帅哥 发表于 2008-10-23 13:58:45

That project was so successful.
You deserve all the credit.
*deserve “值得”。credit “信用”、 “信赖”、 “名誉”、 “威望”。
We got the sale.
All the credit goes to you.
The credit goes to you alone.
You’re responsible for the whole thing.
You should be the one to be acknowledged.
*acknowledged “被承认的”。
We owe it all to you.
*owe “欠”。
I finished the project early.
I’ll have to give you more credit.
I won’t underestimate you again.
I’ll believe in you more next time.
I have a newfound respect for you.
*newfound “新发现的”。
Did I help out in any way?
Nothing could have happened without you.
*help out ... “帮助……”。
We couldn’t have done it without you.
Nothing would have been accomplished without you.
*accomplish “完成”。
你的销售额上去了, 是吧?
You’ve boosted sales, haven’t you?
(你的销售额上去了, 是吧?)
Thanks for noticing.
*boost “提高”。sales “销售额”。
*notice “注意到”。
You’re selling more, aren’t you?
You’ve improved sales, right?
得到这份合同, 你立了大功。
You did a great job getting the contract.
(得到这份合同, 你立了大功。 )
Thanks. I appreciate that.
*do a great job “工作很出色”。contract表示“合同”, get a contract就是“签下合同”的意思。
Congratulations on getting the contract.
Good work on obtaining the contract.
*obtain “获得”。
Do you think the boss likes me?
Yes, he thinks highly of you.
(喜欢, 他对你评价很高。)
*think highly of ... “高度评价……”。
He speaks highly of you.
He thinks a lot of you.
*think a lot of ... “高度评价……”。
He says nice things about you.
He’s one of your fans.
He did all the work.
Then he should get all of the compensation.
*compensation “报酬”。
All the work was done by him.
*done “做完”。
No one did any work except for him.
*except for ... “除了……”。
He did it all.
What kind of businessman is he?
He’s strict about business.
*strict “严格的”、 “严厉的”。
In business he’s very strict.
He’s strict when it concerns business.
(只要是工作上的事, 他都非常严格。)
*concern “有关”。
How’s the new man working out?
He works beyond his duty.
*work out “(事情等)进展顺利”。
*beyond “超过(某个范围)”。duty “义务”、 “职责”。
He works over and above the call of duty.
*over and above ... “除了……之外”、 “再加上……”。call “使命”、 “要求”。
He’s an extremely hard worker.
*extremely “极端地”、 “非常”。
You do everything properly.
I try my best.
*properly “恰当地”、 “正确地”。
You do everything right.
Everything you do is perfect.
You do everything so well.
Your organizational skills help me a lot.
I’m happy I can help.
*organizational 指“构成的”、 “归纳的”、 “组织的”, skill意思是“技巧”、 “手艺”、 “技能”, 所以organizational skills表示“工作安排得有条不紊的能力”。
You being so organized is helpful to me.
You’re so organized that it helps me a lot.
This report is very comprehensive.
Yes, I’m quite satisfied with it.
(是, 我非常满意。)
*comprehensive “内容充实的”。
*satisfy “满足”、 “满意”。
This report covers everything.
*cover “包含”、 “包括”。
This is a very comprehensive report.
Is the data any good?
The data is very helpful.
*helpful “有用的”、 “有益的”。
The data is really helpful.
The data is a big help.
I wish I could type as well as you.
It just takes practice.  
*I wish ... “如果……就好了”。as well as ... “和……一样”。
*这里的just指“只是”。practice 指“练习”。
I wish I had typing skills like yours.
I envy your typing skills.
*envy “羡慕”。
Why was he promoted?
I like the way he gets things done quickly and efficiently.
*promote “使升职”。
*way “方式”、 “方法”。quickly “快速地”。efficiently “高效地”。
I like that he works quickly and efficiently.
I appreciate his quick and efficient work.
*appreciate “评价或承认(能力等)”。
I’ve found an error in the calculations.
You’re sharp, aren’t you?
*sharp意思是“敏锐的”、 “聪明的”, 主要表示头脑敏锐的意思, 有时也表示一丝不苟。“..., aren’t you?”带有征求对方的同意或追问的含义。
You pick things up easily, don’t you?
*pick ... up “掌握”、 “学会”。
You’re observant, aren’t you?
*observant “观察力敏锐的”。
You’re very quick, aren’t you?
*quick “理解起来很快的”、 “敏锐的”。
You’re bright, aren’t you?
*bright “聪明的”。
You’re smart, aren’t you?
*smart “伶俐的”。
How do you think he looks?
He looks sharp.
He looks nice. (他看上去不错。)
He dresses well. (他穿得不错。)
You are Mr. Smith, right?
(你是史密斯先生, 对不对?)
You have a good memory.
*memory “记忆”、 “记忆力”。
Your memory is good.
You have good recall.
*recall “记忆力”。
How’s the new employee?
He learns quickly.
*employee “职工”、 “雇员”。
*这里的learn指“学习”、 “掌握(知识等)”。quickly “很快地”。
He picks things up quickly.
*这里的pick up指“掌握”。
He’s quick to catch on.
*这里的catch on指“理解”。
He’s sharp.
He said we should sell now.
He has a good point.
*这里的point指“要点”、 “问题的核心”。
He has a valid point.
*valid “有理的”。
He’s got a good point.
你对那个了解很多, 是吧?
You know a lot about that, don’t you?
(你对那个了解很多, 是吧?)
I guess so.
*know a lot about ... “对……很了解”、 “熟知……”。 ..., don’t you? “……是吧?”, 表示追问或征求对方同意。
You have a lot of knowledge about that, don’t you?
You’re very knowledgeable about that, aren’t you?
*knowledgeable “有知识的”、 “精通的”。
What do you think of him?
Mr. Smith is a creative person.
*creative “有创造力的”、 “创造性的”。
Mr. Smith is very creative.
Mr. Smith is a most creative man.
You have a knack for saying the right thing.
Not always.
*knack “诀窍”、 “技巧”。
*always “总是”。
You’re very good at saying just the right thing.
*be good at ... “擅长……”。
You have an ability to say the right thing.
*ability “能力”。
I made this myself.
You’re so gifted.
*be gifted “多才多艺”。
You have talent.
*talent “天赋”。
You’re so talented.
*talented “有才的”。
You have a special gift.
You’re very skillful.
*skillful “灵巧的”。
You’re very special.
He has a persuasive way of talking.
He’s always to the point.
*persuasive “有说服力的”、 “让人信服的”。
*to the point “抓住要领”、 “适当的”。
He’s very persuasive when he talks.
He’s a convincing talker.
*convince “使信服”、 “使相信”。
Can he handle it? (他能写好吗?)
It’s so easy for him to write letters in English.
*handle “办好”、 “处理”。
*write letters “写信”。
It’s a cinch for him to write letters in English.
*cinch “容易做的事”、 “确定的事”。
He has no problem writing in English.
His unexpected strategy worked.
I can’t believe it.
*unexpected “意想不到的”、 “意外的”。strategy “战略”、 “策略”。work “(原理等)起作用”、 “(计划等)进展顺利”。
His surprising strategy worked.
*surprising “令人惊奇的”。
His unusual strategy actually worked.
*unusual “不寻常的”。
Is Mr. Smith a punctual person?
Yes, he’s always on time for appointments.
(守时, 他总是准时赴约。)
*punctual “守时的”。
*he’s是he is的缩写。on time “按时”。appointment “约会”。
He’s very punctual for appointments.
He’s never late for appointments.
Is that a good company?
They’re taking the lead in the market.
*take the lead  “位居首位”、 “占据领导地位”。
They’re number one in the market.
*number one “第一位”。
They’re the best the market offers.
They’re leading the market.
Mr. Aoki’s English is very good.
You’re just as good as he is.
*You’re是You are的缩写。“as ... as ... ”意思是“和……一样地……”, 因此as good as he is意思就是“和他一样好”。
He’s no better than you are.
You’re both equally good.
*equally “同样地”、 “相同地”。

How’s our new product?
Not bad at all.
*直译是“一点也不坏”。at all伴随否定词表示“一点也”、 “完全”。
It’s pretty good. (非常好。)
*这里的pretty指“相当”、 “很”。
I’m impressed.
*impress “使感动”。
How do you like this?
I really like it.
I love it.
I think it’s really something.
You did a good job this year.
I tried very hard.
*good job “干得不错”、 “干得很好”、 “干得很出色”的常用说法。
You did very good work this year.
This year your work was very good.
生意兴旺, 真是太好了。
Sales are way up!
So business is booming. That’s great.
(生意兴旺, 真是太好了。)
*boom “景气”、 “繁荣”。
I’m happy your business is booming.
It’s wonderful that your business is doing so well.
He helped me a lot.
I hope you showed him your appreciation.
*show “出示”、“表示”。appreciation “感谢”。
He did so many things for me.
He assisted me in many ways.
*assist “帮助”、 “帮忙”。
He has an edge experiencewise.
Then please hire him.
*have an edge “稍胜一筹”。“wise”有“关于……”的含义, 所以experiencewise指“从经验上看”。
*hire “雇用”。
His experience gives him an edge.
He has more experience than most.
*most “大多数的人”。
Your boss is very understanding.
I think so, too.  
*understanding “能谅解的”、 “有理解力的”。
Your boss is fairly understanding.
*fairly “相当”、 “很”。
Your boss is pretty understanding.
*这里的pretty是副词, 表示“相当”、 “很”。
My boss has a lot of connections.
You need that in this business.
*connection “关系”、 “(可资利用的)熟人”、 “商务联系”。
My boss knows many people.
My boss has many friends.
He thinks the workers need more breaks.
That’s an interesting way to see it.
*break “(工作等的)休息”。
*interesting “有趣的”、 “有意思的”。way在这里指“方法”、 “办法”。
That’s an interesting way to look at it.
*这里的look at 指“考察”、 “看”。
That’s an interesting point of view.
*point of view “观点”。
What’s your secret?
I just follow my intuition.
*secret “秘诀”、 “窍门”。
*intuition “直觉”、 “直感”。
How do you do it?
Please tell me your secret.
He’s very well-mannered.
That’s because he comes from a good family.
*well-mannered “有礼貌的”。
He has good manners.
He’s very polite and courteous.
*courteous “有礼貌的”、 “殷勤的”。
I’m giving the employees an extra bonus this year.
You always do the right thing.
*employee “雇员”。
You always do what’s best.
You always do what is right.
Your work attitude is excellent.
That’s because I enjoy my work so much.
*attitude “态度”、 “姿态”。
Your attitude at work is excellent.
You have a great working attitude.
Isn’t Mr. Aoki a great guy?
Yeah, I’m really impressed by his sincere attitude.
(是啊, 他诚实的态度真让我感动。)
*impress “使感动”。sincere “诚实的”、 “耿直的”、 “真挚的”。
I really admire his sincerity.
*admire “赞赏”。sincerity “诚实”。
His sincere attitude really impresses me.
Where do you get all that energy?
It comes from loving my job.
*energy “干劲”、 “精力”。
*come from ... “来自……”。
Where does all that energy come from?
How do you maintain that energy?
*maintain “维持”。
He’s only nineteen.
Yes, but he is mature for his age.
(是, 但是他比年龄显得成熟。)
*mature “成熟的”。for his age “对于他的年龄”。
He acts grown up for his age.
*grown up “大人的”、 “像大人样”。
He acts older than he is.
Thank you for your time.
It’s a pleasure doing business with you.
*It’s a pleasure ...ing “很高兴做……”。
I really enjoy doing business with you.
You’re great to do business with.
Mr. Smith is very proud of you.
I hold him in high regard as well.
*be proud of ... “以……为荣”。
*regard “尊敬”。hold ... in high regard “对……很尊敬”。as well “也”。
Mr. Smith thinks very highly of you.
*think highly of ... “对……评价高”。
Mr. Smith holds you in high esteem.
*esteem “尊敬”。
By next year, this company will be number one!
(到明年, 这家公司将成为行业第一!)
You are very confident, aren’t you?
*confident “确信的”、 “有自信的”。
You are very sure of yourself, aren’t you?
*be sure of oneself “有自信”。
You have a lot of confidence, don’t you?
He makes me laugh.
He’s quite a character.
*character “与众不同的人”、 “有趣的人”。quite a character “有趣的人”、 “有个性的人”、 “怪人”。
He’s a funny guy.
*funny “可笑的”、 “使人发笑的”。
He’s pretty eccentric.
*eccentric “(人、性格、行动)古怪的”。
We need to make the best impression today.
My boss has the presence to impress them.
*presence “风度”、 “态度”、 “仪表”。impress “留下印象”。
My boss is impressive.
My boss impresses people.
He looks very dignified.
I think it’s his gray hair.
*dignify “使变得庄严”、 “使变得崇高”。dignified “有威严的”、 “堂堂正正的”。
*gray “灰白的”。
She’s elegant. (她很有气质。)
*对女性用的词汇。elegant “优雅的”、 “有气质的”、 “文雅的”。
He looks very distinguished.
*distinguished “高贵的”。
What do you think of the president?
He has class.
*president “董事长”。
*class “品位”、 “气质”。
He’s very classy.
*classy “时髦的”、 “文雅的”。
He’s quite a classy guy.
*guy “男人”、 “家伙”。
反意为:He has no class.
You look great in that suit.
Thank you for the compliment.
*这里的look指“(外表)看上去……”。great 指“很好”。
*compliment “赞辞”、 “表扬的话”。
That suit looks great on you.
*look great on you “你穿着合适”、 “与你相称”。
That suit is flattering.
*flattering “悦人的”。
That suit suits you.
You look really good in that.
You look so nice in that suit.
哪里, 谢谢。
You have good taste in clothing.
Not really, but thanks.
(哪里, 谢谢。)
*taste in ... “……的喜好(兴趣)”。
*not really “不怎么样”、 “并非真的……”。
It’s not true, but thank you for saying so.
I don’t think so, but thanks.
That tie looks great with your jacket.
Thanks. It’s new.
*look great “看上去不错”。
That looks good together.
That tie and jacket go together well.
*go together well “很相配”。
Isn’t she a beautiful woman!
She’s beautiful and intelligent.
*用否定的疑问句来表示强烈的肯定。直译是“难道她不是一个美人吗?”。虽然是疑问句, 但是它表示强烈的肯定, 指“非常漂亮”。
*intelligent “高智商的”。
Isn’t she really pretty!
Isn’t she hot!
*hot用在“美女”上, 带有“性感的”这一含义。
Isn’t she stunning!
*stunning “让人吃惊的”。
What did you think of her?
She’s good-looking.
*这里的good-looking指“脸形好”、 “姿态美”, 男人和女人都可以用这个词来形容。
She’s very attractive. (她很有魅力。)
She’s quite pretty.
He’s handsome.
I’ll say.
*handsome用于形容男性, 相当于对女性使用的beautiful。
He’s good-looking.
He’s a fox!
He’s hot!
She is beautiful and she has great business sense.
(她很漂亮, 而且很有经商头脑。)
I wish I had married a woman like her.
*“我曾想……”、 “如果……就好了”, 像这样要表示过去未能实现的愿望时用表示假定的过去完成时。按照I+wish+I+had+过去分词的结构造句就可以了。直译是“我要是能够和像她一样的女人结婚那该多好啊”。
I wish I had a woman like her.
I should have married a woman like her.
*should have ... “本来应该……(但是却没有这样做)”。
Congratulations on winning the award!
Thank you for your support.
*congratulations on ... “祝贺……”。award  “奖”。
Congratulations on your award!
Congratulations for winning the award!
Mr. Smith bought this company for fifty million dollars.
(史密斯先生用5 000万美元收购了这家公司。)
The man got a great buy.
*交易成功后, 获得比预想还要多得多的利益时使用的说法。“买到好东西”可以说good buy, 在这里进一步强调是桩好买卖, 因此说成a great buy。
The man got a great deal.
*deal “交易”。
The man got a great bargain.
*bargain是“便宜货”、 “买得便宜的东西”的意思, 这里指“交易”。
Everybody wants Tom now.
I envy him.
*工作上客户找的次数增加, 逐渐忙起来时可以这么说。“红人”有a popular person等多种多样的说法, 但是用“Everybody wants ... now.(每个人都想找……)”也可以表示这个意思。
*envy “羡慕”。
Tom is in high demand now.
*直译是“汤姆现在需求量很大嘛”。demand 指“需要”。
Tom has become popular.
*popular “受欢迎的”。

Everybody’s been saying good things about you.
That is so nice to hear.
*good thing “高兴的事”、 “好的地方”。
It seems you’re well-thought-of.
People think a lot of you.
*think a lot of ... “高度评价……”。
I’ve heard good things about you.
What’s best about your boss?
He’s considerate of others.
*be considerate of ... “体贴”、 “开通”、 “通晓人情”。
He thinks of others’ feelings.
He’s a considerate boss.
I think he’s enjoyable.
Yes, he has a good sense of humor.
(是, 他很有幽默感。)
He’s a very funny man.
He’s a lot of fun.
Mr. Aoki donated this equipment.
Wow! He’s generous.
(哇, 他真慷慨。)
*donate “捐赠”。equipment “设备”。
*这句话意思是“他不吝啬花钱”。generous 指“肚量大的”、 “不吝啬的”。
He’s bighearted.
*bighearted “心胸宽广的”。
He’s unselfish.
*unselfish “不自私的”。
He’s willing to give.
*be willing to ... “愿意……”。
He’s charitable.
*charitable “宽容的”。
He likes doing things for others.
He has a good heart.
*for others表示for other people, 意思是“为了其他人”。直译是“他喜欢为别人做点什么事”。
He’s a very benevolent person.
*benevolent “仁慈的”。
He likes giving of his time to others.
He is very giving.
He’s extroverted.
That makes him a great salesperson.
*extroverted “社交型的”、 “外向的”。
He’s an extrovert.
He’s an outgoing person.
*outgoing “好交际的”。
He’s outspoken and outgoing.
(他很率直, 而且好交际。)
反意为:He’s introverted.
He’s easygoing.
I wish he was my boss.
He’s very relaxed.
He has an easygoing manner.
He’s a friendly guy.  
That’s why he’s so popular.
He’s very congenial.
*congenial “和蔼可亲的”。
He’s a sociable guy.
*sociable “好社交的“。
I like working with Mr. Aoki.
He’s easy to get along with.
*get along with ... “和……很好相处”。
He’s easy to work with.
He’s easy to be around.
He gets along with everybody.
He’s easy to please.
Isn’t that nice!
*这里的please指“取悦”、 “使满足”。
It doesn’t take much to please him.
He’s not hard to please.
他人很谦虚, 是吧?
He’s a humble person, isn’t he?
(他人很谦虚, 是吧?)
Yes, and that’s a real asset.
(是, 真是难能可贵。)
*humble “谦虚的”。
*asset “贵重的东西”、 “长处”、 “可喜之物”。
Don’t you find him to be humble?
He is really humble, isn’t he?
He’s a very modest man, isn’t he?
*modest “谦恭的”、 “谦虚的”。
Are you going to escort me to lunch again?
Sure. You’re good company.
*这里的company指“朋友”、 “同伴”。
You’re fun to be with.
I enjoy your company.
I got the promotion I wanted.
All your hard work paid off.
*这里的hard 指“热心的”、 “辛勤的”。pay off 指“(事情)进展顺利”、 “出成果”。
All your hard work was worth it.
*worth “值得”、 “有价值”。
All your hard work made a difference.
*make a difference “带来不同”。
All your effort paid off.
*effort “努力”、 “辛苦”。
You’re successful because of hard work.
*successful “成功的”。because of ... “因为……”、 “由于……”。
你非常努力, 我们很感谢。
Sales are up.
We appreciate your effort.
(你非常努力, 我们很感谢。)
*appreciate “为……表示感激”。effort “努力”。
We’re grateful to you.
*grateful “感谢的”。
Thanks for your effort.
You’re working very hard.
There’s a lot to be done.
*a lot “很多”。
You’re putting in a lot of time and energy.
*这里的put in指“投入(时间等)”。
You’re giving it all you’ve got.
You’re a hard worker.
You work hard.
You’re a dedicated worker.
*dedicated “全身心地投入(工作)的”、 “热心的”。
You’re really plugging away, aren’t you?
*plug away “辛勤工作”、 “学习”。
You’re putting in a good day’s work, aren’t you?
*put in “投入(时间或劳力等)”。
What if I cut you a different deal?
You’re persistent, aren’t you?
*What if ...? “……怎么样?”。
*persistent “执意的”、 “坚持不懈的”。
You don’t give up, do you?
You really hang in there, don’t you?
*hang in there “(不畏艰难地)努力”。
Today I came into work two hours early.
I admire your enthusiasm.
Your enthusiasm is admirable.
*admirable “可敬的”。
I like your enthusiasm very much.
He has the tenacity of a successful businessman.
You mean he never gives up?
*tenacity “坚持”、 “顽强”。successful “成功的”。
*mean “意思是”。give up “放弃”、 “死心”。
He has a successful businessman’s tenacity.
He has the makings of a very successful businessman.
*have the makings of ... “有……的素质”、 “有……的能力”。
He’s a real go-getter.
*go-getter “(事业等的)能人”、 “干将”。
I confronted Mr. Aoki today.
You’ve got guts.
*confront “对抗”。
*gut “性情”、 “固执”、 “胆量”、 “勇气”。
I’m going to start my own business.
You’re courageous, aren’t you?
*courageous “有勇气的”、 “勇敢的”。
You are very brave.
*brave “勇敢的”。
You have a lot of courage.
*courage “勇气”。
You sure are brave, aren’t you?
You’re bold.
*bold “大胆的”、 “勇敢的”。
You’re fearless.
*fearless “不知道害怕的”、 “大胆的”。
He’s always full of life.
Well, he has a lot to be happy about.
(是啊, 他有那么多高兴事儿。)
*full指“满满的”、 “充满的”, full of life表示“充满活力”、 “精力充沛”。
He’s always so positive about life.
*positive “向前的”、 “积极的”。
He is full of energy.
He loves life.
He’s always pursuing his dream.
That’s why he’s so successful.
*pursue “追求(目标或快乐等)”。
He continually pursues his dream.
*continually “不断地”。
He never gives up working toward his dream.
他从不抱怨, 即使在困难的时候。
He never complains, even though it may be difficult.
(他从不抱怨, 即使在困难的时候。)
Those are the kind of employees we need.
*never “从不……”。complain “抱怨”。even though ... “即使……”、 “虽然……”。
It may be hard, but he never gripes.
*gripe “发牢骚”。
He never whines, even if it’s difficult.
*whine “嘀咕”。
You’re the best businessman I know.
You’re just flattering me.
*businessman “实业家”、 “商人”。
*flatter是”奉承”、 “拍马屁”的意思。在听到为了取悦于人而说的言不由衷的话时, 常使用这个词。
You’re just being nice.
*nice “很好的”、 “亲切的”、 “精细的”。
You’re just buttering me up.
Did you hear what he said?
He’s very outspoken.
*outspoken “直言的”、 “直率的”。汉语中的“心直口快”还有说话不考虑后果的消极意义, 但是英文的outspoken作为诚实的一个要素, 更多的情况下带有积极的意义。
He has no problem speaking his mind.
He’s not afraid of speaking out.
*be afraid of ... “害怕……”、 “担心……”。speak out “率直地说”。

Did you like our proposal?
It couldn’t be better.
It’s excellent.
It’s superb.
*superb “极好的”、“高质量的”。
How am I doing so far?
You’re on the right track.
*so far “至今为止”。
*on the right track “在正确的轨道上”、 “正确的”。
So far, so good.
You’re heading in the right direction.
*head “(朝……方向)前进”。right “正确的”。direction “方向”。
We need to rearrange the office.
I think you’re right.
*right “正确的”。
I think you’re correct.
*correct “正确的”。
I believe you know what you’re talking about.
I’m being transferred to personnel.
That’s great!
*transfer “调任”、 “调动”。personnel “人事科”、 “人事部”。
*great “极好的”、 “不错的”。
That’s terrific!
*terrific “很好的”、 “极好的”。
How wonderful!
He was able to save the company from bankruptcy.
It’s a miracle.
*save “拯救”。bankruptcy “破产”。
*miracle “奇迹”。
It’s miraculous.
*miraculous “奇迹般的”。
It’s like a gift from God.
He knows everything. He’s worked here for 30 years.
Experience is the best teacher.
Experience talks.
Experience is everything.
This computer does everything.
Isn’t that something?
*something表示“一些东西”、 “某物”等模糊的概念, 但是在这里它是名词, 表示“(重要的、关键的、难得的)东西”。
Would you look at that?
*直译的话意思好像不同, 但是在口语中它可以表示同样的意思。
Isn’t that something else?
Wow, isn’t that great?
What an accomplishment!
*accomplishment “业绩”、 “成果”。
Good point!
Why, thank you.
(哦, 谢谢。)
*why是感叹词, 表示“哦”、 “咦”、 “哎呀”。
Good thinking!
Well said!
That’s a good point.
When will things improve?
That’s a good question.
*improve “改良”、 “改善”。
Interesting question.
That question is very good.
I won the office lottery.
Lucky you!
*won是win(赢)的过去式。lottery 指“彩票”。
Good for you!
How lucky!
I solved the problem.
Good job!
*solve “解决”。
I finished the job on time.
Well done!
*done “完成”、 “结束”。
You did a great job.
I’m happy to hear that.
*job指“工作”, 但是这里有“任务”、 “职责”、 “义务”的意思。
Nice going!
You did very well.
Great work.
You’ve done a great job.
How’s the report?
It’s very impressive.
*impressive “留下深刻印象的”、 “令人感动的”。
I’m impressed.
*be impressed “感动”。
It’s excellent.
Treat yourself well.
That’s good advice.
*treat “对待”。well “好”、 “令人满意地”。
That’s a good suggestion.
*suggestion “暗示”、 “提议”。
That is sound advice.
*sound “健全的”、 “可取的”、 “准确的”。
Only you could have done it!
Thank you for the compliment.
*compliment “赞辞”、 “表扬的话”。
No one else could have done it!
*else “其他”。
You were the only one who could do it!
I made the sale.
We knew you could do it!
We had confidence in you!
We knew you would make it!
*make it “成功”、 “做好”。
We knew you had it in you!
I made employee of the month.
I’m so proud of you.
*be proud of ... “以……为荣”。
I’m very proud of you.
You make me so proud.
You’re a tough one to beat.
That’s because I’ve been doing it so long.
*直译是“你这人很难对付”。tough 指“不屈的”、 “难对付的”。beat 指“打败”、 “打破”。
It isn’t easy to beat you.
You are hard to beat.
It’s difficult to beat you.
You beat me.
That’s because I work faster.
*beat “打败”、 “打破”。
You won.
I lost.
He is very successful professionally.
I want to be like him.
*successful “成功的”。professionally “职业上”。
I want to be the same kind of person he is.
*the same kind of person “同类人”。
I want to emulate him.
*emulate “同……竞争”、 “比得上”。
His reputation has improved.
Do you think he has really changed?
*reputation “评价”、 “名声”。improve “好转”、 “变好”。
His reputation has gotten better.
*get better “变好”。
He has a better reputation now.
I just finished the budget.
Good timing!
You timed that just right!
*这里的time是动词, 表示“算好(做某事的)时间”。
That was great timing!
Am I late?
You’re just in time!
*just in time “时间正好”。in time带有“及时”的含义。
You made it on time!
*on time “准时”。
You’re right on time!
You got here just in time!
Let’s go have lunch and drop off the contract.
(出去吃午饭, 顺便把合同签了吧。)
We can kill two birds with one stone.
*kill two birds with one stone “用一块石头打死两只鸟”、 “一举两得”, 常用的谚语。
We’ll take care of both of them at once.
*take care of ... “处理……”。at once  “同时”。
We’ll do them both at the same time.
Mr. Smith just joined my team.
That’ll make you invincible.
*That’ll是That will的缩写。invincible是褒义词, 表示“无敌的”、 “不能征服的”。
That’ll make you doubly powerful.
*doubly “成倍地”。
That’ll make you invulnerable.
*invulnerable “不能伤害的”。
That’ll give you additional strength.
That’ll be all that can be desired.
*desire “希望”。
He’s so short, but he’s doing well.
(他很矮, 可是他干得很好。)
Size really doesn’t matter.
*size “大小”。matter “重要”。
Size doesn’t mean anything.
*mean “意味”。
Size isn’t important.  
*important “重要的”、 “关键的”。
Why are you teaming up with him?
It’s my last resort.
*team up with ... “和……合作”。
*last resort “最后的手段”、 “救命稻草”。
It’s the last hope I have.
*the last hope “最后的希望”。
It’s my only hope.
It’s my only chance.
My sixth sense often proves to be right.
I hope it works this time.
*sixth sense “第六感”、 “直觉”、 “直感”。prove to be ... “证明是……”。
My intuition often proves to be right.
*intuition “直感”。
I can usually sense things pretty accurately.
*sense “感觉”。accurately “正确地”。
He didn’t hand in his report on time.
I wish he’d follow your example.
*hand in “提交”。on time “按时”。
*he’d是he would的缩写。“I wish ... would ...”表示希望的心情, 意思是“真希望……能够……”。直译是“真希望他能以你为榜样”。
I wish he’d pick up your good habits.
*pick up “学习”。
I hope he starts picking up on your good example.
Why is everyone here on time?
It was Mr. Aoki’s voice of authority.
*on time “按时”。
*voice “声音”。authority “权威”、 “权力”、 “影响力”。
People listen when Mr. Aoki speaks.
It was due to Mr. Aoki’s authority.

帅哥 发表于 2008-10-23 13:59:33

He doesn’t treat his employees well.
That’s just not right.
*treat “对待(人)”。
That’s not a good thing.
That’s not the way it should be.
I think Fred should handle the delivery order.
He’s not capable of doing that job.
*handle “处理”。
*be capable of ... “有做……的能力”。
He’s not able to do that job.
He can’t do that job.
His comments during the meeting were out of place.
I hope he was told not to do it again.
*comment “发言”、 “意见”。out of place “场合不对的”、 “不恰当的”。
He should not have made those comments in the meeting.
His remarks during the meeting were not called for.
*remark “评论”。call for  “有必要”。
Don’t worry. It’ll be okay.
(别担心, 会好的。)
You’re not taking things seriously.
*seriously “认真地”、 “深入地”。
That’s not being realistic.
*realistic “现实的”。
You’re not being serious.
How do you feel about the new man?
Don’t expect too much of him.
*expect of ... “对……表示期待”。
I don’t think you should expect a lot of him.
I wouldn’t expect much of him if I were you.
(如果我是你, 我就不会对他抱太大希望。)
You take a lot of pride in your work.
Are you being sarcastic?
*take pride in ... “认真做……”、 “以……自豪”、 “对……感到得意”。如果被人这么说的话, 意思也可能表示“你的工作速度真慢啊”。
*sarcastic “讽刺的”、 “挖苦的”。
You’re very careful with your work.
You do your job with diligence.
*diligence “小心”、 “认真”。
I like that you’re attentive to your work.
*attentive “用心的”、 “认真的”、 “小心翼翼的”。
Why don’t you ask Mr. Smith to do it?
He always does everything slowly.
*slowly “慢地”、 “缓慢地”。
He never gets anything done on time.
*on time “按时”。
He’s so slow in everything he does.
Why can’t he ever complete his work?
He spends too much time fooling around.
*fool around “闲荡”、 “混日子”。
He spends too many hours clowning around.
*clown around “说笑话”、 “胡闹”。
He wastes a lot of time.
We don’t like him because he’s not punctual.
Will you keep him on or replace him?
*punctual “守时的”、 “准时的”。
*replace “换”、 “使替换”。
We don’t care for him because he’s always late.
We’d like him better if he were punctual.
(如果他守时的话, 也许我们会更喜欢他一点。)
He’s unwilling to work.
You have to find a way to make him work.
*be unwilling to ... “不愿意做……”。
He isn’t willing to work.
*be willing to ... “乐意做……”、 “喜欢做……”。
He’s slow to act.
He doesn’t work hard enough.
He’s not eager to work.
*eager “热切的”。
Mr. Smith seems like a nice man.
He’s not sociable enough.
*sociable  “好交际的”、 “合群的”。enough “十分”、 “足够”。
He’s too much of a loner.
*loner “孤僻的人”、 “讨厌和别人交往的人”。
He lacks sociability.
*lack “缺乏”、 “不具备”。
How did he react when you confronted him?
(你和他争执的时候, 他什么反应?)
He kept looking down.
*confront “对抗”。
*keep ...ing “持续做……”。look down “向下看”、 “低头”。
He continued to look down.
He wouldn’t look up.
*look up “朝上看”。
I don’t like dishonest people.
I never lied to you.
*dishonest “不正直的”、 “不诚实的”。
I don’t like liars.
*liar “撒谎者”。
I don’t like crooked people.
*crooked “不老实的”。
I’m fed up with listening to what he says.
You have to listen to him. He is your boss.
*be fed up with ... “腻烦做……”。listen to ... “听……”。what he says “他说的话”。
I’m sick and tired of listening to him.
*be sick and tired of ... “对……极为厌烦”。
I can’t bear to listen to him anymore.
*bear to ... “忍耐……”。anymore在否定句中表示“再也”。
He’s not attentive to his client.
He’s a rude man.
*attentive to ... “对……有礼貌的”、 “关心……”。client “客户”、 “顾客”。
He doesn’t know how to be a good host.
He’s a poor host.
Mary got angry when she was teased.
She’s very sensitive.
*tease “取笑”、 “逗弄”。
She’s very thin-skinned.
*thin-skinned “敏感的”、 “容易生气的”。
She’s a sensitive person.
He’s as meek as a lamb.
He needs to toughen up.
*meek “逆来顺受的”、 “顺从的”。lamb “小羊”, b 不发音。
*toughen up “变坚强”、 “变强硬”。
He’s a pushover.
*pushover “容易劝服的人”。
He’s very shy.
Could he interpret for us?
His English is not that good.
*interpret “口译”。
*that意思是“那么”、 “那样”, 指代前面提到的具体数字或程度。
His English is pretty poor.
*pretty “相当”。
His English needs improvement.
*improvement “改善”。
His English isn’t good enough.
He is the biggest airhead I’ve ever met.
You really should give him a break.
*airhead “浅薄无知的人”。直译是“他是我所遇见的人当中最浅薄无知的人”。
*give ... a break  “原谅”、 “给某人一个机会”。
He’s the biggest blockhead I’ve ever met.
*blockhead “笨蛋”、 “傻瓜”。
He’s the dumbest person I’ve ever met.
*dumb “愚笨的”、 “蠢的”、 “愚蠢的”。b不发音。
You always think you’re so perfect.
Well, I don’t make the kind of mistakes you do.
(是啊, 我不会犯你那样的错误。)
*make mistakes “犯错误”、 “疏忽”。
I don’t make the errors you make.
*make errors “犯错误”。
I don’t make the same mistakes as you.
He always makes careless little mistakes.
Perhaps he needs to slow down.
*careless “不小心的”、 “轻率的”。
He makes a lot of silly little mistakes.
He makes too many sloppy mistakes.
*sloppy “不小心的”、 “马虎的”。
Do you know anything about Mr. Aoki?
He’s fresh out of college and green.
*fresh “新的”、 “不成熟的”。out of ... “从……出来”。green “不成熟的”、 “新的”。
He’s just out of college and inexperienced.
*inexperienced “不熟练的”、 “缺乏经验的”。
He’s newly out of college and has no experience.
*newly “最近”、 “近来”。
他上了一所好大学, 仅此而已。
How’s Mr. Aoki doing?
He went to a good college, but that’s all.
(他上了一所好大学, 仅此而已。)
*that’s是that is的缩写。that’s all 指“这就是全部”、 “仅此而已”。
He attended a good college, but that’s all.
He studied at a good school, but that’s it.
Will you hire him?
No. He’s lacking in experience.
*lacking “缺乏的”、 “不具备的”。
He doesn’t have enough experience.
He lacks enough experience.
什么都别告诉她,  她嘴太快。
Don’t tell her anything, because she’s a blabber-mouth.
(什么都别告诉她, 她嘴太快。)
Your secret is safe with me.
*blabber-mouth “大嘴巴”、 “轻易泄漏秘密、 嘴不严的人”。
*secret “秘密”。safe “安全的”。
Don’t say anything to her, because she’ll blab it.
*blab “喋喋不休”。
She can’t keep a secret, so don’t tell her anything.
He talks longer than is necessary.
Yeah, I know. He makes me tired.
(是, 我知道。他让我烦。)
He talks forever.
*forever “永远地”、 “永久地”。
He speaks way too much.
Somehow he never gets to the point.
Tell him to stay focused.
*somehow “不知为什么”、 “不知道怎么回事”。get to the point “抓住要点”、 “切中主题”。
He always beats around the bush.
*beat around the bush “说话兜圈子”。
He can’t seem to get to the issue at hand.
*at hand “马上”。
That’s not what he said yesterday.
He’s contradicting himself.
*contradict oneself “说话自相矛盾”。
He says one thing and does another.
He’s doing the exact opposite of what he said.
*exact “确切的”。opposite “相反的”。
It’s hard to understand him.
It’s his accent.
He’s not easy to understand.
He’s nearly unintelligible.
*unintelligible “不能理解的”。
Why was he let go?
Because he’s been bad-mouthing us all over the place.
*let go “解雇(人)”。
*bad-mouth “说人的坏话”。all over “到处”、 “随处”。
He’s been saying negative things about us.
*negative things “负面的事情”。
He’s been spreading nasty rumors about us.
*spread “散播”。nasty “讨厌的”、 “糟糕的”。rumor “谣言”。
She does nothing but gossip at work.
Maybe she doesn’t have enough to do.
*nothing but ... “只是……”、 “光是……”。gossip “说长道短”。at work “工作中”。
She constantly gossips at work.
*constantly  “总是”、 “不断地”。这里的gossip 指“说闲话”、 “说坏话”。
Instead of doing her work, she gossips.
(她不干工作, 却说闲话。)
*instead of ... “代替……”、 “而不是……”。
Tell me how you feel.
I’m not good at expressing myself.
*be good at ... “善于……”、 “擅长……”。express oneself “表达自己”。
I’m not good with words.
*be good with ... “擅长……”。
I’m a poor speaker.
*poor “不好的”、 “拙劣的”。
They were so rude to the manager.
They don’t know how to talk to superiors.
*rude “粗鲁的”。
*superiors “地位高的人”、 “上级”。
They need to learn how to speak to their superiors.
*need to “需要”。
They haven’t learned how to talk to superiors.
Do you think he’s a good speaker?
I don’t like the way he talks.
I don’t like the way he speaks.
He talks in a way I don’t like.
He’s hard to deal with.
I’ve had trouble with him, too.
*deal with “对付”。
He’s not an easy person to deal with.
He’s difficult to get along with.
John has been acting weird.
I can’t account for his behavior.
*account for ... “说明……的理由(原因)”。这句话意思是说“不知道为什么那样”。behavior “表现”、 “行为”、 “态度”。
I can’t explain his behavior.
I don’t know the reason for his behavior.
I just can’t bring myself to trust them.
Maybe you should trust your instincts.
*bring oneself to ... “使做……”。trust “信任”。
*instinct “本能”、 “直觉”。
I just can’t seem to trust them.
*seem to ... “看起来……”。
They just seem untrustworthy to me.
*untrustworthy “无法信任的”。
He fell into my trap.
I guess your plan worked.
*fall into one’s trap “落入……的圈套”。
I was able to trick him.
*trick “欺骗”、 “哄骗”。
He fell for my trick.
Is she willing to stay a little later at the office?
No, she always leaves at 5∶00 sharp.
(不, 她总是5点整就准时下班。)
*这里的sharp指“恰好地”、 “正确地”。
She always leaves at 5∶00 on the nose.
*on the nose “正好”、 “恰好地”。
She leaves at exactly 5∶00 every night.
Why is this bill so high?
He drinks like a fish.
*bill “账单”、 “传单”。
*drink like a fish “豪饮”。这句话意思是“大量地饮酒”, 不过酒量未必大。
He drinks a lot of booze.
*booze “酒”、 “(尤指)烈酒”。
He’s a heavy drinker.
He doesn’t pay any attention to his appearance.
That will not serve him well in the business world.
*pay attention to ... “注意……”。appearance “外观”、 “外表”。
*serve “有用”、 “起作用”。
He doesn’t care about his appearance.
*care about ... “在意……”。
He doesn’t care how he looks.
我不想冒犯你, 不过……
No offense, but why did you do it?
(我不想冒犯你, 不过你为什么要那么做?)
It seemed right at the time.
*“No offense.” 是常用的说法, 表示“没有恶意”、 “不要生气”。
Don’t take it personally, but ...
I don’t mean to offend you, but ...

He keeps interrupting me.
He’s such a nuisance.
*interrupt “打扰”。
*这里的such指“那么……”。nuisance “讨厌的人”。
He’s annoying.
I agree.
*annoying “使人烦恼的”、 “麻烦的”。
He’s a pain in the neck.
*a pain in the neck “讨厌的人”, 习惯用语。
He’s such a pest.
*pest “麻烦的人”、 “讨厌的人”。
He bugs me.
*bug “使(人)烦恼”。
Do you like Mr. Jones?
He makes me nervous.
*make “使”。nervous “神经紧张的”、 “情绪不安的”。
He gives me the creeps.
He makes me feel uneasy.
He gets on my nerves.
He’s hard to deal with, alright.
*get on one’s nerves “惹得某人心烦”。
He makes me nervous.
He drives me crazy.
He bothers me.
He disturbs me.
*disturb “打搅”、 “使混乱”。
He irritates me.
*irritate “使不安”、 “使发怒”。
His behavior is a disgrace to the company.
Should we fire him?
*disgrace “丢脸”、 “耻辱”。
His behavior is an embarrassment to the company.
*embarrassment “尴尬”、 “麻烦”。
His behavior is a liability to the company.
*liability “不利”、 “碍事的人(或物)”。
What do you think of Mr. Jones?
I don’t like his know-it-all attitude.
*know-it-all “无所不知的”, 带有轻蔑的语感。attitude指“态度”。
I don’t like his egotistical attitude.
*egotistical “自以为是的”、 “自我炫耀的”。
He thinks he knows everything, and I don’t like it.
Why isn’t he laughing?
My boss has no sense of humor.
*humor “幽默”。sense of humor “幽默感”。
My boss’s quite humorless.
*humorless “没有幽默感的”。
My boss doesn’t think anything is funny.
My boss is too serious all the time.
*serious “认真的”。all the time “总是”。
My boss doesn’t think anything is funny.
*funny “可笑的”。
He believes anything people tell him.
That’s because he is young.
*believe “相信”。anything “什么都”。
*That’s because ... “那是因为……”。
He takes everything people say seriously.
*seriously “认真地”、 “严肃地”。
He is very gullible.
*gullible “容易受骗的”。
My boss is so moody.
I feel sorry for you.
*moody “情绪多变的”、 “情绪不稳定的”。
My boss runs hot and cold.
The boss has roller coaster moods.
*roller coaster “变化多端”、 “急转突变”。
He didn’t appreciate all my hard work.
I didn’t know he was such a thankless person.
*appreciate “感谢”。
*such a  “这么一个”。thankless “不感恩的”。
I didn’t realize he was so thankless.
I didn’t know what an ungrateful man he was.
*ungrateful “不知感恩的”、 “不感谢别人的”。
Why is he in such a bad mood?
I beat him at golf. He hates to lose at anything.  
*be in a bad mood “情绪不佳”。
*hate to ... “讨厌……”。lose  “输”。anything “什么都”。
He has a hard time losing.
He isn’t good at losing.
*be good at ... “擅长……”。
He hates to lose.
He’s a poor loser.
Mr. Peter got mad at me again.
He’s short-tempered.
*short-tempered “急躁的”、 “容易生气的”。
He has no patience.
He blows up easily.
*blow up “生气”。
Why was he so upset?
He gets offended easily.
*get offended “使情绪不佳”、 “生气”。easily “轻易地”。
What’s wrong with Mr. Aoki?
He’s touchy about everything.
*What’s wrong with ...? “……怎么啦?”, 询问看上去好像有什么问题的人(事)时的说法。
*touchy “急性子的”、 “容易生气的”。
He gets upset easily.
*get upset “生气”。
He takes offense easily.
*take offense “生气”、 “使情绪不佳”。
He’s just too sensitive.
*sensitive “敏感的”。
Everything bothers him.
*bother “烦恼”、 “使苦恼”。
Why won’t he ask her out?
He’s chicken.
*chicken “胆小的”。俚语。
He doesn’t have any guts.
*guts “胆量”、 “勇气”。
He’s a coward.
*coward “胆小鬼”, 带有轻视对方的含义。
He has no backbone.
*backbone “脊梁骨”、 “勇气”。
He’s being too particular.
We’ll never be able to satisfy him.
*particular “讲究的”、 “挑剔的”、 “难缠的”。
*be able to ... “能够……”。satisfy “使满足”。
He’s being too picky.
*picky “挑剔的”、 “难缠的”、 “讲究的”。
He’s asking for too much.
Why can’t he finish his work?
He’s just lazy.
*lazy “懒惰的”、 “动作迟缓的”。
He’s simply lazy.
*simply “仅仅”、 “只是”。
Lazy is his middle name.
*middle name “中间的名字”、 “著名的特征”。
Mr. Jones wants my help.
He depends too much on others.
*depend “依靠”、 “依赖”。
He needs to stop depending on others so much.
He needs to rely on himself more.
*rely on ... “依靠”。
I don’t trust him.
He’s a man of doubtful character.
*doubtful “怀疑的”、 “不确定的”。character “性格”、 “性质”。
I’m not sure what kind of character he has.
He doesn’t have a real good character.
He’s not a man of character.
*a man of character即使没有good这个词, 也是“性格好的人”的意思。
It’s difficult to get along with him.
I find just the opposite to be true.
*get along with ... “和……友好相处”、 “和……相处融洽”。
He’s hard to get along with.
Getting along with him is not easy.
He’s tough to get along with.
He acts big in this department.
I know. I can’t stand him.
*act “行动”、 “举止”。big “耍威风”、 “自鸣得意”。department “部门”。
*can’t stand “无法忍受”。
He thinks he is something special in this department.
*something “什么”。
He behaves arrogantly in this department.
*behave “行为”。arrogantly “蛮横地”。
How was he able to do that?
He took advantage of my misfortune.
*take advantage of ... “利用”。misfortune “不幸”、 “运气不佳”。
He kicked me while I was down.
*down “处于困难状况”。
He took advantage of my hardship.
*hardship “困难”、 “艰难”。
That’s the dirty way Mr. Smith thinks.
He’s despicable.
*这里的“龌龊”可以用dirty、sneaky、tricky表示。dirty意思是“卑劣的”、 “道德低下的”, sneaky意思是“偷偷摸摸的”, tricky意思是“狡猾的”、 “奸诈的”, 含义各有侧重。
*despicable “(人或行为)卑鄙的”、 “卑劣的”。
That’s the sneaky way Mr. Smith thinks.
That’s the tricky way Mr. Smith does business.
He uses dirty tricks.
Be wary of him.
*这里的trick指“伎俩”、 “手段”。
*wary “用心的”、 “警惕的”。
He doesn’t play fair.
*这里的play指“做(事情)”。fair 指“公平的”。
He’s sneaky.
How’d he get this job? He is a terrible worker.
He got this job through his parents.
*through “通过”。
He got this job because of his parents’ connections.
He got this job by riding on his parents’ coattails.
*ride on ... coattails “靠……出人头地”、 “因为……而进展顺利”。
What does the note say?
I can’t read his handwriting.
*handwriting “手迹”。
His handwriting is illegible.
*illegible “无法判断的”、 “字迹难辨的”。
I have trouble reading his handwriting.
His writing is hard to read.
He always goes to extremes.
That’s just his style.
*go to extremes “走极端”。
He never reaches a happy medium.
*a happy medium “中庸之道”。
He’s either far right or far left.
I make $95,000 a year.
(我一年挣95 000美元。)
Don’t exaggerate.
*exaggerate “夸大”。
Don’t overstate everything.
*overstate “过分强调”、 “把……讲得过分”。
Don’t talk big.
Don’t boast.
He always talks big.
I know. He is so arrogant.
*“吹牛”、 “夸张”可以用talk big来表示。
He thinks his company will be the next Microsoft.
He talks big.
He’s a big talker.
He is always talking big.
He brags all the time.
*brag “夸口”、 “吹牛皮”。
He’s got a big ego.
*ego “自我”、 “自尊心”、 “自大”。
He told me that he’s in charge of the project.
Don’t you believe him.
*in charge of ... “承担……”、 “主管……”。
Don’t take him too seriously.
*seriously “认真地”、 “严肃地”。
He’s not to be believed.
It was just a made-up story.
It sounded too good to be true.
(听起来太好了, 让人无法相信。)
*just  “只是”。a made-up story  “杜撰的故事”。
*sound  “听起来”。too ... to ...  “太……以致不能……”。
The story wasn’t true.
The story was made-up.
*made-up “人为的”、 “杜撰的”。
The story was a lie.  
*lie “谎言”。
He’s a fast talker.
I’ll stay away from him.
*fast talker “花言巧语的人”、 “行骗的人”。在美国, 好的推销员经常被认为必须是fast talker。
*stay away from ... “不接近……”、 “避开……”。
He can’t be trusted.
*trust “相信”。
He’s a smooth talker.
*smooth talker “巧舌如簧的人”、 “花言巧语的人”。
He’s slick.
*slick “狡猾的”。
He’s cagey.
*cagey “精明的”、 “狡黠的”。
He complains a lot.
We need to have a talk with him.
*complain “抱怨”。
He’s always bellyaching.
*bellyache “发牢骚”。
He complains about everything.
Why isn’t a 10% discount enough for him?
He’s just greedy.
*greedy “贪婪的”。
He’s money-hungry.
He’s very mercenary.
*mercenary “惟利是图的”。
Why doesn’t he buy a new briefcase?
He’s cheap.
*briefcase “(革制的)文件包”。
*cheap除了表示“便宜的”, 还指“吝啬的”。
He’s a cheapskate.
*cheapskate “小气鬼”。
He’s stingy.
*stingy “小气的”。
He’s frugal.
He’s a miser.
He’s conservative with money.
*conservative “保守的”。
His clothes are very expensive.
He’s extravagant.
*extravagant “浪费的”、 “奢侈的”。
He’s generous.
He overdoes it.
*overdo “做过头”、 “用得过分”。
He goes overboard.
*go overboard “走极端”、 “走过头”。
Maybe he’s getting something under the table.
I wouldn’t doubt it.
*maybe “也许”、 “可能”。get “得到”。under the table “背地里”、 “私下”。
*doubt “怀疑”、 “疑惑”。
Maybe he’s getting some sort of bribe.
*sort of ... “一类的”、 “像……样的东西”。bribe “贿赂”、 “诱饵”。
Maybe he’s getting something off the books.
Tell me about Mr. Jones.
He’s easily influenced by money.
*influence  “受影响”、 “使心等活动”、 “左右”。
He’s easily motivated by money.
*motivate “成为(行动等的)动机”。
He is easily bought with money.
He’s concentrating on making a fast buck.
He should think more about long-term investing.
*concentrate on ... “热衷于……”。buck在美国指“美元”。
He’s focusing on making a fast buck.
*focus on ... “集中于……”。
Making a fast buck is his main concern.
*main concern “关心的焦点”。
Jeff wore the same clothes yesterday.
He always looks sloppy.
*same “相同的”。
*always “总是”。sloppy “不小心的”、 “马虎的”、 “不整洁的”。
He always looks poorly groomed.
*poorly “差劲地”。groom “使服装整洁”。
He always looks unkempt.
*unkempt “不整洁的”。
反意为:He always looks tidy.
*tidy “整洁的”、 “整齐的”。
He’s always poorly groomed.

I just don’t like working with you.
Who do you think you are?
Do you think you’re special or something?
Who are you to talk?
Just who do you think you are?
What makes you think you’re special?
*make “使”。
I can keep this job forever.
Don’t take things for granted.
*take ... for granted “……想当然”。
Stop taking things for granted.
*stop ...ing “停止做……”。
Don’t assume things will always go your way.
*assume “断定”。go one’s way “走自己的路”。
Boss, the air conditioner is broken.
(老板, 空调坏了。)
Don’t bother me with trivial things.
*trivial “无聊的”、 “微不足道的”。
Don’t bother me with details.
*detail “细节”、 “小事”。
Don’t trouble me with small details.
I sold our design plans to our competitor.
You’ll pay for that.
*pay for ... “受(罪或惩罚)”。
You’ll regret it.
That’ll come back to haunt you.
*haunt  “使苦恼”。
Should we go to my place after work?
(下班后到我那儿去, 好吗?)
Don’t get fresh with me.
*get fresh with ... “(对异性)无礼”。特别是女性对男性这么说。
Don’t be fresh.
You’re fresh.
I want it right now.
Stop acting like children!
*act “行动”、 “举止”。
Stop being so immature!
*immature “(人或行动等)不成熟的”。
Stop acting so childish!
*childish “孩子气的”。
I think he’s telling us the truth.
You’re so naive.
*truth “真理”、 “实话”。
*naive 表示“(人或言行或想法等)不谙世事的”、 “容易相信人的”, 用于贬义的情况比较多。
You’re so gullible.
*gullible “容易受骗的”。
You’re so innocent.
*innocent “天真无邪的”、 “老实人的”、 “过于天真的”。
You’re selfish.
That’s just your opinion.
*selfish “自私的”、 “任性的”。
*opinion “意见”、 “想法”。
You’re always thinking of yourself.
How selfish.
You are too self-centered.
*self-centered “个人主义的”、 “利己主义的”。
You don’t care about anyone other than yourself.
*care about ... “关心……”。
You’re so self-centered.
I tried doing the project a different way.
Don’t try to be different from everybody else.
*be different from ... “和……不同”。直译是“不要试图和别人做得不一样”。
Don’t try to be distinct from everybody else.
*distinct from ... “和……完全不同”。
Try and be the same as everybody else.
Bob is an egghead.
Yeah. He thinks he knows everything.
*egghead指“书生”、 “知识分子”, 但是带有轻蔑的含义, 不用于褒义。
Bob is a know-it-all.
*know-it-all是轻蔑的说法, 指“自以为无所不知的人”。
Bob is a nerd.
*nerd “头脑聪明但了无情趣之人”。
I have some inside information.
Don’t pretend you know everything.
*inside “内部的”。
*pretend “假装”。everything “所有的事”。
Don’t act so arrogant.
*arrogant “傲慢的”。
Don’t act like a know-it-all.
*know-it-all “自以为无所不知的人”。
Don’t act as if you know everything.
I’m much better than others at my job.
Don’t be conceited.
*conceit “自夸”、 “自大”。
Her suit looks cheap.
Don’t be so stuck-up.
*stuck-up “高傲的”、 “自大的”, 带有轻蔑的含义。
Don’t be so full of yourself.
*full of yourself “脑子里光想着你自己的事”, 也就是“自大”的意思。
Don’t be so arrogant.
*arrogant “傲慢的”。
Don’t let your ego get in the way.
*ego “自尊心”、 “自负”。
Don’t be so egotistical.
*egotistical “以自我为中心的”、 “自大的”。
How can you act so unconcerned?
It isn’t my problem.
*How can you ...? “你怎么能……”。act “举止”、 “行为”。unconcerned 指“漫不经心的”、 “不关心的”。
How can you act so nonchalant?
*nonchalant “不关心的”、 “漫不关心的”。
How can you be so indifferent?
*indifferent “不关心的”。
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Don’t pretend that you don’t know.
*pretend “假装”。
Don’t act like you don’t know.
*act “装作”、  “表演”。
Don’t act like you’re innocent.
*innocent “无关的”、 “无罪的”、 “天真烂漫的”。
His report had ten typos.
He’s so careless.
*typo “打字错误”。
*careless “不小心的”、 “马虎的”、 “轻率的”。
He isn’t careful.
He should be more careful.
The quality of his work is poor.
There’s no hope for you.
Please give me just one more chance.
*there is no hope for ... “……没有希望”。
There’s no helping you.
You are hopeless.
*hopeless “(人)很难救治的”、 “无望的”。
Nothing can be done to help you.
When was our appointment, again?
(我们的约会是几点, 你能不能再说一遍?)
You have a bad memory.
Your memory isn’t very good.
You don’t remember well.
You are really forgetful.
*forgetful “健忘的”、 “容易忘记的”。
你只是不理解, 对吧?
You just don’t get it, do you?
(你只是不理解, 对吧?)
Get what?
*get “理解”。
You don’t get the point, do you?
(你不明白, 对吧?)
No, I don’t understand.
(是, 我不明白。)
*get the point “明白意思”。
You’re just not getting it, are you?
It’s just not sinking in, is it?
*sink in “(事情)被人理解”。
You don’t understand, do you?
He’s a brown-noser.
I don’t respect him for that.
*brown-noser是俚语, 指“阿谀奉承之人”、 “谄媚之人”、 “拍马屁之人”。
He plays up to his superior.
*play up to ... “对……阿谀奉承”。superior “上司”、 “地位高的人”。
He sucks up.
*suck up “拍马屁”。
He’s a kiss-up.
*kiss-up是俚语, “拍马屁的人”。
He’s an apple polisher.
I still haven’t finished the report.
You have no sense of responsibility.
*sense  “感觉”、 “意识”。sense of responsibility “责任感”。
You have no sense of accountability.
*accountability “责任”、 “义务”。
You are irresponsible.
*irresponsible “没有责任感的”、 “无法信赖的”。
因为你, 什么事都泡了汤。
Because of you, everything went down the drain.
(因为你, 什么事都泡了汤。)
I did the best I could.
*because of ... “因为……”、 “由于……原因”。drain意思是“排水管”, go down the drain指“泡汤”。
Because of you, everything is ruined.
(因为你, 什么事都没做成。)
*ruin “毁灭”。
Because of you, everything has ended in failure.
(因为你, 什么事最后都失败了。)
*failure “失败”。
My boss hates me!
How can you say that?
I can’t believe you’d say that!
*believe “相信”。
Why would you say that?
You look terrible today.
That’s a mean thing to say.
*terrible “糟糕的”。
*mean “(对别人)坏心眼的”、 “不亲切的”。
That’s not very nice.
What a mean-spirited comment.
*mean-spirited “卑鄙的”、 “小心眼的”。
I told Becky about your termination.
You know, you’ve got a big mouth.
(嘿, 你太多嘴了。)
*termination “结束”、 “解雇”。
*对于说了不该说的话, 没有保守秘密的人可以使用。
Why couldn’t you keep quiet about that?
*keep quiet “保密”。
Why did you have to tell her?
You talk too much.
You should keep your mouth shut.
How could you be so stupid?
I wasn’t thinking clearly.
*How could you ...?  对采取了令人难以置信的行动的人询问理由时的说法。stupid 指“愚蠢的”。
I signed it by mistake.
How could you do such a dumb thing?
*sign “签字”。by mistake “错误地”。
*dumb “愚蠢的”。
That was a stupid move.
My God, that was stupid.
(天啊, 太蠢了。)
I can’t believe you could be so stupid.
You forgot to sign the letter before mailling it.
How embarrassing!
*How ...! 表示感叹, “多么……”、 “太……”。embarrassing 指“使困惑的”、 “麻烦的”。
I’m so embarrassed!
*be embarrassed “难堪”。
What an embarrassing thing to do!
The boss is mad at me again.
You never learn, do you?
Some people never change.
When are you going to learn?
You make the same mistake over and over.
You’ll never get it right.

He’s unreliable.
Then I’ll choose someone else.
*unreliable “不可靠的”、 “不可信赖的”。
He’s not dependable.
*dependable “可依靠的”、 “可信赖的”。
He’s not reliable.
He missed the deadline again.
He’s good for nothing.
*be good for ... “对……有用”。
He’s worthless.
*worthless “没有价值的”、 “不足取的”。
He’s a lost cause.
*lost cause “败局已定的事业”。
Mr. Jones looks stressed out.
This job is too much for him.
*stress out “憔悴”。
He can’t handle this job.
*handle “处理”。
He’s incapable of handling this job.
*be incapable of ... “不能做……”。
He doesn’t have what it takes.
*have what it takes “具备必要的才能(素质)”。
This job is just too difficult for him.
He’s a burden to others.
I’ve noticed that. (我也发现了。)
*He’s是He is的缩写。burden “重负”、 “负担”。
He’s burdensome.
*burdensome “累赘的”、 “麻烦的”。
He’s too much trouble for everyone.
Mr. Smith takes a long time to learn.
Be patient with him.
*be patient with ... “对……有耐心”。
Give him time.
Just be patient.
Can I help you?
You’ll get in my way.
*in one’s way  “成为……的障碍”、 “阻挡……的去路”。
You’ll be more trouble than you’re worth.
You’ll be a burden to me.
*burden “重负”、 “负担”。
That person shows off a lot.
Show-offs are usually insecure.
*show off  “炫耀(力量或财富等)”、 “夸耀”。a lot “非常多”、 “很多”。这里表现的是那个人的性格。
*show-off “炫耀的人”。insecure “不安定的”、 “没有自信的”。
That person is a show-off.
That person likes to show off.
Look at his new suit.  
He’s trying to show off.  
*suit “西服”、 “套装”。
*show off是“炫耀”的意思。这里表现的是那个人的一时举动。
He’s trying to make himself look good.
He wants everyone’s attention.
*attention “注意”。
The boss likes him.
I think he’s got a big head.
*big head “自大”、 “自满”。
He’s got a swollen head.
*swollen head “自大”、 “自满”。
He has a big head.
He’s full of himself.
*be full of oneself “惟我独尊”。
He’s prideful.
*prideful “傲慢的”、 “蛮横的”。
He is such a difficult person to work with.
Yes, he’s always finding fault with others.
(是, 他总爱挑别人的毛病。)
*such a difficult person “难以取悦的人”。
*find fault with ... “挑……的毛病”。others “其他人”。
He’s never satisfied with anyone.
*be satisfied with ... “满足于……”。
He always points out the negative in others.
*point out “指出”。negative “消极的”。
He’s been the troublemaker.
Let’s hear his side of the story.
*troublemaker “麻烦制造者”。
He is the one who has been making trouble.
*trouble “麻烦”。
He is the man that has caused us trouble.
*cause “引起”。
He has been creating problems for us.
*problem “问题”。
I’ll ask the boss for a leave of absence.
There’s no point in asking him.
*There’s no point in ... “做……没有意义”。
It’s no use asking him. *这里的use指“效用”。
I don’t see any point in asking him.
Asking him won’t do any good.
I’ll be meeting with Mr. Aoki myself.
You’re wasting your time.
*waste “浪费”。
It won’t get you anywhere.
It’ll be a waste of time.
*waste of time “浪费时间”。
He will just not listen to me.
What a hardheaded person!
*hardheaded “不为情所动的”、 “冷静的”、 “顽固的”、 “死脑筋的”。
What an inflexible person.
*inflexible “不开通的”、 “不屈的”。
What a stubborn person.
*stubborn “顽固的”。
What is your opinion of him?
He lacks flexibility.
*lack “缺乏”、 “不具备”。flexibility “灵活性”、 “变通性”。
He lacks adaptability.
*adaptability “适应性”、 “灵活性”。
He’s not an adaptable person.
*adaptable person “能适应环境的人”。
He isn’t flexible enough.
*flexible “开通的”。
Why would he do a thing like that?
He lacks common sense.
He’s a fool!  (他是个笨蛋!)
*fool “笨蛋”。
He has no common sense.
He has no sense of responsibility.
That’s too bad, because he’s very bright.
*no “没有”。这里的sense指“意识”、 “观念”。responsibility “责任”。
*bright “聪明的”。
He’s not a responsible person.
*responsible “负责任的”。
He doesn’t know how to be responsible.
He’s crooked.
I’ll remember that.
*这里的crooked指“不老实的”、 “欺诈的”。
He’s a man not to be trusted.
*trust “信赖”。
He’s a dishonest man.
*dishonest “不诚实的”。
What’s the rush?
He’s very impatient.
*rush “急事”。
*impatient “急躁的”、 “暴躁的”。
He has so little patience.
*patience “耐心”。
He doesn’t have enough patience.
*enough “足够的”。
He isn’t patient enough.
She actually asked the boss out.
What nerve!
*nerve有“脸皮厚的”、 “无耻的”等意思。“What nerve!”是习惯用语, 表示“真不要脸!”。
She told the boss off.
That’s very nervy!
*nervy “厚颜无耻的”、 “不要脸的”。
She’s got some kind of nerve!
Boy, that takes a lot of guts!
(嘿, 那可需要勇气!)
She’s pretty brazen.
*brazen “恬不知耻的”。
That’s pretty cheeky.
*cheeky “任性的”、 “厚颜无耻的”。稍微过时的说法。
He stole my project ideas.
How cruel!
*steal “偷”。
*cruel “残酷的”、 “残忍的”。
He is unbelievable.
*unbelievable “不可信的”。
He is ruthless.
*ruthless “冷酷的”、 “无情的”。
He’s heartless.
*heartless “无情的”。
He forced me to do it.
He’s too pushy.
*force “强制”、 “强迫”。
*pushy “多管闲事的”、 “蛮横的”。
He’s too forward.
He’s too forceful.
He just walked right out of the meeting.
That’s inconsiderate!
*inconsiderate “不体贴的”、 “不替别人着想的”、 “轻率的”。
That’s rude!
*rude “失礼的”、 “无礼的”。
That’s out of line.
*out of line “出格”。
He said negative things about you.
He’s two-faced.
*negative  “悲观的”、 “不愉快的”、 “消极的”。
*two-faced “有两面性的”、 “有二心的”、 “表里不一的”, 略带轻蔑的语气。
He talks about people behind their backs.
*behind one’s back “……不在场的时候”。
He talks out of both sides of his mouth.
(他说话表面一套, 背后一套。)
He has always been nice to me.
Be careful. He has a split personality.
*be nice to ... “对……好”。
*personality 指“人格”、 “性格”、 “个性”, split有“分割”、 “分离”的意思, split personality表示“双重人格”, 特别是表示已经到了近乎病态的严重程度。
He has a dual personality.
He’s a person of double personalities.
Do you think he is a good manager?
No. He cannot decide anything by himself.
*decide “决定”、 “决心”。by oneself “独立”、 “自己”。
He isn’t capable of making his own decisions.
*be capable of ... “能够……”。make decisions “做决定”。
He can’t make any decisions on his own.
*on one’s own “自己”。
He shouldn’t let the boss push him around.
I know. That man has no guts.
*push ... around “把……差来遣去”。
*guts “勇气”、 “胆量”、 “毅力”。
That man is spineless.
*spineless “没有决断的”、 “没有骨气的”。
That man has no nerve.
*这里的nerve指“勇气”、 “胆量”。
That man is a coward.
*coward “胆小鬼”。
He’s not a real man.
What a coldhearted man!
That’s why he’s so hard to work for.
*coldhearted “冷酷的”、 “无情的”。
Why did you divorce him?
He’s cold-blooded.
*divorce “离婚”。
*cold-blooded “冷血的”、 “冷酷的”。
What a callous man!
*callous “麻木不仁的”、 “冷酷的”。
He’s an extremely cold man.
*extremely “极端地”、 “非常”。
He doesn’t have a heart.
*heart “同情”、 “爱”。
He’s unfeeling.
*unfeeling “冷酷的”。
What’s wrong with Mr. Smith?
He’s gloomy.
*gloomy “忧郁的”、 “愁容满面的”。
He’s in a bad mood.
He’s not a happy camper.
*俚语。happy camper “满足于现状的人”。
He’s a pessimist.
*pessimist “悲观主义者”。
He tries to please everyone.
That’s not always good for business.
He is a people-pleaser.
*people-pleaser “取悦于人的人”。
He is always trying to make everyone happy.
*make ... happy “使……幸福”、 “使……高兴”。
He says he’s going to become president.
He’s all talk.
*talk “嘴上说说而已的事情”。
He only talks a good story.
He’s all talk, no action.
*no action “没有行动”。
That’s just talk.
He’s a big talker.
*big talker “夸夸其谈的人”。
He says he’s too tired today.
He’s always making excuses.
*always “总是”、 “经常”。make excuses “找理由”。
He’s always trying to justify his behavior.
*justify “为……辩护”。
He’s always trying to defend his position.
他总是严以律人, 宽以待己。
He always ignores his faults and criticizes others.
(他总是严以律人, 宽以待己。)
I can’t stand people like that.
*ignore “无视”。fault “过错”、 “错误”、 “缺点”、 “过失”。criticize  “批评”。
He’s always up on a high horse.
*be on a high horse “不可一世的态度”。
He criticizes others, but thinks he is perfect.
(他批评别人, 以为自己是完美的。)
He makes everyone uncomfortable.
What a jerk!
*uncomfortable 指“不舒服的”, 是comfortable的反义词, 在这里表示“不高兴的”。
*jerk “笨蛋”、 “古怪的人”。
What an idiot!
*idiot是轻蔑的说法, 表示“讨厌的家伙”。
What a fool!
He was ogling her.
What a pervert!
*ogle “眉目传情”。
*pervert “陷入歧途的人”、 “(性)变态”。
What a dirty old man!
It’s sexual harassment!
What a nasty man!
*nasty “下流的”、 “变态的”。
你我私下说说, 我可受不了他。
Mr. Jones seems somewhat strange.
Between you and me. I can’t stand him.
(你我私下说说, 我可受不了他。)
*somewhat “有点”、 “有些”。
*between you and me “你我私下说说”、 “你我之间的悄悄话”。stand “忍受”、 “忍耐”。
Just between us, I really dislike him.
*dislike “不喜欢”。
Don’t tell anyone, but I can’t tolerate him.
(你别告诉任何人, 我可受不了他。)
*tolerate “忍耐”、 “忍受”。
How do you like working with Mr. Smith?
(和史密斯先生一起工作, 感觉如何?)
I’m quite disgusted with him.
*be disgusted with ... “对……生气”。这个短语意思指“使人心生不悦的生气的心情”。相当严厉的说法。
I’m very repulsed by him.
*repulse “使(人)不快”。
I’m very offended by him.
*offend “使感情受伤害”。
He’s always lying.
True. I’ve had it with him.
*I’ve是I have的缩写。have had it 指“已经受够了”。
I’ve had enough of him.
*have enough of ... “对……受够了”。
I choose not to deal with him anymore.
*deal with  “处理”、 “管理”、 “对付”。
I’m tired of him.
*be tired of ... “对……厌烦”、 “讨厌……”。
You look exhausted!
My boss is a real slave driver.
*look “外表看上去……”。exhausted “疲劳之极”。
*slave driver “逼迫他人拼命干活的人”。
My boss is always pushing us too hard.
*push “强迫”、 “强加于人”。
My boss never lets anyone rest.
*let ... rest “让……休息”。
The boss is always ordering us around.
He will eventually lose his employees.
*order ... around “随意使唤……”、 “盛气凌人地对待……”。
*eventually “终于”、 “最终”。
The boss is always acting like a dictator.
*dictator “独裁者”。
The boss constantly bosses us around.
*boss ... around “对……颐指气使”。
I’d better go tell him how to do it right.
Don’t. It goes in one ear and out the other.
*in one ear and out the other “左耳朵进右耳朵出”、 “听到的话不进脑子”。
It’ll go in one ear and out the other.
He won’t listen to you.
*listen to ... “倾听……”。
It’s just in one ear and out the other.
He slept through the whole play.
It’s a case of pearls before swine.
*slept是sleep的过去式, 指“睡觉”。through 指“从开始到结束”、 “到最后”。whole指“全部的”、 “全体的”。这里的play指“戏剧”。
*pearl “珍珠”。swine “猪”。习惯用语, 相当于“对牛弹琴”。引自《圣经》里的话。
He isn’t able to appreciate it.
*appreciate “欣赏”。
He doesn’t know enough about it to appreciate it.  
*enough “足够的”。

帅哥 发表于 2008-10-23 14:00:04

You never stop working.
That’s because I like to make money.
*stop ...ing “停止……”。stop to ... “停下来去做……”。
*make money “赚钱”、 “挣钱”。
You’re always working.
You’re a workaholic.
*workaholic “工作狂”。
You’re an eager beaver.
*eager beaver “工作勤奋的人”。褒义词。
You’re a real go-getter.
*go-getter “能手”。褒义词。
He works seven days a week.
Why does he work so hard?
Why doesn’t he take any time off?
*这里的take off 指“休息”。
What makes him work so hard?
He pushes himself too much.
Tell him he needs to take it easy.
*push oneself “努力”、 “逼迫自己”。
*take it easy “放松”、 “悠闲地干”。
He works way too hard.
He shouldn’t push himself so hard.
Should we help Mr. Jones?
No. He prefers working alone.
*prefer ...ing “喜欢……”。alone “单独地”。
He likes to work alone.
He isn’t a team player.
He’s a very strange fellow.
He doesn’t think like everyone else.
He thinks independently of most people.
*independently “独立地”、 “和其他无关地”。
He thinks differently than everybody else.
Looks like you underestimated him.
You could be right.
*underestimate “轻视”、 “低估”、 “过低评价”。“过高评价”是overestimate。“好像……”可用looks like 开头。
It looks like you underestimated him.
Seems like you underestimated him.
*Seems like ... “好像……”。
Looks like you didn’t give him enough credit.
*credit “功劳”、 “功绩”。give ... credit “承认……的优点”、 “信赖……”。
I keep getting lost.
You don’t have a sense of direction.
*keep ...ing “继续做……”、 “总是做……”。get lost “迷(路)”。
*a sense of direction “方向感”。
I got lost on the way to ABC Company.
You have no sense of direction.
You are not good with directions.
Your sense of direction is poor.
You need to develop a sense of direction.
He is really concerned about his employees.
That’s typical of a Japanese businessman.
*be concerned about ... “担心……”、 “关照……”。
*typical “典型的”。Japanese businessman “日本商人”。
That’s standard for a Japanese businessman.
*standard “基准的”、 “标准的”。
That is what a Japanese businessman is like.
*what ... is like “……是什么样”。
Are you sending Mr. Jones to negotiate?
Yes, he has a lot of pull with that company.
(是, 他和那家公司有很深的交情。)
*send是“派”。negotiate “谈判”。
*a lot of “大量的”。pull with ... “与……的关系”。关系也可以用connections, 但是用pull也能很好地表达这个意思。
He has a lot of connections with that company.
He has a lot of clout with that company.
*clout “影响力”、 “敲击”。have a lot of clout with “在……有很大的影响力”。
She refuses to do it.  
She is full of pride.
*refuse “拒绝”。
*表达“傲气十足”不用high pride而用full of pride。
She is puffed up with pride.
*be puffed up with “得意”、 “自满”。比full of pride的说法更具贬义。
She’s as proud as a peacock.
*俚语。peacock “孔雀”。
He’s intense.
I’ve noticed that.
*intense “认真的”。
He’s serious.
He’s deep.
He’s very assertive.
That’s why he is such a good salesman.
*assertive “断言的”、 “过分自信的”。
He’s very self-assured.  
*self-assured “自信的”。
He’s very strong-willed.
*strong-willed “意志坚强的”。
What is he like?  
He’s a down-to-earth guy.
*down-to-earth “现实的”、 “实际的”。
He’s just a regular guy.
*a regular guy “普通的靠得住的人”。
He has no airs about him.
*airs “做作的姿态”。
They acted so innocent about everything.
I think they were just playing dumb.
*act “行动”、 “表现”。innocent “无害的”、 “没有恶意的”、 “天真烂漫的”。
*play  “行动”、 “表现”。dumb有“无以言表”、 “开不了口”的意思, 但是play dumb表示“佯装不知”。
I think they knew more than they let on.
*let on “暴露”、 “假装”。
I don’t think they wanted us to know they knew.
I think they were pretending not to know.
*pretend “假装”。
How can you be so honest and naive?
It’s the only way I know how to be.
*honest “正直的”、 “诚实的”。naive “纯真的”、 “天真无邪的”。因此honest and naive表达的意思是“老实巴交”。
You’re so naive.
I can’t believe you’re so naive.
He went to complain to the president.
He’s incredibly courageous and brave.
*incredibly “难以置信地”、 “惊人地”。courageous “有勇气的”、 “勇敢的”。brave “大胆的”、 “勇敢的”。
He’s very brave and courageous.
He’s a man of great courage and bravery.
You’re too easygoing.
The employees like me better this way.
*easygoing  “悠闲的”、 “舒泰的”、 “随和的”。
You’re too laid-back.
You’re too carefree.
What’s my problem?
You’re too wishy-washy.
*problem “问题”。
*wishy-washy “不明确的”、 “缺乏决断力的”、 “优柔寡断的”。
You’re too indecisive.
*indecisive “没有决断能力的”。
You hem and haw too much.
*hem and haw “犹豫”。
He works from sunup until sundown.
That’s how he is.
*sunup “日出”。sundown “日落”。
*how “(方法或做法)如何”。
He’s just that way.
That’s the way he is.
He’s that kind of person.
He’s a man of few words.
Sometimes that’s best.
*He’s是He is的缩写。a man of few words是习惯用语, 表示“话少的人”。
He doesn’t talk much.
He speaks very little.
Sometimes you surprise me by saying impulsive things.
I didn’t realize that.
*sometimes “有时”。surprise “使吃惊”。impulsive “冲动的”。
*realize “意识到”、 “实际感受”。
The impulsive things you say sometimes surprise me.
I’m surprised by the impulsive things you say sometimes.
Mr. Smith was sure open today.
He revealed his true intentions.
*reveal “透露”。intention “意图”、 “目的”。
He told me his real intentions.
He was very candid.
*candid “坦率的”。
I’m afraid Sally won’t be coming to the office.
She’s not very healthy.
*healthy “健康的”、 “没有异常的”。
She’s not well.
She’s unhealthy.
My boss is very active for his age.
That’s because he exercises daily.
*active “活动的”、 “有活力的”。for ... “虽然……”。
Despite his age,  my boss is quite active.
(我老板虽然上了年纪, 可是精力却很好。)
*despite ... “虽然……”。
My boss is in good shape for his age.
*be in good shape “健康状态好的”。
How did you know he would do that?
I can read his mind.
*read “理解”。
I know what he is thinking.
I can read his thoughts.
*thought “思考”、 “想法”。
I’m so angry. (我很生气。)
It’s written all over your face.
*written是write的过去分词。all over 指“到处”、 “全都”。
It’s obvious.
*obvious “明显的”、 “显然的”。
You show it.

Good evening. My name is John, and I’ll be your waiter this evening. Would you like something from the bar?
(晚上好。我叫约翰, 今天晚上由我来为您服务。您想喝点什么?)
    如果服务员这么问你, 你就可以向他要鸡尾酒、葡萄酒或啤酒等。接下来就是点菜。点菜时服务员会问你各种各样的问题, 让你感到意外和难以回答。请看例句:
(1)How would you like your steak?
(2)Would you like soup or salad?
(3)What kind of dressing would you like?
(4)How would you like your eggs?
(您要什么样的鸡蛋?) *主要是早餐。
(5)What kind of potato would you like?
*例如, 有“baked”、 “french fries”、 “mashed”等等。

帅哥 发表于 2008-10-23 14:00:36

How’s business?
Couldn’t be better.
It couldn’t be better.
It’s great.
*great “很好的”。
It’s fantastic.
*fantastic “很好的”、 “极好的”。
Was my work accepted?
That hasn’t been decided yet.
*“作品”可以说成work或piece。accept 指“采用”。
*decide “决定”、 “决心”。yet “还没有做……”。
Was my piece accepted?
Was my work chosen?
*chosen “被选择”。
I’ll charge this to our company.
All right!
*charge “要求付钱”。
*“All right.”可以用于很多场合, 像这里还可以用它来表示“太棒了”、 “太好了”的意思。
We’re so lucky!
Last year I had three sales. This year, six. My luck is changing!
(去年我做了3单生意, 今年有6单,我时来运转了。)
Good for you.
*luck “运气”、 “因缘”。
Things are going better for me.
Things are improving for me.
*improve “变好”、 “好转”。
I gave my all for this firm, and my efforts have paid off.  
(我把所有的一切都献给了这家公司, 我的努力有了回报。)
Yes, Mr. Smith.  You’re the world’s richest man now.  
(是啊, 史密斯先生, 你现在是世界上最富有的人了。)
*effort “努力”。pay off “(借款等)全部付清”、 “进展顺利”、 “回报”。
It was worth it.
My efforts have been rewarded.
*reward “报酬”、 “回报”。
We’d like you to have this as a symbol of our appreciation.
(为了表达我们的谢意, 请您收下这个。)
I never expected this.
*as “作为”。symbol “象征”、 “标志”。appreciation “感谢”。
*never “从来没有”。expect “预期”。直译是“我从来没有这么期望过”, 意思是说完全没有想到对方会这么做。
This is completely unexpected.
*completely “完全地”。unexpected “没有想到的”。
This is a bolt out of the blue.
*a bolt out of the blue “意想不到的事情”。习惯用语。
This is very unexpected.
I’m very surprised.
I was not expecting this.
What do you think about this job?
It’s not bad.
It’s fine.
It’s okay.
It’ll do.
Wasn’t that a great speech?
Yes. I was deeply moved by his words.
(是, 我被他的话深深打动了。)
*deeply “深深地”、 “强烈地”。move “使感动”、 “使动情”。
His words were very moving.
I was truly touched by his words.
*touch “使感动”。
I’m proud of myself.
You should be.
*be proud of ... “引以自豪”、 “为……感到光荣”。直译是“我为自己感到骄傲”。
I feel happy with myself.
I feel good about myself.
I take pride in myself.
*take pride in ... “对……觉得骄傲”。
I’m proud of my accomplishments.
*accomplishment “业绩”、 “成果”。
Do you like your job?
It’s my dream come true.
*dream come true “梦想成真”、 “实现夙愿”。
It’s exactly what I wanted.
It’s exactly what I asked for.
That was a break.
It truly was.
*break “运气”、 “机会”。
We lucked out on that.
*luck out “运气好”、 “进展顺利”。
We made out like bandits.
*make out  “干得好”。bandit  “山贼”、 “强盗”。直译是“我们干得像强盗那么好”。
That was a lucky break.
We got lucky.
That was lucky for us.
How did you get that promotion?
I was just lucky.
*just “只是”、 “仅仅”。
It was just luck.
I just got lucky.
We almost went under this time.
It was a close call.
*almost “几乎”、 “差点”。go under “(公司或计划等)失败”、 “破产”。
*close call “侥幸脱险”。
It was very close.
It was touch and go.
*touch and go “危险万分的状态”。
Now I understand.
Let’s move on then.
*understand “理解”。
*move on “向前进”、 “转移到(新的话题等)”。
I get it now.
Now I see.
I got promoted last year.
Now, it’s my turn.
*turn也有“顺序”、 “轮值”的意思。
My turn has come.
It’s finally my turn.
I’m up next.
The ad looks OK.
Yeah. It’s not as bad as I thought.
It’s better than I expected.
*expect “期待”、 “想像”。
It could have been worse.
Tomorrow is the office party.
I can hardly wait.
I can’t wait.
*wait “等待”。
I can’t contain myself.
*contain oneself “自制”。
I heard you’re going on vacation next week.
Yeah, I’m so excited.
(是啊, 我很兴奋。)
*be excited “兴奋”。
I’m really looking forward to it. I can’t wait.
*look forward to ... “盼望着……”。
I’m really excited about it.
You look very nice today, Mr. Underwood.
It’s kind of you to say so.
Thank you very much.
You’re kind to say so.
Our new office will be ready soon.
I’m looking forward to it.
I’m eagerly waiting for it.
*eagerly “渴望地”。
That’s an exciting prospect.
*prospect “渴望”、 “期待”。
I can’t thank you enough.
Forget it. You’re my friend.
Thank you so much for everything.
You are too kind.
I finally bought that new car I always want-ed.
That’s good to hear.
Business is booming.
That’s good to know.
*“That’s good to know.”直译是“知道这个消息我很高兴”。
That’s good news.
I’m glad to hear that.
I’m glad to know that.
I’m happy I found that out.
That’s great news.
This has been a tough week.
Thank God it’s Friday!
*tough “辛苦的”。
Thank goodness Friday’s here.
*thank goodness “谢天谢地”。
At last it’s Friday.
*at last “最终”、 “终于”。
Thank the Lord for Friday.
*lord本意指“神”、 “主”。
The working hours are good.
Sounds like a nice job.
*working hours “工作时间”、 “上班时间”。
I like the working hours.
The hours are nice.
Did you enjoy your lunch with Mr. Aoki?
Yes. We had a lively discussion.
*lively “活跃的”。
We had an exciting discussion.
*exciting “心潮澎湃的”、 “兴奋的”。
We had an interesting talk.
The discussion was very lively.
It looks expensive.
Actually, this is a steal.
*这里的look指“(外观)看起来……”。expensive 指“(价格)昂贵的”。
*actually “事实上”。这里的steal指“便宜货”、 “特价品”。
This is a real bargain.
*real “真正的”。这里的bargain也指“便宜货”。
This is a real buy.
*a real buy “特价品”。
This is pretty cheap.
This is very inexpensive.
*inexpensive “不怎么花钱的”、 “便宜的”。
This is a good deal.
*deal “交易”。
I know someone who works for that company.
Isn’t that convenient for us?
*convenient 指“情况合适的”、 “正好的”、 “方便的”。上面那句英文虽然是疑问句的形式, 但是内容上却是肯定的。这样的句子是把自己的想法用疑问句的形式表达出来, 但句末像肯定句一样无需升调。
That will be convenient for us.
That would be convenient for us.
How convenient for us!
Here it comes.
We’ve been waiting for it all day.
*用在预期的事情即将发生的时候。here放在句子开头, 可以引入人或物, 也可以表示提案等, 有“看, ……就要到了”的感觉。
The time has finally come.
*finally “终于”、 “最终”。
The time has finally arrived.
Here comes the good part.
We received the supplies today.
It’s about time.
*习惯用语, 这么记住就好了。意思是“总算这样了”、 “终于如此”、 “最终如此”。
They showed up on time today.
I thought they would never come.
At last!
Thank goodness that’s over!
(谢天谢地, 终于结束了!)
You can say that again.
*用在讨厌的事情或累人的事情终于结束的时候。该表达方式有“太难得了”、 “总算得救了”的含义。
I’m so glad we’re finished.
I’m glad that’s over with!
*over with “结束”。
I’m glad to hear that.
I thought you would be.
I’m pleased to hear that.
I’m happy to hear it.
Any good news?
I made a sale today.
*good news “好消息”。
Is there any good news?
Do you have any good news?
Have you heard anything good?
What’s new?
Our deadline got extended one week.
That’s a relief.
*extended “延长的”、 “扩大的”、 “推迟的”。
*relief “安心”。它的动词是relieve。
Thank goodness.
What a relief.
I’m so happy today!
Did you get some good news?
Something good must have happened.
Yes, I got a promotion.
(是的, 我升职了。)
*must have ... “一定……”。
*get a promotion “升职”。
Did you hear some good news?
You must have gotten good news.
Did something good happen?
Looks like something good happened.

帅哥 发表于 2008-10-23 14:01:01

That’s incredible.
I’m not making it up.
*incredible “不可信的”、 “难以置信的”。
*make up “捏造”、 “编造”。
That’s unbelievable.
*unbelievable “难以相信的”。
That’s hard to believe.
*hard “困难的”。
I was a little offended.
I’m sure it was just a misunderstanding.
*offend “伤害感情”。
I was a little annoyed.
*annoy “使烦恼”、 “使生气”。
I was a bit upset.
*a bit “有点”。be upset “心情不悦”。
I found it somewhat offensive.
*somewhat “有点”。offensive “不高兴的”、 “讨厌的”。
You sure do type slow.
Are you making fun of me?
*make fun of ... “嘲笑……”。
Are you teasing me?
*tease “嘲笑”。
Are you making snide remarks about me?
*snide remark “恶毒的话”。
What’s so funny?
Your zipper is down.
*zipper “拉链”。
Why are you laughing?
I don’t understand what’s so funny.
Don’t you think it’s impolite?
I’m just being honest.
*Don’t you think ...? “不……吗?”、 “你不觉得……吗?”。impolite “失礼的”。
Don’t you think it’s rude?
*rude “无礼的”、 “粗鲁的”。
Isn’t it rude?
Mr. Jones is misfiling those documents.
I can’t stand the way he does things.
*stand “忍受”。
I hate the way he does things.
*hate “讨厌”。
The way he does things bugs me.
*bug “使烦恼”。
他对我们耍了花招, 是不是?
He’s played a dirty trick on us, hasn’t he?
(他对我们耍了花招, 是不是?)
It seems that way.
*某人耍花招时, 对此可以这么表达。He’s是He has的缩写。dirty 表示“肮脏的”, 但是“play a dirty trick on ...”是指“用肮脏的伎俩欺骗……”、 “用不友好的方式欺骗……”。
*seem “好像……”。
He fooled us, didn’t he?
*fool “欺骗”。
He tricked us, didn’t he?
*trick “欺骗”、 “捉弄”。
He’s not playing fair, is he?
(他没有按规矩做, 是不是?)
*fair “公平地”、 “公正地”。
It was a great idea. What went wrong?
He didn’t put enough time or effort into it.
*put enough time into ... “投入足够的时间到……”。put enough effort into ... “投入足够的精力到……”。
He put a minimum of time and effort into it.
He didn’t spend enough time or effort on it.
The company is closed tomorrow.
Who cares?
*Who cares?  “谁会在意呢(谁也不会在意)”、 “跟我没关系”。
So what? (那又怎么样?)
I couldn’t care less.
Big deal.
*习惯用语, “什么呀(无聊)”。
You can’t get away with this!
Just watch me.  
*用于吵架或类似的场合。get away with 指“(做坏事后)顺利逃脱”、 “逃避罪责”。
You’ll never get away with this!
You won’t be able to get away with this!
But you said there was a 90% discount.
That’s ridiculous!
*ridiculous “荒谬的”。
I just can’t get a straight answer.
How frustrating!
*frustrate “使恼怒而又不知所措”。
It must be hard to deal with.
*直译是“一定很难应付”。hard to deal with 指“难应付的”、 “难处理的”。
That sounds difficult to cope with.
*cope with “对付”。
They canceled the sale.
I’m so mad!
*be mad “生气”、 “发怒”。
I’m so mad at him.
What did he do this time?
I am fuming!
*fume “发怒”、 “生气”。
I can’t take it anymore!
I’m so angry!
I’m furious.
*furious “狂怒的”。
I’m very upset!
*这里的be upset指“不愉快的”、 “生气的”。
It just makes me so mad.
She called in sick again.
I can’t put up with this any longer!
*call in sick “打电话请病假”。
*put up with “忍受”。any longer “再也”。
I just ran out of patience!
*run out of ... “用完……”。patience “忍耐”、 “耐心”。
This is no longer acceptable!
*acceptable “能够接受的”、 “可忍受的”。
Let’s go for a drink now.
Enough of that nonsense.
*enough “足够的”。nonsense “无意义”、 “胡说八道”、 “胡闹”。
None of that nonsense.
*None of ... “停止(不受欢迎的行为等)”。
Don’t talk nonsense.
That’s not even funny.
Gee, it was just a joke.
*even是副词,表示“连……都”。funny “可笑的”、 “滑稽的”。
I don’t find that one bit funny.
*one bit funny “一点点好笑”。
There’s nothing funny about that.
I know I’ve told you before, but hurry up!
(我知道我以前告诉过你, 但是要快点!)
Stop nagging me!
*nag “频繁抱怨”、 “唠唠叨叨”。
Leave me alone. (别管我。)
Stop pressing the issue. (别催了。)
Stop bugging me.
*bug “使烦恼”、 “使发愁”。
Hey! Bring me a cup of coffee.
(嘿, 给我拿一杯咖啡。)
Who do you think I am?
What do you think I am?
Do you think I’m your servant?
*servant “仆人”、 “佣人”。
I heard you’re going to divorce your wife.
Mind your own business.
*mind “关心”。business “生意”、 “工作”。习惯用语,表示“多管闲事”、 “闭嘴”。
How much do they pay you?
None of your business.
Keep your nose out of my business.
It’s none of your business.
That’s none of your business.
That’s none of your concern.
*concern “关心的事”、 “担心”。
It’s not your concern.
Stay out of it.
*直译是“别管这事”。stay out  “不加入……”。
Don’t get involved.
*involve “卷入”。
Nobody thinks you’re qualified for this position.
How dare you say a thing like that?
*dare “胆敢”、 “竟敢”。“How dare ...?” 表达的是愤怒的心情,“你竟敢……”。
How dare you talk to me like that?
Sorry, but you really made me angry.
(对不起, 但是你实在让我生气。)
*really “实在”。 make ... angry “使……生气”。
You can’t just say something like that to me.
Don’t you ever speak to me like that again!
I won’t let you get away with saying that.
You’re way out of line!
You have no right to say a thing like that.
I’d rather do it this way.
Do what you want.
*I’d是I would的缩写。would rather ... “宁愿……”。
*“你爱怎么干就怎么干”, 冷淡地回敬对方的说法。
Suit yourself.
*suit oneself “随某人的便”。
Do your own thing.
You should always wear short skirts.
You pervert!
*pervert “堕落者”、 “(尤指)性变态的人”。
You’re a dirty old man!
*dirty old man指“老色鬼”、 “下流的老东西”。
You’re out of line.
*out of line “举止不当”。
I decided to work for our competitor.
You traitor!
*competitor “竞争者”、 “竞争对手”。
*traitor “叛徒”、 “背信弃义的人”。
You broke your promise.
You said one thing, and did another!
(你说一套, 做一套!)
How disloyal!
*disloyal “不忠诚的”。
You double-crossed us.
*double-cross “背叛”。
What a nasty world!
You should calm down.
*nasty “不愉快的”、 “烦人的”。
What an unkind world.
*unkind “不亲切的”、 “糟糕的”。
This is such a nasty world!
This world is so cruel.
*cruel “残酷的”、 “糟糕的”。
We live in a terrible world.
*terrible “可怕的”、 “糟糕的”。
This restaurant is so smoky!
Can we go somewhere else? I hate cigarette smoke.  
*hate “讨厌”。
I can’t handle cigarette smoke.
I can’t breathe around cigarette smoke.

帅哥 发表于 2008-10-23 14:01:46

Mr. Smith was acting strange today.
I wonder why.
*strange “奇怪的”。
*wonder  “疑惑”。
I wonder why that is.
I wonder what’s up with him.
What’s wrong?
The copier won’t work. I don’t know what to do.
*copier “复印机”。也可以说copy machine。
What should I do?
You’ll think of something.
What am I going to do?
I’m at a loss.
I don’t know what I’m going to do.
What would you do?
The merger isn’t going well.
I hope it will work out.
*work out “(事情)顺利”、 “有好结果”。
I hope things go well.
I hope everything works out.
I hope it ends up okay.
*end up ... “最终……”。
I wonder if it worked.
We’ll know by tomorrow.
*I wonder if ... “我想是不是……”、 “我想知道是否……”。这里的work指“计划等顺利完成”、 “有效果”。
Has everything gone well?
I wonder if things went well.
I’m afraid business isn’t doing well.
How disappointing.
Unfortunately, ...
Regrettably, ...
I hate to say it, but ...
The coffee maker just broke.
So much for that.
*so much for ... “……到此为止”、 “……就那样了”, 固定用法。
That’s the end of that.
I guess that’s history.
*guess “猜”。
How’s everything these days?
I lost my job, my health is bad and I’m alone. My future looks bleak.
*bleak “(前途等)暗淡的”、 “黑暗的”。
Things look very grim.
*grim “灰暗的”、 “朦胧的”。
My prospects are poor.
*prospect “前景”、 “眺望”、 “期待”。
That’s why I’m so depressed.
Now I understand.  
*把原因和结果连在一起的句型是“That’s why ...”。在中文里, 说完原因后经常使用“所以”这个词, 英语也一样。depress有“使情绪低落”、 “使消沉”的意思, so起强调作用。
That’s the reason I’m so depressed.
That’s why I’m feeling so blue.
*blue是“蓝色”, 这里表示“(心情)忧郁的”。
That’s why I’m feeling so down.
*feel down “消沉”。
You look so worried lately.
I’ll be okay.
*look “看起来……”。so “那么”。worried “麻烦的”、 “令人担心的”。lately “近来”、 “最近”。
Are you alright?
Hope everything is okay with you.
You look troubled.
I have a lot on my mind.
*on my mind “牵挂”、 “挂念”。
I’ve got a lot of problems.
I have a lot to worry about.
*worry about “担心”。
Why the long face?
I just lost an important client.
*long face “闷闷不乐的脸”、 “忧郁的表情”、 “哭丧的脸”。
*lost是lose的过去式, “丢掉”、 “丧失”。important “重要的”、 “关键的”。client “客户”、 “顾客”。
What’s the matter?
*matter “成问题的事”。
Why do you look so sad?
*sad “低落的”、 “悲伤的”。
Do you believe me or him?
I don’t know who to believe.
I don’t know who is right.
Who’s telling the truth?
Was Tom upset?
No, he was understanding.
*upset有“发愁的”、 “生气的”、 “悲伤的”等意思, 用于情绪波动的时候。
Was Tom angry?
*angry “生气的”、 “发怒的”。
Was Tom mad?
*mad “生气的”、 “焦躁的”。
Was Tom pissed?
*pissed “生气的”、 “发怒的”,俚语。因为容易引起对方不快,所以使用的时候要注意。
If this fails, I’ll be in trouble.
I’ll cross my fingers for you.
*cross one’s fingers “祈祷好运”,习惯用语。
If this doesn’t work, I’m in trouble.
If this ends in failure, I’ll be in hot water.
*be in hot water “陷入困境”。
How is your project going?
Not the way we’d like.
*we’d是we would的缩写。
Not the way we had hoped.
Not the way we wanted.
Not the way we had expected.
I feel like everyone’s looking at me.
It’s all in your head.
*feel like ... “感觉好像……”。
I feel like people are watching me.
I feel like someone’s watching me.
Can we turn things around?
I think we can.
*turn around “(市场、经济、通货、工作形势等)突然好转”。
Do we have any chance of a turnaround?
*turnaround “突然好转”。
Can we do better?
Can we change the trend?
*trend “倾向”、 “趋势”。
We still have a long way to go.
I’m confident we’ll make it.
*still “还”、 “仍然”。way “道路”、 “路程”。
*be confident “确信的”。make it “到达(目的地等)”、 “战胜(困难等)”。
We’re nowhere near done.
We have a lot left to do.
What’s bothering him?
He’s not feeling well.
*bother “使烦恼”、 “使发愁”。直译是“什么事在烦着他?”。
What’s wrong with him?
What’s bugging him?
*bug “使烦恼”、 “使痛苦”。
You need to make a decision soon.
I can’t make up my mind.
*make up one’s mind “下决心”、 “做决定”。
I can’t make a decision.
*decision “决定”、 “决心”。
I’m not sure which way to go.
I can’t decide.
*decide “决心”。
Everyone’s so intelligent.
Yeah, I feel kind of inadequate here.
*intelligent “聪颖的”。
*inadequate “不够格的”、 “不能胜任的”。
I feel inferior in here.
I’m sure everyone feels like that.
*inferior “(质量或程度上)次的”、 “差的”。
I feel out of place here.
*out of place  “不适当的”。
Being here makes me feel inferior.
I don’t feel like I belong in here.
You should ask for a raise.
I don’t have the courage to do it.
*courage “勇气”、 “胆量”。
I lack the courage to do it.
*lack “缺少”、 “不足”。
I’m afraid to do it.
*be afraid to ... “害怕做……”。
I wish I could.
I don’t understand why you can’t.
I wish it was possible.
*possible “可能的”、 “能够实现的”。
I would if I could.
If only I could.
I’d really like to.
Your employees were stealing from the company.
I’m ashamed to hear that.
*be ashamed to ... “觉得丢脸”。
I’m embarrassed to hear that.
*be embarrassed “尴尬”。
Hearing that is embarrassing.
*embarrassing “使人为难的”、 “使人难堪的”。
Your checkbook isn’t balanced correctly.
I’m not good at math.
*mathematics 指“数学”,省略为math。be good at ... “擅长……”。
I’m bad at math.
I’m poor at math.
I’m not good with figures.
I’m trying to figure out what to do.
I have confidence you’ll find a way.
*try to ... “试图……”。figure out ... “想出……”、 “解决(问题等)”。
*confidence “信心”。
I’m trying to decide what to do.
I’m not sure what to do.
I’m trying to find a way to handle this.
*handle “处理”。
He’s deep in thought.
I wonder what he is thinking about.
*be deep in thought “冥思苦想”、 “沉思”、 “埋头想事情”。
He is giving something a lot of thought.
*give ... a lot of thought “冥思苦想……”。
He’s really concentrating.
*concentrate “集中”。
He’s thinking seriously.
The question is where to begin.
I can’t help you with that.
*question “问”、 “提问”,在这里指“问题”。
The question is, where do we start?
The question is, how do we begin?
I really blew it this time.
It’s not too late to remedy the situation.
*blow “落空”。
*remedy “改善”。直译是“挽回局势还不算晚”。
I really screwed up this time.
*screw up “(计划等)搞得一团糟”。
I really made a mistake this time.
*make a mistake “出错”。
I can’t come up with any good ideas.
Please keep trying.
*come up with ... “想出……”。
I can’t think of any good ideas.
*think of ... “想出……”。
I’m all out of good ideas.
*all out of ... “完全没有……”。
I’m not coming up with any good ideas.
I’m confused.
Let me try to clarify it.
*confuse “使混乱”。
*clarify “使清楚”、 “使明确”。
I’m lost.
*这里的be lost指“(脑子)混乱”。
I’m puzzled.
*be puzzled “(因为无法理解而)困惑”。
Why do you look so sad?
I feel so empty inside.
*这里的empty指“(心里)空虚的”、 “空荡荡的”。
I am so unfulfilled.
*unfulfilled “不充实的”。
I feel completely empty.
*completely “完全地”、 “彻底地”。
You’re doing well.
I’d like to believe that.
*believe “相信”、 “信赖”、 “认为”。
I hope that’s true.
I want to believe that.
Well, which will it be?
(那么, 你要哪一个?)
I can’t decide one way or the other.
*one way or the other在否定句中表示“哪一个都”。
I can’t make up my mind.
*make up one’s mind “下决心”、 “做决定”。
I can’t come to a decision.
It wasn’t supposed to be this way.
I know how you feel.
*be supposed to  “认为必须”、 “认为应该”。
It wasn’t supposed to work out this way.
It wasn’t meant to turn out this way.
This isn’t the way it was supposed to be.
This is not the way I planned it.
You shouldn’t have yelled at the boss.
I regret it very much.
*yell “发火”、 “大声叫喊”。
*regret “后悔”。
I’m full of regrets.
*be full of ... “充满……”。
I’m filled with regret.
*be filled with ... “充满……”。
I wish things were different.
*wish “希望”。different “不同的”。
I should have known that.
Don’t be hard on yourself.
*should  “应该”。 know “知道”。
That should have dawned on me.
*dawn on  “使理解”、 “使领悟”。
I should have realized.
*realize “意识到”。
Why didn’t I know that?
You left without thanking Mr. Smith.
I know. I feel guilty.
*guilty “有罪的”、 “内疚的”。
I feel bad about it.
I feel ashamed.
*ashamed “惭愧的”。
He treats me like a servant.
Don’t put up with that.
*treat “对待”。servant “仆人”、 “佣人”。
*put up with ... “忍受……”。
He thinks I’m his maid.
*maid “帮佣”、 “仆人”。
He thinks he’s better than me.
He treats me like dirt.
My boss is a very picky man.
Perhaps you should change jobs.
*picky “爱挑剔的”、 “难伺候的”。
*perhaps “也许”、 “可能”。
My boss is very particular.
*particular “挑剔的”、 “吹毛求疵的”。
Everything has to be just right for the boss.
*right “对的”、 “正确的”。
He’s hard to please.
That’s not your problem. It’s his.
(那不是你的问题, 是他的问题。)
*please “使(人)高兴”、 “使愉快”。直译是“很难让他高兴”。
It’s very difficult to please him.
*It’s very difficult to ... “做……很难”。
The man is never happy.
*never “决不……”。
He’s not easy to please.
It’s tough to please him.
*tough “麻烦的”。
I can’t figure it out.
Which part?
*该句用于不知道什么原因时。figure out 指“理解”。
I don’t get it.
I can’t work it out.
*work out “理解”。
I don’t understand it.
I don’t care anymore.
That’s the wrong attitude.
*care是动词,表示“用心”、 “关心”。
I’ll leave it up to you.
Just let it be.
You are taking a big risk.
I feel I have nothing more to lose.
*take a risk “冒险”。
I don’t feel like I have anything else to lose.
*feel like ... “感觉……”。
There is nothing else I can  lose.
I feel like I can’t lose anything else.
We need to get rid of the old letterhead.
It’s a shame to throw things away.
*get rid of ... “处理掉……”。letterhead指“上部印有发信人地址或姓名等的信纸”。
*shame常带轻蔑的口吻,表示“可耻的事(东西或人)”、 “糟糕的事”。“It’s a shame to ...”指“做……是可耻的”。throw away 指“丢弃”、 “扔掉”。
It’s a shame to waste things.
*waste “浪费”、 “滥用”。
I hate throwing things away.
*hate “讨厌”。

帅哥 发表于 2008-10-23 14:02:12

The merger fell through.
You’re kidding!
*merger “合并”。fall through “失败”。
She’s 40 years old, you know.
You’ve gotta be kidding.
*gotta是got to在口语中的省略。kid有“开玩笑”、 “嘲笑”的意思。
You must be kidding!
No kidding!
You can’t be serious!
*serious “认真的”。
Oh,my goodness.
What a surprise!
Stop joking around.
*stop ...ing “停止做……”。
You must be pulling my leg.
*pull one’s leg “戏弄”、 “捉弄”。
Everyone’s getting a raise.
I never would have guessed that.
*raise “加薪”。
*guess “推测”、 “推断”。
I never would have dreamed that.
*dream “做梦”。
This is hard to believe.
The company is in financial trouble.
Don’t frighten me.
*financial “财务的”、 “经济的”。
*frighten “使害怕”、 “使惊吓”。
Don’t scare me.
*scare “使害怕”、 “使惊吓”。
You’re frightening me.
That’s absurd!
I think so, too.
*absurd “不合理的”、 “荒唐的”。
How ridiculous!
I thought it was a good idea.
*ridiculous的di 要重读,否则说不通。
That’s ridiculous!
How absurd!
That’s crazy!
*crazy “疯狂的”。
How stupid!
*stupid “愚蠢的”。
I’m quitting the company.
Are you serious?  
*quit “辞去”。
*serious “认真的”。
For real? (真的吗?)
*real “真的”。
Do you mean it?
*mean “意味”。
You must be kidding.
You’re joking!
I find that hard to believe.
Please explain why you feel that way.
*find “认为”、 “觉得”。hard “很难的”、 “困难的”。
That’s hard to believe.
Believe me, it’s true.
I don’t find that credible.
*credible “可信的”。
I find that difficult to swallow.
*这里的swallow指“盲目听信”、 “相信”。
I don’t believe it.
I can’t believe it.
You’ve got to be kidding.
She just fired him.
That can’t be true.
*fire “解雇”、 “开除”。
*can “可能”。true “真实的”、 “确实的”。
No way!
That’s impossible!
There’s no way that could be.
It doesn’t seem possible.
*possible “可能发生的”、 “有可能的”。
I won a new car.
I don’t believe it!
The boss would like to see you now.
I’m in big trouble.
*be in trouble “有麻烦”。
Boy, am I in big trouble.
*boy表示惊讶或感叹,“唉呀呀”、 “糟了”。
I’ve really done it now.
Did he get a whole month off?
Yes. It’s unheard-of.
*unheard-of “没有先例的”、 “前所未闻的”。
It’s never done.
We never hear of this sort of thing.
That’s not something I’ve heard of before.
I was shocked to hear it.
It would amaze anyone.
*shock “使惊愕”、 “使震惊”。
*amaze “使大为惊奇”、 “使惊异”。
Anyone would be amazed.
Anyone would be surprised.
The boss is retiring soon.
I didn’t realize that.
*retire “退休”。soon “很快”、 “马上”。
*realize “正确地理解”、 “意识到”。
I didn’t know that.
*know “知道”。
I wasn’t aware of that.
*be aware of ... “注意到……”。
Their business went under.
You’re well-informed, aren’t you?
*go under “失败”、 “破产”。
*informed “了解情况的”。
You know what goes on, don’t you?
You get around, don’t you?
Your spies are everywhere.
*spy “间谍”。
I heard that our company will be down-sizing.  
Is that so?
*downsize “精简”。
*so意思是“那样”、 “像那样”, “Is that so?”就是“是吗”的意思。表达的不是非常吃惊的心情, 而是自己也表示同意的心情。
I understand. (我知道了。)
I see. (我明白了。)
*这里的see不是“看”、 而是“明白”的意思。
*这里的“Really?”说的时候要像表示同意一样降低声调。如果用升调, 就带有稍稍吃惊的含义, “是真的吗?”。
It must’ve cost a fortune!
It wasn’t that expensive.
*must’ve是must have的缩写。must have+过去分词表示推测过去“一定……”。fortune指“幸运”、 “运势”, 但在这里表示“财产”。
It must have been costly!
*costly “昂贵的”。
It must’ve cost a whole lot of money!
你, 你是我过去认识的一个人!
Remember me?
Y-you’re the one from before!
(你, 你是我过去认识的一个人!)
*you’re the one指“你是那个”。from before “过去的”。
Aren’t you the one from before?
*Aren’t you ...? “你不是……吗?”。
We’re met before, haven’t we?
Haven’t we met before?
Hey, is that you, Mr. Aoki?
(嗨, 是你吗, 青木先生?)
Fancy meeting you here!
*“Fancy ...!” 意思是“竟然……真叫人吃惊!”。
It’s strange running into you here.
*strange “奇妙的”、 “不可思议的”。run into “突然碰见……”、 “巧遇……”。
It’s a small world!
What a surprise to see you here.
*surprise “惊讶”。
I didn’t expect to see you here.
*expect to ... “预期……”、 “期待……”。
Do you know him?
Yes, we work together.
(认识, 我们一起工作。)
Do you know that man?
Do you know who he is?
Someone picked your pocket?
Yes, that’s what I said.
(是, 我是这么说的。)
*偷钱包等可以用pick a person’s pocket来表达。“小偷”可以说成pickpocket。在口语中,经常会出现像例句那样的句子,虽然不是疑问句的形式,但却是在问别人。
Did someone pick your pocket?
Was your pocket picked?
What’s this all about?
It’s no big deal.
*deal “量”、 “程度”、 “数额”。
What’s going on? 
What happened?

小知识 关于日期
日期的写法美英两国各不相同。比如, 2005年4月8日, 美式写法是 April 8, 2005,英式写法是 8th April, 2005。美式写法日期写在月份的后面, 而英式写法月份写在日期的后面, 而且日期用的是表示顺序的序数词, 如1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th 等。
还需要注意的是用数字表示日期。以上面的日期为例, 美式写法是4/8/05, 英式写法是8/4/05。所以为了避免引起这样的混乱, 在商业信函上尤其应注意不要把日期单纯写成数字, 而是应全部写出来。

帅哥 发表于 2008-10-23 14:02:50

Why not slow down some?
We’re just too busy.
*too busy “太忙”。
We have too much work.
There’s too much work to do.
I’ve been very busy lately.
Perhaps you need a vacation.
*busy “忙”。lately “最近”、 “近来”。
*perhaps 表示“也许”,比maybe的语气强一些。
I’ve been so busy lately.
I’ve been extremely busy lately.
*extremely “极端地”。
I’ve been overworked recently.
*overwork “加班”。
You look a bit stressed.
I’m involved in more things than I can handle.
*意思是“插手过多的事务而疲惫不堪”、 “工作过度”。involve 指“从事”。handle 指“处理”。
I bit off more than I can chew.
*bite off “咬断”、 “嚼碎”。bit是bite的过去式。chew 指“咀嚼”。直译是“咬下的东西超过了能嚼的量”。常用的说法。
I’m in a little over my head.
*over “超过”。head “头脑”。
I’m bombarded with work every day.
Good hard work keeps you out of trouble.
*bombard 指“向……连续提出问题”,后面跟上with。美国人常用的说法。
I have way too much work.
My work is overwhelming.
*overwhelming “压倒的”。
My work is demanding these days.
Hard work builds character.
*demand “要求”、 “必须”。these days “近来”、 “最近”。
*build character “塑造品格”。
My work is demanding lately.
*lately “近来”、 “最近”。
Lately my work has been too demanding.
Did you catch up on your work?
It’s endless.
*endless “没有终点的”、 “无限的”。
It’s never-ending.
*never-ending “永久的”、 “不断的”。
It’s eternal.
*eternal “永远的”、 “永久的”。
It goes on forever.
*forever “永久”。
You work much too hard.
No rest for the wicked.
*rest “休息”。wicked “不正当的”、 “坏心眼的”。“No rest for the wicked.”是谚语,意思是“坏人无宁日”,相当于“穷人无假期”。
No peace for the wicked.
*peace “和平”。
No rest for the weary.
*weary “筋疲力尽的”。
I’ve been on the go all day long.
Let’s go have a drink and relax.
*I’ve是I have的缩写。on the go 指“不断地活动”、 “工作一个接一个”。all day long指“一整天”。
I’ve been running around all day.
*run around “到处跑”。
I haven’t had a break all day.
I’m doing mindless work all day.
You need to find a better job.
*mindless work直译是“不用动脑子的工作”。
I’m doing boring work all day.
My job is boring.
My work doesn’t require much thought.
I have to do paperwork all day.
Must be a drag.
*paperwork “案头工作”、 “整理文件的工作”。
*drag “无聊的事情”。
I do nothing but paperwork all day.
My job consists of paperwork only.
*consist of ... “包括……”。
Why can’t you find anything?
My desk is disorganized.
*disorganize意思是“使混乱”, 这里表示的是“乱七八糟”的意思。
My desk is a mess.
My desk is a disaster.
Why haven’t you finished your work?
I’ve been too busy socializing.
*表示一种状态一直持续下去没有变化。socialize 是动词,指“从事社交活动”、 “交际”。
I’ve spent too much time socializing.
I’ve been socializing too much.
How’s the new job?
It’s really stressful.
*stressful “紧张的”、 “压力大的”。
It’s really nerve-racking.
It’s high stress.
I’m working too hard.
Try to relax a little.
*too hard “过度勤奋的”、 “过度拼命的”。表达的是“工作过于拼命”的含义。
I’m a slave to my work.
You should take a vacation more often.
*slave “奴隶”。
I’m really overworked.
I work too hard.
I work much too hard.
I’m working too much.
I’m overly invested in my work.
*overly “过度地”。invest “投资”、 “投入”。
I don’t know where to begin.
Shall I help?
*begin “开始”。
*Shall I ...? “我可以……吗?”。
I’m not sure what to do first.
*sure “确切的”。first “开始”。
I don’t have any idea how to initiate it.
*how to ... “怎么……”。initiate “开始”。
I have no idea how to start.
There’s no way out.
That’s never true.
*way out “解决的对策”、 “出路”。意思也就是“没有解决的对策了”。
*never “决不……”。
This is the end.
I’m trapped.
*trap “使堕入圈套”。
It’s a no-win situation.
*no-win “胜利无望”。situation “形势”、 “情形”。
Welcome back!
Ah ... I’m beat.
I’m exhausted.
*exhausted “精疲力竭的”。
I’m very tired.
*tired “疲惫的”。
I’m bushed.
*随便的口语表达方式。bushed 指“累极了”。
I’m pooped.
*随便的口语表达方式。pooped 指“累极了”。
It’s only three o’clock.
It seems so much later.
It’s just three.
I can’t believe it’s only three.
My stocks went down.
What a shame!
*stock “股票”。go down “下跌”。
*shame是“遗憾”、 “糟糕”的意思,“What a shame!” 表示“哎呀,太糟了”、 “太遗憾了”。
What a pity!
*pity “遗憾”。
It’s a shame!
It’s a pity!
What’s your new job like?
It’s tough!
*tough “辛苦的”、 “困难的”。
It’s not easy!
It’s difficult!
I see some gray hair there.
I guess my age is showing.
*gray hair “灰白头发”。
*guess “推测”。show “出现”、 “显示”、 “显眼”。
I’m afraid my age is showing.
*I’m afraid ... “(很遗憾,不过)我想难道不是……吗”、 “说不定也许……”。
I’m beginning to look my age.
Why didn’t you call me today?
I’ve been forgetful lately.
*forgetful “健忘的”、 “容易忘记的”。lately “近来”、 “最近”。
I haven’t been remembering things recently.
*这里的remember指“记忆”、 “记住”。recently “最近”。
I’ve been forgetting things lately.
*forget “忘记”。
I should have studied harder when I was in college.
Everyone feels that way.
*用should have 的形式表示责怪, 过去应该做的事情实际上却没有做。harder是hard(勤奋的、 刻苦的)的比较级。college 指“大学”。
I wasted a lot of study time in college.
*waste “浪费”。
I should’ve studied more in college.
Mr. Jones isn’t in today.
I should have made an appointment before I came.  
*appointment “约会”。
I should have called before I came.
I knew I should have made an appointment first.
*first “首先”。
They won’t even try to talk to us.
Don’t give up. (别放弃。)
*won’t是will not的缩写, 指“不会……”。even 指“甚至”、 “连”。
*give up “放弃”。
They won’t even hear us out.
*hear out “把(别人说的话)听到最后”。
They won’t even talk to us.
They won’t even give us a chance to speak.
*give ... a chance “给(人)机会”。
No one is buying X.
We’re taking a big loss on it.
*loss “损失”。
We’re losing big on it.
That one’s costing us big time.
*cost “花费”。
How was your trip to New York?
I had a bad time. There was a terrible storm.
(我太倒霉了, 遇到了可怕的风暴。)
It wasn’t a great experience.
I had a very hard time.
It was very difficult for me.
*difficult “困难的”。
I had a terrible time.
*terrible “可怕的”、 “令人讨厌的”。
It wasn’t very easy.
*easy “简单的”、 “舒适的”。
Do you still like your new job?
I’m having second thoughts.
*have second thoughts “重新思考”。
I’m thinking twice about it now.
I’m considering changing my mind.
*change one’s mind  “改变想法”。consider  “认真思考”。
I’m no longer sure.
No matter how hard I work, I just can’t save money.
(不管我怎么努力工作, 就是存不下钱来。)
Yeah, we’re working just to pay off loans.
(是啊, 我们都在为还清贷款而工作啊。)
*no matter how ... “不管怎么……”。save  “储存”、 “储蓄”。
*pay off “一点点地还清(贷款等)”。
I just can’t save money, even though I work so hard.
I work hard, but I can’t put any money away.
*put away “存钱”、 “储蓄”。
No raise.
I almost did it.
Too bad you didn’t have more time.
*almost “几乎”。
I almost had it.
I was just about to get it.
I was so close.
The deal fell through.
What a letdown.
*deal “交易”。fall through “以失败告终”。
*letdown “失望”、 “期望扑空”。
What a disappointment.
What a drag.
*drag “讨厌的人或事物”。
What a bummer.
*bummer “失望”。
This just isn’t my day.
Cheer up!
*意思是“今天不走运”、 “今天真倒霉”。
*cheer up “振作起来”、 “高兴起来”。
I’m not doing well today.
*do well “进展顺利”。
Everything’s going wrong today.
*go wrong “进展不顺利”。
I’m having the worst day.
*the worst day “最坏的一天”。
My day isn’t going well.
*go well “进展顺利”。
How are you doing this morning?
Things couldn’t be worse.
*couldn’t be worse直译是“糟得不能再糟了”。
Things are awful.
*awful “糟糕的”。
Things are the worst they could be.
I’m a failure in life.
Don’t be ridiculous!
*failure “失败者”、 “落榜者”。in life “生活中”。
My life has been a failure.
*这里的failure指“失败”、 “不成功”。
I’ve failed at life.
*fail at ... “失败于……”。
I’m sick of work.
You’re just saying that because you’re tired.
*be sick of  “讨厌”、 “厌烦”。
I’m fed up with work.
*be fed up with ... “对……感到腻烦”。
I’m sick and tired of work.
I’ve had it up to here.
He’s in a bad mood again.
What a pain.
*pain意思是“痛苦”、 “伤痛”,这里表示“不快”、 “烦躁”、 “烦恼”、 “焦躁不安”。
What a bother.
What a nuisance.
Did that cost a lot?
Yes, everything is so expensive.
(是, 什么都很贵。)
*expensive “昂贵的”、 “花钱的”。
The prices are a lot higher.
Everything costs a lot of money.
If you don’t drink, it’ll prevent you from making sales.  
That’s a sad commentary on our society.
*it’ll是it will的缩写。prevent ... from ...ing “阻碍……做……”。make a sale “卖”、 “出售”。
*commentary “评论”、 “注释”。
Sales will not occur if you don’t drink.
*occur “发生”、 “产生”。
Drinking and sales go together.
*go together “相伴随”。
It’s too much for me to carry.
I’d be glad to help you.
*carry “带走”、 “搬运”。
*be glad to ... “乐意(高兴)做……”。
It’s too much for one person to carry.
It’s too heavy for me.
It’s hard to be a man.
I’m sure it is.
*hard “辛苦的”、 “严峻的”。
*sure “确信的”。
Men face many difficulties.
*face “面对”、 “面向”、 “直面”。difficulty “难事”、 “困难”。
It’s not easy being a man.
Foreigners will never understand.
Do you really believe that?
You must be Japanese to understand.
You have to be Japanese to understand.

帅哥 发表于 2008-10-23 14:03:19

I’m on my way to get something to eat.
We are, too. Why don’t you join us?
*Why don’t you ...? “……怎么样?”, 表示建议。join 指“加入”。
It’s time to leave.
Can we all go together?
*It’s time to ... “到该做……的时间了”。
*all together “大家一起”。
Why don’t we go together?
Why don’t you go with us?
Why not come with us?
How about joining us?
Are we all going together?
Is it possible for us to all go together?
Would you like to come along?
Are you sure it’s okay?
*come along “一起来”、 “跟随”。
Would you like to come with me?
Do you want to go with me?
Would you like to join me?
How about joining me?
*How about ...? 表示建议, “……怎么样?”。
Why don’t we get together for dinner?
That’s a great idea.
*get together “聚会”、 “会合”。
Would you like to meet for dinner?
Let’s get together for dinner.
What do you say to getting together for dinner?
How about getting together for dinner?
How about dinner together?
Can you make it here by six?
Yeah, if nothing comes up.
(嗯, 如果不发生什么意外的话。)
*make it是口语, 也有“完成(某件事情)”的意思, 不过这里指“到达(目的地等)”。
*nothing “什么也没有”。come up “(问题)产生”、 “发生”。
Can you come over here by six?
*come over “过来”。
Will you be able to make it by six?
*be able to ... “能够……”。
Tom asked me out to dinner tonight.
That’s very nice of him.
Tom asked me to dinner.
Tom is taking me to dinner.
I have nothing planned tomorrow.
Can you come to my presentation?
I don’t have anything I have to do tomorrow.
I don’t have anything scheduled for tomorrow.
Do you want to do any shopping?
I’m ready to shop until I drop.
*shopping “购物”。
*ready “做好准备”。until “直到”。“I’m ready to shop until I drop.”是习惯用语, 指“永远都可以买”, 也就是说“无论怎样都可以买”。
Would you like to go shopping?
How about going shopping?
*How about ...ing? “……怎么样?”。
What should I bring tomorrow?
Just bring yourself.
*just 是“仅仅”的意思。“Just bring yourself.”是习惯用语, 指“来的时候请什么也别带”。
Just having you is enough.
Don’t bring anything but yourself.
I’m very busy tomorrow.
Is another day better?
*这里的another指“别的”、 “其他的”, another 通常后面跟单数名词。
Would another day be better?
Would another day work better?
Should we change days?
How about another day?
Is Friday night okay?
Friday night’s fine.
How about Friday night?
Will Friday night work for you?
Is Friday night all right?
Would Friday evening work?
How would Friday night be?
Do you want to make it Friday night?
How does Friday night sound?
Please keep this Friday night open.
No problem. I should be free.
Please keep this Friday night free.
Please be available Friday night.
*available “有空的”。
Please don’t schedule anything for this Friday night.
I’ll be back next week.
See you next Friday.
I’ll see you next Friday.
We’ll see each other next Friday.
See you next week Friday.
What are you doing after work?
I am going straight home.
*after work “工作结束后”、 “下班后”。
What are your plans for after work?
*plan for ... “……的计划”。
What are you going to do after work?
What will you be doing after work?
Are you free after work today?
Want to do something together?
*free “空闲的”、 “有空的”。
Do you have time after work today?
Actually, I have a date.
Are you busy after work today?
*busy “忙的”。
What are you doing after work today?
How about after work today?
Let’s have a drink tonight.
Okay, I’m free after 6∶00 p.m.
(好的, 6点以后我有空。)
*tonight “今夜”、 “今晚”。
Let’s get together for a drink tonight.
Let’s meet for a drink tonight.
How about tonight?
Tonight will be fine.  
Is tonight good for you?
Would tonight be all right?
Can you make it tonight?
Would tonight be okay?
Are you in the mood for a drink?
I’d love that.
*直译是“你想喝一杯吗?”。in the mood for 指“想做……”。“一杯”可以用a drink来表达。
Do you have time for a drink?
Not tonight.  
Would you like a drink?
How does a drink sound?
Do you want to go for a drink?
Do you have time to go drinking?
Can we meet for a drink?
How about having a drink?
We are off next Monday.
Let’s party!
*这里的party是动词, 表示“举办聚会活动”。在美国大家欢聚一堂就叫开party。
Let’s go wild!
*go wild “狂欢”、 “尽情”。
Let’s go out and have a good time!
Let’s paint the town red.
*paint the town red “喝酒狂欢”。
Let’s go out tonight and paint the town red.
I thought you’d never ask.
*go out “外出”。paint the town red “狂欢”。
Let’s go out and celebrate tonight.
*celebrate “庆祝”。
Let’s go out and paint the town.
Let’s go have a wild time tonight.
We’re all meeting there.
That sounds like fun.
*sound like ... “听起来好像……”。
Sounds good to me.
Sounds like fun.
I’m going out drinking tonight.
Please be careful.
*go out drinking “出去喝酒”。
I’m going out for drinks tonight.
I’ll be out drinking tonight.
I just got off work.
Are you tired?
*get off ... “结束”。
I just finished work.
Work just ended.
Would you like to join us if you finish early?
I’d like that, thank you.
(我会的, 谢谢。)
How about meeting us if you finish early?
Would you like to get together with us if you finish early?
Please arrive by 6∶00.
I’ll do my best to be there.
*arrive “到达”。
*do one’s best “尽力”。
I’ll be there if possible.
*if possible “如果可能的话”、 “可以的话”。
I’ll try to make it.
*try to ... “努力做……”、 “试图做……”。make it “及时抵达”。
Where do you want to go?
Where do you usually drink?
*一般来说如果仅仅是一个drink, 意思就是“喝酒”。usually 指“总是”、 “一般”。
Where’s your favorite place to drink?
*favorite “极受喜爱的”。
What place do you usually drink at?
Where should we go?
Choose someplace cheap.
*choose “选择”。someplace “某个地方”、 “什么地方”。cheap “便宜的”。
Pick an inexpensive place.
*pick “选择”。inexpensive “花费不多的”、 “便宜的”。
Please choose a place that isn’t expensive.
This is our favorite place.
I like it here, too.
*favorite “特别受喜爱的”。
We love it here.
This is our favorite place to come.
This place is our favorite.
We really enjoy this place.
I hear you have some influence with the store.
Yes, I do. What do you need?
*influence “影响”、 “支配力”, have influence with ... “对……有影响力”。
I understand they listen to you at the store.
I hear you’re an insider at the store.
*insider “了解内幕的人”。
There’s my favorite pub in Aoyama.
Let’s go there!
My favorite Aoyama pub is over there.
That’s my favorite Aoyama pub.
I’ve heard it’s hard to get a table.
Yes, it’s very popular.
(是, 那儿的生意很好。)
*I’ve heard “我听说”。get a table是“订席”、 “预订”的意思, 用于在饭店就餐等场合。
Isn’t it difficult to get a table?
It’s almost impossible to get a table, I hear.
Would you like to go to one more place?
Won’t we miss the last train?
*miss “赶不上(火车等)”。
Let’s go to another place.
I know a great place.
*another “另一个”、 “别的”。
How about going to one last place?
Let’s go to just one more place.
Let’s go somewhere else.
*somewhere else “别的什么地方”。
Let’s go to a different place.
*different place “不同的地方”。
Let’s leave here.
*leave “走”、 “离开”。
How about just one more for the road?
No, thanks. I’d better quit now.
(不, 谢谢。现在我最好不喝了。)
*在酒桌上这句话带有“分手前再喝一杯”的含义, 特别表示要离开酒店前的“最后一杯”。for the road 指“以示送行”。
Want one for the road?
How about one last one before you go?
We should be getting back.
The night is young.
*young除了“年轻”的意思外, 还有日子、季节或夜晚等“还早”的意思。
It’s still early.
*early “早的”。
The night is just beginning.
*beginning “开始”。

Do you want to go out to lunch?
I’ll take a rain check.
*拒绝对方邀请时的固定说法, 因为很常用这么记下来就可以了。 带有“再约我吧”、 “拜托下次吧”、 “改日我再接受你的邀请”的含义, 这样拒绝不会令对方感到不快。
Can I take a rain check?
I’ll take you up on that another time.
Would you like to go out to dinner?
I’d rather not.

*I’d是I would的缩写。rather 指“宁愿”、 “相比之下更愿意”。这种拒绝方式也不会让对方感到不愉快。
Thanks anyway.
No, but thanks for the offer.
(不行, 不过谢谢邀请。)
*offer “邀请”。
How about a drink?
I can’t join you tonight.
*join “参加”。
I need to go right home.
I have to go straight home.
I can’t go with you tonight.
I can’t make it tonight.
The office staff is going skiing Saturday.
Please count me out.
*直译是“请把我排除在外”。count ... out 指“别把……算在内”、 “把……除外”。
I prefer not to be included.
*prefer not to ... “喜欢不……”。include “包括”。
Please don’t include me.
Let’s go to that place in Santa Monica.
Fine, but we have to be back by five.
(好的, 不过我们必须在5点前返回。)
We need to be back by five.
We need to make sure that we are back by five.
We have to get back by five.
We have to return by five.
Do you want to have a drink tonight?
I can’t, because I have to finish this work by tomorrow.
(不行, 因为我必须在明天前把这份工作做完。)
*have a drink “喝一杯”。
This work needs to be done by tomorrow.
I need to complete this work by tomorrow.
*complete “做完”、 “结束”。
There’s a lot of work piled up.
Guess we’ll be busy for a while.
*pile up “堆积”、 “积蓄”。
We’re behind on the work.
We need to catch up on the work.
*catch up on ... “把落下的(工作等)补上”。
Do you want to go for a drink?
I can’t. I have too much work to do.
*too much “太多”。
I have too much work that needs to be done.
I have too much work to finish.
Let’s go out tonight.
We need to get up early tomorrow morning.
*go out “出去(吃饭等)”。
*get up “起床”。
Tomorrow’s an early day.
We have an early morning.
What are you doing this weekend?
I’ll be busy preparing for an appointment.
*prepare for ... “为……做准备”。appointment “(生意上定好时间和地点的)约会”。
I have an appointment that I need to prepare for.
I’ll be getting ready for an appointment.
*get ready “准备”。
Let’s have lunch.
Sorry, I have an appointment.
(对不起, 我有约会。)
*have an appointment “有约会(预约)”。
Why can’t you join us?
I have another engagement.
*engagement “约会”、 “预约”。
I have somewhere to go.
*somewhere “某个地方”。
I need to be somewhere.
I’m otherwise engaged.
*otherwise “其他的”、 “别的”。
I’ll be busy then.
I have something else to do.
I already have plans.
*already “已经”。
I have something going on.
I have something planned.
I’m booked.
Let’s go to dinner after work.
I’m broke now.
*broke是俚语, “身无分文”。
I’m penniless at the moment.
I have no money at present.
What’s your schedule?
I’m going to my part-time job today.
*be going to ... “将要去……”。
Today I work at my part-time job.
I’m working at my part-time job today.
How about Tuesday night?
Any other night would be fine for me.
I’m free any other night.
Another night would be better.
得了胃溃疡后, 我就戒酒了。
After I got an ulcer, I quit drinking.
(得了胃溃疡后, 我就戒酒了。)
You shouldn’t have waited that long.
*get an ulcer “患胃溃疡”。quit ...ing “停止做……”。
After I got an ulcer, I went cold turkey on the alcohol.
(得了胃溃疡后, 我就一下子戒酒了。)
*cold turkey “无准备地”、 “直截了当地”。
The ulcer caused me to quit drinking.
*cause ... to ... “使得……做……”。
我累了, 我要回家。
Where shall we go now?
I’m going home because I’m tired.
(我累了, 我要回家。)
I’m really beat, so I’m going home.
*beat “筋疲力尽的”。
I’m too tired to go any place but home.
I just took off my makeup.
You still look nice.
I just removed my makeup.
I just cleaned all the makeup off my face.

帅哥 发表于 2008-10-23 14:03:55

Can I make a reservation?
Sure. When will you be arriving?
*make a reservation “预订”。
*arrive “来”、 “到达”。
May I make a reservation?
I’d like to make a reservation.
I’d like to reserve a table.
*reserve “预订”。
We’d like a table by the window, please.
I’ll see if I can accommodate you.
(我查一查, 看能否满足您的要求。)
*这里的by指“……的旁边”、 “……的附近”。
*see “查看”。accommodate “使适应”、 “满足愿望”。
We’d like to have window seating.
*seating “坐位的排列”。
We’d like to sit by the window, please.
I’d like to reserve a table, please.
We don’t take reservations.
*take a reservation “接受预订”。常用于电话预订饭店餐桌的场合。
We don’t accept reservations.
*accept “接受”。
We operate on a first come, first served basis.
*first come, first served “先来先接待”。
How late are you open?
We’re open until 9∶00 p.m.
When do you close?
What time do you close?
How late do you stay open?
How many in your party?
Just two of us.
*party “团体”、 “一行”。这里的party不是聚会的意思, 要注意。客人进饭店的时候店员会这么问。
How many are in your party?
There’ll be only two of us.
*There’ll是There will的缩写。
A table for how many?
What size table do you need?
What’s the number in your party?
How many?
How many in your group?
*group “集团”、 “一伙人”。
How many of you are there?
Is my table ready?
Wait here, please.
*ready “准备好的”。在预约的饭店入口处可以对服务员这么说。
Will you wait here, please?
Wait here just a moment, please.
*just a moment “就一小会儿”。
Please wait to be seated.
We’ll be seating you soon.
We’ll seat you shortly.
May I take your coat?
No, thanks. I’m a little cold.
(不, 谢谢。我有点冷。)
Would you like me to take your coat?
Let me take your coat.
I’d like to check my coat.
I’ll take it for you, sir.
(我给您收好, 先生。)
*I’d like to是I would like to的缩写, 意思是“我想……”。check 指“临时存放”。
What do I do with my coat?
Where do I check my coat?
Are you ready to order?
I need a few more minutes.
*order “点菜”。
What are you going to have?
I haven’t decided yet.
*第一句里的have是“吃”、 “喝”的意思。饭店的服务员来记录点菜时这么问。
Are you ready with your order?
Have you decided what to order?
What will you have?
What would you like?
What will you be having?
May I take your order?
Are you ready to place an order?
*be ready to ... “准备好做……”。place an order “点菜”。
What comes with my meal?
A salad and fries.
*在饭店里, 还可以这样询问服务员。come with “与……一同供应”。
What does the meal include?
*include “包含”。
What does the meal come with?
Does it come with anything?
Does coffee come with my meal?
I’m afraid not. (很遗憾没有。)
*meal “饭”。
*在预想到结果会不尽人意时可以使用I’m afraid。afraid有缓和语气的作用, 指“很遗憾”、 “很不巧”。
Is coffee included with my meal?
Do I get coffee with my meal?
We’d like to order coffee.
Coming right up.
*order “点菜”、 “请求”。We’d是We would的缩写。
We’ll have ...
We’re ready to order.
How about you?
I’ll have the same thing.
I’ll have the same.
I’ll take the same.
I’ll have what he’s having.
*what he’s having “他点的东西”。
Make it two.
Make that two, please.
Anything to drink?
No, thank you.
(不, 谢谢。)
How about something to drink?
Would you like a drink?
How about a drink?
What kind of dressing would you like?
Italian dressing, if you have it.
*kind of ... “……的种类”。
Which dressing will you have?
What type of dressing would you like?
Help yourself to coffee.
Maybe I’ll have some later.
*直译是“咖啡请自己随便拿来喝”。省略to coffee, 只说“Help yourself.”也可以表示“请自便”的意思。
*maybe “也许”。later “以后”、 “后来”。
Have some coffee.
Feel free to have some coffee.
*feel free to ... “自由地做……”。
Have some coffee if you’d like.
Have some coffee if you want.
Can I get you anything else?
Coffee with cream, please.
*else “其他的”、 “另外”。在饭店里服务员经常会这么问。
Would you like anything else?
Will that be all?
I’d like the bill, please.
It’s on the house.
*在饭店经常用到, 表示“这次算本店请客”、 “本店免费服务”。on the house “公司(老板等)请客”、 “免费”。
There will be no charge.
*charge “应付费用”。
We’d like you to have it on the house.
*would like you to ... “希望你……”。
How’s everything?
Great, thank you.
(很好, 谢谢。)
*一般询问“一切如何”、 “怎么样”、 “没问题吧”时的说法。饭店服务员询问顾客对于饭菜或服务的意见时常用。
How’s your meal?
*meal 指“(一天中固定时间的)饭”。饭店里会用到。
Can I help you with anything?
Is everything alright?
Are you enjoying everything?
How is it?
This is delicious!
Would you like the recipe?
*“好吃的”、 “美味的”也可以简单地用“It’s good!”或“This is good!”来表达。delicious中的li要重读。
*recipe “(菜或甜点等的)做法”、 “菜谱”。
This is tasty!
*tasty “好吃的”、 “美味的”。
This is good!
This tastes great!
*taste “品尝”。
Bring another one to Mr. Aoki.
Right away.
*another one “再一杯”。
Give another one to Mr. Aoki.
Bring one more to Mr. Aoki.
He’ll have another.
*He’ll是He will的缩写。
May I clear the table?
No, we’re not finished yet.
(不, 我们还没有吃完。)
*clear “整理(餐具等)”、 “撤下”。服务员经常问顾客的话。
May I clear the plates off the table?
*clear off “清除”。plate “碟子”。
Are you finished?
Are you through?
*be through “结束”。
Here’s your tip.
Thank you for your generosity.
*tip “小费”。
*generosity “大方”、 “慷慨”。
This is for you.
This is your tip.
Here you are.
Here you go. (给你的。)
*说法比“Here you are.”更随便。
I’d like you to have this.
I want you to have this.
Can I pay with small change?
No, we only take bills.
(不行, 我们只收钞票。)
*pay with ... “用……付款”。
Will you take payment in small change?
Is small change okay?
Keep the change.
Thank you very much.
You may keep the change.
*may表示轻微的命令, “请”。
You can keep the change.
Can we play tennis here?
Yes, if you’re staying at this hotel.
(可以, 如果你们住在这家宾馆的话。)
Are we allowed to play tennis here?
*allow ... to ... “允许……做……”。
May we play tennis here?
What’s on tonight?
We are showing “Othello” tonight.
*on “上演(电影或戏剧等)”、 “举行(活动等)”、 “进行当中的”、 “被安排的”。
What’s playing tonight?
*play “公演(戏剧等)”。
What are you showing tonight?
*show “上演”。
How long does it last?
Almost two hours.  
*last “持续”、 “延续”。
*在戏剧、 电影、 音乐会等演出场所的售票处经常用到。almost “大约”、 “大概”。
How long will it last?
How long is it?

饭店的选择因目的不同而不同, 把气氛、 饭菜的种类、 价钱、 位置等因素考虑在内作出决定后, 你就可以打预订电话了。请参考下面的例子, 学习一下英语独特的表达方式。
饭店: Good afternoon, ABC. May I help you?
(下午好, 这里是ABC饭店。请讲。)
青木: My name is Mr. Aoki. I’d like to reserve a table for two tonight at seven o’clock.
(我姓青木。我想预订一张两个人的桌子, 今天晚上7点。)
饭店: Yes, sir. Would you spell your name for me, please?
(好的, 先生。您的姓怎么拼?)
青木: A-O-K-I, Aoki.
(A-O-K-I, 青木。)
饭店: And may I have your phone number?
青木: My phone number is 252-8088.
饭店: Thank you, Mr. Aoki. We will be waiting for you tonight.
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