - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 3.10.5 Flashlights Flashlights are stowed throughout the airplane. These high intensity flashlights illuminate automatically when they are removed from the stowage brackets. A battery indicator light flashes every three to four seconds to indicate adequate power. The light can be extinguished only by replacing the flashlight back into the stowage bracket. The batteries cannot be recharged. See Chapter 9, Emergency Equipment, for specific locations. Viewport EMERGENCY USE ONLY Seal Condition Light February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lighting - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 3.10.6 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Emergency Lights - Exterior Exterior emergency lighting consists of escape slide lights. The lights are located aft of each door and illuminate the areas at the base of the escape slides. The slides in doors 2L and 2R have lights built into the sliding lanes. When the slide is deployed, the lights turn on automatically to illuminate the slide lanes. Door 2L and 2R Note: Lights in door 2L and 2R slides only February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lighting Chapter 3 Non-Normal Operations Section 20 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 3.20.1 3.20 Lighting-Non-Normal Operations Lighting Non-normals Replacing a Burned Out Lamp Remove the lens cover: • grasp and squeeze the lens cover • turn it counterclockwise to disconnect the tabs from the upper slots. You should feel/hear a “click” • remove the lens cover. Lens Cover Upper Slots (4) Bulb Tabs (4) Passenger Service Unit (PSU) (Typical) February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lighting - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 3.20.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Replace the bulb: • grasp the burned out bulb, push it upwards and gently twist. The bulb will release. Note: Use a napkin/linen when handling reading lightbulbs. The bulb may be very hot or burn out early if fingerprints are on the bulb. • insert a new bulb into the socket, pushing it upwards and gently twisting, until a ”click” is heard or felt. Replace the lens cover: • grasp the lens cover and line up the tabs with the upper slots and re-insert. • turn it clockwise. A “click” should be heard or felt which indicates that the lens cover is locked in place. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications Chapter 4 Table of Contents Section 0 FCOM Template 12/12/98 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4.TOC.0.1 4.0 Communications-Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10.1 Communications Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10.1 Cabin Interphone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.20.1 Cabin Interphone System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.20.1 Call Light Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.20.1 Cabin Interphone Directory and Handset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.20.2 Cabin Interphone Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.20.4 Call Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.20.4 Placing Cabin Interphone Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.20.6 Cabin Interphone System Modes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.20.7 Passenger Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.21.1 Passenger Address System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.21.1 Passenger Address Priorities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.21.1 Handset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.21.2 Passenger Address Announcements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.21.4 Passenger Address System Modes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.21.6 Passenger Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.22.1 Passenger Call System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.22.1 Lavatory Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.23.1 Lavatory Call System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.23.1 Passenger Cabin Signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.24.1 Passenger Cabin Sign System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.24.1 No Smoking and Fasten Seat Belt Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.24.1 Return to Seat Sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.24.2 Automatic Passenger Cabin Sign Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.24.2 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 4.TOC.0.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Communications - Table of Contents Takeoff and Landing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.24.2 Loss of cabin pressure and oxygen deployment . . . . . . . . . . 4.24.2 Inflight Entertainment System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.30.1 Inflight Entertainment System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.30.1 PCU - All Classes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.30.2 PCU - Crew Rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.30.3 Non-Normal Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.40.1 Communications Non-Normal Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.40.1 Cabin Interphone System Failure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.40.1 Passenger Address System Failure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.40.2 In-flight Entertainment (IFE) System Smoke or Fire . . . . . . 4.40.3 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications Chapter 4 Introduction Section 10 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4.10.1 4.10 Communications-Introduction Communications Overview This chapter provides a description of the airplane communications systems used by the flight attendants. These systems include: • cabin interphone system • passenger address system • passenger call system • lavatory call system • passenger signs. Also, included in this chapter is information on the inflight entertainment (IFE) system. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Introduction Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 4.10.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications Chapter 4 Cabin Interphone Section 20 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4.20.1 4.20 Communications-Cabin Interphone Cabin Interphone System Overview The cabin interphone system is a phone network with stations on the flight deck and at the attendant stations. [Typical] There are 10 handsets in the cabin: • 1 at each forward attendant station at doors 1L, 2L, 2R, 3L, and 3R • 1 at each aft attendant station at doors 1R, 4L, and 4R • 1 at the cross-aisle attendant station near door 1 • 1 at the Purser Station The cabin interphone system can be used to make: • flight deck-to-attendant calls • attendant-to-flight deck calls • attendant-to-attendant calls • passenger address announcements The cabin interphone handset is used to initiate and receive calls. Call Light Panel The pink cabin interphone crew call lights and attendant station chime annunciations are used as call indicators at the receiving location. The cabin interphone crew call light extinguishes when the receiving station handset is removed from the cradle. Cabin Interphone Crew Call Light (pink) February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Cabin Interphone Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 4.20.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Cabin Interphone Directory and Handset [Typical] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 * # 1 Push To Talk Passenger Address Reset LIFT HANDSET ** PILOT ALERT 6* CABIN READY 02 61 PURSER LWR CREW REST 55 ALERT 54 ATT ALL CALL 4* PA ALL PRIORITY 44 43 42 PA LWR REST PA ECONOMY PA BUSINESS 40 PA ALL PILOT 24 DOOR 4 RIGHT 24 DOOR 3 RIGHT DOOR 2 RIGHT DOOR 1 RIGHT 23 22 21 01 DOOR 1 CENTER 14 DOOR 4 LEFT 13 DOOR 3 LEFT 12 DOOR 2 LEFT DOOR 1 LEFT 11 1 2 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Cabin Interphone Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4.20.3 1 Dial Buttons Push - Enter the two digit dial code for the desired area. 2 Reset Switch Momentary switch. Push - ends the call. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Cabin Interphone Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 4.20.4 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Cabin Interphone Calls Cabin interphone calls are initiated by removing the handset from the handset cradle (dial tone is heard) and dialing the two-digit code for the desired location or type of call. The calling station hears a ring signal until the handset is picked up. If the called station is already in use, the caller receives a normal busy signal. If the caller has dialed a non-existent two-digit code, or is dropped from a call already in progress, the caller receives a rapid busy signal. When an attendant station receives a call, the passenger address system (PAS) sounds a chime, and the pink station cabin interphone crew call light illuminates. Call Types Pilot Alert PILOT ALERT is used to notify the flight crew about an emergency. The pilot alert call is not inhibited at any time. The dial code for PILOT ALERT, ** on the handset: • annunciates the call on the flight deck by sounding a single HI/LO chime • causes a CABIN ALERT message to appear on the EICAS display on the flight deck Note: Pilot alert calls take priority over all other calls to the flight deck. A lower priority call in progress is automatically disconnected. If more than one pilot alert call is initiated, all applicable callers are connected via a party line. Pilot [Typical] A normal two way call to the flight deck may be made by any station. Dialing the PILOT two digit code, 24: • annunciates the call on the flight deck by sounding a single HI/LO chime • causes a CABIN CALL message to appear on the EICAS display on the flight deck [Typical] All Call (ALERT) [Typical] The all call selection is includes all flight attendant stations and the flight deck. Dialing 55, the two digit code for ALERT: [Typical] • annunciates the call by three HI/LO chimes and a flashing master call at all stations light • connects each handset to the call as it is removed from the handset cradle February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Cabin Interphone Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4.20.5 [Typical] Attendant All Call (ALL ATTND) [Typical] Dialing the two digit code for attendant all call (ALL ATTND), 54, functions the same as an ALL CALL but does not include the flight deck. ALL ATTND calls: [Typical] • are annunciated by a single HI/LO chime and a flashing master call light • connects each handset to the call as it is removed from the handset cradle Cabin Ready Cabin Ready is used to notify the flight crew that the cabin is secured and ready for taxi. [Typical] Dialing 6*, CABIN READY, on the handset: • causes the CABIN READY message to appear on the EICAS display on the flight deck. • sounds a single HI/LO chime on the flight deck • caller hears a rapid beep-beep and then a dial tone Pilot-to-Attendant Pilot-to-attendant are normal two-way calls initiated by the flight crew. Pilot-to-attendant calls: [Typical] • are annunciated by two HI/LO chimes and a steady master call light Once a pilot-to-attendant call is made, one or two more stations may be added to the connection. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Cabin Interphone Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 4.20.6 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Station-to-Station Station-to-station calls are normal two-way calls; for example, attendant to attendant. Any station can make a call to any other station using the two digit dial code. Station-to-station calls: • are annunciated by a single HI/LO chime and a steady master call light Once a station-to-station call is made, one or two more stations may be added to the connection. Placing Cabin Interphone Calls To place a cabin interphone call: • remove handset from the cradle (listen for dial tone) • enter the two digit code for the desired station When the call is completed: • push the Reset switch, or • return the handset to cradle February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Cabin Interphone Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4.20.7 Cabin Interphone System Modes 1 Cabin Interphone Normal/Alternate (CI NORM/ALT) Switch Normal Mode (light bar not visible) – normal system operation Alternate Mode (push, light bar illuminated green) – • switches cabin interphone system to alternate mode • clears CABIN INTERPHONE FAILURE message from CSCP and CACPs [Option shown: Door 1L; Option: Door 2L] Note: CI NORM/ALT switch located at door 1L only. [Option shown: Door 1L; Option: Door 2L] The cabin interphone system has two modes: normal and alternate. Pushing the CI NORM/ALT switch, located on the door 1L flight attendant panel, places the cabin interphone system in the alternate mode. If the system fails in the normal mode, the cabin management services failure message CABIN INTERPHONE FAILURE Press CI NORM/ALT Switch is displayed on the CSCP and at each CACP. SERVICE GROUND NORM/ALT NORM/ALT LIGHT 2 CI PA WORK Attendant Switch Panel 1 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Cabin Interphone Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 4.20.8 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications Chapter 4 Passenger Address Section 21 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4.21.1 4.21 Communications-Passenger Address Passenger Address System [Typical] The passenger address (PA) system is used for making flight deck, attendant, and prerecorded announcements to the passenger cabin. Entertainment audio and boarding music can also be sent through the PA system. Flight attendants can make PA announcements using the cabin interphone handsets. Those announcements can be sent through the cabin interphone system or directly to all cabin areas using the Direct Access switch located on the interphone handset cradle. The handset cradles located at doors 1L and 3L have Direct Access switches. Passenger address announcements are made by selecting the desired area on the handset and pushing the Push-to-Talk switch on the handset. Direct access announcements are initiated by pushing the PA switch on the handset cradle. Passenger Address Priorities Passenger address announcements are prioritized in the following order: • flight deck • direct access • priority announcements • normal announcements • pre-recorded announcements • video system audio • boarding music A higher priority announcement overrides a lower priority announcement. When the cabin interphone system is used to make PA announcements and a higher priority announcement is initiated, the cabin interphone system resets and a dial tone is heard in the handset. There is a flight deck indication when the PA system is in use in the passenger cabin. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Passenger Address Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 4.21.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Handset 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 * # 1 Push To Talk Passenger Address Reset PA Handset Cradle Handset 1 2 3 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Passenger Address Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4.21.3 1 Direct Access Switch Push - • makes a PA to passenger cabin • announcement sent to all areas of cabin • overrides all PA announcements except for flight deck announcements [Typical] Note: Direct Access switch located at door 1L and door 3L only. 2 Push-to-Talk Switch (PTT) Push - connects the handset microphone to a selected PA area. 3 Reset Switch Momentary switch. Push - ends the PA announcement. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Passenger Address Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 4.21.4 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Passenger Address Announcements Direct Access Announcements [Typical] Direct access announcements can be initiated only at interphone handsets with a direct access switch, located at doors 1L and 3L. Direct access announcements are sent to all areas of the passenger cabin and override all PA announcements except an announcement from the flight deck. To initiate a direct access announcement: • remove handset from the cradle (listen for dial tone) • push the Direct Access switch located on the cradle • push and hold the handset Push-to-Talk switch • make the announcement • push the Direct Access switch to disconnect and reset the system Note: If a flight deck announcement is in progress, the caller receives a busy signal. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Passenger Address Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4.21.5 Priority Announcements A priority announcement overrides all other PA announcements being made through the cabin interphone system, except for the flight deck and direct access announcements. To make a priority announcement: • remove handset from the cradle (listen for dial tone) • enter the two digit PA priority announcement code (PA PRIORITY), 47 • push the handset PTT switch • make the announcement • push the Reset switch Note: If a flight deck, direct access or another PA priority announcement is in progress, the caller receives a busy signal. Normal Announcements To make an announcement: • remove handset from the cradle (listen for dial tone) [Typical] • enter the two digit code for the desired PA area: • 41, PA FIRST CLASS for first class • 42, PA BUSINESS CLASS, for business class • 43, PA ECONOMY CLASS, for all economy class • 46, PA ALL, for all areas • push and hold the handset Push-to-Talk switch • make the announcement • push the Reset switch Note: If a flight deck, direct access, or a priority announcement is in progress, the caller receives a busy signal. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Passenger Address Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 4.21.6 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Passenger Address System Modes 1 Passenger Address Normal/Alternate (PA NORM/ALT) Switch Normal Mode (light bar not visible) – normal system operation Alternate Mode (push, light bar illuminated green) – • switches passenger address system to alternate mode • clears PASSENGER ADDRESS FAILURE message from CSCP and CACP [Option: Door 1L shown; Option Door 2L] Note: PA NORM/ALT switch located at door 1L only. The passenger address system has two modes: normal and alternate. Pushing the PA NORM/ALT switch, located on the door 1L flight attendant panel, places the passenger address system in the alternate mode. If the system fails in the normal mode, the cabin management system failure message PASSENGER ADDRESS FAILURE Press PA NORM/ALT Switch window appears on the CSCP and at each CACP. SERVICE GROUND NORM/ALT NORM/ALT LIGHT 2 CI PA WORK Attendant Switch Panel 1 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications Chapter 4 Passenger Call Section 22 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4.22.1 [Option shown: Matsushita; Option: Hughes] 4.22 Communications-Passenger Call Passenger Call System A call from the passenger seating area is made by activating the Attendant Call switch located on the Passenger Control Unit (PCU) in each passenger seat arm rest. Pushing the Attendant Call switch: • illuminates the row call light in the passenger service unit (PSU) above the seat • illuminates a steady blue attendant call light at the attendant station being called, and • sounds a single HI chime at the attendant station being called Passenger Control Unit Attendant Call Switch Attendant Call Reset Switch Call Light Panel Attendant Call Light (blue) February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Passenger Call Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 4.22.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) The PSU row call light is extinguished when any Attendant Call Reset switch in that PSU row is pushed. The blue attendant station Attendant Call light extinguishes when all activated Attendant Call Reset switches for that area are reset. [Option: Flight Crew Rest: Installed] Note: Flight crew rest calls will be annunciated on the SERVICE CALL display in the FIRST CLASS Active Lavatory Call display. Passenger calls can also be verified and reset from the cabin management system SERVICE CALL display. See Chapter 2A, Cabin Management System, Service Calls.

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February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications Chapter 4 Lavatory Call Section 23 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4.23.1 [Option: Crew Rest: Installed] 4.23 Communications-Lavatory Call Lavatory Call System A call from the lavatory is made by pushing the Attendant Call switch located on the front side of the lavatory sink cabinet. Pushing the Attendant Call switch: • illuminates the switch to confirm selection • illuminates the lavatory call light/reset switch located on the outside wall over the door of the calling lavatory • illuminates a steady amber lavatory call light at the attendant station being called • sounds a single HI chime at the attendant station being called Note: Calls from the lower crew rest (LCR) area sound a single LO chime at the attendant station being called. Attendant Call In Lavatory Attendant Call Switch Call Light Panel Attendant Call Light (amber) February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Lavatory Call Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 4.23.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) [Option: Crew Rest: Installed, typical] Note: Calls from the crew rest area sound a single HI chime at the attendant station being called. The lavatory call light is extinguished by pushing the lavatory call light/reset switch over the lavatory door. The amber lavatory call light extinguishes when all lavatory call light/reset switches for that area are reset. Lavatory calls can also be verified and reset from the cabin management system Service Call display. See Chapter 2A, Section 20, Service Call Display. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications Chapter 4 Passenger Cabin Signs Section 24 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4.24.1 [Options shown: No smoking signs - normal operation; Option: partial on, always on; Option shown: Return to seat - steady; Option: flashing] 4.24 Communications-Passenger Cabin Signs Passenger Cabin Sign System The passenger cabin sign system is comprised of the no smoking, fasten seat belt, and return to seat signs. The signs are visible to all passengers and flight crew. No Smoking and Fasten Seat Belt Signs NO SMOKING and FASTEN SEAT BELT signs are located on the cabin overhead and in the passenger service unit (PSU). [Option: No smoking signs - normal operation] The passenger signs are controlled from the flight deck either manually or automatically. On the ground, all signs are illuminated. [Option: No smoking signs - normal operation] A single LO chime sounds over the passenger address system each time any of the passenger signs illuminate or extinguish. Occupied Lavatory Cabin Overhead (Typical) Passenger Service Unit (PSU) (Typical) February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Passenger Cabin Signs Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 4.24.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) On the ground, all passenger signs are illuminated. Return to Seat Sign [Option: Return to seat - steady; Option: flashing] A RETURN TO SEAT sign is located in each lavatory and visible only when illuminated. The RETURN TO SEAT signs illuminate when the FASTEN SEAT BELT signs are on. Note: Note: The RETURN TO SEAT sign in the lavatories will not illuminate if passenger cabin oxygen has been deployed. Automatic Passenger Cabin Sign Operation Takeoff and Landing After takeoff with the passenger signs in the automatic mode, the FASTEN SEAT BELT, NO SMOKING, and RETURN TO SEAT signs extinguish when the flaps and landing gear are up. [Option: No smoking signs - normal operation] During descent for landing, the FASTEN SEAT BELT and RETURN TO SEAT signs illuminate when the airplane flaps are lowered or below 10,000 feet. The NO SMOKING signs illuminate when the landing gear are lowered. Loss of cabin pressure and oxygen deployment [Option: No smoking signs - normal operation] The NO SMOKING and FASTEN SEAT BELT signs illuminate automatically if the cabin altitude exceeds 10,000 feet or if the passenger cabin oxygen system is manually or automatically deployed. Note: The RETURN TO SEAT sign in the lavatories will not illuminate if passenger cabin oxygen has been deployed. RETURN TO SEAT In Lavatory February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications Chapter 4 Inflight Entertainment System Section 30 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4.30.1 [Options shown: Matsushita; Option: Hughes; Crew Rest: Installed] 4.30 Communications-Inflight Entertainment System Inflight Entertainment System Overview [Matsushita] The inflight entertainment system (IFE) is manufactured by an outside vendor and conforms to airline specifications. Refer to the vendor manuals for IFE equipment and operation. Passenger address announcements from the flight deck or a flight attendant handset automatically override the audio entertainment program. When the announcement is complete, the program resumes. See the inflight entertainment vendor’s operating manuals for detailed information. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Inflight Entertainment System Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 4.30.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) PCU - All Classes Each passenger seat contains a Passenger Control Unit (PCU). Passengers use the PCU to select various in-flight entertainment system functions, turn the reading lights on or off, or call for passenger service. A headset may be plugged in to listen to the audio on the selected channel. The PCU includes switches for channel selection and audio volume. See vendor’s manuals for specific details and operation. Note: PCU’s, where applicable, must be stowed during ground taxi operations, takeoff, and landing. Reading Light Control Attendant Call Reset Switch Attendant Call Switch Game Controls Game Controls Card Reader Telephone February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Inflight Entertainment System Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4.30.3 PCU - Crew Rest Each crew rest bunk contains a PCU which is used to the select various in-flight entertainment system functions, turn the reading lights on or off, or call for service/assistance. The PCU includes switches for channel selection, audio volume, and headset jacks for audio. See vendor’s manuals for specific details and operation. C V O L L H A N E N Attendant Call Reset Switch Attendant Call Switch Reading Light Control February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Inflight Entertainment System Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 4.30.4 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications Chapter 4 Non-Normal Operations Section 40 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4.40.1 4.40 Communications-Non-Normal Operations Communications Non-Normal Operations Cabin Interphone System Failure When the cabin interphone system fails in the normal mode, a message is sent to the cabin management system (CMS). The CMS failure message, CABIN INTERPHONE FAILURE Press CI NORM/ALT Switch, is displayed on the CSCP and at each CACP. [Option shown: Door 1L; Option: Door 2L] Pushing the CI NORM/ALT switch, located on the attendant switch panel at door 1L, will switch the cabin interphone system to the alternate mode. In the alternate mode, the cabin interphone system operates the same as in the normal mode. This CABIN INTERPHONE FAILURE message remains displayed until the CI NORM/ALT switch is pushed. Note: Pushing the failure window CLEAR switch will remove the failure window from the display. The failure message, CABIN INTERPHONE FAILURE Press CI NORM/ALT Switch, is displayed in small red text in the lower left corner of all screens. The message remains displayed until the CI NORM/ALT switch is pushed. Attendant Switch Panel SERVICE GROUND NORM/ALT NORM/ALT LIGHT 2 CI PA WORK Cabin Interphone NORM/ALT Switch February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 4.40.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Passenger Address System Failure If the system fails in the normal mode, a message is sent to the cabin management system. The CMS failure message, PASSENGER ADDRESS FAILURE Press PA NORM/ALT Switch, appears on the CSCP and at each CACP. [Option shown: Door 1L; Option: Door 2L] The flight attendant should push the PA NORM/ALT switch located on the attendant switch panel at door 1L. This will remove the PASSENGER ADDRESS FAILURE message from the panels and allows the system to operate in the alternate mode. Pushing the window CLEAR switch will also remove the window from the panel; but the message, PASSENGER ADDRESS FAILURE Press PA NORM/ALT Switch, appears at the bottom of the display. This message remains until the PA NORM/ALT switch is pushed. Note: Pushing the failure window CLEAR switch will remove the failure window from the display. The failure message, PASSENGER ADDRESS FAILURE Press CI NORM/ALT Switch, is displayed in small red text in the lower left corner of all screens. The message remains displayed until the PA NORM/ALT switch is pushed. SERVICE GROUND NORM/ALT NORM/ALT LIGHT 2 CI PA WORK Attendant Switch Panel Passenger Address NORM/ALT Switch February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 4.40.3 In-flight Entertainment (IFE) System Smoke or Fire In the event of smoke or fire caused by any of the in-flight entertainment system (IFE) components, all electrical power should be removed from the IFE system and passenger seats. Immediately notify the flight deck. Request help from other crew members, as required. Note: Continuous communication among crew members provides information essential for making safety-of-flight decisions. Power is removed by moving the IFE Master Power switch, located in the Video Control Center (VCC), to the OFF position. This removes electrical power to: • the in-seat audio/video system equipment • audio entertainment players • video entertainment players • overhead video system and displays/projectors • in-seat video displays/audio in the passenger cabin • in-seat video displays/audio in the crew rest areas • integrated telephones • the passenger control units (PCUs) • the passenger seat • seat motor power (as applicable) • personal computer power outlet (as applicable) • in-flight passenger cabin telephones Note: If the IFE Master Power switch is placed in the OFF position, no passenger service functions (reading lights or attendant call) are available. Note: Moving the IFE Master Power switch to the OFF position does not cause an EICAS message to be displayed on the flight deck. WARNING: Once power is removed from the IFE system, do not turn the IFE Master Power switch back on for the remainder of the flight. Note: The power to the passenger seats and IFE system may also be removed by the flight crew. If the IFE/PASS SEATS power switch on the flight deck is moved to OFF, all power to the cabin IFE and passenger seats is removed. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Communications - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 4.40.4 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories Chapter 5 Table of Contents Section 0 FCOM Template 12/12/98 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 5.TOC.0.1 5.0 Lavatories-Table of Contents System Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10.1 Lavatories Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10.1 Lavatory Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10.2 Lavatory Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10.5 Lavatory Layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10.5 Lavatory Water System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10.6 Water Supply Shutoff Valve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10.8 Water Supply Isolation Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10.9 Lavatory Waste System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10.10 Lavatory Fire Protection Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10.11 Lavatory Smoke Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10.11 Lavatory Fire Extinguishing System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10.12 Lavatory Temperature Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.10.13 Non-Normal Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20.1 Lavatory Non-Normals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20.1 Toilet Does Not Flush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20.1 Toilet Flooding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20.2 Toilet Flush Valve Fails to Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20.5 Waste Tanks Improperly Serviced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20.5 Water Faucet Fails to Shut Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20.6 Lavatory Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20.8 Bifold Door Unlocking/Locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20.8 Bifold Door Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20.9 Panel Door Unlocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.20.10

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February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 5.TOC.0.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Lavatories - Table of Contents Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories Chapter 5 System Description Section 10 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 5.10.1 5.10 Lavatories-System Description Lavatories Overview This chapter provides a description of the lavatories and their locations, water and waste systems, associated cabin management system (CMS) screens, and lavatory smoke detection, and fire protection systems. Lavatory controls and displays are located throughout the airplane. See Chapter 2A, Cabin Management System, Water/Waste Tank for information on the lavatory/waste tank status and potable quantity displays and operations. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 5.10.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Lavatory Locations Lav 1A-1C Lav 3F-1R Lav 4F-R Lav 2F-1R Lav 4A-1R H D D D D D Lav 4A-1L Lav 3F-1L Lav 3F-LC Lav 2F-1L Lav 2A-1L D D D D D H Baby Care Station Disabled Passenger H D Access February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 5.10.3 There are 10 lavatory compartments. Lavatories 2A-1L and 3F-1R are equipped for handicapped passengers. Each of the lavatories contains baby care stations. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 5.10.4 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 5.10.5 Lavatory Description Lavatory Layout Each lavatory contains a toilet, wash basin, mirror, necessary vanity items, and disposal units. In addition, there is an attendant call switch, a loudspeaker for passenger address, a RETURN TO SEAT sign, a no smoking/fasten seat belts sign, a smoke detector/alarm, a waste compartment fire extinguishing system, a lockable door, and an overhead compartment containing two oxygen masks. Closing and latching the lavatory door causes the mirror light and a LAVATORY OCCUPIED sign to illuminate. Each toilet has a manual shutoff handle, located at the base of the toilet. If the flush valve fails in the open position, pulling the handle shuts off the toilet vacuum flush system. DIAPER Water Supply Shut Off Valve (behind mirror) Manual Shut Off Handle Passenger Service Unit (speaker & oxygen) Water Heater & Distribution Drain Valve (under sink) Smoke Detector Waste Compartment Fire Extinguisher Flush Button Baby Care Station February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 5.10.6 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Lavatory Water System The potable water system is supplied from two tanks located beneath the cabin floor. Potable water is supplied to the lavatory sinks and the toilet flush system. The two tanks have a combined usable capacity of approximately 218 gallons (825 liters). The tanks are normally pressurized with air from the airplane bleed air system. When bleed air pressure is not available, alternate pressurization is automatically provided by an electrically driven air compressor. Hot and cold water is available in the lavatories. The water heater is located below the lavatory sink and has three selectable temperatures: • low (approximately 105 degrees F, 40.6 degrees C) • medium (approximately 115 degrees F, 46.1 degrees C) • high (approximately 125 degrees F, 51.7 degrees C) Heater Switch Indicating Light Water Heater February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 5.10.7 An amber indicator light located near the top of the heater is illuminated when the power switch is on and the heater is operating normally. An ON/OFF switch is located next to the amber light. The amount of water remaining in the tanks, and the number of gallons required for takeoff can be verified on the cabin management system (CMS) Potable Water Status display. Note: Water is not available while the tanks are being serviced. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 5.10.8 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Water Supply Shutoff Valve Each lavatory has a water supply shutoff valve which may be used to shut off the lavatory water supply. The water supply shutoff valve has two positions, OFF and ON, and is located above the sink behind the mirror. A push-button is located against the lavatory wall, near the facial tissue dispenser. Pushing the button upwards releases the catch and opens the mirror, allowing access to the handle. ON OFF Mirror Release Button Note: Valve behind mirror. Mirror February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 5.10.9 Water Supply Isolation Valve If there is a leak in a lavatory that cannot be eliminated by closing the water supply shutoff valve, the water supply isolation valve is used to shut off the water. The isolation valves are located on the panel above doors 2L and 4L. Rotate the isolation valve “T" handle clockwise to close the valve. Closing the water supply isolation valve at door 2L shuts off the water supply forward of door 2. Closing the isolation valve at door 4L shuts off all water supply forward of door 4. Note: Lavatories and galleys located aft of the closed isolation valve will still have water available. Water Supply Isolation Valve February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 5.10.10 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Lavatory Waste System Waste water from the lavatory sinks is drained overboard through drain masts. Toilet waste is flushed into three waste holding tanks located in the bulk cargo area. Each waste tank holds 63 gallons (238 liters), for a total of 189 gallons (714 liters). The waste system uses a vacuum to collect the waste material and deposit it in the tanks. The vacuum is not required above 16,000 feet. Above 16,000 feet, the pressure difference between the cabin and outside pressure moves the waste from the toilets to the tanks. Below 16,000 feet and on the ground, pushing the flush button on the toilet activates the flush cycle. A flush cycle uses water from the potable water system, and lasts approximately seven seconds. Once the flush button is pushed, there is an automatic 15-second delay for a system reset before the next flush cycle can be initiated. This delay conserves water by preventing consecutive flushes if the flush button is repeatedly pushed. Each waste tank system operates independently. There are two sensors attached to the upper part of each waste tank. Both sensors must signal that the waste tank is full before the flush module power relay de-energizes. If a sensor fails, it signals that the tank is full. There is also a sensor in each waste tank drain line. It provides data to the cabin management system about the amount of waste in the waste tanks. Waste tank quantity status can be found on the cabin management system LAVATORY/WASTE TANK STATUS display, a sub–display of the WATER/WASTE TANK STATUS display. Note: Toilet blockages can occur if large objects are flushed down the toilet. Items which commonly cause blockages are diapers, hand towels, cups, and large quantities of toilet paper. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 5.10.11 Lavatory Fire Protection Systems Lavatory Smoke Detector A smoke detector is mounted in each lavatory ceiling. When activated by either detecting smoke or pushing the self test switch, a horn sounds in the smoke detector and the red Alarm Indicator Light illuminates on the smoke detector. 1 Power Indicator Light Illuminated (green) - smoke detector has power and is operating. 2 Interrupt Switch Push - silences the horn and suppresses all alarm indications as long as the switch is pushed. 3 Self Test Switch Push - activates the smoke detector aural and visual alarms. Note: The system automatically resets when the test is concluded. 4 Alarm Indicator Light Illuminated (red) - presence of smoke has been detected.

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Lavatory Smoke Detector (typical) 1 2 3 4 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 5.10.12 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Lavatory Smoke Detector Operation When smoke is detected in a lavatory, the amber Lavatory Call indicator light/Reset switch, mounted on the exterior wall above the lavatory door, flashes and a chime sounds in the cabin near the associated lavatory. The lavatory call light at the associated lavatory flashes and the SMOKE DETECTED window is displayed on the CSCP/CACP. The system can be reset by pushing the Lavatory Call indicator light/Reset switch. When the Lavatory Call indicator/reset switch is pushed: • the lavatory master call light extinguishes • the continuous chime is turned off • the smoke detector horn silences • the Lavatory Call indicator/reset switch extinguishes • the CSCP/CACP SMOKE DETECTED window is no longer displayed • a smoke alarm suppression cycle is initiated in the smoke detector Note: If there is still smoke in the lavatory, the red Alarm Indicator Light on the smoke detector remains illuminated. • a lavatory smoke alert message is displayed on the flight deck When the smoke clears, the red Alarm Indicator Light extinguishes, the suppression cycle ends, and the smoke detector is sensitive to smoke again. Continue to monitor the lavatory until the red Alarm Indicator Light extinguishes. Note: When the smoke detector has been activated by smoke, lingering smoke in the detector sensor may cause reactivation. Blowing air into the detector sensor (the small screen cutout on the side of the cube extending from the unit) may clear lingering smoke. Lavatory Fire Extinguishing System An automatic fire extinguishing system is located beneath the sink in each lavatory. A fire extinguisher discharges a halon vapor through either one or both of the heat-activated nozzles. Both nozzles discharge toward the waste disposal container. The color of the nozzle tips change to an aluminum color if the extinguisher has discharged. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 5.10.13 Lavatory Temperature Indicator A temperature indicator is located inside the waste compartment below each sink. Grey dots on the indicator turn black when exposed to high temperatures. If any dot has turned black or a nozzle tip has changed color, the extinguisher has discharged. CHECK THE FOUR GREY DOTS ON TEMPERATURE INDICATOR LOCATED ABOVE WASTE CONTAINER IF ANY GREY DOT HAS TURNED BLACK CHECK FOR FIRE DAMAGE REPLACE FIRE EXTINGUISHER REPLACE TEMPERATURE INDICATOR TEMPERATURE INDICATOR 250 230 200 180 TEMPERATURE INDICATOR February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - System Description Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 5.10.14 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories Chapter 5 Non-Normal Operations Section 20 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 5.20.1 5.20 Lavatories-Non-Normal Operations Lavatory Non-Normals Toilet Does Not Flush If one of the toilets does not flush, use the cabin management system LAVATORY/WASTE TANK STATUS display to check the status of the waste tank for that lavatory. If the waste tank is full, placard all lavatories connected to the full waste tank as inoperative. If the waste tank is not full, the affected lavatory should be placarded inoperative. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 5.20.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Toilet Flooding If a toilet floods due to the water rinse valve sticking open after flushing, immediately flush the toilet to evacuate excess water from the toilet bowl. If the toilet does not flush, refer to Inoperative Toilet. If the toilet flushes, but water continues to flow into the toilet bowl, flush the toilet once or twice more. If the water continues flowing, use the water supply shutoff valve to shut off the water for that lavatory. Close the water supply shutoff valve handle located above the sink behind the mirror. Placard the lavatory as inoperative. ON OFF Mirror Release Button Note: Valve behind mirror. Mirror February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 5.20.3 If the leak cannot be eliminated by turning off the water supply shutoff valve, the isolation valve associated with that lavatory should be closed. The water supply isolation valves are located in a panel above doors 2L and 4L. Rotate the isolation valve “T” handle clockwise to close the valve. Closing the valve at door 2L shuts off all water supply forward of door 2. Closing the valve at door 4L shuts off all water supply forward of door 4. Water Supply Isolation Valve EXIT February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 5.20.4 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Turn the distribution drain shutoff valve handle to the open position to drain the water from the lavatory. Note: Lavatories located aft of the door 4L water supply isolation valve will still have water. Water Heater Distribution Drain Shutoff Valve Handle February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 5.20.5 Toilet Flush Valve Fails to Reset A loud continuous air noise or sucking noise coming from the toilet is caused by the flush valve sticking in the open position. Close the toilet lid and pull the manual shutoff handle located at the base of the toilet out. This closes the flush valve and stops the noise. Placard the lavatory as inoperative. Waste Tanks Improperly Serviced Verification of waste tank servicing is accomplished prior to departure/dispatch. The waste tank quantity level on the cabin management system LAVATORY/WASTE TANK STATUS displays should be in the first quarter (E to 1/4) and the status bar should be green. A yellow or red display in the status bar indicates an improperly serviced waste tank. Contact maintenance to service any tanks not showing the proper indication. Manual Shutoff Handle Flush Button February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 5.20.6 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Water Faucet Fails to Shut Off If the sink water faucet buttons do not shut off the running water, the water system for that lavatory must be shut off. Turn the water supply shutoff valve handle located above the sink behind the mirror clockwise to the OFF position. The water system, which includes the sink and the toilet flush, is turned off for that lavatory. Placard the lavatory as inoperative. If the water leak cannot be eliminated by turning off the water supply shutoff valve, the water supply isolation valve associated with that lavatory should be closed. ON OFF Mirror Release Button Note: Valve behind mirror. Mirror February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 5.20.7 The water supply isolation valves are located in a panel above doors 2L and 4L. Rotate the isolation valve “T” handle clockwise to close the valve. Closing the valve at door 2L shuts off all water supply forward of door 2. Closing the valve at door 4L shuts off all water supply forward of door 4. Note: Lavatories located aft of the door 4L water supply isolation valve will still have water.

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Water Supply Isolation Valve EXIT February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 5.20.8 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Lavatory Doors Bifold Door Unlocking/Locking The lavatory door can be locked or unlocked from the outside by: • lifting the metal flap above the VACANT/OCCUPIED indicator • moving the lock slide to left to lock the door • moving the lock slide to right to unlock the door Cover Plate Lock Slide February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 5.20.9 Bifold Door Removal Occasionally the lavatory door may become blocked from the inside due to supplies falling out of the storage compartment onto the floor, or an incapacitated passenger lying on the floor. The following procedure allows the removal of the door and access to the lavatory compartment: • unlock the door • release the upper and lower pivot shafts on the door • pull the top shaft down and over • lift the bottom shaft up and over • pull the door out at the bottom • drop the door down and away from the lavatory Pivot Shaft February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Lavatories - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 5.20.10 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Panel Door Unlocking Panel doors are generally associated with lavatories with handicapped facilities. If the panel door is locked and access must be gained: • slide a flat object (knife, credit card, fingernail) under the door latch receiver flap • pry the door latch receiver flap forward and outward • pull on door handle at same time as lifting on door latch receiver flap Door Latch Receiver Flap February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Galleys Chapter 6 Table of Contents Section 0 FCOM Template 12/12/98 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 6.TOC.0.1 6.0 Galleys-Table of Contents Galley Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10.1 Galley Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10.1 Galley Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10.2 Galley Electrical Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10.3 Galley Water System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10.3 Water Shutoff Valve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10.3 Galley Waste System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.10.3 Non-Normal Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.20.1 Galley Non-Normals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.20.1 Galley Emergency Power Off Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.20.1 Galley Sink Drain Blockages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.20.1 Galley Water Fails to Shut Off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.20.2 Low Potable Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.20.3 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 6.TOC.0.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Galleys - Table of Contents Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Galleys Chapter 6 Galley Location Section 10 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 6.10.1 6.10 Galleys-Galley Location Galley Overview Individual galley modules may contain ovens, waste containers, coffee makers, refrigeration units, storage/servicing carts, sinks and stowage space to aid in food preparation and dispensing. Galleys are equipped with electrical power and water systems. Lighting controls are located on the galley electric panel. A galley vent system keeps the air fresh. Service carts are restrained for takeoff and landing. There are stowage areas for extra carts located at various galleys. The number of food carts shall not exceed the number of inflight cart restraints available. Each galley is provided with a heater control for the regulation of the temperature in the galley area. See the galley vendor provided information for location and operation. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Galleys - Galley Location Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 6.10.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Galley Locations [Typical] Galley Middle 2 Galley Aft 2 Galley Forward 2 Galley Middle Left Galley Forward 3 Galley Middle 1 Galley Forward 1 Galley Aft 4 Galley Aft 3 Galley Middle Right Galley Middle 4 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Galleys - Galley Location Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 6.10.3 Galley Electrical Power A Galley Emergency Power Off Switch is located in each galley. The switch is covered with a red guard. With the red guard closed, the switch is in the NORMAL (on) position. If there is an emergency, the red guard should be lifted and the toggle switch placed to the OFF position. This removes all electrical power to the galley. The Galley Emergency Power Off Switch should be used only during an emergency situation. Galley Water System Galley water is supplied from two potable water tanks. The tanks have a combined usable capacity of approximately 825 liters (218 gallons). The tanks are normally pressurized from the airplane bleed air system. When bleed air pressure is not available, alternate pressurization is automatically provided by an electrically driven air compressor. Water is not available while the tanks are being serviced. The quantity of potable water may be verified on the cabin management system POTABLE WATER display. Water Shutoff Valve Each galley that has running water is equipped with a water shutoff valve. Positioning the water shutoff valve to OFF turns off water to that galley. Galley Waste System Galley sink waste water is drained overboard through heated drain masts. To prevent sink drain blockages do not put solid waste (coffee grounds, tea bags, fruit pulp, and so on) in the sink drain. Put solid waste in the galley waste bins. Mixtures, which can curdle and create a drain blockage, should be diluted with an equal amount of water. Do not remove the sink drain strainer. OFF ON Water Shutoff Valve February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Galleys - Galley Location Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details.

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unctions such as fire, smoke, electrical arcing, and so on. Note: When placing the galley Emergency Power Off switch to the OFF position, notify the flight deck. Galley Sink Drain Blockages If a sink drain is blocked, or drainage is slow, no more fluids should be poured into the sink. Dispose of fluids in another galley sink. EMER POWER OFF SWITCH OFF NORM February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Galleys - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 6.20.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Galley Water Fails to Shut Off If the water cannot be turned off in any of the galley fixtures, such as the sink water faucet, coffee maker, or water boiler, the water system for that galley must be shut off. Position the galley water shutoff valve to OFF. See the galley vendor’s drawings for exact location. OFF ON Water Shutoff Valve February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Galleys - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 6.20.3 If the leak that cannot be eliminated by turning off the water shutoff valve, the isolation drain valve associated with the galley should be closed. The water supply isolation valves are located in a panel above doors 2L and 4L. Rotate the isolation valve “T” handle clockwise to close the valve. Closing the valve at door 2L shuts off all water supply forward of door 2. Closing the valve at door 4L shuts off all water supply forward of door 4. Note: Galleys located aft of the door 4L water supply isolation valve will still have water. Low Potable Water The LOW POTABLE WATER alert message appears on the CSCP/CACP displays when 1/4 tank of potable water remains. Pushing the clear key removes the window from the display but displays a message at the bottom of the CSCP/CACP displays stating that the potable water level is at 1/4. EXIT Water Supply Isolation Valve February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Galleys - Non-Normal Operations Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 6.20.4 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Doors, Slides and Emergency Exits Chapter 7 Table of Contents Section 0 FCOM Template 12/12/98 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 7.TOC.0.1 7.0 Doors, Slides and Emergency Exits-Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.10.1 Doors, Slides and Emergency Exits Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.10.1 Passenger Entry Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.20.1 Passenger Entry Doors Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.20.1 Passenger Entry Door Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.20.2 Door Mode Select Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.20.4 Dedicated Assist Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.20.7 Flight Lock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.20.7 Evacuation Slide/Rafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.20.8 Slide/Raft Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.20.10 Evacuation Slide/Rafts - Slides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.20.12 Passenger Entry Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.20.14 Passenger Entry Door Preflight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.20.14 Passenger Entry Normal Door Operation – Interior . . . . . . . 7.20.15 Passenger Entry Door Normal Operation - Exterior . . . . . . . 7.20.16 Non-Normal Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.40.1 Doors, Slides and Emergency Exits Non-Normal Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.40.1 Passenger Entry Door Non-Normal Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.40.1 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 7.TOC.0.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Doors, Slides and Emergency Exits - Table of Contents Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Doors, Slides and Emergency Exits Chapter 7 Introduction Section 10 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 7.10.1 7.10 Doors, Slides and Emergency Exits-Introduction Doors, Slides and Emergency Exits Overview This chapter describes the passenger entry doors and evacuation slide/rafts. It includes a description of door preflight, and normal and non-normal operation from inside and outside the airplane. Passenger evacuation and ditching guidelines are described in Chapter 9, Non-Normal Situation Guidelines. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Doors, Slides and Emergency Exits - Introduction Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. 7.10.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Intentionally Blank February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Doors, Slides and Emergency Exits Chapter 7 Passenger Entry Doors Section 20 Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 7.20.1 [Option shown: ARMED/DISARMED; Option:AUTOMATIC/MANUAL; Option shown: Life raft: Installed] 7.20 Doors, Slides and Emergency Exits-Passenger Entry Doors Passenger Entry Doors Overview There are eight identically operated passenger entry doors paired along the airplane fuselage. They are used to enter and exit the airplane, and also serve as emergency exits. There are no other passenger cabin exits. Doors on the left side of the airplane are identified as 1L, 2L, 3L, and 4L and are generally used for passenger entry. Doors on the right side of the airplane are 1R, 2R, 3R and 4R and are generally used for servicing the airplane. The doors can be opened or closed manually from inside or outside the airplane. The passenger entry doors are translating, plug-type doors. During opening, the door first moves inward and upward, then translates outward and forward. Each door is held in the open position by a gust lock. The gust lock drops into a latch as the door nears its forward limit of travel. A window in each door allows observation outside of the airplane. A dual lane slide/raft is contained in the lower inboard face of each passenger entry door behind the door bustle. A vent panel is connected to the door operating handle. The vent remains open and prevents pressurization to an unsafe level if the door is not fully closed, latched, and locked. Rotation of the door operating handle forward to the CLOSED position automatically locks the door. As the handle is moved past the latched position, the vent is closed. Initial rotation of the handle aft (toward OPEN) opens the vent to equalize cabin and outside air pressure. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Doors, Slides and Emergency Exits - Passenger Entry Doors Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details.

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7.20.2 D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) Passenger Entry Door Controls 1 Viewing Window Allows observation outside the airplane. 2 Slide/Raft Gas Bottle Pressure Gage If the gage needle is outside the green zone, the system is unusable. 3 Door Bustle Release Handle Pull to remove door bustle for access to slide/raft. 4 Door Mode Select Panel See following graphic. EXIT 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 3 9 February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Doors, Slides and Emergency Exits - Passenger Entry Doors Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details. D611W302-TBC (200 GenFam) 7.20.3 5 Emergency Power Assist System (EPAS) Reservoir Pressure Gage If the gage needle is outside the green zone, EPAS is unusable. 6 Gust Lock Release Lever Grab and pull inward to close the door. 7 Door Operating Handle To open the door – rotate in the direction of the arrow. To close the door – rotate in the opposite direction of the arrow. 8 Door Bustle The bustle contains the slide/raft. 9 Girt Bar Indicator Flag Viewing Windows Yellow in view – door and slide/raft are armed for automatic operation and slide/raft deployment. Black in view – door and slide/raft are not armed. Note: A safety strap is installed in the door sill, approximately halfway up on the left side of the door. It should be used when the door is open. To use the safety strap, pull the metal handle and attach it to the loop on the right side of the door sill. February 14, 2003 Flight Attendant Manual Doors, Slides and Emergency Exits - Passenger Entry Doors Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details.

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