帅哥 发表于 2009-3-9 15:59:28


<P>  1.全国人民代表大会 </P>
<P>  主席团 Presidium </P>
<P>  常务委员会 Standing Committee </P>
<P>  办公厅General Office </P>
<P>  秘书处Secretariat </P>
<P>  代表资格审查委员会Credentials Committee </P>
<P>  提案审查委员会Motions Examination Committee </P>
<P>  民族委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee </P>
<P>  法律委员会Law Committee </P>
<P>  财政经济委员会Finance and Economy Committee </P>
<P>  外事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee </P>
<P>  教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee </P>
<P>  内务司法委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs </P>
<P>  华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee </P>
<P>  法制工作委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs </P>
<P>  特定问题调查委员会Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions </P>
<P>  宪法修改委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution </P>
<P>  2.中华人民共和国主席 </P>
<P>  3. 中央军事委员会 </P>
<P>  4. 最高人民法院 </P>
<P>  5. 最高人民检察院 </P>
<P>  国务院部委 </P>
<P>  6. 国务院 </P>
<P>  (1)国务院部委 Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Council </P>
<P>  外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs </P>
<P>  国防部Ministry of National Defence </P>
<P>  国家发展和改革委员会National Development and Reform Commission </P>
<P>  国家经济贸易委员会State Economic and Trade Commission </P>
<P>  教育部Ministry of Education </P>
<P>  科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology </P>
<P>  国防科学技术工业委员会Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National De-fence </P>
<P>  国家民族事物委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission </P>
<P>  公安部Ministry of Public Security </P>
<P>  国家安全部Ministry of State Security </P>
<P>  监察部Ministry of Supervision </P>
<P>  民政部Ministry of Civil Affairs </P>
<P>  司法部Ministry of Justice </P>
<P>  财政部Ministry of Finance </P>
<P>  人事部Ministry of Personnel </P>
<P>  劳动和社会保障部Ministry of Labour and Social Security </P>
<P>  国土资源部Ministry of Land and Resources </P>
<P>  建设部Ministry of Construction </P>
<P>  铁道部Ministry of Railways </P>
<P>  交通部Ministry of Communications </P>
<P>  信息产业部Ministry of Information Industry </P>
<P>  水利部Ministry of Water Resources </P>
<P>  农业部Ministry of Agriculture </P>
<P>  对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation </P>
<P>  文化部Ministry of Culture </P>
<P>  卫生部Ministry of Public Health </P>
<P>  国家计划生育委员会State Family Planning Commission </P>
<P>  中国人民银行People"s Bank of China </P>
<P>  国家审计署State Auditing Administration </P>
<P> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 国务院办事机构 </P>
<P>  (2)国务院办事机构 Offices under the State Council </P>
<P>  国务院办公厅General Office of the State Council </P>
<P>  侨务办公室Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs </P>
<P>  港澳台办公室Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office </P>
<P>  台湾事物办公室Taiwan Affairs Office </P>
<P>  法制办公室Office of Legislative Affairs </P>
<P>  经济体制改革办公室Office for Economic Restructuring </P>
<P>  国务院研究室Research Office of the State Council </P>
<P>  新闻办公室Information Office </P>
<P>  国务院直属机构 </P>
<P>  (3)国务院直属机构Departments Directly under the State Council </P>
<P>  海关总署General Administration of Customs </P>
<P>  国家税务总局State Taxation Administration </P>
<P>  国家环境保护总局State Environmental Protection Administration </P>
<P>  中国民用航空总局Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) </P>
<P>  国家广播电影电视总局State Administration of Radio, Film and Television </P>
<P>  国家体育总局State Sport General Administration </P>
<P>  国家统计局State Statistics Bureau </P>
<P>  国家工商行政管理局State Administration of Industry and Commerce </P>
<P>  新闻出版署Press and Publication Administration </P>
<P>  国家版权局State Copyright Bureau </P>
<P>  国家林业局State Forestry Bureau </P>
<P>  国家质量技术监督局State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision </P>
<P>  国家药品监督管理局State Drug Administration (SDA) </P>
<P>  国家知识产权局State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) </P>
<P>  国家旅游局National Tourism Administration </P>
<P>  国家宗教事物局State Bureau of Religious Affairs </P>
<P>  国务院参事办Counsellors" Office of the State Council </P>
<P>  国务院机关事物管理局Government Offices Administration of the State Council </P>
<P>  国务院直属机构事业单位 </P>
<P>  (4)国务院直属事业单位 Institutions Directly under the State Council </P>
<P>  新华通讯社Xinhua News Agency </P>
<P>  中国科学院Chinese Academy of Sciences </P>
<P>  中国社会科学院Chinese Academy of Social Sciences </P>
<P>  中国工程院Chinese Academy of Engineering </P>
<P>  国务院发展研究中心Development Research Centre of the State Council </P>
<P>  国家行政学院National School of Administration </P>
<P>  中国地震局China Seismological Bureau </P>
<P>  中国气象局China Meteorological Bureau </P>
<P>  中国证券监督管理委员会China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) </P>
<P>  部委管理的国家局 </P>
<P>  (5)部委管理的国家局State Bureaux Administrated by Ministries or Commissions </P>
<P>  国家粮食储备局(国家发展计划委员会)State Bureau of Grain Reserve (under the State Development Planning Commission) <BR>  国家国内贸易局State Bureau of Internal Trade </P>
<P>  国家煤炭工业局State Bureau of Coal Industry </P>
<P>  国家机械工业局State Bureau of Machine-Building Industry </P>
<P>  国家冶金工业局State Bureau of Metallurgical Industry </P>
<P>  国家石油和化学工业局State Bureau of Petroleum and Chemical Industries </P>
<P>  国家轻工业局State Bureau of Light Industry </P>
<P>  国家纺织工业局State Bureau of Textile Industry </P>
<P>  国家建筑材料工业局State Bureau of Building Materials Industry </P>
<P>  国家烟草专卖局State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau </P>
<P>  国家有色金属工业局State Bureau of Nonferrous Metal Industry </P>
<P>  [以上由国家经贸委管理] </P>
<P>  国家外国专家局(人事部)State Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs (under the Ministry of Personnel) </P>
<P>  国家海洋局 (国土资源部)State Oceanic Administration (under the Ministry of Land and resources) </P>
<P>  国家测绘局(国土资源部)State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping (under the Ministry of Land and Resources) </P>
<P>  国家邮政局(信息产业部)State Post Bureau (under the Ministry of Information Industry) </P>
<P>  国家文物局(文化部)State Cultural Relics Bureau (under the Ministry of Culture) </P>
<P>  国家中医药管理局(卫生部)State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine (under the Ministry of Public Health) </P>
<P>  国家外汇管理局(中国人民银行总行)State Administration of Foreign Exchange (under the People"s Bank of China) </P>
<P>  国家出入境检验检疫局(海关总署)State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (under the General Administration of Customs)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </P>
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